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okay so today's topics i'm going to be covering uh the ancient astronauts having to do with the sumerian connection uh sumer basically is uh where we mod where we would call today's modern day iraq now sumer has been mentioned throughout history as mesopotamia babylon the cradle of civilization but the first culture that we have record of literally in the history of as we understand it now point six thousand years ago to ancient iraq's sumer so tonight we're just gonna go through some of the artifacts and things that point out that there was a time when man actually lived amongst his living gods just like the bible says there were giants upon the earth the sumerians very specifically speak of a time when they lived amongst these beings and it's not just a translated english version of the story it's coming from the source okay so a couple of things just to uh dive into the topic of you know where do we come from it's kind of a thing that modern science has been trying to answer through either a darwinistic uh perspective or through evolution was it was it god creating the earth in seven days or have we been naturally evolving from something ever so simplistic to something more complex one of the theories that has recently made light in the scientific realms is panspermia the idea that life arrives whole and complete that somehow asteroids hitting the earth or some initial collision that we might have had with a large body in our own solar system billions of years in the past could have actually brought life to our planet whole and complete science can't explain how all of a sudden excuse me there was this large burst all of a sudden of life meaning it's kind of like there were these amino acids floating around and a bolt of lightning struck them and all of a sudden life it's just not that possible i mean for a system to have life we're talking about something to be able to take in nutrients process them and expel them it's not just an easy thing that would whim together and so one of the ideas to answer this confusion about how life could have started is maybe that it erode it arrived to earth whole and complete so another interesting uh analogy of looking for signs of life in places where we might not expect it is europa and this ties into you know things we see here on earth because we have in the deepest parts of the oceans you can break down or excuse me you can go down 25 30 miles deep into the ocean we find these thermal vents shown here this little thing breaking through the ice and shining its light on the vent they can actually break through the surface on europa which is one of the moons of jupiter in our own solar system that very clearly has up to a 40 mile deep ocean under its surface now europa is covered with ice so it's it's a big icy planet you can see it up here on the right and underneath that surface if you were to send a probe and crack through the ice we might actually find signs of life other moons of jupiter ganymede callisto are highly volcanic activity very hot so on this other moon europa is filled with water so we combine heat water we might have the elements that are needed for life it's not always required to have sunlight just as we've shown here on earth we go down to these thermal events where there's no light whatsoever and these vents are you know expelling sulfur and other various minerals and we find crabs and all types of uh insects and things that are feeding off this it's very interesting so it really starts to raise the question uh you know how how did man get to where he is if we haven't evolved which a lot of people would say you know the reason why there's there's there's this missing link is what it's called in the darwinistic evolution is they haven't been able to find anything that connects us from the neanderthal man to us so they say oh well there's a missing link and we're going to eventually find something that connects us to the pre-hominoid neanderthal man haven't found it yet so how did we get here how how is it that we show up on earth and interestingly enough when we analyze many of the structures around the world from our ancient cultures they show a type of brilliance and a knowledge being displayed that frankly modern archaeologists don't attribute to ancient man so they would say things like oh well stonehenge and the giza pyramids or nazca these megalithic monuments here in balback and lebanon we don't have the technology even today to cut rocks out of the ground that are this large and carry them five miles away and perfectly stack them if you look closely enough here on the image on the right you can actually see a gentleman who's standing next to the wall and to give you an idea of just how large these stones are so these are called trilithon stones this is in balbeck and lebanon and it's just another one of the sacred sites around the world that clearly ancient man possessed the knowledge or the technical know-how to be doing things that we didn't quite attribute them having mathematics science geometry things having to do with astronomy and alignment of the stars which specifically i focused on the sumerian connection and we're gonna we're gonna look into tonight so the sumerians basically show up as i as i said yeah 6000 bc which is around excuse me that's actually incorrect it's 4000 bc and it's 6 000 years ago so we're talking about a culture that's around 6 000 years old and they show up uh right between the tigris and euphrates you can look there on the map it's labeled mesopotamia excuse me and that's basically our modern-day iraq and that fertile strip of land has been called the cradle of civilization where our where our our first culture showed up now we've had cavemen and you know hunter-gatherer groups that have left traces of their evidence but the sumerian culture was the first one to leave us a complete record of a civilization a writing mathematics science agriculture all of these things over 100 of the firsts needed to have a high civilization came from sumer and we still use many of these today one of the interesting things they left off left us is mathematics now they had a system of mathematics called sexagesimal which was based on 6 and 10 60 for easiest reference and what they were able to do was to divide and show in geometry very high uh numbers of area and distribution and very small numbers so they were able to do very accurate measurements based on their mathematical system and literally this is a culture coming right out of the stone age that just appears in in southern iraq in you know 4000 bc so some of the items that they left us again having to do with the time 12 hours a day 12 inches and a foot 60 minutes and an an hour 60 seconds in a minute uh 12 months a year all of this comes from the sumerian information of of what we still use today now interestingly enough there is a scholar named zachariah sitchin hopefully some of you would be familiar with him uh he's written a series of books called the earth chronicles some of them shown here and he has done over 50 years now of research in translating the sumerian texts and putting it into a very large scale understanding of what was taking place in our past so zechariah's sitchin is one of about 270 people in the whole world that can actually read this ancient language called cuneiform script the sumerians had the first written language and it was called cuneiform script it consisted of over 400 characters they used something called a stylus was kind of like an oversized screwdriver and they would twist it and turn it in the clay or sometimes inscribing on precious stone as you see here leaving a written language called cuneiform script now along with the text they also provided many pictograms and cylinder seals which would accompany the text as a visual guide to describe what you were seeing you know the old saying a picture is worth a thousand words so they learn that very quickly this is actually a very interesting stellar that shows uh the 12 houses of the zodiac now again there's that number 12 which we're going to discuss quite thoroughly in the lecture tonight but here they're showing and if you look you can actually see the the lion and the scorpion and these are and these are basically there's a snake going around the top side of it these are symbols from our zodiac inscribed on a precious stone from the 12 houses of the zodiac see the sumerians were the first ones let me explain that point really quickly a lot of people just hear oh astrology it's some type of mystical stuff not that i'm really into astrology but the fundamental aspects of what it means are interesting the sumerians basically divided the heavens into 12 parts and they said in each one of these sections we'll assign a constellation giving it a reference of some type of animal or like a bird or you know many of the constellations leo aquarius sagittarius are all assigned to some type of entity so they were the first ones to divide the heavens into 12 parts in such a way that during the time of helical helical rising it's just basically when you stand out and it's just at the time when the sun is setting so if you're watching in the direction of where the sun is rising excuse me where the sun is rising you can see what constellation the sun is rising against so you would say ah i see that the sun is rising uh in front of the age of aquarius excuse me in front of the constellation for aquarius or the constellation of leo or taurus and that would let you know ah we are in the age of aquarius so that's how they came up with this idea of dividing the heavens into 12 parts and knowing during the collective rising when the sun is coming up in the morning what age we are in based on what constellation they were seeing at that time it's very interesting here's another sumerian more of a precious stone lined with gold electroplated with gold and very interestingly enough it talks about the uh it's basically a sumerian king talking to his son inscribing information having to do with their gods and they they the sumerians spoke of their gods and gave them a term which was anunnaki and the term anunnaki simply in english means those who from heaven come to earth so the sumerians specifically write about interactions with these beings called the anunnaki and here again is just a a religious stone and you see above them a symbol of the winged disc and a crescent moon shaped object and basically that winged disc is a symbol of these anunnaki they're living gods so the reason why the sumerian information really starts to take a twist of information a twist of interest is they have very accurate astronomical information they recorded over hundreds of years observations in the sky they were actually tablets that if who could whoever scott whatever scholar was able to read this information could tell you and this was very sacred information only high priests and certain scribes were given the the ability to write and read this information now some of these tablets for instance could tell you 50 years in advance when there was going to be a solar eclipse so someone reading this could tell you ah yes in 50 years on this date the sun will rise on this time and will be eclipsed by the moon or vice versa and so they have very accurate astronomical information that they've recorded in stone so this is this is a text for instance that we're looking at here that's from a culture again six thousand years old now you hear the term six thousand years like what's the difference six thousand four thousand what's the difference if you realize that it's 2005 we're basically you know two thousand years let's say we're basically 2 000 years removed from when the time of christ was here a c to b b c to a d so 2 000 years ago now if you go back another 2 000 years from that point you're at the god of the hebrew god abraham right so if you go back another two thousand years from that point you're at the sumerian culture four thousand years four thousand bc six thousand years ago so it's very interesting that again a culture that old is leading us information that now with our technology sending probes into space ground-based telescopes can now confirm the op observate observations made by the sumerians thousands of years ago so this brings into a very interesting question where did they learn this information how do they get it now in colleges and institutions today they just teach people ah the sumerians were the first culture on earth they invented mathematics and writing but they don't tell you specifically the knowledge they had or what they were writing about and a lot of that had to do with their interaction with their living gods which we simply the the saying has now been titled through the work of eric von daniken and zecharia sitchin and a few others ancient astronauts ancient man wasn't visited by gods but by beings from another planet ancient astronauts just like we will probably do in our future is venture out into space and find other cultures and impart them with technology just as it's happened to us so there's many references that we look at for in the english version of the bible that describe interaction with spiritual beings that were actually material real you know beings that departed knowledge to man and so the question is well where is heaven exactly it's just every reference that we have in the new kings james english version the the word heaven actually just means sky the heavens it doesn't mean some mythical place that's in the white fluffy clouds with a big pearly gate opening no this is a mistranslation it's actually just meaning the skies so a very interesting thing is what do we what do we really know about uh angels and stuff like that and so my quest again was in looking at the sumerian information they have paralleled many of the biblical tales from the noah's ark the adam and eve many of these tales are found in a sumerian version in stone unchanged telling the exact same story as the english version but it's in stone thousands of years older so some of the things that they also show again where the interaction with their living gods the anunnaki just like we see in the bible interaction with angels look at these stellars for instance this one is a depiction in iraq shown a sumerian king greeting an anunnaki coming down on some type of flying craft having the ability coming from heaven to earth a physical thing so these depictions here's a pullback of that same type of a shot these type of pictures are describing a time when ancient man was seeing things that we today just for whatever reasons aren't seeing but they didn't have the ability the technical understanding that we do so ancient man living in clay huts and using stone tools didn't understand technology and space travel so advanced beings and coming and visiting us and departing us this knowledge are just looked at as gods but not today with our understanding of technology we start to view things differently so many of these artifacts that show us ancient men depicting how their gods came to visit they didn't understand to say oh it was a spacecraft anything in this in the sky flying around was a living being a bird you know so they depicted their gods with wings saying they had the power of flight this is a a very interesting artifact that shows one of the sumerian gods her name was ishtar or also known as inanna and she had the powers to basically roam the skies of earth and there are tales that many men found her attractive but did not want to go with her because they found out that all the men that ended up going with her would sleep with this this god inanna and then kill her and then she excuse me she would kill them so there's actually a sumerian tale that describes how one of the kings was seduced by her but said no no thank you anyways but i'd like to continue living but again if you look at the the accuracy of their and their you know their beauty of their architecture and the archaeology of the artifacts and it's just amazing that uh we show these things to scholars today and they're like you know it's amazing that they were able to create such intricate uh wall reliefs and artifacts that still exist today so this is a wall relief of a typical anunnaki that we have seen left throughout the region describing these beings the ones that from heaven come to earth and zechariah system has done significant research explaining the role of what these beings did here on earth some of them were kings and and assisted in you know building projects some of them were in charge of space ports like this one that we see here this is a gentleman that was in charge of a spaceport that's when he has the unique headdress looking more like a bird but very interesting again ancient symbology ancient men didn't understand what they were seeing so they depict him with wings well interestingly enough the first manned mission we had to the moon we depicted apollo 11 as houston the eagle has landed now six thousand years from now i seriously doubt that our are not ancestors but the people that will come after us will will not look and see ah the symbology they were showing what were they doing were they putting birds on the moon no they'll understand that we were saying symbolically they had the power of flight so it's just a very interesting thing that when we look at the artifacts left to us by these cultures and start to realize yes they were witnessing things happening in their time when beings visiting them had the power of flight but they didn't understand technology and so they just assumed that they were their gods and for all rights and purposes as zechariah sitchin's research has shown us that missing link came from the anunnaki so in a sense they are our gods but god's with a small g basically just using some of their own genetic material and the pre-hominoid man that existed here naturally to create us in their image and after their likeness just like the bible says so very interestingly uh we have many artifacts from this culture and again i mentioned earlier one of the forms of this was a cylinder seal this little round stone object you see was basically another thing that baffled scholars sumerians were able to reverse carve these pictures so that you could roll out over wet clay the cylinder seal and get a positive imprint it's kind of like a modern day printing press so they can easily disseminate these clay tablets through the through the city here's another depiction of their uh their gods the anunnaki again having the power of flight they depicted them with wings you can look at the aesthetics and some of the things if you look right where there where the wings crest over his shoulder you can see he's got some type of knives or some type of tools tucked into his pouch you can see he's holding some type of an object holding some type of a purse around his wrist looks like to either be a decorative band or could possibly be even a watch i mean again the sumerians depicting a wrist some type of thing around the wrist they're not going to understand what the device was for they're just depicting what it was but we see it clearly displayed again the wrist all of them having this some type of an object now whether again that was a decorative gear or some type of technology when we look at the references the ancients are giving us wings uh headdress look at their demeanor they're they're they're well groomed so it's just very interesting that they're depicting their living gods as being amongst them and actually saying wow you know they had the power to do these things and the only way we could describe these pictorially is to give references of the things we see in nature so another beautiful wall relief that just shows the the detail in their design of creating you know wall reliefs the color the intricacy of what they're showing it's just amazing another cylinder seal reference this is actually inanna as i showed a a an artifact a few slides back this is just a cylinder seal that one rolled out shows the positive imprint very interesting and again you know not being a sumerian linguist zachariah sitchin's work has been very crucial in understanding some of these key pieces for putting it into a larger context what was going on many archaeologists and scholars today linguists will just translate this part of the information this one stellar this one artifact zecharia sitchin was one of the very few to put all of the information into a context and give it an overall view and understanding for what it all means another depiction one of my favorites very clear concise showing a humanoid anunnaki somehow having the power of flight and how else to depict it with wings so where is heaven this is where the information starts to focus specifically on where did the anunnaki come from they weren't just floating down from the sky very specifically the sumerians said the anunnaki came from another planet within our solar system and they called this planet nibiru nibiru stood for planet of the crossing so they actually gave a visual depiction of nibiru as a cross a glowing cross in the sky now there are many depictions from the sumerian artifacts here's a cylinder seal two of them if you look closely enough on the larger far right hand bottom one you see a seated king and above him to the left is a cross in the sky that was a symbol of nibiru another reference basically here in the top left this was during day late daylight hours some farmers plowing again the sumerians were the first ones to have a plow agriculture they're noticing in awe during daylight a glowing cross in the sky so this symbol of nibiru actually transcribed into the egyptian culture and later assyrian cultures and that's why we see in wall reliefs in iraq and iran still to this day this winged disc this depiction of the winged disc even in egyptian cultures the sun god raw is a winged disc this all comes from the sumerian information of the anunnaki so again more information that they had was very extensive astronomical information where they depicted all of the planets that we have in our solar system however they depicted an additional planet this nibiru so very interesting they showed the distance between the planets and gave symbols for the planets here what we're seeing in this artifact i know it's kind of jarble there's a lot of stuff going on but if you look you can see the winged disc you can see it clearly on the left and someone on the right and next to it are seven dots which actually represent the seven dots of earth now you'd say seven dots or earth what's what's that mean well interestingly enough the sumerians counted our solar system as having 12 members and they counted the solar system from coming outside the solar system in so they didn't say we were on the third rock from the sun like that cool hip phrase used in the tv show they counted from coming outside of our solar system in now if you look at the diagram here coming from outside in nibiru and then you'd have plutu neptune uh uranus saturn jupiter mars earth the seventh planet now they counted nibiru as the 12th planet because they counted the nine planets we know of our sun making 10 our moon making 11 and nibiru the 12th so just again showing uh coming from outside of our solar system in they gave us the label of being you're on the seventh planet now again the sacred number seven seven days in a week seven days of creation the seven tablets of creation the sumerians actually have seven tablets that tell the creation story not seven days and it was all done the english version no they have a very detailed it's called the enuma elish and on seven of the tablets it very specifically explains how our solar system came about how our planets formed and very specifically how life formed on earth so the sumerians bequeathed the knowledge to us that we were actually on the seventh planet here's another sumerian artifact i'm not really sure what the reference to it other than what it's showing i thought it was interesting this is a press that they would press in and it shows the cross of nibiru with its crescent moon the seven dots of earth and our crescent moon very interesting and just real quickly i'll pause to say you'll notice that there are some buttons under the list of people here that say speaker frame or your frame if at any time you'd like to go back and look at some of the frames i've discussed as i'm continuing on you can do that if you want to take a moment and look at something go back on your own and look at it you can do that and then just hit sync to come up back to where we are okay so another uh artifact again these artifacts that i'm showing you are all stored in the british museum uh and are on display for everyone to see uh and clearly here this this uh cylinder seal when rolled out again shows a reference to the wing disc of nibiru and the seven dots of earth so some more interesting aspects of the knowledge is that they showed in one of the depictions a very clear depiction of our solar system now this one has become quite a famous tablet because here it is just very simply it's what's happening here is there's an anunnaki granting man the plow modern agriculture but as a backdrop to the cylinder seal we see our complete solar system with the sun correctly placed in the center now since the time of copernicus and galileo man thought that earth was the center of the universe and through the time and advances in telescope and astronomy we realized ah we actually orbit the sun well the sumerians knew that thousands of years ago and left it depicted in stone unchanged as their reference showing that they knew so here is a very interesting artifact that's been translated by zechariah system now many of the ancient many of the scholars would say that the ancient man wasn't familiar with the shape of an ellipse a wheel or a circle well here you go here's a stone tablet they were using an ellipse for writing this one specific area of the writing you can see was a badly damaged tablet but this one specific area when enlarged as explained and translated by zachariah sitchin tells us something very interesting here we have a tablet telling of how the anunnaki what route they took to get from nibiru the vicinity of the solar system of where nibiru was to us and you can see the translation clearly from from zechariah sitchin explains along the side it says rocket rocket mountain mountain pile up high high we have the names of the planets uranus neptune jupiter the planets that you have to go by you see the mountainous depiction of nibiru it's a big triangle there a mountainous depiction nibiru mountainous planet and look at this you look you can see there's seven dots the route from nibiru to earth god animal went by the planets and guess what if you count how many planets there are one two three four five six seven the seventh planet so it's a very interesting thing again when we start to look at this information by an ancient culture giving us very technical information that we can now understand with our understanding of science and technology so another interesting aspect of the of the story is where the sumerians describe how this planet that the the anunnaki come from nibiru has a very interesting tale of basically creating our earth and the asteroid belt that the whole explanation for how our solar system came to be is explained by the sumerians and the interaction of what they called an intruder planet they said that basically nibiru was a rogue planet now they wrote this down as translated or excuse me as transcribed to them bequeathed to them by the anunnaki they said that this this nibiru what we now call a planet x under modern terms to try and identify this ancient planet planet x nibiru it came in we're talking billions of years ago when this happened the formation of our solar system 4.7 billion years ago whatever long time ago planet x gets pulled in by the gravity gravitational pull of our outer planets and comes onto a path where it slams into our earth now it doesn't actually hit our earth but the main the main moon of nibiru labeled north wind you can see it's sweeping arcing under planet x collided with our planet in such a way that it literally split our planet in half and strewed off the rest of the debris to become the asteroid belt nibiru went on to have a long very long 3600 year orbit around our sun you can see all the other planets are going you know around in more of a circular orbit but nibiru has a huge elliptical orbit that takes it 3 600 years to orbit once around our sun so it's a very interesting tale that they basically said that now when we look at where the asteroid belt is that's where nibiru comes in through its in its past so every 3 600 years nibiru loops around through the inner part of our solar system passing between mars and jupiter now here's a little interesting tidbit from the ufology side whether it's true or not there's a very famous secret government project called majestic 12 mj 12. now mj 12 was a council of 12 people that looked into the whole alien abduction ufo phenomenon in the us government but very interestingly enough mj 12 could also might have stand for mars jupiter 12th planet what that means specifically or if there's any connection don't know but i found that interesting and if you look at the diagram here there's two points i want to show if you look between the distance between mars and jupiter where the asteroid belt is there's clearly enough planet there's clearly enough space based on the orbit disbursement of the other planets for a planet to easily pass through that space and what i've done is showed a a just a very simple mathematical calculation that doing a rough idea of when this initial collision took place the initial formation of our solar system roughly 4.7 billion years ago

if nibiru is passing through the inner solar system every 3 600 years a simple mathematical calculation shows 4.7 billion years the time of its initial pass divided by it's how long it takes to do it we're looking at over a million times the nibiru is passed through the inner solar system so it might not always affect earth now we know that it has affected earth because of what the sumerians have told us we've had rumors on the internet that say ah this planet is coming back and it's going to cause what the sumerians describe a great flood the noah's ark scenario i don't agree with this information as everyone has now seen for themselves 2003 came and went so a lot of people have heard misinformation about this topic but what i've tried to show is let's stick to the facts there's enough evidence to show this is legit without blowing it out of proportion now here's one of the tablets actually showed excuse me stored in the british museum that explains this tale of how nibiru came in whacked our inner planet created the asteroid belt as the bible calls it the hammered out bracelet so we have the artifacts to very specifically tell us this tale of how our solar system formed and more specifically earth very interestingly enough another point to back this up is the pangaea factor now if earth was whacked and made into just a half a planet a half a chunk if it was right as we saw here spewed off to just make half a half a planet well pangaea we know that from from our history at one point it was all just one connected land mass a big lump of land so the other half was just water an open basin that now over time we've had this through continental drift you know the the way the the like a skin of an apple the continents have been drifting plate tectonics show us at one time these were all connected so this again confirms the idea that it was just one big lump of land now the sumerians again have a very interesting parallel to the biblical tales one of those renowned is the flood tablet there was a a british archaeologist in the early 1900s that was excavating doing excavations in iraq and all of a sudden he finds this tablet that he can't believe what it says he has to throw his arms up and run out of the room screaming i can't believe what i found basically it's a tale the exact same word for word description of a a man being chosen by a god to build a craft but it's not noah it's uttan pissin pessin and is basically you can see his name listed here it's basically a sumerian man who's chosen by an anunnaki and given the knowledge to say listen you need to build this ship take all the surrounding animals and your family with you because there's going to be a great flood when our planet passes by it's going to crack off a big old chunk of ice in antarctica and the water level is going to raise 300 feet that's what happened at least that's how the sumerians describe it and it's kind of like the chicken or the egg syndrome what came first and here we have a noah's ark tale told in its original sumerian stone version unchanged just like here a depiction showing the sumerians worshiping an anunnaki now the giants upon the earth as the bible say here we have a sumerian excuse me let me go back one a sumerian stellar a wall relief showing that the anunnaki were actually physically bigger beings than us now how tall they were how how much larger i don't know they're always depicted as being aesthetically very muscular fit good genetics and larger than us so some more interesting information that's come out throughout time as i found this to be very interesting this was held by a a turkish admiral founded in 1513 it's the paree rhys map now what we're seeing here is a time when when the continents were actually still connected you can see north and south america still connected you can see the boats there but the land masses are actually still connected in a way where this geography was inscribed and shown by ancient man and recorded and left to us in ways that still boggle modern science as to how they could have known this information they were able to show the topography of antarctica under the ice sheet meaning today we have ground penetrating radar and satellites that even though there's two miles thick ice covering antarctica we can see what the actual topography of the land is using this penetrating radar well gee here we have from 1513 a map clearly showing the accurate topography of antarctica without the use of this radar penetrating technology so obviously someone had to depart this knowledge to then who could that have been okay so again we look towards more of the modern modern search for this planet now many people again have been caught up with the rumor that this planet is coming back to kill us no what if this planet holds our ancient ancestors what if there are beings living on this planet and we can still find it and say wow there are beings connected to us you know not on earth heavy topic so it's not the doom and gloom aspect it's the scientific proof to confirm what the bible has been telling us all along have the have ancient man been visited by these you know gods as they called it but they're basically a part of us our own flesh and blood now will we ever meet them again are they still here why don't we see them now many deep areas of ufology that go into the government government cover-up some of those we can touch on the modern search for a planet x basically started in the in the early 80s where we started to see that we when we sent astronomical satellites into space to do infrared observations based on heat signatures we started to see all these new planets and things that we weren't able to see before just by visual light visible light so when they started to do mathematical calculations based on the observations on the outer planets they started to notice wobbles in the outer planets something called a perturbation the planets are being pulled in a certain direction that leads them to believe there's some other large body out there causing this influential pull but they don't know what it is so an unknown planet x but symbolically if it's beyond pluto it would be number 10 roman numeral 10 x so planet x so the search begins where this gentleman on the left here was the lead naval observatory astronomer dr robert harrington and had calculated based on the perturbations of the outer planets that there's some large body out there that we still haven't seen zachariah sitchin on the right came and showed his model of the ancient nibiru and said let's let's collaborate on our information let's let's take the modern understanding of what you're looking for and see if it collaborates and coincides with nibiru the ancient understanding for this planet guess what it did so dr robert harrington's research became a very focal point in the ancient nebu research with a label of the modern idea of looking for a planet beyond pluto planet x now there's been all kinds of little things to spear up recently a 10th planet found this that said in aqua xena but the point is nibiru as described by the sumerians in their visual descriptions and in their verbal is very large planet four to eight times the size of earth not a little hunk of ice the size of pluto so if it's coming we're going to see it dr robert harrington left his astronomical plates in the harvard journals which are still online you can go to the harvard abstracts from harvard's website i have have them stored on x facts where it shows the shots they took in the southern areas of the sky where they thought this planet would be where we should do mathematical calculations to see further perturbations use infrared astronomical satellites to further image and see if it's out there so modernist science wasn't too happy to accept the idea of a rogue planet a planet having an egg-shaped elliptical orbit they weren't sure it was possible very interestingly enough as soon as we launched hubble we started seeing them this is another star not our sun and interestingly enough you can see at the far bottom tail it has a little planet that's orbiting this star in a very long elliptical like egg-shaped orbit confirming the idea that it is possible for a planet to have a very looped elliptical orbit around a star and interestingly enough our satellite showed from the infrared astronomical satellite there are many bodies floating around out there now our task and astronomy's task has been to label all these planets and see if any of them actually are part of our solar system or have an orbit that might make them somehow a part of our solar system there's been a whole slew of these satellites put into space looking for possible brown dwarfs failed stars one thing that hubble was able to find when it started doing observations was the fact that many of the solar system image many of the solar systems imaged out there are binary having two suns so they theorize that our solar solar system in fact is binary as well that we might have another sun beyond well beyond pluto billions of years out there deep in the oort cloud is what it's called but it's a failed sun it's it's it's gone dark so we could have large deposits of comets debris another huge planet like nibiru that also gets looped around that dark sun and takes a long time to come back for before it to pass around our active sun now to get thrown back towards the dark side so there's a lot of evidence to show that there is something out there affecting the outer planets throughout the last decade modern science has been recording there's something revolving around our sun that's causing an effect on the planets and if we look at our own solar system why is uranus tilted on its side uh why does uh neptune and pluto could they have possibly been detached moons of saturn all of these answers are are put into play and described with with the the resolution of saying there was once a huge planet that passed through and perturbated the planets and caused them to be where they are now and we still see the effects of that planet so where is that planet today the search continues interestingly enough we just launched a couple years ago a new satellite called certif this is one of the latest ones we have out there to detect if it's possible to see a very large extrasolar planet now i met with the lead scientist dr michelle fowler at the jet propulsion laboratories and asked her point blank will this telescope be able to find an ancient planet x a planet four to eight times the size of earth and do you think it's possible that there could be something like that out there we just haven't seen it yet she said yes i do believe it's possible but certif has to be tuned into very specific points of the sky it can't just be turned on and be like hey look there it is it'd have to look in a very specific spot and then if it were to see it if it was there yes this would have the technology to debate to be able to put this into our visual range of light to see it some of the images taken by certain if you can see here to give you an idea of what i mean you see this is one of the assertive images taken and the normal visible light shown at the top is just a white spiral that we'd be used to but when they use the advanced technology and the thermal imaging that this telescope provides you can see the various other degrees of of light penetrating radar that they're able to abstract and when we see the the white versus that colored look at all those little bright red planets that they couldn't even see before look at all of them those are all suns all those little red glowing dots are suns you know so the amount of data that we're getting from certif is just amazing in detail now will planet x be found soon there's been a whole slew of these planetoids beyond pluto that have been found core sedna xena just recently and the the main factor to get caught up on is these are small they're all the size of pluto the nibiru that we're talking about is four to eight times the size of earth very large object no way we're going to miss it with ground-based or space-based telescopes so here we have the keck inferometer another famous one in hawaii where it's able to use two very fine focused beams of energy and pull in a more a more digital or excuse me a more detailed digital image of what they're looking at very powerful ground-based uh telescope uh and one of the things that we're out there looking for again are these brown drawers so that so that you understand what it is we're talking about like large gas giants when the sun eventually like ours will blow up one day it will then shrink down and implode into a gas giant jupiter for instance is about the size you can see in relation to these other uh like our sun and the brown dwarfs the failed stars that we're talking about a brown dwarf is a very large object so some of the things that again i'm going to kind of wrap it up towards the angle of saying some of the things that we do have to pay attention towards is is there a threat from space and very clearly when we start to analyze the astronomical information even from the sumerian culture which is thousands of years old they tell us there was a time when a great calamity took place a large object you know the the nibiru passing by could have other debris following it you know comets asteroids other debris and this stuff is subject to whacking us now not even with nibiru into play nasa through deep impact armageddon various releases of like 2028 there's a huge asteroid that could hit us this is something we have to be aware of is there possibly a threat in space coming from natural objects that we at least need to be aware of and very clearly when we look at things that have happened like the impact of impact of shoemaker levy 9 and this comet broke up into nine parts and impacted jupiter you can actually see the scar marks uh left from these impacts now those dark spots could fit four to eight times four to eight earths in just one of those little dark spots four to eight earths that's about the size of nibiru actually look how large of a scar that is on jupiter though you know so you know to think that we're not in any danger of space threat of uh you know asteroid or comet it's definitely something that we need to be aware of because from the extinction of the dinosaurs to all the things that show we've been whacked throughout history many times so my own personal belief having to do with ufology and our level of technology that they don't really share with us our military militarization of space has allowed us i believe the fortitude to not have to worry about that stuff to the largest degree i think we have the weapons the star wars program big hunking asteroids coming towards us we're going to blow that sucker out of the sky that's my personal belief but again we do need to keep the radar of threatening objects coming from space now one of the things to collaborate this idea that we might have a binary son you know a twin son a failed star is the nemesis theory there's been extensive research to show that very possibly there's this large oort cloud and we have another sun at the at the far reaches of this cloud that sends a lot of debris towards the inner solar system on a cyclic event and we can look uh we can look into the you know the solar system now and into the the galaxy if you will using these telescopes and start to see all those dots all those glowing dots those are all suns all the bright objects are bases basically places of activity that we still have yet to kind of zero in on and look for interestingly enough this this uh nemesis theory describes the idea that there's a very large object that orbit orbits you know this failed sun at the far reaches of our solar system there's this other object orbiting around our sun and that possibly when it does its own orbit around that sun sends debris towards the inner part of our solar system and this as dr mueller here explained uh is that it's possible that on an extinction level event happening on millions of years not 3 600 years like nibiru's over orbit but on a scale of millions of years there could be a cyclic event where large chunks of debris are sent towards the inner part of our solar system and he theorized this is what possibly took out the dinosaurs is that there was this large asteroid that was pushed with a bunch of other debris towards the inner part of our solar system and it was at a time when there was a lot of other planets being hit bombarded by debris and we were subject to that wacky so there are many asteroids on the plate now where our near earth asteroid detection program is publicly letting us know hey look there are asteroids out there that we're tracking that are coming really close now what they define as close an astronomical unit is the distance from here to the sun and what we have found is that there has been several asteroids that pass relatively close to us relatively close would be anything from the distance from earth to the moon that distance that little window anything passing between the moon and our earth is like hugely close so they have cited a couple of these asteroids that are very very close to earth and are kind of just letting us be aware of them they go out and send probes to image them and you know get more research so that we can understand what affects their orbit and is it possible that this orbit could be retrograded into a path that could come and whack us so the kind of the last angle i want to wrap it up with is you know the other interesting angle that the sumerians left of left us is depictions of the the anunnaki helpers they call these beings helpers of the eg and they very clearly depicted them as these these humanoid figurines that modern-day aliens have a resemblance to these these bulbous head large eyed beings that seem to be the helpers of the anunnaki sumerians described that the anunnaki used these beings to fly their craft to help with medical experiments so i theorize my own hypothesis very possible if the anunnaki actually did create us in their image and after their likeness they're orbiting their own nibiru this advanced race it's very possible they could have also made another genetic engineered race to kind of oversee us and kind of keep tabs on their their grand experiment because very interestingly enough we have modern depictions of these gray aliens all looking the same like they could be types of a clone and they do medical experiments on us and checkups and sexual things having to do with what our physiology is doing you know what i mean and they're combining with their own race and stuff like that we hear but i just theorized what if it's possible that there's this other grand experiment that they're just kind of relaying the information the data they collect from us on our physiology and our makeup back to the anunnaki relaying the grand experiment to them so i guess what i would like to say is just that i don't think we've ever been alone and when we start to analyze the text from these ancient cultures it's very clear that ancient man had interaction with beings from the heavens all around the world we have from almost every culture the hopi indians in north north america the incas the aztecs the sumerians the egyptians all of them even going back to the veda texts of the ancient hindus in india describe a time when man had interaction with their living gods so i just simply say that these beings probably never have left and for whatever reason we are now being slowly desensitized to this information uh if there is a galactic federation of planets or like we see in star wars or star trek a conglomerate race of beings that make these decisions we're on quarantine right now earth is on quarantine that's why i don't think we're seeing a lot of the activity as far as outright hello we're here because earth isn't quite ready yet we're still blowing up the planet utilizing or excuse me expelling natural resources killing each other what are we going to do with more technology at this point so i think we're just slowly being nudged to make these changes for ourselves for ourselves and hopefully in our lifetime we will actually get to see as the ancients did a time when man lived amongst his living gods so i thank everyone for coming to the virtual lecture today uh we we whip through those slides at a good pace i'll take a few minutes if anyone would like to type a couple of questions and uh that's okay emma that's okay you're allowed to be late uh if anyone has a couple of questions uh i'll i'll go ahead and answer those now so shoot him at me we had a nice little intimate group today it looks like and again this this lecture will be posted tomorrow as an archived copy that you will be able to download and watch uh at your own leisure so i'll just wait a minute see if anyone's typing up a long question here or anything okay looks like we're good i'm going to go ahead and end the end the lecture today then thanks a lot guys and uh look for the next lecture next month is going to be uh focusing on some of the structures on mars and i'll have that date posted soon


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