Fall 2022 Commencement 11 a m Saturday December 17

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(music) >> Good morning. My name is Neslihan Alp and it is my privilege to serve as the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost at Penn College. I welcome you to this Fall Commencement ceremony, which begins with the entrance of the candidates for graduation from the Schools of Business, Arts & Sciences, Engineering Technologies and Nursing & Health Sciences. Please join

me in welcoming our candidates for graduation. Entering next is the faculty of Technology and and administration. Our faculty party will complete the processional. Dr. Nesli Alp:

The National Anthem will be sung today by Jillian Scanlon who is proudly employed at Penn College as a faculty member in Human Services/Social Sciences. Please stand if you are able. O say can you see by the dawn's early light What so proudly we hailed At the twilight's last gleaming Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched Were so gallantly streaming And the rockets' red glare The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through the night That our flag was Still there O say, does that Star-spangled banner Yet wave O'er the land of the free And the home Of the brave (Cheers and applause) Dr. Nesli Alp: Please be seated. Joining us today are family and friends who have in many different ways, supported these candidates to reach the goal of graduation.

On the platform are the College faculty and staff who have motivated, encouraged, and inspired our students as they completed their collegiate journey. Before us are the candidates for graduation, who have become good friends, mentors, and colleagues, developing relationships that will serve them well as they move into the future, together. We join - then - as members of an extended support network to celebrate with our candidates and to witness YOUR accomplishments. That celebration now begins! And now, it is my honor to introduce the President of Pennsylvania College of Technology, Dr. Mike Reed, who will preside over this Fall Commencement Ceremony.

Dr. Mike Reed: Thank you. Good morning, everyone. Good morning,

everyone. Yeah, it is a celebration! Welcome, everyone, as we honor the accomplishments of the Fall 2022 graduates of Pennsylvania College of Technology. To our soon-to-be graduates: Today, we join with your family and friends in celebrating YOUR success as you prepare to embark on your next rewarding and memorable professional and personal journeys. I trust that

each of you will build upon the skills - and life lessons - that you have learned here at Penn College to make your indelible mark in the world. Your skills and perseverance have led to you earning Penn College degrees and certificates. You have the foundation for sustainable success as essential, indispensable employees in business, industry, and the public sphere. You - as well as

your supporters - should be justifiably proud, and the Penn College community, which includes our faculty and staff comprising the platform party behind me, wish you all the best in your career pursuits. An enthusiastic "well-done" to all the graduates who are receiving their degrees and certificates today. This ceremony will deliver milestone memories that each of you will cherish forever. As a college president and educator, acknowledging students as they embark on rewarding careers and significant life passages is a privilege that I will never take for granted. As you make

your way in the world of work and service, I am confident that you will make us all "Penn College Proud." Our goal is always to put our graduates in the most competitive position for long-term success. We are eager to hear about the accolades and rewards that are bound to come your way as you put forth your best effort. Please stay in

touch and provide your insights - as valued Penn College alumni - to our students, who can learn much from your work and life experiences. Congratulations again on your achievements, and best wishes to you and your families! Two quick items of business. We're clearing snow. If you got a ticket today, send it to me at the college. We'll take care of it. This is your celebration.

If you get a ticket for any reason, send it to me at the college. Yeah. Thank you. Two -- and two, we are the College of Technology. Please feel free to capture on your phones. Please keep the ringtones off and stay out of the way of professional photographer, which will be sending photos to your graduate. Congratulations, and I welcome back Dr. Alp.

(Applause) Dr. Nesli Alp: I would now like to introduce Mr. Elliott Strickland, Vice President for Student Affairs.

Mr. Elliott Strickland: President Reed, Provost Alp, Mr. Johnson, distinguished faculty and staff, family, friends, and most importantly the December 2022 graduating class. It is my great pleasure this morning to introduce your Student Commencement Speaker. I recently read an article about NBA star Kawhi Leonard. For

those of you that don't know, he's an all-star forward, currently with the Clippers, who's won multiple NBA Championships and awards and is known for his leadership and work ethic. They used a term to describe him, "quiet confidence", meaning that the best leaders don't need to be the loudest and flashiest. It's a word that, I think, perfectly describes Maci Ilgen, who just so happens to also be a forward on the Wildcats basketball team. Maci's quiet confidence can be seen inside and outside of the classroom. On the court, she was a presence that led the Wildcats for three seasons where she amassed 435 points, 72 steals, and 22 blocked shots (amazing stats especially given our team lost an entire season during Maci's career to COVID). She was recognized for her leadership on the team by receiving the Wild House Exemplar Award and serving on the Women's Basketball Leadership Council, by the College through receiving the Awesome Women Exemplar Award, through the United East Athletic Conference where she was recognized on their All-Sportsmanship Team and as a Conference Scholar-Athlete, and nationally through her induction into Chi Alpha Sigma, National College Athlete Honor Society.

Inside the classroom, Maci shined just as bright. A Deans List student, Maci was also inducted into Sigma Theta Tau, International Honor Society of Nursing, and she excelled at her extern experiences at Geisinger Lewistown and Milton Hershey. But where Maci was most impressive was where her commitment to Nursing and her leadership intersected. A

couple of weeks ago, I was able attend a presentation by Maci and several of her classmates where they documented their Penn College Global Medical Mission Trip to Guatemala, just one of our amazing study abroad opportunities. I could tell in her voice the impact this trip had on her, and I could see from the photos the impact she had on the lives of children who had so little, but were so grateful. Women's Basketball Coach Britni Mohney probably summed up what Maci means best in her nomination form, and I quote, "I wish I could put into words the impact that Maci has left not only on our basketball program, but to Penn College and truthfully myself. She is a leader anyone would want to emulate. When you see her lead, when you watch her put forth her best effort; you do not want to let her down because her impact as a leader means that much." This is the impact of quiet confidence.

A Dean's List student, Maci graduates today with her Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Cum Laude. After graduation, Maci will join the staff of Milton Hershey Medical Center in their pediatric surgical care unit. It gives me great pleasure to introduce your Student Commencement Speaker, Ms. Maci Nicole Ilgen. Maci Nicole Ilgen: Thank you, Mr. Strickland for

the great introduction. Hello December graduating class of 2022. It is truly an honor to be selected and stand here before you as your student commencement speaker. Before I take some time to reflect on my experience here at Penn College, some thank you's are needed. I would like to start by thanking Britni Mohney for nominating me to do this. It did take some persuasion because if you know me, public speaking is not my go to, but really is it anyone's? I would also like to thank Coach for always believing in my abilities not only as a student or a student athlete but as an overall individual. Thank you to

the faculty and administration here at Penn College specifically those in the Nursing department for giving me the opportunities to learn and grow my skills within the classroom and out in the clinical setting. To some of my fellow classmates, Thank you for all our study dates and words of encouragement to get through all the tests, papers, clinical paperwork, and ATI. Finally and most importantly, thank you to my family. Without their unconditional love and support over these past few year, I don't think I would be where I'm at today.

December Graduate Class of 2022, We made it!!! Some made it in just 2 years, some 4 or 5 or even more. Either way it doesn't matter how long it took you to reach this huge milestone in your life. All that matters is that you made it. Each one of you made it here with grit, hard work and determination all while working a job, trying to support a family, being a full time athlete or just doing school work. I commend each and every one of you for making it through College. It was not easy!!! I don't know how many times I thought to myself, Why am I doing this? Do I really have to keep studying? I just want to not think about school work and just go spend time with my friends and family. I'm sure

each one of you had these thoughts throughout your time here. But look, you never gave up and now we are just a few minutes away from walking across this stage to receive our diploma. While celebrating all of your accomplishments here at Penn College I encourage everyone to also reflect on your time here. As I was typing this speech, I also sat and reflected on how I got to this point. Senior year of high school, all i knew was that I wanted to play basketball in college. I didn't know where

I wanted to go or even what I wanted to do. I finally decided to attend a different college before coming to Penn College. While at this university I just never felt like it was home.

After leaving that university I felt like I was stuck and didn't know where to go. My Brother, at this point, was ending his junior year in the Plastic and Polymer engineering program here at Penn College. He and my family both told me to consider looking into Penn College. And so I did. I went for a tour of

the nursing program and all the professors I met during this day were so welcoming and they showed me all the avenues I could take if I got my nursing degree. At this point I just thought how great nursing could be because I would get to choose what I wanted to do with that degree. I finally made the decision to attend Penn College and get my degree in nursing. This was honestly the best decision I could have made. Penn College has given me so many opportunities that I am so grateful for. The first is

basketball. I always had the dream of being able to play in college. The experience I had playing with this team; I would not change for the world. I have meet lifelong friends and learned so many life lessons. Coach Mohney would always stress to us about leading a legacy. This can be done through your work ethic, how you inspire others, and the time and dedication you put into something. This doesn't just

involve sports, but anything that you do in life. The second opportunity was going on a global experience. I went on a medical mission trip in Guatemala. While there, I gave

medical care to so many different families that were in need. Most of the families that live there do not have enough money to receive medical care. This means the only care they receive is when this mission is there, which is only twice a year. All the families I met were so grateful for what we were doing. It was so eye opening to see a little kid get soooo excited just to receive a toothbrush. This shows you how

grateful we all need to be for what we have. Finally, the nursing program gave me so many opportunities to experience the different areas of nursing. With all this experience and hands on opportunities, it has landed me an amazing job opportunity. I

will be working at the Hershey Medical Center in their pediatric surgical care unit. After all these experiences Penn College gave me, it showed me what my purpose in life is. December graduate class of 2022, It is finally time to celebrate and walk across this stage to get this well-deserved diploma. But before I stop talking I want to leave you with a challenge. I challenge you to find your purpose in life and to lead your legacy in this new chapter. Be

vulnerable and live the rest of your life full of happiness. Again Congratulations and I wish every single one of you nothing but the best. Make Penn College Proud! Dr. Mike Reed: How about another round of applause for Maci and her leadership? The Alumni Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes Penn College graduates who have generously volunteered their time and talent for College events and activities.

This year's honoree is Anthony J. Peachey, senior marketing manager at Construction Specialties Inc., Muncy, where he has worked for nearly 13 years. At Construction Specialties, Anthony manages a robust marketing team responsible for marketing efforts across trade shows, websites, digital and print advertising, public relations, and product launches. He is leading the development of a new global literature and samples program, and oversees budgets for 11 domestic product groups. He previously worked at the company in the roles of product manager and marketing coordinator.

Anthony earned a Bachelor of Science in business administration: marketing concentration from Penn College in 2009, graduating summa cum laude. As a student, he received the Business Management Faculty Award, and he was a member of the Alpha Chi National College Honor Society; Sigma Beta Delta, the International Honor Society for Business, Management and Administration; and the Delta Mu Delta Business Honor Society. Anthony serves as an Alumni Tomorrow Maker, helping us identify and recruit the next generation of tomorrow makers.

He also represents his company at "PA Build My Future" events on campus, which introduce nearly 1,000 students from more than 30 high schools and career and technical centers to the breadth of occupations available in construction and design. In addition, Anthony joined our Wildcat Alumni Career Mentor program in its 2021-22 inaugural year, providing students with opportunities to interact with industry professionals, grow their knowledge of potential career paths, and develop professional networks. Please join me now in congratulating Anthony J. Peachey, the 2022 Alumni Volunteer of the Year Award winner! Anthony Peachey: Good morning, everybody. It is a pleasure to be here. I have

folks to thank as well. When I graduated, I had a few professors that helped me get my start in my career. Professor Jerry Luke was key for my marketing and Professor Steve Mah is a 10% professors fee or recruiting fee. He doesn't let me live that down. I don't think he's getting 10%.

Receiving the award is truly an incredible honor. One that I didn't know existed. Still more than the award being able to share a few thoughts with you all as you start or continue your professional career, it is an honor. Congratulations on your achievement. Can we give them a round of applause? (Applause) >> I will add the fun is just beginning. 13 years ago, I was in your seat, ready to take my next step and show everyone what I could do. At that time, I never

anticipated that I would have the opportunity to give back in any significant way. Honestly, I wasn't planning on giving back, but experiences and opportunities can quickly change your perspective. What started as "how can I climb my ladder" turned into "how can I help others climb theirs" in a relatively short amount of time. Receiving this award is an incredible honor and one that was certainly not expected. Still, more than the award, I'm honored to be able to share a few thoughts with all of you as you start or continue your professional careers. So let me

People will tell you plenty of aspirational sayings during this time. All of these are good - It's good to dream big, take risks, shoot for the moon, whatever go-get-'em type of quote you may have read or heard. Instead of the hype, I want to challenge you to think about the people that helped you get here. Our human tendency is to put people who think like us or act like us into a good bucket, and anyone who disagrees with us or is different from us gets tossed into a bad bucket. I have learned that regardless of the bucket we place people in, with the right mindset, both can be a catalyst for your growth and advancement.

Everyone here has a different life story, yet one thing holds true - there were people, good and bad, who helped shape and influence who you are and where you are today. And there will be people who will continue to shape and influence the next chapter of your life. We often think of family or friends, but I want you to think about all the others for a bit. The coworkers you had when you cut your teeth on that first job. All the good moments, the bad moments, the hilarious moments. The first intimidating or hard-nosed boss, the arrogant coworker who never got noticed, despite how awesome they may have been· in their own minds.

The es who got fired, the ones who got promoted. Alhave played a part in thimoment. Think about those whdedicated theilives to buildg a fountion of knowlee for you to delop your care - your profsors, your tuts - the easynes, the fun os, the takeo-excuses onesthe testou-on-things-y-didt-go -oveones. Every enuntewith peop in our lives shaped partf uo . p cannot bundetated. Y wer nevemeae e negati impacts isolaon h had throh thpandemic on peop's mt get to the statists, b we can sie needeople. We all ed oers in o ld and able, to impro oursves, to h, r . t anhings you begin or ntinue climbinyouradder, it wld : 1.row out

e good and baducke, get to ow pple, andearnrom them regalesl caterizaon. Push yoursf to have multie coersationwith thoswu r they m learn somethi, eier way,ir enrspectiv botgain in the 2.Dot settle r the comfort ne ceer.

Learng ant n career devopment! 3.It never toearly to start givinback. There will always beomeone that youan help. Yes, we need others, but just as portant is the fact that otherseed you! So go out and show eryone what you n do, but don't forget to turnround and bring a femore with you. I wod love to connect wi you on LinkedIn and if there is anything can do to help you in your climb, don't hesitate to ask! Dr. Reed: Let's give another

round of applause for Anthony. Dr. Alp is coming up to the stage. Dr. Nesli Alp: As many of you know, the legal corporate body of the Pennsylvania College of Technology is its Board of Directors. This is the body that, by our charter, is given final responsibility for the governance, welfare and all other interests pertaining to the College. Though some

responsibilities are delegated, ultimate authority rests with the Board. At this time, I would like to call upon Dr. Steve Johnson, member of the Board of Directors, to authorize the conferring of degrees at this ceremony. Dr. Steve Johnson:

Thank you. This is a very special occasion for all of you. The degrees being awarded have come from hard work, from the guidance and wisdom of the faculty, and from strong support from your family and friends. On behalf of the Board of Directors, I extend to all of the graduates our congratulations and best wishes. And to all the supporting family members, the faculty, and friends, I extend our thanks for your support. Graduation day for the candidates has finally arrived.

Now I turn to my official duty: Dr. Reed, by virtue of the authority vested in the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Technology, I authorize you on behalf of the Board, to confer on each of these candidates the degree earned, as certified by the appropriate School Dean. Dr. Nesli Alp: Will the candidates for the Bachelor of Science Degree please rise? (Applause) Dr. Reed, upon recommendation of

the faculty, I am pleased to inform you that these candidates have satisfactorily completed the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree. Dr. Mike Reed: Thank you. By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Technology, I do hereby confer upon you the Bachelor of Science degrees you have earned, with all of their rights and privileges and with congratulations from the Board of Directors, the administration, and the faculty. Nesli Alp: You may be seated.

Will the candidates for all Associate degrees and Dr. Reed, upon recommendation of the faculty, I am pleased to inform you that these candidates have satisfactorily completed the requirements for their respective Associate Degrees and Certificates. Dr. Mike Reed: By virtue of the authority vested in me by the Board of Directors of the Pennsylvania College of Technology, I do hereby confer upon you the Associate Degrees and Certificates you have earned, with all of their rights and privileges and with congratulations from the Board of Directors, the administration, and the faculty.

Please remain standing and I would ask that the recipients of the Bachelor of Science Degrees also rise. You processed in today as candidates for the certificates and degrees that you have earned. A few moments ago, I had the honor of conferring on you those degrees.

As a symbol of your entry from student to graduate, I ask that you turn your tassel as I turn the tassel of your class representative. This symbolizes that you are now graduates of the Pennsylvania College of Technology. Congratulations, once again, and you may be seated. Congratulations once again. You may be seated. As individuals and institutions, we all pass through clear stages of development, points in time where we grow into new roles and responsibility. This ceremony

is one of those transition events for all graduates. Today the Pennsylvania College of Technology will recognize individuals with academic honors. Outstanding academic achievement will be recognized for all students. The gold, silver, or white cord they wear during these ceremonies, white for honors, silver for high honors, and gold for highest honors, can identify these students. Blue cords signify academic achievement for certificate students. In

addition, we are proud to recognize graduates who are members in Phi Theta Kappa. Their gold stoles and gold tassels can identify these students. We will also recognize graduates of the Alpha Chi Honor Society. The white stoles will identify these students. We would now like to recognize the Veterans, identified by their red, white, and blue cords, who are graduating. Please stand and remain standing.

(Applause) Penn College has over 200 veterans on campus. I would like to tell you a bit about them: More than 150 of them have served on active duty in all branches of the military before coming to Penn College. They have fought in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and have served around the world in places like: Germany, Kuwait, Japan, and all throughout the United States. We have over 50 students that are currently serving in the reserve components. Penn College students in the Reserves and National guard have deployed to Guantanamo Bay Cuba, Djibouti Africa, Somalia, Poland and Egypt. They have assisted in national emergencies such as covid pandemic support, and Hurricane Maria in the US Virgin Islands. They have also

responded to civil unrest missions in Philadelphia and James Washington DC. All of this while pursuing their degrees here at Penn College. Please join me in giving our Veterans a round of applause. (Applause) You may be seated. During today's ceremony, we will also acknowledge Commencement awards for the graduates who earned recognition by faculty and staff for distinguished academic performance, leadership, service, and strong character. Awards will be

announced by Dr. Strickland and presented by Provost Alp as graduates cross the stage. Graduates - are you ready? In just a few minutes, the ushers are going to begin leading you to the stage for the moment you've been waiting for. There is no greater honor for a college president than to mark your receipt of a well-earned diploma. As you all cross the

stage, I will greet you with a handshake, a fist pump, an elbow bump, a high five, or with a no-contact presentation of your diploma. The choice is yours. And one last note before we begin the procession. Parents and guests - we welcome you to come down front to capture your graduate crossing the stage, we just ask that you leave the area in front of our official photographers clear.

At this time Dr. Carolyn Strickland, and the respective school representatives will present the candidates. >> President Reed, I present you the graduates from the School of Arts and Sciences. Kiran Sapna Singh Alexander Trzecki Jordan A. Tyson

Joseph R. Wentzler Corrina C. Blose Caroline N. Hawkins

Rebecca Erin High She's the recipient of the Achievement Award for Scholastic Achievement and Service Natasha Marie Martin Sherly Fernanda Mendez Brent H. Thomson James C. Dincher Rebecca Lynn Helminiak Michael J. Link Seth J. Welshans Nathaniel Jacob Brown Meghan Leigh Crosby Shaqira Sharae Rebecca Drummond She's exemplifies the ideals of Lewis H. Bartel. Colin J. Jens

Ma Theresa D. Valisno Daniel R. Rodgers Dakota Joe Fisher Luke Aaron Warnecke Lacey C. Potter

Jason Kent Eichensehr Kristen M. Mouissi Hannah G. Wheeler Sandra R. Calaman

Moira Agnes Smith She's the recipient of the hospitality award of excellence and leadership, Stuartship, respect for self and others, and being a positive role model. Caleb Jeffrey Stemler Lance P. Bierly Zoie Briane Boyer Franchesca R. Guisewhite Brad K. Sinsabaugh Cameron Tyler Ramsey Kennedie Lynn Bahr Paige R. Benner

Madison Rose Clary Alicia Charlene Dobbs Ashlee C. Felix-Taveras She's the recipient of the President's award for leadership and service to the college. Payge C. Hess

Deanna M. Mancuso Caitlyn Marie Rishel Alyssa L. Schell Nicole Michele Smulligan Abigail Elli Sneeringer BradleeAnn K. Wagner

Felicia E. Rindos Seth Allen Wilkerson Amy Jo Westley Seth Allen Wilkerson Veronica E. Ditzler Dillon J. Kocher >> President Reed, I present to you the graduates of the School of Technologies. Cameron J. Tupper

Caleb J. McCulloch Sean M. Harrison Keegan C. Leahy Nicholas J. Pisano Zachary W. Spearly Timothy J. Gilbert

Tre Steven Oliveras-Connor Reese A. Kauffman Damein J. Roupp Matthew Siluk Michael David DeLong Is Timothy W. Nearhood Kyle M. Brandt Tyler James Girven Trevor J. Ravel

Trevor is the recipient for the diesel technology knowledge. Mateo Cruz Olivia Louise Miller Anthony J. Bryant-Zucal Jacob Daniel Fedinez He's the recipient of the forest technology faculas award for academic achievement, service and professionalism within the field of forestry. Gunner C. Fravel Abigail Grove Aaron D. Larson Adam Tyler Prugh Samuel Kristjan Holt Jared David Meredick Justin Patrick Binkley Zachary A. Watson

Logan A. Balouris Rodney John Seaman II Angelo L. Varcadipane Ethan R. Wagner Ross A. DeLauro Ridge T. Donlin Eric L. Kriner

Kade A. Matter Travis Fulcher William Bradford Bucher Pierre J. Rivera Joshua D. Croson

Austin L. Maurer Evan Landis McElhenny Cheyenne A. Miller Michael Abdalov Christopher R. McKenna Justin James Thomma Matthew Micheal Perry Hayden A. Straub Andrew R. Spangenberg Dustin D. Aliffi

Austin James Barnes David Helfrich Tad B. Shepherd Jennifer C. Dockery Tiernan J. Straub Peter Hennessy Kane Peter exemplifies the college's philosophy of excellence. Joseph Christopher Mauchline Jacob Craig Beatty John Carpenter Jr.

Nickolas Michael Snow Scott R. Stout Howard J. Engel David B. Arias David has the highest accumulative average in welding.

Connor J. Burke Nathaniel J. Feild Abram P. Fox

Skyler R. Graver He exemplifies the college philosophy of excellence. Ian James Lacon Joshua Bernard Yasulitis Nolan A. McCadden

Jack C. Yengo Nathaniel Edward Anselmo Emilee A. Frazier Nathaniel Sean Hall Joshua L. Karner Joseph R. LaCerra Connor C. Kleckner

Thomas J. Panyik Szymon Nowak Justin Ryan Dahlberg Daniel N. Vasko Jr. Dominic Joseph Alleva He has the highest accumulative average in restoration awe motive technology. James C. Conway Ryan Taylor Shoesmith Logan Mitchell Haga Martin T. Storm

Shiv Jayeshkumar Patel Kyler D. Gabel >> President Reed, I present the graduates from the school of nursing and health sciences. Hannah Nicole Burnett Kia D. Maynard Kristen A. Bastion Shelby Renee Lanyon Savannah Wagner Karlie Grace Wasson Cheyenne Naomi Greene Lauren Elizabeth Groody Jo Ellen Gregory Isabelle R. Jean

Madison Smeal >> President Reed, I present the graduates of nursing from the school of nursing and health sciences. Samar Alquraish She's the recipient of the director's award for achievement under exceptional conditions. Kylee Danielle Butz Amanda Jade Confer Tabitha Grace Flory Caroline Nicole Green Kristin Lynn Harer Allyson J. Kibler Leah E. Kline

She's the recipient of the Linda F. Clark BS RN memorial nursing commencement award for outstanding academic achievement, excellence in practicing, and lifelong commitment to learning. Madison Tyler McClelland Julie Ann Patton Mongkon Saisangkathitichat Rose Y.P. Thomas Michael Joseph Weber Jr.

Amanda N. Baney Macy Renee Eamigh Emily E. Hovies Jensen Rae Jean Heather M. Lee Haleigh Ellen Leighow She's the recipient of the spirit of nursing for exemplifying caring, compassion, and empathy which is the Penn College nursing philosophy. Jamie Laraine Paugh She's the recipient for excellence in nursing award for outstanding academic achievement and communication skills.

Lanessa Annmarie Rager Chloe Marie Reichart Janell M. Remensnyder Emily Marie Roman Emily is the standard of a technical nurse as determined by her classmates. Rebecca L. Shingara Cassidy Shay Thomas Allyson Marie Turner She's the characteristic of a technical nurse has determined by fellow classmates. And finally Maci Nicole Ilgen - Speaker (Applause) Dr. Mike Reed: Let's give another round of applause to our graduates.

(Applause) You'll hear it said often. Our primary goal is to place our graduates in the most competitive position for long-term success. We work closely with industry experts to help you, our graduates, accelerate within your chosen field. As you transition away from Penn College and into your career, I ask for you to share with us what is going well, and areas we can improve. We strive to be the best for our students-and your insight is invaluable for future planning and future graduates. As

graduates, you are now members of the Penn College Alumni Association. On behalf of our Alumni Relations Office, I welcome you to the alumni family. As the main link between you and your alma mater, the alumni office will be in touch regularly via email and on social media. We look forward to seeing you back on campus and in your community at future alumni events and activities, so please be sure to keep your contact information updated with us. Six months from now, we will ask for your participation in the graduate survey. This survey is important because it tells us how you are doing in your career path as well as to inform future students on job placement rates, average salaries, and other indicators of degrees that work.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. Jen Sincero, American writer, speaker, and success coach is credited with quote, "The excellent thing about success is that it always comes down to one simple thing: the decision to keep going until you've reached your goal." Our academic and industry experts have worked you unapologetically hard in order for you to reach this milestone-with the purpose of helping you discover just how incredible you can be, and to place you in the most competitive position for long-term success. You have the skills, grit, and determination to chart YOUR course. You have worked through countless disruptions and pushed yourselves further and harder than what many of you thought was possible. You should be proud. Remain steadfast in your

beliefs and focused on YOUR goals. Savor the taste of success, and remember what it took to reach this milestone and, more importantly, carry the lessons learned forward on your next journey-this is YOUR time. Thank you for stepping up and stepping forward when others stepped away. Our nation and our communities need more leaders like you. We are extremely proud of what you have accomplished thus far to place your long-term aspirations within your reach, and I can't wait to hear what awaits you on the horizon.

Congratulations, Class of 2022. (Cheers and applause) >> Congratulations again. I invite those who are able to please stand for the singing of the Penn College alma mater. (alma mater being sung) Dr. Nesli Alp: Thank you. The platform party will begin our recessional, followed by the graduates who will be led out the Community Arts Center by our ushers.

Family and guests can follow the graduates' recessional. Congratulations and please join me in giving one final round of applause for our graduates. (Applause)


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