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foreign um is i value myself so much that if i find out that we there's there's another person be with the other one and me what's what i also think um because by all means he's going to take you for granted because [Music] [Applause] confronting may not be necessarily anything but you know this exchange of words one of the numbers it might be text it might be verbal it might be physical any of that but you have that information whereby my sister baby i'm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh um [Music] because that girl was threatening us she's a customer because my my sister i need some shopkins money is a customer quality [Music] rich young and famous and and there's something that her story i found super tubbing in my mind so it so happens they met when she was 16 then the other one was over 20. so they they did you know childish love she's now 18 she's like this guy her expectations were so high that's why i always say put your expectations as low as you can in a relationship so expectations were so high with this guy like literally we have built ourselves from scratch so where to face becoming who he is everything she like when he was nothing even the transition when he has done become the legend he is she was present she was there yeah yeah she was the second queen so it so happens and he the first the first the second the third the fourth the fifth bone uh the the the the the the foster the fourth one like it's okay the same two women at the same time at the same time why why am i bringing this point into once a guy shows you because everyone up to nabama was a naivety i got a new guy i love my as a woman crushed why because she she feels like why does my child have to be the fifth born yet in asoka i was the first in your life like why do these other women have to come before me why would i in any way have to fight for a man like nay narayana nothing will go for the fifth born then again she only has two kids all together in a minute she only has two the five are not from her so this story reminds me when i was watching rich famous and and and only the guy who's the ultimate goal it is not to keep a man does he want to keep you the ultimate goal is not for us to to have the quest all she wanted was that ring on her finger but you can see she's she's miserable amazing is that relationship you are in where you are you know the peace you find when you have someone who feels the same way you feel oh it's the best feeling okay you don't even get the idea maybe he has gone with some girls get to an extent of of of hooking their phone phone calls she wants to know everything her boyfriend died in your in your office but i want i just want you to find a way to get his phone we know where that wouldn't go okay like why would you go through all that struggle and hustle just to belong to someone or for someone to belong to you somebody in prayer and you're like god if this is my husband wow they're just men who are um they're they're there there was a girl she was giving a speech i think on her wedding or something like that and he there were so many women the competition it is so high because he i couldn't find myself fighting with all these other women because they were better than i am in all ways but i just had to put my personality like oh you know what sometimes like things don't have to fight physically means they calculated [Music] but why would you be in a relationship like that write your better women watch [Music] [Music] be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] family is not an important thing it's everything all family members children of all ages ladies in the house and the big boys start times gives your family a complete tv entertainment reliable signals everywhere in the country standby customer care services most affordable and convenient subscription start times big on global more local channel most affordable star times is with you no matter the situation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] foreign [Music] are handsome you look good no no no no no if you go check the first comment like you you get to find that the the the first comment that chris has come into something i think is around there never replies what replies are these organization like that's repeating that is because i i don't see the reason as to why i would get to that you've not even found out exactly why this man just decided to cheat on you and never know the reason why you don't know the reason behind sometimes yes we we may look at it as quran and everything but i look at my wasted time and out of the yes things don't just happen i know it's it may be wrong for me to confront or fight someone maybe like on media or something now montu there are some people the best way to really get to them is to wanika on social media where the whole world can see for example that what yeah you don't do that to someone some people something are really heartless really heartless yeah i really heartless i understand to the best word like really to people to when they're grieving they put it out on on i'm not supporting it until why would you wake up in the morning i said posting stuff that you know but sometimes like all these other things yes sometimes you have a problem but just because that people are used to men being in their room but well sometimes you get selfish but nothing to know you know one years why would you do that that to me like listen to him tell me just don't just throttle trams at him without listening to him and knowing the reason why he did such a thing no but some men we will not cheat for a reason at the end of the day you're praying to god but you're praying to god you don't know if it is you over it is him or is it not boring who would live [Laughter] [Laughter] like in case there is anything over going on takamaza because if you have water in your mouth you cannot talk [Laughter] [Laughter] the fact that you have many many options does not mean you have to waste my time tell me if you don't like stop i know you might be having a call around you have like three or four me i'm chasing out the men because i'm with you i'm looking up to you they're going to have now and you're still looking through oh no you're wasting my time talk about her dating hey why would you bring something you're not sure of okay i know we might we might not make it to the end of the livestream each other and all that stuff but as you know it's okay me when you're done with me throw me away then start another one don't make three of us necessary [Music] is [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yes but her kind of love even scares me never would just be scared than the winds of you can't live like the woman even clearly says i love you so much that i can't live without you i i yeah yeah yeah a gentleman who told us before men have reasons why they cheat he told us my mind still love us but they can't cheat they always say no a man doesn't have a reason to cheat he can just wake finds himself with a wonder woman and that cheated in that day that friend of mine that i posted on on that on the group like whatever cheating [Music] [Laughter] [Music] and manuela on their youtube now numbers up uh though i think they're asking themselves what what is that one thing if someone said you do not believe katyana as a giving point naga monty uh the the most of the times people complain about manuela's laughing because manila really laughs so loud i love the laughter is there a problem this man fights for what again i'm in comment section i have no problem with it meaning let that man fight for you why wouldn't i fight if a man is fighting for me like that why would they die you're the refrigerator everything i mean fight where you also fought for [Laughter] um he defends you he says anything about you hey if anyone says anything about you mugundi wait how are you so fight for someone who will fight for you that's what i would say yeah at the end of the day what i have to say is respect like respect your partners the the moment you you enter into your partners is privacy or whether from respect but cheating on me is that privacy i need to know you're cheating on me and i found out there's another cheating baby what previous is that way why would you put yourself in that walk away this money is not made for you um yes my son and my second wife because every time what would you feel really because you would feel bad but then again again with your young baby yes but you don't even have to commit anything because people will be on your side but one thing i loved about castel only that comment it's still that much about it yeah cause at the end of the day just respect your partner oh you're not respecting up now whatever one of them said you're not cheating and you walk out with another walk away walk away from that fake relationship walk away from that relationship that's what i had to say okay i mean what i want to say is just simply straight don't stop trying to prove a point you know whatever and then my beautiful facebook is none other than i myself a japanese instagram jd cool social media hundreds united in the first book and um together now you're gonna bridle hairstyling braid the makeup vietnamese color just go and send me a name and we shall be talking about remy touch let me tell you this facebook london chambers that is the best main floor room number bm02 also remove zero seven seven nine two one seven one nine six that is a remy touch oh uh she does all all sorts of facebooks is it a bridal channel that she can do it for you can also get on instagram remy touch send her dm all social media platforms and then steve yankovich eight two six zero nine zero two zero that is a steve that mutation yes you can get her on her instagram in small letters it's called dash of allu yes that's all we had for you today so let's meet again next time same time right here on spark tv


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