Georgia Tech Ph D Ceremony – Spring 2024

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[Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] w n [Music] w [Music] w [Music] a [Music] he a [Music] [Music] n [Music] n [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] out [Music] n [Music] [Music] la la [Music] [Music] [Music] SP [Music] f [Music] [Music] thank you I'm wait good afternoon Yellow Jackets thanks for being here at PhD commencement we're about to go over some important stage instructions for both our students and our advisor so if everyone can start to find your seat hopefully you're sitting next to your advisor I am so sorry y everyone gets a little VIP moment um but we're about to go over some instructions so let's go I am ready is everybody good okay right if you could take your seat if you want your PhD you worked pretty hard for it it'd be a shame to miss it now yeah let's go okay this is n okay this is nja hi hi hi so my name's Larry Jacobs and I'm here with President Cabrera and we're going to go through for the students and for the advisor what the hooding process is going to look like okay so the students Nadia do you have your hood so here's your hood could you show unb un unbutton it okay you see the button in the back make sure the button is not buttoned and then when you come up you're no let's go let's walk over here you're going to first stand here Naja out of and you're going to get what scanned yes right so you're going to stand here get scanned then you'll walk up the steps I will be waiting here your advisor will be so advisor should be oh sorry I'm loud uh advisers will be coming up the steps students up the ramp oh we're going to do it one more time now if you want to come on back here with me real fast students you're going to make sure the hood is draped on your right arm it's right if it's on the right that's going to help us grab that hood she'll have it draped on the right arm she's also going to have her grab pass out that's your virtual name card with that QR code so you'll have that ready you're going to come over and Dean or someone from the register's office is going to scan that grad pass oh let's hear that beep that means you're good to go so you're going to hear that beep you're going to head on up students go up the ramp advisers are going to come up the stairs you can hook I so I take it in hand to the advisor they're there and the and the advisor hoods if the advisor is not there IH Hood the students there's a little pa of feet that say stand there and make sure you face the audience that's very important Hood now if you student are taller than your adviser do help them out just come down a little bit we're not we're not bending this way we're bending this way so you'll do that student keep on heading up advisers follow behind congratulations handshakes Applause wo and then you keep heading off stage I can't stand there you'll keep heading off stage advisers you'll follow your student off just snake around C head off there hugs high fives all that stuff we got a photo spot over there but that's our process so make sure your Hood's on your right make sure that grb pass is ready to scan and then we've got Larry here in case you can't have anything what else am I not remembering to cover I think that's it the advisor comes up the advisers come up the the steps students up the ramp if you get a little confused follow the person in front of you we've got staff down here to help you get it too don't worry we're going to have a great commencement I think that's it yeah let's have a good commencement so we'll be starting but just what time is it what will we be starting I think we we'll be starting just 5 10 minutes or something like that so make sure you're finding your adviser and finding your seat thanks for being here [Music] [Music] yeah B yeah oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] me for [Music] me [Music] for for [Music] and you me [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] ah a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] la [Music] a [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] take [Music] welcome to Georgia Tech spring commencement students please rise for the faculty processional [Music] the [Music] h [Music] good afternoon and welcome please rise and remain standing for the singing of the national anthem say can you see by the dawn what so proudly we H at the Twilight last gleaming who brought stripes and bright stars through the par fight for the we watch were so G streaming and the rocket red the BS bursting in Pro through the night that a flag was still there oh say does that star angled the land of the free and the home of the bra [Music] please be seated my name is anel Caba and I have the privilege of serving as Georgia Tech president before we get started today I would like for us to take a moment to recognize all veterans active duty members and First Responders with us today if you have served in any branch of the US military or have served as a first responder please rise so we can thank you for your service [Applause] thank you thank you so much graduates members of the faculty and staff distinguished guests families and friends my heart is full as I welcome you to the 266th commencement exercises at the Georgia Institute of Technology it is a true pleasure to be together in celebration of these graduates and their academic achievements we have a few few special messages for you today the first one is from one of our graduating students and I'm pleased to introduce nikil Yar a PhD candidate in aerospace engineering who will give the reflection Nik [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good afternoon faculty proud parents guests and my fellow doctoral graduates I remember during my first week here at Georgia Tech I came to a basketball game right here in Mish Pavilion that event was the culmination of a week of activities where I got an initial glimpse into the community here at Georgia Tech around me was a sea of white and gold chance of being a rambling wreck and an electric atmosphere of excitement I'm sure each one of us felt that eagerness and Buzz as we began this PhD journey and so when the first week of classes came around and our work day ended at 11:30 p.m. we said yeah this is fine when the first month of classes was over and our workday was pushed to 2:30 a.m. we said yeah this is okay after years of years worth of classes finally came to an end and we began studying for our qualifying exams we said yeah this is getting tough but as the first year turned to the second the second turn to the fourth and for some of us even the fifth that initial moment of pure joy faded and was replaced by doubts doubts about yourself doubts about whether you could do this or whether you even wanted to do this in those moments of quiet contemplation some of us chose to call our families and loved ones those supporters picked up those late night phone calls to guide us and let us know that you can do this others of us sought the community we had around us at Georgia Tech it was that basketball game at the CRC a coffee chat with a professor or a beer with the folks from the lab that made us feel heard and rejuvenated but most importantly though a lot of us simply looked inward to find that innate strength and resilience to keep pushing onward even when things seemed toughest this degree was not the summit of one tall mountain but the culmination after many many Hills it has been a journey marked by triumphs challenges and countless moments of growth this moment is for all those supporters along the way who gave you that helping hand to get past that Boulder this moment is for all those families who sacrificed it all to ensure that their child became the first doctor in the family this moment is for all those friends from undergrad who kept asking me are you done yet but most importantly though this moment is for you to feel that sense of completion after conquering that life Hill as we venture off into our careers in Academia or industry being a yellow jacket will undoubtedly open many doors for us but when you face a closed door I hope that you remember you finished this arduous Journey are and will always be a hell of a engineer regardless of your major here at Tech and begin dismantling that door to hurdle toward success it certainly is a surreal feeling to go from watching a basketball game in this very Arena to stand before you as we close this journey and Venture off into the next one I could not be more proud and happy to say this with my whole heart congratulations to the graduating doctoral class of 2024 thank you thank [Applause] you thank you nikil and let me um greet your mother and family in India awake in the middle of the night and following this procedures I know they're so incredibly proud of you thank [Applause] you so graduates today you will be joining the impressive family of Georgia te alumni a community of of leaders of innovators of thinkers and doers who are making a difference across our state and around the world many of them are here to celebrate you today are Al I appreciate your accomplishments perhaps more than anyone and they may even be part of the reason as you heard nikil say you're here today to all our alumni joining us please stand up so we can recognize you oh Georgia take alums in the [Applause] room that is great and now to welcome you formally into the fellowship of Georgia Tech alumni I am pleased to introduce Betsy bulat an international Affairs and modern languages graduate of the Class of 2004 and the chair of the Georgia Tech alumna Association Board of Trustees that's it good afternoon doctoral class of 2024 my name is Betsy buat I'm a proud alumni of Georgia Tech and this year's chair of the Board of Trustees of theum Association it's my incredible honor to welcome you into one of the most coveted networks in the world the Georgia Tech Alumni Association you're now part of a family of over 200,000 members while each of you has different background different experiences and we'll go into different Industries we share experiences long hours in the lab overnights in the library and getting good luck for our exams from sideways more than that though we share traits from our time at Tech we share the power of perseverance how to problem solve and how to remain cool Under Pressure Tech taught us that you've worked so hard to put yourself in the position you are in today it's a position of increasing power and privilege use it wisely as Peter Parker's uncle said with great power there must also come great resp responsibility this concept has motivated me since I left tech one way I've been able to give back is through the Georgia TCH Alumni Association the Alumni Association has been behind the scenes throughout your studies here giving you advice whether you ask for it or not celebrating your achievements and raising funds toward your student experience stay in touch with us and get engaged let us celebrate with you when you meet your goals we will provide you with connections job opportunities networking opportunities events on campus and in your local communities and future friendships some of my best tech friends are those I met after I got out you can always call Tech home this is a special place steeped in Tradition and as alumni you will always be part of our family while your time at Tech may be over unless you're pursuing p uh pursuing another Advanced degree the Alumni Association is here with you for a lifetime may your Pursuits be successful your friendships rich and your life be full of Buzz go jackets thank you thank you Betsy well I guess um in the category of know your audience knowing that you guys like numbers here are a few numbers six ,500 degrees will be conferred this weekend as part of the class of 2024 that includes 2600 bachelor's degrees 3,000 master's degrees and 320 doctoral degrees the yes [Applause] [Music] that's the graduates we're going to be honoring this weekend represent 36 countries and a multitude of disciplines and they're great Reason for Hope together all these Scholars know how to build satellites and robots they know how to build Bridges design medical devices they can create and run businesses they can shape better policy they're versed in chemistry in biology and psychology they can mine intelligence for complex data they understand how markets and governments work and what our Collective history teaches us about our future many of them have traveled the world they can communicate in dozens of languages they have learned to listen to others to respect what others have to say even when they disagree they have learned to work with in to learn from people who are different from themselves these graduates they're confident they're capable they're great creative problem solvers they have learned the power of collaboration they have been empowered to lead and that's why they make me extremely hopeful about our future but for all this potential to make a difference there is something I want all of you to remember and that's the two words on our seal right there behind me progress and service these two words Define us as a community and signify our belief in the power of innovation and Ingenuity to serve a greater purpose to improve The Human Condition we don't believe in technology just for its own sake but because of its potential to help people live Better Lives some of you are going into Academia some will join wellestablished companies and will help them do better others may even create your own startup some of you will go to big National Labs you work in government I know you're going to have an impact and be successful whatever path you choose but remember the true success won't be measured by how much money you make but by by the value that you create for others and don't get me wrong money you will make and when you're rich and famous the alumna association will help me find you will make you proud in what will make your family all of us proud is what you did to lift others up and make a difference in our world no pressure as we like to say around here we can do that and I know you are ready to tackle any challenge that might come your way now today we celebrate you your accomplishments and your potential I'd like to thank you in advance for the great things we all know you will go on to do joining us here in person but also online our members of your families friends colleagues whose love and support have helped make this day possible these Yellow Jackets know an expertise to help these graduates reach their fullest potential and I would like to ask that all the members of the faculty and staff please stand so we can thank you for a job well [Music] done liberal arts Russell Gentry associate Dean College of design an rra dean of the sheller College of Business Susan loer dean of the College of Sciences Kim Curtis associate dean of the College of Engineering Leslie sharp dean of libraries Steven Harmon associate dean of professional education Shante Bolton Executive Vice President for administration and finance and chief business officer R Hong vice president for student engagement and well-being Leo Howell our Chief Information officer Abigail tumy vice president Institute of communications Becky tankersley director director of communications and enrollment management and our maze Bearer today Dimitri mavus who received the biggest honor of any faculty Jord Tech the class of 1934 distinguished Professor thank you all so very [Music] much there is a reason why I did not introduce the provos or Our Guest which will become clear in a second I know some of you may not believe it but we are all fully aware of how hard we've made to work to cross this stage I went through it myself a few years ago we understand the obstacles that you overcame these past few years and congratulate you for crossing the Finish Line I have indeed played different roles of Georgia Tech over the years I've been a student in a long a parent an adviser now I'm president I even found my spouse be here so I know very well that being a yellow jacket is something exceedingly special Georgia Tech diploma is something you will treasure the rest of your life it will be transformative it was for me and like so many other doctoral students throughout Generations I can proudly say that nothing that I have accomplished in my career would have been possible without the opportunities I had a Georgia Tech and without the people that I met here now it's your turn you are forever connected whether you like it or not you're connected to joria attack for the rest of your life and we cannot wait to see the great things you will continue to do now it's time to look ahead to push forward to go out and make an impact on the world like only Yellow Jacket scan congratulations class of 2024 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I have a special treat for you your last lecture as a PhD student at Georgia Tech and I'm delighted that that lecture is going to be by a dear friend and colleague Professor Barun de Cola CEO a founder of carb Corporation his journey is one of inspiration and Innovation bar was Sim simultaneously a student researcher and athlete while studying mechanical engineering at Vanderbilt University he earned his Doctorate a Purdue and he's now a 10-year faculty member of Georgia Tech where he's a Trailblazer in the field of carbon nanot tubes in Advanced Materials he has published over 100 peer-review research papers and garnered numerous accolades including the prestigious Allan Waterman award in 2017 under his leadership his company carb has evolved from a small lab to a 20,000 FT Global Production facility right here in Atlanta the company uses recycle materials to create products that prevent overheating in electronics this work is revolutionizing nanotechnology crossy sectors from Aerospace to Industrial power and data please join me in welcoming Barat tund [Applause] Cola thank you [Applause] maybe sound pretty good thank you president Caba uh thank you uh provos mlin Deans The Faculty uh guest congratulations to the class of 2024 I love Georgia Tech students that's a true thing and you are so inspiring to me and congratulations to your partners your family your friends so you have achieved the highest degree the PHD they call this a terminal degree which basically means you've been in school way too long when I graduated my Master's Degree 20 years ago my dad said to me congratulations you're a master now said what could be higher than mastering the subjects of your field he had a good point when you master all the knowledge what can possibly come next but you have learned that Mastery is just the beginning you must be a Pioneer to earn a PhD at a place like Georgia Tech you have learned to dig deeper to find the simplest principles on which knowledge is based then you have expanded this knowledge for others to learn and master my dad is Right Master is a powerful person you can do and achieve a lot with subject and domain Mastery but to be trained in a top tier PhD program like here at Georgia Tech de is to gain a power beyond Mastery is a power to navigate uncertainties the natural uncertainties of life with more clarity and confidence you see nothing will break your Clarity and confidence like adversity people say adversity makes you stronger and I disagree adversity can make you stronger depending on how you are able to respond to it you need several tools like money knowledge networks Faith to respond to adversity in ways that make you really grow grid alone is not enough all human space adversity and we all share challenges you know that connect us no matter where we live how we live how we look what we believe when you see vastly different outcomes across our world and communities it's not because the humans are vastly different it's because the tools that the humans have to address adversity are vastly different so I'm here today to tell you that the way you learn to think search question create receive criticism collaborate and problem solve in your PhD is your greatest tool for facing adversity I only went to graduate school to play my last year of football as a starting fullback at Vanderbilt how I got there from being a walk-on tearing my ACL twice being a student equipment manager twice is an interesting story for another day I plan to drop out a graduate school at the end of the season to pursue a career in the NFL but the last game of my career I tore my ACL for a third time which ended my football career for good now I made it a long way in football and undergraduate studies with discipline grit and Faith as my major tools for Life the six years that followed football included me earning a master's degree at Vanderbilt starting an engineering software company with my father dabbling in real estate with a friend dabbling also in Tennessee politics and then eventually earning a PhD at Purdue University I tried a lot of things because I wanted something that could really make a difference for me and others how however this is where I learned a very humbling experience for my life it's a humbling lesson really the discipline grit and Faith could only take me so far when I lacked some of the basic essential tools like money strong networks to break through the natural adversities that get in the way of ambition see I grew up in Pensacola Florida and went to vanderbild on a partial engineering scholarship I spent my entire undergraduate degree uh chasing seeing a a football dream and rehabbing from torn knee ligaments I did not understand how to build networks when I was at Vanderbilt and going to Vanderbilt put me $70,000 in debt I went to Purdue because I did not like the limitations of my life 20 years ago uh at 23 I was honest with myself about what paths could be available frankly to a black guy from Pensacola that had no access to money had a lot of debt in a tiny Network it was a critical moment for me you know Vanderbilt and playing football in the SEC were great boxes to check but I really needed more I thought if I became a world expert in this new material called the carbon anel tube that in time I would be able to build powerful networks and create opportunities that I wanted for myself in life so I had a plan so my plan was I was going to go to PhD get a PhD at Purdue and then I was going to go to Silicon Valley and I was going to work for a startup as my first step right because of my plan I had a lot of confidence and focus going into my PhD program and I'm sure a lot of you had a lot of confidence and focus for your own reasons going into your PHD programs just like I'm sure many of you had your confidence and focus broken many times by some of your professors who are probably here today look I I went to built which is a liberal art school so I thought I was pretty good at writing and I never forget the first uh Journal paper that I wrote um I was really proud of myself I was like I wrote this paper I said the um co-advisors they're going to love this they're going to be so happy I'm their graduate student and within like a day I got an email back from my one of my co-advisors that said basically this sucks it hurt my feelings and I learned that getting your PhD you experience a lot of direct feedback that hurts your feelings who's with me right but he was right I made the paper better and now it has hundreds of citations and also it's the scientific foundation for the company that I found at carbis which stands for carbon interfaces cooling Electronics my six years in graduate school challenged me to show and showed me that there are simple building blocks to knowledge that can be used to solve all types of problems in life I met many amazing people I built a great Network and I got to consult with several deep deep Tech startup Founders and investors but most importantly I went six years without tearing my ACL again unfortunately I tore my ACL for the fourth time as a professor of Georgia Tech and two years before I started kbit in fact I go on to tear this Li in my knee ligament in my knee seven times during this period of successive injuries my wife and I had two kids I got tenure at Georgia Tech became a full Professor I raised two rounds of equity funding for carbis it was a busy time it takes a lot of discipline and grit to rehab knee surgeries in the background of life it's been about another six years now since my last surgery and all is good now but it turns out that repairing an ACL is not so straightforward when your tibia slopes posteriorly 12 degrees M slopes 18 and we found that we um you know we found this out when I finally got to a root cause in my last surgery the message is you must dig deeper to solve heart problems and earning my PhD empowered me to read over a 100 Journal articles outside my discipline on ACL repairs it helped me ask better questions and eventually find a root cause in the right care team to fix a problem that consume 20 years of my life in pain and Rehab it opened my eyes to the science of plates and how having private sessions twice a week with a great instructor is like magic for my knes PhD thinking is a powerful tool my company carbis is based on PhD thinking we call it the teaching and learning culture we have put over eight quadrillion vertically aligned carbon anel tubes into satellites orbiting Earth now and have built the world's largest production facility as president cabrer mentioned right here in the West End Neighborhood of Atlanta the material that we work on every electronic device that you operate at some point will run through these carb carbon nanot tubes and if you think about AI which is a big word now a digital AI future it really it can't escape thermodynamics which is what I love about it actually and we make a first principles based solution to drive performance and protect these Electronics from heat but I tell you I've had to reinvent myself many many times in this carbit journey and I've had to deal with a long list of setbacks and barriers building carbis requires a PhD thinking process on a daily basis the murder of George Floyd in 2020 outraged nearly everyone I was inspired then to write about the systemic problem that black people face in America because it is a very hard problem that belongs to every American the outcomes we see like George Floyd are strongly correlated to the lack of a basic American requirement that every Community needs a strong manufacturing company that supports large payrolls in tax base back then this was a hypothesis for my observations then I leveraged my PhD thinking my Georgia Tech Network and the allent Waterman award that President Caba mentioned to fund a collaborative study to prove it with data Nationwide data shows that large Advanced manufacturing facilities increase nearly all metrics of Community Health and the benefits are especially strong in majority black communities so what are we missing so here's a solution for Business Leaders and policy makers build large Advanced manufacturing facilities in more black communities to eliminate outcomes like George Floyd and frankly unlock the full power of America thank you and I'm going tell you there's five ready to go PAAD sites in the Pittsburgh yards neighborhood here in Atlanta for that so this higher order PhD thinking can solve personal problem problems it can solve systemic problems and Global problems in powerful sustainable ways today I see a swarm of PhD graduates Yellow Jackets right ready to go out and protect this Colony we call earth based on how you trained your minds I see a swarm that is empowered to defend truth Enlightenment and the humanity of all communities because Justice matters Freedom matters Science Matters Faith matters and I see a swarm with the power to advance and protect it all you see democracy requires sensible thinking your actions you 2024 Georgia Tech PhD graduates your actions can bring our nation and world together and you are powerful when you choose to believe this in conclusion adversity is attracted to ambition you are going to face doubt and pain on your path it is not easy to ask someone to apply PhD thinking to all aspects of their life takes a lot of energy and I can tell you that but that is my challenge to you because I am confident that your time at Georgia Tech has prepared you well so go out and apply your PhD degree but also go out and apply your PhD thinking with confidence we need your help to live better in a better world go jackets and [Applause] [Music] congratulations thank you Dr Cola that was a memorable lesson um we now come to the moment you have been waiting for your doctoral hooding and the conferring of your degrees so walking across the stage and receiving your hood represents the culmination of a great deal of hard work incredible achievement I ask that you after you receive your onstage recognition you return to your seat and show your fellow students the same respect they've given you there are two reasons for you to do that one is of course just an act of courtesy the other one is if you leave before everybody's done at the end of these proceedings I will pronounce some very very important words that will make your degree official should you be absent of this room in the moment I pronounce those words I don't know what will happen to your degree so anyway walk go back to your seat now I'm pleased to introduce the person my colleagues were concerned I was never going to introduce my partner in crime Chief academic officer and provos of Georgia Tech Steve mlin who will present the candidates for doctoral [Applause] [Music] degrees thank you president cabero are you ready are you ready are you ready candidates for doctoral degrees please rise and remain standing please rise there we go president Cabrera I have the honor of presenting to you those candidates for doctoral degrees who have completed the requirements for those degrees Dr m is advised by Richard Wilson vodo you all can be [Music] seated Dr Lee ding advised by basak [Music] kangi Dr Daniel Joseph Ben casser advised by Kim [Music] Curtis Dr Lauren Nicole lebman advised by J Brandon dick [Music] Dr Thomas who advised by aht [Music] kosin Dr NTI Elizabeth Sandra Brown advised by Scott Hollister and Jonna tamof Dr Yan Chun advised by shim Yu Dr Won Lee advised by shimang [Music] Yu Dr Annie L advised by shimang Yu Dr Yin Le advised by fuin [Music] Jang Dr Margaret Brown advised by Greg Gibson Dr paramita chaty advised by Greg Gibson and Chris Roy [Music] Dr bajio uroi advised by Eric dren and krishnendu [Music] Roy Dr Angela Christina Jimenez advised by krishnendu Roy Dr Justin Andre Hosten advised by krishnendu Roy and rabindra TI ranum Dr lyanna Lynn Kramer advised by krishnendu Roy and Anker [Music] Singh Dr sedus archus devau advised by Edward botway and krishnendu Roy Dr Kia Evans advised by Stefan France Dr de'arra Gladis Bryant advised by Dr Ayana Malla [Music] Howard Dr Parisa kesav Jude advised by mg Finn Dr Raven Malatesta advised by Carlos Akuna Silva Dr Andreas Yuan Robertson advised by suria R khind Dr Conlin Kelly advised by sua kalidindi Dr Adam Peter Jal advised by sua R kalad Indi Dr Aditya venkatraman advised by sua kalidindi and David McDow Dr Brandon William Swanson bout advised by Christa S Walton and David S Shaw Dr Tania Gabrielle Evans advised by Christa Walton Dr May Kai advised by Josephine Yu Dr H ja advised by Santos vampa Dr Nick Hill iar advised by Dimitri mavus Dr Ain nataniel Omar advised by Demitri Dr Gabrielle Nicola asor advised by Dr Dimitri Maverick Dr W dang advised by Dimitri mavus Dr Chen advised by Dimitri Mavis Dr Teresa Elizabeth Bender advised by deir mavus Dr Barbara samayou Felix Mattis advised by Dimitri M Dr Jeffrey Thomas patteron advised by Dimitri mavus Dr Antonio masas canizares advised by Dimitri Mavis Dr Matthew Lane Gil Martin advised by Dimitri mavus Dr metin fad ojan advised by Dimitri mavus Dr yuching Wang advised by mle to Dr Hung Jin o advised by babak asui Dr mingu Lee advised by babak asui Dr Julia an shap advised by Jenny Maguire Dr Muhammad Usama bin sakander advised by Simon spanberg Dr rupe shendan advised by prit Singh Dr Sonia brankovic advised by prit Singh and Dees ranen Dr Timothy s Chen advised by Matthew McDow Dr Steven Ross Johnston and advised by deves ranan Dr Mercedes Maria Gonzalez advised by Craig forest and Matthew Rowan Dr Michael Rulo advised by Dr Julian mode Dr Mark Edward Kelly advised by Chang D shei and kareim Sabra Dr ignasio Isel iaso NAA advised by Alejandro toriello and David goldsman drayen bannery advised by Alan arera and Alejandro toriello Dr Lacy Mali Greening advised by Alan arrera Dr Joseph E McCarthy advised by Matthew Dahan and Chelsea C white III Dr advised by santanu S day Dr UCC woo advised by salvic dos and Keith Edwards Dr Alysa Michelle shean advised by Christopher a Lee dant Dr hang advised by cing wrong and SHO Chu Dr Ren Wu advised by shuu and kesin wrong Dr chaan Hong advised by Roshan Joseph Dr Matthew Steven andreotti advised by CK Chris Wang Dr junshan Li advised by Danielle Wilkins and Russell Gentry Dr Daria bukara advised by Vladimir [Music] tsukruk Dr Michael Marian Thomas advised by John E [Music] Taylor Dr Michael Joseph Johnson advised by Betsy Dal Salvo Dr Yu Jong advised by KY badora and Whi Jessica Lee Dr Wendy du advised by sudir Chava Dr Merve alaman olari advised by AJ Ki and Tracy Schwartz Dr Peter Lewis Addison advised by Sven Simon and Lucas leudo Dr Aaron stall advised by Sven Simon Dr kyang bin Lee advised by Dr Su Wu Lee Dr Carlos Arturo Fernandez Otero advised by Marta C hatzel Dr eang advised by ashitosh De Dr karik Krishnan rames advised by huk shim Dr Vicki hang advised by huk shim Dr ashutosh bahti advised by Mark rle Dr xang Yu Pang advised by Mark [Music] rle Dr Yan Lin advised by enl Joe Dr guu Lin advised by Mark [Music] rle Dr Eric K Caleb black advised by Jennifer [Music] Hassler Dr Duru Kim advised by Mark Castello Dr Noah Douglas Kohl's advised by Ellen Yen mazumdar Dr gwendaline sining Wang advised by Ellen Yan Mazar Dr shuab Arina balagon advised by Mark D loo Dr krishma singal advised by sabeta Matsumoto Dr jiun Lee advised by swii takiyama Dr Nathaniel Steven hack Deval advised by Christopher sna and Katherine Fu Dr Anastasia Marie shower advised by Catherine Fu Dr Betina K arkhurst advised by Katherine K Fu Dr Lisa Noel DeWit advised by by Catherine Fu Dr Sebastian yamaris advised by James Dalman Dr rojelio Alberto Rodriguez Gonzalez advised by Joshua s whites Dr Dau J advised by W shant [Music] Tha Dr Huda Abdul Hadi alamry advised by Iran Essa Dr seang Juan rayun advised by naram karth [Music] Dr Abu Bakr advised by Josiah [Music] Hester Dr Retta eled advised by John N osinski and Jason w Allen Dr shangi Gupta advised by Yani [Music] Lisas Dr Nadia feduni advised by Bruce Walker Dr Carmen Julia Gill advised by vahid cusin Dr karthic sbot advised by nhha [Music] Kumar Dr chitra Hegde advised by Gary David Clifford Dr Andrew bojano advised by Henry laier Dr unb Park advised by Melissa Lambeth Kemp PhD Dr Carla mayora kumble advised by Eberhard [Music] Voit Dr Manuel lanar prto advised by Wasim Hadad [Music] Dr Jen how Jing advised by jvr Prasad Dr Mahmud Adnan Ahmad hayna advised by jvr Prasad Dr udita Ring advised by sad bamla Dr Arvin ganas advised by sanker naier and David scha [Music] Dr Nadia hadara advised by doir RV Dr Hassan Abdullah al- Mubarak advised by evangelos a theodoru and Nader sadig Dr Kevin Daniel hudo advised by Vincent Mooney [Music] Dr Megan Ashley mcweeney advised by Marx dzinski [Music] Dr kolina Lena Hees advised by Dr carsten [Music] sers Dr Yun G Min advised by Christopher Jones and Matthew real Dr Dr pavitra nanin advised by Christopher W Jones and Ryan P Lively Dr Hannah Elizabeth Holmes advised by Ryan Lively and Matthew R Dr Brian David hang advised by Corey Wilson Dr Alicia Z roban advised by Anand paravastu Dr Jacob jesi advised by Professor yunan sha Dr dongak song advised by Candice C [Music] [Applause] fer Dr David jovel advised by Mitchell Walker Dr Nehemiah Mor advised by Michael J Lei and Antonia [Music] antonu Dr Sai aditia Raman ciat advised by Michael lii Dr Caleb weed advised by Michael Rogers Dr ANC way advised by Michael Rogers Dr Rachel Thompson Panic advised by Cori Edison Watkins and Michael Rogers Dr Julissa enal baragan advised by T Russell Gentry and Emily grubert Dr Lee Jing D advised by kirakos G vakis Dr Nicole Marie aosa advised by naha gar and Julia kubic Dr Daniel James lipet advised by Dr Steven E Ralph Dr abdulaziz Quan advised by Thomas [Music] Hitler Dr shamut Roy advised by anaman gin and Michael Hunter Dr Dru purushotam advised by Joseph oine Dr UMES uni Krishnan advised by Joseph opaline and vigor Yang Dr carota Cil Bon boso advised by maryin J Smith Dr Christopher James Johnson advised by Alberto s stalie Dr Amy Len stipple cowsky advised by Susan Burns Dr poam Das advised by Moen [Music] kesi Dr Guna Jang Adis adved by Tushar Krishna Dr Yong Chun Lee advised by we Jun sh Dr Andrew Scott kasmarik advised by Alena zitz and Milos pritz Dr elvan mert uru advised by Alena zitz and Milos pritz Dr Alexander Rodriguez Castillo advised by B Adia prash Dr Sarah Abigail sundas advised by Rachel kusy and Sam Brown Dr Joshua Fernandez advised by anirban Mazar Dr Devina Das advised by Sonia trova Dr Joanne Trang advised by Drew batra and Sonia chernova Dr Jennifer La molar advised by Sonia chernova Dr Tamara zuti advised by Elizabeth minat Larry heck Thomas plz Anna Anon AATA Rosa and Casey Vickers Dr anit kle advised by Dr muhaned bakir Dr wenbo Chen advised by Pascal van Henrich Dr Aaron Kathleen Headland bti advised by Matthew gumo Dr rosie no advised by Dr leang Han Dr AKA Irish Adis by Ying Jang Dr Jacob kop advised by Dr panagiotis [Music] seis Dr merrian door advised by panagiotis cotus Dr ginan Leo advised by Chung duu Dr Gin w Cho advised by Suns [Music] Jang Dr Omar Adel yusf Alam advised by Jang andu Le Dr Jin Wong advised by azade Ansari Dr PR w y Pon advised by sunq Lim Dr Kon chapparel advised by Aaron Young and Omar enan Dr Jennifer Catherine lisma advised by Dr Aaron Young and Dr Gregory swii Dr Felicia Renee Davenport advised by Gregory siwicki [Music] Dr thendral govindaraj advised by T Richard Nichols and Gregory s swii Dr James Park advised by athanasios economu Dr Wesley James James Toller advised by Michael Shotz and Roman gregori EV Dr Diva Kieran shrivastava advised by Karen Dr Danielle Enrique Martinez advised by Jun uera Dr chuang guo advised by Gian l Dr Alexis Nicole pulum advised by Michelle [Music] llaca Dr Elida DEA advised by Garrett [Music] Stanley Dr tanelle winter advised by Lena ting Dr Benjamin Kim ertz advised by Britney Schmidt and Kevin hos Dr Anne fam advised by Joseph Montoya Dr Yash y k Logan advised by Aaron lanterman Dr n Kaza advised by Francisco robless Dr Fabia farlen atina advised by Eric M vogle Dr Iran alhusen advised by Cassie s Mitchell Dr Tony shaon Lin ad advised by fuming dong and Samuel kugan Dr abdulaziz Quan advised by Thomas Hitler Dr AEL Francis advised by Dr Brian Woodall and Dr Omar [Music] aseno Dr maid Ahad advised by Dr Marilyn Brown Dr Austin shoe advised by Mark Davenport Dr gway Jinn advised by Justin Keith [Music] Romberg Dr Jong Juan son advised by Shu ja Dr Schwan W haa advised by shuja Dr kav matang advised by Dr Lauren Dean Williams Dr ganali pandala advised by Ravi Kane Dr Rahul venkatesh advised by Martha Grover Carson Meredith and Elsa reichmanis Dr yulong dong advised by Carlos Akuna Silva and Elsa Rak manes Dr Kyle C Waters advised by Edward J [Music] Coyle Dr Derek a Nicholls advised by Ari [Music] Glazer Dr mandovi muker advised by cbol map Dr NY Misan Rahman advised by Dr saol mop Dr sjin o advised by shrien Kumar Dr kahinda advised by Daniel I Goldman Dr Chiang hang advised by vises S Dr Jose Miguel Torres Gonzalez advised by Dr Jorge maso [Music] well you did that very well I'm impressed now one last thing as promised these are the magic words will all graduates please [Applause] rise wait wait we're not done yet we're not done yet upon the recommendation of the faculty of the Georgia Institute of Technology and by authority of the Board of Regents of the University system of Georgia I confer upon each of you a doctoral degree with all the rights Privileges and responsibilities there unto pertaining please join me now in congrat in congratulating this impressive new Georgia Tech phds well done [Applause] we now we now just ask we now ask that you uh please remain standing as the president's party recesses then I invite all of you to join in the singing of the scientific fact the greatest Fight Song of the world the rambling wreck graduates should remain at their seat until the conclusion of the fight song Thank you for joining us and have a wonderful day [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mak [Music] I R from Georgia te and a hell of an engineer a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of a hell of an engineer like all the [Music] whiskey helline I had I dress her and put on the to Che the bra if I had a tell you what do he would to hell with GE like his daddy used to do oh wish I had a bar 2000b a to put it in and cl to stir around I drink come from I'm abling gambling engineer [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no no go go [Music] la [Music] [Music] [Music] no T no t no t [Music]


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