Georgia Tech Fall 2024 College of Engineering Master's Commencement

Georgia Tech Fall 2024 College of Engineering Master's Commencement

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[Music] good morning graduates  okay let's try this again good   morning graduates if you're excited  to graduate let me hear your noise okay listen we're very very excited my name is  associate Dean Damon Williams I'm one of the   associate Deans in the College of Engineering  we're very excited for your graduation today   but I want to give you some few instructions to  make sure the graduation goes smoothly failure   to follow these instructions could cause us  not to give you your degree and I don't want   that for your life first and foremost tonight you  are buying dinner for these wonderful people that   are in this bowl amen yes yes yes to the family  and friends that are here I expect you to go to   the most expensive Ive restaurant in Atlanta  if you don't know what restaurant to go to see   me after the ceremony and I'll tell you where to  go students they've put up with you through your   bachelor's degree and now your master's degree  you owed them dinner and they would like wine   with their dinner okay quick everybody take out  your phones please take out your cell phones take   out your cell phones all iPhone users stand up  Android users don't you dare say stay seated stay   seated all iPhone users stand up okay the people  standing up are graduating the people sitting   down unfortunately you you are not take out your  phone pull up your grad pass if you would please   pull up your grad pass if you would please turn  your phone as brightly as you possibly can and   then because the internet sometimes is not as  strong when you have this many people in here   take a screenshot take a screenshot of your grad  pass Android users do the best you can do the very   very best you can once you've got your screenshot  and it's nice and bright you may be seated Android   users I'm sorry during the ceremony one of the  leaders is going to come get you you're going to   stand you're going to walk down this center aisle  you're going to go to my left which is your right   and you're going to come down the right right  here your grad pass is already going to be out   with your phone nice and bright my friend if you  would come forward please you're going to bring   your grad pass right over to this point which is  immediately to my right and you're going to hold   your phone up so we can see the QR code when you  do you're going to listen for this sound everybody   hear that if you hear that sound thank you so much  give her a hand as she sits give her a hand as she   sits if you hear that sound you're graduating if  you don't you're not if you don't hear that sound   everything is okay don't get stressed out we're  simply going to ask you to step out of line you're   going to move over here to my left to my colleague  we're either going to fix your grad pass or more   than likely you're an Android User that's why it's  not working and we're going to going to have to   call your name directly now you'll walk across  the stage you have two seconds everybody say   two you've got two seconds in 2 seconds one two  you are to shake the dean's hand smile for your   family and keep it moving everybody with me you  are not the only person graduating today I don't   need you up here dancing I don't need you up here  doing a jig we don't need anything like that two   seconds everybody say two I will be sitting right  over there after after 2 seconds we're sending   security to come get you now I don't want that for  your life you'll move right down here to my right   you will then curl to the right everyone can see  the banner that's over here you'll have your photo   taken in front of the Georgia Tech Banner you will  then go back up this aisle and return immediately   to your seats your degree is not conferred  until the end of the ceremony so if you exit   out that back door security will grab you and I  don't want that for your life everybody with me   friends we have a lot of people graduating today  and so since we have a lot of people graduating   today we want you to have your moment in the sun  right here on the sh on the stage we want you to   smile and then keep it moving for all the audience  members please know that we're calling names after   your graduate's name so you've got two seconds  to cheer and shout and do all of that after 2   seconds leave room for the next person to call  their names let's all be respectful of each other   to have a wonderful and amazing graduation to all  of my friends here I remember graduating with my   Master's Degree you know yesterday cuz cuz I'm so  young and so I want to say congratulations to each   of you and welcome to being Yellow Jackets  come on give yourselves a round of applause [Applause] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music]   la [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning graduates it's like y'all don't want to graduate good  morning graduates yeah and good morning to   our Georgia Tech families and loved ones  I invite everyone to stand as we welcome   Industrial Engineer Bethany Ponder to the  stage to sing the national Anthony Bethany oh say can you see by the dawn's early  light what so proudly we hailed at the   twilight's last [Music] gleaning  who's brought stripes and bright   Stars through the parous fight or the  red parts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rocket red glare the  bombs bursting in air gave proof through the   night that our flag was still there oh  say does that star spangled bner yet W or the land of the free and the home of the bra [Applause]   great job please be seated thank you Bethany and congratulations  she received her undergraduate degree [Applause] yesterday and is  blessed with a beautiful voice   I don't have any of those capabilities  unfortunately recently welcome everyone   to history our first ever College of  Engineering master's degree ceremony yeah to those of you who just came from Bobby  do stadium and the institute-wide ceremony with   President Cabrera welcome on this December  morning inside warm and cozy mamish Pavilion [Applause] I'm Raheem be Dean and Southern  Company chair and it is my lifelong honor   to be a double jacket just like you I received  my master's degree from this college in fact in   this building 25 years ago then earned a PhD  both in electrical and computer engineering   being a yellow jacket graduate is something that  has shaped my research and professional career   it also is a huge source of pride in my  personal life on this day I welcome you   to the club today and always we are hell  of a [Applause] engineers at the same time   my congratulations are not reserved just for  these amazing students that are in front of   me also look to those who surround them here  in mamish the family the friends classmates   and also the loved ones these graduates  did not arrive here alone they are here   because of your support and encouragement  so congratulations to you as [Applause] well I joined on stage with members of our  College leadership team drors Damon Williams   Matthew block Doug Williams and Kim Curtis as  well as school chairs and representatives from   each school who will introduce our graduates  during the ceremony also on our stage are two   guest speakers who you'll hear from shortly the  final member of our Stage Group is aerospace   engineers engineerings Demetri Mavis he's a  recipient of this guy's a celebrity I knew   that well the most important thing is that he's a  hell of an engineer he's a Georgia Tech engineer   and he's also an amazing faculty member he is  the recipient of this year's 1934 distinguished   professor Award the highest honor given to  a tech Professor congratulations [Applause] Dmitri this number I'm about to  mention is so large that we had   to scratch out what was printed  and there's actually a written   number that's here 55 of his students are  graduating today and so is his daughter oh congratulations to you Dimitri and  to Sophia who is receiving her Masters   in biomedical engineering as she continues  to work towards her doctorate I know many   of you already heard speeches at the first  ceremony so I'm going to keep my comments   brief and give the floor to our speakers then  I'll seed the stage to you our graduates there   are few consistent themes when I walk when I walk  around and and talk to our Lums uh who I actually   meet all across the world they certainly talk  about the rigor of academics we all felt that   how hard it was to get through Georgia Tech um  but they appreciate that it is a manual mental   accomplishment they also tell me and anyone  who will listen that their experience in and   out of the classroom gave them the confidence  to take on any challenge that came their way   Tech made them ready for their first job and  every job after that we hear the same thing   from employers when they talking about Georgia  Tech alums at their companies it is why I know   that you are ready to take on some of the most  pressing engineering challenges in the world this   includes sustainability Engineers are the ones  that are creating solutions for the World As We   face the effects of climate change and Engineers  also Drive innovation in medicine as we see time   and time again in culture BME and then there's  this thing that you probably have not heard of   it's called AI this is already persistent in  our lives even if we're not exactly sure what   it is and and what's next for it Engineers  are creating algorithms and Hardware that   are shaping the future for those of you in this  field I implore you to always keep ethics at the   Forefront of your thinking as you incorporate AI  into Mindful Solutions no matter which societal   challenge that you help to solve in your career I  challenge you to ensure that equity and fairness   are always implemented into everything that you do  this is our responsibility as hell of a Engineers   most importantly this morning this is a day you  have worked hard to reach you've already made   great impact on Georgia Tech and your community  now you are ready to change the world again [Applause] congratulations I next like to introduce  today's student speaker deini visalakshi   demin is graduating with her Masters in AE  to go along with the management of Technology   certificate ific her research her research  focuses on various projects in the digital   design and manufacturing of Aerospace Systems  including leveraging digital twin technology   and applying systems Advanced engineering  methods to improve safety and traceability   prior to graduate school she worked at Boeing  and Ron during her time at Georgia Tech she   has demonstrated exceptional leadership  as the VP of professional development for   the graduate student government Association  and as a lead fellow with the Georgia Tech   leadership education and development program  outside of AE she's passionate about using   dance as a medium to inspire individuals to  pursue careers in stem and to bridge the gap   between the Performing Arts and Science please  welcome demin V visalakshi sorry to the stage distinguished guests faculty fellow graduates  and loved ones I remember the day I landed in   the United States carrying two decades of my  life in just two suitcases I dreamed about this   moment for years excited by what I could learn in  Aerospace research I made it but my bags did not   my phone refused to turn on there I was clutching  my documents asking for directions to Peach Tree   something turns out Atlanta has 71 peach tree  streets 71 on day one how fun but as a reality   sank in doubts begin to replace the dreams that I  brought me here with eventually I asked for help   from a stranger who happened to be from gech she  helped me settle in and showed me around when the   sun set on the first day the word Tech glowed on  top of tech Tower she spoke about a tradition of   stealing the tees on campus I was too lost by my  missing bags but something about that missing te   stuck with me it was not just my backs that were  lost it felt something deeper that was missing   have you ever felt that way life for Tech was  a master class in juggling balancing research   School daily responsibilities all over together we  pulled all nighters at Crossland and still made it   to 8:00 a.m. classes we survived on Ramen and free  food from campus events found joy in small winds   but graduate school tested us there were days when  pressure felt overwhelming and doubts crept in as   an aerospace engineer I couldn't help but draw a  parallel just like how drag slows down an aircraft   pressures of school weighed me down but despite  that an aircraft flies with Glory by countering   the negative forces with positive forces and  that is where I found my positive forces at Tech   through Community collaboration and curiosity  through student organizations like graduate   student government I found purpose in advocating  for graduate students and building a supportive   Community I made friends from around the globe  friends who gave 3:00 a.m. pep talks pushed me to   explore Brad soup when I was sick I remember for a  course project I was part of a multi-disciplinary   team to build an autonomous system within a week  we built a prototype how miraculous is that and   I remember reading 20 papers just on flow flow  modeling to be specific because a faculty pushed   me to question my assumptions and see things  differently these forces at Tech kept me going   and made me reflect on what mattered more to me  now 2 years after my first day at Tech I can put   into words what I was missing my why my purpose  it felt bured in the frustration of moments when   I was lost without my luggage that same feeling  written during various moments when graduate   school challenged me it was like the missing tea  on the tech Tower something essential felt out of   place but the missing te tradition has taught  me what is lost isn't gone it is waiting to be   reclaimed rediscovery does not happen on its own  it requires action and that is where Georgia Tech   made all the difference I was able to find my Why  by connecting communicating and collaborating and   finding curiosity today as we all start new  Journeys there will be moments in our lives   when our wife feels buried but here at Tech  we've learned how to reclaim it by leaning   on to the positive forces and using that as fuel  to our momentum just like we have done to reach   at this moment to you who moved from home to  you who studied online to you who balanced a   job and to you who return to redefine to you  who lost a loved one to you you who battled   pain and to you who chose this path unsure of  what you would gain this moment is yours this   moment is ours and behind this moment are our  family friends and mentors who have stood by us   through it all let's give it a moment for all the  people who have been with us in this journey thank you I would now I would now like to  thank the faculty and staff in the   school of aerospace engineering  my adviser Dr Mavris, who is on Stage. when I think about this moment, uh my  parents couldn't be here with me today but I   can almost see them in the front row cheering for  me whatever I am and will be is because of your   love and sacrifices congratulations class of 2024  we are leaders innovators and Helluva engineers.  

our momentum is Unstoppable and we are here  ready to serve the world thank [Applause] you I am so glad that I am not following uh Dean  no pressure uh to our our CEO that's coming up   up in a few minutes thank you so much to me for  that uh powerful Testament I um I I you reminded   me of uh when I was in graduate school I started  getting a little nervous uh for a while but I'm   I'm unfortunately I got out a little while ago  uh congratulations to you and on your AE degree   and I know your parents are super excited and  super proud of you I am honored now to welcome   this year's fall commencement speaker Satish  D aexa run here earn his master's degree in   electrical engineering and is president and  CEO of kyite Technologies kyite is at the   Forefront of accelerating Innovation across  multiple technology sectors including AI Next   Generation Wireless Automotive Quantum Computing  and defense modernization Sati started his career   as an engineer designing handsets at Motorola  he then joined kite as a senior technologist   and progressed his career to his current role  Satish and his team have been responsible for   driving a software Centric transformation of hp's  Legacy heartware business key sites established a   software design center in Tech Square a decision  the company made in part because of the talent   coming out of the College of Engineering and  specifically ECE ke said also collaborated with   Professor tashar Krishna and the Shakra working  group under mlc Commons for AIML work workload   emulation this marks the 10th anniversary  of kight's $120 million in kind donation of   its software to Georgia Tech which we use to help  students become industry ready Engineers students   use the same instruments and software used by  customers in government and in Industry sati's   life story is the American dream he immigrated  from India after his undergrad degree with a few   thousand in his pocket he earned an Executive  Education degree at Warden School of Business   and now runs one of the biggest technology  companies in the world sharing that story he   says is an obligation please welcome from Key  site's headquarters in Santa Rosa California a   great partner of the College of Engineering  Satish Don shakun thank you than you thank you well it's going to you're right  it's going to be tough to follow   domini good afternoon and thank you  to the dean UHA for and the faculty   and staff at Georgia tag it's indeed  an honor to be speaking with you all today service and progress progress and service  is your Moto and my interactions with the dean   were more during the pandemic we had many calls  during zoom and I got to see the thoughtfulness   with which he progressed Academia and research  through a service attitude and this institution   I know lives this Moto every single day but  I want to start today with a number we're all   Engineers right we like numbers a quarter million  okay quarter million Dean that's not the donation   I'm about to announce okay don't get your hopes  up a quarter million some of you are thinking   wouldn't that be a nice starting pay right I  know I agree it would be really nice but we're   talking about something even more precious  it's time you've spent on average I believe   at least quarter million minutes to get to the  stage today right quite an investment when you   then consider the quality of learning rigor  and research and interdisciplinary Pursuits   that I just heard is is sort of the mainstream  of Georgia Tech life so now I'm going to take   a few more minutes to congratulate you  all and put an exclamation point on this   defining chapter of your life each of you is  launching your career at a time well let me go   off script here at a time when Georgia Tech Yellow  Jackets beat my album matter Florida State okay   in football by the way and University of Miami  and gave the Run for the money for the Georgia Bulldogs okay so this tells you engers can  apply them if applys can almost do anything   including playing football okay and I did check  the roster had some Engineers not just business   majors all right so each of you is launching  your career at a time when technology is at the   Forefront of great societal Transformations  and solutions it is your generation that is   tasked with finding purposeful applications  for artificial intelligence solutions for   climate change breakthroughs in healthcare and new  ways to push the limits of human exploration the   future of engineering is about designing systems  of systems and from my work with many gr Georgia   Tech alumni at keyside I know you have the skills  and more importantly the mindset needed for this   human first approach which is encapsulated  in your moto progress and service and as   we heard today I'm even proud that Engineers  are a force of great good and our agents of change after receiving this invitation from Dr Bea  I thought long and hard about what to share with   you today I'll tell you what I'm not going to do  I'm not going to attempt to give you some formula   for Success this is something I know each of you  are going to discover for yourselves instead I   intend to share a few stories from my life going  back to the time when I was at the same fork   in the road that you are all in today okay same  folk in the road that you're all in today sitting   in that seat this is what I'm going to tell you  three stories and hopefully some of you can relate   to them and then go on celebrating of course we  talked about the wine and all this stuff is coming   your way the first story starts at a wedding I  was 23 years old not my wedding okay I was 23   years old I just finished my undergrad and I was  gainfully employed living with my parents and my   cousin SAA was getting married I was really not  the type that loved attending weddings so if my   wife is listening accept our wedding honey okay  I was dreading it what I did not know was this   wedding was actually a setup you see at a time I  was working selling silicon Graphics computers for   an Enterprise software company in India I thought  it was my dream job and I was going to progress my   career from there but my mother had bigger plans  for me she bought me to this wedding with the   intention of getting my cousin to convince me to  pursue higher education you see my mother thought   my cousin was an engineer in the United States and  it might be beneficial for me to get a glimpse of   his life so he gave me his Spiel and encouraged  me to take gr and apply to colleges in the United   States a few days later I drove 20 miles to get  access to a spotty internet connection and went   on what is a 1996 version of Google called alter  Vista how many of you even know what that is I'm   going to look here yeah I think some of you here  know what it is it was pretty clunky folks and you   can't make this up I recall someone telling me the  University of Florida is a really good school you   should try to go I did a search for Florida  university cuz that's all I remember so you   can't make this up it wasn't until 18 months later  when I got to the United States I realized i' had   applied and gotten admitted to a school 150 miles  away from the one I originally intended to apply to so I composed myself and realized rather than  applying to University of Florida which is known   for its engineering program I ended up at Florida  State University a school known for for football   at that time ending up at Florida State University  may have happened due to a lack of unusual due to   a set of unusual circumstances that included lack  of Technology internet access and also lack of   attention to detail on my an but it clearly ended  up giving me one of my most profound experiences   of my life on top of getting to learn engineering  I got to learn how to build great teams you see   at that time the coach of the Florida State  football team was the legendary Bobby Bowen he   was more than a coach he was a great Storyteller  a great recruiter and a great guide on how to be   a decent human being I spent time there watching  practice sessions and listening to him speak and   there got a vision for what it takes to build  great franchises that stood the test of time   Florida state was also where I was introduced  to radio frequency and microwave engineering the   foundational technologies that became foundational  for my career today so here is the bottom line if   it wasn't for my mom seeing a bigger path for me  if it wasn't for my cousin encouraging me if it   wasn't for me ending up in a University known  more for football than for engineering I never   would have learned the fundamentals that led me to  this improbable path of becoming a CEO of a large   multi-billion dollar company yes everybody get  this that's it so this this is sort of my life   story and my takeaway is sometimes accidents or  gifts that only get uncovered in time okay if   you really think about the cies of events now  that brought you here today I'm sure many of   you will find that your path here was much less  deterministic then it would appear on the surface   now we're in front of Engineers so I got to geek  a little bit so I'll say putting it in engineering   lingo as much as we all want life to be a linear  equation it has a way of projecting into random   processes okay how many of you took statistics  class okay so you all know I also hope that when   you look back at how you got here you realize how  much help you've had along the way no one makes it   alone it is important that you hold the space for  deep gratitude for your your parents your friends   your families your mentors and those in your world  who encouraged you to just go try just go try my   second story here begins right after college right  after graduation how many of you know where you're   going to go to a job research a show of hands  okay almost everybody in the year 2000 after   graduating I was relieved to receive multiple job  offers I ended up taking my first job at morola   I was hired as a design engineer I was excited to  finally make my mark however reality hit the door   hit the second I walked into the door it seems  that they had hired more people than they had   real estate for so in this big building I did  not have an office space or even a m or a or a   formal cubicle instead they had thrown together  a makeshift space for me with a chair and a desk   in the corner by the fire extinguisher if you  watched office space I had that moment quite   the welcome my disappointment was to be further  compounded when I learned that my first job would   be to solder some coaxial cables onto a printed  circuit board needless to say I wasn't very happy   I had just spent days and nights studying to get  my graduate degree with the dream of working on   complex designs and here I am now with this  task of soldering cables on a on a board so   I gathered some strength and agency after a week  to walk up to my boss Larry and I said hey Larry   I really appreciate you giving me all this work  but I would really like to know when I can jump   on more engineering tasks since I clearly did  not know at that time time how to read a room I   then showed him my resume and proceeded to try to  impress him on how I could take on more upgraded   tasks so in the middle of this emotional pitch he  stopped me and he said Satish how can I trust you   to do all of that if I cannot trust you to get  the job done so that's what I learned soldering   cables is to get the job done which leads you to  better jobs and building trust with wherever you   are so I learned it can be quite easy sometimes  to get excited when you're working on something   important something consequential where you know  there's going to be a limelight at the end but   it's important to remain engaged and always  activated you simply can't navigate Life by   attempting to calculate return on investment or  Roi of each effort that you're putting in and   only putting in discretionary effort on those that  have a higher probability of immediate return and   this is just as true for work as it is for your  personal relationships a friend of mine recently   summarized this for me by saying always remember  to give more than you take always remember to give   more than you take okay One More Story to go my  final story is about a tailor this isn't my own   story but it's one I heard from my late professor  Dr Raj aora at Florida State University as a young   man he got accepted to the Queens College in the  UK to pursue his PhD to make sure he was looking   his best his Grandpa took him to a local tailor to  get his suit stitched now you got to imagine this   is 1940s and 50s perhaps people were still doing  that so when he got to the tailor the old man was   working there just took a look at him and said  come back in a few days well my professor being   young impetuous didn't particularly like this  he was nervous about getting his suits on time   so he insisted that the Taylor cut to the chase  actually take the measurements and get it right   but despite this insistence the tayor refused and  told him come back in 2 days so the professor left   the Taylor in a huff saying this is such a waste  of time and two days later he went back to the   Taylor tried a suit on and to his surprise it  fit perfectly no tweaks were needed puzzled the   professor asked the Taylor how did you do all this  without any measurement very calmly the Taylor   looked him up and said son I have been doing this  for 30 years if after doing something for 30 years   I still need a measuring tape what the hell did  I do in my life what the hell did I do in my life   that was a profound statement and I found this  Taylor's lesson not just about getting the job   done or getting paid or getting into the Limelight  it was all about developing judgment and instincts   Mastery is is developed by showing up putting in  the effort and committing to learning from each   experience over time the more you invest in your  craft the less you will need external validation   and our metrics to guide you instead you will  develop an inner compass and intuition that allows   you to navigate with Clarity and confidence  that is the true gift of Mastery an ability   to trust yourself because of the work you've  already done to develop judgment and instincts some of you may be left reflecting some of you may  be left reflecting if you have your own formative   stories like this and the reality is we have them  all the time it's happening to us in many cases   it also comes for free just for living and these  stories are out there in abundance I know we all   live in an era of information overload and social  media so I'm going to attempt to condense this   into the 90c sound bites okay so if you've been  not paying attention checking your smartphones   taking selfies just listen to these 90 seconds  and you're good all right so here is my attempt   to do that for you in the randomness of Life each  of us have events happening around us happening   to us and things were causing to happen around  us got it three things the three stories reflect   such instances that were formative for me because  they offered me the raw material for growth for a   future path that I didn't know existed gratitude  for the people and circumstances in life that   simply motivate you to just try developing a  consistent attitude of giving more than you take   under all circumstances sometimes hiding your Roi  calculator third pursuing Mastery enables you to   develop your own internal compass that comes  from building a combination of judgment and   instincts through your commitment to learning and  so this is your super power like I said there's a   lot of events happening around you and a lot  of these stories mushrooming so here is your   real superpower this comes from your ability  to listen to these signals around you and they   just come for living so you have these signals  listen picking the ones that move you and use   those learnings to channel your Pursuits okay so  in today's AI parland you would be just training   your own chat GPT all right training your own chat  GPT so over time the compounding effects of these   everyday Stories the intentional choices creates  exponential growth and outcomes that are not   always predictable this is true I found true for  myself so as I end my speech it's also important   for each of you today to take a pause soak this  all in and as Natasha Benfield sings in the song   Unwritten you need to feel the rain on your skin  no one else can feel it for you okay you need to   feel the rain on your skin no one else can feel  it for you congratulations on your accomplishment   and all the best for an exciting  journey ahead thank [Applause] you all right thank you Satish for your time uh for those  uh wonderful words of wisdom from life and and uh   career guidance uh and also want to just thank um  you for all that key site has has done for Georgia   Tech and also our city of Atlanta we look forward  to the next chapters and our continued partnership   and the $250 million investment all right that's  great great and now it is time for what you and   your families have waited for this morning's  institute-wide ceremony confer your degrees now   is when you are individually recognized for  all that you've done here at geia Tech Once   you walk across the stage please return to your  seats for the rest of the ceremony we ask that   you stay for the duration and given those who  walk after you the same courtesy they provided   you associate Dean and civil engineer Dr Kim  Curtis will lead us through the remainder of the commencement thank you Raheem  and congratulations [Applause] graduates so in our Institute wide  ceremonies Georgia Tech's tradition   has been to call graduates to stage in  reverse order of when their college was   established because engineering was the first  college at Tech our students always graduate   last when all the colleges are together uh but  today we're going to carry on that tradition   having our graduates called according to  their school or Department with the most   recently established program going first  which brings up Alysa Panic the Wallace H   culture chair of the culture Department  of biomedical engineering to lead us off on behalf of all of the faculty and  staff in cter BME a huge congratulations   to our newest Lums you all should be and we  are very proud of your accomplishments my   wish to you is going forward you continue  to accomplish things that make you proud   congratulations [Applause] again Vic  Kumar [Music] chundru Irene subin hun Cara Victoria s Sophia Margaret maver cavine [Music] VI Neil heesh Patel Giani Roco natal Sami vay aniki tea Marie Gibson Jonathan Michael bringel Kayla Ray Tidwell Destiny Victoria Adams karolina a [Music] colon kunani Pak R the CaRu L A ready Esha prash [Music] kasab all right our next our next school has been ranked number  one among graduate programs for 34 years   in a row representing the H Stewart Milton  School of industrial and systems engineering   Christus alexopoulos associate chair of Graduate Studies I students congratulations to  your achievement and best of luck in all goals selda kojaman [Music] Raja [Music] midi [Music] lewong Jesse WI Ashish [Music] Puri Vishal kak emmer talich n baa push shivin Divia Chandra searan Ry jaged Anthony YW wo Adam eamer hea mrai Catherine Coy Al Quinto Bryce Bowmont meering n sing Brian Andrew [Music] Balden San Yi Chen Sonia Marissa Hino hardic D Patel Caleb Taylor [Music] Boyd BOS o raguraj [Music] Ararat J [Music] Chong pal Ararat Chandler Schneider Amanda Nicole wines Karishma thakrar Robert Ernest bignan Nathaniel David Warner Kristen [Music] Abraham Alexandria [Music] schan Micah Owens [Music] sanit Pai saand Bridge bushan prad Vladimir orlov [Music] Maria Turk Min J Shin [Music] Sayer C gomber John Bradford Hill shyak [Music] chery Kevin Aramis [Music] gery pre lingeri Patrick Marvin Lee Copeland Andrew David [Music] Stern aayush [Music] saah Regina King rum Kore [Music] Trang Gorman [Music] Singh Warren Alonso pu [Music]  Arena Matthew John curian Sassi Kumar munisami [Music] nainan Ethan y can Ming way do Michael [Music] Jones Brandon [Music] Carter shakina lizza [Music] Jacob Sarah Costello Emily r Rachel nil David Jung Lee Tyson Matthew King Asos Cher Zahra brielli Michael Anderson Kimberly Maria  [Music] Durant Jeffrey Lynn register Curtis L Weidman the [Music] second Nal Patel ven katesh San Santiago Enrique Gonzalez angarita we Chen EMT [Music] Drake Evan Dean Charles Marissa nyina [Music] Robinson Jacob Kowalski [Music] toang Jared Joseph [Music] Leblon Phillip rousa kembo yuong [Music] loali Harrison Quan ad [Music] Jane Christine Elise olds Alexandra C [Music] fleager lanen lakian Lena rizy Cody Daryl Harper Harrison alesio Benedetti Omar Muhammad [Music] Joshua Adam Feldman Bo [Music] J Shao Wy Young Chan y jorim Marquez Natalia [Music] dral  Sebastian Antonio Sanchez [Music] tus Rosetti maresi Steven Anthony my slicky Aruna Kumari [Music] gudivada vashni Naidu [Music] Alexandra Jean Boon Andrew Ian an sanana Vara [Music] Muni spra  banata [Music] Mishra seak sham UD Shan Julia Marie [Music] Homa cayana [Music] Walter Anna Elise Hardy [Music] Kelly Lester Rishi [Music] surana sanana [Music] yella Shelby meline Carswell Lauren anango [Music] odari sua tja padala Joseph Lee Jacob Livingston Wright Claude David Manu Krishna [Music] Mory Kum inq Kim mean boy prusa d Joshua G Kaplan anva [Music] Brahma  Shireen [Music] misy Nathan Aaron smoa Matthew David Rosenthal Olivia arneson lasia akshara sidarth [Music] Pula Carlos Bez Jr Langdon Morrison Sanders Paul hej Kim Cynthia Renee Campbell Nehemiah John Solis Dylan suran Amar Amin Mohamed  Rahim [Music] basri Yin Ying Wu Everett Lucian and Swan CarZone ubias Christopher Beck Mark Anthony RC Perez Gabriella hopstein iming Fu O'Neal mclen [Music] Hughes Andres Gallardo andon Ben Lio Joseph [Music] Mau shrii shishu palen LTI Kumari Hayden Benjamin [Music] Venable Eduardo Aras TW Le shook Pamela judel [Music] Clarity hongyang [Music] Joe Jing [Music] Chen Nicholas swansen Jal Fong y chenin yumu [Music] zong J J Abdul ASF David Cano [Music] Rohan Lloyd  [Music] Smith bavia [Music] Gandhi Ryan Flynn Kure Sali rid angal donatien [Music] Tony RIT sapunov Paul Rafael Aris  [Music] T Byron Abraham Duarte baros AA paramol [Music] Chanel diara  [Music] [Applause] Chase Nicholas Walker Seager Carter Hugh Murphy Bic bot isachar Simeon Rasin Rodriguez Ricky [Music] Matsumoto Nadim Ahmed Nazir RAF Basher San Lee russan ozerin anjana chamar [Music]   Yuma [Music] mizushima John Michael Osborne Gabriel Alonso Carpio Salazar srimi Shila sinen Ren Timothy Joseph Ellen [Music] Beck Stuart Robert  [Music] top Alexander [Applause] barushin eBay Shu Lakshmi naras siman Yi rang mandas  [Music] marapan lakmi funny deep the Bali Raja sear Ravi PR nasur Leslie Francis Tyler David M Lyn masot parz sisha poram San mat Eric ilov Wendy patri naar escco [Music] s unang nazan Nar [Music] H Miguel anel [Music] a Sabina aizle Campbell Alexander  [Music] young B marim mutu alesio van kyin Oscar Vargas Hannah Ginsburg Hayden Todd Blackburn Atul tapal [Music] paa chisell drewal [Music] travetti  Jing [Music] wenl Landon Lyall [Applause] low so [Music] Jang Jeremiah Joseph mpali shash [Music] ramakrishnan Juan andrees delbo [Music] Yong Allison tslo  [Music] Henry Brandon Washington Morris Jun [Music] ven hiot youngl Elena Kate Baker nazmul [Music] Hussein  Anthony Chan [Music] George bagas B Allen [Music] Robertson SAA shant man Manali [Music] kahar shiven  barbar [Music] [Applause] vami Vara kalindi Nikita [Music] agrawal Raj G Priyanka Singh deu tiwari manesa [Music] Sinha Chen Chan Jun hu Jung Christian Fernandez Tyler [Music] Cho Alexander  Jong hun [Music] Park airbond day Scott fintel pranita col [Music] nny Sai Pua Panda Ethan J Goldstein part seil atle Alvin Lee Owen Michael Bennett James Alexander Johnson Anderson O'Brien Cox Krishna Raj Sergio Adrian seula quas roting m natania [Music] Christopher Anna ULU Ria Hamid [Music] sayera Tracy [Music] Duvall Steven Pierre Deston [Applause] Gabrielle Eduardo Sanson pragia [Music] hared andrees valades elisondo [Music] Sam Kim Ben Trin Lin [Music] Yu Jacob [Music] wiski M Bish taskin KH Jorge Alberto wera Patino Tas [Music] smati Brandon [Music]  [Applause] Lee anise Abdel jaad sidarth Suri hean La Ying Wang Nita Verma rayan Malik ye Leo civa Sur Sara abushakra Lauren chanan [Music] Lou Jan [Music] me [Music] Chen y CH F Cesar Jose fabrega Tapia Camila Perez [Music] Peña [Music] feu t Deon Perez lwar [Music] bachan Albert  gang hang [Music] L Jordan Cruz Michael [Music] Rosenthal Patrick leang Sam sangan Park sunila sures Shetty Raad El Kar Mohammed imman hakeim noi Cita siman Jun jaing asima a Kavita parasar pranti Monica toram Reena sahi Mohit [Music] Verma rishab berlia Camila lumo [Music] udisha [Music] bachara Alejandro Leon Taurus fola Michael adola Anu vashista [Music] Zan karuna subam Manan [Music] okay wow that was a lot so uh 14 of our  graduates have flown to space and many of   them are aerospace engineers representing  the Daniel gugenheim School of aerospace   engineering Mitchell Walker the William  RT Oaks Junior school chair [Applause]   thank you Dr Curtis it is my pleasure to  introduce the newest class of aerospace [Applause] engineers graduates as you go  out into the world and even into   space please remember the sky is not the limits congratulations Domini Vis salaki Eric Anthony comck Erica Nicole Jones Dante Lauren zetti Cyrus Cameron Scott Smith Diana Dron CI Cameron sne Miller Mark Anthony Gutierrez William enlin zong Jeffrey Lou pan Samuel Pang luong Francesco isidori pachelli Luca sh Anand kapag gantu Daniel Jong Simeon Momo Salia Brendan Scott mindak ju Huck do Daniel Anthony [Music] Johnston Megan Alexandra Brown Joy metler manmeet car pelia Devin Michael Burkhart me Alp Cara snig nut zuhu nor [Music] L Raymond Park Joseph carger Robert G lemens Ernest yakubov sidar samal Arian treak Lauren Victoria pson elizer Zavala Gonzalez Harrison Paul [Music] ziner Kristen Stucker Jer Mustafa Hira Humphrey [Music] Kima adav [Music] aroland   Rebecca Jane vul [Music] Kim  danan [Music] tandang Annis Zari Griffin McLoud West Ellen [Music] Ray Colleen Bole Charles Samuel [Music] Lee  Justin Riel perser Patrick Baya Ola tuna Eran Maxwell T [Music] Hol Emma L Hansen Lonnie Alonso web Mason saler Star suria ven Kum Andrew Michael Wood James  Coleman pth pessy Lun serin Taylor Kate boyet Anna Browner Sam lwell Seth Andrew Cantrell Cornelia jarasand Luke Ashwood Briggs Jeremy Vos Lillian Olivia Cooper Jacob William Evans Nathaniel Clark green Weston Reed Spencer Rena De Los Angeles bermudes Rivera Martin Eduardo  poretti George Clemens Blackwell III Braden James rainy Liam tajis Desai Dennis  [Music] Rod tayi am [Music] T   Maya [Music] hasumi sidarth  sambath ramkumar Carter Howard Margolis Lorenzo Andrew Raa vavi venat ramanan chin Lee Janine [Music] Kuan chahat baia Ricardo mreo [Applause]  asman Christina Beringer yeras V Satur Dees mug Muhammad razil mab K NADA HDI AK Nandan [Music] kamat Karen yosua Nathaniel fadu [Music] janetti Tabitha Lee damato  [Music] [Applause] [Music] Hussein Al habir bakit [Music] Ali all right okay our fourth most recently established  engineering school has been around for 123   years Chris Jones is the John Brock III  school chair of chemical and biomolecular Engineering congratulations graduates and a  reminder that we're very interested in your future   exploits and accomplishments so once you graduate  please stay in touch congratulations quinan Tran Glory Jessa palumi on a jooby Jer mital KO Williams Ash Krishnan [Music]   okay our okay our next school my home  school civil and environmental engineering   was established in 1898 Don Webster is  the Karen and John Huff school chair of CE congratulations to all of the 2024  graduates we're so incredibly proud of of your   uh your studies and the work that you've done to  this point whether you're in civil engineering   environmental engineering or engineering  science and mechanics we know you're going   to go off into do amazing things and address the  world's problems with resilient infrastructure   sustainable systems healthy communities and  smart cities again congratulations to you and   your families and we really appreciate  spending the day with you today F Lin Olivia Edwards Grace cchu Pleasant Willard Sebastian sisum  Jr Stephie [Music] ASO oena KRON Uki Michelle Jane reckner Benjamin Allan gonsky Catherine Drury Abdul Rahman alarie Hayden Graham Fletcher Alexander Richard schlutter Griffin Eric [Music]  Bodo Haley Briana wilham William Fletcher Harding will ton shua mrie Mohan Margaret Shortridge mlin talk Enrique pz Sanchez Lisa wo anues I [Music] Patel Assad eared McKenzie Lynn Barbie Alexandra [Music] pavlenko when the school of Material Science and  Engineering was established in 1897 it was called   the school of textile engineering Marilyn  Ralph is associate chair for undergraduate studies I am proud to be a 1987  graduate from the school from   Stone to silicone materials have defined the  ages congratulations mses conduct yourselves   as proud graduates and Mentor those who  come after you you are amazing you rock James Edward Swope Hazel paj drve Maddie bichen woo two more schools to go an 1896  GST the Georgia School of Technology   our original name started the school  of electrical engineering then later   added Computer Engineering here's arjit  Ray chatur ECE Steve W chattic school chair right so on behalf of all the staff  faculty members and the community NEC U   big congratulations to all the graduates  today um as you guys embark on your careers   I want to wish you the very best as you  pursue your dreams do pursue your dreams   with intensity with um with a lot of  perseverance that she have already   shown but also do that with kindness and  in a spirit of service to the community go jackets Zachary Winfield Scott anud kin Sharma gatu Ferris  Osama [Music] kadan cuman Kim Tyler Keith Russell amartia Sharma gong [Music] gab song Wong Valentin VI Varon gharu ch sh hung Muhammad Arif an aaral Rohan sahi Manish Dash Bal Malia Clarissa Renee Hopi jingan YULA Fe Abalos Tolentino Yong no Yang Cade Jonathan Grant Yasin Mustafa Beno lesli albertoi John tavius leol font John Bowen Dale minz Jonathan Michael leech mateline Audrey Balo Shay Juan Lee Liam Paul Cooper George Roman Vish kti V Gund  s rupen Joi thas Paul Alan contes e gunal sham Gupta Alan Michael Sims [Music] sh r j pieros Christos scaas constantinos karakatsanis Tong Wang Lee [Music] TI Chen Jer how chin Shen s ja Hong y y Le Lance David D Ava Richmond Damon Camry Jalin Heath Shia hungu Fu Jose Phillip Taylor Peterson Abdul Rahman I taba Sanjay venes Andrew Denzel Delany Chen yen [Music] and Gan Leo tan Shannon [Music] T Aman Cana Co sidan [Music] vashish vun rajb Winson Chang fukang do Tong [Music] Fong Justin Michael  Stevens [Music] Alec Swang [Music] zooo [Music] thomasv mati urbon sharica Menan Rajiv Wendy Allen woo Delwin George [Music] Sam songu [Music] Chen Jihan Han [Music]  Edy [Music] woo Lionel Kang mve Tessie Ian kiring Mau Anthony Steven trano Owen Patrick Q fan Hanan [Music] hun Grayson James love it Zing Z Leo pragna Maha Sharon rajes ropal Luis Manuel Pimentel Andrew hang Wong William  [Music] Tang Mohit K penini Armando Yasir [Music] Montoya Hong Shing [Music] Jang and finally last but certainly not  least the Woodruff School of mechanical   engineering which was the first school  ever at Georgia Tech in fact in 1888   it was Georgia Tech here's Dees ran  Johan the Eugene C galtney Jr school chair thank you Kim so on behalf of the Woodruff  school I would like to congratulate all the   graduates from mechan tank inuring nuclear  inuring and the medical physics program as a   father of two young kids who love Harry Potter  let me leave here with you with a quote from   Harry Potter which Dumbo said as you Embark in  a New Journey Dumbo said to Harry it is about it   is about choices Harry not about what you do  with your abilities so I'm going to give you   this very clear what he said it is about choices  Harry is what you will truly know known for not   for our abilities so when you're thinking about  going in this world I want you to think about we   have not just prepped you with the technical  abilities but we have given you abilities   to think critically so congratulations go and  make this place a better place for everyone go jackets Christopher Jason belflowers sujit J Ramen Sager Desa Frederick Jacobson Carter Nadem  [Music] hammud Matthew James McKenna John Frederick wheeler Bennett Weir Jeremy miles Gan Jack Frederick stle Man William Madison  Yates I fourth Jacob Dylan [Music] Smith calwin Al Benjamin shandu gu Adnan Hamid Mir V jendra deshmuk Joshua Thompson Tristan n Klein sidarth ner Louie de Fon Pulver Taylor Reed Blanchard nimit chatia Richard Yan Woods Donovan Jules Lobo Fernando Andre Sons yadu sinil marcelus s jerik boen Danielle foto Matthew Ivon Bernard ru felicio ginu  Jean [Music] Del Valentine Cham lenhoff Thomas Malu Renee Catherine Cole John Dr B  hang Ryan [Music] Barry Brooke Delany   Papa Ryan White [Music] [Applause] Giamatti Atara lavate Alice II Jang Chloe [Music] Gru Michael abitbol estan P pick moisan Mohamed cherity Matthew tar Remy glan Loren lra mein rabo Pierre Lou Vero OD Fel anit Chanda dat nil Nandan Kunal Adia mohapatra Nicholas Frederick Lula Alysa [Music] Ferguson Emily an stfa Simone Olivia Wilcox Michael Ian Chen Daniel Robert Johnson how Chen die Shang Jin Peter Jang seal Shen sin Chang shouting you Thomas Joseph Buckingham herard Alberto delbos Nava Victor priia David Alexander Carpio Gonzalez lenina Vanessa Dasa [Music] Janos bav anurada ramanathan Emil Evans jamaa conrey antoan Rober Bernard franceski Thomas  Jean Baptist William [Music] Casta Tom Jean press Anon armo Andre atal floen Henry pull [Applause] [Music] point one more okay [Music] David Alexander Carpio [Music] Gonzalez Victor priia [Music] Sheri adadi [Music] wow I'm tired I don't know about  you guys but I'm uh I'm a little   tired let's let's give another round of  applause for amazing graduates [Applause] some of you will now pursue your PhD I said some others are headed to the  real world but what you've accomplished   here on campus is only part of the  story a story that is just beginning   I am proud of what you've done so far and  can't wait to see what you will do next again   congratulations and welcome to the Geor Tech  alumni community and being an official hell OFA [Applause] engineer so this completes our ceremony  but not without welcoming four students to the   stage for our alada a Zack Barker and Josiah  dalstrom ECE Nicholas poach and Chris Fitzpatrick   the alma M will be random will be followed by the  greatest fight song of them all the Ramblin wreck   you all know this this is a requirement for  graduation right the lyrics for both if you   don't know them are in the program once the fight  song is over graduates here is how we will exit   the building if you're BME or isy you exit past  the stage to my right go behind the stage then   walk up to the Concourse and out the building if  you're AE MSE chbe civil environmental ECE or me   you'll exit to your left go behind the stage then  up to The Concourse and out the building so the   first group to your right the next group to your  left families please meet your graduates outside   if we have to leave the building in a time we  have to leave the building in a timely fashion   because sheller College of Business is outside and  I think the dean has been texting me that we got   to get out of here thank you congratulations  and happy holidays Go jacket [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Applause] recording engineer call Dr my whiskey CLE I'm  a rambling wck from Georgia Tech a hell of   engineer oh if I had a daughter sir I dress  her in white and gold I put her on the C to   Che the Brave and Bold but if I had a tell you  what he do he would to hell with Georgia like   his daddy used to do oh wish I had a barrel of  R sugar 3,000 lb a put it in CL Stir It I drink   to all theow who come from far and near I'm a  rambling gambling hell an engineer [Applause] hey are we recording for

2025-01-01 12:07

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