George Hotz bio study session Science & Technology twitch tv/georgehotz

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oh hang on okay can you hear now there we go now you can hear oh you missed out oh you missed out on a really good rant oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i was talking about how i'm drinking recess and this is the soft drink for rich people oh you know you just got you just gotta you just gotta have seen the whole rant and it like makes fun of status oriented people and you know but it's okay if it's you're having a good time but when you're having a bad time you start to take it seriously you're a loser but if you're laughing about it look if you got a rapper with a big gold chain around his neck being like look man i got a big gold chain yeah that's funny but then if you have someone who's like you know concerned about somebody else's gold chain they're a loser that's right so hopefully you'll understand what to say good morning good morning good morning good morning yo now we'll get to we'll get to that in a bit all right so we're here to study bio today you heard of the odin i like this guy he's selling he's selling uh i bought this kit hopefully it'll get here soon and we can do some of it on stream um he sells like a kit to do like crisper at home happy new year happy new year come by we're back in business yeah maybe um so let's look at there so you can modify yeast or you can modify e coli they have like kids for it oh i also bought i bought my nebula genomics um i bought i bought my my i bought this uh but i didn't send it back yet because there were a lot of instructions and it looked long but i actually do have this little box sitting in my office at comma so um who are we beefing with today all right we're always beefing with drank um also uh i am i am absolutely appalled uh i'm so happy we don't use aws uh i am appalled that they uh you know they they ban parlor uh and they kick them off they kick them off of aws look your twitter you want to ban someone from twitter totally fine but how appalling is that that the infrastructure people think they're going to try to control the internet i'm appalled aws seriously you know look twitter wants to ban people that's fine because they're like you you get it it's like it's like twitter it's like twitter's brand right like they're showing up on a twitter page and you can argue that it's an endorsement of their publishers arguments but there's no excuse for aws that is appalling that is that is like cutting off someone's electricity uh who you don't uh you know you don't you don't like what they have to say so you cut off their electricity that's appalling um no we're on azure and if they do similar stuff i'm happy to you know i i will i will move and i will pay a premium for a company that doesn't do like that it's appalling um what's certified lover boy no look twitter wants to ban trump you could okay that might have been overdue but you know aws oh build an alternative oh but you can't because we control the internet off with your internet controlling but all this is gonna do is accelerate the great decentralized word of krypto world of crypto um honestly yeah if you work if you work at amazon for aws i i i would create a company over that uh curtis wrote a really good new piece it was something it is possible for the ruling class to be really shitty and for you to be worse i just thought that was funny stop the count you know it's possible it is possible for the ruling class to suck donkey balls and you'd actually be worse [Laughter] we're going to decentralize decentralized ws that's a good question um yeah you just got a lesson why you need to move it exactly if your company if you're a company using aws you just got a lesson they they they're willing to you know they're willing to do that and this is this is not you know this is not the daily stormer right i'll keep the you know this is parlor that's appalling um oh by the way so if you guys i dropped a new rap song uh make sure to go to my soundcloud and listen to the rap song uh it's called it was not called the civil war because people were civil um in some ways it's kind of a follow-up to what's called the cold war because russia's cold but you know a little more abstract and a little more like this is what i did with the this is what i did with the six years of my life from 18 to 24. uh and this is what i did with the six years of my life from like 24 to 30. my audio is lagging behind my camera uh i don't know what to tell you i can like try to re-emit it lower the resolution it will work better better mic vault too low all right all right we're up in the mic ball is that better can you hear me now all right cool yo he smashed kanye's wife who i hear they're getting a divorce is this true uh but yeah in conclusion and in the you who we beefing with today we're beefing with aws uh again if there's not really truth to that but you know again your twitter you want to kick people off this great your banner says twitter you don't want their brand associated with your brand that's great but nobody can tell who's hosting your infrastructure get off the centralized infrastructure we need to decentralize boys we need to decentralize also go to my soundcloud and check out this this i've made a new song it's a long song so you know i put a lot of effort into these uh also check out my instagram and if you don't follow me on instagram make sure to follow me on instagram my name is george hotz i'm a reformed cyber criminal and here's a convenient link to my my soundcloud blockchain infrastructure i was thinking about this morning see this is what i was thinking about i was like what if somebody took twitter and copied it exactly but decentralized the back end that's the you know that's what i'd like to see done in general with all these tech companies they should uh once you get to a certain size you have to provide apis right like that's that's the new section 230 law like you you you have to provide apis and someone else can stick a new front end on your service um how would you decentralize aws well so it's just computers right like what you would want to do is you'd want to build template data centers right so that anybody could stand up a data center kind of like fleet operators with uber um if parlor made any threats i i take back what i said but i don't think so right again you know a company that doesn't moderate regardless regardless i just this is this is this is like when the credit card companies crack down on pornhub it's appalling it is it is appalling um that these companies who own infrastructure think they can make decisions about what can or can't be said like it's not like twitter twitter is a publisher by a lot of means right new york times can absolutely decide what they want to put on their thing but when visa and mastercard decide they'll no longer process credit card payments for pornhub that's appalling wikileaks they get to wikileaks too like this this this deep platforming at the infrastructure level um we need we need we need decentralized infrastructure bitcoin is the future of money boys bitcoin is the future of money who's getting rich who would hear us getting rich who's getting rich oh boys we rich are we so rich holy we're rich oh yeah holy usd down bct up btc up oh we rich man oh my eats all my eats oh i didn't even realize i was eat rich holy holy yo we ranch boys we're rich we're rich we wretch these beers oh and then of course this great cryptocurrency yes a great cryptocurrency they should have just called it yo bitcoin is the soft drink this is the soft drink of bitcoin millionaires boys i don't have any crypto i'm a no coiner i just like you know like like participating in it i have like you know maybe i have like point zero zero one bitcoin and i made like ten bucks yeah cool i've never been on parlor i have no plans to go on parlor but when i see companies when i see these these infrastructure companies who it's decentralized infrastructure it's not a social network deciding that you know they don't want to host like you know it's it's like it's like uh it's it's discrimination it's you can you know it's like if i have a business and decide i don't like one group of people and you know i'm not gonna sell to them it's appalling no place in the modern world um pie piper you got it on ether early yeah thoughts on twitch and again these pieces are social networks they can run their social network however they want there's plenty of competition in the social networking space you know if one social network moderation's a hard problem and like you know i don't really blame people for moderation choices but again that's moderation from other people on your network seeing right yeah it's like cutting water electricity oh yes so this is a biostudy session i've been i've been studying boys i've been studying i've been reading my uh i actually bought a physical copy of this book it gets here on monday so here's kind of what i'm thinking it's the new it's the new in the companies right like you know uh so you look at backspace right let's see your backpiece is still up um so i work on backspace i worked on backspace a lot the problem with backspace is like this is what every ide is already trying to be there's already a lot of money being thrown at this problem um it also doesn't have this when i think about when i think about what kind of uh stuff i want to work on i think about things that are actually going to change the course of history right if you are if you are marching if you work in a hedge fund you're never going to change the course of history no matter how much money you make right because you're you're continuing trends that already exist uh so you can take comma um and and com is a bit different uh comma if comma succeeds this is actually going to i do not want to live in a world where waymo decides oh ho emo decide so they don't like you oh they don't like they don't like what you have to say oh yeah let's see uh yeah no more going anywhere for you oh and we also do the food delivery services so yeah no more getting food delivered right i don't want to live in these shitty worlds um who said i'm sick some six foot six foot six feet tall that's right that's right six feet that sounds nice um so oh yes by the way you know someone was saying like like if they needed uh someone was saying on twitter like optimism they can't be that good if they needed george to help them with something they're one of the best teams i've met in crypto i've met a lot of crypto teams who are absolute morons and know nothing optimism knows what they're doing and i think they're going to have a successful launch um you know again with all these things uh infrastructure is never good in the 0.1 version wait for it to roll out for a few years but yeah i think it's a well thought out l2 solution uh yeah so backspace doesn't work because there's already a lot of companies and people working toward exactly this goal um hammer doesn't work whoops um first off a lot of people didn't get the troll with hammer uh hammer was only uh seeking an application for a founder because i wanted someone else to start hammer uh if someone did seriously the domain name um the problem with hammer is google is actually already returning the best results most people want news ads and seo spam well not a ceo spam but most people want ads and it's the sad truth about people oh my god the news people want news i don't want any new i don't want any page uh you know when i was looking for truth in the coronavirus stuff you can't look at any of the science that just came out it's all bogus right give it give it five years um let's say what is it oh i thought it was bio related because this is a bio study session by the way uh if you guys don't follow me on instagram make sure to follow me on instagram and if you guys don't listen to my rap songs make sure to listen to my rap songs yeah um so hammer doesn't work because google's actually already returning the best results uh i don't think i ever actually made a website for it but pixie tech doesn't work because apple already won ar uh we just don't know it yet um yeah my rap name is tom cruise uh what are we doing today we're gonna study some bio so yeah this is um the odin these people look like they're up in oakland and they make diy bio kits you can actually do some sick stuff um here's here's a project that's actually within reach of biohackers you could probably get yeast to synthesize morphine um yeast synthesize morphine uh complete biosynthesis of opioids and yeast oh now if you could make that turning sugar into morphine eh um the resulting opioid biosynthesis required expression of the bain and hydrocode well they're making vicodin i read a few of these papers but they just stopped at uh they stopped at the bane demands not really a controlled substance oh spontaneous look you just you take these genes and you stick these genes in the yeast oh it turns l-tyrosine into hydrocodone i see well l-tyrosine looks a lot like amphetamine yeah so if that's l-tyrosine it's probably oh no maybe not okay never mind it doesn't that much like it wow so this is sugar to synthesize l tyrosine tyrosine isn't like monster energy drink you know you see that um the great courses biochemistry turn yeast into adderall we don't turn the yeast into animal you get the yeast to turn sugar into afro you know you can think about it you can build a drug 3d printer is that allowed to say how long how long before they cracked out man is free speech over i don't know or is free speech only you know i'm not do i offend the political class if i want to you know synthesize opiates out of east does that offend the political class yeah yeah yeah i read i watched the spider beer thing i don't think it really worked that well which uses aws again you know again if i had a company i would switch off aws because that's like the first they came for man like first they came for like you know the daily stormer and you know no one said anything it was like really nazis who likes nazis nobody um and then oh oh is this an automatic pipetting machine but like you know really they came for it they came for pornhub you know they came and now pornhub is shittier it's true pornhub now only has the verified videos on it anymore so i go to x videos real talk um and point them is so bad now and like they give in to these companies who really shouldn't have the power to do this um yeah no i you know just it just made me reconsider my choices and where to look for porn oh my god the porn is bad people oh yeah no fat november man wow here we go this is cool it's actually open source our apps protocols and hardware are publicly available oh oh man i want one of these i don't want a pipette anything this is gonna pipette for me i'm interested do i have to contact sales or do they tell me the prices order online oh holy i'm gonna buy one of these no i'm not gonna buy that much yet first i have to learn to pipe hat but then oh man it's a pick and place machine for pipetting when they said rethink your life i don't think they meant change porn sites look i didn't want to change porn sites but they forced my hand man how come we're studying bio because look at the things you can do with bio um now here's why we're studying bio all right we're not actually we're not actually trying to make morphine you know um ah bio as a whole there used to be this dream of 3d printing and the dream of 3d printing said that 3d printers were going to make everything right and this isn't true because 3d printers only print plastic and not everything can be made out of plastic i can't even you know make this beautiful andrew yang out of plastic right a plastic handle again now it would be nowhere near as good as this real cloth andrew yang at right um i gotta peel that uh ah it's not an endorsement of andrew gang i just have the hat you know oh thoughts on the rna vaccine um yeah they look like they work uh there was there's some really cool things uh i i linked them in my coronary belt um some guy reverse engineered the uh the the vaccine this is actually what got me rethinking about bio again um so yeah you can download this uh doc file it's a doc file from the world health organization and it contains um the whole sequence for the vaccine you see these things they're i don't know what greek letter that is but it's a uh it's a fake you they did something on it so your body doesn't attack the foreign mrna talks about it here yeah um i don't know again with all with all new bio things i'm gonna i'm gonna wait a year uh if i was higher risk for coronavirus i would uh i'd probably get it um but i'll wait a year before i trust that that was if i was if i was like 55 plus maybe 45 plus i'd get it it's the modified stable nucleotide what's what are these different pipettes wait are you telling me it can only pipe at one size it can only pipette a fixed amount no why are there different ones why would anyone want a p20 when you can get a p1000 for the same price oh it's different sizes i say wait is that 15 that's kind of appalling oh yes you got to discard the tip i was watching some videos of people doing bio protocols i can't believe i can't believe the amount of pipetting that's what i said on wax like i'm not pipetting but now i mean it's like a cnc machine so i probably have to like carefully line everything up i mean it is just a pick and place machine but you know the problems with pick and place machines what else do we got oh i got a thermocycler temperature module i can hold my reagents at given temperatures oh and then i i see i stick these modules so i can does it automatically open and close so i can like have it move i can have the pipettor move the thingy into the everything you need for ngs library prep what is ngs next generation sequencing oh i see so i can prepare for sequencing so there's also these uh uh ion pore sequencing i'm gonna buy one of these too yeah nanopore attack i'm moving into a real apartment where i'm gonna have a lot of space to start doing some bio experiments yeah look i can buy min ions these guys i'm gonna buy one of those it really is this real this thing really looks like a 3d printer monolithics on lex friedman comp bio guy wow he's been on lex friedman a lot you're following you guys are great you know i love having you guys here for bio because some of you know more about bio than me they do they really taught biology terribly in school before you start with manufacturing tech do i need a way to verify and test my experiments yeah once can i buy good microscopes there's got to be some good ones now where i don't have to stick my eye up to a little stupid thing and i can use the uh i think the odin was recommending one i first want to like replicate these experiments that they've been doing um so yeah yeah i bought this includes pipettes um includes a crisper kit biosensors kit hplc is what i need is hplc microphones like chromatography so i want yeah there's a few guests i want i want a chromatography machine i want a dna sequencer machine and i want a dna synthesis machine like this like dna printer machines and you can buy them and like they're not that expensive oh yeah for some reason my ebay is in mexican no i think it won't because i cleared everything yeah check it out what i can buy i can print my own dna wait is that the inside of a thing is it just a fancy pipe heading machine bio xp hardly use check video let's see the video yeah i know i want to do pcr um that's apparently pretty easy like you can buy these thermocyclers for very cheap the odin is selling refurbished thermocycles you get one no that's the centrifuge there we got a biorite gene cycle right i mean it's like a reflow oven you know we have reflow ovens we have pick and place machines like we have all this stuff at work yeah they charge an arm and leg for the ink oh it says razor and blades my all right i can't take that free that copyright free music is this just what i really want to figure out is how these things work okay so here's my dream here's my what do you mean why would i be on a watch list i'm just trying to synthesize it i'm kidding i'm kidding i want to you know learn about bio that's the thing though um imagine you could build one of these but cheap oh come on i used to be i used to be on their serious watch list they used to with my electronics when i was across the border and i'm like bro like i hack iphones for people i don't i don't like you know go work with terrorists who the you think i am man oh a thousand viewers sweet nintendo had me on the watch oh my god was that even me was bob underscore me is that what they were trying to say i don't know dude i don't care with me man what do you what do you what do you want what do you want me to take away my plant you want a smart water here it got the feds can come and they can seize my point two liters of smart water .25 liters of smart water that's right come seize my bro i also want to say smart water is um is the best water all right so let's figure out how these things work because imagine we could build one of these but cheap and imagine we can build one that produces its own ink right you just put sugar in you type the dna sequence you want and you get that dna sequence out oh thank you um oh by the way if we got new people in here please please check out my music on soundcloud it's my real dream in life to be a rapper uh you know you know so just just go to my soundcloud it's my real dream in life um oh my god one of these days like the government's gonna take this video they're gonna be like yo we're coming in here we're checking for any yeast that can make opiates oh and i'm like nah they don't make opius they just make more yeasts they make like the real dream is a printer that can turn software that you can type out dna in a new programming language and then it can make you organisms that do the stuff right make lead out of gold yeah turn gold into lead that's playing god hey you know who are we today who are we today um all right so you're telling me the ink is expensive here we go bio xp oh they have the new one oh it's got a little tired of waking weeks for orders let's chat can i order do they have a price online i hate when they don't have prices online oh this is probably one of those things yeah you gotta contact do i need like a synthetic genomes services build jeans what are clones when people say build clones i'm thinking like well marijuana clippings codex dna provides the industry-leading turnaround time at an unbelievable price per base pair no but this is i want to buy the little box all right here we go let's check out the user guide for this thing so there's one of these on ebay you know what else this on ebay was super expensive charizards and i'm like i got a charizard somewhere ah all right here we go blah blah blah blah blah control your time okay okay okay boring boring boy this is like okay here's the user guide anything good this is so useless no but like mean time between failure imagine you've had a printer that could print 500 pages that's what this is supports applications from building cloning and amplifying gene fragments and they don't make errors much that's cool wait so this actually looks like i can buy a dna printer but then i like look at the thing and i'm like it looks like like i've seen kind of how these things work um let's see is there is there a chapter in my in my textbook about this analyzing cells those current methods rely on prior knowledge of the nucleotide sequence really is that right oh most current methods of manipulating i say bio is the ultimate legacy code base you see one of the problems i have with bio is whenever i'm reverse engineering some computer thing i know that i'm probably smarter than the guy who built that uh you know i don't think i'm smarter than god dna columns are corresponding to a sequence of mrna molecules are the same except that a dna copy of the mrna sequence called cdna is first made dna clones lack intron sequences so this is all just like you know linking and copy and paste crap it's a dna library how do i lace a cell oh i put them in a blender i get it cells blind blend what is heating within a sample don't want to denature my proteins see it's like this kind of stuff you know i took organic chemistry in college because i wanted to learn like lab techniques for organic chemistry and instead i had to memorize a lot of naming and i dropped organic chemistry because it was clear that they weren't going to teach me anything cool for a year or useful remotely useful who cares what it's called just look at the picture man if i need to figure out which one's the two or which one's the four you know what is this like some like so like hazing are they hazing people before you get to learn um yeah is that cmu i took organic chemistry i guess it was it was it or was it at rit cmu the thing about patent infringement is you know we're gonna come to my lab and sequence my dna nobody off your patents magnetic particle imaging we gotta order food soon too i don't know about this c isn't exactly crispr is more like you know ld preload the whole biology is built around plant predator there has to be a better way to do all this you know this makes me question the whole thing imagine like instead of having linkers you just like you manually went into a hex editor every time you wanted to like you know link a binary how much of software do you think would work then and then you of course have to do this every time it's not like you link the software and then copy it the software sent around unlinked i don't even know what i'm looking for here we're trying to figure out how dna printers work i'm pretty sure they're so i've seen these too i've seen these for sale on ebay yeah check it out look what i can buy oh i want one dna rna synthesizer yeah so i think the inks is the ink really actually expensive like this thing looks so fancy but like then you look at it and it's like the ronnos just built a shitty pipetting machine i know what the edison was go can i buy the name theranos how much is the rights to the name theranos if i started a bio company i'd love to name it torontos um what's an oligo anyway all i go to synthesis more specifically solid phase chemical synthesis the chain grows in the three to five direction so that's backwards it's desalted or sometimes even purified desalting and algo removes the salts just so this process see that's a crappy number of bases i don't want that many bases i want a lot of bases um so they made a synthetic bacteria like we don't need to go that far i think let's just look at like um let's go to the odin and then look at whatever they're including like i want to be able to print the things that go in without having to buy them oh they have a frog kit too oh let's look at that yeast transformation kit yeah with a plasmid that you provide it doesn't include the plasmid so we learned what plasmids were last time p glow okay so that's about that's that's like you know multiplied by two so it's 10k of code very reasonable very reasonable you know my printer should be able to print out 10k of code i watched the thor import thought emporium video uh no this is not what i want we want to figure out why but how long can these ones synthesize synthesis length 1.8 kilobases right

all right we're just gonna have to you know what i'm not gonna translate these into kilobytes we just need a name for because the biology bit is for uh s4 but it has a lot of redundancy in it let's just work it out so if there's 20 amino acids and there's 64 codons coding for it every three codes for 20. um there are three bits codes for 20. when it can code for up to 64. normally every three bits can only code for eight what is a scam um all right you know what let's just say with compression let's just call it 513k okay can produce 31 fragments ranging from well yeah covers 10 kilobytes pairs no it's just bigger than that chromovirus is a lot like 30.

yo yo yo we're not trying to print any viruses we're not trying to print any drugs man don't do that man uh we're trying to we're trying to use biology in order to make sick people healthy that sounds nice oh look at this one this one can do 7 000 base pairs we don't want a new design from scratch tna and rna so much effort's been put into this system no only the crappy old ones for sale maximum dna length is 7 000 base pairs that's pretty good oh it came out this year wow this stuff is like finally possible get a quote i hate that they're in san diego let's go visit them well by qualcomm that's where our new office is gonna be see i love that everyone i love that all the bio people are just in san diego i know so you can print the right number of kilobytes then the question is how much pipetting do i have to do in order to actually turn it into a plasmid you know oh let's uh let's order some food what do you think what kind of food we want boys i know ooh tandoori hot is sponsored or high pokey pop pico well fried chicken oh yeah some tendees that sounds great chicken tenders we'll search for tenders and see what we get buffalo wild wings roost republic mr beast burger how to do mr beast is franchising out wow that's these are really bad ratings roost republic has the highest rating no look guys i'm not joking about mr b's burger here mr beast burger make food on your own that you remember my cooking stream oh lefty chicago pizza well they know what i really want no eight spicy roost tenders eight crispy roost tenders no i don't want any sauce get some fries too wild wedges all right we're going with the roost republic hate crispy roost tenders oh they'll be here in no time that's great place order let's go add funds ugh apple pay confirm you wish you lived by the website right no i'm telling you san diego is the place to be for this stuff what's the melodrone saying i wasn't tending to the smiley face fresh we got some chicken tenders coming and some fries i'm gonna be good oh my god all right all right great yup yup yup yup oh benchtop reagents see they're not going to sell the machines though they just want to sell you a service 32 genovo dna fragments in parallel wait oh with the option to stitch together four fragments i see oh the system can assemble them to user supplied proprietary vectors only circle amplification amplification of the assembled construct on a microgram scale providing a direct path from assembly to assay oh that's what i'm talking about should i just buy this one should i buy the one on ebay where are they well they're in texas i wish they were in san diego go visit them oh there's one on ebay version for 17 grand all in an overnight run the future evolution of this yeah i had a prince overnight same as a comma yes this is like half a bitcoin perfect for my smallpox project has a number of early access customers who are helping us drive the evolution of the key applications by learning my exes live in texas like george strait based on their real world challenges each biosp is connected to the internet which allows our engineers to promote in to either the why i don't want my thing connected to the cloud i'm out on the cloud oh they're running a model like juicero i get it this is this is the juicero of dna prints i was like how come i can't buy the ink oh and well the optimized protocol from the cloud wait wait it's a total scam it's it's like it's like zortrax but instead of getting the software you upload the thing to them yeah but the problem with the labs is you know they're going to be like why do you want this they're going to ask questions they're going to contact us for pricing when i get my dna should i open source it is there any reason not to further efficiency is to accelerate genomic discovery sgi and dna but really these companies raise no money we should be giving these people money instead of the sell trade instead of like cruise automation which just throws it away can we talk about what's wrong with google for a second wait that was a totally different set of results than what i just got i just got a whole set of stupid news articles the system cost just under just under yeah yeah but it's not the price it seems like their whole business model and make a positive impact in the world but ugh you have to make a positive impact on the world amount why do companies say like that trust me if you buy a coma too i don't care if you're making a positive impact in the world or not i'm gonna what you're doing wait oh yeah but all the ghosts sound like small so they just call it the kill baser which makes me think you can do one kilometer reagent cartridge holding materials for 200 bases the 50 euro cents per bite the scam oh my god the egg this is so this is so expensive [Music] okay but this does make me think that these things are not that hard to build right if we could just get around like okay serious talk you know what i want my yeast to synthesize i want my yeast to synthesize the reagents for my dna sequencing right and i got just like the aes the g's the the uh t he's the c yeast and they're all making me making me little reagents and it's a printer that makes its own ink and i just dump in sugar you know you can paste oligos together yeah yeah that's i see this um like why is this why is this like like like marketed to retards you know anyone who's buying this machine it's chibios yeah we should probably we should probably use a real-time operating system for the panda um can i buy the refills though what's the best stuff you can currently buy yeah well that's what i want kilobaser how many you don't even tell me how many base pairs base pair no that's obviously not what i meant stupid google hammer wouldn't have done better there though here we go um our reagent cartridge holds reagents for 200 dna bases it can be used for up to two weeks after activation and costs 15 000 euros oh they're in austria eh that's better can be operated without an internet connection i know i can outsource my projects to a biology lab but have you seen me look look look at the comment too have you seen the color too the case is 3d printed the case is 3d printed in-house because i hate outsourcing look at the 3d print i don't want to outsource i don't want other people to control my future i want to control my own destiny it's like 500 a kilo i know okay let's look up let's look up what these reagents are i wanna i wanna i wanna get refills yeah look at this i can buy refills oh includes the following base protection it's just like is this like when they try to sell you the gas with the stuff that protects your engine god damn it oh it's the empty wait is this actually is it the same dmt no it's not the same dmt you don't even have to print the dmt wait dmt synthesis i think this one's actually really easy psychonaut wiki perfect wait is my food here no where's my chicken it's my chicken this guy's riding a bicycle [Music] um okay can i not get can i not get scam drug websites we got to figure out chemical synthesis of dna oligonucleotides does oligo just mean short oligomers eh small bits of nucleic acids can be manufactured molecules the maximum length hardly exceeds 200 nucleotide residues how is that thing printing 1800 alago means many but not as many as poly i get it yeah i can buy yeast look i can get some yeast off i can get some yeasts from the supermarket this biox piecing work differently though you know what the real troll would be it's like juicero where the machine doesn't do anything they just print them well yeah like they sell you a module i don't even think this machine's a dna printer it's like the juicero doesn't make juice it's altered department ah no yeah probably worth watching all right here we go i think that that one i think this is this thing's a scam i know that they made a synthetic bacteria craig venter where's that guy it was like a shittiest bacteria too what was craig venter doing right now i'm trying to live forever i see ah they live in la jolla and he's an atheist he has adhd oh and he believes in adhd that's too bad i have adhd but i don't believe in it so it doesn't affect me we haven't heard about them for a while how do they synthesize it blue heron this is the company they did all right so these people are making things yeah so kilobase is probably can actually do a killer base i think no but then we saw what a scam their stupid cartridges that only prints 200 characters is where's the please note the logo will change soon would you see that sorry single use fluidic chip yield 300 pulse inline triddle sensor what's a triple sensor i don't think these things are real i need argon or nitrogen affordable price makes it accessible look at that that's so crappy it's a 24 it's only 24 base pairs i was promised to kill a base ah i'm going to build this but instead of any lab professional it's going to be any rando to create dna and i'm going to get rid of the word empowers and i'm going to use the word let's [Music] anything honking from my food oh no the guy's on a bike he doesn't have a horn base are probably the cheapest reagent so is it more expensive reagents how is bio xp getting more uh oh yeah because the scam you have to send it out yeah i'm coming there get my poop i'll be back okay oh yeah boys we got chicken [Applause] yeah buddy oh these look good great choice america's choice to get chicken tenders was a great one i'll even include a napkin fries oh tenders and fries all right so i kind of think this thing is a scam it's juicero this is actually juicero so enter your dna sequence using the touchscreen wait seriously though i don't want sauce okay i don't like sauce some people like sauce i don't thank you i'm glad you like the new song um wait all right so this was the company that made all the uh we've got to figure out what machine they're using non-complex sheets under 2.7 kilobases all it goes again what's a non-complex sequence oh yeah there's actually something called dna chisel in python how cool is that i'm going to start that they talk about it in the uh reverse engineering blog posts ah complex sequence include is that supposed to be the word stretches god i know you got i know you people think like you know george you're so arrogant for thinking you know anything about biology well like i know what it's called stretches um since genestones are assembled using dna oligos oh i get 2.5 minutes per base

and you have to stitch them together this shit's insane there has to be a better way here's how all dna synthesis works why don't we look up the um well i'm not trying to do no finer place yet like okay so when we look at that what was that thing called p glow okay so this is a this is a plasmid like instead i like to just be able to print that if i could print my own plasmids and then stick them and stuff that'd be sick no i'm not putting any weird in my body if i make legal drugs using my stuff i will check it on a mass spectrometer first lab x dna synthesizers hmm they really just make all of those and stitch them together at least they have a price no this one's the best one i mean if you accept that all you're making is all of those and those bio big ones are a scam i also look at these people's manual and i trust them i'm not sure why but there's something about this system that seems like it's not a scam insertion of a dna sequence inside a plasmid i need to have a talk with him oh i can buy a kilogram of this buy a kilogram of each base pair yeah it looks like you if you don't know how to work that's right the scales so wow look they're like talking about reasonable things there are six reservoirs that may be used for antidotes i can get specials yeah this is the only one of these that's real it's a liquid gal boil off system is how i get liquid nitrogen i mean i guess i can get liquid nitrogen by just compressing air nitrogen is gonna freeze a lot quicker oxygen co2 and ship wait now co2 is going to co2 is dry ice there's not that much sugar nitrogen maker how sweet is this if i want nitrogen i just have to buy a nitrogen maker man i love i love china look i just tell you right away high purity nitrogen gas generator making machine can i buy an oxygen making machine um no i don't believe in this because this one tells me how pure my nitrogen is 95 oh oh i can make no i have to have manganese dioxide and hydrogen peroxide i want to put electricity and sugar in and i want to get out anything i want i kind of want one of these though okay still i was looking before during chronovirus and you couldn't buy any of them because everyone was freaking out another battery 30 to 90 i could set up an oxygen bar why would twitch block i want candies right now these um well all i know is because there's no hype around making nitrogen they're probably banned in california no i don't like that one it tells me what it's for this one's better it doesn't tell you what it's for it just tells you what it does oh my god wait a second 99.999 99.998 all right we've eaten too many tenders do you have like the nitrogen making machine for more pure nitrogen i feel like all this thing does is pipetting um oh my god that's never gonna fit in my apartment minimum cpg for synthesis if using the fritted plates oh do you want to use the fritter plates or not these things really seem as crappy as 3d printers oh the attendees camp in california so i want parker nitrogen generators you know i have to buy synthesis fritted plates deep well plates peter pipette what's a cpg i kind of feel that all these things do is like if you want an a they pipet in the a look at that old dell monitor no i can have windows 98 windows me windows nt 4.0 where's newark california i kind of feel like this company doesn't exist anymore they were too honest in their marketing material ew it's up there hmm check out the visual basic ui loading oligos so this one like synthesizes a whole bunch at once this is really the best way to do this and then they just stitch them together that's so shitty [Music] here's the gibson assembly method great codex dna i've seen codex dna they make bio shits daniel who was what is he doing now are we still the cto it requires the dna fragments contain 20 to 40 base pair overlaps with adjacent dna fragments dna fragments are mixed with a cocktail three enzymes along with other all this just looks like a lot of pipetting that's who i googled before no i googled venter but oh yeah i googled daniel gibson i got the the the baseball player basketball player some sports ball um so synthesized 236 genome segments that doesn't seem like too many uh we were unable to obtain them from commercial dna suppliers because they're complex to synthesize sequence which facilitate chemical synthesis everyone seems to be using chemical synthesis endonuclease restriction oh i see that was the sequence they couldn't use because the restriction enzyme they're using in assembly that makes sense i don't know i don't know how much about that stuff we're trying to figure out what what what good sequencer i can buy for cheap you know so we can make we can make plasmids in our room but did they make these bacterias work or not here we go materials and methods that's what i'm interested in pim master shaft thank you for gifting subs you know if you gift a sub you get to ask one question genome partitioner algorithm a order from two commercial suppliers why don't you tell me the commercial suppliers can we summarize methods and caveats so perfect i love cookies ability to read dna is better than to write it petabases yeah could i pass a high school physics exam i think so you can give me a high school physics question i'll try to solve it for you but you're just a subscriber you can gift us up gift the sub and i'll solve your physics question by the way i really appreciate you if you subscribe and i don't appreciate you if you don't subscribe that's just how it is you see the beauty of smart water is it has purely balanced ph how many streams of income do i have whenever i need money i just look under the bed scam water what do you mean look i drink this water and i show that i'm more rich than people who are drinking other cheaper water cram that graham thank you for gifting a sub would you like to ask a question i don't have any green tea here i'm moving to a new apartment where to build my bio lab kepler equations for like orbital mechanics or high school physics adapter google um or if you let me use python i might be able to drive orbital mechanics but i need python and i need something to do like differentiation for me and wait monster hunter unite did i miss any questions i told her she could live with me if she needed to i got a compound did i miss questions from gifters nadi odin are you a gifter oh what can we repeat a gift or question monster hunter unite do i think ross albrecht should get a pardon um well i'd have to look more into the case if the case were just for drug then yes um if the if they have a reasonable case for uh uh murderer for hire then no but i believe the government didn't try that case they just tried the drum case so yeah pardon me ross albrecht russ albrecht saved lives you know think of how many people bought some like sketch on the streets and now didn't buy it on the streets they bought it on a nice safe internet website where violence is impossible what is lagrange's constant i don't know you're not even a subscriber you don't get a question did i miss any other subscriber questions i was like the velocity you need to stay in orbit at an altitude of 150 miles um 450 miles from the earth yeah i could probably do that i mean all i would have to do is figure out i just have to figure out the acceleration uh and then i could work out the centripetal yeah i could do that oh pimp master shaft do you use graphql for your apis no i don't know i know what it is i'm gonna use it yeah universal gravitation i have to look i don't know big g off the top of my head but yeah the mass of the earth out the distance um okay ooh perfect oh yes column synthesized oligos how do they figure out g i mean you can't figure it out if you know like i guess that's how i figured out the mass of the earth the line's so blurry [Applause] all that goes in because has a long nester do we can do a music i can live stream sometime i can stop eating these fries um almost all goes yeah yeah i've definitely read this before array based um light activated chemistry is interesting ah it's easy it's like this yeah you know that was one of my early projects hacking dlp harvested oh this is exciting oh these are such good papers all those producers from microarrays are three to fours oh now we're getting into good prices okay small sets of oligos provide the raw substrate for constructing larger synthetic fragments a variety of methods collectively determined gene says this the first synthetic genes were short cobined coppers used t4 dna ligase to seal chemically synthesized oligos together in litigation based ligation based approaches um all right so it really seems like all they do is make oligos and then stick them together did they not say here how long it goes are okay 200 200 makes sense because that's exactly what the cartridge they were selling on on kilobaser i really think those bio ones are scam and it's just uh juicero so they sell you the machine for cheap oh my god and then material for 200 bases 50 cents a base pair that's pathetic well they're trying to sell based on privacy anything useful from the links earlier in chat i don't know let's see them look stupid [Music] why are you guys doing numbers hey guys the second we get popular it's over the second we get popular and there's some like hit piece and business insider about me i'm never streaming again that's right take that business insider one bite of candy one bite one bite that's right not pretty good and that's why we use azure microsoft would never cancel maybe this they disagree with my views right oh i don't know [Music] but what i'll do with my power once i get verified slide into the dms with that check mark you know oh well who doesn't suck i'll switch to whoever doesn't suck who's dms i don't know does taylor swift have dms um nah i just want to hang out i had a dream one night that i was sitting in an apartment in mexico city and it was completely empty and it was just me and taylor swift sitting on the floor and i never felt so seen i've never met i've never met bailey swift no we were sitting honestly we were sitting it was like it was like the final scene in uh adventureland but like without the you know the the the the embrace it was just sitting and being understood what having a small this is small oh no no it's amazing that this thing works i have so many windows open oh yeah all right special special just for you guys on the uh on the twitch all right so this is this is this is the song that i like actually worked hard on but i did retweet something i made six years ago it's called auto swedish fish i don't think taylor dreams about me i'm okay with that though i'm not trying to be creepy or anything man [Music] this was my attempt at cloud wrap tom cruise that's a good name [Music] last week [Music] by the way this is completely copyright me so you don't have to block this out just just just listen to this [Music] now i can buy myself a trampoline [Laughter] um no but i can actually rap did you put up a fight magnesium packed pre-rolls in the bag when the light comes tell me who's holding the bag i see it it's sad rage screaming it pads big teams and their mind melters work just like their dads another thing to move past whiplash marine tone tags and ankle monitors with harmonicas in good with the phonics a big bash for the new god they claim to be so taller and disagree and they're all frogs so don't worry it's not all it's not all auto swedish fish hmm album i don't think the portals for me it's bad enough i did that stupid south by southwest talk and now i get emails from people it's like bro i feel like we're on the same harmonic wavelength i totally want to jailbreak the simulation too did you ever try five meow dmt yo i went down to peru and i licked a toad and i saw the truth about the universe you know those kind of people to alex jones you guys have heard my alex jones impression i hear about facebook and my dog google has cia conspiracy and that's why you gotta buy a product because when they come for you man you're gonna have superman vitality and you're gonna have you know you know big muscles and you're gonna you're gonna you can fight to fight the global fight the deep state man fight the fight the you know the the cia mk ultra they're coming into your they're coming into your brain man you know we got we got documents man we got proof you're just gonna find out right after this ad for for for for ultimate male vitality enhancement it makes your dick this much bigger think of how much deeper you could go it's this much bigger man the cia won't know what they're with if you gotta dick okay frogs i think the botanist just could beat me at chess when she said she's going to 2000.

she'll meet him pretty badly all right i've listened to some of the portal um some of the some of the episodes are good i don't think it's for me you know i'm not i'm not like i'm not like peter thiel uh i'm not a conservative i'm a progressive and i don't mean that in the political sense uh i mean it in the sense that maybe i'm a like you know you read the uh unibar manifesto it's very conservative right he has a conservative idea we should we should smash the technological industrial state and go back to a state of nature this is a fundamentally conservative idea maybe the progressive idea is more think like accelerationism right um i like you know always be a progressive if someone ever asks like i'm a progressive man you know just progressive it sounds good and just like do you believe in progress yeah i'm progressive man you know i just wonder when everyone woke up one day and decided that politics was something to take capital s seriously um no and i i do think i do think uh at least what i've seen in peter though it's it's like conservative uh you know i think i think neo-reaction is a progressive ideology it'll become a sub if i take this iq test i'm gonna take an iq test uh i did watch canon yeah control with the business insider wait there's no way that's a real link that's funny i bought some tickets to come see my downfall they sold out in minutes i had friends in the front row to leave when i'm finished in lights when my name's gone but the ones that gas you up only come around when the flame's on i've been reading unqualified reservations that's a machine gun kelly man it's not my bars all right we're really we're really getting distracted here we can make 500 200 base pair oligos george is losing it oh my god yo no if i make a drake diss track i was thinking about i was thinking about it over break and like my bars just need to be so tight you know what i mean and i gotta sound good i need to hire a producer if i want to make a drake diss track you know what i think it is meditation time i agree with that i was started meditating this morning and then i got distracted good point and again it's very soft with the voice of your mind and rather than try to approach the breath as though from a point outside it just let it appear in the space of awareness you don't need to lean into it or attempt to get closer to it just receive it and as with the breath so too with other sensations and sounds just let them appear on their own notice that they do in fact appear all on their own and by appearing they articulate this space of consciousness just rest as that space all right i feel calm so this paper's really good foreign all right oh i have to start obs now and let's summarize what we learned what happened to the coronary thought produce oligos of around 200 base pairs uh no i got a i got a cloth mask now i decided to stop caring about the fact that they probably develop micro mold and make you more sick that's a whole lot more comfortable you know so it also has the added advantage if it does nothing so yeah this is this is me you know giving up on that crap uh you know you can you could you only have so much political capital in the world you gotta pick your battles when everyone around you is acting like morons you know sometimes you just gotta like act like a too like it's all right you know and you gotta you gotta choose your battles man you gotta choose your battles that's right oh my god the war against the model party you know right winger is how you think the left wing is deluded and believes dumb i mean that's true i've got news for you guys a too worried about kona virus i think i already had it choose writer you'll get censored even this is like a you know oh my god like right when people go on free speech free speech have you ever tried to moderate anything like people in the common discord are like you can't kick me out i have free speech what's the xkcd about that you know did the government take your rights or did some dudes say you were an and kick you out of his private community now i'm certainly not cloth masks i'm i'm still very confident cloth masks do nothing but again you gotta choose your battles man you gotta choose your battles surgical masks are better than cloth masks uh still likely to be useless but i'm not as confident about that so they have 90 confidence and cloth masks being useless fifty percent in surgical masks being useless and then once you get 1095 p100s ninety percent confidence in p100s being useful all right but then all the people oh my god wait can we just can we just make fun of some commenters i love making fun of comments i thought i meditated i thought i was calm i thought we weren't going to do this like make fun of commenters oh you know oh my god no you know what i was thinking i read some comments it's one of those comments like you have to pay attention to how you use your voice you shouldn't use your voice like that bro do i come to your house and tell you how to use your lawnmower do i tell you about like you know how you shouldn't be mowing the lawn that close to the flowers no because it's not my lawnmower it's your lawnmower but caring about other people means wearing a mask there's evidence to support that all right all right there's evidence to support that caring about other people means wearing a mask that's right there's evidence evidence they say evidence what a absolute idiot i have never seen someone more self-centered all you stand for this guy likes lies and tyranny yeah because i stand for truth and freedom um i miss bagel gourmet too i miss bagel gourmet too john mcafee 2.0 yo i have never done bath salts and i've never killed my neighbor real talk i want to get rich like him and bang it thanks bro it's pretty cool i have heard this this is good to know yeah genius responsible pfizer vaccine they're great people the nba guys that modern astrazeneca you can tell by their papers too be careful what you say buddy business insider is gonna come for you hmm i don't know i don't know why people get chills guys two plus two equals five two plus two equals five come on you know it's true man it's true you know all those all those people trying to tell you that two plus two equals four it's lies man two plus two equals five are we going to get commenters we're gonna come in and say no but we know two plus two equals four and here's the paper to prove it not as a radio uh yeah oh jordan lucas he did uh there's on the there's no kamikaze uh i got a couple of mansions still i don't have any manners you got a couple of ghost writers but to you it don't actually matter oh i should use my voice more responsibly that's a good point that's a good point you should use your lawnmower more responsibly don't run over the neighbor's dog with your lawnmower bro as long as i'm not your neighbor you do you do you man you do you freedom the particles of the virus are a thousand times more in the capsule of mass yeah no two times three equals chicken yo all right now we're really we're really you know i ate that i ate the chicken tenders it's like with my hat man should have gotten healthier food oh my god how many people argue about masks oh guys masks work i was wrong uh they are very important show how much you care wear a mask today is that better what's that old saying uh if you find yourself in soviet russia and stalin's your leader you can't say bad things about stalin you can't say we should have zero stones right but you can say things like we should have fifty stalin's yeah yeah we should have stalin is so great we should have fifty stalin's there should be a stalin in every neighborhood for the apology george let's see let's see here how am i going to respond to my my business insider article um i'm very sorry to all the people i offended uh uh you know uh it's very bad what i did i shouldn't have done it it's the current year and i've grown a lot since i did bad thing x uh i'm prostrating myself in front of this struggle session so that you guys can uh correct my bad behavior and shun or allow me back into society as you see fit i am at the mercy of this court of public opinion [Laughter] oh i made a severe and continuous lapse in my judgment and i don't expect to be forgiven you know what the sad thing is you can't apologize anymore when you're actually sorry yo shit's funny man these are unprecedented times oh freaky odds i don't know i just i just i just i just can't today i just i just can't it's it's so hard to take the like i don't know if people just get single boosted who take like all the wacko seriously you know what is there more wacko in the world than ever before do we just see it more probably just see it more gotta go back to when we're only seven tv networks i represent you do i i don't represent you was i elected no do you pay me money not you you're not a subscriber i do represent the subscribers if you were a subscriber in saying that your voice would have more worth i love new taylor swift songs evermore is an incredible album uh we were like the mall before the internet it was the one place to be mischief gift wrapped suburban dreams well that's the problem i read this thing which is like you don't get how like one percent of the people are


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