Gartner Top Strategic Predictions for 2020 and Beyond

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Hi. I'm, Heather commercial, TV we are live in the smarter with gardener social, studio and gardener IT symposium. Expo in Orlando Florida and. I am joined by Darrell Plummer vice-president. Analyst. And Gartner. Fellow, hi. Darryl hi how are you doing and Darryl is going to talk to us about the Gartner, top ten strategic. Predictions, for 2020, MBI came, out today you. Just shared it with attendees, at the conference, I did and we released it out onto digital it, sounds like a nerd you press releasing out there so, we're really excited to talk about it's always an anticipated, list one, of our most popular pieces, of home it's fun for me to i get to play karnak the cat. Investigator, in the future right yeah I mean who doesn't want to hear about predictions. Right and they're really exciting, this year I'm, gonna talk about the theme in a minute and you will get to ask a or your questions later, in, the program so post, them in the comment section we'll be taking them, but, first order talk a little bit about how you compile. The. List each, air and and how you came down to the ten that made it onto this year's list well. That's, actually a difficult process because, we, source. Predictions, from all across research, and advisory, services and. In that process we usually, get some, 150. Predictions, to start with and we've got to boil them down to ten so, the hard part is to be able to go through all of them and say what, makes a top, prediction, what's compelling that. Will be interesting to a wider range of people and then we brought it down to about 30 on the first run and then, we have to get down from from 30 to that 10 and that's a very very difficult process now, sometimes, we, wind up getting down to six or seven that are left and, we have to figure out how we're gonna build back up to ten oh really oh yes because every now and then a prediction, will fall through so, we, have to build back up but it's a laborious process with a team, of you, know five or six of us, working across. Research, to make sure that we've got the right topics, and our are, the Gartner analyst submitting. Different ones and voting, and making arguments for them or does it really just come down to that team that's kind, of arguing back and forth hey I think this is important, and CIOs, IT leaders, need to be aware of it well certainly the analysts will submit the the, predictions, we, have a board of Chiefs. Of research different, people from different parts of research which will vote, on which ones are the more compelling ones and then the core team is.

Going To go through and actually narrow, and refine that last group, down to ten so, there are multiple stages, where voting is half happens, but eventually, the team has to decide is this going to work or not right and what's important, is that they aren't just. Technologies. They're about technology. But there are predictions. Showing you talk a little bit about the distinction there absolutely. The strategic. Predictions we try to make them strategic, not just about technology, but. They are predictions, which is a statement about the future of something that will happen in a time certain now. We, are we try to also make people understand that our predictions. Are not just statements about the future they are planning assumptions. Assumptions. About the future on which you can base your plans, for the next few years three, to five years usually and. In that process we're trying to make a concise, statement we usually say twenty-one words you. Know around there is good and something. That people can act on and that's how we distinguish, them from just. Talking about the future right so act on you mean I need, to be thinking about this and aware, of it for, my horizon. For, strategy, for business overall not just the IT departments, right absolutely, yes the idea is that we're going to make them aware the, reader has to be aware of things that they, must have on their radar now, because. Acting later, will mean you're acting too late and these. Predictions, are supposed to be strategic so they will cover business they will cover technology, they recover individuals. Society any any areas fair game for a top prediction but, the idea here is to make sure that we get something that says there, is a compelling reason that you should do something about it right and I think that's important to remember as we go through the list because sometimes they sound a little far out but. What Darrell is really pointing out is that we had we. Had this group come together and say these are the predictions, it's. For, your planning important. Note though important. Though is that we don't always cover every topic as. The goal is not to cover every topic the, goal is to find compelling, strategic. Planning assumptions, that should be acted on starting, now okay so if you don't see a prediction, that you wanted to hear about that, doesn't mean we didn't read written it it just means it didn't make the top ten we have about 600, other predictions, that we publish around, the same time and, those will be coming out and research over the next several months all right right, this is kind of the beginning of prediction season, at garden okay, so, let's talk about the theme because then once you call through, that big list of a couple hundred and come down to ten you.

Then Have. To pick a theme or you you, organize into a theme how does that come about another. Difficult process because the, predictions, can come from anywhere, and therefore. They may have no direct relationship. To one another however. What I've done I've done this more than 15 years and it's, it's. An interesting process where we have to figure out what, the connections, are and often, time there are indirect, connections, between the predictions, when you find the indirect, connections, you will be able to find a storyline in there for. Instance we are themed this year is that. The technology. Is changing the human condition, and. When we look at that we think well what is how is technology affecting humanity, how is it feck ting what, we call human and, then. We say well what's, the common thing about affecting, humans well it's we, relate to technology in different ways different, people for, different things relate, to technology in different ways so, that led us to a second, half part of the theme which was to. Changing, our relationship to technology and then, lastly, we said well what do people get disappointed or they get scared what's their response to it and that, gave us the third part of our theme which is changing, and resetting your expectations. About what technology, will okay, all, right now we're really curious let's get into the predictions, so, the, theme is. How. Humans. Are interacting, with technology or how technology, is changing the human condition, which i think is really compelling, well, I'll kind of living that right now and. Of course there are more off they're optimistic, elements, to that and a number of them cover that and some not. Quite as much let's. Talk about the first one it's a first prediction well, the first prediction, is really about something that, comes, out of the fact that we are at the first point in human history where. We're able to actually change the, nature of what it means to be human, typically. The human condition human humanity, has ruminated. On what the human condition is since we've been able to ruminate okay, absolutely been able to look out and say you know are we living happy lives where do we live how do we think about life how do we treat one another and, so forth that, changes. As societies, change but. What it means to be human pretty, much responds, the same now. We've gotten to a point where we, can actually now begin to alter things that are part of what, human beings are for instance embedding. Technology, in the human body when. You start doing that you can't you create a situation where human beings are able to do things that. They couldn't do before and those. Things are increasingly, digital, things connecting, them to the world so we're actually talking about what happens, when. You get to a point where technology, is embedded in the human body, enhancing. And augmenting. Human beings and they come to work what. Then so, the first prediction is really, about the fact that we're going to see an extension. Of bring. Your own device, policies. Remember, that when you used to bring a smartphone from home oh yeah everybody was afraid oh they're gonna bring their smartphones and what do we do about it what, happens when someone walks in and they've got a flash, drive embedded, behind their ear or they've got a network, chip embedded in their hand so, that they can actually connect to your network and you don't even know they have a device so. Policies, about bringing your own enhance. Now, must be created and will extend bring-your-own-device. To get to that point okay, very, interesting bring, your own enhancement. And. Then, the second, one is also about augmenting, the human condition, correct well, it is but, it's augmenting. In a different way now we have forever dealt with the fact that some human beings have disabilities. Disabilities. Will, prevent the human being from reaching, the full physical potential, of the, human form and, we know that those, with disabilities, will struggle to, be able to do some of the things that normal. Able-bodied. Individuals. And. The, idea of you, know what's normal is actually changing, so an, able-bodied individual. Might be able to run a certain speed but. A disabled, person who has you, know lost their legs for some reason and are giving given, blades as replacements. Can run faster, than an, able-bodied person, who has normal ordinary.

Legs, So. What. I always say is disabilities. Are leading us to generating, super, abilities, where, those who are disabled, go super, normal they go beyond the norm that human beings are used to doing and that's what we're talking about here we're saying that by 2023, the, number of people, with disabilities. That. Are working is one to triple because. Of the use of AI and advanced emerging technologies, these, technologies, will make it possible for someone who, is perhaps a paraplegic to. Actually interact with the rest of the world or to do a job there's, a project called GaN Cafe which was started late 2018. Was, a temporary project that allowed people who were. Isolated. In a, situation, where they were paralyzed to be able to control a robot in. A cafe so, the robot would serve people in the cafe but it's being controlled by someone who can't move they're. Using, combination, of I control, you know hi movements. Combination, of thought. Control even to, be able to control these remote devices and participate. As a valued. Member of that workforce so, we're seeing that ability. Turn into a super ability because I can't, do that and now. With with disabilities, gaining technology, edge the. Super abilities are beginning to emerge, and. Really, brings a whole population into, a new place especially for the use of technology absolutely, now. And, the next thing about it just an, addendum there is only. 31 percent of disabled people are employed, at, this point so this makes a huge impact huge impact huge impact is an untapped pool of talent and not, only that but companies that employ, and use, disabled. Workers are more productive, they. Are more profitable, ok. And there, are there are more effective, places to work so it's a good thing all around right, certainly. Ok. Now the next one though it has a different, angle I think you were channeling. My teenagers, and when you're talking about shopping and. The potential, that it can become an addiction right because. You know technology it's an incredible, when we hear about what it can actually enable that could not have been enabled otherwise, like with disabilities, but. Then it also creates its own ills sometimes, we're, shopping so talk to us about that prediction well human, beings are creatures of habit we, always, do the same things over again now think about this every time that you go and take your shower you, know when, you when you finished your run your you know five mile run you run in five miles a day right okay. Yes after you finished it you go in the shower you probably start washing yourself in the same spot every time you, know now think about that that will really creeped you out because how we start by watching right here and the. Notion that people have habits that they they, do over and over again leads to the idea that, people are. Addictive. By. You, know by generation. Of those habits now. We have a lot of things that we do can be addictive we do, things that. Draw us in and the reason why I pick should happen is often because of chemical, responses. In the brain endorphins. Are released that make us feel good and so, we want, to do it more. Right now social media has, us all addicted we're, always online, to see what happens when someone posts something about you it makes you feel good you want to see more now, translate, that to the advertisements. That you see in social media that, takes you in the shopping and the experiences, in shopping, are getting more addictive too because, the user experience is designed to draw you in to let you see all of the options that you could buy to, see what all the deals are and if you don't respond, they give you more deals and it's. Making it so that people who shop are, being able to be locked into this addiction I need more I want more I'll get more and when. You do too much of it you get bankruptcies. You know you get debt and that. Can be a bad thing you have to return a lot absolutely. It's. A growing thing we're saying that the World Health Organization, is going to declare online shopping, I did, an addictive disorder, interesting, and. And, it's it's, where. Technology's. Just enables, a human condition though is what you're talking about the psychology, behind it which, is interesting as well the. Next prediction is, always around that, area. As well which is talking about emotion. Ai playing. Into, that talk. About well, you know the prediction, is around the idea that emotion, is going to be used to actually, determine, what. Advertisements. You see, you.

Know And if you, if you think about it we. Can now track facial, expressions. We, can identify faces, you. Know with AI we. Can also identify your. Emotional, state based. On the tone of your voice based, on the expressions, on your face even based on your body temperature, so. Now since, we can do that we are in a position where, advertisers. Will. Exploit. Your current, emotional state, they'll. Be able to say you're, happy today so I'm gonna you know I'm gonna fill you up with what, advertisements. That leverage, your happiness, towards a purchase. If you're unhappy I'm gonna send you advertisements. That are designed to make you happy and then, you want to buy more from me so they're, targeting. Us based on the emotions, that we're displaying at any given time now we know if, you have a voice of a virtual. Personal assistant, Assyria. Cortana, and Alexa Google, home whatever one, you have we. Often we. Often interact with them in very human ways some. People are very rude to them some. People are very nice to them but. Imagine. The day when you're rude to your virtual, personal assistant and it's rude right back and, imagine. The day when you're nice to it and the nicer you are to it the more deals you get on products. That you can buy interesting. You see so it can be used either way if you want to be nice you, can get benefits, if you don't want to be nice you, might get it thrown back in your face but, it is interesting that they don't respond, back you're welcome when you say thank you. Interesting. You know it sounds creepy when you talk about it but I think that when like, with most advertising. Now even. It's not driven by emotion, when, you get it and it's relevant you're still happy to get it yes so I suppose if it's reading your emotions, and it's serving you up something that makes you feel better if you're unhappy you'd probably welcome it probably. Welcoming, becomes. A shopping I. Would. Say you know check what your kids are doing because. They can get addicted to it as well and you. Know if they're buying things, on, an account that you're not watching regularly, it can really build very quickly but. We mostly are worried about adults who who. Are just you, know it's just in the consumer, culture to. Such a degree that they have to have it now my worst, thing is when, I'm on social, media and they provide, those advertisements, they all I always feel like I got to have that I got to have it now and they're, always useless things that I don't need but. In the moment I'm feeling like I got to have it and more. And more of those ads are associated. With the kinds of things I've been texting or you. Know tweeting, or the. Subjects that have been posted on my, and they're, definitely, trying to exploit it right right. So. Tracking, though. Makes, a difference in these situations. From a broader level if. You want to talk about that as far as the. Prediction that talks about a bigger level of tracking well, I understand, that these predictions are tied together as I said indirectly, they're tied together so they create a thing if, we think about the the prediction, around the. Addiction, to shopping and, then, connect, that to the emotion, tracking, you. See that emotion tracking, can actually make it more likely that you're going to shop more so those two are related then, there's a third one about behavior, tracking an Internet. Of behavior. If you will where. Everything. That we do is tracked as an event so. Human actions have become an event that's tracked by someone which could be a facial, expression or or a an. Explosion, of emotion, and they could use that so now we're tied to the other two predictions but, this, one is a little more insidious, even, than the other two because, when you have, people.

Companies, Tracking, your very actions. They. Can either be very helpful to you or they can go too far now. Most people think oh I don't want anyone tracking my actions but in fact we do we. Want them tracking our actions to keep us safe to. Actually give us advantages, if you look at something like you. Know allstate, has an app that. Actually tracks the power you drive your, car give. You insurance premium, benefits, because. You drive well and if you drive badly they can actually you, know punish you for that now these this kind of tracking we welcome what, we don't welcome is if they start tracking, every, time we do a jackrabbit start, from some stop or we, every time we exceed the speed limit we, don't want that kind of tracking because we begin to perceive it as tracking. That's going to try to shape our behavior towards. A norm that we really don't necessarily, want to always. Adhere to but. There's. A balance point you got to find it now we use this term Tecla Librium to, talk about the balance between digital, and non-digital, capability. But any women within digital there's a balance of you, know helpful, versus intrusive, that, we have to actually watch out for when. We look at the intrusive, side, it. Could get really bad it, can be good too in China they have the Social Credit system which allows you to get better credit from, better social behavior worse. Credit from bad social behavior, so, it can go either way I don't. Know about that one okay. We're gonna keep moving maybe, we'll come back to that if we have time there's a lot we could talk about that the. Next one is tied more to the workplace I think this is interesting when you think about what's, possible to, really, get into productivity, in the workplace sure come on talk about that well you know the next the next prediction we had was um. About. The idea that, when you're when you're working, you are confined. By the applications. That you're given to use now. There, who hasn't, complained. About an app but they've been told they have to you know I'm sure no one complained but. It's. Something you could complain about well. What we're saying now is that, business. Workers in the workforce are, going to orchestrate, their business application. Experiences. The. Same way that they orchestrate, their, music, listening. Experiences, so. Oh your playlists absolutely I don't know a, lot of music services we don't we don't have just playlists anymore, we have you, know a listening, experience that's, based on potentially. Our mood certainly, based on the kind of music we listen to and where we might be or what time of day it is even, but, the idea of being able to pick the, application, function that you want at a given point in time because, you need to work in a given style or on a given project will. Be more like that now you. Might if you're a developer you're probably thinking you know no. No they got a right code and, you got to reconfigure it and absent, have a purpose in a place they do but. The reality, is that we have now had an application, explosion. All the parts have broken up into little pieces and they're all over the place we, access them through application. Programming interfaces, we, we, have now data that, is available to us through streams we, have components, and containers, and everything and services, all broken, apart what. We have to do is now orchestrate, them into what we want and the. Tools are getting easier to do this I use the example of Microsoft's, power, bi and their. Power apps tools which, allow the average, person, to be able to orchestrate how. Their app function works and to be able to create an experience that's more tailored to them at a given point in time so, when you can do that you get more satisfied, workers, who are more effective in their jobs right they. Have more control over the apps absolutely. Kind of like backward me at BYU you know bring your own device okay. If you have questions, for Derral we're going to take them in just a couple minutes so post them in the comment section where. We're, gonna make it through the next four.

Predictions. In. Just a couple minutes so these are the speed predictions, okay we're going to the back of the list, let's. See, the. Next one has to do with mobile, cryptocurrency. You, fill us in on that it's a quick one we, realized, that not everyone in the world has a bank account and, we. But, we realize also that more people in the world have mobile services, than. Have a bank account and, when. We think about this cryptic, cryptocurrencies. Are, a way of paying for things without you needing a bank account and, start you'll have a mobile cryptocurrency account. Accessible. Through your phone through, mobile cryptocurrency. Payment, systems and you'll, be able to do that now when you look at asia-pacific, there's gonna be a huge rise, in the number of people. 700. Million some odd people rising, over, the next few years in having a notes cryptocurrency accounts, in sub-saharan. Africa same thing they're, coming in with these accounts, and so what we're saying is that people. Who don't have a bank account are going to have a mobile cryptocurrency, account, to, actually make payments so just skip right there just skip right through okay and. Then the next one I'm blockchain, related. But different because, blockchain, is an underlined technology, very different than just the cryptocurrency. Absolutely. Blockchain can be used for is used for cooked or currency systems yes and it's fabrics underneath it like hyper ledger can be used for that but it's also a good system it turns out for, being able to detect variances. In content. In other, words fake content, can be identified through a blockchain now. We introduced in 2000, a term called counterfeit, reality, counterfeit. Reality, was a term that described, the intentional. Creation, of video audio a, textual. Content, that, was convincingly. Real but, in fact was, entirely fake now. In today's world that's called either fake. News if you're looking in the more broad political sense or it's called deep. Fakes, when, you're looking at videos so, we're seeing more and more videos that are created that are showing. People doing something where you believe it's absolutely real which, isn't and, it's not just doctored, videos this whole production of, you know a fake you know our representation. So, blockchain. Can be used to actually detect variances, inconsistencies. And to. Authenticate. That, content as fake or real so. The prediction is that we're, going to see a great deal of use of blockchain, to authenticate, the reality of content, which, is a good use of that for. Sure because how. Many issues that many people have said blockchain, is a solution. Searching, for a problem but. In fact it's not Rock, chain can be used in a lot of different ways this is clearly a problem and, one was blockchain, can affect absolutely. Okay, number, nine has also to do with some oversight, yes correct yes, number nine is really about the, idea that the g7 is going to the. G7, countries are going to be looking. For certifications. For AI developers. Who, are doing life critical, work now. When you look at what. Happens with AI developers. Have to learn a whole new style of development it's, not just writing algorithms, it's, about setting up mathematical, relationships, and most, people who use those solutions will never understand how the decisions, in those systems are actually made, so. If you want to trust developers, to build life critical systems right let's say you go to the hospital the doctor says you have to have an operation, you. Say Thank You doc I know you're good at it you'll be there and he says I'll be there but I won't be doing the operation, it's going to be a surgical, robot doing the operation, at that point I'm hoping you'll ask who's, the programmer you.

Know Who wrote these, AI, routines, for this surgical robot because I want to know if they're certified, the way my surgeon, would have been the programmers, hold all the power they, hold the power and they hold the ability, to actually cause chaos, so. We're saying there's going to be an interest in the g7 countries to, get certifications. For those AI developers, interesting okay. So. For the tenth prediction. You're. Talking, about timelines. For digital animation which. Ties, into a lot of this correct it. Does you know because all of this is really about how, you live in a digital society and. A digital society needs, digital, services, so. Businesses, are going to have to deliver more and more digital services, to, the, societies, that it serves now. I've said many times that digital, is something, that, you there's. Not something that you are it's something that you do okay. Because many companies say well when will I know I'm a digital business and, I say it's irrelevant when you know in your digital business the question is are you doing enough digital, things and the, more of them you do the more you can support your society, digitally. To, help solve problems. Unfortunately. We we have noted that at. This point for large traditional enterprises. Not, the ones that were born digital, but, those traditional. Enterprises it's going to take twice as long and cost twice as much to. Transform, to digital mostly. Because the operations, of the business are, very very inner woman with processes. Technologies, and procedures that are hard to break out and the, harder they are to break out you can't do that one thing which is magical, and digital which, is to blur the distinction between the real physical world and the virtual, world in any. Real, great. Digital solution. You will see that kind of distinction being made where the physical world and the virtual, world blur whether it be using a human. Form robot or a virtual. Personal assistant, or an, AI advisor they're. Using, sensors to tell what's going on what's, your face looked like where are you standing and so forth so we're able to blur those things and we, get digital it's just going to take companies longer to get there then we've hopefully okay, very. Interesting ten predictions now we're ready for our viewer questions are you ready don't, we have something have come in okay. Carlos. From Norway asked, what is the most requested topic. Out of the predictions, to discuss from clients, and prospects, well. Yes. And it's, pretty easy to answer the, most requested topic, is a broad, category, of capabilities, called AI, everyone. Wants to talk about AI now, everyone. Will have their own spin. On what they want up machine learning you know conversational, user experience, deep learning you, know all, these things can be categorized. Under the broad umbrella of AI, but. It is the most consistent, thing that were asked, about right, now if you would ask me this question ten years ago it, would have been cloud, and. Cloud is still one that is there that, we get asked about it a lot but AI has really begun to rise, in importance, okay. Question. Two Arvind from India how do we draw a line between helpful. And, true-self, the. Line between helpful, and intrusive, is by. And large depending, on your own personal preference, you know if you think about this and now let. Me expand on it because it's not just your personal present your personal preference comes from quite, often your cultural, you, know situation. Some. Cultures, will, accept, more. Tracking, more intrusion, than, others Western. Cultures tend to push back on any, kind of tracking because we all read George, Orwell's, you know nineteen eighty-four and so, we're all paranoid. About Big Brother now. Societies. Where there are a lot more people will. Have much, more close-knit. Relationships. Across all those people will be less concerned about that so how, do we make how do we find a lot it's a personal decision in the end but. When. The, the, the. Solution is giving you a value proposition you didn't have before. Versus. When it's actually taking information from you that it does not need in order, to give you the value proposition, that's where the line exists makes, sense, okay. Our third question David. From Utah asks, what, effect will change management, have on software, adoption as it pertains to digital. Transformation. Well, change management is a discipline. That, has. Been around for quite a quite a long time here's the problem, change, management is about managing, changes. Often, in systems or processes or what people do the, problem is that digital is now, about not only changed, but it's about innovation and it's about disruption, those.

Are Three different things all. Right change here, I just made a change if I move my cup from one side of the table to the other but, I didn't create any new value proposition, it's, still a cup I can still pick it up I can still drink from it whatever I want to do innovation. Is about creating a new value, proposition, and when. You create a new value proposition, you may add new processes, that you're not familiar with you've. Never done before and your change management process. Itself, may need to be altered and further. When you go to disruption, which, would be changing, the very nature of the drink maybe it turns from water to wine alright, which neither, one of us can do but. If it, did then all of a sudden there is a disruption that changes the nature of what you're drinking the, purpose for drinking and that requires. An even newer. Set, of skills so, change management can hold it all back if we only think about changing the way we thought about it in the 80's 90's and 2000's, we have to start thinking about innovation and disruption and what that means to our skills in managing, through right, okay. Our. Last question, is from Paul in New York and, he asks what is your position on voice technology, adoption. In 2020. Voice. Technology adoption I'm a big fan you. Know the, thing is that voice technology has really. Come such. A long way that. We are getting the. Ability to have voice in everything, no, matter where you are no matter what you're doing you can have voice respond of course you. Don't necessarily want to be in a cubicle, sitting, in an office where everybody's talking to their computer, and every computer is talking back so there are circumstances where, you have to mix voice you, know interaction with proper. You know sonic technology to. Broadcast sounds, directly to your ears or they wear headphones or whatever you, but, my belief is that 2020, is going to be a year of voice it's. Going to be a year where we say that, voice moves, from just a mechanism for input, of information, to. A mechanism, for all sorts of things like diagnosing, your condition, our health condition we can detect diagnose. Early onset dementia from, the sound, of your voice and healthcare.

Organizations Are, going to be using that to actually answer certainly, insurance, organizations the. Pinpoint, when you, know a person, may be you, know ready for a policy or not so. I think voice is going to be there we will find that voice is very useful, in. A lot of ways that we may not have thought about before now, I'll tell you that a lot of the virtual, personal systems are are, you know very interesting at first and then people sort of get used to them they don't talk to them as much but. We will find that voice through, chat BOTS, through. Stronger. Conversational, units user experience, systems and through. The ability for people to actually have multi-part, voice response. Of multiple people in a conversation that. It will return. Sitting to rise so I think 2020, will be a good year for voice ok, I did, get one last one and we're gonna take really quickly and then we will finish. Up Kathleen, from Belgium asks how. Soon will we see practical, implementations. Of blockchain, given the technical challenges. Practical. Implementations, of, implementations. Of blockchain already. Exist there. Are some practical implementations, in power, generation their practical implementations in financial, services you know where. Ecosystems. Of financial. Companies that are performing transactions, work through a blockchain to actually generate community, trust around those transactions, but. I gather, the question is really going to her when is it going to hit sort, of a, breakthrough. Point where we see them widespread. And. It's actually, gonna, take a little longer than we might have. Hoped because, we, are looking at a situation where a lot of companies just don't know what to use blockchain, to do what, do you do with it so. They're still trying to figure that out and they've got to figure out that using, blockchain, is about ecosystems, about joining, groups of others not, just doing something as if you own a database, on, your own so. We will see probably. A few more years before we get to the point where some. Of these breakthrough things begin to happen that, are more routine I would even give it five years before it becomes something that everybody, expects, all the time right makes sense okay.

Now We have just a couple closing. Questions, about. Your, experience, at got an IT symposium, Expo how. Many of you attended. How. Many of these conferences, have you attended if you've lost count it's okay I lost. Count this is my 24th, Gartner. IT. Expo symposium, that's 24. No I don't I'm not counting all the other ones they happen all around the world. Lando's. 75. Including, Barcelona, and Gulf Coast and all the other locations, if, we could convince the conference's, team to add a new city and they do have new locations, we just have Toronto, last spring. What. City would you encourage, them it's a long run it's easy Honolulu. I'm. There I gotta, get better we'll, do live coverage, and finally. With your one piece of advice for attendees, to get the most out of garden IOT symposium, Expo, well my advice to get the value is to talk to people talk. To the your, peers talk to the analysts grab them in the hallways don't let them get to their next meeting whatever, you got to do got, to talk to people because the whole purpose of this is community, it's, about bringing people together to share experiences. To share ideas and, if, you don't do that if you just go to the sessions, and you, know take a few notes you'll, miss the flavor of the event so you've got to talk to people and and talk to them not only in the morning and in the afternoons but talk to them late at night after. They've had a few to drink that's, when it gets really interesting and, some of the more interesting conversations. Start there and end, up in a booth with, an analyst during a one-on-one the next day that's, the thing that you have to do to really make this thing great. Well, thank you so much Darryl was a pleasure talking to you we love tearing about the prediction. Thank you for joining us stay tuned for more live coverage here and visit, smarter with gardener for our live coverage of gardener IT symposium, Expo take care.


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