Future Teacher Talk Inclusive Practice

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Okay. So, I start yeah. Go ahead okay, welcome. Everybody we seem, to have a nice. Line, drawn in the middle of that slide there that's amazing. Just. To, say. We. Wanted to. Contextualize. What we're doing today, in. In. The context, of what. Is good inclusive, practice, how Ofsted did some work in 2010, Ofsted, if you're not familiar it's the, is. The English. Inspection. Framework for, schools, and colleges. They. Did some work in 2010. On. Special. Education needs and disability, and there's, a quote there from it the best providers, had a good understanding of how to help young people become, a self-reliant. And as, independent, as possible and, a. Quotes, that's in. A conference around doing later, in month. Talks, about the biggest hindrance, to independence, and success of disabled, students is sometimes, not. The disability but their lack of digital skills of, those who teachers. That's. The context, for this session I'm not going to look at the other tabs here because you'll have access to this on, your own later. And we're going to be tight for time today so we. Go on to the next slide. We. Need, to. Do is, zoom God. With. So many people. If everybody, can mute their audio. I'll. Carry on for the minute. Alistair, and Lillian you need to. Unmute. Yourselves. Yep. Okay. Yep. Thank. You this, is us on the screen and. Again you can look find. Out more about us later what we want to focus on today if we can go to the next slide is. What. You. Can do in terms of inclusive practice, so. In. The text chat pane. We've. Got the link. To. Learning. Apps top coat UK. Or a, longer, link that's. I think. It's just being pasted, in there thanks, very much Ron and if. You want to open that up you'll be able to follow along on, the resource as we show you so it's and. The reason for that is because there are areas of the resource where you may, have different. Interests. And so different people will, be able to look at different things at the same time so if. You open that up and. Then. We're, going, to be starting on slide 4. So. On slide 4. We. Start as we always start with a mind map because, this. Mind map is probably very small for, you to see on the screen but because you've got access to the actual example. To. The actual resource if you go to page, 4 of the resource, and click, your way through you'll. Be able to zoom in and zoom out and move around and. This. Gives you the big picture because we are going to be limited in what we can cover today and so. What. We want to show you is, what. You can then follow on your own so. The, way we're working, this if we go to the top of the mind map run. Right. At the very top, on. The left hand side that's it you reach the top there on the left hand side we've got some research and some background that. You. Know we think will be useful to you and. For. Each of those we've got either links, or little commentaries, you can follow including, the the Ofsted. Information. There if you click on those I'll open up and the links will take you to, places and then, beyond those on the right we've got a. Wealth. Of. Different. University. Related resources, on inclusive, practice, but. The thing to remember is that just because it's coming from a university it, doesn't mean to say it's not relevant for everyday practice, and there's. Some in the middle of that university, lot which. Is called NHS, Portman. And Tavistock, trust, there's. A whole series of inclusive, teaching, resources. That. Ron, and I created, a couple of years back which. Would apply equally, if you're teaching adult, community, or further. Education we. Also look at the concepts that will help all learners and. We. Look at organizations. Within. The organization. We look at the. Area's, influence inclusive. Practice, so. Organizational. Policies, platforms. They're all relevant, to inclusive practice teaching. Practices, and then, we're, going to look at some accessibility ironies, later and then some, of the some of the tools you can use and some, of the mailing lists you can use, in order to keep yourself. In a community, of engaged. Practitioners. So that's, the mind map and we're, now going. To be getting. You to, do something. Because. One. Of the things that we're, very aware of he said although the idea, of learning, style was is something that you.

Know Is very much out. Of fashion at the moment and for for good reasons in terms of the research on what, difference, learning styles made um. We. All have learning preferences, and for people with disabilities, these, learning preferences. Become. Actually. More than a preference, and we'll go and have a look at that in a minute but before we look at that we just want you to consider your learning preferences. So. If you were receiving. Information, how. Would you prefer to receive it now, Ron's going to take over and give you. Something. Active, to do. Okay. This is an example, of where, we're. Screen, share in the learning object but you have a live learning, object as. Well. To actually interact, with so if you try to, move. These sliders like, I am now you won't be able to do it on my screen but you'll be able to do it on your, copy of the learning object I would like you to quickly do is. Look. At the sliders, and making. A judgement as to, which. Of these are most important, I quite like audio for, instance, I like video. And to. A certain extent interactivity. And then when you submit, you. Will see. What's. Called a radar, charts, I believe of your, particular. Preferences. And, if everybody we've got 66, people in the room if you all do that on the. Slide after this one so we'll give you a moment to do, that and on the slide after this one we'll. See. Collated. Results, so you can actually go back and respond, to. The. Interaction, again if you want to kind of change your mind, and. I'll. Just do that very quickly and. As I say if you all respond, in the live learning, object then. We'll be able to get. A the, results, of this straw, poll as, to. 60-yard. People, that, are in the webinar, right now and and what our collective. Responses. To. That ah so, I'm, gonna move on but please do respond. Yourselves to those sliders. And. I displayed, there the. Second page which. Actually is a collated. Graph. Of all the responses, we've had so far and you, can turn these off and on by clicking there, so. My last attempts is there but I can see an average of all of my attempts, and then, an average of our collective, attempts. On. The. Chart here. If. I refresh because. Some of you probably still will, see that that chart change. As. We go through can, I also encourage, you to make sure you scroll down to the bottom of those slider, bars because, there, may be one or two at. The bottom of the screen if you've got a smaller device or a smaller screen. Yeah. Thanks Alistair. So. It's interesting. I'll. Refresh again. What. Do you think Alistair Lily knows is that the kind of results. That we would predict. Expect, I. Think. I would give me a large number of people I think there's. Particularly. People who are, working a professional, capacity and, are. You. Know well-versed in using text, I think for a lot of us. That. Equal. Arrangement. Is probably quite, quite. Common, but. We're, going to be finding out some, interesting, contrasts. About that in a moment I'll. Just refresh very quickly again just see you ever exchanged. And for those of you that are dirty, users, amongst us this. Is an example of the new functionality, we have where it's, actually using, technology. Called X API to pull, those collective, results back, in from, everybody's. Responses. We. Move on then Alastair. To. You okay. So. We've seen that for a group of professionals, like we are here, and who, are also involved. In academia I guess most of us are in one way or another, you. Know the text, interactivity. Images audio video we're, familiar with all of them we can work with all of them and and, that explains, our relatively. Even. Distribution what's. Interesting though is if you start to look at students with disabilities, a blind, student has got very strong, preferences. For very obvious reasons audio. Is. Much, easier to access and, video, video might be half okay, depending on whether or not the narration. Is good and then. Images, no interactivity. Probably. Not if you can't see the things you're interacting with text. Depends, on text-to-speech and. If we do the same for the next one Ron, will go through the others very quickly because you can come back and read all of these sorry, I was one. Of my challenges, with this is into.

The Text chat as well as respondent, your instructions, I'll look at the text/chat run but yeah. Ellis there's a request to slow down the tiny bit, okay, yeah sorry, I'm doing my Patrick Moore impression. If. We look at deaf, students, their, preferences. Would plot out in, a different way they would be primarily, perhaps, interactivities. Images, video, audio, obviously. A no-no and text surprisingly, not very. Popular. Because. Literacy. Rates are often lower because your work in a second language if, you're a sign language user next. Slide. We. Can do the same for word dyslexia and, we, find that text is, the smallest as it has been in the other two we've looked at and next. One Ron. If. We look at learning difficulties, again. And preferred. Media maybe interactivity. Or images, video or audio work. Well with students with learning difficulties. Text. For, students, perhaps with Down syndrome. Might. Be working or working at much. Lower levels cognitively. So, text may be the, least preferred medium, if you put all those together you. Find that actually, takes is one of the least, favored media, for, a number, of students with disability, and yet it's, often, the one that we teach most. Commonly. With giving. Text and getting people to write in responses. So, if we go to the next slide the. The point about this is that already. We're talking about inclusive. Practice and accessibility, and, we're not talking about assistive, technology we're. Not talking about disability. Aids we're, talking about good teaching and again. If you look at the research. The Ofsted research we. Mentioned. Right at the beginning that picks. Out four. Things, where the best learning occurs it occurs where. The the. Tutor the teacher the lecturer, understands. Teaching and learning strategies where. They understand. How disabilities, of fake learning where, they know the students, and they know the subject now, in, some context if you've got a lecture room of 150, people you don't know this you, but, if you know the other three you'll, be much more inclusive than, somebody that doesn't and the. Other elements, of pedagogical, inclusion, again remember. That this is just giving you an overview, of the resource, that you can come back to time and time again it'll, be available for your, years. If. We click on media a. Range. Of media, will. Help you to minimize barriers. For students who have, a disadvantage. Or a barrier with a particular, kind of medium so the, best course, is the best Moodle courses as a screen shot there is, one, way you got you know you've got your links to all sorts, of things including perhaps, video, and audio as, well as web pages and, documents. Presentations. The, next one scaffolding. How. Well you contextualize, what, that, lesson is about what. That session is about or, how. Well you help the students, understand. This is what you need to do to get buy-in that that, bottom image this is what you need to do to kind of do more if you want to really excel then, this is the reality check you need under. Explicit. That's about making the learning. Objectives. Explicit. All these screen shots are from different courses. That you, know I've been evaluating, as part, of my work in, colleges, and universities, but, it's telling people what it is what. Is the purpose behind what they're doing for students. With disabilities, particularly. Perhaps specific, learning difficulties. Or. Students. On the autistic spectrum that, is really, critical, active. Is the next tab again, you can go through all of these here's. A resource, that might have been a really boring have. A look at this and then make notes on it but by just doing some little word scrambles. In there the students made it a little bit more of a game a little bit more interesting. To engage with given another bit of the brain tackle. Into, collaborative. Where. Students work together there's. Some really good learning. Can come out of that and again we've got links to that we'll show you the, evidence for that in a moment, the reflective, is, about how do you build in reflective, practice how, do your students, know, whether or not they've understood.

You've Done how do you know whether they've understood so, putting in the self testing, putting, in perhaps a learning. Journal as part of an assignment or, a blog that they have to do and the, why that final, bit is why do these things work what's the evidence, we've. Got a whole. Session. On online. Learning some, of you may have come to it was our very first session online learning what works we'd, ask, you to have a look at that at your leisure and then you can really have a look at what, the evidence is and what the brain based, approaches. Are that make these things reduce. Barriers to learning so. For the next slide. This. Is just to let you know that. To. Take those things further to say okay, turn. That into what, good practice is for me as a tutor. Creating. A word document handout, for my student or, for me creating a presentation, or for me thinking well, maybe I could do collaborative, work with my students but where do I begin okay, this this slide here which again is for you to come back to with colleagues. Friends whatever at your leisure but. There are links each of those will link you through to, an, entire learning module on inclusive. Learning how do you teach inclusively, with word with, PowerPoint, and so on if. We go to the next slide because I want to get to the. Activity. Bit. Very soon yeah, in fact just before we do this we're gonna get you looking at video in a minute but before we do. Ron. Could you go back just. Two. Pages. Right. The pedagogical inclusion, in, your own institution. What I would like you to do, is. In, the text chat pane can. You say which of those. Areas. From you know encouraging, range, of media scaffolding, explicit, which, of those does your institution, do. Well. Or. Could do well you, know it has has. A focus, on at the moment maybe some sort of project so can you just pop something into the text chat. We've. Got media you. Know rich range of media on the learning. Platform, we've got you. Know the effective scaffolding. We've got differentiation. You know linking. Back to prior learning. So. We got media, collaborative. Collaborative. This would have been interesting, as a poll wouldn't, it so. Reflective, practice and healthcare that's an interesting, one. Now. What's what's. Brilliant here is as we see different. Institutions. Different, individuals. From institutions. Giving. Us the areas they confident, in. If. You're on the future a teacher mailing, list will, be able to continue these discussions and, you can say we're, not very good at that so why don't you tell, us what you do. So. That's brilliant Jennifer, yeah accessible. Word and PowerPoint files. Definitely. That's a really important starting point actually even. Getting the basics. Communicated. To staff. Panopto. Interesting, how you, know the use of lecture capture can feed into this. Martin. Really, honest answer, and I think from the universities, and colleges, I've been in recently you. Know over the last five. Months or so and I'm. Not getting consistency. Across any programs, there's pockets, in, lots of places pockets, a good practice but. Not. No standards, that's interesting, so. There's. A range of really. Interesting ideas and that particularly, a range of different confidences. So I. Think. That point Gary's has put in there varies greatly depends. On knowledge and confidence that's something, that within our organizations. We need to try, to. Almost. Turn. Into, culture, turn into policy, that this becomes, what, good teaching is about so. Let's go back onto. The resources. So. Lilium, you're going to take over here and give, us a real example from a real tutor in a real place, yeah. So obviously. We've just looked at the pedagogic. Applications. If you like of somehow inclusive. Practice. And what, we're really looking at here on this page is an example from one particular practitioner. I think quite. A lot of us here work with practitioners, lecturers.

Academics. People. In fel. Out community, some. Some people here hopefully are teachers, and so. What we're looking at here is, this. Idea that if you're supporting, people who, are starting to look into. Incorporating. More inclusive, practice, the. Best thing I can suggest is, that they built the ideas, into the practice over, time I mean, that, mind map that we showed you you know it's, it feels quite. Daunting, for someone who's starting, to accept. Inclusive. Practice, so. My advice is kind of start with the simplest and most relevant things and then keep building. As. You incorporate, more and more ideas and. It becomes a habit so. Something's already a habit for me but we can always learn, something, else that's why it's great to connect with the community like, this because, you can always find something else that you can bring, into your tool set so. On this page we hear from dr. Emily Bronston, who teaches physics at the University, of York and she's, built in lots of ways to be inclusive in her practice and, the. Videos cover, particularly. Her. Inclusive. Practice and lectures, so. For those of you work with large groups you'll find her ideas very practical. And then. What we'd like you to do in this activity is, to select only one of the links to, watch and, then. Come back to the text chat to. Say if the tip was something, you can learn from something. You already do or if you can enhance the idea further. So. What you need to do is. Make. Sure that you're on the right page I'm, just going to pop that link again in the text chat. Remember. To click on the link on the live 30 object, rather than the one in the zoom screen. And. Then what we're going to do is stay quiet for a couple of minutes and then you'll hear from us in a couple of minutes. And. We look forward to seeing your feedback, on texture. A. Listeria. Not, gonna mute, everybody, so you'll need to unmute yourselves, okay. You. You. You. You. So. Some people are starting to pop in the text/chat. The. Idea, is how the ideas, relate to them and it was really nice Fiona that we. Share the same thing, when, Emily. First explained, how, live polling, was was kind.

Of A way of being inclusive, it, was a very nice take on. On. The practice really. Okay. Okay. Sarah good tip on, text-to-speech, and lay tech Thank You. Helen. Yeah, certainly. The use of accessible, resources, people always think it's going to take more time and, I think further. Down, further. On in the webinar. We're going to kind of show you some of the built-in functionality, that's just makes, the. Software more usable, not just from an accessibility, point, of view but just from organizing, point of view benefits, everybody. Yeah, the 3d printing wiki please do get in touch with Emily, if this means anything to to. You. And then you're interested, anyone that does anything with maths and physics or, anything that needs 3d, visualization. 3d printing, is great. So please, do, explore. The the rest of the videos in your, own time share, them with other tutors, because I think I think. Tutors worry that, the. Things they do aren't good enough for an inclusive enough, and what Emily showing is that sometimes. The little things like bothering, to talk to the front row can be seen as successful practice, so they start from that kind of simple step then. They'll feel their confidence, growing, when, they kind of pick another tip pick another tip in and grow, their toolset. Okay. I think. We. Need to move on to the next slide thank you everyone, for sharing all, your feedback. In the group chat and. That's. Me again. So, one. Of the things from a lot of the work. That I've been doing over the last few months going, inside colleges. Universities taking. Student perspective, of what, goes on is I've come across certain accessibility ironies. Where what's, going on in one part of the organization. Is actually undermined, by something going on somewhere else so, if we start here and. Again you can come back to this but. Just to give you a quick overview in. Terms of websites I very often get. Websites. Where they put real effort into the accessibility but. Because they use the corporate branding, and the corporate branding. Defies. Color. Contrast, guidelines, you. End up with a website as got, in accessibility, problems, and.

We. Very, commonly find the accessibility. Statement, is the very very last link, on, the page or somewhere near that very last link on the footer and, if you've got a like a Twitter feed in the middle of that somebody, who can't use a mouse has. To go all the way through tap tap tap tap into, the Twitter feed 200, tabs. Alastair, did you accidentally, I. Was waving my hands about press. The button. Even. When you if. You get through the Twitter feed those extra 200 clicks to go through you get to the accessibility, statement it tells you nothing of, any value is this is, w3c. Compliant, so, those those are all sorts of the things you can come and look at in. Your own time with your web team perhaps look, at the support I only though in, terms of disability support, so. Often I find that the most inaccessible, documents. On the website are actually. Produced, by. The, disability support teams because nobody's actually taught the disability, support teams what digital accessibility, looks, like so that's something to look out for in, your own practice. We. Also have, commonly. Come across support. Pages that, mention, everything, about the human help you can get nothing, about the assistive technology or, productivity. Tools or. I've, come across people, who have spent thousands, on commercial. Tools across the network and they. Don't actually work, and I'm perhaps the first person that's gone in there and tried. Them and said they don't work because students, try them they think oh I'm. Doing it wrong and the. Skills irony. I. Always. Look at study skills, parts, of websites to, see whether or not the study skills tell you how to read effectively. Write effectively, organize effectively. Using. The tools that, would really help student, independence, and, I always disappointed. Because, so, often the, guidance is inaccessible. In itself and there's, no, mention of technology. At all those, are things to look for in your own organisations. As well but if we go to the next page. What I want to look at is. What. I call four domains of Independence, so. We've. Looked at the pedagogy, of inclusion, let's now look at how a student as, an individual, could be, you. Know more, independent. And better served and there. Are inbuilt, things that you need the students, to be knowing, about and you, need to ask do, know about that am, i confident, about that and if so how can I pass that on to students so, it's about all those accessibility, features, just in Microsoft, Word and particularly. Things like the learning tools plugin, for word which, is brilliant got wide variety, of viewing options including, symbol support I've, not yet been in an organization, that's got it installed. I haven't, yet been in an organization. Where inbuilt, text-to-speech, in Word is, on the main core, image, OneNote. Similarly. Some brilliant things you can do on OneNote it must be one of the most underused, tools on the planet, Windows. Accessibility features. Do students know about that and again you can you know go back and look at those links on, your own we've got other links later. Browsers. Well, I said OneNote was the most underused tool in the planet but if we look at browsers I think we'd. Probably have to agree that in, terms of his assistive. Technology, and productivity, browser, plugins, are amazing. That screenshot, on the right-hand side, it. Shows I think the 12 or 13 browser.

Plugins, I use on a regular basis. And. They. Make me more productive and, many of them are accessibility, I've got voice, recognition. As, well as text-to-speech. On my browser and a host of other things so, those are the things browsers. Can, do with the right plugin and the link to find some mobile. Phones and tablets do. Your students. Make. The use that they could or should do do you encourage, them to are the resources you create compatible. With, the, built-in text-to-speech. The. Word prediction the voice recognition. Opportunities. That a student, carries in their pockets so we've got some blog posts there that you can look at to follow that up but. Is that anywhere. In your, guidance, for students and then, lastly, there's the standalone, free, portable. Tools that we could look at, and. I've. Got one particular example there that collates, a lot of good tools and that I know a number of universities and colleges are using it's, all free and the. Beauty, of free stuff is the student can take it on their own device when, they're outside of the. Institution. So. Now I'm going to go to my. While colleague, Lisa who's going to look. At, teaching. The diversity. Of learners using technology, to support learning in a broader context, not just universities. Lisa. Better. On unmute. Myself first, I hope you can hear me um. Thank. You Alastair, and and, can I just say that Alastair says he's the last of those tools I use a lot of those tools as well and I think I'm probably say the same thing libyan wrong there a lot, of them a productivity, tools and can. Recommend them and, we're. Just going to look at. Looking. At diverse learners, which is the easiest way to say, you, know, try. And make. Support. Learners and in the way that's best for them now I realize, this is probably completely impossible for someone who's standing, there lecturing in front of a hundred people but. If you can, and do work with individuals, and and, these. Are some of the ideas I can recommend, my background, is working. With adults, with learning disabilities. Not. With adults, in learning in higher education and. What, we try to do is to look at the, sort, of ways technology you. Can support learn. This so can you move on please wrong this. Is very quick easy, to, use. It's. A coggle, mind map it's a very simple one it's not by no means. Comprehensive, the. Link is there. For kögel the, reason, I started, using cobble, is, because. I was working in a college which, had such, old. Networked. PC, you name it everything, and I, couldn't get anything else to work and it's actually parts of Google Docs and. So. I mean this is really City, news, and it meant I could give half, done, mind. Maps to the staff and say go and work with the students, on this okay. So there's, a number of ways in which students. Technology, can support adults, but. If you go to the next one please um, this. Is this all I'm going to look up very. Briefly. And, this is a bit of a gamble. As its spring I thought we'd have a gamble rather than the gallop. Through. Three, main areas, which. Are. Self-help. Enhancing. Evidence, or creating, evidence or content, all, sort of things you can call it and also sequencing. So. If you can move on please run. Self. Help a. Lot. Of students on the autistic spectrum of. Course, which is of. Which there are many within higher and further education, can. Often find themselves in situations that, makes, them anxious or, uncomfortable. They. May, have habits or, tendencies. That are not helpful to others and social. Stories, and have been very good to put a TM, next, to that because it is trademarked. But. They're very very well used in specialist, education, and it's a way of enabling them, to cope and overcome, anxiety or. Remember. Behave you're, in certain situations, on, that link it'll go to a very simple, you using. A dirty object, now it, was a very simple, dirty object, which. Is a social, story I did, for a young man who really, really, couldn't. Stop interrupting. There's. All of four or five pages and, when the Knights think about this issue can actually download them, to the local machine so. You didn't, you didn't, have to be online and, he could look at the particular one he needed he had he had a few. And. Go, through it, and it, would enable him to calm, down and thus as a whole for the resource of using. Social stories. If. You can move on now on with these there's, lots of other ways. That. Technology can, support people. With mental health issues or anxiety. There's. Community. Support for, example. A big white walk there are many others of these as well this is by no means a comprehensive list, this is just my take on, things. I've used I sort of need to put that in and. We. Croak which I think's a very strange, thing to do but apparently a lot of people found it useful, you, basically get five reminders. That you're going to die each day. But it's a based, on a Bhutanese, and.

Proverb. And. It makes you grateful. For what you have I think, everybody probably gets some harm. I, get. Them all the time in my um. Instagram. Feed. For, me personally I've. Been using. YouTube. And I've been doing the yoga with. A youtube guy and it's been amazing. It's been fantastic for, me, again. And I will say this again and again. The. Rest of all the. Best of all of these. Calming. Things, are ones that are created, with. And for the students, and, if. You can. Work. With the student, and get. Them to create their, own. Next. Slide please run, so. Moving, on from that. Customizing. And creating, their own resources, is, something I do recommend. And. If the student isn't able to make their own resource. Involve. Them on that, slide again there's, another image. Of a mind map which was actually done this is all part of some group work we did about relationships. Within the college I was working on as I said with we had to use kögel because there was nothing else. And. Then finally, looking at different, sorts of oh sorry, know the sequence things next isn't it sorry. This. Is, an. Example. Of following. Instructions. And, Alistair. And I did a lot of work a few years ago with a wide, range of. Organizations. Looking. At. Having. Those sequences. Available to. Hand at the right time for students, and. This is an example on, here in particular, worth of. Doncaster College, where. They created, recipe, cards using augmented reality, so. The actual photograph, triggered, the video and, if. You click on that run just you can stop it again just. Click on the YouTube video. And as you can see, loan, she's the. Topic. Now that sauce just to show that it launches it and, the spots of doing this are discovered you can actually do a screen. Capture as well I'm an iPad because that's how I did that there's. A lot of other ways of doing these you can do the Museu, you can do you can use symbols, you could use just some power points is it, really. Doesn't matter it's, it's a mindset. Of how. Can we use technology to. Support this. Particular student, and. Finally, the last couple ones enhancing. And producing, evidence and. By this I mean some. Way of demonstrating, knowledge, understanding. The. Ability to, explain, show. Some creativity or. Develop critical thinking they can all be done in ways, that are alternative. To text. That's. A picture of Monty, he's a rather splendid saltwater, cracker crocodile, and if you click on memes interactive. Google images. You. Can see down there and. On. That image if there's a box at the bottom which will give you a link which just to give you an example of, using. Google images and drawing, instead, of. There. We go if you click at the bottom of the bottom things run you can see the link there they go so it gives you a link to what I, was just trying to sort of look at an alternative, to the fabulous. Thing link. That. Is now paid, for I'm afraid um. Edpuzzle. There's a link there to a YouTube, video I don't think we need to go on that now, of.

A Guy who's you suck for. Students. Creating. Paper aeroplanes. Edpuzzle. Essentially, is something where you get a a YouTube. Video not your own Enys and you. Can add to it and you can add audio notes, annotations. Quizzes, it's. A bit. Confined. In, that you have to do it within a classroom setting, but within a classroom setting it's fabulous but it's quite difficult to show in a situation, like this, book. Creator I think is one of the best amazing. Apps. Available, certainly. Used a lot in specialist. Context. And, in fact there's a link there to a, Christmas. Book. Creator session, that colleagues, and I did within specialist, colleges. To look at ways of using technology. There's. The two view, of the rest, are just links to the actual software. So there's explain everything and edgy creations, both. Of which are very similar I'm sure the people who create them would say something, quite different but I think they're very similar but being, able to just talk over an image and. Explain. What you've done really is very very helpful for the consolidation, and. Reinforcement. And timeline. Which is a fantastic. Website. But, I've only just discovered and I shall be exploring. In much, greater detail, and then, finally, please run. As. Part of take this Alistair and I worked, in. Creating, some tool box there's a toolbox of. Short. Videos. And. Two. We have two very very good contributors. To these and. We. Have a set of three of them source software videos and there's a link there to the channel that's done by all Ron Elrond, and. There's. Also one, on productivity. Loads, on productivity and they're done by our lilz yeh. And, I couldn't really recommend, you go and have a look at those they, are fabulous and I, won't, tell you how long it took us to come up with a name title, for the procrastination, one. Finally. Thank. You. If. I think the lesson. Is it's. Not about the technology it's. About looking at something and thinking oh I, could, do. Most. Of the things I've mentioned today we're, not design, for teaching and learning or not, designed for individual, use for teaching and learning but, you can use them and you, can be, really. Creative. And, make, very personalized, an individual. Right. I haven't looked at the chat so I hope there's not lots of complaints I shall, be quiet now no. Complaints, Lisa there was a question though about on you'll see see slides a question, from Julie and asking what you mean by, sequencing, could you define what you know oh sorry. Go. Back to that slide. So. For example what's. The order in which you. Have. To, I don't know. Change. The wheel on a bicycle, okay. So you would need to know what you need to do in what order, so. If. For. Example I. Know. One College has actually done this students. In horticulture would, go along to the, marriage. And they then wrote, that job that day is to. Do. A service on one of the lawn mowers now. That sequence, will show you exactly what order, you have to do things in now. The benefit, of doing it this way with the augmented. Reality and, in fact the guy who did this has. Actually got a video of a young man cooking. His own tea and. What. He did is was able to go back he'd look at the video. Start. Doing what he was doing then they'd forget what he was supposed to be doing and go back and it gives my independence. That a student, can, go, and revisit. A. Process. Or something, like that and it gives them the opportunity the. Independence. If you like rather than just a list it's, like a recipe I suppose but, it's a slightly more. Advanced. And. Index. Recipes, just, that is, that right Alistair do you think that's okay yeah, sounds good sounds good to me it also sounds like somebody's changing, the wheel with the background as we speak.

It's. Raining, very loudly on, the Velux, window above my head. There's. Not a lot I can do about that. Thank. You very much Lisa. So for the last last, few, slides then if, there are any more questions for Lisa or indeed for any other part of what we've gone through pop. Them in the text chat pane and again please do remember that we're, really aware painfully. Aware and, how fast these sessions go but, the points of giving you the mind map and the point of giving you the live resource, that you can come back to again and again is. That we want to give you the Ordnance Survey map, the, whole map of the whole area, so that you can then go back and explore, the bits that you want at your leisure afterwards, and. That way you can you can pick out the landscapes. That are really interesting, to you or meet, your needs, so. We've. Got this slide here with links resources. And going forward so where, do you go from now now the first, thing to remember is that you, know we've, been talking a lot about accessibility, for disabled. Students today but the. Things, that benefit a disabled. Students, barriers. Are. Actually. This is exactly the same things that would benefit, a student, who has different barriers for a different reason or or similar, barriers for. A different reason so international students, challenged. By left-to-right. Western, scripts because we. Write the wrong way around in in the, West we should be going right to. Left so. That the. Text-to-speech. Tools it said to benefit them as well students. With care responsibilities. Who. Can only get to some sessions, or who have high absence, rates have, exactly the same benefits, as students with lots of medical appointments, or, or. Missing. Work misses, studies. Because of illness so. These. Are good for everyone that's what inclusive, practice is about now, there are some courses that, are coming up and. Put. The dates in, your. Face. One of those you can sign up for ready the JISC training course the other ones we've got the dates signed. Up or dates ready but we haven't got the signup forms ready but I will announce those on the future teacher list when. We're ready so make sure you join that and then, there's a self access course, that. You can also come onto this in that list, in. Terms of links so. Really good links. There's. The mind map remember the mind map you go back to that page and we've. Got some education, focused links a lot from disk because we've got a service. In disk that supports inclusion. Simulation. Tools down there the no coffee visual, simulator, for Chrome is fantastic, works really nicely and, but. We've got. Oh sorry. Whoops do a link I've got a link to a deaf one as well that third one down I'll add that straight. After this session I forgot to put the hyperlink in and the, list of fantastic. Tools and, the, iPad we love apps with dyslexia for communication. Needs. And so on and then, the frameworks, just, if you wanted to put this in a bigger context, under frameworks, we've got a. Mapping. To the National Student Survey. So. That when you are trying to persuade colleagues, hey why don't you teach differently, why don't you create, your documents differently. You could then have a look at how that makes a difference in terms of the National Student. Survey. And. Their, scores the. Ditch comp edu is an. International. European, wide framework. For digital competence launched, this year and. We're. Building a lot of our resources around that framework there's, some brilliant, statements. On enabling. Accessibility. And inclusion so we would, advise you to have a look at that and then. I think, from now it's. Over to Ron, but we do have a little sneaky. Activity. In there that you can do for homework and, afterwards, that Ron will perhaps mention I leave it to you Ron thanks. Alastair so one. Of our main vehicles, for communicating, about the projects. And. About future webinars and so on and to, enable reflection. And and further discussion, is a mailing list it's, very clear and very low traffic so please. Do join that and. It's. There that we will post, our primary, information, even. Though we also do sometimes, post to other mailing, lists and other communities, as well. We'd. Like you as usual, to put. In a text chat one, thing that you will do as a result of what we've discussed and while you're thinking about, that I will just skip on to the. Next couple of sides and we'll come back to this, we've.

Got The summary side here that tells you about the next. Webinar. That we have which is working, with rich media on, Friday. The 20th 25th. Of May and a reminder to. Discuss. Further viola, mailing this and also our Twitter tags there which is F T 30 UK. That's. The activity that Alice. They referred to us get past that for a moment we have a final, page about this resource that describes, it as being Creative. Commons and. A link to that page. But also a bit of a summary when using 30 throughout, the day and, for all of these webinars and a little, bit more info about the, the, accessibility. Benefits of using dirty thought, for. Any kind of resource that you wish to create so. Just. A reminder what, one thing will you do as a result of what we've discussed today if you put that in the text chat and then Alastair will also describe. The, last, activity, that I think is the prompt for doing after. The webinar Alastair, isn't it indeed. Yeah so and, this. Isn't something we're worried about doing in the next five minutes because you've got to think about what. You're doing next and lunch and all those things but we'd. Be really keen for you to put into practice some of. The things that we've looked at we've looked at the pedagogical, aspects of inclusion, we've looked at the student. Self support the independence, tools etc element. Of inclusion, we've. Looked at they, where, those two interact as well, what. We would like you to do is to use. Your expertise, your, colleagues expertise, and we've. Got a very simple activity, here between now in the middle of May so you. Know take that as the second week of May or so the, end of that week we'd. Like you to go over this learning resource again with with. A colleague or with other colleagues and then. Go. To the scenarios, and if you click on that link it will open you, up a Google, Form and on, that Google Form I have four characters, and. Look. At any of those characters indeed, look at all of them if you want to but certainly look at the one that's most relevant to your context, and, I. Just. Like you to work. As a team to say well how would we support this. Individual. Trying. To draw elements. Of support, from the. Whole workflow. From how you teach with, fewer barriers to how you give, students, more. Confidence. And independence, becoming those barriers, using. Productivity. And accessibility tools. So. If you could do that will. Collate all your results together and we'll pop them into. The mailing. List. Some. Great stuff in the texture, palace, dear so. We. Usually say to people that we're happy, to be, around for a bit longer and and and, even to open, the, mic to anybody, that wants to discuss. A particular topic, in more detail. Lily. Have you been watching the text chat is there ya know I'm loving, all the year it's like a call to action and lots of people have said they're gonna review. The. Resource, the mind map, and. Some people have. Firm talked about some specific, actions taking it back to their teens sharing the resource with their teens, just. To note that obviously, we've recorded this session so, you could actually use. This recording as, well and run the session face. To face if that's what it what it takes to, get people to engage with some of the resources. So. And some of the people have mentioned you know usefulness, of text. Absolutely. Gary, and. On. The whole yeah whilst. Is asking what time the 25th main session is it's going to be at one o'clock again, and. So. Yeah we will. We. Will be looking at, the. Comments. That. Have come through on the group chat I think we, will, definitely. Look. Forward to engaging with everybody and the future, teacher, mailing, list we. Always feel that when we've managed to bring people together it's, a it's.

A Pity to not meet, up again. Virtually. So hopefully, you join us again at the future event. Also. We. Meet up virtually. On the, future teacher list we can support each other ideas, obviously we've, got a lot of ideas from you guys already, you. Mentioned the recordings, I put, a link to the resource that everybody followed, when they signed up for this webinar and, a reminder that. Clues the recordings, and the resources that we've used for all. Of all of the webinars we've done in this on this project so far so there are nine in total so. Far and the. Resource in this webinar and the recording, will be made available, probably. Early. Next week if not sooner. Okay. And Ron. Ellis is asking where staff can get training on dirty. There's. A dirty. Conference, coming up if you are interested, in that I. Spend. A lot of time actually going into organizations. And providing. Dirty training, and support, a number of organizations. With their dirty. Installations. There's. A very friendly. Community. And. So on. Though. There's plenty of information out there I'll put a link to some, of those things I. Can. Grab, them quickly. You've. Got anything to add yeah, Santa sir you may find it difficult to hear me as a result of the very. Heavy rainfall that's what I got for, boasting. Earlier at gloating, that it was sunny down here yeah, I thought your comedy, typing, actually, notes. No, this is this. Is just rain on the roof, one. Thing that would be great before, people disappear, off there's, 54, of you many. Of you will, have your own, resources. That you're aware of that we may not be aware of, somebody. Put in a nice link to Bert Boat Beck's access, for all. Resources. To. The mindmap now yeah, excellent what we'd love to do if you've got links that. You think hey these are great you haven't mentioned them it's. Not because we know about them and thought they were bad it's because we don't know about them it's a big area so help, us make the mindmap better give, us any links you got as you go out. And. Julia. I do apologize. For turning, you into a male earlier. Ellis. Now you don't realize this but Lisa, started, typing. Her own name when she was emailing me. So. I got caught Lisa bye Lisa. It's. Infectious. Thanks. Cheryl that's great that's. Really good and if you've got you know if you want to follow up in any way do you know do get in touch join. The mailing list as well, and. Also if you're a disc, member, like, a university. Or college, do, I have. A look at some of the links there the disc and support because we can come in and do accessibility snapshots. From. Autumn, onwards we're going to be doing some training, on and you. Know doing your own accessibility, orders, with in-house and that will be free to members. I'm. Conscious, that we seem to have links spread out through, the dirty object, as well as the mind map and all, I can suggest to people is that you kind of need both resources.

But. Uses erty is your main. Flow. If you like and obviously the mind maps a bit more you, know s and when you need something. Is. The storytelling, isn't it yeah. If. You need the catalog and the storytelling, yeah. And. It might be useful for people to kind of almost make copies and off, like, the mind map and build their own versions, so. Think. Of our mind. Map as a kind of. Concept. That you could start, something similar. Using coggle which Lisa recommend, it for instance within. Your own. Organizations. That's. A nice comment from Fiona there we we try our best Fiona. We've, got a got a question from, Karen how. Do I just, do it just save the, link connecting, to the dirty object yes just and save. That link I'll put it back in again because it's probably, scroll, right way up the text, chat so here, it comes again into the texture if you just keep. That. Link. Actually. I've, just, popped another Lincoln so you'll see two links. Karram. It might be useful for you to take the top one as well as the bottom one the top one will lead you to all. The. Resources, from. The last nine. Webinars. That we've ever done, so. You know apart. From this dirty link if you pop back into that page in, the, next few months you'll see the recording, for this webinar in. There as well. So. Lots, of people are starting to say enough thanks. Very much for your attendance and thanks very much for your participation and. A, big thank you to our guest. Presenters to. Lisa who. Was alive, and with us and, also to our Emily, who was on. Video but. Very. Much supported. Us using her materials. Yeah. Thanks everybody I'll stop, the recording now but will will hang around until. People. Have left in case there are any final questions.


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