Full Keynote Introducing Copilot PCs

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[MUSIC] (applause) Satya Nadella: Good morning. It's fantastic to be here on a beautiful spring day in Redmond campus. We obviously prayed hard and got the sun out for you-all, and right next to a beautiful cricket field.

It's just fantastic to be here. In fact, I'm reminded of another seminal moment in our history, what is it? Some 30 years ago, in the same fields when we talked about Windows 95, and here we are some 30 years after to talk about Windows yet again in this unbelievable new era of AI. In many ways, in some sense, if you go all the way back to even birth of at least modern computing,70 years ago, the pursuit has always been about how to build computers that understand us instead of us having to understand computers. I feel like we really are close to that real breakthrough.

That's what I want to talk about. I mean, if you think about the new user interface, the universal user interface that's multimodel that you can support text, images, video, both as input and output. We have that. We have memory that

retains the important context, recalls our personal knowledge and data across all of the applications and devices, and we have this new reasoning capabilities that help us complete complex tasks. We're entering this new era where computers not only understand us, but can actually anticipate what we want and our intents. For us, this platform shifts start with Microsoft Copilot. Copilot is your everyday AI companion. It puts knowledge and expertise at your fingertips, and help you act on it.

It works across devices, every role, every function in every industry, Copilot is empowering every person in every organization on the planet to be more knowledgeable, more productive, more creative, and really be more connected to everything that matters to all of us. In fact, every day, we learn about new and incredible things that people have been able to achieve with Copilot. But while we obviously made a lot of progress, it's pretty early still on this platform shift. The fundamental driving force behind this AI wave that perhaps, that I think we have to stay grounded on are the scaling laws. Just like say, the Moore's law helped drive the information revolution, the scaling laws of deep neural networks are going to drive the intelligence revolution.

However, we fundamentally believe that computing always will be distributed. Up until now, the scaling laws have helped us build and serve these very powerful models in the Cloud. But today, we're going beyond the Cloud to the device, removing those fundamental constraints of power in space, reducing latency, ensuring privacy. We believe AI will be distributed. The richest AI experiences will harness the power of the Cloud on the edge working together in concert. This in turn will lead to a new category of devices that turn the world itself into a prompt, devices that can instantly see us, hear, reason about our intent and our surroundings.

For us, this vision starts with our most beloved and most widely used canvas Windows. It's why we're introducing an entirely new class of Windows PCs engineered to unleash the power of distributed AI across the Edge and Cloud. We call this new category Copilot+ PCs. To me, whenever you think about a platform like Windows, it really comes down to rethinking the core architecture of the PC across silicon, systems, and the end user experience. That's what we've done. We're introducing

a new state of the art AI models running locally, and continuously to reason over your data from text to the pixels. To make this possible, we're introducing a new system on chip. We're also modernizing the entire operating system to unleash the power of the SOC and deliver these next generation applications, models, and experiences that are simply just not possible on today's PCs. The result is the fastest, most AI ready Windows PC ever built. Just like we have always done with Windows, we're taking a partner first approach to bring Copilot+ PCs to life.

Windows to me has always been about the platform that enables things that are bigger than Windows to be born. The web was born on Windows. We are again creating a new opportunity across our entire ecosystem as we build this new category together. On the Silicon side, we're working with AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm, and every major OEM who are part of the Windows ecosystem are going to be bringing some of the best innovation together. We're adding AI as a first class namespace on Windows.

That means every developer can take advantage of it. You'll hear a lot more about this tomorrow at Bill. Just like Win32. In fact, my first developer conference was the Win32 developer conference. What Win32 meant for graphical user interface, the new Windows Copilot runtime that we're announcing today will be to AI.

As you will see shortly, developers are already leveraging this to build groundbreaking experiences. Today, we're re imagining devices as we know them, so that they understand us and our intent. We're bringing real joy and a sense of wonder back to the creation on the PC, and we're using power of these new devices to make the world more accessible, and much more. To tell you more about this new category of devices, and how we're bringing the AI wave to the PC, let me introduce Yusef Ahmed and team. Thank you very much. Yusuf Mehdi: Thank you, Satya and good morning, everybody. Great to see y'all. We wake up every day excited about our mission to empower people to achieve more.

We've been pursuing this by building creativity and productivity experiences on some of the world's most powerful and beautiful devices. But today is a special day because today we get to re-imagine the platform that fuels our work and our passions by harnessing the full power of AI on a completely new category of PCs. Now, over the last year, we've been laying the foundation for this moment. We brought Copilot to your Windows desktop and to your keyboard with the Copilot key.

We introduce as an industry the first generation of neural processors that enable a new level of computing performance with up to 10 trillion operations per second. These have led to more powerful PCs that accelerate everything you do by up to 20 percent and they deliver new AI experiences like Windows studio effects, that don't tax the CPU and the GPU. These improvements provide the most compelling reason to upgrade your PC in a long time. We estimate over 50 million AIPCs will be purchased just in the next 12 months alone. But now, let's turn our attention to the next generation, Copilot+ PCs. We've re imagined the entirety of the PC from the inside out.

We've made a huge leap forward in technical capability to usher in this new category. Even with all this power, these new PCs are unbelievably thin, light and beautiful. I'm going to show you these in a minute. But let's start first by describing what makes them unique. First, they are the most powerful Windows PCs ever built. Second, they give you access to the most advanced AI available with Microsoft Copilot.

Finally, they're going to introduce all new productivity, creativity, and communication capabilities that I think of literally as superpowers. Let's start first by talking about performance. Copilot+ PCs introduce a new systems architecture powered by the CPU, GPU, and an all new NPU running at an incredible 40 trillion operations per second.

Forty trillion. We also completely re architected Windows 11 on a new minimum hardware configuration to optimize performance and battery. The result, Copilot+ PCs are the fastest Windows PCs ever built. If we wanted to do a comparison, they're 58 percent faster than the most advanced MacBook Air with the M3 processor. All of that with a battery that can last all day.

Next, we talked about Microsoft Copilot. We've updated Microsoft Copilot, your everyday AI companion, by re imagining what Copilot can do on Windows. Let's take a look. It's going to be easier than ever to call on Copilot with just the tap on your keyboard or on the center of your Windows task bar. As you see here, we're simplifying the experience, we're making it more personal.

We're making it faster to get to what you want. We're also going to make it a flexible app experience so you can resize it, you can snap it, or you can even maximize it and run it in full screen. One of the great things now when you have Copilot and Windows is, I can now use two Windows, and I can literally drag and drop something from one Window to the other, like in this case, what the Northern lights, and I'm able to ask it, Hey, tell me about this phenomena that happened in Seattle last weekend and I get a great set of information on it. Later this year, you're going to see Copilot show up in Windows in settings where it's going to provide helpful suggestions for you.

For example, here, when you go into Window settings that you need to configure a PC with one click, Copilot will help you. Or you can get things done in fewer steps when you go to File Explorer. For example, you can quickly get a photo and you can edit it without having to open an app.

Or even what's great, one of my favorites within notifications itself. When you're on your Windows desktop and you get a notification, you can now simply click on that Notification, and Copilot, for example, in this case, will answer that question to reply to an e-mail with the right PowerPoint just with a click. We're really excited to bring the latest technology from our partners at OpenAI to Copilot. I'm delighted to share the GPT-4o with amazing text, voice and vision capabilities will soon be available in Copilot.

Let me show you a preview. One of our developers, Ryan simply shared his screen with Copilot, while he was playing Minecraft. Now, what you're going to see here is two voices. The first will be Ryan, the second will be Copilot.

He's going to be having a natural conversation like he would with a friend, while he plays. Let's watch this experience. Ryan: Hey, Copilot, how's it going? Copilot: Hey. I'm doing great. It looks like you're about to dive into some Minecraft. Ready to build, explore, and maybe dodge a few miles? Ryan: I'm trying to figure out how to make a sword. My son plays this game all the time, and I have no idea what I'm doing.

Copilot: No worries. I'm here to help you impress your son. I see you've got a crafting table in front of you, which is a great start. To craft a sword, you'll need some materials.

Can you open your inventory? Just press E on your keyboard? Ryan: Do I have what I need? Copilot: Let's see. You've got some sticks, perfect for the stores handle. But it looks like you're missing the material for the blade.

You can use wood, stone, iron, gold, or diamond. Yusuf Mehdi: Let's pause it there for a second. Did you see how Copilot not only could understand that he was in Minecraft, but it could also understand Ryan's request for help and assess the inventory on his screen. Well, it gets better. As Ryan continues, he gets a surprise that Copilot amazingly identified, and it tailors interaction. Let's watch.

Copilot: Let's start by gathering some wood or stone. Shall we head out and find some resources? Ryan: That sounds great. My God, what's that? Copilot: No, it's a zombie. Run. You need to get away from it fast.

Either sprint away or quickly build a tower of blocks straight up to get out of its reach. If you can find a shelter or dig into the side of a hill, do it now. Just make sure it can't reach you. Ryan: I think I might be safe now.

Copilot: That was a close one. Great job finding shelter. Yusuf Mehdi: That was honestly for us.

(applause) For us, I was honestly a magic moment to discover how Copilot with GPT-4o could immediately identify and adapt and be helpful on a screen that it had no knowledge of until it saw it. In this case, a surprise zombie spawn. I love this example because it demonstrates how Copilot can become a natural and helpful part of your entire windows experience. Just stop and imagine. You're in your flow, you're on your PC, working away or having fun, just talking to Copilot naturally, and it understands and assists you along the way in what you're doing. It really is going to be a whole new way of experiencing the world.

Finally, let's talk about these new experiences that are only possible on Copilot+ PCs. Because of the 40 tops MPU and over 40 new on device AI models, the PC can now process and reason over information in a way it has never been able to do before. It actually understands your context and your intent. In other words, the PC better adapts to you, assoc said versus you having to adapt to it.

Let's show you what we mean through our new feature recall. Now, let me set it up. The opportunity for recall starts simply by seeking to solve one of the most frustrating problems that we encounter daily. Searching for a file or a folder or an e-mail or even a web page from just a few days ago, it should be simple but often, it's just not.

You have to remember, Hey, where did I put that file folder, or where was it in many of my browser tabs that were open? Or worse, I have to go through thousands of e-mails to try and find what we're doing. You guys have had that problem. Then worse, we've created these cumbersome workarounds for this very human problem.

We e-mail ourselves to remind ourselves or we keep a lot of browser tabs open, which clutter the experience, and they actually slow the PC down. Even worse, some of us write notes that we put on our computer just to remind ourselves. Yet, I find it ironic that you can search for literally millions of documents on the Internet and find literally anything in subsecond time. Why is that?

We stopped and asked ourselves. Really, at the end, at the foundation level, it's because the way PC store content is not aligned with how we remember and connect with information as humans. PCs like to organize information in database structures, like File Explorer, while our minds think more in relationships. We remember information relation to people, time and places. We're inherently more visual, and we create associations and connections that are unique to each of our life experiences.

With recall, we're going to leverage the power of AI and the new system performance to make it possible to access virtually anything you have ever seen on your PC. It's going to be honestly as if you have photographic memory. The ability to access this memory was simply your words in a form that's natural for you. Recall is only going to be possible on these advanced PCs. To show you recall, I'd like to welcome our product leader on Windows who built this incredible new capability, Carolina Hernandez. Welcome, Carolina. Yusuf Mehdi: Thanks, Carolina.

Carolina Hernandez: Thank you. Yusuf Mehdi: Give us an overview of Recall, please. Carolina Hernandez: Yeah, absolutely. I would love to.

My team developed Recall to help you find anything you have ever seen or done on your PC. We leverage the power of the MPU to ensure content stays on your device, which makes the experience fast and maintains your privacy. Let me show you a few ways that Recall helps me.

Like all of you, I am constantly jumping between different tasks throughout my day. Managing my time between a career I am passionate about, staying connected with my family and friends around the world, and the hobbies that I love. Recall helps me get through all these tasks more quickly.

My family and I have been searching for the perfect dress for my grandmother who lives in Colombia to wear at my cousin's wedding. I've been browsing Pinterest and shopping websites for some options that I can share with her. After looking for options for a few weeks, I wanted to go back and see some of the favorite blue dresses I have found. But I didn't keep all my browser tabs open.

With Recall, I can just search for blue dress, and it pulls together all the dresses I have seen. Now, Grandma decided that she wanted to get the awesome pantsuit that we shared in our discord chat about three weeks ago. Now, scrolling through multiple weeks of chat messages to find that specific dress would have taken an eternity.

Instead, with Recall, it was easy. I refined my search using descriptive language, blue pantsuit with a sequin lace from Abuelita. As you can see, Recall quickly found the discord chat my family and I were using to discuss the options. Here it is, the dress that Abuelita liked.

Recall analyzes this snapshot, and it gives me options for what I can do next. In this case, I want to click the link, which takes me back to the right web page where I can make the purchase and Grandma has a gorgeous outfit for the wedding. Yusuf Mehdi: This is a great example, Carolina that I think is going to show how Recall is so helpful for people. But one thing I'm not sure people notice is you used the word Peacock, but it wasn't anywhere in what you were searching for. How did Recall recognize that and what's going on behind the covers? Carolina Hernandez: Yeah, absolutely. Recall can understand that Peacock is in the family of the blue hues so it creates that semantic association that is used to help me find a dress.

Recall is also essential for me at work. Like many of you, my team and I spend a ton of time collaborating on presentations and documents. For example, over the past few weeks, we have been collaborating on a presentation for a product pitch.

The deck was created by my partners in the marketing team and when I finally got around to add my content, I could not figure out where to look for the deck. I tried to remember was a deck shared in the call. Maybe I had seen it in an e-mail or maybe I could go and find it in my recent files in PowerPoint. I don't really have time to spend clicking around. But with Recall, I no longer have to go on a searching expedition. I remembered in the outline, we had added a chart with purple writing, and to find the PowerPoint, all I had to do was simply use my voice to search for that clue that I remembered.

In a few seconds, Recall found the deck for me. Notice that it took me to the exact slide that I remembered, saving me even more time. Now, to put the finishing touches, I wanted to add the final marketing line, but couldn't remember the exact words. I didn't remember that Nikki shared it in the planning meeting on Teams last Tuesday. With timeline in Recall, I was able to scroll back in time and find this snapshot of that meeting.

I was then able to quickly copy that quote and add it to the deck. Then once again, Recall made it easier for me to find the information just using the clues that I remember. Now, these are just two of the examples of how I use Recall on a daily basis. Yusuf Mehdi: Thank you so much, Carolina. Carolina Hernandez: Thank you. Yusuf Mehdi: Now, we know to achieve a real breakthrough with Recall and AI, you have to be able to trust it with your data and your information.

We've built Recall with responsible AI principles and aligned it with our standards and we're taking a very conservative approach. We're going to keep your Recall index private and local and secure on just the device. We won't use any of that information to train any AI models, and we put you completely in control with the ability to edit and delete anything that has been captured. Now, Recall is just the first of several of these great breakthrough experiences that we're going to show you possible only because of the Copilot+PC architecture. We're going to show you a couple more in just a minute. I think you'll see many more as developers come and start to get to work on the platform.

Next, what I'd like to do is I'd like to welcome Pavan Davuluri the leader of the Windows and Devices engineering team. But before I do, I will give you one last sneak peek at a few more experiences coming to Copilot+PCs. Take a look. [MUSIC] (applause) Pavan Davuluri: Thank you, Yusuf. Windows has always believed in making technology accessible to everyone.

Today, we're carrying that belief into this new era of AI with the re-imagined core architecture for the PC, weaving AI into every layer from Chip to Windows to the Cloud, taking advantage of the edge for speed, privacy, and energy efficiency. The result is breakthrough experiences and an acceleration in innovation from the entire ecosystem only possible on Windows. Let's start by taking a closer look, starting with an amazing Recall experience you just saw. Recall is a deceptively simple solution for navigating information on your PC. But there's a lot happening on the backend to make that possible. Let me show you. Recall is powered by state-of-the-art AI models, including several multimodal small language models, all running concurrently and built into Windows 11.

These models understand many kinds of content, organizing a vast sea of information, including text, images, video, and more. These are deeply integrated into Windows, not simply bolted on. This allows the AI to efficiently access Windows components like the graphics compositor that renders the user interface, so it only captures meaningful signals. Most importantly, all of this intelligence works in any application so you can search across everything you've seen on your PC like this orange couch in the Word doc behind me. The deep integration also allows an incredibly robust approach to privacy and security.

You can pause or stop or even delete captured content. You can choose to exclude specific websites or apps. Even the AI running on your device can't access private content. Windows then takes that captured information and combines it with system data to build a richer understanding of not just your content, but the context that surrounds it. All of this content is transformed and stored in a new Windows semantic index.

The semantic index is a vector store built and stored entirely on your device. It is as unique as each of you. There's that orange couch in your semantic index. This is a dramatic improvement over traditional indexing systems, and that will let you find your content quickly and intuitively.

As you can see, a lot goes into an experience like Recall, but that's just one example. A core element of our re-architectural Windows that Satya and Yusuf mentioned is the Windows Copilot Runtime. It is a powerful AI capability to be woven into every layer of Windows.

The Windows Copilot Runtime includes more than 40 AI models and empowers rich experiences like Recall. It also provides the infrastructure that allows us to continuously update and maintain the quality of device models. All of this functionality in the Windows Copilot Runtime makes it possible to re-imagine what apps can do speeding up the pace of innovation. For example, when our photos team saw the new AI capabilities in Windows, it sparked their imagination. They have a vision for an AI-first photos app powered by the MPU, an AI that's always working.

Copilot can understand your image, help you focus on what matters, add energy and excitement, or give you ideas for creative composition. In fact, it can intelligently generate controls for you on the fly bringing your vision to life. Soon, with the Copilot+PC, you'll be able to use super-resolution to instantly restore old photos or use AI narrator to story tell your collections and let Copilot+PC be your assistant photos editor. Yusuf just showed Copilot helping in Minecraft. Let's take a look at the XBox team's visions for players and game developers using the Windows Copilot Runtime and on-device models. Let's play the video.

[MUSIC] (applause) Pavan Davuluri: That was amazing. Because it uses the NPU, you can maximize the GPU for gameplay. Windows Copilot Runtime also follows Microsoft's responsible AI principles. Windows AI experiences are fair, safe, and trustworthy.

In fact, we're using Azure infrastructure for safety and quality validation. We can stay current with the responsible AI as the landscape evolves rapidly. No other device or operating system handles this level of AI sophistication. One way of bringing responsible AI to life is with our on-device image generation models where we use Azure for content moderation and to apply a digital signature marking the final image AI generated. This combines the speed and privacy of on-device AI with safety and trust that's only possible when Windows and the Cloud are working together.

Breakthrough AI experiences like these are only possible because of a quantum leap in computing performance. That means up to 20 times as powerful and up to 100 times as efficient for running AI workloads compared to traditional PCs from just a few years ago. We're partnering closely with AMD, Intel, and Qualcomm to make that leap with Copilot+PCs. Let's hear from the leaders who have been driving this innovation with us.

Pat Gelsinger: This single moment represents many years in the making. We have partnered to build a whole new generation of processors for these new Copilot+PCs, bringing our customers groundbreaking performance to power through their day. Cristiano Amon: Integrating the world's fastest NPU for laptops, build for AI. We bring dedicated computing for today's and tomorrow's round breaking AI experiences, running locally on-device, so you can achieve more, create more, and engage more. Lisa Su: We are delivering the next generation of PC processors that will enable a full new class of laptop. We can't wait for Windows PC users everywhere to experience the significant leap in performance and new capabilities of a Copilot+ PC.

Pat Gelsinger: It's a new PC era. Cristiano Amon: For every person. Lisa Su: Everywhere. Pat Gelsinger: Intel. Cristiano Amon: Welcome.

Lisa Su: AMD is all in. Pavan Davuluri: We're deeply grateful for their partnership. Every Copilot+ PC will have the building blocks needed to deliver outstanding performance, including 16 gigabytes of RAM, a minimum of 256 gigabytes of SSD storage, and an integrated neural processing unit or an NPU. NPU specialize in the matrix math needed for AI, and the NPUs and Copilot+PCs are the most powerful in the PC category. Capable of over 40 trillion operations per second, this is a step change in AI performance, allowing AI that is lightning fast and always working even with multiple AI workloads running concurrently.

Not only that these NPUs barely sip a few watts of power even when fully utilized. We have brought that same focus on efficiency to every part of the Copilot+PCs. We were relentless in finding ways to reduce power consumption system wide. The result is unprecedented battery life with all of your AI. These devices also stand out in security.

By default, all Copilot+PCs are secure core PCs, hardened with Microsoft Pluton chip-to-Cloud security. Today, we're doubling Copilot+PCs on the Arm architecture with the Snapdragon X Series. We were excited to partner with Qualcomm that designed this entirely new chip together, and we rebuilt Windows 11 from the inside out for Arm. As a result, Copilot+PCs and Snapdragon X will deliver up to 15 hours of web browsing and up to 22 hours of local video playback, that is 20 percent more than the latest MacBook Air 15 inch.

In fact, Copilot+PCs outperformed the MacBook Air 15 inch by up to 23 percent on peak performance, and more importantly, up to 58 percent on sustained multi performance. Performance like that means your apps run great on your Copilot+PCs. Our ecosystem is bringing more Windows apps natively to Arm.

Starting with the Microsoft apps, including Microsoft 365, Edge, and the Inbox apps you can count on. Top apps like Google Chrome, WhatsApp, Zoom, Adobe Photoshop, Disney+, Spotify, and many more will run natively day one on your Copilot+PCs. In fact, on Copilot+PCs, running on Snapdragon X, we expect you'll spend 90 percent of your application minutes in native apps. We're also introducing Prism, a new arm emulator on Windows 11. Prism is as efficient as Rosetta 2. Combined with the performance of the silicon and the platform, every app runs great on Copilot+PCs.

Together with the Windows Copilot runtime and the new silicon, we're enabling new experiences, the ones you've seen today and the ones that haven't been invented yet. Because Windows is the most open platform for AI, your favorite apps are going to take advantage of all of this power. We'll dive deeper into the Windows Copilot runtime and bill tomorrow. We re-imagined and re-engineered the entire system from chip up through every layer of Windows, enabling new experiences for customers, new opportunities for developers, and a new platform for hardware invasion, that makes Copilot+PCs truly built for an era of AI. All that innovation only matters when it turns into something new and valuable for you.

To see the very first Copilot+PCs and the incredible experiences they unlock, here's Brett and Team. Thank you. Brett Ostrum: Thank you, Pavan. Let's talk devices. The role of surface has always been the lead with innovation and technology to showcase the best experiences Microsoft has to offer. This was our purpose from the very beginning when we brought touch to PCs, exciting our customers and inspiring the industry to innovate along with us. Today, we are living our exact purpose yet again.

Alongside our partners, we are incredibly excited to enter this new era of AI and show you what Copilot+PCs can do. [MUSIC] Brett Ostrum: Introducing the first ever Copilot+PCs from Surface, the all new Surface Laptop and Surface Pro. They have been designed and engineered to be the ultimate Copilot+PCs, and these are the most powerful laptop and Pro we have ever built. They come with the longest battery life we have ever delivered, and compared to previous Surface generations, it isn't even close.

Thank you, Troy. Surface Pro and Surface Laptop are made with the attention to detail, quality, craftsmanship that you've always expected on a Surface. You will also see the work that went into accessibility, inclusivity, security, sustainability throughout every layer of these devices. There is so much to love about these Copilot Plus PCs from Surface.

So here's Adrienne and the team to show you what they can deliver starting with Surface Laptop. [MUSIC] Adrienne Brewbaker: At Surface, customers are at the center of everything we do, and the new Surface Laptop was built for you. When you're spending so many hours a day on your PC, details matter, and we've made thoughtful choices to create a premium and elegant design you'll love. This is an evolution of our iconic touch screen laptop.

It's been redesigned with modern lines and razor-thin bezels, so you get a larger viewing area and a smaller footprint. It's sleek, light, available in 13.8 and 15" displays, and now in four beautiful colors. Sapphire is my personal favorite. All of this while reducing the carbon emissions by 78 percent per enclosure. But the beauty of this laptop is also what's on the inside, and we know you need a fast and snappy PC that can keep up with you.

This new laptop is more than 80 percent faster than our previous generation, which is impressive, but performance is more than just a benchmark. It's about how responsive the device feels with the things you do every day, whether it's drafting a Word doc, writing e-mails, editing images in Photoshop, or launching multiple tabs in Chrome. On this new Surface Laptop, you can do all those things faster than on a MacBook Air, and across twice as many screens. That includes three 4k monitors and the laptop itself. This is every day performance that saves you time and helps you get more done. In addition to this performance, Surface Laptop has the battery life you need, and this is the longest battery life on any Surface PC, and it's more efficient than ever to achieving peak performance with about half the battery drain.

To prove it to you, we did a web browsing rundown of the new 15" Surface Laptop side by side with the Surface Laptop 5 and the latest MacBook Air. Now, of course, this is sped way up, but with the exact same web content, the new Surface Laptop in the middle just keeps on going far longer than the Laptop 5 in the MacBook Air. The new Surface Laptop has nearly double the battery life of Surface Laptop 5 with up to 22 hours of local video playback.

Add WiFi 7 on top of all of that, the fastest connection available, we think you are going to be blown away by the speed, snappiness and battery life on this new Surface Laptop. The Pixelsense touchscreen display is packed with the cutting edge tech you'd expect from Surface. With stunning HDR and Dolby Vision IQ, it delivers vivid colors, better contrast, and crisp details. The new studio camera has been seamlessly incorporated into the bezels, no notch, and it delivers new Window studio effects like creative filters.

Typing is quiet, comfortable and intuitive, now enhanced with the Copilot key and a precision haptic touch pad that's smooth, responsive and customizable. So there it is. Incredible performance in a thin light and modern touchscreen laptop with AI experiences you can only get from Copilot+PCs. But don't just take my word for it. Oyin's here to show you. Welcome Oyin.

[MUSIC] Oyin Shenbanjo: Thanks, Adrienne. Now, for photographers and everyday users alike, performance is a critical aspect of their device experience. As you know, it's not just about the speed of completing complex tasks, it's about the efficiency and smoothness of running multiple applications simultaneously. This is where multi threaded processing performance becomes essential. Now, photographers have hundreds, maybe thousands of photos they have to manage, and post production could be a time consuming part of their projects. So in front of me, I have the new Surface Laptop, and right here is the MacBook Air with M3 with the same memory and storage specs on each device, both running Adobe Photoshop natively.

So I've already uploaded the same 30 images on both devices, and now I'm ready to work on the edits I want for these images. Getting started, as I zoom in here, I notice how responsive and precise the laptop is at keeping up with my movements. When I zoom in here, it's good, but I don't feel the sense of control I'm getting when I'm almost physically in grabbing and manipulating this canvas over here.

It feels so good. So I have the edits someone made for these photos. We're using an image upscale D noise and custom color preset for a sharper image with more appeal. I'll run a batch image processing job to apply the preset to all the photos on each device. So let's get started here.

Oyin Shenbanjo: Running it now. This task is a CPU intensive scenario that takes advantage of great multi threaded performance. With up to 32 gigabytes of RAM, my laptop can handle larger data intensive tasks concurrently. I can do more with this PC with less concern about slowdowns or bottlenecks and the display is beautiful. At 600 nits, this is the brightest display we've ever shipped on a laptop, and it has a P3 color gamut, making it a great display for photo editing, especially if you're working with [inaudible] images where color accuracy is crucial.

Now, bringing focus back to the image processing job. Look at this amazing speed we're getting on the Surface laptop. This is running at almost two times as fast as the MacBook Air over here while maintaining my productivity and battery life. We'll get this out of the way here. Now, creators rely on Adobe Creative Cloud for their most important workflows. Together with Adobe, we're excited to share that Adobe's flagship apps are coming to Copilot Plus PCs, including Photoshop, Lightroom, Firefly, and Express, all available today, with Illustrator Premier Pro and more coming in June or shortly after.

We're continuing to partner with and optimize these apps for the NPU. We're going to switch and take a look at another creative platform building for the NPU. DaVinci Resolve Studio is the leading post production editing tool used across Hollywood, known for bringing stunning visuals and visual effects to life. We partnered with Black Magic Design to offload some of the more popular features onto the NPU, really pushing the limits of what you can achieve on a thin and light PC. We wanted to get this in the hands of a creative expert.

We sent a new Surface laptop to the leading technical producer for Rings of Power, Star Trek, and Avatar. Modern filmmaker, Ron Ames. Let's check it out. Ron Ames: This is the best time to be making films because of our technology and the ability we have to shape story, shape imagery, and shape sound. The division of labor with specialty chips is something that I think we've known and believed in for a really long time. Separation of the CPU and GPU and putting processes to the GPU that would keep things moving quickly.

With the repetitive requirements of AI, having a neural processor unit, taking over those labors makes the experience so much faster. I've only run DaVinci Resolve on a Mac before. The thing that excited me the most was seeing DaVinci Resolve running on a Windows PC with a neural processor and the power of that being put in the hands of emerging filmmakers and content creators. For example, tools like Magic Mask can do things like change the color of my shirt in an instant, like that. Wait. Try it again. Like that.

These new machines are really pushing the boundaries of storytelling, making anything you can think of possible. That's really exciting to me. Oyin Shenbanjo: That awesome. Now, I'm not a professional filmmaker myself, of course, but I've been playing around with this Magic Mask feature on my laptop.

I can select and make complex color corrections to any object in a single frame and render that across the whole clip. It's easy as this. I'll select a key frame and with just a single swipe, I'm able to detect and mass that jellyfish there. If I play this forward, Magic Mask is going to track the jellyfish through the whole clip. Let's take a look at the task manager here. You'll notice the NPU is enabled, Magic MasK is offloaded and my CPU and GPU resources are almost completely available for me to work on any other task without slowing down my PC.

This is running really fast. I'm really impressed with this. Let's wait and see as it finishes. What I'm going to do with this is I'm going to make a quick color edit.

We're going to change the color of this jelly fish and really see what we're able to do here with the power of this NPU and hit Play, and there it is. Complex editing made quick and simple with AI. We're so excited about the potential of Copilot+PCs to give time back to all creators so they can focus on what they do best. Thank you. Adrienne Brewbaker: Thanks, Oyin.

It's amazing to see that level of performance from our app partners across the CPU and the NPU. Another new experience that's powered by the NPU and available across all Copilot+PCs is Live Captions now with live translations. Imagine if we could talk to our family, our friends, and our colleagues, or enjoy content from across the world in any language. With this new feature, Live Captions will turn any audio that passes through your PC into a single consistent captions experience in real time on your screen.

It's incredible and makes content more accessible to more people. Video calling has become such a huge part of our lives, both at home and at work. Let's watch how live captions can help global teams communicate more naturally. Speaker 1: [FOREIGN 1] Speaker 2: [FOREIGN 2] Speaker 3: [FOREIGN 3] Speaker 2: [FOREIGN 2] (applause) Adrienne Brewbaker: As you saw, the captions just switched automatically and instantly across three different languages, Spanish, Mandarin, and Russian. This was never possible before. Since it's a Windows feature, it's available across all your apps consistently.

Any video calling app, any entertainment app translated locally on the NPU. It translates from over 40 languages into English today, and we'll be adding more output languages over time. Now, let's pivot to the two-in-one that started at all.

Take a look at our next Copilot Plus PC, the all new Surface Pro. [MUSIC] Adrienne Brubaker: The new Surface Pro combines leading performance, incredible battery life, and new AI experiences in our signature ultra-flexible design. We talked about how important speed and PRF are to you.

This new Pro is up to 90 percent faster than Surface Pro 9. We had designed Surface Pro to adapt with you, whether it's powering your multiple 4K monitors at the office or waiting for a ride from the airport. You stay connected with lightning-fast Wi-Fi 7 and optional 5G and for the first time, we're introducing a new OLED with HDR display with a near-infinite contrast ratio so you can see every detail with deep blacks and brighter colors. We know how important your onboard camera is, and this new ultra-wide front-facing camera is our best surface camera ever. The custom lens has incredible sharpness, accurate color capturing, and great low light performance, and the rear-facing camera has support for 4K video, so you can capture and edit all on one device.

Let's talk about the all-new Surface Pro flex keyboard. We've revolutionized the two-in-one keyboard, now designed to be used both attached and detached, so you can position your Pro and keyboard where they suit you. It's a more comfortable setup built with additional layers of carbon fiber for more stability on your lap. It can adapt with you wherever you need to stay productive like on a plane or in a lecture hall.

It's backlit and it flexes to meet your unique needs whatever those may be. It's also our most accessible keyboard, and we're excited to introduce a new bold keyset option to assist people who have low vision or make it easier to read and reduce eye strain. The customizable haptic touchpad is 14 percent larger than our previous touchpad. It helps people with limited hand movement and simply makes the touchpad easier to use because when we develop inclusive products, we create a more comfortable and empowering experience for each of us. The slim pen is securely stored always visible and charging.

The ink flows naturally across any app with precise inking in a built-in haptic engine for a more immersive experience. The Surface Pro is perfectly complemented by this new keyboard and pen, and it's going to transform your creative workflows. I'm excited to have Erica here to bring it to life and highlight some more Copilot+ PC experiences. Welcome, Erica. Erica Arnold: Humans are highly visual and imaginative beings.

We consume and create art as a means of self-expression, a way to articulate complex or abstract thoughts and explain the world around us. In its simplest form, art is a place we derive joy. Kids are great at this.

They create from a place of pure wonder and exploration without judgment but as we get older, we stop drawing or painting or doing these things that we love because we become insecure. We become frustrated that our artwork doesn't actually reflect the vision we had in our head and so we start to lose some of that joy we associate with the creative process. When DALL-E unveiled image generation to the world, that was the first time the average person was able to express the wildest figments of their imagination, all using natural language. Now, that's powerful. Since then, the world has generated 10 billion unique images on Image Creator but what if there was a way you could participate in the process on a more intimate level? Integrate some of the natural free-form and playful elements of drawing that are so innate to us.

Today, we're releasing a feature called Cocreator that will allow you to explore the full range of your imagination without sacrificing the integrity or intent of your original drawing. Spring is in full bloom here in Washington. I'm going to use wildflowers as our amuse today. Now, this experience was built on diffusion-based algorithms, meaning we start with the random image and go through a series of diffusion or denoising as that random image tries to match up with our text prompt.

In this case, I'm going to use a mountainous valley of wildflowers. Now, the magical thing about this experience is that the generated output is not only taking guidance from my text prompt but also my ink strokes. Notice how these two blue blobs have suddenly become a more refined valley, just like that. There are five different machine learning models running locally in tandem on the NPU to optimize for highest quality output over a minimum number of inference steps making this experience feel truly cocreative, the generated output responding to every single stroke. Now, I actually really like what I have going on here, but I can also play with how much I want to let AI modify my image. You'll notice there's this creativity slider below the text prompt here.

The farther I slide to the left, the closer we resemble my original drawing. Sliding it farther to the right allows the AI to play with a little more creativity or freedom. Now, once I've found the perfect balance here, I can actually take this a step further and continue iterating on top of my generated image. I think a monarch would be the perfect touch here hovering over this far-right flower. It's going to be a big monarch and just like that, the AI nails it. To me, this feature is really about removing barriers of expression and reigniting people's creative confidence, and it is so much fun.

This idea of limitless expression, of course, applies to photos and videos as well. New features are coming to the photos app exclusive to Copilot+ PCs making it easier than ever before to edit and amplify content. With a restyle image, I can transform any photo with just a single click.

If I want to get super creative with it, I can actually design my own background using a text prompt or select from a variety of preset filters like anime or watercolor for contextually aware stylization. Maybe you're seeking a set of visuals that doesn't actually exist in your inventory. With Image Creator, I can spin up an endless stream of unique images in a matter of seconds. Even something as abstract as biomimicry-inspired furniture.

I like Cocreator because these features are running on the NPU rather than making the round trip to and from the Cloud, these experiences are happening fast and without the need for any tokens or premium subscription. It's not just Windows inbox apps that are taking advantage of this dedicated layer of silicon. CapCut is one of the largest and fastest-growing mixed media and content creation apps.

One of my favorite features, Auto Cutout uses AI models that are now enabled on the NPU, enhancing speed and performance. Last week, I took a dance class from my favorite local choreographer here. Shout out to John Kim, and you can see, I took this video on my phone, and we absolutely nailed the choreography but this studio backdrop is really cramping my style. I'm going to show you how in just a few short clicks, I can transform this simple clip from class into a full-blown music video. I'm simply going to select a keyframe here. Navigate to "Cutout" and select "Auto cutout".

Now notice what would typically be running my CPU and GPU is now almost entirely handled by the NPU at 67 percent utilization, and just like that, AI has masked and detected all five dancers throughout the entirety of this minute-long clip. Now because we have the power of 45 tops behind us, this is happening three times faster than on our Pro 9. Drop it. Let's bring our dancers down. Drop it behind a super cool dynamic background and I have officially fulfilled a lifelong dream of starring in my very own music video.

Erica Arnold: From experiences built into Windows, to powerful applications like CapCut or DaVinci Resolve Studios, Copilot+PCs are empowering people to unleash their creative potential in ways that are more accessible than ever before. I cannot wait to watch you guys take it to the next level. Thank you. Brett Ostrum: That was amazing.

Thank you, Erica and to the entire team that made these devices. At its core, Surface has been at the forefront of innovation with Windows and where the best Microsoft experiences come together. Today, with these two new devices, we are excited to again set the standard for what the PC can do. Surface is committed to Copilot+PCs and to bring in new technologies that transform how people live, work, create, connect first.

Surface Pro and Surface laptop are just the start. I am pumped for you to dive in and can't wait to see what you do with them. Yusuf, back to you.

Yusuf Mehdi: Thank you, Brett, Adrian, Oyin and Erica. In our industry, the creation of a new category of computing requires three elements, a giant leap in capability, a matching user experience breakthrough, and a platform for the industry that enables creators and builders. For the last several years, we've been working with the PC industry to create the platform for Copilot+PCs.

As Pavan announced, we start today with Qualcomm an incredible silicon innovation. Soon, we're going to welcome AMD and Intel onto this general purpose platform. We've been working with the most popular Windows applications to have them run natively, utilizing the full power of the MPU.

Finally, in addition to Surface, all of the leading OEMs are building new, beautiful and, powerful Copilot+PCs. In fact, we have many of the new devices that they are announcing here today. Before we take a look, let's hear from the leaders of the PC industry about their vision and their commitment to this new category. Patrick Chomet: Copilot+PCs represent an inflection point for the entire industry. We are no longer talking about machines that run AI, but an entirely new class of AI powered Windows PCs. Alex Cho: This is a PC revolution.

The power and the promise of AI has inspired and unlocked a new wave of innovation and performance across the ecosystem. Jerry Kao: This new class of PC is engineered for AI from the inside out. Copilot+PCs deliver brand new AI experiences we know people will love. Sam Burd: We're talking about a new class of PCs to run complex models across applications all at the same time. Eric Chen: It's a new PC era that will fundamentally change the relationship between the people and devices and transforming the way we work, play, and communicate.

Luca Rossi: Find anything, create and do everything. We are unleashing an entirely new wave of unmatched human creativity, productivity, and capability. It's a new PC era. Alex Cho: For every person.

Sam Burd: Everywhere. Jerry Kao: Acer. Eric Chen: Asus. Sam Burd: Dell.

Luca Rossi: Lenovo. Patrick Chomet: Samsung. Alex Cho: HP is all in.

Luca Rossi: All in. Sam Burd: All in. Patrick Chomet: All in. Eric Chen: All in. Jerry Kao: All in. Yusuf Mehdi: What an incredible moment, to see the industry coming together on this new chapter of the PC.

Thank you to all our partners who are here with us today in the audience. Let's take a quick look at some of their exciting new devices. We'll start here with Acer's Swift 14 A. It's a Copilot plus exclusive design, featuring a 2.5 K resolution touch screen, and it's perfect for co-creating. We have here.

The Asus VivoBook S15 is a sleek, all metal design with an amazing 3K OLED display and an AI sense camera. Here Dell. Dell is launching several new Windows Copilot+PCs for consumers and businesses.

The XPS, the Latitude, of the Inspiron range, all have new family members coming. The XPS 13 with machined aluminum, and gorilla glass is the thinnest and lightest XPS ever. Then we have HP. HP's new OmniBook X and EliteBook ultra feature sleek design, incredible battery life, and fast charging, and they have polystudio tuning for amazing video conferencing. These devices feature 50 percent recycled materials. Then we have Lenovo. Lenovo is launching a Yoga Slim 7X and a Thinkpad T14 S. The yoga offers a

14.5 inch OLED touchscreen and intelligently adjusts PC performance based on your usage. Samsung has two devices with a Galaxy Book4 Edge featuring 14 and a 16 inch screen with incredible performance. They promise 22 hours of battery life, and they have great cross device AI between your galaxy phone and your tablet. Of course, we have the amazing new Surface Pro and Surface laptop. What an incredible lineup of devices to choose from.

We know that to have these kind of things, first, you'll have to be able to go and find them and we'll have them available on Microsoft.com and available from all of the leading global retailers. Starting at just 999, Copilot+PCs will not only be the fastest PCs, but they're also going to be the most affordable with up to $200 in savings versus the equivalent MacBook. Because the magic only happens when you can get your hands on one of these beautiful devices, I'm delighted to announce that pre-orders start today, and they're going to be available on June 18th. Today, it's just the beginning.

There's an incredible team here at Microsoft that is passionate about our mission to empower people to achieve more. We couldn't be more excited about the opportunity ahead for Copilot+PCs and what we can bring to people. Thank you very much.


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