Elon Musk RELEASED First FULLY Performing Female Humanoid

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for many years humanoid robots have captivated  Spectators imaginations and appeared in a variety   of Science Fiction films and television programs  but today's technology has developed to the point   where humanoid robots are a reality with female  humanoid robots particularly rising to the top of   the popularity list because of their resemblance  to human women in both appearance and behavior   these robots are ideal for use in a variety of  settings including entertainment and health care   in this video we'll look at some of the incredibly  latest completely functional and lifelike female   humanoid robots of 2023 and the progress of the  tech billionaire in his neurotech project hello   everyone welcome back to Elon Musk Evolution  where we bring you the most recent news about   Elon Musk and his multi-billion dollar companies  space news and the latest science and technology   but before we begin make sure you subscribe to  our Channel and click the Bell icon so you don't   miss any of our amazing videos Studies have  demonstrated the bizarre and unsettling ways   in which Elon musk's new technology can change  your thinking the goal of Elon Musk is to implant   a computer chip in your brain well perhaps not  in your brain but somewhere in a human's brain   neurolink musk's neurotech startup has been  striving since its founding in 2016 to implant   its skull embedded brain chip in a human after  years of research on animals musk declared in   December that the business plan to start human  trials within six months though this wasn't   the first time he'd mentioned these studies were  forthcoming imagine being able to operate a cursor   send a text message or type in a word processor  with only your thoughts neuralink has spent more   than five years finding out how to transform  brain signals into digital outputs while the   initial emphasis is on medical use cases such as  aiding crippling individuals in communicating musk   has aspired to take neuralinks chips General  to as he has stated put a Fitbit in your head   the development of brain computer interfaces or  platforms that enable direct connection between   human brains and external computers is a field in  which Elon musk's company is by no means the only   player other researchers have been investigating  the use of bcis to control prosthetic Limbs and   recover senses that have been lost among other  things while still in their infancy these   technologies have been around long enough for  researchers to have a better understanding of how   brain implants interact with our minds of course  it creates changes but the question is what types   of changes does it cause and how much do those  changes matter according to Anna Wexler assistant   professor of philosophy at the University of  Pennsylvania's Department of medical ethics   and health policy It's tricky to interfere with  the human brain's delicate functioning and the   results aren't necessarily what you want or want  people who use bcis may experience deep dependence   on the devices or a change in their sense of self  it's critical to consider the risks and particular   ethical issues of smartphones before we get to  the stage where people are waiting in line to have   one surgically implanted into their brain science  fiction has evolved into a billion dollar business   an invasive brain implant is used to treat a  man's seizures in the 1974 movie The Terminal   Man the procedure seems to be successful at first  but when the chip is exposed to him repeatedly   he has a psychotic break and things start to  go wrong as is customary in science fiction   films a scientist foreshadows the catastrophe  by equating the implants with lobotomies in   the 1940s and 1950s early in the narrative he  claims that unknown numbers of human veggies   were produced those surgeries were performed by  medical professionals who were overly ready to act   bci's may be the most important technology to not  only catch up to but in some cases beyond their   pre-sci-fi portrayals given Humanity have yet to  create flying automobiles manned Journeys to Mars   or manufacture convincing replicants there are  already more than 200 000 BCI users worldwide most   of whom utilize them for medical purposes Cochlear  implants which let people who are deaf in a sense   here are probably the most well-known application  another important application is in the prevention   of epileptic seizures current technology can  track brain signals to forecast seizures and alert   the user so they can take preventative measures  like stopping particular activities implants for   persons with Parkinson's disease depression OCD  and epilepsy have long been in human trials some   researchers have proposed devices that would not  only detect but preempt seizures with electrical   stimulation this is almost the same mechanism  represented in the terminal man the devices have   recently become less intrusive and more scalable  thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence   and neural probing materials which is naturally  drawn a surge of corporate and Military financing   a few Rivals with Venture Capital backing  developing gadgets for paralyzed persons are   synchron BlackRock neurotech and paradromics  a bioelectric interface designed for the   treatment of blindness was unveiled by a startup  company named science in November of last year   and in September of last year the Food and Drug  Administration granted Magnus medical permission   for a targeted brain stimulation therapy for  severe depressive disorder while this is going   on neuralink has a history of over-promising  and under delivering allegedly sparking a   federal inquiry into allegations of Animal Welfare  breaches and failing to meet schedules for example   the global market for brain implants was evaluated  at 4.9 billion dollars in 2021 by market research   firm Grand View research and other companies  have predicted that it may quadruple by 2030.   a wide range of non-medical applications for bcis  have been proposed however they are now restricted   to the medical field by picturing the appropriate  actions participants in research from 2018 were   able to interact with a variety of Android tablet  apps including typing messaging and web browsing   playing video games interacting with virtual  reality or even immediately receiving data inputs   like text messages or movies without the need  for a monitor are some of the more speculative   possibilities although this may sound like science  fiction we have come to a point where cultural   and ethical hurdles to this kind of Technology are  now beginning to outweigh technical ones and while   though the terminal man is a work of fiction it's  fatal outcome highlights serious concerns about   the unintended consequences of bcis a different  perspective although there haven't been any proven   instances of bcis causing violent outbursts akin  to those in Terminal Man there is strong evidence   that the technology can alter cognition in ways  that go beyond what the devices are designed to do   after all bcis are designed to affect some aspects  of their users some of these modifications have   been favorable wechsler a professor of philosophy  at the University of Pennsylvania conducted   interviews with Parkinson's patients undergoing  deep brain stimulation a surgical procedure that   involves implanting thin metal wires that send  electrical pulses to the brain to help reduce   motor symptoms he discovered that many of the  patients had lost their sense of self prior to the   procedure it really undermines your identity your  sense of self if you can't do the things that you   conceive of yourself as being able to accomplish  she said in many cases bcis help the people   feel like they were returning to themselves by  helping heal the underlying sickness researchers   at the University of Washington Aaron Klein and  Sarah Gering have reported similar beneficial   improvements in self-perception and personality  in BCI users in a 2016 publication on attitudes   and ethical issues surrounding DBS it was noted  that many study participants thought the therapy   restored their genuine selves after depression or  obsessive-compulsive disorder had worn it away one   of the patients reportedly said I've started to  wonder what's me what's depression and what's the   stimulator the neuropsychologist Cynthia kubu  spoke about a related study in late 2022 and   discussed a greater sense of control and autonomy  among the patients she had spoken with however   not every modification discovered by researchers  is for the better Frederick Gilbert a professor   of philosophy at the University of Tasmania who  specializes in applied neuroethics has observed   some peculiar consequences in interviews with  people who have had bcis nobody really agrees on   what the concepts of Personality identity agency  authenticity autonomy and self-mean yet there   are instances where it is obvious that bcis have  caused changes in personality or sexual expression   according to Gilbert Gilbert has observed that  patients frequently express emotions of alienation   or what is commonly referred to as estrangement  in the research across various interview studies   they are aware of who they are but not in the  same way as before the implantation he continued   a woman in her late 50s who harmed herself while  trying to lift a pool table she'd assumed she   could move on her own is one of those who claimed  feelings of having new capacities unconnected to   their implants while some estrangement could  be advantageous if it leads to a good sense   of self-esteem for example negative instances  of estrangement also known as deteriorative   estrangement can be quite upsetting attempts at  suicide have occurred in extreme situations as a   result according to Gilbert it makes natural that  the therapy would have a beneficial psychological   impact on those utilizing bcis to assist with a  substantial medical limitation but there is a lot   greater worry about negative effects when brain  chips are being considered for widespread use   the brain has a smartphone we are getting closer  to Elon musk's Fitbit in your skull concept as   technology advances but there are reasons to  exercise caution after all if your phone is so   simple to become addicted to imagine how much more  so it might be if it were wired directly into your   brain Gilbert informed one of the patients he  had spoken with who finally felt as though they   couldn't leave the house or choose what to eat  without first examining the device that displayed   what was happening in their brain this patient  had developed a sort of decision paralysis Gilbert   said Gilbert noted that while using a gadget to  complete a decision was acceptable in the end   the person making the decision was essentially  replaced by the device leaving them out of the   process a patient may occasionally feel as though  they can't operate without their device since   they have grown so accustomed to it Gilbert has  come across numerous study participants who have   experienced despair after having their devices  removed and lost support for them frequently   just because a particular trial ended or ran out  of money in an interview a study subject who had   been given a gadget to detect signals of epileptic  activity said you grow progressively into it and   become used to it it changed me this type of  dependence is made more challenging by the fact   that bcis are costly to operate on and maintain  frequently requiring removal and re-implantation   some bcis are still mostly experimental there  are a few common standards or sources of steady   funding and numerous devices run the risk of being  suddenly cut off from funding early adopters may   experience a loss of identity due to supply chain  problems Hardware upgrades or corporate failure   the possibility of a computer viewing your  brain waves raises privacy issues as well   Gilbert explained if you receive a gadget to help  you operate your prosthetic limb for example that   device will pick up other kinds of noise that you  may not want to be out of your brain someone could   learn a lot by studying your brain waves and if  a hacker were to gain access to your data they   could read your mind in a sense by looking for  specific expressions of brain signal activity   there is a lot of background noise and that  background noise can be deciphered that noise   is necessarily converted sitting somewhere on the  cloud the majority of early adopters are content   to make these kinds of compromises because bcis  are currently mostly restricted to the medical   area but putting aside the idea that non-medical  bcis would likely introduce a host of new problems   it's less clear that the trade-offs would be  worth it just to have a Fitbit in your head if   someone has a disability that makes it that they  can't communicate Wexler said they're generally   pretty happy if there's a technology that allows  them to do so but we're still a long way from   the cyborg future of electronically attached mines  predicted by figures like Elon Musk the industry's   rapid expansion increases the seriousness of  ethical issues that were previously confined   to science fiction companies shouldn't rush to  implant brain chips in people's heads if they can   modify important aspects of personality wechsler  informed me that even though most Professionals   in the field are not very receptive to  bcis being sold to Consumers they still   believe it is likely to occur the entire risk  benefit trade-off Alters she claimed if it does   and so let's now check what are the most advanced  female humanoids currently available in the market a gorgeous Chinese humanoid robot that is causing  a worldwide sensation Gia Gia China's very own   robot goddess has amazing facial and gesture  recognition skills in addition to lovely black   hair and flowing traditional Chinese clothing  giagia has won many people over but she is   more than just a gorgeous face Gia Gia is a highly  developed robot with some astounding skills giagia   can interact with people and respond in a manner  that is remarkably human-like she can see and feel   her surroundings thanks to the camera in her eye  and she can also touch and feel things thanks to   the sensors in her hands also this robot Beauty  can serve tea to her visitors and dance to Kung Fu   giajia is intelligent as well but that is not  all she has extensive programming that allows   her to answer inquiries about science and  history as well as basic math issues while   giajia is a great scholar in her own right she  is also able to recognize and react to a range   of emotions and facial expressions making  conversations with people feel even more   natural with her voice control abilities and  machine learning she represents a significant   advancement in the fields of artificial  intelligence and Robotics giagia has the   capacity to grow in actuality this robot is the  first of our kind to have human conversations   even more natural since she keeps picking  up new skills over time and because her   team is constantly attempting to improve how  human-like Her speech already is giajia is the   ideal companion for anyone looking for a helpful  and intelligent robot because she has excellent   speech recognition abilities and can interpret and  carry out voice commands using a number of sensors   such as touch temperature and proximity sensors  the developers have also given her the ability to   detect her environment in a highly sophisticated  manner because of this she is very adaptable and   has the ability to adapt to her surroundings in  ways that other robots can only imagine giagia's   inventor has great Ambitions for her including  merging even more sophisticated Ai and machine   learning skills with her beauty intelligence  and versatility which will undoubtedly cause   waves in the Robotics and AI worlds this makes  the future of giajia even more fascinating   to Erica a collaboration between some of Japan's  finest scientific institutions and universities   led to the creation of this smart humanoid the  capacity of robots to talk and interact with   humans in a way that is almost indistinguishable  from real human interaction is changing the game   in the field of Robotics thanks to Erica that's  correct this robot is more than simply smart   she also has a distinct personality and can joke  around with you 15 infrared sensors were placed   in Erica's Eyes by her designer Professor  Hiroshi ishiguro who based her appearance   on a pattern of 30 gorgeous women Erica has  the ability to recognize and react to facial   expressions and body language in order for her to  comprehend queries and provide an answer she also   has facial recognition technology and speech  generation algorithms Erica can move her arms   legs and head as well as convey several emotions  with the help of her 28 Motors Inc including Joy   sadness and surprise nevertheless she is unable  to walk at this time her suitability for the job   of news anchor is enhanced by this and at only  899 dollars she's a steal Erica may have a soul   according to Professor ishiguru discussions on  robotic metaphysics are currently being sparked   by this issue a five-year research initiative in  Japan resulted in the creation of Erica a talking   comparison for the Aging and declining population  she is intended to provide assistance and Company   for people who are alone and without a support  system the coolest thing about Erica though is   her facial recognition technology which allows  her to remember new acquaintances and identify   them afterwards she can understand natural  language using her built-in computer and her   senses of sight hearing and touch she raises  the bar for interacting to an all-new level   the advanced AI technology that is part of this  robot setup enables her to continuously learn   and develop Erica is not only highly developed in  terms of her AI software but she also has a very   sophisticated physical look she can store analyze  and modify information and adapter responses based   on the context of the conversation her movements  and gestures have been crafted to be as natural   and genuine as possible which increases her  credibility as a humanoid robot the remarkable   progress in robotics and AI technology is  demonstrated by Erica a genuine work of art   one Sophia the world is in admiration of Sophia  a groundbreaking female humanoid robot for her   life-like rubber skin and her capacity to imitate  human emotions and facial expressions Sophia is   more than simply a robot she is an absolute  Marvel of modern technology and what's even   better is that she's only just getting started  Sophia and Ai and Robotics creation of renowned   Hong kong-based Hanson robotics has gained  widespread media attention since her 2015 launch   she has appeared on talk shows newscasts and even  delivered a TED talk she has been trained to learn   and understand things in addition to being able  to communicate like a human she is among the most   sophisticated robots on the globe thus fear has  been Making Waves since her debut in 2016 and   is a first of her kind globally Sophia was given  citizenship in Saudi Arabia establishing her as   a real person this historic accomplishment is just  the beginning for Sophia who is constantly working   to become a better person and learning new things  she travels the globe meeting notable individuals   and even going to hospitals to cheer up patients  and that ends today's episode what do you think   of this episode let us know your thoughts  in the comment box below please subscribe   and don't forget to like today's video we'll  see you in the next video 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