From Hype to Reality AI s Impact on Digital Empowerment

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today's computer problem at Cape Canaveral was   distressing perhaps but for most  Americans not totally surprising [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone once again for an exciting  visioncast I'm your host sassif and today   we have an exciting topic which is sort  of like you know that the carry forward   from our last topic when we talked about how  the AI is doing and what is the automation is   eating our lunch or not so let's just set the  context here uh you guys like you know that   maybe hearing like you know how the digital  transformation offered numerous opportunity   for the companies uh it presents like you know  significant challenge especially like you know   the small and medium-sized businesses they face  like you know pressure to innovate digitize   internal processes in a topic business model  which is rapidly changing the digital economy   the startups like you know they are disrupting  established Market that companies challenges   like traditional business model and evolving  customer demand increasing the importance of   IIT digital presence however limited resources  rapid technology changes in Earth certainty   create a daunting task for businesses looking to  embark on their digital transformation journey   and so what they are using like they are trying  to find the magic sauce or silver bullet like   an instantly solving their digital challenges  and Fast Track their maturity uh becoming like   an interesting so when it comes to like you  know magic sauce like you know it comes like   okay artificial intelligence including like Jan  AI large like you know language model like such   as chat GPT is currently like you know is this  a magic sauce this is what like you know we're   talking about so talk about all those things like  you know is it the AI is a hype or a reality we   have two exciting experts like you know who  actually living and breathing in this space   uh so we start with like welcome wasn't for uh I  call him G and also like you know Salman like you   know who's our in-house expert on this AI so  welcome folks like you know to the visioncast absolutely okay so let's just start with a very  quick grow gee like you know why don't you go   first stop talking like you know what you do  and uh what do you think about this uh hype   absolutely thank you for the  opportunity so like uh name is   um I know it's a tongue twister so everybody just  calls me G um the head of digital here at Vision   ad been with the company for the last 16 years uh  working on so many different tangents uh but like   uh for the last couple of years I've been focused  super focused on AI as well as like uh what it   would can bring for organizations awesome so talk  to me about G like you know that what do you see   like you know that let's just start from the top  title is it a hype or reality or is it g uh gen AI   or artificial intelling is a secret sauce uh that  that's always that's a million dollar question   um so see if like uh you know I I would like to  start like how amazing it is from you know I I   still remember the time when I was mesmerized by  Just A Simple Touch of the screens right and uh   but now if we're looking into how AI is evolving  and how these algorithms can actually write   compose and design everything that you can think  of and to some extent they are actually thinking   like humans of how we are gonna be uh thinking  how we gonna be proceeding with things how we are   gonna be uh working through our aspects or daily  life those are the kind of things that this AI   is working on so at its core I would say the data  from an AI perspective there are a lot of a lot of   data points that it is uh consolidating a lot of  innovation is happening and then the speed of how   uh humans are used to do work that is basically  being expedited by utilizing this AI aspect so   that is I think is a unmatched scalability to my  uh to my thought process whether it is any any   industry so keeping in mind like you know from  a high perspective or there are certain things   that I would say that there is a lot of high for  it but there are absolutely a lot of opportunities   when it comes to AI okay awesome so let's just  play with the conversation like we have Salman   here like you know who's just an in-house expert  on Power Platform which is another big big thing   like you know within the Microsoft platform so  Salman from your perspective I know Microsoft is   investing a lot into them so where you see like  you know and then uh introduce yourself and like   you know I think just go with like you know that  how this from your side from Barbara from and from   Channel Side what do you think absolutely  first of all thank you for inviting me and   my name is Salman Perez I am leading the Power  Platform provisionet for North America and Europe   and adding to your points right so the thing is  it's an iPhone movement right for generative Ai   and why I'm saying is that because everyone  is very optimistically cautious right now   they want to build things right but they are  cautious and the reason like is that it's a   prison prisoner dilemma right they build trust  over time right they don't want to jump in and   explore everything they don't want to do the  Innovation out of ego right what everyone is   trying to do is they want to build something with  a clear picture in mind okay if I do this doing   small pocs generating some value and then okay the  real the hype is real if not then I think I need   to do some damage control at my end so that's how  all those leaders all those c-level executives are   thinking to adopt this thing so now adding to the  flavor of Power Platform which is a low code no   code it helps to generate that value very quickly  right because the Power Platform you don't have to   spend Millions to understand the value of a small  you know emerging technology like generative AI   and how Power Platform is unique is that Microsoft  has Acquired and you know did a partnership with   open air so the flavor is already in power  platforms so you don't have to buy something to   try it you can try within Power Platform and then  you can expand from there we can talk more about   the Power Platform like you know we'll continue  the conversation so now like you know the AI is   like you know becoming a Cornerstone like you  know I just read a very after the Industrial   Revolution AI is becoming the industry like the  next Revolution uh and what I've read one very   interesting report is uh now like you know people  actually feeling the AI with those chat gpts and   all those like you know what were different  tools that now they have in their hand the   fake technology and all those things now looking  at that aspect of it what do you see like you know   the all those different diverse Industries how  they are adapting and what is the role of AI here   yeah uh I'll probably take that one uh because  like I've been uh talking to a lot of cxos on   that part uh in so many different verticals  uh but like we need to understand one thing   uh very clearly like this revolution that AI  is bringing has immense potential no there   is absolutely no doubt about it but or how  organizations are looking into it is that uh   how much of a challenge is going to be there  from an adaptability perspective because there   are so many other considerations that we have to  keep in mind whether it is from the data privacy   perspective whether it is the job replacement  perspective that is creating a lot of hype in the   um in in the blue collar world as well and then  how would what would be the balanced approach   in in terms of AI adaption perspective so that  is going to be the Super focus of organizations   and the cxos of course like the potential  across different Industries is immensely huge   uh especially for healthcare where AI can predict  patient illness or it can personalize more patient   care or maybe optimize the operations and on the  flip side there are other Industries where you   have retail manufacturing uh where AI is actually  driving a lot of predictive maintenance and   forecasting equipment failures as well so those  are the kind of use cases are huge and have a   lot of potential cost Savings in into it and also  can transform the complete industry itself but   looking into that from that perspective I think  the more uh the more important aspect is how how   to mature that particular industry by utilizing  the AI and then there are certain levels where   organizations are adapting to like how how should  we Define the strategy how are we gonna engage our   departments to utilize that technology how should  we create awareness and in terms of is this the   right way of utilizing the utilizing Ai and then  keeping at the same time keeping the data at its   core and then making sure the Privacy aspects are  in in control so so those are the aspects I think   that are very very critical for each industry but  like there is tremendous amount of potential for   all the industries good so Salman you mentioned  about like you know the low code no code like   you know in your intro uh and then there's a  terminology called citizen developers talking   about what is that like you know and how to enable  the citizen Developers right absolutely the thing   is that the low code no code is not like um it's  time like everything you know we have recently   invented somehow right it's the terminology every  organization has been using from some time and the   citizen development is basically the initiative  for Microsoft where their goal is to empower every   person on the planet to do more with less and  to achieve that goal but they had trying what   we are trying to do is to enable the business  users and that's what we are calling them the   business user the citizen developers right because  they know the business they know the priority they   know the importance of the specific requirement  and everything so they can once they get to know   how they can build something very quickly there  are two benefits they can start generating values   they can increase their own productivity and  most importantly they can reduce the technical   debt which the pro coating is already you  know taken care of so that's how they can   you know increase the efficient agency of at an  organization level rather at a department level   so what Microsoft is calling is called  departmental empowerment so that's how   the citizen development directly impact how the  culture of Innovation Works in an organization   okay that's good uh let's just dive into like you  know that very specific okay I know you guys work   on a different industry but let's just like you  know say that with your experience which industry   like you know is just adopting this rapidly and  what is the impact that they see like you know   the short-term impact and the long-term impact uh  gee like I'll go with you like you know that what   do you see like you know uh which industry that  you're working on and what are the early adopters   yeah like uh that's a great question like so  from from what we have seen um in different   verticals I believe like right now um companies  that are uh more adapting to AI are the ones that   are less uh controlled through compliance and  regulations so those are the industries that   are adapting to this new technology and they  have been you know like uh Upfront for adapting   any technology that comes in into the play  but what I think is that uh which particular   industry you're talking about I'm sorry what which  particular industry that you're referring it to   um I would say like entertainment is something  that um uh that is number one uh because if you   if I can come up with some up uh with some uh  specific options I would say Netflix or Spotify   of how they started using AI to tailor content  right uh or preferences or uh from an adaption   perspective they basically looking into the  genres that you're looking at and then they would   make predictions of what is the right relevant  content that you would see right so they basically   are the Pioneers where they started from an AI  perspective how they utilize the technology and   then brought that in into that system competitive  AI right so yeah so it is it is one one uh part   of AI itself but like looking going towards like  uh there are a lot of tenants uh tenants within   AI so now most people because of chat GPT they're  more towards looking towards generated AI aspects   and then looking into those kind of Technologies  right or conversational AI aspects and those are   the kind of things that are evolving especially  within retail because there is a lot of service   aspect that is involved into the mix and that is  the reason why organizations are actually looking   towards a retail industry that are adapting to it  very rapidly uh because they want to anticipate   what the customer consumer needs are they wanna  enable AI based chatbots they want to make sure   that they have the best in class service offerings  as well as the service provided to the customers   so retail is adapting it to a very rapidly uh  High Focus but I think like from a perspective   of eventually the bigger markets that are out  there for AI or manufacturing as well as like   healthcare because like that is where you would  see a lot of compliance a lot of standards that   they would have to follow and then they're  still struggling to map the AI of how they   can use all these AI use cases and then embed  them into those kind of uh processes and then   be compliant with the regulations as well so so  those are the industries that are adapting to it   a bit slower but there is tremendous amount  of potential into those Industries as well   I see and so do you like the two interesting  aspect like you know that you mentioned there's an   end result like Netflix is a good example like you  know that how the predictive uh AI can enable the   end user experience now uh Salman you mentioned  one thing like you know that how Microsoft wants   everyone to be a citizen uh the developers uh and  like this no code so in your experience like you   know and then the companies that you're working in  what is the trigger mechanism that like you know   that companies wants to adopt this thing again  these are end goal customer experience but within   the organization how like you know that this Power  Platform that you mentioned how this is enabling   right absolutely so basically the thing is like  I said our platform does not require a lot of   infrastructure needs it does not require too much  learning curve that is the reason you know it's   very easy to start with something and the reason  is that with recent Microsoft and alternative   co-pilot it is actually helping all those citizen  developers they just talk to the all the Bots all   those apps all those workflows just to talk to  them in a national language build something right   and once the learning curve is very small and  there is assist assisted you know learning there   so it's easy to build those solutions for them  and adding to your last question they just wanted   to add one thing for the industry point of view  the service industry especially Telecom right all   those Industries where there is a huge interaction  with the customer service agents so in reducing   their number of requests adding that empathy using  the natural language generative AI that is going   to help a lot because this is where clients is not  much required but the time to response and time to   resolve a certain issue is very you know prominent  that's where generative is adding tremendous value   do you see like you know that uh like this is a  funny way like you know that when I make a phone   call of any customer service any big companies  there's a bot there like you know that press   one for this press two for this I can help you  with this account get so much annoying and then   like ended up like you know that okay the line  get disconnected do you see like you know from   a customer perspective like when you say Services  industry are they looking into this Speculator bot   is bought again it's a data like you know that  you're feeding in do you see those things are   changing absolutely so the reason I think that's  a really good example and the reason is that you   know there are companies who are working to you  know improve that experience Nuance is company   that is building that similar experience to give  you a human-like experience rather giving you a   broad experience no one since one then Microsoft  is working on conversational AI right even if you   are talking to a bot it will feel like you are  talking to a person because the empathy aspect   is there and that is not predefined you know  data points or touch points to just you know   give you an answer it will give you a detailed  Pro you know resolution around it the initial   values the initial triage around it so that you  can feel like you're talking to a person and if   it gets complicated then of course it can hand off  to our actual human agent you know seamlessly so   that's how the bridge between the conversational  Ai and the human agents are reducing with added   value so that is the you know the factor that is  adding through the generative AI okay let me go to   the G like you mentioned the retail industry right  retail is a big industry like when you have a pair   of fashion and everything right can you give me  like in a really specific like you know that let's   just talk about the fashion okay because that's  like you know a very big I know the influencers   marketing is the big thing in this like you know  age in past two years it just increased to a   tremendous level that any given person like you  know who has a good social media followers that   can become an influencer and that can become like  you know a brand ambassador now this is against   what like you know that the AI does now you're a  human here how you see the Fashion retail industry   is adopting this like you know looking at all  those different brand marketing and like a go   to market perspective and could be building  a better customer experience no absolutely   is fought on in terms of that and that basically  touches my favorite subject um uh because we've   been working on a product called fashion GPT that  kind of corresponds to this particular thing right   um but coming back to your question original  question it is all about how you expedite that   hyper personalized experience or the shopping  experience or the Consulting experience for your   consumer right they would only be loyal to your  uh brand if there is a connection and then you   are hitting the right notes for that particular  consumer right and if that is the case then it   all boils down to how can you anticipate what the  consumer needs are how can you give them a better   insight into what they're looking for how can you  basically base out of their profile or what they   have done in previously or how they have shopped  around kind of understand what their mindset is   and then guide them through it one example  is like a lot of organizations within retail   or fashion especially in fashion have like these  fashion assistant Consultants that will actually   guide them in in terms of what they should be  uh looking into from a product perspective or   how would that help them out or if in case like  if it's a designer based clothing uh that anyone   is using they might go to a consultant and ask for  like hey uh this is basically what I'm looking for   these are my objectives that I want to achieve  and then they would guide them right so what we   are doing is rather than like we cannot replicate  all those uh trendy Consultants across the globe   but like we do have the data in place for the last  uh uh three decades that we can utilize through AI   which would actually make the right predictions so  for example like if I want to go and ask a a bot   a AI enabled bar that would actually say I want  to go in into a wedding in Winter and I'm looking   for some classy trendy uh dresses um and Suits it  would actually look into what the trends are where   my geolocation is what are the things that are  in at that point in time based on the seasonal   aspects and then it would collect the data and  then based out of that make recommendations and   even to my preferences from my history it would  know that what kind of colors do I color scheme   do I need or what do I like about that so if I  like played uh suits it would actually recommend   me played suits that would fit right to my size  as well as to my needs as well as to my likings   so those are the kind of things that AI can  actually help out a lot and it would simplify   a lot of decisions that the consumer has to think  about when they come to any uh retail website or   Outlet right so those are the kind of things that  would actually help to convert that decision into   um and hit their impulsive deceiving  aspect and then bring them on board   with the uh with the product sale so that  I think is a very very important aspect   um that that AI can actually help with for sure  sure like you know this is going to help the   organization especially the retailers uh build  a better customer experience and retain their   customers because I know this is a disaster when  you're going in a departmental store or websites   like you know like a big box websites that trying  to find something and then you're just scrolling   and scrolling you cannot find anything what do  you think like you know where are you absolutely   the thing is this yeah absolutely the thing is the  boards are around for some time right intelligent   boards even if you say but this opens a complete  New Horizon right a complete new way of shopping   so rather you know like as you mentioned rather  you know relying on in-house Specialists to   guide you this can open the frontier for so many  Shoppers who just want to buy something within   their budget within their preferences and without  even you know being embarrassed about maybe that   if is this the right coloring or not so this  the human touch right giving you the empathy   giving you the right size of styling multiple  options the personalized shopping experience   using intelligent bot so that this has never been  done before right so that is the AI flavor that is   coming into the mix and you know generating a new  vertical for the retailers and for the shoppers this is a very good example that you made it's  like one use case study uh but I'm sure like   you know that the product that you're building or  like you implemented with a different organization   can you give me like you know that more of like  you know that uh you name this fashion GPT so   and then again the GP one thing like you know  that comes into my mind two two things one that   now the end user got the hands-on experience with  AI like people like me now like you know that we   can actually feel the AI part of it that's one  part the second part is also the governance part   of it because now companies are reluctant to  put the data into like you know this thing so   how you are looking at those aspect building  this product absolutely that's a great thing   and then of course like uh you know the number  one challenge I think from a retail e-commerce   perspective is that complete are facing a  significant challenge in providing a more   personalized intuitive uh shopping experience  to the customers and when a user goes on to a   any website they have to search through like they  have to have the right predefined Search terms so   that they can get to the right product or they  would have to do a lot of uh navigation and the   websites have so much complex uh deep dive tiers  of products that they have so it is ineffective   for the customer right and they won't be able  to look into the product that they're looking   for very quickly so that's where that is where  uh Vision at has come up with a product called   fashion GPT that actually is gonna solve for that  problem and it is a uh you know it is basically   bringing the revolution in into the aspect of how  the consumers would be able to quickly look for a   product of their liking and what they're looking  for and then they would be able to quickly check   out from that perspective so if I if I look  into that aspect what we are solving for is   to Leverage The Open Air Technology uh which  can actually which can actually help them to   which can actually help them to give them an  insight into how they can select for a product   so for example like uh if if I am a consumer I  would be able to go on to our website use the   bot and say that I'm looking for a product that  I want to go in into a wedding that is happening   in summer in Florida and then for that part  I need a suit so it would actually recommend   it would look into the trends that are happening  across the globe and uh come up with some trendy   things but now the technology that you need to  enable like you know Salman like you know that   you mentioned about power from is this a power  Power Platform is a technology that enable that   experience what is the background technology that  you guys have absolutely so basically it's an   hybrid thing right we are using low code and pro  code in the mix right so we're building with the   help of the chatbot experience is through the  Power Platform right but the conversational AI   experience is coming driving from the open AI but  adding into that the visual added value is that   we have an accelerator which oversight and  make sure that you know whatever the input   that we are getting from the customer the all  the AI principles are followed right so that the   customer receives a personalized response but  within you know with the making sure that the   safety is there and the correct setup that is  you know the from the coming from the retailer   side so that's how we are making sure that the  solution is built with low code and the pro code   I am saying okay so uh how like you know that uh  I know that the the Power Platform like you know   this is the major thing that and you guys like  you know working very closely with Microsoft   now how are you taking this to Market and how  this is gonna like you know create an impact uh   to the customers and end user and what is the  benefit out there uh implementing the solution   yeah so I'll probably take that uh question so  the idea here is to enable growth perspective   as well as uh adaption from our uh from a any  brand perspective right so we're working with   few of our customers uh and then launching a pilot  on their e-commerce website uh with the bot that   we have uh called fashion GPT uh what would it do  is like it would enable those uh retailers to hook   up their already assortments or the product  catalog that they have and then based out of   the Gen AI it would actually make predictions  and then see if based on the trends that are   happening it would actually filter the products  that are there within the product catalog of that   particular retailer and then would show up that to  the users now what the secret sauce behind that we   won't go into the specific of it uh in in today's  call but would love to have that more detailed   conversation but at least how would that help  the consumer is that they would quickly see the   trending things and then also they would see the  products coming right out of the product catalog   from that particular retailer e-commerce website  so that would actually help them to package it   up so for example if they have selected a suit  they can even ask the bot that hey okay this is   the suit that I like now give me matching shirt  type belt and shoes and make recommendations on   that part and it would actually recommend all  that up it would show that you would just buy   click of a button you can select all those  products it can all be packaged up and then   just buy one click of a button based out of the  profile saved payment method you would be able   to check out and then you'll be done so the whole  experience is actually reducing the time that it's   taking the consumer to go onto a website search  for products make up their mind and then kind   of think about it that if I need to buy it or not  so we are basically really hitting that impulsive   decision making aspect for the consumer to take a  quick decision based off the recommendations that   are likely coming in from a consultant because  like what what we have seen is like 80 percent   of the time if a consultant is actually referring  something to a customer then they are likely to   buy that out so that is the aspect that we are  converting and um you know like mimicking by   utilizing these Nai technology here uh we're sort  of time but someone I want to ask you one question   which is I think there's another area within the  Power Platform what is Center of Excellence I've   been like hearing this buzzword what is center  of excellence and uh what what is that tell me   yeah that's a good question so basically Center  of Excellence you know I would basically call   it Center of enablement right so what we do is  basically just like you asked in the earlier that   um how we are making sure the citizen developers  learn right so the center line excellent Center   of excel gives you the foundation to build  uh you know build that team that can act as   a citizen development right then you have the I.T  and administration to have a governed way of doing   things the last aspect is the for the poor Pro  core developers to accelerate their development   so whatever they are doing it's everything they're  already doing it the work is accelerated so the   center of excellence is not just for one party it  runs across the board at an organization level so   that's how it extends the value it adds the  value and generates the culture of innovation   I see okay good thank you guys like you know  I think this is interesting so now synopsis   is not a hype is actual thing so which is the  awesome uh I know you guys like you know that   if you want to continue the conversation you  say like you know the expert it's something   like you know that you guys are doing like  you know any further webinar or collaterals   or uh that people can learn about uh can you  quickly like you know something that's happening   sure so basically the thing is the next month  we are will be in Vegas right Microsoft Power   Platform conference we are the platform sponsor  will be showcasing fashion GPT and Center of   Excellence we will Deep dive showcase our success  our unique value that comes from Vision outside   right and there are some surprises there so  do join us there and you guys are speaking   absolutely oh awesome looking forward to it  absolutely good thank you again for your time   I really appreciate very uh good conversation I'm  sure our audience also like you know liked it and   to my audience who's like you know listening to  this if you have any question for G and Salman   please you can reach out to them their bios  is in the description uh and if there's any   specific like you know use case you want to  discuss or do any Workshop uh they're more   than happy to like you know welcome you like  you know doing such things and discuss any   further again thank you uh G and Salman for your  time and uh looking for like you know exciting   time and all the best with your conference and  we'll talk again thank you thank you very much


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