George Hotz Programming what is programming noob lessons Science & Technology

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Oh. Cool. So i was watching. Um. Shkreli's, finance, lectures. And he gave. Lectures, with a list of. It's it's kind of financial, advice and he starts out by, saying. What is finance, he breaks it down into. Well okay if you want to get into it you have a choice you can either invest your own money or other people's money. Um. Investing, your own money, probably only makes sense if you have a lot of it. You need tools. To. Uh. Right like there's no reason you should be investing your money if somebody else can invest it better. Basically good advice. Um, so i thought i'd do something similar for programming. I was watching i i googled. How to learn to. Program. Uh let's let's let's do this. How to learn, to program. Also again like you guys think i'm on drugs constantly, i'm really not. Um. I smoke weed occasionally. I drink occasionally. I don't really do harder drugs than that. Uh, i don't think i've taken, adderall, or any other stimulants. This year, i don't know why you guys all think that. Maybe there's something. Defective, about my brain chemistry. So. I'm not going to teach you vim. If you think you want to learn park type thank you for subscribing and i'm hoping to get a lot of subscribers, for this stream because. I'm going to try to educate. Instead of just. A lot of times when i talk. I'm not trying, to. Be, made sense of. I'm not i'm trying to, i'm thinking, out loud, and i'm not trying to, explain, things such that an audience will. Understand. So we could say. Yeah, look i can tell you. Here here's The best ways to teach yourself to code. And, really, it comes down to, just doing it. Like almost everything. But i think a question a lot of people have is what exactly, do i do. So. Let's. Let's bring. Them up here. And let's talk about what a program, is. Okay. So you have a program what's the definition of a program. Well. Um you can think about it like this, a program takes in some, input. Does some computation. And produces, some output. So. There's an argument to be made that we should be teaching. Kids. How to program. Using functional, languages, because functional languages, more closely, match this paradigm. But, computers. Don't, operate. Like functions, computers, operate. A lot more like turing machines which we can get into too so maybe. On one, side of an extreme. Uh we have like a high-level, functional programming language like haskell. And then let's not really go lower than c c and assembly, r. C and assembly, are the same structurally. So you can treat c and assembly, like the same thing see this kind of assembly, with a bit of syntactic, sugar around it. There's nothing, in c that doesn't very clearly, map, to something in. Assembly. Um. Please subscribe. I hope you guys like this kind of content, okay. So let's say like languages. Uh, span the gamut. From c. Uh over to haskell, right. Um, then you can take languages and languages go in a few directions. You can, think of this as like the functional, spectrum. Uh, and then maybe there's c, over to python. And this is kind of the ease of use spectrum. So, in the 90s, it was believed, that object, oriented, programming. Was going to be this revolution, in programming that's c going to c plus plus right. Um. Basically, and, you can take it even further. Microsoft, created these things called com objects. And, everything was going to be an object. To pass around small talk has this kind of paradigm, also. But it turned out this didn't actually improve. Programmer, productivity. The thing that improved. Programmer, productivity. Was garbage collection. So when you think of a computer, first i mean we kind of have to ask the question what is a computer. So. You can think about it like you have a processor. That runs a stream of instructions. And then you have ram. Um. Now you can break ram into two things there's two things stored in ram there's instructions. And there's data. So most computers, really don't treat these things, very differently. When i. Make a program. Like hello world. And i compile this. We can take a look. In this program. And. That's not even all of it. Yeah. Uh so we have a. This section here, this is actually the ascii. For hello world. So it's in the same. Memory, space. Um as the instructions, itself. Which does the, printing of hello world here's the main function. It's called a dialed stub binder is actually what calls the printf. Um. So, yeah what is a computer, uh processor, and ram. Um. Then you can break down, your. Program. So when you have a program. A program has text. It's called dot text, which is the instructions. A program, has a stack. Program has a heap and a program has bss. Right. So bss, are things like um.

Static. Data. Uh there's a stack and then there's a heap, heaps you get to through malik. Stacks you get to through, uh. You know anything, like. This is a variable. On the stack. Local, vars. Also control flows on the stack. Right. If i have a main function, and i call, a. What this does. Is, pushes. The return. Location. To the stack. So you know when i call b down here. Um. This at the end here is returned. By. Popping. Off. Stack. Okay. So this is a basic idea of what a computer, is. Now. There's a whole other direction, you can go with the idea, of what is programming. Right there is, a. Practical. Like, i want to get a job. Right. Um, programming, for. Work. Uh maybe we'll make a. Note too we'll call programming for. So what does this mean. What does a software engineer, do. Well they don't really write algorithms. Um. You will never in any job have to write. A sort algorithm, a binary, search algorithm. Anything like that. Um, so they don't write, algorithms. Um. What else. Well. Very few people actually, work, on. Uh, there's some people who work on infrastructure. But, that's not a lot of people, most software, engineers. Are, basically. Translators. Right. And they translate, a language. Uh maybe we'll call the language, business, requirements. Into code. And. There's a whole lot of frameworks, which exist. To make. Writing, things. That, meet business requirements. Easier. If you think of a business requirement. Like, you know we need a web page, that's going to. Allow users, to say. Leave a phone number where we can call them back right there's a lot of frameworks, that are designed, to do things like that. If you wanted to write something on that you could use something like ruby on rails right. And that's why. Uh. I hate when, does that i don't actually know. Right. For like you know. Uh. Web apps. Um. There's also this paradigm, of, crud, apps, and you get what crud stands for. Uh the four basic types of sql command. Create, read, update delete. All, right. Uh so let's say we want to build. Ruby on rails or similar. Um. For web apps. And you're basically, creating an app that looks like, create, read, update delete. There's some. Front end. Uh the view. There's some database. Which is the, model. And then there is the uh. Business, logic. Which is a controller. So let's say the front end is let's go back to that um. I want. To build, a portal. Where my customers. Can. Uh. Add their phone number, such that we'll be able to call them, they have to be able to update their phone number due to gdpr. They have to be able to delete their profile. You can see how it translates, to this right. Um, so. This isn't, this is terrible. You you're not. Just, the same way the word doctor, means so many things a doctor is someone who diagnoses, a doctor someone who prescribes. A doctor or someone who has bedside, manner. Um. A software, engineer. Like, it's kind of misleading.

And It's almost, nothing, like what you do in school. If you're in school and you're learning. Um, how to write binary search algorithms. It's nothing like what you do in practice what you do in practice, is really you're translating. From a really shitty, language. Um. Into these things that are like. Code and i meet these people and this is what you're going to learn. Um what you will. Learn, in boot camps. Right. Um. So, for example. No one who's ever, gone to a boot camp would ever give get a job at comma ai, because at comma you don't do this. Um. Nothing at comma, looks like. This this stupid, paradigm. And this is the thing that's going to be replaced, pretty soon by by ai's. I think. About, writing this. Like, if you want to write the low brow version of backspace. Backspace. Is. Basically this i mean so here step one. Build. A. Crud, app. Contracting, firm. Step two. Record. All. The. Inputs. Of. My, contract. Developers. I don't know just say contract developers will make fun of someone full-time. Uh, developers. Uh train. Ai, model, to translate. Business. Logic. Into code. Right. Translators. Um, so yeah. If you guys are thinking. Uh about a job like this. You know it's it's it's really it's really trash, work. Uh. You can get paid, some amount of money doing it. But, your your. Your monks used to do this, monks used to like spend time copying they'd have to before they were, printing presses they'd have to well someone's got to copy the bible so, that's practically what you're doing, it's not very um. You know it's kind of trash right. Uh so. Notice how none of this. Go back to. This guy here. None of this. Has anything to do with this, they're completely. Separate things. A software engineer. A lot of these people who i meet who are software engineers. Know basically nothing about computers. Uh what they know about, is. How to translate. This shitty language. Into. Code is almost giving it too much credit. Um. And then here so let's think of like like ruby. Uh react. Right um. Think of all all the very heavy frameworks. It almost has nothing to do with programming, and it's like you're memorizing, weird syntax, of of, something, uh stupid, right. Um. So. Let's talk about things that are that are more interesting. All right. So. Uh, i come from uh, i learned this stuff from, from my kind of hacking background. Um what is happening well. So. Again. Programs. Have input. Computation. Output. So if you want to attack the system, we'll call this a system right. If you want to say get like a, uh, you want to get like remote code execution, on the system. Right. The question you ask, is what. Input. Uh. To the system. Achieves. My uh. Desired. Outcome. Okay. Um. So. Again a lot of hacking, is because like. The the, the, system. Didn't think to check, uh for what it is i'm sending it and you can get the system to behave, in ways. That aren't. Uh within the normal bounds of output, so if you think this is actually a function, right, um what are the words in function you have a domain. Which is the input to a function. Function. Range. Or like you know y equals f of x right. Um. So. This is a, this is a, pure model. Um. But most computation, is impure. Uh when it's impure. The. Function, doesn't necessarily, have to output something in the range it can do something entirely. Different. Um. So. Yeah i mean what is what is hacking, it's. Figuring. Out, how. Uh. The function. Uh. You know. Figuring out how. To. To. Make the function, uh behave. How. Uh you want. Um, now you can use the same. Paradigm. To, analyze. Almost anything, right, input, system. Output, say you want to. Uh. Say you want to change your flight on united, and you don't want to pay change fees, well you can think of the input, is, what can i do well. I have a i can call, i can call the united customer support line. Um the system, is the customer support agent. And the output. Is them clicking a button on their computer, that says wave change fees probably written in some cred app right. So. If you think about it like that, you think okay how do i get the system, what inputs well, what do i have control over. I can make multiple, calls. I can, change the words that i say on each call.

You Can do things that are completely out of bounds of the system entirely, you can you know get the person's, real name you can dox them, uh you can threaten them you might go to jail for these things i'm not advising you do it but it's it's all within, this this paradigm, of input. System, output. And that's what. What is programming, input computation. Output. Thank you for subscribing. Uh, no. No there is uh. It's starting to get big are we getting, people watching the stream, oh yeah okay now, let's get viewers let's get viewers. So when you ask the question. What is programming, how do i get good at programming. I don't understand. What it is that you want. Any, any. Website. Any boot camp, will teach you. Functioning, crud app programming. Um. When it comes down to hacking, every system is different if you want to get good at hacking, you just need to practice. This basic idea. Uh. Remember, that. One of the reasons i don't play ctfs, anymore is because it. Became, too. Um. Boxed. Uh this is i feel similarly, about about competition, programming. Competition, programming, is not about. Who can cleverly, come up with new algorithms, it's just about, you know pattern recognition, okay recognize. That. This is actually, a a. Graph isomorphism. Problem. Uh i can do graphite some. Isomorphism. That's that's that's np, but, oh this is actually, a a binary search, over this and i can sort the list. In n log n instead of n square and i can solve it in time right, um. Yeah, so, cdfs, are still fun, and, ctf, still like i think there's some that kind of probably break the paradigm. But a lot of it became, the same tricks over and over again and you just drilled. Once you can drill, it's no longer a test of intelligence. It's a test of like, you know, are you willing to practice. Are you willing to put. 40 hours into a week into learning some relatively, useful skill. I shouldn't hate on ctfs and they're a great way to get into this stuff, it's just a thing like like. Back in the day ctfs, didn't feel as much like this but competition, programming already did. I have nothing but praise for the time that i spent doing competition, programming. And, learning. What there is to learn and then realizing, once you're just going to be grinding, it's time to stop. Um. Yeah, uh hacking and coding is all about learning and applying new skills so repetition, runs counter to what it's all about okay. Um. So if you watch my stream two days ago. Where i did, the. Uh, adding the for loops to clang. That's another. You can get paid a lot of money if you can do this right, um this is kind of what my ethereum, contract, was, uh, understand. So so maybe there's a like like like high brow software engineering. Understand, a complex, system.

Modify. The system. To. Say add a feature. Ship the new. System. Meaning like test, well. And stuff. So there's there's a whole lot of software engineering, kind of contracts. Or jobs that look like this, understand a complex system, modify the system to add a feature, ship the new system, um if you. Make yourself, challenges. Like that clang for loop challenge that i showed you you'll get good at. Uh at this. Um. You want to be a ml engineer. Well. Here's the steps to get good at that. Download. Paper. Implement. It. Implement. It. Keep. Doing, this, until. You have. Skills. Ah. No test today. Slackmage, thank you for subscribing. Um. When you guys say. I i saw a comment on one of the on one of the recent youtube videos where you say, oh if only george would do would do lessons. What is it you want to learn. What is it that that you want to. You want me to do. What what what is it, that you think you can't do. Um. You want how to get a girlfriend, right. Uh. All right and again, let's use the same. Let's use the same the same uh, the same paradigm, right. Input. Uh, system. Output right. Um, so, well, what are you going to need is an input to the system. I mean, you want a girlfriend you want you know women. Um. A system. Uh. Like i don't know what you mean. First can you come up with a definition. Uh. You know. Let's come up with an exact definition, of uh get a girlfriend. Right. Oh not martin's girl's youtube finance lessons. Um. All right so first defined get a girlfriend. Now the system, is, you know uh. The the. Female, mind. And let's say the output, is a uh. Let's say let's just say it's an imessage. Uh saying. Uh. So we are. Uh. Official. Now. Uh, right. Right. So i mean. You can think about this right so i mean we can use the same sort of tricks we used on uh on the united. Uh. Flight attendant. Uh, you know i'm trying to get the change fees right like okay, um. One thing i've learned, studying, pickup. Is, you don't. Get better, at seducing, women, you just get better. At, screening, women. It's not about convincing, women, to sleep with you or date you it's about finding the women who are already interested, in sleeping with you, or dating you.

Uh So right. Uh. Same sort of approach, and you can treat this like a funnel right so, let's talk about funnels. Um. So. This is a classic. Uh, sales, kind of, thing. Uh let's say you want to sell cars right. Same, approach same approach. Uh one. Uh, you have the top of the funnel. Which is like getting the word out right you can do this with like advertising. Um. Too many. Uh you get some people who visit the dealership. Right, and this is a funnel let's say. Let's say um. Let's say a thousand people see your ad, let's say 10 000 people see your ad. Um. 100, people. Visit the dealership. Uh, and let's say. You know uh. Five by cars. Right. So, what's your your ratio, here you have one percent, here and you have a five percent conversion, ratio here, and you're falling off your funnel. Uh so you know we can do the exact same thing here one, um. You know 100. Uh, message. Sent to women. Uh. We can say. Maybe, um. 20, replies. Uh, let's let's let's, let's say 30 replies. Uh. Of every one of those, we'll say we have five dates. Uh. Two lays. Uh, one girlfriend. Right. Same same idea right it's just funnels. Um, so this here is a. Thirty percent ratio. This is a. Uh. One. Whatever that is in percent like 18. Um, this is 40 percent, and this is 50, right. Funnels. 1.2. K viewers, let's go. Ah. No you don't want a vim lesson, right. That's like. Oh, how do i make a product that make me a millionaire, okay. All right i'm, getting money. Well. So the thing about getting money. Uh is there's only one way to get money. Um, this is capitalism. Uh. Capitalism. Is based. Around, consent. Right, and this is kind of the beauty of capitalism. Uh in capitalism, you have a buyer, uh and you have a seller. Um and both parties. Uh. Must. Consent. To the transaction. Right. Uh so. If. You want to. Uh, make a million dollars, the only way to get money, getting money. Um, in. A. Capitalist, system. System. Is one way to do it and it's convince. Uh others. To give. It to you right. You can't make money, you can't produce your own money. Uh there is one way, to get money and that's to convince other people, to to give it to you, uh yeah welcome to welcome to nba. Right. Um, so if you have you know two people and one guy selling an apple and it's ten dollars and the other guy's like i'll give you five dollars for the apple. The seller can now say okay i consent to your five dollars i don't consent and there's no transaction. Beauty, beautiful, right. Um. Getting money in the capital system convince others to give it to you so to answer your question, how, do you. Get. Uh, make. 1 million dollars. From. A product. Well, so you can kind of um. All right ready for some nba, i'll give you some real mba. So you can think about, who you want to target your product. All right you can either make one dollar. From one million. People. Uh you can get, one million dollars. Uh, from one person. And then there's a whole spectrum in the middle let's say a thousand dollars from a thousand people right. And you can think about. Basically, how much effort you're willing to spend on the sale. In each case. Right. So here you know. Tons, can. Be spent. Uh closing, the deal. Here maybe, uh. One, phone call. Maybe, let's say uh, you know.

A Couple, phone calls can be spent closing the deal. And, this can be like online only right. Uh so how do you make a million dollars from a product well you can either convince, a million people to give you one dollar, you can convince, thousand people to give you thousand dollars or you can convince one person to give you a million dollars, right there's, no other way to do it. Now make it look fancy, put a lambo on the background, and post to instagram, is the new warren buffett yeah i mean but like like this stuff is so simple. Okay i i don't know how anybody's, stupid enough to pay for mbas, that basically, like like like, like here you go. There you go, there there there's. Basically, everything you need to know right. There's so much complexity. And depth i can sit here and type forever. If you wanted to go into like. Detail, of how computers. Work, but nobody seems to care about stuff like that i don't think that's what you guys care about. Um. Out of a million subs in his gym right, all right. Um. All, right. So, yeah look, do i know how to do like this yeah sure if i cared, right. Um. So fundamentally. You have to again. Ah. Instagram. Uh is based around consent, right uh so you have a uh follower. Uh and an influencer, right this is the same it's the same basic, market economics, except influencer. Uh it's the same basic market economics. Uh except. It's not money, it's it's it's clout. It doesn't it doesn't really matter, the same basic idea so so how do you. How do you get a million subs an insta well you know convince. Uh one million. Uh people, to subscribe, to you. Uh now there's a bunch of ways to do this right. So. Uh. One way to do it is like with uh appealing content, right. Uh now there's lots of different things you can appeal. Uh based on you can appeal, to you can appeal to novelty. Uh you can appeal to, beauty. Uh you can appeal to. Sexuality. Um. You can you can appeal to, to funny. Right. Uh so i mean that's kind of step one and if you don't have appealing content, you're not gonna get uh. Um, step two, is be famous. Uh. So, this actually works if you guys remember my, or this is another way to do it if you guys remember my thing yesterday.

Um. Famous works on on a few different levels right so you can say there's there's fomo famous, right like you want you want people who uh, fear missing out right like oh man i gotta follow this guy right you can use so you can use fear basically to get people to follow you, um, there's like the car crash. Mentality. Uh, which is similar to fear of missing out except, you know maybe this is fear of. Missing, something. Uh, positive. Uh, fear. Of missing something negative right. Um. All right so you know you can take like like like uh maybe kanye west is kind of a mix of both. Uh lindsay lohan, is, very much in the car crash mentality. Um. Yeah. Uh and then there is like um. You know dark arts. All right so you can you can buy followers. Uh these followers come from a few different places, there's cracked accounts. Uh there's big there's big russian. Uh, people who, who crack accounts. I think there's some new accounts. Right, uh you can do. Little psychological. Tricks, like uh make, your, insta, private. Uh if you make your instagram, private. You, again you're you're appealing, to this uh you know what's behind the, curtain. Follow, to find out bros. Uh. Can you explain dynamic programming to you so go on youtube there's plenty of people who make great graphics. For for what dynamic, programming, is. Um, the basic, idea. Is, say you have some function. Um. You know you have output. Uh, f of x of y, and you can figure out how to define. F of x of y in terms. Of say, you know, f of x minus one y minus one right. Um dynamic, programming, is you build up like a table. Uh using, the previous, outputs. Uh to to influence the next outputs. But again you know. If you're looking for an exact. Topic like that there's plenty of videos that'll do a better job explaining, it uh than i can. Um, i like i don't really know, and i'm going to read some comments, now and guys if you could all i will make it subscriber, only if you guys are writing stupid crap. Is this, you guys always say oh i want to learn i want to learn i want to learn, like, what is it that you want to. Learn. Do some garbage, collection, and explain what malik, is. Defcon, sold out. Uh. This is actually a really cool stream thank you uh here so we have we have a vip. Um, what not to waste your time on. Okay, well let's, break that down using the same sort of uh. Uh, mentality. Right. So, wasting, time. Uh. So the girl last night on the date, told me a very. She has a very interesting, life philosophy. Um if you guys know the story about the fox and sour grapes. The fox is out walking. He sees a grape vine and there's a big, juicy, bundle, of grapes. Uh sitting, up there he puts his paws up on the fence and he tries to reach it and he can't. Um. He climbs, the fence he starts to climb the fence but he cuts his paw. And then he's like. You know yeah okay those grapes are probably sour anyway and he walks away, right. Um so this is the traditional, sour grape story, and, usually people who have this you know those angry sort of people but. Her take on it was when she cut her paw it must have been a divine, sign from god that the grapes were probably poisonous. It's like a positive, spin to the sour grape story. So i don't know um. You know. If you go through life everything that you don't get you just realize that you didn't want it anyway and like you really you put a positive, spin on that this is this is an impenetrable. Fortress, of, uh psychological. I don't know but. Um. Wasting, time, i don't know. Right. All right so this gets into like like uh. Existentialism. Right, the basic idea of existentialism. Is, uh you make, your own. Uh meaning. All right. Sorry. Now you asked, if this is all existentialism. Is how did people write really long books about it and you'll have to ask those people. But so i don't know. Um. My personal, philosophy. Is that there's no such thing as wasting time. Like, it's a stupid a time is just. Wasting time is great. This is the point of time, to waste it, um. You know. Maybe maybe, i'll add a caveat, to that, don't, fall. Uh. In funnels, right. Um, if you are in other people's funnels. Um. Don't. Be, in skinner boxes. Skinner. Boxes. All right. Maybe uh. Um. Don't fall in funnels. Don't be in skinner boxes. And don't uh be. Influenced. By. Advertising. Can i explain algorithmic, complexity, sure. Um. Again. Let's, let's let's see if there's good content, on this already, before i do it uh what is. Algorithmic. Complexity. Algorithmic, complexity, is a measure of how long an algorithm would take to complete given input of size n if an algorithm has to scale it should compute the result with a finite and practical time bound even for large values of n, for this reason complexity, is calculated, asymptotically.

As N approaches infinity that's what big o notation, is well complexity, is usually in terms of. Okay. Um, so this is a way of thinking about it. Ah. How many. Operations. Does it take. For an input of size n right so you can take sorting algorithms. Sorting is usually a good way to think about complexity. Um. So you can take like a bubble sort algorithm, right, uh, bubble sort. In pseudocode. Is. Uh, something along the lines of, for i, in. Uh one to n. Uh for j, in, uh. I to n. Uh or let's say i plus one to n if, j. Is less than i. Swap. Ah. All right. Um, so. This, algorithm. Is o of n squared. Because you see this loop. Start from zero i'm not writing lua or nothing. Um so this loop is n. This loop you can be like well no the average is actually n over two but you know n times n over two is is is uh. You know it's still o of n squared, right so this is an o of n squared sorting algorithm. So you can take other sorting algorithms. Other sorting algorithms, basically have this idea of we're going to build up a tree. So say i want to sort the list you know, three, five, four six right. Um we take a tree. We put seven. On the top branch right, and now we say three is three, uh less than, or equal, to, seven. Uh it's less than so we'll put it on this side of the tree, okay. And now we do the same thing with four. So we say, well. Okay let's take four four less than or equal to seven it's less than seven less than or equal, to three it's it's greater than three so it goes here, right. Um, six. We have the same kind of well. This turned out to not work too well. Uh because the height of this tree is n, but let's say i added something like 10 in you know 10 would go here in the tree. And make my tree too nice. Uh let's say i added a five in, right the five would go here in the tree, and the size of this tree, the height of this tree. Uh. Is login. Right. Um, so that's all the sort algorithms, that are in n log n time. Uh basically, have some variant, of this right so it's it's it's n inserts. Into. A login. Sized. Tree. So there are actually sorting algorithms. That run, in o. N. Ah. So we can think about. Let's say the list that i'm sorting, is only. Um is guaranteed, to only be numbers between, one and one hundred. So i can create, a. Maybe something like hash sort or something. Uh. I, don't know what the name of it is but oh then sort. So i can create an array, like. Count. Sub 100. For. I and 0 to n. Count, sub arr. Sub. I. Plus equals one. Right and then, i can loop through count. And then i say, uh. For. Well you know just like print. Um. You want to print out basically, the like like. The number. Uh. Count number of times. Right. Um so you see how this is of m i have one loop going to n, and then i have one loop going to to, to count. Which, can be viewed as like uh, as like a k. And k is small. Uh. But. This obviously, only works. If your your total number here, is small. Uh because the k. If these. Biggest, element in the array. Were to grow. Um. With the length of the array then the sort would not be o of n but assuming that it stays at 100. Uh this sword is always of n but usually, the smallest sort is ammon. I think maybe that explains it better than. This. No we're not solving any leap codes.

Um. I'd like to see you improve, and open source system that you'd like to see improve, and follow along, as you help progressing. Issues, and features. People don't want to learn they want to have your skills yeah they can get. Can i explain, binary, search time complexity. Sure. So. Binary, search. Find. An element. In. A sorted. List. Something, i say, is hacking, a lot of times is uh is just binary search by hand, right. Um, so let's say. Let's say let's say you have an oracle. Uh. Or or you know we'll just we'll just do it straight up right, uh so here's the sorted list right. Um. Let's make. All right let's say i want to find 67. Right. Um, so b search. 67.. So, you start out with defining. A uh. A, a a low and a high, uh so we'll make the low. Uh the beginning of the array, and the high. The length of the, array. So, i now take the midpoint. Let's say i look at the array. Array submit, is 22.. Now i know. That it can't possibly. Be any of these. Right. So here's my pivot, i say it can't possibly be any of these, because 67, is greater than 22. So we can now say low equals mid. So now i'm just looking. At, this array here. So that's the first run of binary search right. Um. So again, low zero. Highest length of array. Mid low plus high equals two. Let's say mid, is one. Uh so we get 45. Low equals mid. All right so now now we're doing it again. Uh for this. Uh and this time mid is 67. All right run it through, so we can return that we can, figure out what the index, uh in the original array was, right. Um so notice that this took three steps, which is significantly. Less than here n equals 7 because 7 is the length of the array. So binary, search runs an o of log n time. Again you can think about it similar to the tree where you're only walking down one path. Instead, let's say instead of this sorted list being put contiguously. It's a tree, how many jumps you're going to have to take in the tree it's login. What paper, can, implement. Beginner, ml engineer, well i mean that's a deep, what paper can implement, a beginning ml engineer. Oh i don't know about that. Uh yeah data science is largely bs. Anyone who's teaching you. If you're ever learning. A. Like an object, level, skill. You're probably, not learning the right thing. Object level skills, will die out when the tools die out. But if you're learning, kind of meta-level, skills. Then. They're never going to. It's like, truth about the world, right, um. Are you learning. Something, from nature. Or are you learning something from people. Right. If you're learning something from nature. Good. Uh if you're learning something from people, bad, right, um so, you can you can you can break. Pretty much everything down into into this paradigm. If you're learning like physics comes from nature learning physics is good if you're learning celebrity, gossip this is just, arbitrary. About people it's bad, um. So you know one of the one of the founding themes for the college. Uh. So, we reject. Uh, power. Over people. Um. And this will actually make us. Ignored by the system. A system. Cares. Deeply. About. Power. Over people. Embrace. Power, over. Nature. So yeah. Um. And then like like like okay so like answering a question, what is data science right. Um. If data science, if data science, means like, statistics. Sure. If data science means, like, um. Tooling, used. At company, x. No. Let's define. F. By. For complex. S with a positive, real part how do i find all zeros, of the function. That looks, oddly, like the riemann hypothesis. Um. My. Most of my math knowledge is in discrete, math. I don't know that. Much. Calculus. I didn't really know how to do that i mean i could write a simulator. For that. Uh and then we can binary search for zeros assuming the function's continuous. We can't exactly binary search. Uh. Well those things are going to get smaller. Too. Complex. S with positive, real part oh god i gotta do complex, numbers too i don't really know. Um we want to learn how to learn efficiently, learning, strategies. I don't know. Is. Four years. Behind. Some of these questions. Like what books do you recommend, how to stay hungry.

Um, Elon talks about this a lot right. So. You want to build, a. Uh, a knowledge tree. Right. I build a knowledge tree. And that means that whenever you learn new information, fits into the trade. People, who. I've met who know a lot of things. It's. Not even always that they know, um. Maybe uh, interpolation. Is possible. Even if you don't know exactly what's a note of a tree if you have some nodes nearby, you can kind of interpolate, to it right. Um. Yeah, so it's kind of a framework for understanding. Um. You can. You can, root. This knowledge, tree. So elon, talks about it. Elon, roots. Knowledge. Tree in physics. I root knowledge tree in, information. All right, so my whole input computation, output, is this this, idea of um. Information, this is a modernist, perspective. Post-modernist. Perspective. All. Right. Um. But but, both of those things are are very very good ways of understanding. Uh. So so, i mean how to. Explain. Uh. Anything. I mean you know i, some of these were like how to get a girlfriend right input system output, this is. My core paradigm, for understanding. Anything. This is what richard hamming was promoted, a lot, that's, that's like like like a hamming tree. Guy. Coding theory was one of the classes, i took that i couldn't do it was too hard for. Me. Um. I haven't seen. So. Bezos. Um. Bezos, basically uses this this this one trick. Um. Bazel's, operations, mastermind, right. So for example. Um. Amazon, ships many packages. Uh. When amazon, negotiates, with ups. Uh bezos, has his guys. Draw up. A amazon, shipping plan, right. The plan, is uh. Let's say sales pitch. Uh to ups. Ups. Um. You know, uh. Gives real rate. Right. Great. Pezos. Wins. And that's that's, that is the amazon, trick, over and over and over. Again. Uh oh, post-structuralism. See i like weird things like this. I really i really want to meet more i really want to meet more women and and go on more dates like women who like study this stuff. You know. Like like like, i met this i have this dave this one girl at birthday and she like knew about all this stuff man. It's it's a whole world, it's a whole world and i try my best to understand it i feel like i'll always kind of be a tourist there. Um. Structuralism. Proposes, that one may understand human culture by means of a structure, modeled on language. Uh this understanding, differs, from concrete, reality and abstraction, ideas, instead as a third order that mediates, between the. Two. Yeah and then, what's downstream, of all this is the is the is the modern. Trash. Yeah. The postmodernists. Were trolls, man. That's i was i was on the phone with. My friend last night and i was like you know what, i'm a postmodernist. Like i really. I embrace these these. I hold these truths to be self-evident. Um. Yeah, yeah. Bourgeoisie. For cow. And they're trolls, but they're trolls who've shaped the modern world. One thing that. I wish i'd done differently when i was younger was actually i didn't, i rejected. Almost outright the humanities. Um. As being, any. Uh. Oh they were trolls people just took them seriously. I mean they admitted as such. I rejected, the humanities. Is any sort of, uh. Any sort of source of relevance, in my life. Um. When. As i've grown up i've come to realize, that. The. College. And, the singularity. The science. Doesn't. Matter, i i think one of the greatest, tragedies, in history. Was that these incredibly, intelligent, scientists. Built a nuclear, bomb. And then handed that bomb off to politicians. Like they're subservient. To them. What. Why. Why, why is this. Why do politicians. Or those kind of people have this power. Um. So. Something that is changing. Uh, throughout history. Is power over people. Um used to be all used to be everything. All right, um if you if you. You didn't if you lived in a, tribe. Right if you lived in a like a hunter-gatherer, or tribe. Um. The only thing what what made you alpha chimp, what made you alpha chimp was was having power over the other uh the other chimps. Uh not having power over nature you aren't a 10x, better hunter there are there were no 10x better hunters. Um. But power over people. Uh is waning. And power over nature. Uh, is. Waxing. Is the right word. No i don't want top 10 best waxing, salons. What. I got waxing, like a moon. Yeah, having. Increasing, its apparent. Size. I dropped out of philosophy, undergraduate, because i realized how much you were just learning to tell logically, sound stories. To each other about how the world. Is. I wish. I wish there were a place where i could go to learn real humanities. It seems like being self-taught, in the humanities. Is more difficult. Um. I found a few. You come upon a few texts, in there and there and they're kind of mind-blowing.

Um. Start, what is literature. Uh. Yeah. You should read this. Ah, i'm. Reading that. Was, kind of the first. When i started to realize, that that. There was, a, huge, path, to. Uh. What is what is what is running a company what is what is being uh what is being ceo. It's just telling stories. All you're doing is telling stories and we compete. Uh. The world is a big competition, of these. Stories. What is the wickensteiner's. Tiring. Debate. I have so much to read. I don't know and i guess. This is. A lot of what i've been doing, off stream especially, now is is just it's just reading and. I'm not. There's no there's no future in hacking. Um. There's practically, no future in, programming. It's not a question, of if the singularity. Is going to happen it's a question of, when and what will it look like, and it seems like what it will look like will be a lot less shaped by, programmers, doing the grunt work, and a lot more shaped by who's telling the best stories. So. You know if you want to save the world better learn how to tell stories. Please teach me on becoming, an expert, in programming. So. Wait, hang on. What's the central. Kind of thesis, of. Um. By the way. Everybody, should read, uh. Should read turns. Paper. Ramsay, wow it's all the same people man. These people are, everywhere, so, all biologists, want to be chemists all chemists want to be physicists. While physicists, want to be mathematicians. All mathematicians, want to be philosophers, and all philosophers, want to be employed. Um. Programmers, are are translators. Yeah, uh. Right. This is this is what most. Software, engineers. Do all day. Um, go learn your stupid frameworks, right but again, that's the my same thing about about data science right. Um, you know, tooling. That. Will, go. Out of vogue. No. Out of vote maybe that's right maybe that's wrong. Uh, yeah, i met my medic there uh. These basic ideas peter t i read some, new peter kill thing he really went hard on. That. Do i think today we have less revolutionary. Innovative, minds in general than before no. How many people can you name from the 20th, century. Like a hundred. Wait. There's there's there's definitely, revolutionary. People around, today. I i think i think that who's the most revolutionary, person i think of the current millennium, satoshi, nakamoto. If you really want to do things. In some way you got to do them anonymously. Ah. I mean that that's just. I don't know. Maybe that's not true but. Yeah i mean look at look at what elon musk is doing right there there are definitely, people, who are alive today who are going to be remembered, in 100. Years. I read the annotated turing book yeah yeah that's why i read the paper, uh. I'll, i'll show for the. Book. Yeah i recommend that. Book. What is a good work ethic to have so. One. Test that i like to use often. To ask a question if somebody's, saying something. Say would anybody, ever say the opposite.

Right So if you have a politician, who stands up on stage and says. The children. Are our future, i care about the children they're not really saying anything because nobody would ever say the opposite. So what is a good work ethic to have. I mean it's a meaningless, question, because the. Like. You should slack, off a lot, and you know not really, pay attention. Do things sloppily. Yeah. Said nobody. Ever. I'm showing for myself man i'm satoshi. Uh. What's unless wrong. I'm not saying you should do anything. Um. It's just a framework it's a framework for thinking. No i see i'm not i'm not i'm really not interested, in answering questions, about myself. Why do you care. I'm nobody, who are you you're nobody, too. Oh they're coming after me man oh no locker doors. Man. I don't know like it's again. People are boring, nature's, interesting. I'm a people too i'm pretty. Boring. Have to think about recursion. Just as a. Stack. All right. Swat on my house oh no this guy's going to call a swat in my house no he's not he's. Banned. Crud development, will go away, yeah but it will just become. Current development will become the most lowest common, denominator. Ai. You know. Who's that guy in office space he's like well i take the thing from the engineers. And i give it, to the i talk to the customer, and i give it to the engineers. Right, that's all it's going to be. Um, constructivist. Mathematics. Uh. I'm. I'm. Yeah of course, uh, so my understanding, of, constructivism. Uh says that you can't the law of the excluded middle doesn't apply. Uh so you can't just make an assumption. Find a contradiction. And say therefore the assumption, is true. Uh. You wouldn't this is why i really like things like which like so. They have a constructivist. Which. Um. It says if you want to say something's true you can't just say you can't just like yeah find a contradiction. Uh so. I. Think that. Like finitism. I believe is true. In a, deep philosophical. Sense. Um whereas, constructivism. Is, just another, lens. Uh, where are the differences. What can you not. What can you say in non-constructivist. Mathematics. Uh that you can't, say, in constructivist. Or just proofs. Harder. Taking the principle, of the excluded, middle from the mathematician. Would be the same say as prescribing, the telescope, to an astronomer, or the box of the use of his fists. Um. Yeah, so so. Yeah. Ah. Construct. Is google gonna actually give me anything for this i want non-constructivist. Truths, you can't, derive. In constructivism.

Oh I'll say. Oh. God. Yeah aaron schwartz, take down j store, j store. Some like learning, theory i don't know about that. Yeah what i want to know is like like yeah what are the truths right and then do they feel i don't know i mean i like like intuitionism. As well. Um. It's one thing to innovate in the computer science world but it's another thing to utilize it to make money which is where you need translators, to deliver. Uh so, uh, what is money. Right. All. Uh. I mean. Okay, uh. It gets. I'm not gonna go into this. But. If your goal in life is to make money. All i will say is that is never for anybody, a terminal goal. Making money cannot be a terminal goal right. Money money itself does not have any intrinsic, value money only has. Always think about what your terminal, values, are right. Um. This is uh, let's find the. Slate, star. Codex, society. Shocks. Uh. Yes. Bostrom, makes an offhanded, reference, of the possibility, of a dictatorless. Dystopia. One that every single citizen including the leadership, hates but which nevertheless, endures, unconquered. It's easy enough to imagine such a state imagine a country with two rules, first, every person must spend eight hours a day giving themselves strong electric, shocks. Second, if anyone fails to follow a rule including this one or speaks out against there fails to enforce, it all citizens, must unite to kill that person. Suppose, these rules were well enough established by tradition that everyone expected them to be enforced. So you shock yourself for eight hours a day because you know if you don't, everyone, else will kill you because if they don't everyone else will kill them and so on. I heard the russians, used a similar tactic, in order to prevent defection, in world war ii. Uh you know a soldier on the front line who's being told to charge a machine gun turret might want to run the other way. But you know it is the job of everybody behind them, to shoot all the cowards. And if you do not shoot a coward you're a coward yourself, and you'll be shot by somebody else, dictatorless. Dystopia. So. Think about what you really want money for, and are we really just in one of these dictators. Dystopias. There's my viewer count. He's. Gone. And coward is whatever is defined, by the, russian, system right. Are we running out of innovative, ideas, no. Oh here we go. Easy example of a non-constructivist. Proof without an obvious fix. Some digit occurs, infinitely, often in the decimal, expansion, of pi. Have we proven, that. Oh, some, digit, occurs, okay. Perhaps you think of the statement that every digit occurs infinitely, often which is probably open, yeah.

Um. But some digit occurs, infinitely, often. Uh. I mean yeah okay you're right so the obvious proof there is assume for the sake of contradiction. That no digits, occur, infinitely, often. Then. Given that there's a finite, number of digits. Uh, by the pigeonhole, principle. Pi is not, a transcendent, number but we know pi is a transcendent, number. Uh therefore. Contradiction. Uh qed. Um. This is another classic, one. Yeah. I mean but i'm sure you can prove, that. Uh. The square root of two's irrational. Uh i'm sure you can prove that in a. Constraint. Constructivist. Proof. Square root to. Uh, irrational. Direct, proof of, irrationality. A simple direct proof that i found as a. Teenager. Theorem. It can conduct, our. Ideal. What. That's. Confusing. Okay. Theorem. Is that it's integral. If rational, so meaning it's an integer, if it's if it's rational. Uh, the. Proof. Okay so it's a reduced, fraction. So the, greatest. Common divisor, is one. Uh that's. Using like the extended. Euclidean. Algorithm. Yeah that works. Sure. Yeah, there you go. It's so much better it's so much better than the other proof. Oh browering can are examples, let's, say. I think that all of higher education, today. Is whatever the opposite of based is you know maybe cupped. Uh. That's kind of a. Problem. Like there's probably. Small. Numbers of holdouts. In these. Tentacles. Institutions. Uh. Rise. Of, administration. Costs. In. Colleges. Uh yeah all right there we go it's it's there. Uh put it this way administrative, spending comprised, just 26 percent of total educational, spending by american colleges. Uh three decades later. Admitted, no it's. Not. Wait huh. Where'd the other spending, go. I don't know. Ah. Maybe this isn't true i'm not i'm not that interested in looking into the case. Uh i mean i witnessed this firsthand, i've heard. From speaking, with a lot of people. Uh, just. How. This is what i mean. Uh. That's that's not what i was thinking of. But. Yeah i'm not i'm not i'm not hopeful for. The future of the the higher education, system. Uh curtis describes, it as a state church. Where do i expect newer generations, to learn things like lower level programming or theory the same place everyone else did. What do you mean. People always say this people say this about computer science man the kids aren't really going to learn how computers, work. Why because our math majors don't know how arithmetic, works. Like that's just a sign that someone was poorly educated. Not it's not going to like fade from the world, people, say this but, you know there's been so many, other disciplines. And i have no idea why they think, computer science is going to be different. Look up the journal constructive. Approximation. There's so much to learn. Guys. I don't really know what approximations.

And Expansions. Are. By the way. Oh i mean unfortunately, it's a web archive but can we look at how nice this web page is. Someone criticized. My. Uh. Use of. Like. Looking at the. Sh, the form, and not the content, but the form is an incredibly. Good predictor, of content. A website, like this, contains, truths. Because there's no other reason for someone to build. It. Unfortunately. It's been taken offline. Let's see. A website, like this. Probably contains, way less truths. Right. Compare the websites. So now we see what's wrong with uh. Colleges. I promise. Our university. Will have a website, that looks much more like this and much less like this. Computer, architecture. Or quantitative. Approach, let's see what we got. College is a funnel society's, a funnel. Man. What i want to show me the uh. Don't show me the table of contents. He's the president of. Stanford. I tried, yeah i, click off the kindle version, i i think. I don't think anywhere. Ah, take a look inside oh cool. See what we. Got. I mean this is yeah if you want to study computer architecture, that's like a. Decent. Oh. Now this is i mean this is from google what. Takes like uh. 10 nanoseconds. To get to. Uh. L1, cache. 100 nanoseconds. To get to l2. Takes like a microsecond. To get to memory, and it takes like a millisecond, to get to disk, or whatever those numbers are you should know that understand, all of that, memory hierarchy. There's an old saying like there's two hard problems in computer, science. It's like search and caching, or something. Um. That's the. Quote. Cash and validation, and naming. Things. Know that you are problems in computer, science. Cash and validation. Naming things and off by one. Errors. Let's. See. Cool. How do you get over a thousand people to watch you rant about how. You they shouldn't need to watch people like you rant. I don't know we're just hanging out and like, thinking. I'm gonna go back to reading in a bit. I try my ideas out on twitch right i tried hammer out and decided there's never gonna be a hammer. Hammer. Um i tried backspace, out. And, it got a pretty good response on twitch. Um, the problems with backspace, are more technical, and actually comes down to more the question of what is programming. Right i don't want to make. If you want to do programming for work if you want to make crud apps like. That's not really what i want to do in backspace. Um. I mean, the. The problem. I ran into with backspace. Is like. Um, is. Our modern, programming, languages. Already. The best. Way. To describe. What, you want. How. Yeah. Like yeah what is it is programming, really just describing. Is is there a more concise, language, that's probably a better way to. Is. Does there. Exist. A more. Concise. Programming. Language. Um. Aka. Uh what. Is the next. Gc. Right. Object-oriented. Programming, didn't deliver the improvements, garbage collection, did. Uh not having to deal with freeing your memory. Um. I mean, so so, my basic thesis is like uh compilers. Should do more. Search. Gc is garbage collection. Uh, so if i write some. If i write some c code. Let's make a. Function. All right so that's all well and good, except for this fact. See look at a dot out's memory usage right. It's memory usage is growing and we're going to have to kill it before it keeps using more because there's a memory leak. Because, what happens, in this program, is every time a is called. I'm malicking, six bytes of memory i'm taking six bytes. Off the heap. And even though once this while loop comes around again those bytes are never accessible. Um. It doesn't matter. The, compiler. The program's already allocated them so you know to fix this bug, i can do that. And now we'll see. That a dot out does not increase in memory usage. Right. So a gc, would automatically. Find, unreachable, pointers, and free them. Yeah so rust has a separate idea. Russ has this idea of of uh. Of ownership. Um, but, it makes rust very very hard to code. The the beauty of gcs. Is that they operate, completely, in the background, and it would make this a valid program to run.

I Could write this in go and go as a gc and it's fine. If you can find the shortest program that outputs the data yeah sure, um i shall for the hudder prize a lot. Make it subscribers, only you never see my chat i see your chat and you're a subscriber. Um. All right. We'll be right back and then we'll do we'll do subscriber, only q a and then go back to. Reading. What problems are we solving today no real problems. Shining like a diamond what are you reading. From. I'm, almost done with my uh, my book from yesterday white. Noise. What is this dud, baiting twitch prime dot, can we do a meet up before the singularity. What happens if you pass, string copy a character array without a null terminator. Um. I mean. It'll just keep copying to whatever on the stack till it finds it i'll terminator. Is it any indication, that we're not close to an efficient to write language when we have functional programming that's so fundamentally, different. I mean um, are getting better. I i'm, very, oh man you know what i'd give to code in the language, 20 years from now. Oh. I'd be so. Happy. What was that. I was just like i can book like famous people to come to my. Party. Look at personalized. Messages, wow. Oh i got to think about my brand, you. Know. And how to solve constant growth of misinformation. I mean, has that ratio. Actually gotten worse. Has the ratio, of information, to misinformation. Changed. I'm not sure it has. How does one, be, motivated. Oh. This is dumb questions. Like think of why that's a dumb question, what are you. One one way to ask, if if something's a dumb question or not is like think about what the structure, of the answer you want is. What kind of structure. Like like like what is the space what does the range, look like of the what does the output space, look like. Like. You, are the kind of person who deserves, google. Right because this. One weird, trick to stay motivated. Is is what you're looking for there and that's the only answer you're going to get and it's not a real answer so your curiosity, is never going to be satiated. And you're going to keep googling that same crap, over and over and over again there's not an answer. There's less hierarchy, and information, distribution. I'm not even sure about that. So think about. In some ways there's more hierarchy, right um, oh that's, all right let me see if i can find, i wish i had a nice way to index this book better. Um. About. Families. Let's find the exact quote they put in the book a lot better i'm gonna say it but. Families. Are held together, based on in um. On, untruths.

And And commonly, shared lies. I think that. Despite. People talking, a lot about, misinformation. In in some ways. From my perspective when people are screaming about fake news. What they're actually. Mad about when they keep talking about misinformation. Is actually that they don't control the narrative anymore. It's not that the new narratives. Are any less, true than the old narratives, the old narratives, are all lies as well. It's just, there's a different. Kind of. Group. Providing, the new narratives, the new narratives are coming from a different place. And i think there is slightly more true than the old narratives but only slightly. Any advice to crack, fang, interviews. All right. Honestly. If they sit you down and they're like do two lead code hard problems. This is why i'm not doing lead code on stream for you guys it's. Like. Why waste your time memorizing, that they're no it's, just insulting, i mean i think it's insulting, to to everybody. Uh who's being interviewed. Like. They're not checking, to see whether you're a good programmer, or not they're checking to see whether you're willing to grind, for hours and hours and hours. Right delete code grind is real like is that, is that the kind of organization. You want to go work at, an organization, that values, you just grinding, on something, stupid and irrelevant, for hours. Um. That said i think that uh, programming, challenges, are an incredible, way to judge. Um. Candidates. But. Not. Timed, ones. Right. We have a. Like. Or at least not. Time crunch, in front of a person. Uh we we have a we have a hackering, challenge for for comma. Um, but. We give you four hours and if you're good you can do it in under an hour. It's it's not. Designed, to be. It's designed to be a freshman, weeder test. Not some insane. This is how we're truly going to judge. You. The speed challenge yeah, i like the speed challenge it's kind of. It's more open-ended, but it has, it's, it's more open-ended. But it has a clear. Rigid evaluation, criteria. Uh it's an import it's important to have interviews, that are. Have clear, evaluation, criteria, to avoid. Bias. Don't take amphetamines. Um. So. My experience. With, uh, amphetamines. Adderall, stimulants. Is they do not make you better at things they make you think you're better at things. They they. Trigger, this delusion. Uh. If i am good at something i want to believe i am good at something if i am bad at something i want to believe i am bad at something. Nootropics. Are mostly a scam. I think humanities, will ever be able to escape structures, and hierarchies, within nature, that combat, transhumanism. I'm not sure exactly what that means. Honesty, doesn't give deep thoughts it makes you think all your thoughts are deep. I have more positive things to say about lsd, than i do about uh amphetamines. I think lsd. Shows you something. And. Uh. I mean like, with all drugs, you know. Understand, what it has to teach you and then. Stop. I think i want to go to one of those 10-day meditation, retreats. Uh but i don't know i don't want to talk about drugs. They're not drugs aren't that. Interesting. Joshua. New god of transhumanism. Uh what's the happiest memory i don't really like talking about myself either, most of these things here i don't really talk about myself i do give anecdotes, for my wife they're they're more to illustrate a point. Uh, because anything that i say about myself is personal and useless to you. Don't. Be like me. It's dumb. You know, i'm trying to give you information, so you can think. Don dele. White noise. Some of the stories are made up yeah. Doesn't matter. Uh i've been drinking recess yeah it's kind of. Nice. I've never read your class elements all right.

Cool. Um. It's about pascal's. Wager. Pascal's, mugging. Yeah. Heh. It's a funny idea. And this is why i'm not a. Consequentialist. Many mangoes that is kind of. Funny. Things. By, oh, oh you mean just things, in general. Oh i felt like things was like uh, yeah of course. Web app frameworks, like electron, why don't we ship the operating system in every uh. Electron, is just docker man it's the same idea. No i don't want i don't know. Anything that makes deployment development easier is probably. Good. Stanislaw. Lim. Can you think of any fun problems to tackle in your retails, if you come up with one. Hmm. No. It is it's in local folder i'm probably much more likely to lose it than the. Cloud. The, is a tc. If you want a high, tc, you gotta play the game. You know what there is a star trek voyager. Episode. Tc. Yes, treatment, coefficient. Yes. Yes critical care. Yes. Just as the doctor, asks what tc, stands for. Oh total compensation. Oh you mean the team blinds. Oh my god. Oh my, god. It's pascal's. Mugging. Man. Yeah i'd like to go to today. The problem is i have to like schedule it months in. Advance. Worldsignia. Yt thank you for subscribing. Turning into a lizard. Man i love voyager growing up you know i just want to know where i learned morality, from star trek voyager. So, whatever janeway, believed that i believe. Alright guys, thank you for watching the stream. Um, if you enjoyed today's stream. I'm gonna look at my revenues, and if i got a lot of revenue for this stream, we're gonna do more streams like this one. But i don't know. I'm probably not gonna stream for a bit, it's the weekend. I got things to do that aren't streaming. Uh please subscribe. If you haven't subscribed. It. We like subscribers. Somebody asked me earlier do i believe that there are some people are better than others yes i believe that subscribers, are better than non-subscribers. Rex, doors thank you for subscribing. Can you do an irl, stream. Should i like rent out a, you know you know like they're hyped on, the covet. Um. Feels good man subs rise up yeah there's a class system, all twitches, aren't equal they're subscribers, and non-subscribers. I don't i don't tell lies, you know, i'm a flex. Thank you for gifting, subs. Um. Today's dream is top tier i'm


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