Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace 12/24/17 Breaking News December 24 2017

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Hello. Again and Merry Christmas Eve, from Fox News in Washington, President, Trump, is spending the holidays, of the winter White House resting. Up after, a frenetic, first, year in office and preparing. For what promises to be an even tougher 2018. Republicans. Will return to Washington with, just a 51, to 49 majority. In the Senate out to that big upset, in Alabama, and Democrats. Are expecting, big gains in next year's midterm elections. We. Begin our look today at what's next with Mark short the White House director, of legislative affairs and mark welcome. Back on this Christmas Eve to Fox News Sunday Chris thanks for having Merry Christmas before. We get to, all of that we've got some breaking news we have, to deal with first of all President Trump is on a tear this weekend, sending out repeated, tweets attacking. The, Deputy Director of the FBI there. Was one tweet this morning, FB, i--'s Andrew, McCabe in addition, to, his wife getting all of this money from M Clinton, puppet for those at scoring at home that's, Virginia, Governor Terry McAuliffe who gave campaign, contributions. To mrs. McKay was running for office he, McCabe. Was, using allegedly, as FBI official, email account to promote her campaign, you, obviously. Cannot do this these, were the people who were investigating. Hillary Clinton, question. Is. That helpful, for the president to repeatedly, attack, top officials, of the FBI Chris, I think the President, believes that the American people have a right to know as to what happened with that investigation as you, mentioned in that tweet. I think people need to remember this Terry, McAuliffe the governor of Virginia is perhaps the Clintons closest, political friend, he, gave, $700,000, contribution. To, McCabe's wife when, she was running for office at, the same time that they were launching an investigation to Hillary Clinton the American people have a right to know that mccabe. Has announced that he looks to move forward and move on and we wish him well he's going to retire when he gets a full pension in March yes sir but I think it's also important to segregate that and separate it from the special counsel because the White House is cooperating, every single way with that investigation, and after, millions and millions of dollars no, collusion has been proven so, the president's saying we need to have. Need to know that our civil servants servants are doing the honorable thing and it's important American people know what happened in that investigation, I want, to be clear though because he. Has attacked in various tweets not just, mccabe, but also james baker the general counsel of the FBI Peter struck the, lead investigator, leaves a page is. He saying that there are some bad apples at the FBI or, is he saying that there's a fundamental structural, problem. With political, bias I think he's very pleased, to have Chris ray now running the FBI he's very pleased with the changes that are taking place but, at the same time we put all of our faith and confidence Department of Justice and the FBI knowing, that there should be no bias there he's, making that he's making the point that we need to make sure there's no bias and I think there's serious concerns about whether or not there was or was not during, the Hillary Clinton so is he telling the. FBI director Chris Wright is his appointee. Is he telling him to clean house there I think that he has full confidence in Chris Rea Chris okay. Not. Just one breaking, news story there's also a story on today's. Front page of The New York Times that reports, that in an oval office meeting last summer about immigrants. Flooding into the US president, from said about people from Haiti quote they, all have AIDS and immigrants. From Nigeria. Would, never quote, go back would. Never quote go back to their huts what's. Your response to that and also to a federal, judge in Seattle, this weekend, partially. Lifting. Again the, president's, travel ban so. A couple different issues there I was not in that meeting but the people in the media say that those comments never happened and so I have no belief that that actually transpired, but let's, talk about the temporary protective, status for, a second because, it's an important case the. People here from Haiti are here from from an earthquake that happened roughly ten years ago under, temporary, protective, status we, have tens of thousands, of people saw our country from Honduras, and from Nicaragua, from a hurricane that happened in 1999, tens.

Of Thousand people under temporary, protective, status the. President again again made the case that on our immigration, laws Congress needs to change, these laws oppose it continuous six-month extensions, of people that hear from 10 and 20 years ago Chris all. Right let's get to your day job even, though you had a big success this past week there's no rest for the weary, what's. Your legislative. Agenda, for 2018, and what comes first well in 2017. Chris first let's look at all the first of the president accomplished the first president, to get a Supreme Court justice confirmed, the first hundred days the first president to get twelve, circuit court judges confirmed, in his first year the first one to deliver on significant, tax reform since 1986, the first one to roll back regulations with 15, times signing legislation of the congressional review act only, once before our history at a president using gross review act to rollback so it's been an exciting 2017. But we have a lot to do in 2018, I think you'll see the president rollout infrastructure. Plan in January and the president, has already invited, the leader McConnell, and speaker Ryan to Camp David the first weekend in January to make sure all on the same page about what our priorities are for 2018, let's. Talk, about infrastructure, because he signed the, tax bill Friday, the president, indicated he might begin, with infrastructure, here he is I really. Do believe we're going to have a lot of. Bipartisan. Work done and maybe. We start with infrastructure. Because. I really believe infrastructure. Can be bipartisan. But. While both parties want a trillion dollar program, over the next decade, there's a big difference the, White House talks about 200 billion in federal, money with. The rest coming from state and local governments, and private investment, Democrats, want the whole 100. Trillion in, federal funds. But say that you've already given that money away to corporations. For your tax bill so given. Those huge differences, where's, the basis for compromise, there's no doubt Chris there's a pathway forward on this both Democrats, and Republicans say, their infrastructure, is crumbling, and we need to fix it but the big question remains will Democrats, put politics aside and actually work with us they need to meet us halfway so.

Far When you talk about. Confirmations. And our and our point ease to serve an administration, in all, of since George HW Bush. There were 32 filibusters. On nominees we've, had 64, in our first year twice, as many of 20 years combined we've had twice as many in one year Democrats, have looked to obstruct this administration, every chance they can get the, question for them is will they actually partner, with us to try to do things to the American people right on infrastructure. They. Want all federal money you want only 200 billion. With the rest from state. Local and private they, say the lower the private would be a corporate. Giveaway, so where's the deal I think that I'm not going to get in front of the president his plan these are on January, Chris but I'm very confident we've had conversations with Democrats I think there's a willingness on the policy to get there the question remains what politics prevent it okay, let's talk about another area with a lot of politics, because I think it's fair to say that there's a deal to, be made on, immigration, the Democrats. Want the dreamers, the, young, people who came into this country as children as illegal. Immigrants to get. Some permanent legal status in. Return, what are you asking for in terms of border enforcement and, does there have to be at least some funding, for, the president's, border wall Chris. The president's, put forward to Congress when, he said that the deferred, action for childhood arrivals. Was, not constitutional. He, put forward to Congress the principles he wanted which included, border security, it included, interior, enforcement and, included. A couple of additions to ending chain migration those, are the things that we asked for we. Put that forward to Congress months ago we're waiting for Congress to provide to us a proposal and get it done but you're right the president very much wants a deal here he wants to solve this problem one, of the things you did not mention just now is the border well why didn't import a security we very much consider a physical, barrier part of the border security is that non-negotiable. A border funding, for the border collie something the president has promised and it's not that it's not negotiable it's what America needs it's in our national security interest, to prevent drug, cartels to prevent ms-13 and secure border okay then you've. Got a lot of busy, stuff in 2017, there's health care reform, here's what the president, said, about the, repeal of the individual. Mandate that was part of the tax bill this, week. Obamacare. Has been repealed, in this bill we didn't want to bring it up I tell people specifically. Be. Quiet with the fake news media because I don't want them talking too much about it but, in fact much of Obamacare, remains subsidies, to help buy coverage, Medicaid expansion, that gives coverage from more than 10 million Americans protection. For, pre-existing, conditions fact, is this week we learned that almost, nine million, people enrolled, in, the federal, Obama care exchange, so, isn't. The president just flat wrong when he says that, care has been repealed no I think the president saying at the heart of Obamacare, has been repealed and that was the individual mandate is what most Americans found most offensive, to for the government, to dictate to you to say we're, gonna require you to buy something whether you want it or not there's, a certain amount of freedom that we still believe in chairs in this country and that was at the root of Obama we're still going to have millions. More. Than ten million people who are going to get their health care coverage through Obamacare through, expanded. Medicaid, there, are still gonna get paid by the subsidies, still going to get the protections, of pre-existing conditions.

Obamacare. Is still here sir Obamacare. Continues. To collapse the estimates where there would be 20 million more today. Than there are and so yes, there, are nine million they've signed up but it is way short of the estimates it continues, to fall apart it continues to collapse what, the administration, is looking to do is to shore up the markets through administrative. Actions that we can take such as you saw the President, signed an executive order allowing. Associated, health plans so that more people can pool their resources together, to help lower premiums, we will continue, to see us take administrative, action on health and Obama care finally, I want to ask you about a couple of foreign affairs, issues, President Trump issued a threat this week to countries at the UN not. To oppose his decision, to, recognize. Jerusalem. As the capital of, Israel here he is, they. Take hundreds, of millions of dollars and even billions of dollars and then they vote against us well we're watching those votes let, him vote against, us we'll save a lot, we. Don't care. In. The end a hundred and twenty eight countries, ignored. The president's, threat and voted against his, new policy, but, the, fact is that the only countries besides Israel, that get as. Much as a billion dollars, in foreign aid that. He's talking about perhaps, doing away with our two allies, Egypt, and Jordan so is he really, mean. What. He says about cutting, aid either to countries like Egypt, and Jordan or to the UN itself there, were a couple very important things that happen the United Nations this week and you're covering one of them and that is recognized, in Jerusalem as the capital of Israel keep, in mind in 1995. Congress voted overwhelmingly that, that's what the American position will be and voted again 90, to nothing with 10 abstentions last year it is a policy that is represented, by, many Americans the president followed through on a campaign, promise also. Last week there was about 15, to nothing to help put additional, sanctions on North Korea that, is something that's been under reported the presence leadership, with Ambassador Haley and bringing, the United Nations together in isolated, North Korea that is far more important to what our national security objectives but, respectfully. To answer my question, will. The president go ahead and ask Congress, to cut funding either to, countries that voted against. The. New US policy in Jerusalem, or to cut funding to the UN itself I'm not going to get ahead of the president but I think the countries that continue. To thwart the will of us and refuse, to partner with us they should be cogs to the president delivering those promises he's made before finally. Special. Counsel Robert Muller is continuing. His investigation into. Possible collusion, with, the Russians, and a possible, obstruction, of justice White. House lawyers have been saying for weeks that, they expect, the special counsel to exonerate. The, president, by early in 2018. Did, the White House lawyers meet as had been reported, they were scheduled, to with, the special counsels office this week and on. What, basis, do they believe that this investigation, as least as it involves the president, is going to be wrapped, up early next year, well Chris thankfully, that is handled separately and I'm not in the middle of those conversations but I think the reality is that we've said before that the, American taxpayer spent millions and millions of dollars on investigations, so far that has proven no evidence, whatsoever of collusion with Russia we're, anxious to see this resolved, move and allow the country to move forward do you believe as they say that this investigation, in terms of the Special Counsel, exonerating. The president, is going, to be cleared, up early in 2008. For me to know what the timing of that is Chris we continue, to cooperate fully and everything, that they've asked for we're anxious for it to be resolved though I got the same mark I had, a lot of things to ask you and we got them all in thank you thank you especially for coming in on Christmas Eve merry, Christmas to you and your family Merry Christmas sir up.

Next What are the chances, for bipartisan. Compromise, in Congress in the new year Democratic. Senator Ben Cardin weighs, in on that and what, grade he gives Donald Trump's a year one when, Fox News Sunday comes, right, back. What. Fox. For. All the focus on domestic, policy, President Trump also had an ambitious, foreign, policy, agenda this year joining. Me now the top Democrat on the Senate Foreign, Relations Committee, Ben, carton, happy, holidays and welcome back to Fox News Sunday senator. Thanks. Chris happy Holidays to you you, just heard mark Shaw at the White House legislative. Director do. You see any areas of compromise, between, Republicans. And Democrats in, the new Congress, where, is it going to be all politics, all the time I think. We'll know very early, January. 19th, is the deadline for getting the. Budget done we're, already three months into this fiscal year and we don't have a budget the, way the budget is handled, I think will be an indicator of whether we can have bipartisan, cooperation it's, not just the, budget, pretty a year we have disaster, relief for the people of Texas in Florida California and, Puerto Rico we. Have the, immigration, issues that need to be dealt with now and, I, think the manner in which that is handled, can set the stage for Congress. Democrats and Republicans, working together or, if, they can't if, the president, won't work with this one that it's gonna be a tough year well, let me ask you about a couple of specifics. A few specifics, that I just raised with mark short there's infrastructure. There's immigration. There, is welfare reform, in those specific areas, do you see the, outlines, of a compromise, with, the president. There's. Been negotiations, between Democrats, and Republicans on immigration we're, hoping that we can get the dreamer bill done we, also have people with as is pointed out on temporary protective, status we, have to deal with that issue marks, right we should pass legislation in. These areas the president's, made it more difficult but, we need to get together and we have Democrats, and Republicans, working together on, infrastructure. Absolutely. We want to get an infrastructure, bill done it's more challenging, because of the tax bill and the revenues that have been taken off the table but we'll we could work together get something done on that, in. Terms of immigration as. I was talking about there is an obvious deal to be made there on the one hand you, and some Republicans, want, to give. Protection, to the dreamers on the other hand Republicans, and especially this president want tougher border, enforcement, including funding, for the wall would you be willing to compromise there.

We. Need to get the dreamer issue done it should not be connected to anything else in regards to. That's. Not that I mean that's not a compromise because you have something you want an immigration, they have something they want why not put them together, well. Of course the president, put. The deadline a bun he gave six months. Last. Year earlier this, year so we have a deadline on the dreamers, we should do better border security we're for for tour security, but let's make it sensible, border security, let's deal with the technologies. On the border let's deal with the real problems, there the wall is not going to make us safer, all, right let's turn to Europe particular area. Of expertise, which is foreign policy you, heard my discussion, just now with, Mark short about the Trump administration. Issuing. A threat to the UN and to its member nations about. Not voting, against. His, decision, to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem here. At the UN was our ambassador nikki. Haley. No. Vote in the United Nations will, make any difference. On that but. This vote will. Make a difference, on how Americans. Look at the UN and on. How we look at countries who, disrespect. Us in the UN and this. Vote will. Be remembered. Senator. What do you make of the president issuing, that Fred and what, happens, in Congress if the president, tries to make good on the threat and to. Cut funding either to some of the countries that opposed to sort of the UN itself. Well. First, I have been, pointed out the, United. States recognising. Jerusalem, as the capital of, Israel the. Congress did that in 1995. The, country has a right to determine its own capital I don't, think it was a controversial, move. But, the manner in which he handled, it without using, diplomacy, without, trying. To advance the peace process using. This to, put other issues on the table so we could get the Palestinians, and Israelis, talking, together that, I think was the mistake so the. Reaction, in the United Nations I think was expected. I don't, know whether it's useful to make threats we, do watch how the countries. In the United Nations vote on our resolutions. We always do that but, I think the manner which the president handled this is not in our best national security interest all right let's turn to another subject the u.s. pushed. A resolution, through the UN Security, Council. On Friday imposing, new, sanctions against. North Korea including sharp, new limits, on petroleum, shipments. To North, Korea, and the, vote got the support, of both China and Russia, was 15 to nothing in the Security, Council doesn't. That indicate that the Trump administration, diplomacy.

To Try to build up international. Support against North Korea is working. That. Was a good move that was a major. Accomplishment I, give our team a lot of credit for getting that done they're, pretty strong additional. Sanctions, to be imposed against, North Korea because of their continued, testing of ballistic, missiles so, that is absolutely it was it was a strong, move forward, it was great to see China Russia join, us in that it now needs to be followed up with diplomacy. Where, we get China in the United States working with the same strategy with. North Korea to find, a way that we can ease the tension, and get North Korea to change directions so, it's a good first step another. Trouble spot Ukraine, the president has. Agreed, to sell lethal, weapons to, Ukraine including. Anti-tank. Missiles, to, fight the, pro-russian. Separatist. Forces there, this is a move that President. Obama, is. Consistently. For years refused, to make will. You support. That or will you try to block the sale in Congress, I, talked. To secretary Tillerson, earlier, this week I support, the the. Administration's. Decision to provide these types of defensive. Weapons for, the Ukrainians, it's a clear message to the Russia's to, Russia that we will not allow them to continue to, compromise, the, sovereignty, of Ukraine Russia. Will continue to push as far as they can it was important, for the United States to tell the Russia. That we will support Ukraine's ability, to defend itself so I support the decision. Overall. How. Do you think the administration, has done this. First year in foreign, policy and are you troubled, that. We have a Secretary, of State Rex Tillerson who, almost everybody, in Washington, thinks is going to be gone, within. A year that has he lost his credibility he travels, the world representing. This country. In. Many, respects, our foreign policy, is, is inconsistent. We'll have a policy. Coming out of the State Department or coming out from from, people that, are that, are representing. The White House and then had the president, come out with the tweet that totally. Undermines that we saw that in North Korea when, secretary, Tolson, was, pursuing, diplomacy. And then the president, undercut, his. Ability, with a tweet so, I think we found from the president, he doesn't always support his team and therefore, we have an inconsistent message. We. Have distant. America, we say America, first, it looks, like America and isolation, and America has lost its leadership and many key issues as certainly true on, climate, change where, we were not as president. And bond as we should have learn climate, talks China, came in and took, a lot of the, leadership. That should have been with the United States so, we see the United States being excluded. From a lot of the discussions, globally, and that's not helpful to our national security, senator I want to put up some numbers for, you that I think are fairly striking we now have growth of three, percent unemployment, just over four percent the, Dow Jones average, is up almost 25 percent since. The, Trump, inauguration. Isis's, lost 97. Percent of the land it, once controlled in Iraq and Syria for. All the, controversies. For all the questions, about this, administration. When. You look back on all of that housing President Trump had a pretty good year I think. It reflects, the fact that America's, is is the strongest, nation in the world that, what we can do this, country really, is, indispensable. To the global community and. That there were seeds planted by both Democratic, and Republican administrations, that, have caused us to continue to grow but as we do that there's a lot of Americans, who have been left behind and I think that's the key challenge, we have a shrinking, middle class we've, got to focus, on.

A Growing, middle class and I think there was a missed opportunity on. This tax bill where, it, helped. Basically, large. Corporations. And high-income people if we could have focused on middle income we, could have I think grown, helped. Grow the middle class which, would been good for our future things are good they could be better and let's concentrate on middle-income family okay I got less than a minute left I want to ask you about one last area Congress, has been investigating. This the, whole Russia issue for about a year, the Justice Department, has been investigating. Possible ties between the Trump campaign and Russia for a year and a half really. Two questions first of all do you feel any urgency, to. Wrap this up to remove the cloud over, our president, if it can be removed and secondly what do you think of the tweets and its. Continued, this week on the attacks against the FBI I, think. It's critically important, that we respect the Independence, of the Department. Of Justice, and the FBI no one's, above the law that, mr., Muller do his investigation. Without interference. From the president, in. Regards. To this investigation, I hope it is completed early I think the American people need to understand, exactly what. Russia was doing here in the United States and the. Involvement, with the Trump campaign, it would be helpful for this country to have as much that, information, made available as, quickly as possible, senator, Cardin thank you thanks, for your time and Happy Holidays to you and your families sir thanks. Chris same to you up. Next we'll bring in our Sunday group to look back at 2017. Plus what, would you like to ask the panel about the president's, first year in office just go to Facebook, or Twitter at Fox News Sunday and. We may use your question, on the air. From. Fox 43. Help. The rich hurt. The middle class the. Whole year can be summed up in that one sentence. Unfortunately. The Democrats, don't like to see tax cutting they like to see tax increases. And. They like to complain but they, don't get it done unfortunately. But they complain a lot. President, Trump and Senate Democratic, leader Chuck Schumer wrapping, up 2017. With two very different takes, on Congress, passing, the, Republican, tax bill and it's time now for our Sunday group former. National, Security Council staffer. And now a Fox, News correspondent Jillian. Turner columnist. For the hill Juan Williams Bob, Woodward, from the Washington, Post and. Fox News politics, editor Chris, steyr Walt Merry, Christmas Eve to all of you and thank you for coming in. Jillian. There. Were certainly times this year when it appeared that the Trump presidency was, headed off the tracks, but when you look back at the numbers that I judged the, economic, numbers I just showed senator, cardin the, success with Isis now the passage, of the signature, tax code pill house. 2017. Turned out to be a pretty good year for president, from it's definitely, ending, on a high note is the way that I would describe it, specifically. With the stock market booming, on the, foreign policy side of things Isis has been really the sweet spot for the administration, this year they've the, United States military, has decimated their strongholds. In Iraq and Syria essentially. Denying, them any claims to a legitimate caliphate. The. Challenge, on this and many other issues is, that the. World at. The risk of sounding trite, the world is a complex place today and the nature of all the threats we face as a nation are changing, they're evolving very quickly so, if we take Isis an example, as an example we, have had, great success militarily. The new front in the war on terror next. Year and beyond is really going to be in cyberspace so the question is how quickly can the administration, adapt. How can they take these policy. Successes, and translate, them in the, future we, asked you four questions for the panel and we got this on Facebook, from Chris, for a father who writes is Trump, going to be another Reagan, thought, to be a lightweight but, gets conservative. Agenda put, an option one how. Do you answer Christopher, well I think if you look at the past year picking up on what Jillian was saying you'd have to say that in terms, of putting, conservative. Judges on the courts in terms, of things like the dismantling. Of regulations. The regulatory state, Trump. Has had some success or, I would say actually Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have, had success, while, using Trump almost as a distraction.

To. Me when. You think about Ronald, Reagan was the ability to negotiate and. Times across the aisle I don't think Trump has that I'm not sure I can point to one Republican. Who would say he voted for the tax bill because of Trump I think. The deals were struck by for. Example in the Senate McConnell, Anwar. Drilling for Lisa Murkowski you. Know something, of a promise, on health, care going to Susan Collins of Maine, something. Promised, about immigration reform, to Jeff Flake that's that's, the so-called swamp, that Trump, once promised to drain actually. McConnell, I think has poured some water and muck into that swamp. What. Are the president's complaints. Is that he doesn't get a shake from a fair, shake from the mainstream media, mr.. Williams. Here. Was the president on Friday, as. He signed the tax bill. Legislative. Approvals, for. Which I've given no, credit in the mainstream media, we have I believe, it's 88 which. Is, number, one in the history of our country. Chris. Is this, presidency, the hot mess it's often portrayed, as Bing. Or does, President, Trump have a point well I think he very much has a point I think he has a point that much, of the coverage about him has been withering, and unfairly, so but, then again much of the coverage has also been fairly harsh, because, as we've already alluded to the, opening, stanzas. Of this presidency, the first eight. Months ten months were, very very. Off kilter and he had a hard, run getting started so much of the coverage that was harsh was unfair. And he also benefits by the way from a lot of very favorable, coverage and talking points from his boosters out there so I don't think we can just say that he is he is a victim Bob. Your, I want, to continue on this theme you're writing a book about Donald, Trump that's going to come out next. Year in, undetermined. Date. You're. Having problems making the deadline. There's. So much and getting your arms around it is difficult, it's hard. What. Are you finding it is is part, of the story come much he has changed as president, or how little he's changed, his friend I can't, really answer that and what what's interesting, there's a discussion. Going on about whether. There. Is, within the Trump presidency a, crisis. Of legitimacy and. I. Think as you look back on it there is not actually, he. Was elected, Ben. Cardin, Democrat. Was saying gee I agree, with this I agree with that. Much. Disagreement. On the tax cut but we're going to see as we know in tax cuts it depends, on outcomes.

The. Condition. Of the economy is, good, now, supposedly. We. Will see so that can't be measured so, at the same time there's been a lot. Of turmoil, in, the Trump, presidency, of. One of the people I talked to called, a chaos, furnace. And. There's, a lot. Of truth in that and that's, Trump. Style and a lot of that is done. Intentionally. With. His tweets, in the morning would you talk to anyone, on the staff and. There. Is no clearinghouse, for his tweets he's gonna do it all on, his own and that's defined a lot do you agree. With I'm, surprised it is a consensus, it seems to be on this panel that the president, has ended, the year much, stronger than he started well, the tax cuts important, and and, look at Foreign. Affairs, there. There's, been lots of anxiety. Right rightfully. So that maybe there's going to be a war with, North Korea I think that's been turned down. Isis. Is a plus, maybe, but, you know we'll have to see. They. Mean, you're, exactly right it, is a dangerous. World but, the. Fuse. Of instability. Is lit in so many countries and, the crisis, can come from. A place we least expect. It I'm looking at this and, there. Are dozens. Of places that, can go off and wind, up defining, the presidency. And so you, know, that's. Why I'm waiting to finish. Jillian, how does. This president, compare. Both in substance, and style, points to, the two presidents, that you work for in the National Security Council Bush, 43, and Obama I think, it's fair to say that President, Trump is different in every way imaginable both. Temper, and they were very different from one another President. Obama, and President Bush President. Trump, is, temperamentally. Different. I think his worldview is different from any president, we've potentially. Seen before, and, I, think what he is, you. Know the end of the euro YZ offers, this opportunity to, sort of talk about lessons learned and, I, think one, of the one of the things the administration, has done. Well is that. They've learned to adapt. Some fairly, outlandish. Policy. Ideas. To. Suit the. Swamp and to suit the Congress and they've, become like, there's, no better example than the travel ban the, president's, beloved travel ban if you look at the first version, it was fairly outrageous. Everything. From what it said on paper to how it was rolled out, we. Go from there to the second and then the third version. Has, sort of passed without much, much. Controversy, and what. They're doing there is trying to I think you. Know they're they're coming to terms with the fact that the. President doesn't have all the prerogative, in the world and if he wants to get these fairly controversial, things through he's, going to have to learn to, adapt that connector snapping to the swamp. Throw in there when you were saying that there's a consensus, on the panel I think Mike my part to contribute, contribution. To this consensus, would be that the right-wing agenda in, America, has, been advanced, by a, Republican. Congress, to, buy Connell and Ryan but if you look at the tax well remember Trump promised to cut tax increased. Taxes on the rich get, rid of carried, interest for the hedge fund people the, exact opposite, has come through because of the agenda, McConnell. Ryan, in terms, of cutting taxes on the upper income and in terms of beginning a tax on the social safety net that I, anticipate, to come on Medicare, Social Security and light because they'll say the, revenue is not there I think, you can rest easy mr., Williams I I do not think that that, is in the offing at anytime soon you. Have. Another panel and I don't want you to steal time from yourselves on, the other side of it right so we're gonna take a break here when we come back we'll look ahead to. President, Trump's prospects, for a year to his policy, agenda the political, challenges, and yes, the continuing, Russia investigation. It's. Always a lot of fun when you win if. You work hard and lose that's not acceptable. President. Trump celebrating. With congressional Republicans the. Passage, of his first major legislative. Win that big tax cut and promising. More victories, in 2018. And we're back now with the panel will Chris you heard the. President's. Legislative, director, mark, short laying out a pretty ambitious agenda for, 2018, how, much of that will actually get. Done given the fact that they don't have reconciliation. They gotta pass it with, nine, Democratic. Votes in the. Senate and that you've got the midterms coming up in November well look even before they begin negotiating, with Democrats and it is of course the kind of pivot that we had anticipated, from. The president really from the beginning reached out to Democrats infrastructure. Find. Ways to build this new populist, almost, centrist, in some ways on domestic, policy agenda, but. They have a big rhubarb to settle among Republicans, before they figure out what they're gonna do there because, they made a lot of promises, two-disc, ideologically.

Disparate Republicans, in order to get the tax bill passed that, bill is coming due really, in January, through March as they have to deal with daca. Illegal. Immigrants who were brought to the United States as minors they, have to deal with the questions of fixing. Obamacare, or patching, Obamacare for the year different. Promises to different people and then, on top of that you want to talk about changing entitlement, reform Rand Paul closes, closes, the year in the Senate saying we're coming back we're cutting spending we're. Coming back we're cutting welfare and tell. Me how you make that all fit one, one, thing that struck me about. The president's, event. On the South Lawn this week after he signed the tax cut, bill was. How much and this picks up on what Jillian's that he's adapted, to Washington, he was calling out not just the leader is good it seemed when he came he, knew about four names, of, people in Congress he was calling out committee chairmen he was calling out subcommittee. Chairmen, has. He gotten better, in his fact hat is has he begun to master, the art of the legislative, deal, well. I think what you said is true and by the way what a show of psycho fancy I'm it's unbelievable, that that exhibit. At the White House I couldn't believe it I mean I thought it was kind of like some átheir Ithorian. Leader, from some other country in front, of his you know self, selected, leaders oh dear leader we love you mr. Trump good god anyway I think. That what, you have seen is that he has more familiarity. With. Congress and understands, that he has to make deals through, Congress, but, of course he's got to make deals I, mean rotten Ronald Reagan had to make deals through Connors Bill Clinton did yes my point is and I'm not sure he recognized. That when he started, I understand, but would you agree that he now does understand. No even in the tax bill he. It's not that he put forward with. Mark Schwartz helped some legislative. Agenda, or structure. That allowed them to act it was that they came up with their own prescriptions. To. Their conservative. No. No I say I think he knows now some, members of Congress and understands he's got to work with Congress but look for example mark, short said to you we, want to do something on infrastructure. And. What you hear from the Democrats, in the Senate as we heard this morning is yeah we won't do some that infrastructure, but where's the revenue you just passed the tax bill it took away the money no. That's true that was a trillion dollars that they wanted a god that they were gonna put into infrastructure, now you gotta fight you guys suddenly another trillion dollars like, it's, over ten years anyway casting. A shadow ever, air over everything is a continuing. Investigation, of. Russia Senate, Democratic, leader Chuck Schumer put, the President, on notice this week if. The president, were to fire special, counsel Muller our. Country, would face a constitutional. Crisis. Bob. As a veteran, of covering, Watergate. Of covering the run contra, of covering the Monica, Lewinsky where. Are. We headed in 2018. You here White House lawyer is saying that. This is going to be wrapped up quickly that. The president, at least as far as the president's concerned maybe not Paul Manafort that, he's going to be exonerated early, in 2018. And you hear some Democrats say they're just getting started. My. Analysis. And information. Is that we reporters. And the public only, know a sliver. Of what's. Going, on in that investigation. And, we, also only, know a sliver, of what, really, happened. Muller, is the, special. Counsel here, has extraordinary, power. In, law, Supreme. Court decision, in the Nixon case saying you. As the. Investigator. Have the power to get the evidence in, the case of Nixon, it was the tape so Muller. Presumably. Can, get all evidence, and testimony, on this so, we. Don't know where, it's going to go I think one of the big problems, here is. Our, business the, media you you see the declarations. About oh we, know this is going to lead to impeachment, or the, declarations. That it's going to be over it's going to go away I. If. We had Muller, here, on sodium, pentathol, the, truth. To. Roll the, dice Donald, Trump knows that and, I. Think, he, likely would say I don't know, this is a process. He's, very, exhaustive. He, in, that's. Exactly, the way it should be, because. Congress. Has been investigating. This question for a year, the the Justice, Department, has been investigating. This question of possible, collusion for a, year and a half since the summer of 2016. Wouldn't. Why, don't we have any sense at all if there, is any of any collusion. Between. The, Russians, and the Trump camp that have fair question, and you, know maybe we won't maybe the trail will become become.

Cold We don't know but these things take time Mahler started, in May, that's. The really serious. Investigation. But I think in the discussion. About it and what is somebody. Who's done this for God 47. Years there is in, the media, this. Polarization. Of. And people, attacking, Trump, and the kind of. Self-satisfaction. In, smugness, and, ridicule. Which. I think does not work. At all. I on. The other side o Trump, is totally, right this is innocent, this is some. Sort of jihad, against. Him and I think we need to turn. That down and. Listen, to facts there are facts, out there and be a little bit. More of a good luck to you and trying to get that done jelly and I want to get you into this on the, foreign policy from, North. Korea Russia, China, Middle, East what. Are you looking for in 2018, so I think, just. Quickly on North Korea the, big variable. Is whether or not we end up at war, with, the North Korean regime I am, NOT refuting, Bob I wouldn't dare do that but I don't think the question of whether or not we're going to war with the north is it all settled at this time I hope, you're right and I'm wrong on Russia, the, investigation. Aside I think the, the us-russia. Bilateral, relationship. Is taken, a nosedive that. Is evidenced, by the fact that the announcement, this week that we're now providing them with this major defense of capability, in the form of, lethal. Weapons, president. Crime print excuse. Me to Ukraine. President. Trump is learning what all his predecessors have, learned which is that Vladimir Putin cannot. Be trusted and cannot be worked with even. On the issues where we share common, national, security, interests and I think that has been a particularly, difficult lesson, for him because. He started with high hopes of turning turning. The tide in favor of working, with Putin so I think that's going to be that's going to die a very quick day and in about 40 seconds, the Middle East and the Middle East the. Middle East at large I think, some. Major humanitarian, concerns for the administration, in 2018, we've got Yemen. On the brink of one of the worst famines, the world has ever seen potentially. Thanks, to the Saudi blockade, the Trump administration is, trying to really exert the. Special relationship to try to get them to back down that will be a huge test for, the, region generally I think and Isis, and Isis. Is, online, caliphate, is flourishing so the big test for the Trump administration is, can, we fight them online as well as we have fought them on the battlefield well, it's going to be a fascinating year, and we will, all be here to cover it fairly. And in a smug free zone. Well. Said. See, you next Sunday have, a Merry Christmas up next our.


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