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Frank avarice, and he's the first person to ever play the iconic, character, taking, on the role for 11 years on the hit show Bozo, the Clown he's, remembered, as an active, length or post with a heart of gold in, the 89, year-old passed away at his Boston home Tuesday from, heart disease guys. I remember. That show me I watched it every day the grand-prize game remember that the. Good bad but you never watch. The. Bucket and you got the grand-prize game for you I made, a big mistake you, see you remember I made a big mistake as a kid what's that I bought the box the bozo box as a costume okay. Don't lose the bozo label when Halloween's, over okay, so people can really enjoy calling me that for quite a long time shade. A mask Wow. I'm. Sorry he's dead but I'm not a big bozo guy well. You were then you, worried yes you're a Halloween. I. Don't even remember the 70s because of that alright remember his friend's name I do not either clown it. Was cookie. Cookie. All. Right I see, the point right there dude. All right eight twelve now here in New York City President Trump expected, to descend lethal, drones, to more of our allies, for, their defense while our next guest has, used drones not terrorists. It says it's a smart move by the president, key will explain next Major League Baseball releasing their 4th of July, caps there's, just one problem can. You catch it. You, can't, always, get. What you, want. Will. There be more eyes in the skies for our allies, that, guy right there president, Trump expected, to boost exports of, drones. To more. Of our allies a US official telling, Fox News quote many countries, want drones. But. It's faster and cheaper to get them from Russia and China, POTUS, the president wants us to compete and it's a repeat, complaint, from allies and partners especially in, the Middle East so how would it work the author of drone warrior brett velichkovich, joins, us right now for Washington, he's also a former special operations Intel, analyst, he knows everything, about drones, and he, says Brett, you think this is a good idea on the on the part of Donald Trump don't you yeah, absolutely I, mean this is the value of having a, business savvy president, in office right now I mean Trump wants, us to compete, and this plan is gonna bring billions of dollars to our economy and also boost our allies capabilities, for the war on terror you know for years the State Department has had these archaic. Export, controls, when it's come to drone technology put. In place by previous administrations for. A different time meanwhile. You've got the Chinese government, that's sitting there building. Knockoff, versions, of our Predator drones arming, them to the teeth with their versions of the Hellfire missiles, and then selling them to the highest bidder and that's a problem quite frankly it's it's embarrassing.

From A competition, standpoint. That we haven't done something already, to you, know to fix. That right well, let me ask you this why. Would we want to give, to our allies, our, super-secret. Drone, technology. Right. So let me be clear look this isn't the the Lamborghini, of tech. That we have these are things that are that, are somewhat outdated at least to our military, forces but are still high sir. You're saying this is. Absolutely. But still very very lethal I mean you should see the the stuff we have in our arsenal but in the end look, this is about competition it's so much bigger than then drones that we're dealing with here this is about a competitive, advantage and, the. Fact of the matter is if we lose that competitive, advantage we're gonna lose our influence, on the rest of the world and we've had that leverage for for so long so it's important, that you. Know our allies are gonna try and buy these from other countries, and might as well be us sure, why not us. Why, not have American, companies, make, the money you were telling me a story in the break about how you were trying to get some drone technology for. Africa, right yeah. I mean this goes back to just these archaic, export, control systems that have been put in place for a different time I remember, you know going and sitting in state department meetings trying to get Boeing drones, that were quite, frankly outdated. Exported, for wildlife, conservation and, had to sit in a bunch of meetings where they told me that you know you couldn't, do that I mean there are many other cases to use drones other than war and the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't let us export that technology, at the time but I love this plan I think it's great for the economy it's it's gonna be it's gonna be huge and, it's, long overdue so, it's. A fantastic, plan exit, question how does this happen, does the can the president make the call or does it have to go through Congress so. It's gonna go through a number of different authorities, I mean what they're doing is they're looking at current authorities to figure out how to how, to revamp some, of that you, know in order to prioritize this, and one of the priority, priority. Countries, is actually South Korea when you think about it they're staring down the face of North Korea they're gonna want to have the best technology and in the end that only benefits, us so they're prioritizing countries. Like that and NATO partners, and hopefully, we'll see something within the coming months because these allies have been asking, for this for years, now and there's, money to be made so why, not all right Brett velichkovich you know him as the author of drone, warrior Brett thank you very much thanks, Steve all right what, do you think about that let us know meanwhile, the left is slamming, president Trump for calling, and congratulating. Vladimir, Putin on his re-election, Dana lash has a message for them coming. Up and fresh, off president, Trump's push to end the opioid. Crisis, Ainsley visited one community, rocked. By the epidemic, you're going to hear some, of their stories next. We. Are a middle-class, family. Religious. Two-parent. Household, my message is. Get. Out of your head the idea that, it can't happen to you. Fox. News Alert and, hide. The Bombers home inside. That home yesterday authorities found a lot, of bomb-making, but. Instead it, is. The outcry. Of a very, challenging. Main, vigilant, meantime his, family put out a statement that they were in grief, and in shock and had quote.

Overnight. There was also a call for a suspicious package in Los Angeles. The, drug dealers, were. Wasting. Our time just remember that we'll wait like. Every father, I feel like listening, to you like my kids are fine there, are not enough program, well we, got him to the hospital and, while they were still working on him in the emergency room two of his friends who were also members of his fired upon what. You're, talking about, is. It Rob does heroin you. Never even saw signs that your son was doing. Friends. A thing that I'll tell you is you know we, are a middle-class. Family. We. Just don't know how long my son was doing heroin and. He, had told his friends he was not a rich man's drug it's a drug tell me about the problem in Nassau. County and why you wanted to have this townhall by looking. At you know in real-time reporting, where there are overdoses. Overlaying. That with where there are Larson he's connected, we're, not doing that we're, going in we're, doing the enforcement, to get them into treatment and then we're not walking away from the problem we're coming back. Can't, blame him for that in 35, years in law enforcement you you realize that once a drug. Long. As you have people that are using and, we can go after the uses hopefully, we can eliminate the deal there, this morning there's a manhunt out for them and the, left a slamming President Trump for his call congratulating. Vladimir, poison yelling, our role is to take three steps back and discern. What, really matters, the most important. Thing that we do we are looking, out for the Forgotten, men and women in this country they're gonna get a straight shooter no holds barred I'm not gonna cut people slack the viewers expect that Fox is the one place where dissent, is allowed we have voices we won't be silent, who controlled, my voice nobody. That. Has some in his own party angry, this morning this would be like J. Edgar Hoover as, the director of the FBI calling. Al. Capone, to congratulate, him on a bank robbery President, Trump when, a, former. KGB operative, and current human rights repressor. Vladimir, Putin oh my. Goodness so that's the, media reaction yesterday, to the fact that when the president United States called, the President of Russia after, his not. Stunning. Re-election. Win. As is. The case historically, they, went crazy because it's like if Vladimir Putin, is a bad guy you can't, call him up and congratulate, him, even. Though Barack Obama did exactly the same thing in 2012. But. They didn't mention that did they. Yeah. So. Who. Goes out of his way to, stomp. On people he doesn't like and kill, those who. He. Sanctions, on the oleg arks the sanctions. On the country the. Way he is arming, the Ukrainian. Government. With real weapons not blankets, like the previous president that, sends a strong message and he did actually say that they were guilty of doing that the week before but, calling him up and speaking to him is. Did. Vladimir Putin did he rigged the election did, he and I'm talking about his election did, he was this a sham election, yes it was it was, does.

The President of the United States traditionally, call presidents. From other countries, to congratulate, them yes so that they can work with them for future business dealings, surely and the, president look. At Barack Obama you had mentioned that look at his path his record he congratulated, the Islamic. Brotherhood, candidate. Back in 2012, on winter 2014, that's the same guy who said there was no such thing as moderate. Islam and here's the thing that we knew one of the reasons also know what's dividing this country right now is that, Russia meddled in the election, and with, the finger-pointing across the aisle it's code that's what makes it so horrifying. Oh well along with the poisoning, in Britain. Right well they could add it in some small print and by the way, mr.. Obama, did the same thing but they didn't nevermind alright 22 minutes before the top there and Jillian's got a developing, man. And that's right this is a story we've been following all morning so let's get you caught up or ice agents, were supposed to pick him up investigators. In Harris County Sam Manuel Alvarez Soto, somehow, slid off a sirs saving, a two month old girl choking, on milk the heart-stopping, moments caught on the officers by. Well. The off we the, people okay, harmless, you think bright but Washington, Nationals, picture Sean, Doolittle tweeting, quote okay, but that's from the Constitution. The fourth of July celebrates. The Declaration, of indepen, and then he goes on to say whatever its patriotic just go with it the US Constitution, wasn't drafted until 1787. The, Declaration, of Independence was adopted, in 1776. The tunnel. To towers foundation hoping. To raise, 700,000. Dollars to pay off the mortgages, of two fallen, servicemembers, lieutenant. Christopher burgoo, so and Staff Sergeant, Deshawn Briggs among seven soldiers killed, in a helicopter crash in Iraq last week earlier. Ragusa father-in-law, and Frank seller of the tunnel to towers foundation explains. The donations, impacts. The. Unbelievable. Strain. That this puts on families when the breadwinner is gone and, they kiss their families goodbye and they don't come home it's our responsibility as, Americans well. If you'd like to help out and donate you can head to Fox and Friends come. Back. To you guys please go donate, please, what a great organization to pay off those mortgages, could you imagine if someone did that for you these, are men that lost their lives fighting for our country, their, families deserve it alright thank, you very much meanwhile. Straight ahead the US House of Representatives gearing. Up to. Vote on a massive, spending. Bill this afternoon will, it get enough votes to pass we're going to talk to the Speaker of the Ryan he's live from DC next plus, you, know their, hits like Elvira, now, country music legends the Oak Ridge Boys are, here to perform a song walk there. This. May be the worst bill I have seen in my time in Congress the, American people didn't elect Democrats to come, here and serve that we were going to continue to fund Planned Parenthood think they said we were going to fund this gateway, earmark. Boondoggle. Project, and not fund the border wall they're going to see lots of conservatives, vote against it because it's not what the American people want but House Speaker Paul Ryan has a different, view he helped negotiate it, he met with the president yesterday as well and says no bill this size is perfect, and he believes if I could jump ahead and get into your mind a little but you believe Jim Jordan is wrong this is not the worst bill ever why, is he wrong mr. speaker he nights to see it the. Budget requests the administration, asked us for the border it's funny we passed this bill the House passed all these bills back in September, and we, passed them with Republican only votes this, has the exact same funding, for the border in this. Bill that we funded, back in September with no Republican, votes so it's, kind of interesting people are sort of saying different things now but here's the point the administration, asked for 74, miles of border. Funding border wall funding we did about a hundred, in this bill so we actually exceeded what. The administration, asked us for for. The border and here's. Your resources, and it's 1.6 billion dollars for the next six months which is exactly, what, the president asked didn't the president say he's not going to just start to build the wall he wants all the funding in place and then he'll build the entire thing well. We, we want to get it going right now we don't want to wait until, we can get a multi-year, bill pass here's, the problem with this process which I hate as well the, Senate has a filibuster, and the reason we're coming up against the deadline owns that big cities get they wrote it in such a way that really, only New York would get the money we repealed, that language that's not in here anymore we took that language out now, the administration, meaning, the president gets.

To Decide which, cities get this mass transit, money as part of his infant. Six. Billion, the, one point six billion is the total is that wrong because I only heard 650. Million go, to the 26 total for the 1.6 for the entire but the Boehner also you need you, need fences you need cameras, you need electronic devices you, need these um you need the aerial, devices to, be able to place it in the mountainous areas you can't build a wall over the mountain so you need cameras. A fund, and it's it's not the wall that the president went out and inspected, the prototype a bunch, of those she'll go in a flood next year you want something to stand up against. The front we do that that's called a levee with a fence on tops and it's all of the kind of stuff we do ultimately mr., speaker the president has said you know I need. 1820. Billion dollars for the wall you. Know that's over a number of years right so this is one point six over the next six months exactly but some had suggested, that maybe with this omnibus, spending, bill they, might be able to get the. Wall and, the. Daka provisions. As well and we, had heard earlier in the week that apparently, behind, closed doors you guys were negotiating, with the Democrats, to, go ahead and provide, relief, for these for. These daca kids but, apparently the Democrats were not interested, which strikes, me that's, right so we the, President and I and other leaders in the House and Senate offered. That to the Democrats they said no so we said let's do a multi-year. Funding for the wall for multi-year, relief, for the Dakin kids and they they walked away from that they wouldn't take the. Military in 15 years the, biggest pay raise for our men and women in uniform in, eight years, you. Need to rebuild our military look we just lost these two f-18, pilots just last week we, lost four times as many people in training accidents, in, the military last year than we did in combat, why, because, Obama, shortchanged, our military this fixes us this is the Trump Jim, mattis budget for the military that's probably the biggest victory here is what, we're doing for our soldiers our sailors our Airmen our Marines and our veterans this, fixes, that massive, problem so, this funds, the wall fixes. The military, fights. Opioids, does the things that we said and does not funky it's Donald Trump the decision on gateway all, right mr. speaker we know you got a busy day you got to get a bunch of yeses thank you very much for joining take, care guys. You, too all. Right step aside Oakridge boys coming, up perhaps. On Chinese imports today aimed, at penalizing, Beijing for intellectual, property theft and violating. Trade agreements, the tariffs, could amount to at least thirty billion dollars, China, now says it quote take all measures to defend its rights and interest, the. Entertainer known for playing Bozo the Clown has, died. I'm. Glad you waited here though Big, Top debate. That's. Frank average and he's the first person to ever play, the iconic, character, taking, on the role for 11 years on the hit show Bozo, the Clown he's, remembered, as an active, length or post with a heart of gold the, 89 year old passed away at his Boston home Tuesday, from heart disease guys. I remember, that show me I watched it every day the grand-prize game remember that the. Good bad but you never watch. The. Bucket and you got the grand prize game for you I made, a big mistake you, say you remember I made a big mistake as a kid what's that I bought the box the bozo box as a costume, okay. Don't lose the bozo label when Halloween's, over okay, so people can really enjoy calling me that for a quite a long time shade. A mask wow. I'm. Sorry he's dead but I'm not a big bozo guy well. You were then you worried yes I would for a Halloween. I. Don't even remember the 70s because of that all right remember his friend's name I do not either clown, it, was cookie. Cookie. All. Right I see, the point right there dude. All right 812, now here in New York City President Trump expected, to send lethal drones. To more of our allies, for, their defense while our next guest has, used drones not terrorists, it says it's a smart move by the president, key will explain next Major League Baseball releasing their 4th of July caps, there's, just one problem can. You catch it. You, can't, always, get. What you want. You, can't. Will. There be more eyes in the skies for our allies, that, guy right there president, trump expected, to boost exports of, drones. To, more, of our allies a US official telling, Fox News quote many countries, want drones. But. It's faster and cheaper to get them from Russia and China, POTUS, the president wants us to compete and it's a repeat, complaint, from allies and partners especially in, the Middle East so how would it work the author of drone warrior brett bella Kovich, joins us right now from washington he's also a former special operations, Intel, analyst, he knows everything, about drones and he, says Brett, you think this is a good idea on the part, of Donald Trump don't you yeah, absolutely I, mean this is the value of having a business savvy president, in office right now I mean Trump wants, us to compete, and this plan is gonna bring billions of dollars to our economy and also boost our allies capabilities, for the war on terror you know for years the State Department has had these archaic.

Export, Controls, when it's come to drone technology put, in place by previous administrations for. A different time meanwhile. You've got the Chinese government, that's sitting there building. Knockoff, versions, of our Predator drones arming, them to the teeth with their versions of the Hellfire missiles, and then selling them to the highest bidder and that's a problem quite frankly it's it's embarrassing, from a competition, standpoint. That we haven't done something already, to you, know to fix. That right well, let me ask you this, why, would we want to give, to our allies, our, super-secret, drone, technology. Right. So let me be clear look this isn't the the Lamborghini, of tech. That we have these are things that are that are somewhat, outdated at, least to our military, forces but are still. Absolutely. But still very very lethal I mean you should see the the stuff we have in our arsenal but in the end look, this is about competition it's so much bigger than then drones that we're dealing with here this is about a competitive, advantage, and the. Fact of the matter is if we lose that competitive, advantage we're, gonna lose our influence, on the rest of the world and we've had that leverage for for so long so it's important, that you. Know our allies are gonna try and buy these from other countries, and might as well be us sure, why not us. Why not have American, companies, make, the money you were telling me a story in the break about how you were trying to get some drone technology for. Africa, right yeah. I mean this goes back to just these archaic, export, control systems that have been put in place for a different time I remember, you know going and sitting in state department meetings trying to get Boeing drones, that were quite, frankly outdated. Exported, for wildlife, conservation and, had to sit in a bunch of meetings where they told me that you, know you couldn't, do that I mean there are many other cases to use drones other than war and the fact of the matter is that they wouldn't let us export that technology, at the time but I love this plan I think it's great for the economy it's, it's gonna be it's gonna be huge and, it's, long overdue so, it's. A fantastic, plan exit, question how does this happen, does the can the president make the call or does it have to go through Congress so. It's gonna go through a number of different authorities, I mean what they're doing is they're looking at current authorities to figure out how to how, to revamp some of that you, know in order to prioritize. This and one of the priority, priority. Countries, is actually South Korea when you think about it they're staring down the face of North Korea they're gonna want to have the best technology and in the end that only benefits, us so they're prioritizing countries. Like that and NATO partners, and hopefully, we'll see something within the coming months because these allies have been asking, for this for years, now and there's, money to be made so why not alright Brett velichkovich you know him as the author of drone, warrior Brett thank you very much thanks, Steve all right what, do you think about that let us know meanwhile, the left is slamming, president Trump for calling, and congratulating. Vladimir, Putin on his re-election, Dana, lash has a message for them coming, up and fresh, off president, Trump's pushed to end the opioid. Crisis, Ainsley, visited one community, rocked. By the epidemic, you're going to hear some, of their stories next. We. Are a middle-class, family. Religious. Two-parent. Household, my message is. Get. Out of your head the idea that, it can't happen to you. Fox. News Alert and, hide. The Bombers home inside. That home yesterday authorities found a lot, of bomb-making, but. Instead it, is. The outcry. Of a very, challenging. Main vigilant, meantime his, family put out a statement that they were in grief, and in shock and had quote. Overnight. There was also a call for a suspicious package in Los Angeles. On the, drug dealers, were. Wasting, our time just remember that we'll wait like. Every father, I feel like listening. To you like my kids are fine there, are not enough program, we. Got him to the hospital and while they were still working on him in the emergency room two of his friends who were also members of his flight upon what, you're, talking about.

Is, It robbed does heroin you. Never even saw signs that your son was doing. Friends. The thing that I'll tell you is you know we, are a middle-class. Family. We. Just don't know how long my son was doing heroin and, he, had told his friends he was not a rich man's drug it's a drug tell me about the problem in Nassau. County and why you wanted to have this townhall, by looking. At you know in real-time reporting, where there are overdoses. Overlaying. That with where there are larceny, is connected, we're, not doing that we're, going in we're, doing the enforcement, to get them into treatment and then we're not walking away from the problem we're coming back. Can't, blame him for that in 35, years of law enforcement you you realize that once a drug. Long. As you have people that are using and, we can go, after the uses hopefully, we can eliminate the deal there, this morning there's a manhunt out for them and the, left of slamming president Trump for his call congratulating. Vladimir, poison, yelling, our role is to take three steps back and discern. What, really matters the most important, thing that we do we are looking, out for the Forgotten, men and women, in this country they're gonna get a straight shooter no holds barred I'm not gonna cut people slack the viewers expect that Fox is the one place where dissent, is allowed we have voices we won't be silent, who controlled, my voice nobody. That. Has some in his own party angry, this morning this would be like j, edgar Hoover as the director of the FBI calling. Al. Capone, to congratulate, him on a bank robbery, president Trump when, a, former. KGB operative, and current human rights repressor. Vladimir, Putin, oh my. Goodness so that's the, media reaction yesterday, to the fact that when the president United States called, the President of Russia after his not. Stunning. Re-election. Win. As is. The case historically, they, went crazy because it's like if Vladimir Putin, is a bad guy you can't, call him up and congratulate, him, even. Though Barack Obama did exactly the same thing in 2012. But. They didn't mention that did they. Yeah. So. Who. Goes out of his way to, stomp. On people he doesn't like and kill, those who. Sanctions. On the oleg arks the sanctions. On the country the. Way he is arming, the Ukrainian. Government. With real weapons not blankets, like the previous president that, sends a strong message and, he did actually say that they were guilty of doing that the week before but. Calling him up and speaking to him is. Did. Vladimir Putin did he rigged the election did, he and I'm talking about his election did, he was this a sham election, yes it was it was, does. The President of the United States traditionally call. Presidents. From other countries, to congratulate, them yes, so that they can work with them for future business dealings, surely and the, president look. At Barack Obama you'd mention that look at his path his record he congratulated the. Islamic. Brotherhood, candidate. Back in 2012. On win 2014. That's the same guy who said there was no such thing as moderate. Islam and here's the thing that we knew one of the reason Oh what's dividing this country right now is that, Russia meddled, in the election, and with, the finger-pointing across the aisle it's code that's what makes it so horrifying.

Oh Well along, with the poisoning, in Britain, right well they could add it in some small print and by the way, mr.. Obama, did the same thing but they didn't nevermind alright 22 minutes before the top there and Jillian's got a developing, manhunt. And that's right this is a story we've been following all morning so let's get you caught up or ice agents, were supposed, to pick him up investigators. In Harris County say, Manuel Alvarez Soto, somehow, slipped, off a sirs saving. A two month old girl choking, on milk the heart-stopping, moments, caught on the officers by. Well. They off We the, People okay. Harmless you think bright but Washington, Nationals, pitcher Sean, Doolittle tweeting, quote okay, but that's from the Constitution. The fourth of July celebrates. The Declaration, of indepen, and then he goes on to say whatever its patriotic just go with it the, US Constitution. Wasn't drafted until 1787. The, Declaration, of Independence was adopted, in 1776. The. Tunnel to towers foundation hoping. To raise, 700,000. Dollars to pay off the mortgages, of two fallen, servicemembers, lieutenant. Christopher guiso and Staff Sergeant, Deshawn Briggs among seven soldiers killed, in a helicopter crash, in Iraq last week earlier. Ragusa father-in-law, and Frank seller of the tunnel to towers foundation, explained. The donations, impacts. The. Unbelievable, strain. That this puts on families when the breadwinner is gone when, they kiss their families goodbye, and they don't come home it's our responsibility as, Americans well. If you'd like to help out and donate you can head to Fox and Friends com, back. To you guys please go donate please, what a great organization, to pay off those mortgages, could you imagine if someone did that for you these, are men that lost their lives by out for our country, their, families deserve it all right thank you very much, meanwhile straight ahead the US House of Representatives gearing. Up to. Vote on a massive, spending, bill this afternoon will, it get enough votes to pass we're, gonna talk to the Speaker of the Ryan he's live from DC next plus, you, know their, hits like Elvira, now, country, music legends the Oak Ridge Boys are, here to perform a song off their new album. This. May be the worst bill I have seen in my time in Congress the, American people didn't elect Democrats to come, here and serve that we were going to continue to fund Planned Parenthood think they said we were going to fund, this gateway, earmark. Boondoggle. Project, and not fund the border wall they're going to see lots of conservatives, vote against it because it's not what the American people want but House Speaker Paul Ryan has a different, view he helped negotiate it, he met with the president yesterday as well and says no bill this size is perfect and he believes if, I could jump ahead and get into your mind a little bit you believe Jim Jordan is wrong this is not the worst bill ever why, is he wrong mr. speaker he nice to see it the.

Budget Requests the administration, asked us for the border it's funny we passed this bill the House passed all these bills back in September, and we. Passed them with Republican, only votes this, has the exact same funding, for the border in this, bill that we funded, back in September with normal Republican votes so it's, kind of interesting people are sort of saying different things now but here's the point the, administration, asked for 74, miles of border. Funding border wall funding we did about a hundred, in this bill so we actually exceeded what. The administration, asked us for for. The border and here's. Your resources, and it's 1.6 billion dollars for the next six months which is exactly. What, the president and the president say he's not gonna just start to build the wall he wants all the funding in place and then he'll build the entire thing well. We, we want to get it going right now we don't want to wait until, we can get a multi-year, bill passed here's the problem with this process which I hate as well the, Senate has a filibuster, and the reason, we're coming up against the deadline islands that big cities get they wrote it in such a way that really only New York would get the money we repealed, that language that's not in here anymore we took that language out now, the administration, meaning, the president, gets, to decide which, cities get this mass transit money as part of his info. Okay. 1.6. Billion the. 1.6, billion is the total is that wrong because I only heard 650. Million go, to the basics total for the 1.6, for the entire but the border also you need you, need fences you need cameras, you need electronic devices you, need these um they may be the aerial devices is to be able to place it in the mountainous areas you can't build a wall over a mountain so, you need cameras. We fund and it's it's not the wall that the president went out and inspected, the prototype unch. Of those Waterloo, in a flood next year you want something to stand up against. The front we do that that's called the levee whit fence on tops and it's all of the kind of stuff we do ultimately mr., speaker the president has said you know I need.

1820. Billion dollars for the wall you. Know that, takes over a number of years right so this is one point six over the next six months exactly but some had suggested, that maybe with this omnibus, spending bill they, might be able to get the. Wall and, the. Daka provisions. As well and we, had heard earlier in the week that apparently, behind closed doors you guys were negotiating, with the Democrats, that's right go ahead and provide, relief for these for. These daca kids but, apparently the Democrats were not interested, which writes me that's, right so we the President and I and other leaders in the House and Senate offered. That to the Democrats they said no so we said let's do it multi-year. Funding for the wall for multi-year, relief, for the Dakin kids and they walked away from that they wouldn't take the. Military in 15 years the, biggest pay raise for our men and women in uniform in, eight years, you. Need to rebuild our military look, we just lost these two f-18, pilots this last week we, lost four times as many people in training accidents, in, the military last year that we did in combat, why, because, Obama, shortchanged, our military this fixes this this is the Trump Jim, mattis budget for the military that's probably the biggest victory here is what, we're doing for our soldiers our sailors our Airmen our Marines and our veterans this, fixes, that massive, problem so, this funds, the wall' fixes. The military, who, fights opioids, does the things that we said and does not funky eight way gives Donald Trump the decision on gateway all, right mr. speaker we know you got a busy day you got to get a bunch of yeses thank you very much for joining. All. Right step aside Oakridge, boys coming, up perhaps. On Chinese imports today aimed, up penalizing Beijing. For intellectual, property theft and violating, trade agreements, the tariffs could amount to at least thirty billion dollars, China, now says it will quote take all measures to defend its rights and interest. Entertainer known for playing Bozo the Clown has, died. I'm glad you made it here to the bozo Big Top debate. That's. Frank avarice and he's the first person to ever play, the iconic, character, taking, on the role for 11 years on the hit show Bozo the Clown he's, remembered, as an active, length or pissed with a heart of gold the 89 year-old passed away at his Boston home Tuesday, from heart disease guys. I remember. That show me I watched it every day the grand prize game remember that the. Good but you never watch. The. Bucket and you got the grand prize game for you I made, a big mistake you, see you remember I made a big mistake as a kid what's that I bought the box the bozo box as a costume, okay. Don't lose the bozo label when Halloween's over okay so people can really enjoy calling, me that for a quite a long time Shana. Mask Wow. I'm. Sorry he's dead but I'm not a big bozo guy well. You were then you worried yes your I would for a Halloween. Frenzy. I don't even remember the 70s because of that all right remember it's friend's name I do not the clown it. Was cookie. Cookie. All. Right tomorrow. The countdown, will be on whether. Or not Congress can pass, the omnibus. Appropriations. Bill we, will have the very latest Morris Friday. And. If you have to run from the TV run, to the radio because they you Cho coming your way also we have the latest on the Austin bombing so all right thank, you very much for joining us and the suspect, in the Texas bombings, we're now learning that, Marc Anthony, Condit recorded a 25-minute, cell phone apparently.

Shows The 23, year old going into detail, about his, methods. Told, you all along that they all had similarities, which they did as far as specific components, but, there were also differences, between them, and on this recording, he identified, what those differences, were House. Homeland Security Committee Chairman, Michael McCall is here to react but we begin with chief correspondent Jonathan, hunt who's reporting, live from Pflugerville. Texas where the suspect, lived, Jonathan, investigators, still going through Condit's, house behind you. They. Are indeed, they are going over. Every, inch of, this small at yellow fairly nondescript house, that, you can see here part of it boarded, up the ATF. Truck still outside. We are told, by the police, that the inside, that home they found, components. For bomb-making, components, that. Match those, used, in the string of attacks that. Terrorized, Austin, they would not however define. The house as a quote. Bomb-making. Factory, they're also going, over, today that. Videotape. That. Condit. Left on his phone now we first, got word from our sources, that, something, like this existed, almost 24, hours ago we took a decision to. Hold off on reporting. That until. The police confirmed, it late last night in the police planes without, necessarily, justifying. Why, he did what he did listen here to the police chief, more, bombs out there. Well. What they told us, yesterday at, that same press conference since, March, 2nd, as at killing two people injuring. Several, others, and they are very grateful the authorities, that he made the mistake Condit. Of walking, into that Federal, Express store, and they were able to get the surveillance video, of him. There and identifying, that of course ultimately led. Them to him sitting, in his car outside, a, hotel north. Of Austin, that Nissan, Pathfinder older. Model was, taken away and as, we now know, Condit. Used the last of his active, bombs to. Kill himself. Sandra, Jonathan hunt in pflugerville for us this morning thank you some more clues today to go over an hour Republican, Mike McCalla chair of the House Homeland Security Committee a surrogate day to you we have spoken a lot of terror etcetera, this, is I guess in a sense homegrown, terror what do you think we've learned so far well. You now usually talk about these cases in New York I didn't imagine this happening, in my hometown of Austin. I think. It's clear from his confession, this is not terror related. Although, it did terrorize, the City of Austin for the last month, I think, the nightmare is over it's time to heal in. Austin, I think, it was a disturbed, young man a very. Probably, mentally ill type. Person and. Thank. God he walked into that FedEx. Office. Where we got surveillance, video for the first time on, him we got two surveillance video of his his, red Nissan. Pathfinder. We. Were also able to use a technology. To. Find a digital, footprint, of where his cell phone had been so. That the, key evidence was getting his cell phone number so. That when he did turn his cell phone on, immediately. The SWAT teams descended, upon him at about 3 o'clock in the morning. Last. The, morning, and we. Were able to get. Close to him before he blew himself is that technology. New or has it been used before. It's. Relatively. New I don't want to get into too much detail, on the methods of it but. It's a great law enforcement, tool to be able to track somebody. Like this who yeah, this could have gone on for months and months without. Being able to apprehend him with this new technology that we, were able to bring, it to hope yeah in this case I think, it saved a lot of lives what do you know about these quote-unquote, exotic. Batteries, that were originally. From Asia well what is significant, about that well. That was a signature, that you know each of these bombs, every. Time I talk to ATF, and FBI and. Wasp Austin, Police Chief they said there's a common thread throughout. These bombs and I think, primarily, it, was the nails he bought at Home Depot but it was also these. Battery. Packs that he ordered off. The internet from Asia they. Were very unique, and I think when you see that in each of these bombs it's, pretty easy to figure, out it's from the same, bomb. Maker very, interesting, will we know why. Chose the victims, that, were affected, that's. What, is so random and I think everybody, in my hometown is asking, why. Why, these victims, is there any, interconnection. Between the victims we also know bill he had a target list of future. Targets. Residences. Addresses. That we found a stun what, based. On his that. Data, that we you were able to retrieve and, we went to the homes and cleared, them from any. Suspicious. At patek as well why were they on the list sir, because.

I Think he had pulled these addresses, - these, are his future targets it was a target list right. And was there a common thread with these, addresses. Or these and that's that, is what we were looking at right now is what, is the common, denominator between all, these victims or is it just completely, random, what. Was his motivation, we really don't know of the motivation, we did have the the, search of the house last, night and, we do have a lot of the computer, data. Hard drives those things will be very telling along. This social, media about what. Was motivating him to do this and also, was there any connectivity. Between all. These victims or was it just a completely random, event. Remarkable. Stuff sir thank you for your time come back when we got more answers okay Mike, McConnell the Republican from, Texas best, everybody back in Austin I think, so my hometown, thank you thanks. President. Trump expected, to slap a new round of tariffs, on China today targeting, Beijing, for stealing, u.s. technology. Chief, White House correspondent John, Roberts is live from the White House for us this morning good morning John what what, more do we know about this, this announcement Sandra. Good morning to you it's going to take place at about noon today more tariffs this time specifically, aimed at China the president, is expected, to announce taxes. Of up to 30 billion dollars or more against. Certain Chinese goods, administration. Officials, describe the tariffs says quote, protective. And not, punitive, designed, to recover damages from what the White House says are China's, unfair trade. Practices. The White House very specifically, says we're not penalizing. China, we're just trying to get back some of what we lost the threat of 10 did, bring a swift response from China which also indicated, that it, may be willing to compromise if. Even just a little bit here's, the Chinese Premier Li coach um, well. See, what I hope is that we can act rationally. Rather than being led by emotions, in order to avoid a trade war our. Import. Tariffs, by world standards are at a medium, level we, are willing to adopt an even more open posture and gradually. Reduce tariffs, for some popular, consumer, products, the, tariffs are getting all the headlines but the president, will also announce. Today, an investment. Restriction, program against China the, investment, restrictions, are being imposed to prevent China from capturing the technology. Businesses. Of the future and stealing, intellectual. Property, as, for what the president will do on that front we need to look to the 2017. Us-china. Commission annual, report I'm told that the president will, follow somewhat, along these guidelines, prohibiting. The acquisition. Of US assets by. Chinese, state-owned, or state controlled entities and prohibiting, any acquisition or, investment. That would confer control, with, regard to critical, technologies, or infrastructure. The administration, is worried that China. Is a long-term, strategy is trying to take over as many. Technological. Businesses. Particularly ones that are really forward, leaning so, that ultimately, it will control, most. Of the technology. And most of the innovation that takes place Sanda, research say though that the stock, market not liking this Dow futures are down nearly. 300. Points, but as we saw with the last round of tariffs the president announced they did bounce back so we'll keep watching the market closely yeah and something else else the markets watching today John is this massive, omnibus. Spending bill this. Is another big topic for the White House today so just how big is this bill John to. Borrow a word from a very familiar fellow. It's huge. 1.3. Trillion, dollars, the president, getting most. Of what he wanted though not all of it but the president tweeting, out fairly positive reaction, this morning saying quote got, 1.6, billion dollars to start wall on the southern border rest, will be forthcoming most, importantly, got 700 billion dollars to rebuild our military. 716. Billion next year the most ever, had to waste money on dem giveaways, in order to take care of military, pay increase, and new equipment while the President did get 1.6. Billion, dollars for 90 miles of border barriers and technologies, he did not get the multi-year, funding for a massive concrete and steel wall that he wanted nor, did he get additional money for additional.

Border Patrol agents, and 1.3. Trillion dollars, to the spending bill is also much bigger than what the president wanted House conservatives, do, not like it either and may in fact vote, against it one other thing not in the bill any kind of fix for the so-called dreamers, the, president had offered, Democrats, as a compromise, a three-year, extension of, the current program which, would take it through 2020. But, the Democrats wouldn't even bite on that the president, tweeting this morning quote Democrats. Refused, to take care of daca would have been so easy but, they just didn't care I had, to fight for military, and start, of the war that. Started the wall sorry the war the war over the wall. The. Budget, also removes in the earmark, for what was a pet project of the Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and that, is the gateway rail tunnel tunnel connecting, New Jersey and New York City, the. President now controls, the purse strings on that so that may be a card to hold when. In his negotiations with, Chuck, Schumer Sandra, we've, got a lot more coming up on this John Roberts, at the White House for us thank you thank, you so. That is the question can Republicans, get everyone, on the same page with this conservatives, are against this. Deal this. Massive, spending bill we're gonna talk to House Majority Whip Steve Scalise about this coming, up at 9:30 he'll, make the case for it, looking forward to that we'll see about the war on the wall and all that other stuff coming up to in, a moment who leaked the information about, a call of lad Amir Putin Judge Napolitano has. Made, his, decision he'll. Render that here live Plus there is this today, I've. Been a lot of rock little Locker who's my whole life and pretty damn good athlete. Any. Guy who talked, that way was usually the fattest, ugliest sob. In the room who, sounds. Like Joe, Biden is, getting ready to rumble the president's, fiery response, in just a and now we have, the stunning video showing the moments, before a self-driving. Oberer, vehicle, an SUV struck. And killed, a woman. When, a guy who ended, up becoming our national, leader said I can grab a woman anywhere and she likes it and then, said I made, a mistake a, mistake but they, asked me what I like to debate this, gentleman. And, I said no I said if we were in high school I'd take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of them so that's getting a little bit of attention Joe Biden sounds like he's picking a fight the comments made during an event highlighting, sexual assault at the University of Miami in Florida the. Reverend, has heard these words before. West, Virginia, way how you doing Chris good morning to you good morning brother who returned serve. Here's, what the president said at 6:17, this morning, crazy. Joe Biden is trying to act like a tough guy actually, he is weak both mentally, and physically, and yet he threatens, me for the second time with, physical, assault he doesn't know me but he would go down fast and hard crying. All the way don't. Threaten people, Joe Chris, and I will see you at recess. Exactly. And you better show up right after the lunch money American. Political discourse 2018. Nah, just just. Killing it is just Biden running Chris, always. And. Has been since 1988, but, he's not gonna run if he doesn't see a path though, let's put it this way there are two parts, if this is strategic, what, the insult he had that insult he had another even torture insults about the president and. If. He really is running there's two reasons that he does stuff like that number, one, Democrats. Hate Donald Trump the one thing Democrats can't agree on a lot one thing they can agree on is the Donald Trump they find the worst president despicable, blah blah blah blah blah you can't say a bad enough thing about him the other thing that it does and this is significant, drafting. On Donald Trump celebrity this is a thing, that his opponents, in the Republican primaries, tried to. No good effect but it was basically to surf the wave of intense, coverage around him and if, you talk like him you act like him you hang around him, you're hoping maybe that you will get sucked into the coverage and that maybe you can compete with his lapel we have seen based on evidence that did not work out for a lot of other folks who try no not. A bit, not a bit yeah and the president I I, dare, to suggest. Kind. Of likes this sort of Queens. New York, mano-a-mano. Well would you agree well. You know my mama told me a long time ago that you don't wrestle with a pig. You'll get muddy and, he likes it and when you when you engage with. Someone everybody, thinks that they're going to be talk his tough and talk his mean and talk his rude his Trump and give.

It Right back to him but of course that's what he wants because when he calls himself a counter-puncher, he means it it's true he wants you down there doing that with him so that he because he will have the upper hand and Biden will probably come to regret doing Trump, Biden in 2020, and what did that be so. He. Was at a woman's, event as I mentioned the University, of Miami, in Florida and weather is the meaty, meat, to movement or whether this rally it's called it's on us what, is your sense about how Democrats are trying to reach women for. The midterms in November, and and. They have to talk about two messages they have to have two messages they have to have one which, is for their core group, which is again animated, by this hashtag, resist, super intense dislike of the president, but, the key group for them are the same voters that delivered for Connor Lamb a victory, in southwestern. Pennsylvania and, these are swing. Voters, they're women who are suburban, i'ts who are inclined, to vote Republican, but are available to Democrats given the right message I don't know if this is the right message for those for those voters okay, well we're. Gonna have a lot of time to talk about this because it's gonna be a focus, right. All. Right see on the schoolyard I don't take my. Calm. It down there boys all right Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg finally. Breaking his silence over the massive social media data scandal, why he says he's sorry. And what he's willing and planning. To now do about, it plus a dramatic, rescue of a two month old baby, by. Police. Amazing. Footage here at the side of the highway and it's all caught on camera. Lay, on your arm like this. Dramatic. Rescue, caught on camera check it out I've been on Tuesday police, two, police officers in Shaker Heights Ohio pull, it up behind a vehicle parked in the middle of traffic the officers found that two month-old baby in the, back seat not breathing. And soon, with.

Their Help the baby's airway was cleared, and a life was, saved. On the side of the road, east. Of Cleveland, that's an amazing, story see, the baby is only a few months old all done ah don't. Train for that a lot well done both, those thank you to those police officers. Well. Breaking his silence Facebook, CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaking. Out for the very first time after, everything. Apologizing. For the user-data scandal, rocking the, social media giant admitting. It, was a major, breach, of trust and. Vowing, to do better this after it was discovered that a data mining firm with ties to the Trump campaign, harvested. The personal, information, of some 50, million Facebook, users this. Was a major breach, of trust and and, I'm really sorry that this happened, you, know we have a basic responsibility to, protect people's. Data and if we can't do that then we don't deserve. To have the opportunity, to serve people so. Our, responsibility, now is to, make sure this doesn't happen again, William. La jeunesse has more from Los Angeles so, William this Maya, culpa out of Zuckerberg, is as a case of too little too late maybe. Well. You know the company's reputation, definitely, took a hit so there are two lawsuits one from investors, one from users but after being raked over the cold for four days Zuckerberg. Did say Facebook violated. Users trust and he regretted not doing more to stop it now Facebook is scheduled to explain this morning to House committee staff what, they're doing to plug the hole that allowed, the personal data of 50 million users to end up in the hands of Cambridge. Analytical, a company later hired to run digital, strategy, for the Trump campaign Zuckerberg. Said he is not against, regulation, per se and would, be willing to testify before Congress, if called. So. What we try to do is, send the person at Facebook, who. Will have the, most knowledge about what, Congress. Is trying to learn so if that's me then I am happy to go. So. Congress wants to know number one what, did Facebook find out that, Cambridge had obtained their user data and stay silence to what, are they doing now to protect user privacy and, three what, level of Russia interference, was in, the 2016, election, using the Facebook platform Sandra. What. Is Facebook doing, well what, can users do to protect their private, information as, you know a lot of people talking about this and a lot of people concerned their their, private, information was, compromised. So. Two things well in the future Facebook says number one it will restrict app developers. Access to only your. Name photo and email and that, Facebook will stop their access, to you, if you, haven't used their app in the last three months now what can you do well I'm announced, to most users when you download. A new app you also give the app and Facebook, permission. To exchange information, about you, your friends, your computer your phone so, yesterday my producer, found out she had 68. Apps on her phone and only like six of them Instagram, kayak Airbnb, did she knowingly sign up for the dozens, she didn't like three million cats flipagram, yearbook. Yours, so, how do you get rid of those will you open on the Facebook app or on their page you go to settings you go to account settings you, scroll down you see apps and then you can click remove now, facebook says on, its Help Center they can also show you how to do that the point is Sandra big picture will, see today if the stock recovers, and if they lose users, because, of this scandal. Back to you William, Washington that's the story we're all following thank you dee what do you think there was a big if though on whether he would testify before Congress. It was if, he's, the right guys I said what he was saying so we'll see yeah my feeling, is that we're gonna find that a lot of companies were paying to get this information there are a lot of outside, parties that we're creating apps, that would get you or me or been here on floor, to. Go ahead and fill out a personality, profile, the, question, then becomes can, you backtrack, with all these companies, and, find out whether or not three years ago they deleted the information. My. Guess is this is the only company sorry. This is not the only company that did, not delete, that dandy sort of left the door open to. More. Regulation, may be needed, for these social mean we should think about that a lot, of these big tech company that's what they're afraid of well the fear would be a slippery slope if you start with some regulations, how many more come down the road and then what happens these companies mm-hmm as they look today, suggesting.

That Even for him to go there, would. Mean that he would want to. Manipulate. The regulation, in a way that keeps Facebook strong or maybe take himself sort, of out of it so that he's not the fall guy if something like this were to happen again if there are regulations in place to prevent this from happening I don't know you don't see him questions, you. Don't see him giving up that company do you don't. Know don't know I mean he's proud to be the founder the head of that company today and, he. Did appear very apologetic in that statement I'm very lengthy statement, I know we both read them all the way through that yesterday so. We've got that and Facebook officials, will be facing questions at some point on the hill they'll, be answering, some of those questions later, today, Congressman. John Radcliffe, seeking. Some answers he joins us later on America's newsroom plus there's this coming up check it out one. Thing we don't fund is the one issue we all campaigned, on a border security wall and that is not in the legislation, so it can't, get any worse than this bill we, should stop, we, should go back to the drawing board we have to do a short term funding bill do that, a heated. Jim Jordan this morning many House conservatives, like Congressman, Jim Jordan blasting. This huge spending bill backed by GOP party leaders saying, the 1.3, trillion dollar package does not fulfill the promises, made to the, American people House, Majority Steve, Scalise is here, to respond. 933. Now checking the markets we knew there'd be a sell-off of the open air indeed there is this, somewhat. Significant, down about three hundred points of the open you, had the Fed weigh in yesterday, afternoon about interest rates that bumped him up a quarter and the markets reacted to that then, you had a chance to think about it overnight, and, with. The Fed continuing, to suggest. That more hikes are in the offing. Investors. Are reacting now what do you seeing on Facebook sander so, Facebook, shares are down big-time you just heard us reporting on that story and the apology, from Mark Zuckerberg and, talking about possibly leaving the door open to regulation. For these social media companies mark the market does not like that tech shares are actually leading the, market lower right now so something to keep in mind but then, that announcement coming in the noon hour Trump's, slapping, these. Terrible. T's on on on, China that. Too has the investors a little rattled plenty, to consider, to dad but it's early 9:40, 34, rather here I'm the spending belt by the way congressional. Leaders hope to start voting as soon as today, on this sweeping 1.3, trillion dollar budget bill that would, avoid a government shutdown the measure substantially. Boost military and, domestic spending but. It does not address, those so-called dreamers, it deprives. President, Trump of some of his border wall needs, as far as the money that he first asked for it does not defund, sanctuary, cities the, White House saying the president does back this legislation, but, the conservative, freedom caucus does not watch. We. Continue, to fund the sanctuary, cities we continue, to fund Planned Parenthood, we don't build the wall but yet we put money in for a tunnel, the, last time I checked when the president, was campaigning he, wasn't campaigning for, a tunnel between New Jersey and New York there are great, food trucks and they, do a better job on, their own budget, than we've, done with this you, know we've got less than 36, hours you know it's, it's absurd. To, have us voting, maybe less, than 24, actually that. We're supposed to vote on a twenty two hundred page bill you know I don't think the American people said oh let's put Republicans, in control of Congress to. Do a bill like this this is this, may be the worst bill I have seen in my time in Congress the, worst bill our leadership several Oudh to come to the floor house. Steve. Scalise is here he joins us now congressman. Thank you for coming on with us this morning, you just heard a lot, of harsh criticism coming, from your colleagues, members of your own party. They do not like this make the case as to, why this is, a good, bill congressman.

Well. And I think you do see members from both sides Republican, and Democrats, that don't like different parts of it but, at the end of the day this has some really big wins for president Trump we're, funding our military, finally, at the levels at general mattis and all, the all the generals have been saying we need to do to give our men and women in uniform the tools they need and to be able to do their job safely just last week we saw two more planes fall, out of the sky that's unacceptable. We're, finally properly, addressing our defenses, needs and giving our troops a pay, raise that they deserve first time the, biggest pay raise in 10 years for our troops and, there's other wins look president, Trump in this bill gets, over 100 miles, of new, border, wall funding that's, money that President Trump campaigned on we, said we wanted to help him get money to build the wall this gives them that ability by, the way it also gives President Trump the ability to defund, sanctuary. Cities. A. Lot of covered in this bill congressman, it sounds like you're saying that a lot of the president's, priorities are in this bill but, a lot of the promises, he made to the American people, and that many Republicans made to the American people are not in this bill defunding. A Planned Parenthood, defunding. Sanctuary, cities the president had initially asked for 25 billion to fund the border wall this is 1.6, billion so, why is the president even supporting, this well, the 25, billion was over a long period, of time this this is one year of funding this. Bill isn't going to solve all of the problems but let's go back to some of the basics this bill gives President Trump the ability, to defund, sanctuary, cities even. If you look at Planned Parenthood there's, not a dime in this bill that's. Earmarked, for Planned Parenthood some. Of those grants, that were given. Out in the past were given up by Barack Obama's. HHS. Secretary, and others, right, now president Trump's, in charge of that agency that gives out the grants and obviously we know how, strongly pro-life they, are as we, are so if you look at the priorities President, Trump actually does, support this bill because so, many of you. You. A short, amount of period of time that. Being asked to do that 1.3 trillion, dollars, in spending, and you've got members of your own party saying, it can't get any worse louie, gohmert you heard leading into you calling this tragic, so how do you plan to round up Republicans. And get them behind this well. What you're gonna see Sandra is a, strong, majority of, our Republican, Conference voting, for this bill because, this bil


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