House Floor Session – part 2 5/2/18

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House. Will come to order. Calendar. For the day, force. Up a file on the calendar for the day has sent a file number 3306. The clerk will report the bill Senate. File number 30 306, number one on the calendar, for the day and act, relating, to campaign, finance, the, third engrossment I. Recognize. The member from Stearns representative, O'Driscoll to, your event to your bill, Thank. You mr. speaker and members house. To, me Senate file 3306. Is the campaign, finance board bill. For this session and a, quick overview of the, things that are in the campaign finance bill and before, I do that I want to thank representative Nelson. Who is a co-author of this bill and as, we know here in the state of Minnesota that when we do elections, and when we do campaign, finance, both. Governor Tim Pawlenty and our current governor Mark, Dayton have, had a policy that we have to have strong bipartisan. Support and we do believe we have that with this bill a couple of highlights in the bill it, raises, the. Amount. Of money that needs, to be disclosed, on the ESI. Statement, to index that to inflation. It, also clarifies, some of the board's investigative. Authority it, also clarifies, in, this day and age what we don't necessarily have contributors. Handing us a check where, they may be doing an electronic, transfer of funds what what, is the date that we would receive those in, our campaigns, also. Ties. The, mileage, reimbursement for. Candidates, when they're performing their campaign, duties to. Comply, with the IRS regulations. Also, clarifies, a disclaimer, language, for local candidates and committees. Provides. Some, clarification. For non coordination. And coordination. On. Coordinated, and coordinated. Expenditures, for, clarification. For campaigns. Also, talks. About the obligations, for reporting reimbursements. And it, also provides, some additional, information, it, disclosure requirements, when we fill, out our campaign, finance reports, and finally. Mr. speaker members it also clarifies, for us, when. Does the legislative, day begin and when does it end as it, relates to we. Begin in January, in the first year of the biennium or later and when is the exactly when do we determine, by law the actual last day of session is for, campaign related activities, mr.. Speaker with that I stand. For questions. There. Is an amendment at the desk clerk will report the amendment. Nelson. Moves to amend santé file number 33 l6 the third and Grossmont as follows, the amendment is coded a six. The. Member from Hennepin representative. Nelson, to your amendment, well. Thank you mr. chair and members and this is an issue, that's brought to me after this bill went through the committee process mr. speaker point of order. Represented. Krisha for, what purpose do you rise point. Of order mr. speaker state, your point of order, Mr. Speaker I rise to, a point of order of 3.21. On germaneness and I am prepared, to offer advice. Represent. A crease restate your advice. Mr.. Speaker members, I. Looked. Through the amendment and I'm sure we have a robust debate on it but the fact of the matter is this, amendment. Will not be germane and I will ask you to find that point well-taken. If. You refer to lines 1 point 1 2, and 1 point 1 4 of the amendment, you'll, see that we are expanding this amendment, greatly by. Giving. Campaign finance, board the, authority to, have. Jurisdiction over every candidates personal, expenses, and finances, there's. No enforcement, in this amendment and it. Requires, many. Staff that won't be included in this amendment so mr., speaker. This. Amendment, greatly expands this bill and is not germane. Advice. Representative. Nelson state your advice well, thank you mr. speaker and members. This. Amendment is a it's. In the same section of law it's, about the same thing that the Campaign Finance Board bill, is about it's, about disclosure, it's about making. Sure that people aren't. Being given money on the, side that. Could. Be construed as a campaign. Contribution, and. Therefore. Mr., mr. mr. speaker this member is definitely, in order night I urge. You to rule the objection. Out of order. Mr.. Speaker advise. Representative. Pinto state your advice Thank, You mr. speaker mr. speaker I'd simply want, to direct your attention again.

To The ruling from two days ago and I believe that mr. speaker was you who's in the chair at that point, when. The issue in the underlying amendment, had to do with renters. Credits had nothing to do with local government aid represent, dress Kowski had a secondary amendment having to local, government aid it was tournelle. Block that made the point they both had to do with property taxes, and therefore was germane the, speaker. Found. The point of order not well taken that she and majority ended up holding, the speaker's ruling mr., speaker consistent, with that I would certainly. Urge that. This point of order be found not, well taken Thank You mr. speaker mr. speaker advice. Representative. Freiburg state your voice. Thank. You Mr Speaker I appreciate, the, acknowledgement. The. Again. This. Is an issue I believe a an. Amendment was gonna have was held germane yesterday. This, deals, with the same section, of statute, if you look at the amendment, in a men's section, 211 be point 15, if you, look right there in the title of the bill online 1.10. It amends. Sub. Amends, section, 211 be 0.04 of the Minnesota Statutes they both. Both. The amendment, and the bill amend. Chapter. 211, B of the Minnesota Statutes that, is the standard by which we typically judge germaneness, so I urge the speaker to find the point of order not well taken. Representative. Keisha mr., speaker further advise state, your advice mr.. Speaker just point of clarification I. Can. Take you in my fishing boat but you may not be a Fisher person just, because you're in proximity does not mean it's germane this, absolutely, inserts, into here a new section, and we, can say it's close it's a close cousin it's, a friend it's a brother it's a sister but the fact that matter is it greatly expands the scope of the amendment for that Mr Speaker I ask, you to rule the, point well-taken. Members. After, listening. To advice from. Represent, Krisha Nelson. Pinto, and Fryeburg the. It, is the decision of the chair that, the point is well-taken. Okay. There. Is an amendment at the desk that the clerk will report the amendment, Nelson. Moves to immense Sante file number 3306. The. Third and gross went as follows on the amendment is code and a five. Recognize, the member from Hennepin representative, Nelson to your amendment. Thank. You mr. speaker mr. speaker, and. Mr., mr., speaker this is another amendment again, that was didn't have a chance to bring it up in committee it was an issue that was brought to me after, the bill made, it to the general, register in. What this is it's about lobbying, about, members lobbying that are running for office and, and so. That there's disclosure. About who's who, they're being paid for by who they work for and, mr.. Speaker that's what this amendment does and I asked. For a green, vote. Discussion. To the amendment the representative, from Stearns represented. Over iskele Thank, You mr. speaker and members I'm, going to ask that you vote no, on the, a5 amendment, and Mr. Speaker I like a roll call on this please. Roll. Call has been requested, seeing. 15 hands there will be a roll call Thank, You mr. Speaker I am Driscoll. Thank. You mr. speaker representative, Nelson I think I know what you're trying to do here and I. Will. Just want, to remind members that if this amendment actually does go on the bill and becomes, law what, this does is this opens up about, 2100. Registered. Folks with the Department I should say with the Campaign Finance Board and. Will affect companies such as Delta, 3m, the. Afl-cio. Children's. Hospital, Best Buy among, others and it actual effect members, that are in, this chamber right now who, are elected because they work for some of these organizations that, representative, Nelson would. Cover by this and so members I would just ask that you vote no a, red, vote would be greatly appreciated Thank. You mr. speaker for the, discussion. Seeing. On a roll call being requested the clerk will take the roll on the amendment. Clerk. Will close the roll. There being forty four eyes and seventy eight nays. The. Amendment is not adopted. There. Are no more amendments at the desk the clerk will give the bill its third reading third. Reading Santa file number 30 306. Third reading, discussion. To the bill the. Member from hennepin representative, Carlson L yes.

Mr. Speaker. Would. Represent. Logistical yield to a question, and I'm. Looking. At subdivision. Three on. Page. 16. Line. Sixteen. Point nine through. Sixteen, point. Twelve. Food, and beverages. Legislative. Duties and. For. The members that don't. Have a copy of the bill before, them it candidates, committee me. Let's. See am I looking at the right line, here. The, point, I wanted to find out is. If. I've got the right lines there but at any rate somewhere, in the bill that may not be that's those, lines. You. Can't cover the cost, of food and beverages, if the. Event is being held outside your, district. Let, me give you an example let's say you're having a joint. Door. Knock. And. One. Of the candidates, that the joint door knock. Doesn't. Happen to. Live. Where they're hosting. It I'll, use myself as an example I'm, fortunate enough to have a fairly nice sized home and so we, have a number of political events in our home and so my, expenditures. Would be made in my. District in that case but. Sometimes we're, having, a. Door. Knock or an event where. We invite other, candidates, to participate, in my home isn't, in their district, but. Yet we share the costs, so would we be prohibited. From. And the, other example, I have. Is. After. The. Election. And I'll just share, a. Comment. My wife went to an event in Golden Valley and, they have a brand new community center we. Live just a couple, of blocks out of Golden Valley I used. To represent part, of Golden Valley but I don't any longer so, my wife said all achieve that would be a beautiful venue, for, an election night party. That's. Out of the district by, a couple of blocks but. It's a problem when you're in the metro area where facilities, are and so. My, question is then would we be prohibited. From doing that or sharing, expenses, when it's out of the the. District. Representative. O'Driscoll, thank. Mr. speaker in representative, Carlson that's a great question and the answer is, no what, happens is it will be recoated. As a non campaign expenditure, to a campaign, expenditure, so it follows you as the candidate, and where, you go for your activities, so, that, does happen not only in the metro area but it happens in Greater Minnesota you, may have one community that's close to another so you have prayed volunteers, that go from from one event to another, but. If they were working with my campaign I would be able to even though we were outside of the district because it was my campaign what it does it takes it from a non campaign, reporting. To, a campaign, reporting, expenditure, that's all it does. And. Mr. speaker. That's. Good to hear and I'll just to. Recap it some, of you may remember. Sandy. Peterson, and our district line, ran. Right up the street that I happen to live on across the street was her district, north, side of the street was my district, and happened to be where my home is we, did some joint, events. For, a variety of reasons, one was the. Close proximity to both districts. And. We would sometimes host the event so you're saying that that would be fine for if.

We Were to have a like situation. For that other candidate, to share the expenses, if we had food and beverage and so on for. Volunteers. Representative. O'Driscoll. Thank. Mr. speaker I wasn't sure percent of carlson was making a statement or if he was asking a question on, that but the answer is it follows the Canada non. Campaign expenditure, used to be reported, now it's a campaign expenditure, so wherever you go your campaign, goes there's. A way to think about that. Further. Discussion, to the bill. Remember. From Hennepin representative, Nelson, well. Thank you mr. speaker and members this. Is a this is a decent bill and. It's a good bill that we got it is rotten was brought to us by the Campaign Finance Board and um, it's. About, disclosure. In our elections and putting into into statute. Some of the rules that they were trying to propagate over the past few years and having, some issues getting giving, the rule going through the Rope rulemaking. Procedure so. They brought it as a statute, which Trump's. Rules any day but. Mr.. Speaker this I hand members this, I'm. Trying to I just lost my train of thought here but this because it's a good bill it's it's some, of it there has been some issues in this bill that some of the proposed rules that were out there, were. Published, and people were reading those proposed, rules and they've been contacting, us on some of these issues reading. The proposed rule with the law that was the statute, was different, than the law the proposed rules were and that's some of the confusion, that some of the groups have had on this bill but going, forward this will be a decent bill and I'll help us keep our elections, clean in Minnesota. The. Member from Hennepin representative, Dean R. Thank. You mr. speaker and will representative, O'Driscoll yield, to a question he, will. Yield representative, Dean so. You. Had just had a count you know we just had some discussion, between you and representative. Carlson regarding. Legislative. Sort. Of people, inside their district and people outside their district you, know we also have statewide candidates. In. Many of those statewide candidates, travel outside of. The. State to, raise money or for other events would, this then apply to them any sort. Of, expense. Associated, with, it would have to be one. Label, account paying contribution, to them. And then to that. Would also then be an expense, against, their, own campaign. Committee, for. A campaign expense. Representative. O'Driscoll, Thank. You mr. speaker and representative, Dean where, you are your campaign, is. Remember, from Dakota representative. Hansen, Thank. You mr. speaker would represent, O'Driscoll yield for a couple of questions he, will yield representative, Hansen Thank. You mr. speaker representative O'Driscoll, I have a couple clarifying, questions. On page 16, and 17. And. The. First one I'm looking on 16. Point 32 and 16 point 33. On. Membership. Fees and dues so. I'm. Gonna use my myself. For an example and see what the practical impact. Is to two weeks ago I went to, new, cheese, restaurant. And they had a national. Wild Turkey Federation. Dinner. And. As part of the fee. For the dinner they paid you, pay your membership, dues it's, wrapped into, the. The. Fee for, that food, how, would that how.

Would That be, dealt with with, 16. Point 32, 16. Point 33 what would I need to do there. Representative. O'Driscoll Thank. You mr. speaker representative hands, and that's another good question and. The answer to that is it. Would the plug campaign finance for not speaking for them about how they have dealt with us in the past and this is clarifying, language it becomes the question is it a cost that. You would otherwise not have except, for being a part of the. As. A candidate, or an officeholder so. I'm. Not sure if the campaign finance board has contemplated, specifically, your situation. That you're talking about so I'm not going to speak for the campaign finance board today. Representative. Hansen Thank. You mr. speaker well that represent Driscoll has the author of the, bill you're. In, changing. The law your. Intent. Or the how if, we're changing the law here, and it's, clarifying, how how, does it clarify, that. How. Because. If we're punting, that back to the campaign finance board they, may watch what we're doing here and look. For guidance as, to the debate so I guess as, the author I'm asking, you what what, that means, if. You would yield mr. you, will yield. Erskyll thank, you for speaker and represented, Hanson this is one of the items that representative, Nelson and others have talked about that was an advisory, opinion so, it doesn't change anything under, the current, way. That the board deals with us it just simply puts it into statute, that says this, is what the law is going to be so that we don't get a different opinion from a different board in the future. Representative. Hansen Thank You mr. speaker well I'll try, a different question on a different subject on page, 17. Lyons. 17.7. 17.8. 17.9. And I'll use, again. Myself. As an example if I go. To a conference and, I bring my son, along of, who's. 14. Today. And, that doesn't. If. We're, getting. Mileage in the car or we stay at a hotel and, it. Had no additional, cost that's still. Looking. At that that's allowable, is that correct. If. He would you. Representative. O'Driscoll. Thank, mr. speaking representative, hands and it follows, the same as we've mentioned before as, representative. Nelson has mentioned that, we've incorporated a number of advisory opinions, this is as well and so it does not increase the amount of expense it's just again so we don't get a different opinion from a different board in the future that is codified in law which is the way that we've been working and then the current advisory opinion. Representative. Hansen Thank, You mr. speaker well I I, was hoping for a little more guidance there, but, it, appears that what we want get it and, we'll have to look at the face value of the. Legislation. When it passes. For. The discussion. Representative. O'Driscoll. The. Member from Hennepin representative, Anderson, s. Thank, You mr. chair. Representative. Driscoll I just have one question for you, are. You a skill to yield. Yes but you will yield representative, Anderson representative. Driscoll I think I know what your intent is and I just want to make sure that it's part of the legislative record and I'm, looking on page 15 in the bill and it's, talking about how the recipient, can register, people to vote, and. That's counts, as a services. To constituent, and as a non campaign, disbursement, I assume. That it's your interpretation and, legislative intent that that would only be for registering, people to vote that are in your legislative, district, correct you can't go to somebody else's legislative, district. And register them to vote is that correct. Well. Thank, you mr. speaker I presented of Anderson could you identify the lines on page 15 that you're referencing. Representative. Anderson yes I think you mr. speaker and represented.

Driscoll That's on line 17. And 18 and. It's. It's. It's, describing, non. Campaign disbursements. It, says that that includes congratulatory. Letters, and so, forth and also how, the recipient, can register to vote and I'm assuming it's your intent, legislative. Intent that, that would only be for constituents. That you represent, and you can't go to somebody else's district, and register people to vote. Representative. O'Driscoll thank. Mr. speaking of representative Anderson thank you again for the clarification, on that you, are correct it is not specific, and it is my legislative, intent that the answer would be no that we would not add, to your question Thank. You mr. speaker representative, Anderson. Any. Further discussion. Seeing. None the clerk will take the roll on the bill. Maran. Votes i. Clerk. Will close the roll. They're. Being, 123. Eyes and, zero nays the bill is passed and its title agreed to. Next. Bill on the calendar for the day is house file number 30 265 clerk. Will report the bill. House, file number thirty two sixty five number. Five on the calendar for the day and act, relating to Human Services the second and Grossman I. Call. Him on the member from Morrison. Representative, Krisha Thank. You mr. speaker and Thank You members this. Bill is a continuation, of a bill that you voted for last session, and I'm happy to work with representative, Bennett who also has included. Language in this bill and what, this does is last. Session, we passed a bill that. Allowed. For fetal alcohol syndrome, training, as part of the foster care certification. So when you entered into the foster care certification. System there's, some continuing ed credits that you had to take and one. Of those was. Designated. As, fetal alcohol syndrome that was so well received, and we saw the benefits of it the groups came back and asked, that we extend this into their. Recertification. Process so, all we're doing is making, this part of the training that they already have and if. You're aware, of and I know many of us are the. Awareness around fetal, alcohol syndrome, is so important, because these foster, care parents are, oftentimes, dealing with kids that are coming from such. A varied, background that can have all kinds of trauma I mean they're in foster care for a reason, and, getting. That, information to, those foster care parents so, that they can understand. What. They may be dealing with and that troubled youth makes. A big difference in the success so remembers, I urge your support on this bill I think a green vote is absolutely, the right thing to do and this is one of those ones where you go home and your head hits the pillow and you know you just did the right thing and so with that I will yield to representative, Bennett to introduce her part of the bill she really old representative, Bennett. Thank. You mr. speaker, and members, I, am so excited, about, this, provision, in this bill this. Provision, was brought to by, foster. Care youth themselves it's. Called the foster, care sitting, or the foster, sibling, Bill of Rights and what, it does basically a set guidelines are best practice. Saying. That our foster, children. And young people, deserve. To be with their siblings when, at all possible and, when appropriate for. Example, we know how important, our siblings, are to us can, you imagine how much more important, siblings. Are to our foster young, people who, have had, to leave their families, for one reason or another and that basically, is their only connection, to their family, so, what this provision, does is asked that these young people be, placed together in the same home when possible if not, it asks, that they can communicate regularly, regularly. Attend. Two birthday parties and all the things that we enjoy doing with our siblings so. Thank. You for. Hearing this and we'd. Ask you for a green vote as well. There. Are no amendments, at the desk the clerk will give the millets third reading third. Reading house file number 32 65, there a greeting, discussion. To the bill. Seeing. None the clerk will take the roll on the bill. Clerk. Will close the roll. There, being 120. Eyes, and, zero nays the, bill is passed and style agreed to. Represent. A Bennett for what purpose do you rise mr.. Speaker a point of personal privilege state, your point of personal privilege, members. I have the honor today, to have, two of, these foster. To. Have these beautiful young women. Now. They're gonna make me cry and, these two young women are part of the Minnesota, leadership. Councils, from across the state. They. Are youth leaders who are currently, or have been in foster, care, Sasha. Martin, and Brianna, buck Halton are two leaders from the Minnesota Leadership, Council thanks, for standing up young ladies and, they. Both have personal, experiences, growing up in foster care and they, understand, the significance.

Of, Sibling. Staying connected when they're in foster care they had a significant. Part in bringing this bill, together and I would just like to recognize. These young women right now I'm very proud of them. The. Next bill on the calendar for the day is Senate file 35 25 the clerk will report the bill. Senate. File number 35 25, number, two on the calendar, for the day an act, relating, to local government. Recognize. The member from Stearns represented, or Driscoll to your bill Thank. You mr. speaker and members this, bill. Deals. With the Metropolitan, airports, Commission in, the state of Minnesota we do have salary, caps on government. Related. Appointments. And positions. And the. Metropolitan, airports Commission which is a the, manager of publicly, owned airports, both the Minneapolis, st. Paul Airport and regional airports, have, been bumping up against, the salary cap which, has been causing difficulty. For them to, recruit. And retain qualified. Senior. Staff as, a matter of fact has been reported, to me that we've had individuals, who have left the. Metropolitan. Airports, Commission in Minnesota to go to work for smaller regional, airports making more money and having less responsibility, as, we all know this airport in Minneapolis st., Paul in the regional connecting, hubs is extremely. Important, to Minnesota's, economic, vitality and, to. Public safety so, what we're doing is, since. The state of Minnesota does not put any money into this and they, generate, their income, from gate, fees, landing. Takeoff, fees parking. Ramp revenue leases. In the corridors, and terminals, there, what, I would consider to be an enterprise or a quasi, private quasi. Government, entity. And so, we want to do is oftentimes try to allow government, to be more competitive and, act like business. This, is an opportunity, for the Metropolitan, airports Commission to, be able to do just that so members I appreciate, your support thank. You. There. Are no amendments at the desk the clerk will give the bill its third reading third. Reading Senate file number 35, 25, third, reading discussion. To the bill. Discussion. To the bill. Seeing. None the clerk will take the roll on the bill. Clerk. Will close the roll. They're, being 124. Eyes and zero nays the bill is passed and his title agreed to. Next. Bill on the calendar for the day is Senate file 2777. The clerk will report the bill, Senate. File number 27, 77. Number, 3 on the calendar for the day and act relating, to state government, the, first engrossment. Recognize. The member from Hennepin representative, pew to your bill Thank. You mr. speaker and members I'm pleased, to bring Senate, file 2, 777.

To You today a bill, which makes several, non-controversial. Modifications. To, the commission, of deaf deafblind, and. Hard of hearing the. Commission, of deaf deafblind, and. Hard of hearing is a state. Agency, which has been in statute, since, 1985. The Commission, serves 20%. Of Minnesotans. Who are deaf deafblind. Or, hard of, hearing, and develops. Public policy, solutions, to communicate, barriers, that, really help the, issues, that, this population faces. Hearing. Loss is the second most prevalent condition, that can be identified, at birth the. Number one disability, veterans. Experience. And the. One most older, adults will, experience, in their life in fact. Members two out of every three people over, age 70. Experience. Hearing loss. Examples. Of legislation. That commission has helped, lead, our newborn. Hearing screening, and supports. For babies and families, with hearing loss and the captioning. That we see on the TV's here at the legislature. So. Senate file, 2. 777. Proposes. The following changes to current statute, first, a name, change the current name change is, the, commission, of death or. Commission, of deaf deafblind and. Hard, of hearing Minnesotans, and, so, one simple thing that the. Bill does is just drop, the word Minnesotans. The. Commission, for deaf deafblind and. Hard of hearing is, how, most people refer, to, and know of the commission the second. Is. A change in the length of the, terms and the, number of terms, the. The, length of the term is going from three, years to four years and the, number of terms Thank, You mr. speaker the, number of terms is going from two terms, to three which. Would also put a cap of twelve years on an. Individual, serving on the Commission and this, will really help help. The Commission greatly, also. It. Creates a transition. Period to ensure a real balance. A better balance, of experienced. Versus. New members, of the Commission that. Which will really help a, lot also and then, lastly, the, Commission, may establish. An executive, committee and the. Executive, committee must, have a minimum, of three members, and it, also has. The. Authority, to. Approve. Contracts. Not to exceed, $50,000. So, a contract, for example would likely be. Services. For the for, the hearing-impaired so. That is my bill mr., speaker and. I, would appreciate support. Seeing. No madness at the desk the clerk will give the bill third reading third, reading Senate file number 27, 77. Third. Reading further, discussion. The. Clerk will take the roll in the bill. They're. Being 124. Eyes in zero knees the, bills pass and its title agreed to. The. Next bill for the calendar for the day is Senate file 3466. The clerk will report the bill. Senate. File number 34 66, number four on the calendar for the day an act, relating, to public safety. The. Gentleman, from Carver, represent - - your bill Thank. You mr. speaker and members, Senate. File, 3466. Is a bill. To allow motorcycle. Permit holders to get an education by also being allowed to drive on the interstate. Members. It is supported by the motorcycle safety task force which reports into DPS. It. Is brought to us also by our friends at a Bates who, are just trying to make sure that motorcyclists. Have a safe experience by being exposed, to all aspects, of driving, it. Past. Sixty. Seven to zero out of the Senate but don't hold that against me for, the less, deliberative, body members. It's a very straightforward bill and I would stand for questions. Seeing. No amendments of the desk the clerk will give the bill its third reading third reading Santa file number 34 66, third reading discussion, to the bill the general. From Hennepin riff Sam Dean. Thank. You mr. chair and. Would. Represent an a shield to a question he will. Yield, thank.

You I. Know. That this is widely accepted. But. Young. Motorcycle. Riders, going. 80 miles an hour on a freeway seems. To me to be a dangerous, situation and, I know that all we're doing is striking, the the one, line in in in in statute, that. Allows them, to drive on freeways, now. I. Know. That, there, are few, other, conditions. And I'm, curious. What the conversation. Is going, on relative to that as far as like driving at night. As. Far as driving with another, passenger. And of course the one that often gets talked a lot about and I think, that. That. Those in adulthood should be able to make that decision and that's driving with headgear or not do, you anticipate, moving. Forward, that. Now, that we're beginning to allow. Them to drive on freeways, individuals, with permits that, we can expect in the future that soon. It will be that. Modal. Site motorcycle. Riders, that are riding under a permit are, going to be one allowed to carry passengers and, then, two, allowed. To drive at night and then lastly of course be. Able to drive without. Without. A helmet and and and, I bring this to you not as someone. Who's. Who's. Not only concerned for young people with permits but but, I've been riding, motorcycles a long time, and. I, remember. When. I was young and learning how to ride that. There's. Nothing, we can do as. A. Legislature. To, make motorcycle. Riding more, safe for. People other, than testing. Them and training. Anytime. A car. Hits, a motorcycle. The, car wins. And. And I just I mean. I understand, that this makes sense that at some point they have to go on a freeway. But. I would think that the time for them to go on a freeway is actually. Once, they've learned how to really handle. Their motorcycle, and at. The point in which they've. Learned to be as best of a defensive, driver as possible. In, other words anticipating. What any car. Might do, that. Might be totally, unexpected, so, if. You could just speak to you. Know are we starting, a point where. In the future we may need we, may be revisiting. Some other parts of the statute. Joan. From Carver representative, - well. Thank you mr. speaker and represent of Dean I first wanted to point out that driving, 80 on the highway would be frowned, upon by law enforcement officials, and I would never want to encourage that, but. I would, say that this bill deals with just, people on learner's permits it doesn't have anything to do with helmets, it doesn't have anything to do with some of your other questions I don't, have a bill currently to do that so I can't. Speak to what's gonna be done by future legislature, legislators.

And Future legislators. So I don't know but. The goal of the bill is. To provide. The experience or the opportunity, for someone to one. Take advantage of what we passed into law last year through my motorcycle, safety license, plate to, go, through that class and then on their permits much like you and I have done when we took our learner's permit to drive on the highway experience. That to make sure that they know how to navigate that well and we, heard in committee and I believe I don't remember if you serve on transportation I, believe you do. Not okay, so we heard in committee. That, there was a young. Driver who was riding on highway 10 it's. A county highway lots, of ins and outs ons and offs and, the, statistics. That we show from. Both other states and and analysis. Is that it's more dangerous to ride on a county highway than it is on a more. Controlled interstate, so what, we heard is testimony, is this is going to allow them to have one the experience, of being, able to be exposed to that type of writing but to that it's actually quite safer, because there are fewer arm ons and offs on the highway and, that's. That's. What the, goal of the bill was trying to accomplish there represented Dean. From. Hennepin representing well. I understand. The. Sort. Of statistics. Or the numbers, that you reference, that it's safer, to drive, on a freeway than. It is on a regular Road, because of on and offs and all those other types of things I don't. Know that study I don't know what. It took in account for. You. Know as well as I do that we, can all find studies that prove our point that. That's not the major issue I just I. Get. My permit, today I'm. Sixteen, years old to, ride my motorcycle I, take. My motorcycle and, I go out on the freeway now. I. Don't. Want to be that car driving. On the freeway when. They're coming down in there and they're. Not like you. Know cuz they don't have command of their motorcycle, yet they're, still learning how to ride, I'm. Just really really concerned, about this and I, know that it it, seems to make logic. Makes. Complete, sense but. You know this, place sometimes. Things that seem really, logical, to us at, first glance we, end up finding, that. They're not logic, so so, I, know it's going to be broadly supported, today but. I will be voting though and I hope that some, other folks will actually, think a little bit about young. People on motorcycles and, what, that means for them to be driving, on a freeway Thank You mr., chair further. Discussion, the gentleman from Hennepin, works have hurt us. Thank. You mr. chair and speakers, and it's, kind of hard to think about. Motorcycles. When just a couple weeks ago we, were pretty covered in white snow, but. This. Is a good bill I. Ride. Motorcycle, myself and I would just say to you that whether, you're on us 10 or whether you're on any of the other divided, four-lane, state. Highways, or US highways, that is separate, from the interstate, which is the prohibition so I, think. Representative. Dean and I mentioned this in our own caucus I think it's the interstates, that only have a posted, minimum speed and I, would think that most people if, they're learning how to drive a motorcycle would, exercise their own discretion, to. Stay off of the road while they're learning. Their. Skills but. Members mostly, distracted. Driving please. Remember, the. Anachronistically. Not. All of them are loud. Increasingly. A lot of them are much, more quiet and they're, much easier to be in your blind spot so. When you are driving please. Recognize, that it's the season, we. Are seeing, unfortunately. 50 to 60 motorcycle. Fatalities per. Year and that. As part, of the crash data of roughly, 400, traffic. Related deaths per year is too many with, regard to the low preponderance, of motorcycles, versus cars, so as. We head into the spring please. Pay, attention to motorcycles, Thank You mr. chair. The. Lady from Olmsted represents, Liebling, Thank. You mr. speaker, and members these are always difficult, issues I think we all really. Want. To, make sure that our citizens, are safe on the road and certainly people, who are learning to ride a motorcycle we, want them to be safe and we want the general motoring.

Public To, be safe as well, I wonder. If representative. Nash would yield. To a question the. Gentleman will yield the, lady from home Stanford Thank You mr. speaker, and representative. National I I'm. Kind of a little bit on the fence here but one thing that I would like to see if we're gonna make this change or, wanted. To ask you is someone gonna be collecting, data so. That we, can actually look, and see what the effect of this provision is maybe there'll be no effect at all and I guess that would probably be a good thing but I'd like us to be able to come. Back later and make, sure that we did the right thing for the people of Minnesota, children. From Carver represent - well. Thank you mr. speaker and represent, Liebling that's a great question the motorcycle, safety task force does, gather this data and in, speaking to several members of abate, they do. Compare what, our data collection is versus, other states and they say that there's just, an overwhelming, amount of data that is collected so. I can almost guarantee you, that they will be following, this so they will be creating more data sets for us to analyze the effect of this moving. Forward thank you. Delay. From homestead Liebling, all right well thank you mr. speaker so I'm glad to hear that representative, Nash and I hope that you. Know if. You. Know I think, you're the, bill makes some sense just logically, I'm not on the committee but hearing the explanation, I think it does make some sense, but. I hope, that if it turns out that we're actually increasing. Fatalities. God, help us with this that we'll be willing to come back and change it the, other way I'm not gonna ask you to yield again but you know I think we should be looking at what, actually happens, to the best that we can anyway, with, the laws that we pass here, thank you. The, jump from Ramsey representative Pinto, I think mr. speaker I, understand. The rationale of this and just I had a question that I hadn't had a chance to get answered before the debate really, just curious, more. Because. This is not an area of expertise. For me so if represented, national just yield to a quick question the, gentleman will yield the, Jemez, ii Thank You mr. speaker so represent national just wondering so if, right now this is something where if you have a permit you can't do this and now you will be able to what, is the distinction between having a permit and then having an actual you know an endorsement on your license sort of what more do you get.

Once. You get beyond the permit stage as that, motorcycle, as a cyclist. From. Carver or some - Thank, You mr. speaker it wasn't at Pinto this. Is a permit, and you are going through a process of becoming a licensed and endorsed driver on your on. Your motorcycle, and. This is just another provision to make sure that the person who is on that journey, to get their their. Endorsement, has, an opportunity to learn what, it's like to drive on an interstate so, they can be a safer driver when they do have that. John. From Ramsey works in Pinto I think mr. speaker I guess I'm I'm I'm still, wondering about about, what happens beyond this stage but I'll deal with that separately as far as this bill is concerned it, I understand, the rationale and and thanks for Van Seng up Thank You mr. speaker. Delay. From Dakota rep so McQuaid. Thank. You mr. speaker representative Nash I wanted to thank you for bringing this bill forward and if you had any help, getting a bate here to the Capitol to talk to their legislators and when I thank you for that as well if I hadn't had constituents, come and talk to me I might be confused about this issue but they, did a really great job explaining and I want to thank you for bringing the bill forward. Discussion. The. Clerk will take the roll on the bill. Members. Please vote. The. Clerk will close the roll. They're being 119 eyes and five Me's the bills passed and it's titled agreed to the. Next bill on the calendar for the day. His. House file number. 1876. That Kirk will report the bill. House. File number 1876. Number six on the calendar, for the day and, acrylate, two data practices the, first engrossment. The. Gentleman from lyon, Thank. You mr. speakers members a house file 1876. Is, a drive-off bill, but. The petroleum Retailers Association and, brought this bill forward and, essentially, what's going on is. The Association. Is working in conjunction with local business owners throughout the state local. Gas stations, when there is a drive, off, the. Rather, than engaging local law, enforcement the. Association. Does, the lookup so, as. You're filling up your fuel before, you get to go ahead they usually write your license plate down and, if you happen to drive off by accident or you drive, off on purpose to steal the. Association, does the lookup to find out who you are and. Then send notice the. Issue has come up January, 6 of 2016. They, were notified that they could no longer do. This lookup in the area of leasing because the Association was not considered, a government entity and wouldn't have access to this this, bill simply allows them to, gain access to the lease, vehicle. So that they could contact those, owners directly so. What they've been doing now, is sending, that notification, to the lease company so General, Motors whoever happens, to own the lease to that and then hoping. That that. At. Least we'll pass it on to the owner of the vehicle as, an owner of a vehicle this is not a good thing you, don't want the lease. Of your vehicle to be, involved in that and, this just cuts, out a little red tape allows, the Association, to do what they're already doing in, the few cases where it's a leased vehicle to have that access, to the drivers. And the owners address. And I'd appreciate a green vote thank you. Seeing. No amendments, the clerk will give the bill third reading third. Reading house file number, 1876. Third, reading discussion. To the bill the lady from Hanna and leader, Hartmann Thank. You mr. speaker I wonder if representative, swedzinski would, yield to a question the, gentleman will yield the lady from Hennepin Thank. You mr., speaker representatives, in Ski I'm wondering on lion. 1.14. When. It says that a trade association can, get this information for, quote, performing, a member service under, Section, six o 4.15. If you can tell us what that would be. The. Gentleman from Lion. Yes. So, thank. You mr.. Chair mr., speaker. Represent. Of cortman so what that means is essentially, as a service, because, you're a member of the Association. You, you're part, of that association and because of that relationship that's, already developed between the Association, and the state, then. That's, how that works. Really. From Hennepin leader Hortman thank, you for presenting Basinski.

Would Yield to another question the gentleman will yield the lady from Hennepin I wonder. If what could be included in a member service would, be lobbying. The legislature, or. Engaging. In campaign, activities. Jenna. From Lion. That's. Not part of this bill so I don't know Thank. You mr. speaker, the lady from Hennepin Thank, You mr. speaker will represent a citizen skiff you could tell me a little bit about, Minnesota. Statute, six oh four point one five is that, member, services, of a particular. Kind, that, are enumerated in that statute. The. Gentleman from Lion. Mr. Speaker I believe it's, to do with looking up the. Information, when. A vehicle. Is a drive off the. Lead. From Hennepin leader Hartman okay, thank you mr. speaker. Representative. Izinski, I wonder also same question about the use of the vehicle, registration, data under, Minnesota, statute one sixty, eight point three four five is that a limited, provision, where the data can only be used for a certain purpose. The. Gentleman from Lion Mr, Speaker I represent apartment yes, is very limited, so there's. Only within, the office there's only one or two people that have, guarded, access, to, this information so, it's not even shared with any it's you know these are specific, employees, that do the lookup everything's, tracked so part. Of an earlier version of the bill was. That. We were trying to waive a fee because it actually saves. Local. Governments and the state of a lot of money so, a five dollar fee is paid per lookup and so, it's a very limited very tracked this, is not a free-for-all looking up information gathering. Different things at all this is very specific to. When. That situation happens from. Hennepin leader Horton Thank, You mr. speaker and represents, Basinski just one more question I think so. Representative, swedzinski under, this, bill. Then. What. I understand. You to say is that the petroleum, Marketing Association couldn't. Get a full download of, vehicle information and, use that and in electoral. Communications. Under the law, that we're passing today, the. Gentleman will yield the gentleman from Lion Thank, You mr. speaker it be my. Estimation. That they would be doing an illegal activity if that was taking place from. Hennepin leader harpin Thank You mr. speaker and Representatives paczynski. Discussion. To the bill House. File. 1876. The. Clerk, will take the roll. The. Clerk will close our all. They're being 122, eyes in three days the bill is passed and as title agreed to the, next bill on the calendar for the day is House file. 3232. The, clerk will report the bill. House. File number 32, 32 number, 7 on the calendar for the day an act, relating, to energy the second engrossment. The. Lady from right from Sam O'Neill two-year bill. Thank. You mr. speaker and members, first. I want to thank representative leukemias. For being on this bill with me it's not often that I get to share a bill for represent of a genious who is so, adept at doing energy policy, so thank you. Representative. Lily. Is not here he is also on the bill and you know he is recovering so I also think him even though he's not president, House. File 3232. Makes some small changes, to some legislation, that we enacted, in, 2017. Regarding, solar Awards we, actually in 2017. Extended, the solarii awards program by three years and we added 35, million dollars, to the program, and we, did that because we had phased out the maeda Minnesota solar program and this help kind of navigate. Through some of those changes. What. This bill does does it increase, increases. The allowable, project, size from. 40. Kilowatt so that mirrors though made a Minnesota solar program, but. They must be located on the same site, it. Also allows, a one-year, rollover, from this calendar. Year of 2018. Into the 2019. Calendar. Year. Of uncommitted. Money because. It's we're, almost by, the time this is unactive, we're gonna be halfway through the year and so there. Was a fear that they wouldn't be able to use all the money so they can use it in the following calendar year and after, that it would be returned. Back to the Renewable. Development, account after that. It. Also enact. Some changes, that if we do put this into law the utility, does not have to go back to the Department of Commerce and reapply. For the entire program so it streamlines that a little bit and reduces regulations, for the utility. And. Finally. Members it allows the, solar system, up, to 40 kilowatts, to be included, in the utilities, solar, mandate, for small solar we. Often. Call it rooftop. Solar but it doesn't have to be a rooftop, Thank. You members and that is what this bill does.

There. Is a ramp an amendment, at the desk the clerk will report the amendment. O'Neill. Moves to amend house I'll number 30 to 32, the second a gross one as follows, the amendment, has coated a to. The. Lady from writer observe O'Neill to your amendment, Thank. You mr. speaker and members and this is a technical, amendments and things that some. Of the nonpartisan staff picked, out and so it's just conforming, to some. Technical changes thank you. Discussion. To the amendment. All. In favor say aye. Opposed. Say no the amendment. Is, adopted. Now. To the, bill as amended, the clerk will give the bill Oh. The. Clerk will give the Beltzer reading third. Reading house saw number 32, 32 as amended. To. The bill as amended the late from Hennepin rep sebuah genious oh. Thank. You mr. speaker. Raising. To. 40 is, a, good idea for some of the, folks, who do installing. But. With. Opportunities. And additional, opportunities. Comes, additional. Responsibility. And, as. This, bill. Was being negotiated and. Folks. Were talking about the additional, responsibility, one of the things folks wanted, to do, was. Have a potential. For folks who were low income to. Also. Enjoy. The benefits, of solar and. That. Potential. Was not met, and we. Don't have peace in the valley and, this, is the kind of bill that should have peace in the valley before, it goes forward, and. I'm going to have to no vote, no because, we, don't have peace in the valley. Discussion. The way from Hennepin, leader, Hartman. Thank. You mr. speaker and members I rise to to join. Representable genious in opposing this bill there's. Part of it that I can completely, agree with but part of it is problematic, you, know over the last, several. Months there's been a stakeholder. Group that Excel participated. In with a number of stakeholders, discussing, what the. Unspent. Portion. Should be allocated to, and then, to come to the legislature, and change that allocation, I think kind of is an act in bad faith and, not. Consistent. With the work that they did through, the stakeholder. Group so while I have no problem with going from 20 to 40 and the, Minnesota companies, that will benefit from that I do have a problem with what representative. O'Neill has decided to do with the unspent, allocation, so I'll be voting against, the bill. Discussion. To the bill as the men of the lay from Dakota reps I make Wade Thank. You mr. speaker and members I won't belabor the point representative, Portman and representative Virginia has made the, points very clear and so while I do support the 2240 I cannot, support the the other parts of it and I will also be voting against the bill. Discussion. To the bill as amended. Lady. From right represent. O'Neill two-year bill, Thank. You mr. speaker and members and I would just point out that this was brought to me by the. Installers, in the solar industry themselves, and, they, are okay with that the, rollover, back to the RDA, so, I just want to point that out that I this is the first I've heard that anyone is unsatisfied, with this bill I had no one come to me I had no opposition well, we went through the committee process so, this is the first I've heard of it so thank you I look, for your support thank you. Discussion. To the bill as amended. House. File 3232, as amended. The. Clerk will take the roll on the bill as amended. The, clerk will close the roll. They're, being 79, eyes and, 44, nays the. Bill is passed as amended and. Its title agreed, to the. Next bill on the calendar for the day. Is. House file 41:57. The clerk will report the bill. House. File number 41 57. Number, 8 on the calendar for the day an act relating, to claims against, the state the first engrossment.

The. Jump from Olmstead, representative, qualms Thank. You mr. speaker and members it's, fairly short straightforward. Bill, there, are 26 lines that describe where the. Claims. Were. Dispersed. The. First section. Is, exonerations. There are three and they, followed all the prescribed. Procedures, and. Verifications. And checks and the. Amounts. Are. Consistent. With what's. In statute. Department. Of Revenue is the one odd thing in. That, someone, paid. Taxes. To Minnesota, that should have been paid to South Dakota that. Was discovered, and. What. He came out to be as they just wanted their dollars back, there. Is no penalty, no interest, nothing. Additional. And, then the Department of Corrections under normal. Department. Of Corrections claims and I'm here. For any questions, but I nothing. Controversial, came. Up this year that's, in this bill. Seeing. No amendments, the clerk will give the bill third reading third reading house Hall number 41 57, third reading, discussion, to the bill. The. Clerk will take the roll on the bill. The, clerk will close the roll. There, being a 125,000, 0 nays house, file, 41:57. Is passed and its title agreed, to, without. Objection we will revert to messages, from the Senate. Message. From the Senate mr. speaker I hereby. Announce the passes by the Senate of the following house file here, with returned as amended by the Senate in which amendments, the concurrence, of the house is respectfully. Requested, house, file number 30 to 80 and act relating, to the environment, and the messages signed Cal our lunamon Secretary. Of the Senate. Looook. Moved that the house refused, to concur in the Senate amendments. To house file number 32, 80 that, the speaker appoint a conference, committee of three members of the house and, that the house requests, that alike committee be appointed by the Senate to confer on the disagreeing, votes of the two houses. His emotions here they are. Chairman. Fabian. Thank. You mr. chair or mr. speaker yeah, we would, like to take this to conference committee we would not concur. All. In favor say aye. Opposed. Say nay motion. Prevails. Announced. By the speaker. Announcement. By the speaker the speaker announces, appointment, of the following members of the house to, a conference committee out of hostel number 32 80 low. Ik Fabian. And Metz up. Messages. From the Senate. Message. From the Senate Mr Speaker I hereby announce the passes by the Senate of the following house file here, with as amended. Return. As amended by the Senate which amendments the concurrence, of the house is respectfully. Requested, house file number 817. An act, relating, to public safety the, message is signed Cal are lunamon secretary. Of the senate, lunin. Moves with the house concur in, the Senate amendments. To House file number 817. And that the bill be repasts, as amended by the Senate, I. Recognize. The author. Representative. Lunin who will explain the Senate amendments. Thank. You mr. speaker members, this is the bill. Relating, to unauthorized, people. Accessing. ATMs. And gas. Pumps, and what. This bill does is makes, it illegal. Not only to access, the pumps but, to even attempt to access the pumps the, Senate. Changed. Some grammatical. Technicalities. On it nothing. That changed the flavor of the bill at all and, I move, to concur. Discussion. There. Being no further discussion. All in favor to, the motion to concur with the Senate amendment say aye, opposed. Say nay, the. Motion prevails the, clerk will give the bill third reading as amended by the Senate huh house, while number.

817, Third reading as amended by the Senate third. Reading as amended by the Senate, any. Further discussion. The. Clerk will take the roll. The. Clerk will close the roll. They're. Being 125, eyes and zero nays the. Bill is repass as amended by the senate and its title. Agreed. To messages, from the senate message, from the senate mr. speaker i hereby. Announce the passage, by the senate of the following house file here, with return as amended by the Senate in which amendments, the concurrence, of the house is respectfully. Requested, house, file number 1975. An act, relating, to municipal, contracting. The messages signed Cal are lunamon, Secretary, of the Senate, Vogel. Moves that the house concur in, the Senate amendments, the house file number 1975. And that the bill be repast, as amended by the Senate I. Recognize. The author represent, Vogel, who will explain the Senate amendments. Represent, bogel Thank. You mr. speaker members this. Is a bill we passed off the floor nearly unanimously, a few weeks ago the. Senate has changed, it because of another bill that we passed which, raised the threshold. For, public bidding from 100,000. To. 175,000. So, they changed, the language to make it consistent with the statute that drives, the public bidding for every other public. Contract, otherwise. It's exactly the same bill that we had. Discussion. Is. There any discussion to, the Senate amendments. All. In favor say aye. Opposed. Say no, the, motion prevails. Any. Further discussion. There. Being no further discussion. The. Clerk will give the row third reading third. Reading house all number 1975. As amended, by the Senate third. Reading. Any. Further discussion. The. Clerk will take the roll on the bill. That's, motion. The. Clerk will close the roll. There, being a hundred and twenty two eyes and, three nays the bills repast, as amended, by the Senate and its. Title agreed, to. Message. From the Senate Mr Speaker I hereby, announce the passage by the Senate of the following house file here, with returned as amended by the Senate in which amendments, the concurrence, of the house is respectfully. Requested, house, file number 36, 22 an act, relating, to insurance, the messages signed Cal are lunamon secretary. Of the senate Hoppe, moves that, the house concur in, the Senate amendments. To house whole number 36, 22 and that the bill be repast, as amended, by the Senate the, gem, from carver chairman Hoppe Thank. You mr. speaker mr., speaker and members we, are if. We concur with this amendment we, are making a technical, correction, to a cross reference in, the bill while, we were debating, this bill on the House floor somebody. From Securi unspotted. Referenced. It wasn't quite right they had corrected, that in the Senate the, Commerce Department, and all the involved. Parties are okay with it it passed the Senate unanimously I'd. Appreciate your support thank you is. There any discussion on the Senate amendments. All. In favor say aye. All. Those opposed say no. Motion. Prevails the, clerk will give the bills third reading.

Third. Reading house, file number 36, 22 as amended, by the Senate third. Reading as amended, by the Senate any, further, discussion. The. Clerk will take the roll. Oh. Members. Please vote. The. Clerk will close the roll. We're. So close I, wear some Hornstein volts I. There. Being a 125. Eyes and zero nays the. Bill is repast as amended by the Senate and the Tut its title agreed, to. Motions. And resolutions. There. Are copies of the non-controversial. Motions, at the House desk and online if. There is no objection we will take action on these motions first. Hear, you no objections, the, motion, prevails. Announcements. The. Gentleman, from Sherbourne, chair, Knobloch mr.. Speaker members the. Ways and Means Committee will, meet in room five room. Five at, three. O'clock room. Five at three o'clock. Announcements. The. Gentlemen from Hennepin, represent, Carlson, al mr.. Speaker being. At the DFL members usually, need meet prior, two ways and means today, we will not so. We'll join, you at what, time did you say three. O'clock. Delay. From our reps, no papi, Thank, You mr. speaker members this. Evening is the annual. I 90, coalition, event. It is the Bob, Gunther, party, but we all in, southern. Minnesota, invite. You welcome, you and hope that you are able to join us. Announcements. The. Gentleman from rock. Chairman. Shoemaker, Thank. You mr. speaker, the Health and Human Service Reform Committee will be having a joint hearing at 3:00 p.m. today in Capitol. 120. Further. Announcements. Majority. Leader Pepin Thank You mr. Speaker I move that when the house adjourns today it adjourns, until, 10:00 a.m. Thursday. Third 2018. Pepper. Moves that when the house adjourns today it adjourns until, 10 a.m. Thursday. May 3rd 20. And 18. All those in favor say aye. Opposed. Say nay. Motion. Prevails. Leader. Pepin I move that the house do now adjourn. Pepin, loose at the house do now adjourn all, those in favor say aye. Opposed. Say no. The. Motion prevails that the house stands adjourned till 10 a.m. Thursday, May 3rd 20. And 18.


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