How to Migrate Windows Workloads to Google Cloud Cloud Next ‘19 UK

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Good. Morning everyone and thanks. For joining us here today, one. Of the themes this week at the conference is about helping customers, do enterprise migration, and bringing those workloads to GCP as you. Probably heard Thomas talked about in the keynote yesterday we've. Really been investing, in lots of solutions to bring a whole variety of enterprise, applications. And workloads to. Google cloud in this. Session we're gonna take a deeper dive in one of those particular areas namely, Windows, and, hopefully you're, all running Windows and that's why you're here. Just. A quick housekeeping reminder. We really appreciate feedback so by at the end of the session please, enter in the app so. We can actually make sure we're making. Improvements over time. So. Joining me later on stage will be shauvik, and, Simon, I'm, going to start with a an, overview, of Windows. What, we're doing on TCP and why customers. Want to come to GCP for their Windows applications, and then, shauvik will walk you through the journey of bringing, those workloads actually, onto GCP talk, about some of the new capabilities and features in a little more detail and Simon, will have a number of demos to show you what we've been building. Now. When, you think about enterprise, workloads I, think most people recognize that there's a pretty large footprint, of Windows, running in your traditional enterprises, and we've, made it a priority for us here at GCP to, ensure that Windows, and the entire ecosystem, is, treated. As a first-class citizen, across. Our products in our platform. This. Started several years ago where, we started just adding capabilities, like basic Windows server images, in compute, engine but, we've been investing, in many other capabilities, over the years aimed, at operators. And infrastructure, admins as well, as developers, to again, ensure, that we have a whole set of capabilities, for anybody, who really wants to run Windows on the platform, so. Whether it's just running the operating system itself or. Now more recently starting, to have managed. Services, like ad or sequel server and. Just really rounding out the support that that's, that's available on, gee. So. With this investment, we've, now gotten to the point where we have many thousands, of customers, successfully. Running Windows and really, wanted to say thank you hopefully. Many of you are already customers, running, Windows on GCP but if not hopefully, you will be soon. So. Why are some people doing this you know traffics is an online, travel company, and they've. Actually had a pretty standard, public cloud use case they. Had. Spikes. In their traffic and so they wanted to be able to burst their windows were closed on the GCP, they've, been very successful here, and again this. Is the kind of use case that you might recognize, as, a pretty standard, public. Cloud use case. Volusion. Is another customer and for. Them they're in the e-commerce software, business, and what, they found is that they want to be able to take advantage of the broad infrastructure. Investment, that Google's been making it's. Difficult, for a lot of companies to actually continue to invest in the infrastructure, and they wanted to focus on their, core competence, on the, the on the software for their e-commerce, platform.

And So, relying, on the infrastructure we're providing allows us to each specialize, where we really have the, expertise, and core competence. But. These aren't the only reasons, so let's actually just take a couple minutes and look, at some additional reasons why customers, really, want to come to GCP for the winners applications. Now. Many, people it, starts with just lift, and shift this. Is probably the bare bones the basic approach, you, have some workloads you actually want to just run on the platform, and as. We've been talking about through this conference we're investing, in making sure we have the infrastructure as a service platform that's. Best-in-class. For, any of your lifting shift workloads. But. It's much more than, just lifting shift we. Look at everyone. Being on a modernization, journey, and when. You're looking at that path to, the the future that you're envisioning as you transform, your businesses, some. Applications, you will lift and shift others. You will choose to modernize, and what. You'll find what you'll see in some of the demos later today that Simon's, going to give is that, you can actually modernize. Some applications, including, windows without. Making any code changes and so. Our approach here is to meet customers, where they are allowing. You to decide on a per application basis, which, ones do you want to lift and shift which, ones do you want to modernize which. Ones you want to move to pass and it, applies whether you're running Linux or Windows. Independent. Of the operating system so. Beyond. And. So as you're looking on this modernization journey an important. Belief. That we have is that, we, want to have open ecosystems. Open. Software platforms, so, that there's no vendor lock-in so. While you may still be running Windows you, can come to GCP start, thinking about how do you integrate, with some of the open platforms, like anthos like. And. Kubernetes. This. Is all built to run on top of Google's. Infrastructure, we. Prioritize, reliability. And efficiency put. In a lot of essence, and scalability, and. We innovate a lot. This. Underlying, infrastructure, is, the, same large. Extent that powers eight, products, that Google has that, each has, over 1 billion users so, search YouTube ads that, is the same underlying infrastructure, that we've made many many years of investment and that's, available for, your. Windows workloads as well. Now. Part of that infrastructure, investment, is around innovation and, as, you heard in today's keynote when Sudhir and, Andrew talked about some of the investments, we're making around bigquery.

And Data analytics or around. Cloud AI, bringing. Your your Windows workloads, to GCP then. Allows you to plug into these other investments, that we're making and so, we're seeing a lot of customers want to be able to come to GCP because, they want to tap into those opportunities, and it. Provides, a full ecosystem for those that support. So. Hopefully. This just gives you a really quick overview of some of the things that people are considering, when deciding to move Windows 2 GCP but. At this point I want to introduce Joe Vic and Simon and they're gonna come up and get a little bit more into the meat of what's. Happening on Windows and particularly, the, journey some windows modernization. Thank. You jack. Hello. Everyone my name is shauvik, and i am part of the Google, compute engine product, management team and. As. Jack said. Earlier I'm going to walk you guys through some. Of the recent product improvements. That we have been making on our Windows platform, and in, context, of the typical customer journeys, that, we have seen a lot of our enterprise customers started executing on, win, for Windows on the GCB platform, and. In general that journey goes something, like this they. Start by trying, to get an understanding of, what they have on tram and, what is the best way of migrating. Them, to GCP in the mostly non disruptive way I'm going to talk about that once. They've migrated, the, questions are usually around how do we operate these workloads in TCP efficiently. And we, are going to talk about what. Capabilities we provide today and a number of really new exciting, if abilities that are going to get launched this, year and you, know in the early parts of next year, and lastly. When, customers, have started, running. Their operating workloads, on GCP the, next question then becomes how do I modernize, how do I move to a more. Kubernetes, serverless. World. Where I can take care advantage of the AI ml and additional capabilities, and be able to talk about and Simon, is able to shoot they were fed a few.

Ways Of making that happen rather, easily, on DCP. And. As, I get started I, wanted, to introduce, this application, called the dotnet petshop application. It's. Like, a very typical at, Windows application, we see in many many data centers written. Quite some time back not. Very well. And it is one, of the few things kind, of holding. You back and one of the some, of the application that are more difficult to modernize, and what. Simon is going to do today is to, walk you through how. You. Can modernize. This, particular, application using. The capability, that we have launched onto GCP, during. The demo okay. So. But, first how do we get started. The. First few, questions we get from our customers, is how, do I start like. Next. Question we get once we answer that is that how, much is it going to cost us everybody's. Aware of complexities, and the cost associated with Microsoft, licensing and, how do we think about that and how do we manage that as we move the GCP and then. Once. They have answered those questions the, questions become it's, a very tactical, kind, of questions. Regarding how do you actually migrate, those applications. Without, disrupting, the business users onto GCP and we are going to talk about all of them now. But. Before I get into the details I, just wanted to, point out this website called the migration, center the link is Google cloud that, slash migrate, which, is the central place for the repository, of a lot of the information, that. That we are going to refer to today and much more so, so, please reach. Out hit. This link to, get additional information, if you need. - the first question that customers, ask is what. Do we have in our environment right. What are the applications, how do they talk to each other. What, is their their physical, footprint, what, should be the right physical footprint, on GCP if, I move this application, what other applications, will break as we, as we, as. We. Migrate, to DCP and, that's. A very non-trivial, question, because. A lot of our customers have accumulated a portfolio. Of applications. And infrastructure, over many decades and just, going in and understanding, what they have, can. Be non-trivial and to. That purpose, what we have done is we have partnered very closely with a number of discovery, assessment, and planning to providers like cloud finish Vera's own risk, for cloud of ice and you can see most of them in the shore floor today and you. Can use these technologies with. The IP being sub, provided. To by you by Google for free to perform this assessment, for you and to, come back with crisp recommendations. On. How you should be moving forward. For. Example. Typically. The way this these products work you that install, them inside your VMware environment, or in the as. A as, a as an appliance inside, your data, center, and it will come out with very specific in, types, of information like how, different applications. Depend on each other right, it. Also comes up with recommendations, and, estimates, on how much cost, savings, you will you, will benefit from as, you move to Google Cloud and what. Type of configurations. Machine shapes and sizes etc, etc and, physical, infrastructure, you should be working on, DCP, so, again very helpful.

To Get started, and, all of these vendors or most of these vendors are in the today, find, them and talk to them and get started in this journey. No. Conversation, about Microsoft, usually, is complete. Without a discussion regarding their, licensing. And. We, are going to talk about one, of the biggest concerns that customers, have today regarding, microscope, my grading enterprise, workloads from one frame to GCP is the licensing, cost before. Getting into the details I just wanted to highlight couple, of key tenants, of the standard, Microsoft. Enterprise, licensing. Agreement, that many of you have and again. There is a caveat that we are not Microsoft, we, cannot associate Lea talked about the explicit, contract. That you have with Microsoft. That you'll have to talk to your procurement and financial, folks but we can talk about the general tenants. Of the standard Microsoft Enterprise Licensing, based on what what, we see publicly, available and, that, has two primary tenants, the tenants that. If, you buy if, you have bought an enterprise license from Microsoft, at some, point of time in the past let's, say decade-plus. There. Is a clause that compels. You to make. Sure that, the license you bought should. Be run on a piece of hardware that is fully dedicated to you and you, also has a tenant that once, you have applied, that hard license, to a piece of hardware that license. Cannot be moved from that particular Hardware for no less than 90, days unless. There is an exceptional, event like the hardware failure rates addressed of the. Challenge with these two clauses is that if you look, at any, public cloud including as your it. Functions. On a very, large pool of physical, Hardware with. VMs. Kind of running, around or running, on top of it and that's, provides, the scalability. And and. Benefits. And efficiencies, of the public cloud and that, ends our violating, these clauses so. What happens is that Microsoft sells, in a special type of license, called small licenses, for, running windows were closed on DCP. And, public clouds and. Slaw. License is great to get started, it's, also very efficient, for certain types of spiky workloads, but the challenge is it's, costly, especially. If, you have already a, ed, we're full of Windows licenses, you are using from unfair environments and your finance, team, or the procurement team, doesn't want to rebuy those licenses, again for running on flour, and. In. A typical scenario we, have seen that, the cost of running a Windows VM in a public cloud half, of that cost can potentially be licensing, cost right so, we have been working very hard to figure out what is the best way to enable, our customers, to, benefit. From cost efficiency, of the cloud without having to incur this extra cost and from. This year we have a special type of node which, is called the salton and BYO l node. This. Node is specially, architected, in a way so. That it, remains, dedicated to you or. Our enterprise, customers without. Any add other, customers, code touching, these physical servers and these. Physical servers not, the licenses allocated, with this physical servers not, moving around from server to server so. What it does is that it allows you to, meet the criterias, of enterprise. Licensing, agreement, the general enterprise Microsoft, licensing agreement.

And Start, bringing in Windows. And Microsoft sequel, and other licenses. To. GCP and. Not. Having to buy these, licenses, and it, has proved to be a huge enabler for many many of our enterprise customers, in. Migrating, traditional, Windows workloads. On, DCP. In context, of licensing. Costs that there's a couple of other things that I will highly I will, highlight there. Is a number of platform, features in DCP which actually makes it much, more efficient, to run. Microsoft. Workload, so my license cost perspective, on our platform, than others, one. Example is custom, VM share shapes and sizes like. You will as you, know many, Microsoft, applications, have based. On the number of whole licenses, and. If you have large chunky. Gaps in the types of VM shapes and sizes you can create what, happens is that you may have to over provision the size, of a VM and the number of cores and. Because. Of that you, may end up actually paying significantly. More on licensing. Especially, for the really costly applications, like Microsoft, sequel Enterprise, Server, DCP. On the other hand allows you to. Have. Custom, VM shapes but you can actually tightly. Fit the shape of a VM so, that the type of workload you are learning helping. You save many many thousands of dollars on licensing costs we, also have things like per second billing which basically means that you. Pay for these licenses, or Microsoft, sequel windows. Etc for. Exactly, the type of usage, that, you are doing not, anymore, not any less so, for example if you have this very spiky workload. That goes up and down at various times of the day rather, than having to buy. Licenses at, the highest watermark. Running. On GCP you can actually get the, license, savings, because it's just going to are charged you for the second that are using not, the highest licensing. Levels and there. Are many, other capabilities, like p.m. table VM slicer you know salting. And over comment that, helps in the licensing, for savings. Just, to show you the magnitude, of the cost-saving, that can be achieved by running these workloads on GCP this. Is an anonymized. Analysis, we did in from base on work. We are doing with a really, large European enterprise, customer, so. The. And as you can see when. We just picked up the standard VM shapes and sizes without applying. Any of these optimizations. On the licensing, cost side that we talked about their. Monthly cost was something. Like 1.4. Million euros and once. We start off light BYO L CPU, were comment etc, etc, the. Price came down to almost half of that so, the magnitude, of the savings can, be massive, right, but, we also understand, that it is really really complicated to figure out what is the optimal, way of migrating. Windows, were closed or Microsoft, workloads, in a license, of demise manner and that, is why we. Have been working with a number of our partners like. The discovery, assessment, and planning tool vendors so. That they can actually provide you automated, recommendations. On exactly, what is the way for, migrating these workloads that provides, you most efficiency, and most cost savings right so, again I would strongly recommend you to talk to this these. October. Partners, and deploy. Their tools to get a crisp understanding, of what is the art of possible, and what how much cost savings you can incur, when. Mike designing Microsoft work loss and DCP. So. Now that we have talked about how, to get started the. Next question that usually comes up is how do we how do we migrate applications. In a in a least destructive, way and, again I'll my colleague. Simon is going to show you a demo and the context of the demo is this old dotnet, pet shop application, and by, the way we by, the time we complete the migration and the modernization, we will have this application running in. Gke, using, cloud sequel, and Manus airy scaling. Up and down and doing all sorts of funny acrobatics, that's of course not possible what they have to do and on term right now it's. Up to you Simon. Thanks. To wick so. We, are going to talk, about migrating. The petshop dotnet. Application, to, GK. But it all comes in stages, first. Of all we need to make. Sure that our application. Basically. Runs on Google cloud platform let's, assume that the. Use, case is quite typical it runs on premises, and we.

Want To migrate it into Google cloud platform first. To run on the VMS. So. Basically, the goal is to, get from the stage. Where we have the application up and running on a VM on premises. In. Our case we took the original petshop application. Developed, over like 15 years ago it. All runs on. A VM was, the sequel server and IAS obviously, scaling, application, like that is really hard and we. Want to bring it to the point where it runs on kubernetes, engine, and. We. Can scale it much easier the, database, is going to be managed sequel server and so scaling. That is, basically. Google's, problem. Now because, it's a managed service and for. The front-end we are going to scale it on, kubernetes. Using. The tools, that you, might be already, using, for your other deployments. Which might run already on kubernetes. Ok. So first let's, talk about how do we migrate, the application, from on premises as is, to run on. Platform. On a VM so, the solution for that is migrate for compute, engine with. Migrate for compute engine, you. Can do riskless. Migration. From premises to, the cloud or also. Running from other clouds, and migrating, all, the way to Google, cloud platform it. Takes care, of everything it. Takes care of licensing, it takes care of security of. Drivers. Certain. Configurations. That are. Involving. Networking, so, everything. Is being, done by this solution and you, don't need to change the source code of the application that you were running on premises, it basically takes the. VM that might be running let's, say and we were and then. Moving. It to run on GCP. Additionally. You get the benefit, of testing. We. Recognize, that sometimes, you might run the workload, migrated, into the cloud and then figure, out that something is not working the, way that you, desire. So. You can safely, switch, it back to, run on-premises if needed this. Solution allows you to do, all of that so. Let's take a look. Ok, so the architecture, of the, solution, is this in, our case we run the. VMware. Farm, on-premises. There are multiple VMs in our case we are going to talk about the patch of VM. And, we, need to migrate this, into Google cloud platform so. We, need to establish a. Network, between Google, cloud platform and. Our. On-premises. Deployment. And. The. Component. That will help, us with this is Val, strata. Component. So there is a back-end side that, is installed in your VMware and there is a server-side component that, is installed on on. The Google cloud platform now. Once, this is done. What. We can do is basically do, the actual migration so, let me show you on. On. VMware, how we can do it, ok. So, what. You can see here this is the, actual on-premises. Deployment. That I have in, this case we have two VMs with Windows, now. The actual, migration takes, some time, so. I already migrated, one. Of the VMS. To kind of show you the end result but basically. It. Can and, it can be as little as 10 minutes to get, this from. On-premises, to run Google Cloud and. What. You need to do once you have this VM and once you have the component, of well, Strada installed. You. Get this additional. Menu, called well strut operations, well a strata is the former name of migrate.

For Compute, engine and then. Here, you have multiple options you, can run the VM in the cloud so. That the storage is still going to be on premises, maybe. For testing purposes, and some other. Reasons, that you might have or, you can do the actual migration or. You. Can test. Them. The migration, and then move back this solution also knows how to deal. With dependencies. So if you might have multiple VMs, so. Your cluster, is composed from multiple. VMs at my run your. Application, you, can define, the. Topology of, your, deployment. And then the estrada will move it in. The right order so that all the dependencies, are preserved, so, in. This, case. I'm. Having, this batch of application, running on the first, VM. And this is running, on premises, and just. To save on some time I already, migrated. The second, one this is just the copy of the first one. So. This copy, is already, running in the cloud and, then. If we want some sort of proof of that. Okay. Just. This, is the. This. Is the VM that we. Actually migrate it and you can see that it's actually. Deployed into a Google cloud platform, all. Right so let's get back to slides. Okay thanks Simon so. Now we are going to talk a little bit about how do we operate, or help our customers, operate. Large. Windows environments, on GCP, and. As. We start this discussion a few questions. That come, up frequently, is how do I start or deploy new applications, how secure, is it how does it perform how, do I manage my application, so on and so forth and the. Great news is that we provide customers, a large number of options to execute. In all of the above, as. You can see we. Provide, and have, been providing for for. Quite a few number of years a large library of Google. Engineers and Google optimized, Windows. And sequel images, in the, GCP, Pantheon console, you, can actually just go in there and spin, up these images, and. Start using them immediately there. They. Have licenses, built in if that's what you want to use and, they. Also are. Supported. By Google as in, let's say if you have a challenge with any of these images you. Don't have to call Microsoft, Google. Will be the single point of contact for providing any support, and we have very, high. Quality agreements. With Microsoft, on how to how, to. Debug. And work through issues in the in the uncommon. Unfortunate. Event, well it is that you may encounter a problem so, you will not be going to have to work within Google and Microsoft to, get resolution to your issues, in. Case you do not get the. Types of images that we are looking for we, also provide, an extensive market, place for you, to spin up additional, applications. That, are on the Windows, platform and, the, great thing about the marketplace solutions, is that the overall. Monthly. Billing for. These solutions are all integrated, with the DCP billing so you are not going to have to do contracting. And pricing, and billing with each of these vendors individually. It's all packaged, together tightly. As part, of the single platform. As. No. Discussion. About windows is complete. Without this upcoming. End-of-life of Windows Server 2008. And at, Google who have done a number of things to, make it easier for our customers to navigate this. Event for. Example if you have Windows 2008. Images. Running on GCP we, actually provide multiple. Options. Of doing in place upgrades, so, you can say hey I want to upgrade this image on Windows 2008. To something else you click a few buttons it's, done and in. Case you don't want to upgrade you. Can keep running at your own risk on on. GCP wouldn't stop you it's, just that we. Will recommend you to upgrade at your fav and pay your own pace when you are ready. We. Have a number of security features like shielded VMs. Which. Protects. You from malicious. Rootkit, and good key type of attacks. If, that is what you need in addition to the variety of additional, security capabilities. That are part of the world is ep platform. One. Of the key differentiators, of, GCP is live, migration which. Basically means that you know VMs can, move from pools. Of physical, Hardware across. Because, of maintenance and other reasons, without. Any disruption, to the usage so that the servers. Are not rebooted, and that's, a bigger advantage in many situations, for Windows workloads, because, Windows servers, take more time and are more susceptible to. To. Having challenging situations, if they are rebooted, and that, that, that reason is kind of taken away with our live migration technology.

Additional. Capabilities, that we have announced this year and are going to be available to you sometime. Early next year are things like patch, and config management, this, provides a single console, for you to look at all your VMs windows. As well as Linux and others which, tells you what is, the state of those VMs compared. To patching, and configure, a are, the configurations of, those VMs drifted, from maybe a standard configuration, you have set for your, VM choosing perfect chef or some of this conflict management tools, like that and really, automates, and simplifies, the way of managing, large, full of VMs on GCP. We. Are also very happy to announce the availability of managed, sequel services on on, GCP and my colleague Simon is going to talk about that and show you a quick demo of how to get that started, Thank. You Subic, so. With manage sequel, server you, get the option, to focus. On deployment, development, of your cycle. Server database, and offset, all the management, procedures. Into Google cloud platform there. Are three tenants, that we offer first, is compatibility. With. Compatibility. You get the. Same tool set that you were using before such, as sequel server management, studio. And. All, sequel, sequel Cindy or others, to work with your sequel server it, all works you just continue to use the same tools but, the, sequel. Server that you're using is going to be managed sequel server by Google, it. Is fully managed service so you don't need to deal with patching. Replications. Scaling. And other. Procedures, such as backups. And. The restores. We. Offer high availability over, three, nines of SLA, and this. Service. Complements. Our other managed. Sequel services, for Postgres, and my, sequel, so, let's see a quick demo of how we, can, get. Started with, manage. Cycle server, so. In order to access the, manage sequel server page on Google cloud platform I'm going, into, the sequel. Pane. And.

Here. I already have a few databases but, let me show you how you can create the new one so you just go to the create instance, and now. That we introduce the better of manage sequel server you have the option to choose a. Sequel. Server. So. In this case we are trying, to create a new sequel server instance, you just give, it a name. Okay. Then you need to give it a password now, this password is, for the user that's going to be administrative. User from your side so. Google administers. The sequel server itself, but you need admin. User to be able to manage your databases, so, this is where you set the password for that user and, the user name in this case it's going to be cycle server that's the default. Then. You choose the region in the zone where it is going to be located you can expose, it using, public IP or you can live. It only with private IP so, that only, your cloud instances, will be able to access it you can, also choose the. Sequel. Server, version. That you want to work, with as well as its configuration. If. You have any particular. Configurations. For your sequel, server instances. You can set, these flags over here and. Moreover. We said that this is a managed service and so here. You can decide. When, the maintenance tasks, are going to be performed, by Google, for your sequel, server instance, so, in this case I can, check any. Any. Time that. I want or time window and. Proceed. So. This, operation will take a little bit to create, but we already have a few instances, that. I pre created for you and so, let's try to see, what I can do with the existing instances, so, I'm entering the, instance. Where we are going to deploy. All our petshop databases, and so. You can see here, it, gives me all the details, of how I can connect into that instance. Using. The in this case the service, account for. Authentication. I can. Create users. Okay, from the portal I. Can. Also create new databases, and I can import, my existing, databases so in this case we. Are going to import existing databases, so, let's do import, and this is basically the restore, that. You, all know from, the sequel server, so. I can restore from anywhere, but in this case I already uploaded. Some, of the backups for a batch of application. Into my storage. Bucket on google cloud and so, I can, just find. These. Backups. And. Restore. Them. Okay. I can give it a name. And hit, on import. So. What, is happening now is that my, database, is being. Restored, and then I will be able to access this database using. The same tool set that you all know so let's try to actually, access this. Sequel. Server instance, and maybe explore. One of the databases that I already pre-created, using. Let's, say sequel, server management. Studio ok. The tool that.

You. Often use for working with databases. With. Single databases so, one important. Thing that, we want to ensure is that the, connection, that you are making to. Your managed sequel server database, is secure. Connection, and so, we created this sequel proxy, that allows you to to. Make sure that the connection is secure, so, I already downloaded this, proxy. It. Is open. Source component, developer, on github. As well as Google documentation. So in. Order to connect to my database all I need to do is type cloud sequel, proxy, and then, provide, the instance, to, which I want to connect as well, as the. Credentials. From. Google cloud cloud, platforms, perspective, to be able to authenticate against that database so. In this case I don't provide, credentials, explicitly. Because I, already, have my service account set up on my machine and so it. Will just use the. Service account. So. We start the proxy, and, what. It will do it will make sure that the connection, is secure it, will use as a cell and it will make, my. Computer thing, that I am working against database, on the localhost so. Now it says ready, for a new connection so what I can do is just go into a. Connection. Pane. Hit. My, password. Click. Connect and. In. A short moment it should get. Us going, against. The sickle server that, we created. And, here. You. Can explore and see all the databases already, restored. All, the patch of databases, that we'll need in the future in order to modernize our application. So. This. Is really helpful too, to. Get, into. The state that you can work against your sequel, server but. Offset, all of the management capabilities, to, Google cloud platform so. Let's get back to slides. Ok. Now the service, that we are, going. To announce is manage. Active. Directory, we. Know that many. Of the, companies. That use Google cloud. They. Use Active, Directory for. Identity management and so, one of the common asks, was how to get out. Of, the. Business of dealing with all the patching. And upgrades, and security, issues on. Domain controllers, and focus only on the management, of the identities. So, this is along, the similar lines of manage, sequel server except, that in this case we are going to deal with, managing. Identities. Using Active, Directory, so. You can connect. Your existing, domain into. This manage, Active Directory domain, you. Can also create a new Active. Directory domain. On Google. Cloud and then manage. Identities, over there you. Can also, establish. A. Trust. Relationships. And automate. All of the Active, Directory ongoing. Operations, on domain controller, by. Just using this service. So, let's see a quick demo of it. Okay. So. With Active. Directory managed. All. You need to do is go to security and. One. Of the options you get there is manage Microsoft, ad. When. We get here, we have two options we can either manage existing domain, or we, can create a new Active, Directory domain, so. Let's see how the creation works. In. Creation, I just provide the fully. Qualified domain name I provide. The network, range on which this. This. Is going to be available I can. Create it in particular region. And, I also. Use. The. User called setup admin this is the. Most. Privileged. User that you get from Google Cloud on the new established, domain and then, you can use that user to do all the operations, and, maybe some. Delegation, to additional, users that you will use to manage, your domain. Once. The domain is created, and this operation is really. Taking. Some time it will be about 40 minutes to create a new domain, but. Once that is created. You. Can basically manage, the. Domain using the same set of tools such. As for example Active. Directory users and computers, ok. So this is this domain that I created and. All. Of the machines, that you add, into this domain will be added, under cloud computers, and then, you can create users, and basically, do whatever you, typically. Doing against, the Active, Directory domain. Alright. Thanks. Let's. Get back to slides. Okay, thanks. Simon let's quickly talk about modernization. So. Once you have got your applications, up and running on GCP, you, will find that DCP provides a large number of tools for modernizing, your applications, starting. Four from. Kubernetes. Can't. Manage kubernetes, options, for converting, your Windows VMs into GCP we. Also provide, extensive, set of dotnet, client libraries that, basically wrap all, GCP, API they're available for building any applications, on our platform, if, you are a Developer, and you're more familiar with Visual Studio and want to continue to use that we. Provide, a large number of plugins for the video studio to, make it easy for you to build as well as to debug your applications. On. Visual. Studio and. We. Got net and dotnet core, so. I would actually request. Simon. To show another quick demo of Windows. Server containers. On gke. Simon. Thank. You Subic, so.

What. We are going to do now is try, to do the final stage of our modernization, journey. And basically, take our. Application. To google, kubernetes. Engine, in. Order to do that we. Need to deal. With basically, two things. That. Were. Part, of the existence of the existing application, one, is take. The sequel server that. Was running on premises, and make sure that we, now work against, the sequel server managed, so. Our application, and this is a dotnet application. It will. It. Is using connection, string to work against, sequel. Server on premises we need to change that to work against. Sequel server managed and then. The second step we need to take our existing. VM. And containerize. It so that we can run it on Windows nodes, in, kubernetes. Engine, so, let's see this set. Of steps that we need to do to get this to to, work. Okay. So. Basically. What what, we need to do first we mentioned. That our sequel. Server by. Default was. Sequel. Server on-premises, and our application is using the. Connection. Strings to connect the sequel server so, I already change this so. That instead of working on premises, it will work against. Our managed sequel server now, in the previous demo I showed you that we will need to use the. Proxy, in order to make sure that our communication. With manage cycle server is secure but, that will also make, our. Front-end. Thing that it works against, the, localhost, so I already updated, the server. To be, the. Localhost, as well, as username. And an, password which is part of automated, process, to obey the password, and so. Now we need to build container, images, to. Get this going so. We. Are going to first. Dock. Your eyes the, sequel, proxy, that, we need to run against, manage sequel server so this is the. Simple, docker. File that we can use for that we, base off of Microsoft's. Image. For. Windows. We. Add this cloud sequel, proxy, into that image, and we just run the same command that I showed, you in in, the previous demo of mystical. Server. Next. Step I need to containerize. My application. Now. My, application, is a, simple is, application. From many many years ago and so, docker I think this application, is really simple I can just base off of Microsoft's.

Image This. Application, was dotnet, framework 2.0. And this, is part of Microsoft, SP net 3.5. Base. Image, we. Get. Into the work directory, of IAS, and we copy the content, of our application. Into our. Docker container, so. These are the docker, files that we need in order to containerize, now. We, need to build, container, images and, deploy. This into kubernetes engine. So, in order to build the container images I'll. Show you. The. Command that we need that, we need to run, it's. Just docker built if you. Want to build container, images on Google cloud, platform we, provide VM, images, that, already count with docker so you can build your container. Images on. GC. VMs, and the. Command that you need to run is docker, builds, you, need to target and, similarly. We, need to build the sequel, proxy, command. Then. We need to push this, images. Into, container registry with, docker, push and the, last step we need to deploy. Now. In order to deploy. We. Need to use the, familiar kubernetes. Manifest. File and there, is a lot of boilerplate here, but really the important, step is that, we need to make sure that it runs on kubernetes, on windows. Nodes ok. This is really important, because our, two. Containers, that run, together on the same port they all, need to be on the windows node so this is the important part. Once, this, is done what we can do is just deploy, this application. Into. Kubernetes using, cube CTL apply and. When. This is done we eventually, get, into, application. Working on kubernetes. Engine, and just to kind of make sure that this is the case, we. Can do. Let's. Say get pods. Okay. And it, show it is, showing me that there are two instances. Of this, patch up application, up and running and if, you want to scale that it is as simple as saying something like cube CTL. Scale. Deployment. Is. With sidecar. Replicas. Equals, let's say five and then, basically. When I heat that it will scale my application. So just to recap let's. Get back to slides. Even. Applications. Which are really really old, and you don't want, to change their source code there is still a pathway for them to be modernized, and moving, to kubernetes, so that you can use the same set of tools, to scale.

The, Legacy. Application, just like you will do normally. With the cloud native applications. Thanks, thanks I meant so, let's quickly. Wrap. So. What we talked today is. You'll. See that we GCP, provides a large number of capabilities, for. Managing, windows. Applications, better in. Case it cannot be containerized. In. Case of an application, can be container, eyes assignment. Showed you it. Is very easy to get them onto GCP start and as well as use services, like manage, a daemon a sequel to make it much more efficient. If. The application. You have can. Actually be converted, to from, dotnet core you can actually run those applications, on dotnet core running on linux making, that even more open and even more efficient, and finally. If you have an application that can be rewritten all, you want to rewrite that we provide a very large, set. Of dotnet. Libraries, as well as video studio. Capabilities. And ports and integrations, to make writing those things easier taking, advantage, of App Engine and cloud run right so doesn't really matter where your application, fits in where you are we, are a good solution for you to get started in modern, journey, with windows, and. Again to, rap you, have seen our commitment, our strong, commitment to building on the application, roadmap on Windows, reliability. Of good, Google. Overall. Is, inherited, by any Windows applications, you are running on DCP we. Are we already have a large set of capabilities that, we are and as you can see from the just a set of capabilities we have announced in 2019. We keep on investing, and. We. Have thousands, of customers, already. Running Windows. On GCP so you won't be alone right it's a safe choice and, put, you in a path towards, modernization, we, are much more open non. Licensing. Restricted, world thank. You very much I don't think we have time for questions now, but, we will be waiting right outside. To. Take your questions, thank, you very much. You.


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