Flourish Design Paradigms for Our Planetary Emergency Book by Michael Pawlyn and Sarah Ichioka

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flourish a visionary new understanding of  happiness and well-being by martin seligman   as always we're going to kick it off with a quote  this book will help you flourish there i have   finally said it i have spent my professional  life avoiding unguarded promises like this one   i am a research scientist and a conservative one  at that the appeal of what i write comes from the   fact that it is grounded in careful science  statistical tests validated questionnaires   thoroughly researched exercises in large  representative samples in contrast to pop   psychology and the bulk of self-improvement my  writings are believable because of the underlying   science end quote that is martin seligman from  flourish martin seligman is one of the founding   fathers of the positive psychology movement and  this is the third note we've done on one of his   books check out the notes on his other classics  learned optimism and authentic happiness for   more science of happiness goodness i got this book  the day it was released and i highly recommend it   it's an interesting and inspiring mix  of personally practical scientifically   grounded wisdom in an inspiring public policy  call to action on what's possible in education   government and business as always we're  going to focus on a handful of my favorite   practical big ideas stuff that we can immediately  apply to our lives we'll barely scratch the   surface of this great book if you're feeling  it i think you'll love it so go get it for now   let's jump in with the first big idea  authentic happiness theory to well-being theory   quote i used to think that the topic of positive  psychology was happiness that the gold standard   for measuring happiness was life satisfaction  and that the goal of positive psychology   was to increase life satisfaction i now think that  the topic of positive psychology as well being   that the gold standard for measuring well-being  is flourishing and that the goal of positive   psychology is to increase flourishing  this theory which i call well-being theory   is very different from authentic happiness theory  and the difference requires explanation end quote   an essential theme of this book is establishing  the next version of positive psychology   what i'll call positive psychology 2.0 whereas  positive psychology 1.0 was focused on authentic   happiness the title of seligman's last book  positive psychology 2.0 is all about well-being   in the note i have a handy dandy little chart  from the book that helps us capture the difference   authentic happiness theory the topic was happiness  the measure was life satisfaction and the goal   was to increase life satisfaction whereas with  well-being theory the topic as well being the   measures are positive emotion engagement meaning  positive relationships and accomplishment and the   goal is to increase flourishing by increasing  positive emotion engagement meaning positive   relationships and accomplishment check out  the note for that you can actually look at   it and reflect on it a little bit more but the  biggest thing we need to know about the shift from   authentic happiness theory to well-being theory  is that we've got to keep in mind the acronym   perma which leads to the next big idea perma  start with a quote here then is well-being   theory well-being is a construct and well-being  not happiness is the topic of positive psychology   well-being has five measurable elements  p-e-r-m-a perma that count toward it   the p is for positive emotion of which happiness  and life satisfaction are all aspects the e   is for engagement the r for relationships the m  for meaning and the a for achievement no element   defines well-being but each contributes to it end  quote so as we strive to develop our well-being   and flourish we want to keep perma in mind  positive emotion engagement relationships meaning   and achievement now let's look at some big  ideas in how we can rock our perma shall we that leads us to the next big idea strengths and  virtues quote in authentic happiness theory the   strengths and virtues kindness social intelligence  humor courage integrity and the like there are 24   of them are the supports for engagement you  go into flow when your highest strengths are   deployed to meet the highest challenges that come  your way in well-being theory these 24 strengths   underpin all five elements not just engagement  deploying your highest strengths leads to   more positive emotion to more meaning to more  accomplishment into better relationships end quote   strengths and virtues we talk about them a lot  before we go any further have you taken the   strengths assessment at authentichappiness.org if  you only get one thing out of all these notes i'd   recommend you identify your signature strengths  and figure out how you can engage in them more   often in your day-to-day life it's that big so get  on over to authentichappiness.org and take the via   survey of character strengths test you'll find  that in the middle of the page you'll be in good   company as you do that as over 1 million people  from 200 plus countries have taken the test so far   once you've taken that test come back to the  pdf note and capture your signature string so   i created some space you can write down your five  signature strengths once you've identified those   you want to schedule time over the next month when  you can put those strengths into action reflect on   how you can put those strengths into action  the whole basis of authentic happiness   was that we need to discover and use  our signature strengths often that's a   core component to happiness we do so in the  service to something bigger than ourselves we   have a truly meaningful life it's really really  powerful stuff so get on that what are your five   signature strengths know them and use them as you  do that we'll move on to the next big idea what   went well exercise quote every night for the  week set aside 10 minutes before you go to sleep   write down three things that went well today and  why they went well you may use a journal or your   computer to write about events but it is important  that you have a physical record of what you wrote   the three things need not be earth shaking  in importance could be my husband picked up   my favorite ice cream for dessert on the way  home from work today or they can be important   my sister just gave birth to a healthy baby boy  next to each positive event answered the question   why did this happen for example if you wrote that  your husband picked up ice cream right because my   husband is really thoughtful sometimes or because  i remembered to call him from work and remind him   to stop by the grocery store or if you write my  sister gave birth to a healthy baby boy you might   pick as the cause god was looking out for her  or she did everything right during her pregnancy   writing about why the positive events in your  life happened may seem awkward at first but please   stick with it for one week it will get easier  the odds are that you will be far less depressed   and you'll be happier and addicted to this  exercise six months from now end quote   seligman outlines a number of awesome positive  psychology exercises that we scientifically know   boost happiness this one's big let's get the ball  rolling right now what went well today for you   think about that again in the note i've got some  space where you can actually write this down what   went well for you today number one and why did  it go well do that for two and then three things   then think about doing that every day for a week  i'm like five days into it right now i just read   the book and i'm recording the note and i love  it this is a great practice it's kind of like the   journal gratitude journaling but uh on organic  growth hormone or something it's just really   really good stuff so try it out pretty please for  now we will move on to the next big idea dealing   with it quote think about abraham lincoln  and winston churchill two severe depressives   they were both enormously well-functioning  human beings who dealt with their   black dogs and their suicidal thoughts lincoln  came close to killing himself in january 1841   both learned to function extremely well even when  they were massively depressed so one thing that   clinical psychology needs to develop in light of  the heritable stubbornness of human pathologies   is a psychology of dealing with it we need to tell  our patients look the truth is that many days no   matter how successful we are in therapy you will  wake up feeling blue and thinking life is hopeless   your job is not only to fight these feelings but  also to live heroically functioning well even when   you are very sad end quote amen to that seligman  offers this wisdom in the context of sharing his   own challenges with pessimism telling us that  quote strong biological underpinnings predispose   some of us to sadness anxiety and anger and that  it is likely that these traits can quote can only   be ameliorated not wholly eliminated end quote  that's really important we've got to realize that   for many of us me included we're never going  to totally get rid of the unpleasant thoughts   and feelings can you believe that someone  as successful as seligman still wakes up   some mornings hearing voices that tell him he's a  failure and that his life is not worth living yup   and as we realize the fact that those gremlins  are going to be there throughout our lives   our job becomes as seligman puts it  quote not only to fight these feelings   but also to live heroically functioning  well even when you are very sad end quote   it's powerful stuff reminds me of the wisdom from  constructive living see those notes where david   reynolds tells us quote the mature human being  goes about doing what needs to be done regardless   of whether that person feels great or terrible  knowing that you are the kind of person with that   kind of self-control brings all the satisfaction  and confidence you will ever need even on days   when the satisfaction and confidence just aren't  there you can get the job done anyway end quote so   here's to living heroically and doing what needs  to be done regardless of whether we're feeling   great or terrible the next big idea is called  more abcs quote first students learn the abc model   how beliefs be about an adversity a and not the  adversity itself cause the consequent c feelings   this is a point of major insight for students  emotions don't follow inexorably from external   events but from what you think about those events  and you can actually change what you think end   quote the abcs of effective living we talk about  this all the time beliefs be about an adversity   a and not the adversity itself caused the  consequent c feelings those abcs are the   first things students at a school in australia  learned from seligman and his team who introduced   positive education into the curriculum if you're  an educator i highly recommend you get the book   just to see how they integrated this wisdom  into a school environment it's super inspiring   back to you how are your abc's are you  blaming an adversity for your emotional state   or do you realize it's your  beliefs about that challenge   that are determining how you feel as always let's  step in between stimulus and response and choose   a more empowering set of  beliefs about what's going on and that brings us to the next big idea character  in 10 000 hours quote erickson has argued that the   cornerstone of all high expertise is not god-given  genius but deliberate practice the amount of time   and energy you spend in deliberate practice mozart  was mozart not primarily because he had a unique   gift for music but because from toddlerhood  he spent all his time using his gift   world-class chess players are not faster of  thought nor do they have unusually good memories   for moves they have so much experience that they  are vastly better at recognizing patterns in chess   positions than lesser chess players and this  comes from the sheer amount of their experience   world-class piano soloists logged 10 000 hours  of solo practice by age 20. in contrast to 5  

000 hours for the next level of pianist and in  contrast to 2000 hours for merely serious amateur   pianists the prototype of deliberate practice  is one of erickson's graduate students choalu   who holds the guinness world record for  the amazing number of pie he memorized 67   890 the advice that follows is straightforward  if you want to become world-class at anything you   must spend 60 hours a week on it for 10 years what  determines how much time and deliberate practice   a child is willing to devote to achievement  nothing less than her character end quote   seligman dedicates a chapter to  grit character and achievement   where he describes the work done by one of his  students angela lee duckworth it's brilliant click   in the pdf you can click on a little link to uh  to watch the video of her speaking at a tedx talk   or you can google grit plus duckworth plus ted to  check it out it's essentially grit is essentially   intense passion plus intense persistence it's  the stuff greatness is made of really cool   here's how seligman puts it quote if we  want to maximize the achievement of children   we need to promote self-discipline my favorite  social psychologist roy baumeister believes it   is the queen of all the virtues the strength  that enables the rest of the strengths there   is however an extreme trait of self-discipline  grit indeed angela went on to explore a grittiness   the combination of very high persistence  and high passion for an objective end quote   ps for more goodness on the hard  work required to achieve greatness   check out the notes on mindset the talent code and  talent is overrated for now we'll move on to the   next big idea optimus versus pessimists quote we  wanted to find out who never became helpless so we   looked systematically at the way that the people  whom we could not make helpless interpreted bad   events we found that people who believe that the  cause of setbacks in their lives are temporary   changeable and local do not become helpless  readily in the laboratory when assailed with   inescapable noise in the laboratory or with  rejection and love they think it's going away   quickly i can do something about it and it's just  this one situation they bounce back quickly from   setbacks and they do not take a setback at work  home we call them optimists conversely people who   habitually think it's going to last forever it's  going to undermine everything and there's nothing   i can do about it become helpless readily in the  laboratory they do not bounce back from defeat   and they take their marital problems into  their jobs we call them pessimists end quote   seligman wrote an entire book on the difference  between optimus and pessimist called learned   optimism check out those notes where he describes  the relationship between learned helplessness   and explanatory styles this way quote learned  helplessness is the giving up reaction the   quitting response that follows from the belief  that whatever you do doesn't matter explanatory   style is the manner in which you habitually  explain to yourself why events happen it is   the great modulator of learned helplessness an  optimistic explanatory style stops helplessness   whereas a pessimistic explanatory style spreads  helplessness end quote the very good news is that   we can learn to be optimistic seligman puts it  this way quote unlike dieting learned optimism   is easy to maintain once you start once you get  into the habit of disputing negative beliefs   your daily life will run much better and you  will feel much happier end quote while sonia   liberski puts it this way in her great book the  how of happiness see those notes she says quote   all that is required to become an optimist is  to have the goal and to practice it the more you   rehearse optimistic thoughts the more natural and  ingrained they will become with time they will be   part of you and you will have made yourself into  an altogether different person end quote so here's   to getting our optimism on we've got all kinds of  big ideas throughout these notes on how to do it   so see those ones for ideas but just know you  can do it and know how important it is to shift   from being a pessimist to an optimist for now  we'll move on to the final big idea here measuring   gdp versus well-being quote gross domestic product  measures the volume of goods and services that are   produced and consumed in any events that increase  that volume increase the gdp it does not matter   if those events happen to decrease the quality of  life every time there is a divorce the gdp goes up   every time two automobiles collide the gdp goes up  the more people who scarf down antidepressants the   more the gdp goes up more police protection  and longer commutes to work raise the gdp   even though they may lower the quality  of life economists humorlessly call these   regrettables cigarette sales and casino profits  are included in the gdp some entire industries   such as law psychotherapy and drugs prosper  as misery increases this is not to say that   lawyers psychotherapists and drug companies are  bad but rather that gdp is blind when it comes to   whether it is human suffering or human thriving  that increases the volume of goods and services   this divergence between well-being and gross  domestic product can be quantified life   satisfaction in the united states has been flat  for 50 years even though gdp has tripled even   scarier measures of ill-being have not declined  as gross domestic product has increased they've   gotten much worse depression rates have increased  tenfold over the last 50 years in the united   states this is true of every wealthy nation and  importantly it is not of poor nations end quote   now i included this passage here because frankly  i never knew what went into the gdp calculation   my hunches you might not have known the details  either this is all part of a much longer chat   we don't have the space to go into here but  seligman concludes the book with a chapter called   the politics and economics of well-being where he  talks about the opportunities of positive business   and the need to find a better way to keep score  of how we're doing on a national and global level   that combines both wealth and well-being he calls  it the quote new prosperity really powerful stuff   the bottom line we need to make the cultivation  of well-being an integral part of every aspect of   our lives and culture from business and media to  government and education so here's to being the   change and changing the world in the process that  is a very quick look at this great book flourish   by martin seligman let's take a quick look  at martin's bio and then a couple other notes   i think you'd enjoy if you like this one and  some great quotes from the sidebar first martin   seligman phd is author of the bestseller  authentic happiness and learned optimism   among others his work in positive psychology has  been supported by the national institute of mental   health in a number of other organizations he is  the zellerbach family professor of psychology   at the university of pennsylvania and lives near  philadelphia with his family that's from the book   if you enjoyed this note i think you'll also  really enjoy the notes on two of his other   books authentic happiness and learned  optimism plus some other great positive   psychology classics the how of happiness  the happiness hypothesis happier and flow these quotes from the sidebar are all from  seligman i believe i'll let you know if one is not   he tells us but what is wealth for anyway   the goal of wealth in my view is not just to  produce more wealth but to engender flourishing he says we estimate that being in the upper  quartile of optimism seems to have a beneficial   effect on cardiovascular risk roughly equivalent  to not smoking two packs of cigarettes daily   it's pretty amazing we estimate that  being in the upper quartile of optimism   seems to have a beneficial effect on  cardiovascular risk roughly equivalent   to not smoking two packs of cigarettes daily i  didn't go into this in the note but he goes off   on the health benefits of optimism and general  well-being every aspect of your health is affected   by how you are feeling and how you are showing up  on this perma scale of well-being get the book for   more moving on he says as nietzsche tells us  good philosophy always says change your life   he tells us in the 19th century politics  morality and psychology were all about character   by some estimates depression is about 10  times more common now than it was 50 years ago self-discipline out predicts iq for  academic success by a factor of two we scientists have found that doing a kindness  produces the single most reliable momentary   increase in well-being of any exercise  we have tested here's the exercise find   one wholly unexpected kind thing to do tomorrow  and just do it notice what happens to your mood is there someone in your life whom you would feel  comfortable phoning at four in the morning to tell   your troubles to if your answer is yes you will  likely live longer than someone whose answer is no   that by the way is because of the r relationships  in the perma equation moving on the entire thrust   of this book is that optimal performance is  tied to good well-being the higher the positive   morale the better the performance and finally the  goal of positive psychology in well-being theory   is to increase the amount of flourishing in your  own life and on the planet there you go that is   a quick look at flourish a visionary new  understanding of happiness and well-being   by martin seligman i really hope you enjoyed it  again think about the big idea that most resonates   with you and figure out how you can bring it into  your life in a practical way hope you enjoyed   thanks for your support look forward to sharing  more with you soon have another awesome day see ya


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