Finding App ROI Through Time And Money

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Hello. Everyone, and welcome to today's webinar titled, finding, at ROI, through, time and money this, webinar is the final installment of our week-long series, titled, what's your appetite, winning with enterprise apps thank, you so much for joining us today and we're looking forward to a great session filled, with insightful, expertise, in content, my, name is Jason Caston Lana in the editor of enterprise, mobility exchange, and I'll be your host for today's event I'm, excited, to announce these presenters as well who have first-hand experience with this specific topic on this, webinar we have brad shaft and director of innovation in, UX at hole logic and we also have summit Sarkar chief, research officer with, progress thanks, so much to both of you for joining us today. I'd. Also like to thank progress, response rating today's event and we also want to let you know to keep an eye out for an email later today which will include a digital gift bag from enterprise mobility exchange, it's our way of saying thanks for joining us today and throughout the week for those of you of taking in multiple webinar sessions you, also see a Q&A chat function, on your screen please, feel free to add your question there and if time allows we'll, address them at the end of the presentation. Before. I give the floor over to our presenters, I wanted to give a little background on the state of ROI, for mobile, applications, in the enterprise and what we've learned from our audience and community here at enterprise mobility exchange. In. A survey we conducted in, 2017. Respondent told us what kind of returns are seeing by, enabling mobile applications, for their employees, and workflows, the, results were quite telling as you'll see here in the chart nearly. Half of all employees, who use enterprise, mobile app say they've gained up to one-fifth, of their production, time back through, the digitisation. Of those, processes as. You'll see here 49 percent of respondents that their teams were gained between one and two days of time savings over, a two-week period and another 26%. Claimed they had seen even more time savings than that which is pretty staggering I, wanted. To put a poll question out to our audience members before we ticked off the. Rest of our series here, the. Question here is what, type of return are you trying to achieve through. App transformation. And the, choices. Are time savings, cost, savings increased. Productivity, and or. Less legacy, infrastructure, so, if you can go ahead and take a second to click. On one and we'll go over the poll results in a minute in the meantime I'll, give some background on our speakers. So, first, up we have Brad shaft and as I said it's the director of innovation UX.

For Whole logic Brad, is responsible, for all aspects, of global mobility strategy, and end-user, computing for, the company is more than 15 years IT experience, 10, of which have been with whole logic Brad, is implemented, and supported, several large business, solutions, and enterprise applications, during, that time in Sharra's full logics mobile, strategy steering committee and both the mobile and user experience centers, of excellence we, also have some it's our car with us today from progress, some, it is the chief research officer there, and has been working in the data access, infrastructure, field for, more than 10 years servicing, web and mobile developers, data, engineers, and data scientists. So. We'll move over to the. Responses. On the poll questions, and, it, looks like the ROI that our attendees, are looking to gain. Most of increased. Productivity so, 80% of you when. We increase, productivity, and 20%, said less legacy, infrastructure, or paper-based method, so that's pretty telling that, you, know the app transformation. World is not just, about money it's a there's so much more involved with it and I know that Brad is going to dive, into that there so without further ado I'm going to hand it over to Brad to, take, over from here and let us know about a strategic, roadmap that he's seeing in, the industry as well as in his own company on finding, a borrow life Brad Saul you. Thanks. Jason. Yeah really glad to see those results I think it fits in perfectly with what, we're about to talk about here I think the, mobile landscape is a really tricky area, to. Get ROI, and. Not, not tricky in that it's, hard to do as long as you're willing to think creatively and consider. The multiple, different ways that ROI can come in and it's not always going to be the traditional. Financial. ROI. Although there certainly, is a financial. Value. To, a, lot. Of the soft ROI that you're going to get so I'm going to talk a little bit about about. That and our, experiences, at illogic with that so. Jason gave me a terrific introduction, so. I want to talk about myself much but. Just a little background, ah logic. Logic. Was, founded in 1985. So we just celebrated our 30, year anniversary. We. Have headquarters, in Marlborough Massachusetts as, well as San Diego and about, 25. To 30 facilities, worldwide. Logics. Have been, growing, quite a bit with the. I've. Been with the company now almost, 13 years and, we. Were about 800 employees, in. About. 800 billion in revenue in three locations when I started and now we have, nearly, 7,000, employees, and. Are, fast approaching 3 billion in revenues so quite. A bit of growth. Right. Now our company is broken up into four, divisions, Diagnostics. Which is does. Esteemeth. 4ft is and. The. Surgical division which makes, products for the ob/gyn office, the. Dressing scheduled skeletal, team which. Is, primarily, known for our mammography. Systems and our. Most recent acquisition in the medical esthetics division which, produces, laser. Based treatments, for tattoo removal. Fat. Reduction and similar. Procedures. So. You. Know I think that with ROI. In mobile apps there's a few different areas that the value can come from and. The. First of which would be how, much are you willing to pay for the information, that you're gathering. You. Know we're not it's not always, about we're, going to implement a and it's going to allow, us to retire B it's. We're, defining new paths and as, a result, there's.

Value, To those paths for, the customer via the, employee, or our, customer, that, we're selling to directly in, the case of illogic a lot of the applications that I've worked on have, been for our employees, to sell the product to the customer most. Of the time that customer is a doctor or a hospital, and. We, have done a little bit directly to the patient so. For. Us we see a lot of value in data I'm going to I won't go into this one too much because this, is going to be what my example is primarily focused on. Secondly. Would be the experience so, how is this going to drive conversion. For going directly to our customer, is this going to change their behavior. We, we were talking, earlier before, the. Call started about a project that I just started working on where. We're developing an, Alexis. Scale for. One of our products that I cannot, go into much detail on because it's very, early on but, this specific product has, a. Conversion. Timeline, of nearly seven years from the time of the patient says they, want to do something about it until they actually have. Treatment. Is. A seven-year timeline so, we're looking at ways to expedite, that timeline and in, this specific case the. Time. Period in which a patient even, needs the treatment is limited. To about, 25 years of their life, so. If we can shrink. That, conversion, time period due. To a mobile app or a mobile experience, from seven years even to five years we greatly expand, the, audience of. Potential customers so. A, longer. Term ROI strategy, certainly when we're talking years but, if we can see that conversion. Rate start to decline there's obvious, value in that and. Lastly. And I think you know this speaks to the, poll results so I don't need to go into too much detail but. This is create time value savings, so are we improving processes. And. A. Lot of people think of that as. Well. That means I don't need it need as much staff and you know then we get them down this whole road of automation and BOTS and all that good stuff but in my role in innovation I like to think of this more as allowing, us to focus.

More On, more. Time value adding, looking. At new projects, and new, solutions that even create further ROI, so, a lot of people will jump on board with saving. Time means you. Know staff augmentation but. I think it actually means, we can add value that. Staffs, time. So. With, that in mind with you, know how to go about it the right way where, do people go wrong and I think you, know I see this challenge a lot when we work with marketing. Teams that, focus. Off here, is our ad campaign what, are the results of that. In. The digital space. Especially, the mobile space you, know we have to be a little more creative so, when people expect a hard ROI, it. Becomes a lot trickier to. See. Success because, the ROI is going to come from multiple channels and. When we look at hard ROI a lot of people look at very concrete, single, maybe two silos, that's. That. Can be really tricky the. Other challenge is we keep it to ourselves. We. Need to share as, mobile app developers, or leaders we, need to share the successes we have because. There's a lot of opportunity that people haven't, haven't. Even thought about. For. Example the Alexa skill I mentioned. We. Had, one division in mind and once. We started developing it they kind of went cold on us but, another division just heard about it I can't, even take the credit because it wasn't me another. Division heard about it from somebody else and that's now the division that we're going live with because we weren't afraid to share what, was going on. The. Biggest mistake to, go a little out of order here though is for getting those long going costs, obviously. You. Know a lot of hosted solutions, a lot of recurring costs you have to develop those timelines and be realistic, about the lifespan of the application, or the experience that you're trying to create you. Know whether it's three years or five years make. Sure you're including those long-term costs, they, don't catch you off guard we've seen that quite a bit, we. Just moved to Salesforce. For. A number, of things but our prior. Solution, which. Will remain nameless we always. Got. Caught by surprise every, year when, Apple would release a new version of iOS and we'd have to go back to the developer, have. Them rebuild the application, to be in court in accordance with Apple's policies, and that's. You, know $25,000. That nobody was expecting year-over-year. You. Would have thought we would have caught on after a few years but I guess we didn't, and. Lastly. I think this, is a really. Double-edged. Sword. I'm. A very big believer of, getting. Something out there starting, to get feedback and refining, that as you go along but you, have to be very careful, if you, develop too fast and you, get that mobile solution. Out there too quickly and. People. Have a bad person. That. Superior to the user experience so much that they may not be wanting to go back so, you really have to listen to your customer. Or your employee. Find. Out what really is at the heart of what. They are trying, to do and start with that and then you can build up from there but if we develop too soon and, we lose that audience become, significantly, harder to, get them back again. So. Where do we begin I think, we, want to work backwards in this process. When, we look at. Starting. With what, is success, so, we wrote word and go down this road of a. New. App. Experience or a new app and. What, does success look like for us, not, so much in dollar. Figures but more. General you we want to see more people buying, our products. Okay. So what. Will that look like well, that looks like people pursuing the product that looks like people go into the doctor and asking, to have our products utilized and, what's.

Going To cause that behavior, in, the case of illogic that's, going to be educating. The consumer educating, the patient knowing. The differences, between our, product, and another, product the, advantages, and. Then. Lastly. And this is where we get into the app itself how, can we create that behavior so. As, opposed. To starting, with the application, and saying here's the application, now, let's tailor it for our customer, let's. Make the application the last thing in that process so we very clearly know what, success is how. We're going to get success and how we're going to measure that success going. Forward it, becomes a lot easier to create that application, and. Experience. And also, ensure that you're not wasting money in doing so because, what I see a lot of is when you do this in Reverse you have lots of revisions, lots of changes, and your timelines, get, significantly. Delayed as, you. Move forward. So. Just to give a real-life experience, here I. Mentioned. Earlier we use Salesforce, so we're. Very big in Salesforce, and we we use another system for our content management so all the collateral that our sales reps use in the. Field and. We had the opportunity to bring those two together. I'll, be honest we are marketing. Teams we're not using the reporting in our content management system very much so when they came and they said well we want to bring the two together, a lot. Of people were pretty skeptical the, cost of that was going to be fifty. To sixty thousand, dollars per year recurring. Cost. Plus. A little bit of upfront you know configuration. And there. Was a lot of hesitancy, where are we going to get you. Know return on that fifty to sixty thousand dollar a year investment, considering. You're not using the reporting you have today and so. What we did is we did exactly what I mentioned on the prior side we worked backwards and. We. Said well what if. We. Knew the, pieces of collateral that, were used, when, we had a successful sale and. What if we knew the pieces of collateral that, were used when we were unsuccessful, how. Much money would we be able to save by. Not creating those unsuccessful, pieces. How. Many more sales would we be able to convert if we knew. These. Are the pieces that people used when, they were successful so. That rep that might be struggling into closed deals you, can see okay. Well I have a customer, in the same stage of the, selling cycle as somebody else, at. Equal size customer, equal. Footprint, and these. Are the pieces that were used to convert that sale so. Suddenly what, becomes. You. Know a little hard to wrap your hands around you suddenly realize I don't really have to make that many more sales, to. Justify 50 to 60 thousand dollars suddenly, what, seems like a lot of money is, really nothing if. I make do, best pieces of collateral that. Weren't successful anyways, and, maybe.

I Make. One. Sale to sale you know in the case of our mammography, systems if we sell one product that we wouldn't sell otherwise forget to collateral it. All pays for itself and, again that's because we work backwards and envision, what that experience would be like with that information, rather. Than plug. In the two systems together and trying, to figure out what to do with it. And. I think the most important, piece of all of this is. Holding. People countable you, know the mobile world is very tricky things. Move very fast as you all know I know I'm preaching to the choir on this one, you. Know by the time you finish developing, one experience, or application, and you get it fully refined it's. Probably, halfway to being outdated and you're working on something else and a. Lot of times it makes it really hard to. Follow. Up on that ROI, to, maintain those ROI tracking, sheets, or however you're going to do it calculators. But. I think that's an important step that we can't lose sight of and the important thing is to make sure we define what, that ROI is to begin with I can't. Tell you how many times I've. Gone after the fact and tried to figure it out and you kind of shoehorn it into this thing that makes sense and you're kind of just patting yourself on the back because you made it all up and obviously. You made it so that it was going to look good but. To find that ROI in the beginning and most. Importantly, hold people accountable for it there's, nothing wrong, you. Know I guess. There it might be a little something wrong but we're, not always going to see that are a lot you. Know the mobile space moves faster than any space we've seen before so. Some, projects, are going to be success and some are going to be a failure but, if we learn what, made that project a failure it. Helps us to make sure that the next ones are success so. Track. That ROI, track it over the long term especially when we're recurring cost hold, people accountable try to see what made the difference you. Know in this case this, is a completely made-up chart. Here but we can see at you. Know three and a half years we crossed that threshold. What. Made their difference what happened at three and a half years that made that difference and that may be some insight that we can bring forward into, our next experience to bring that three and a half years into, one and, a half years you, know and when I say hold, people accountable we're, not talking about you, know firing, this person because they. Failed here but did, people meet, the commitments that they say they were going to meet when your sales reps say this is what I want out of this product, do. They actually go out and use it like that, because. I think we all know you know we're all by, what we say to ourself no they probably didn't and. That's going to happen the first few times so we got to go back and we have to reiterate em. We. Have to you know make changes and figure out what. That was or reiterate, our you, know goal, that, existed, in the first place to. Try, to see if we can modify that behavior or maybe we just had it wrong and that's fine we, know that going into the next project and we, can start, to refine that ROI calculation. Over. Time. And. I think right, at all I have so back to you Jason. Thank. You so much Brad that was great. Information really playful and obviously ladies groundwork. For pretty, good that strategic, roadmap, with, that in mind I wanted to ask our audience another, poll question while. We had a quick little discussion here so, what's your biggest challenge in app transformation. Brad went over several that he sees on his side so is it the R&D phase is it's getting, stakeholder, buy-in lack. Of relevant skills on your team on having the developer, access, or accessibility, and or. Is it executive sponsorship, getting the the finance behind with you to do so all our attendees are checking, in there Brad, I did have one question for you you pointed something out early on that really struck, me you, know I love the whole idea of working, from the, end back, to the beginning and and laying that groundwork so that you know exactly where it's going to go but you had mentioned the R&D, phase specifically.

Early, On and the importance of that so really I mean. Is it it would you consider that to be the, most prevalent aspect. Of this and not, to go beyond the R&D phase without. Knowing that every every T is crossed and every I is dotted would, you consider that the the most paramount. Responsibility. In the process. Well. I don't want to sway the voters here I realize. This is a very high state poll. We're running I actually, think we take over buy-in is the biggest you. Know oak R&D is, big and we you know we can't we. Can't shorts like that but if you don't have stakeholder, buy-in, it's. All going to fail, mmm. You know if you don't because you need that accountability, you need to make sure that your sales rep is, going to is going to actually you know walk. The walk and not just talk the talk you have to make sure that you, know you're legal and compliance team, are, on. Board to have the time to, devote to ensuring that this is compliant. You have to make sure your marketing team is bought in on creating the assets that you need if, you don't have that stakeholder, buy-in, you're. Going to you're going to you know put together a half-formed, app, and when you start to make I don't. Want to say excuses, but you start making concessions, because. You didn't have that stakeholder, buy-in and, okay, well you know the marketing team didn't have the time so we're going to go get an outside resource and then it's not going to look right maybe it doesn't meet the branding requirements, whatever the case may be I think, you had a stakeholder, buy-in. First, and foremost you can make up for lack of relevant skills you, can, executive. Sponsorship, depending, on the project you can overcome, that and this, can be the thing that gets you that sponsorship, the next time when they see how successful you are but. If you don't online you're, never going to get executive, sponsorship. Sure. Sure great point so let's let's see if our attendees, are agreement, Oh apparently. Not now, issued, so yeah, it's, a good split though it's. A good split so a third. Of the audience a tardy another third said lack of relics killed and the, final third said executive, sponsorship very, interesting, and you know what though every. Every, mobile transformation, every Enterprise is different every line of business within that enterprise is different so you know I know that we have attendees from across a variety, of industries and our different, levels and different roles of their their. Enterprise or their SMB and obviously, you, know it can affect them differently so it's good to see that that net being cast out there very interesting, thank, you to our attendees for filling that out at Brad appreciate, your insight again answering those questions so with, that I'm going to kick it over to some, it's our car from progress. Summit. The floor is yours. All. Right thank you Jason. Yes. Thank you for the introduction, there and the polls are very interesting, too for me as well I think it was a good Segway on the, on. The topic here and, so, again I'm simatai our, car from progress and she's chief resource officer there and we'll. Talk a little bit more about, some. Of the things we were saying from enterprise mobility perspective. And. I think the biggest thing we're seeing is that. We'll. See I guess you, know when when Brad, introduced. Some things games talking.

More On the business side when we started talking about the actual maybe. More on the architecture. Side these are some things we're saying when we, talk to organizations that, a lot of existing teams and systems aren't really ready for mobile and, so. Things like this. Extra, pressure on IT you have. To do some custom development on applications, that haven't that. May not be easy to update they may be monoliths. There's. This new demand. For, horizontal, scaling, when you get mobile applications. And new experiences. Where you get maybe four times the number of requests, and then, there's different changes, in terms of your. Supporting, teams that, are, supporting. These architectures, and technologies so, it becomes, a challenge and, I think that, picture might be Brad in his previous life when he was running the mobile team head, so logic. And. Then the. Enterprise. Mobility gap. So this is another area you, know I think the previous poll talked about there. Was a lack of skills as one of the concerns and thing a third of you said that and really. What we're entering is we, say, progress is this post application. Era where. It's more about experiences, and not about applications. And I think a good example might be if. You take, your. Home you ask your Google home or Lex value and check your email and then you might get a notification. On your watch when something comes in then you might reply on your phone right there's no one. Application. There it's a series of experiences, and. So the question is you know how do you make it all work with enterprise IT systems. I think I heard earlier that. You know the whole, logic of exploring, Alexis. Very much fits, into this. Concept. We're hearing across multiple organizations. And. Then, the thing about delivering. These there's, this concept of. Hybrid. Applications, and say, hybrid apps just don't feel right and hybrid. Apps are - or, hybrid apps in general enable, embedding. Html5, applications. Inside of the thin native container so it kind of feels like a mobile app and, it can be a really quick solution, but. They're often slow and don't have access to like the native API to. Represent all the goodness of mobility, like I love my. Phone because I can use a little print and log into my bank account so, I'll actually walk, up the stairs, two. Flights of stairs to use my thumbprint rather than type in a password on my laptop so these are the, goodness of mobility is really important when you, so. Hybrid doesn't meet that and I think I heard earlier to Brad Boxberger he released too fast and you can lose, the audience and it's really is. Really I think you get one or two strikes, and then you're pretty much done so these, are these. Are areas you want to reconsider depending on the goals of your application. And. Then I guess from a progress, perspective. Or progress mobility is our platform to deliver these, experiences. For the enterprise and we're. Confident we bridge all these gaps but, we do this in a way that. That. I believe really excites developers. It doesn't insult them and, developers really easy to insult but the, way we do this is by you, know we're enabling them with their with, the development, team skills, right so if you look at. On. The front end side with progress mobility we look at native script and, this is how it's. An open source framework that was conceived and developed by progress but. It allows you to dynamically. Compile. Code from a single code. Base like, if you're using those web skills and then, you can run them as native apps on iOS or, Android, again. You can use your existing HTML, CSS. Skills. If your angular review shop whatever. Those. Existing teams can build, native mobile experiences, and then. When we look at the. Middle, tier let's say if we look at some of the services. On the, cloud, native side like how do you support these. Front. Ends and so on the back end there's a cloud native and service architecture. That. It, really means that when we say server list it really means that the server management, and capacity, planning decisions really hidden from developers.

And Taking, a 2018. Stackoverflow, survey server, this was the second most loved platform, because if developers don't want to mess with this stuff so this is really an, important part of our progress. Mobility platform and. The final piece is that last mile where you need to start integrating with. Different. Systems and, so we want to make sure we provide the. Hooks. In to enterprise, management, systems and your different business. Application, systems of Records and, so that's that's our our. Progress, mobility. Solution. To build your own applications. And. It's. Always nice to talk about what other customers are doing to give you guys some insight into. Some. Of their experiences, with progress mobility, so I'll share a couple case studies here. Pretty. Quickly here and so, these farmers, insurance all, at, a high level they. Got. Very. Competitive industry with. Insurance, but they were able to leverage, progress, mobility, and get an app out the door in five months and I think there's went from a 2 to 5 star rating, might. Be more about their dev skills, but we really definitely, help them get it out very quickly at. Five month period and, then. Maybe in a different, industry CBRE. They, create. Customizable apps for tenants and building owners that you, navigate, like workplaces on different melodies and so it's interesting to see a traditional, industry like, property management using, mobility. To. Really increase revenue, and prove, some of that elusive ROI, but. You know this is something that a, different. Industry from insurance we go to real, estate and property, management, and then we look at maybe. On, Schneider Electric specifically. They build some. Applications. For, I, guess. It's in their businesses for solar panel installation and maintenance for distributors, and. So then they also report, a five month release, it's. In is a this. Is very impressive. To get these, really. Rich mobile, applications, with, your existing teams very. Quickly in five months and so, I give, you a quick, summary. Of the progress mobility. Solution, as well as some enterprise architecture, considerations, if you want to learn a little bit more about this. You can visit progress comm slash mobility, and you can drop me a line if you'd like to chat. As well and. That's. It I appreciate. That time, and I really enjoyed the hearing from Jeff and Brad. Terrific. Sana thank you so much appreciate all that information, you great especially, great to see those case studies I know that our audience really enjoys hearing. About what other companies are doing regardless, industry whether the industry Varian or otherwise and.

Being Able to see how, this is working in the real world for them and how they can emulate you. Know specific. Processes. And workflows to see what how it, will function for them so thank you for sharing those those Kidd bits we are coming up on the 30 minute mark so I would like to give some time back to our audience members to get back to their workday so, I'm going to close this out and I'd like to once again thank all of our attendees for joining, this webinar today, and throughout this week it's, been a really great event a lot of insight a lot of expertise, from our five speakers and sponsors so, we're very thankful for that from the enterprise mobility exchange, team as. Well as thanking, brad and summit of course today for having a great discussion on the topic again. A special thanks to progress for sponsoring today and if. We were unable to get to your question, we'll be sure to pass it on for the correct presenter, a recording. Of this webinar will be available on, our site enterprise, mobility, exchange. Comm, within, the next 48 hours and with, that we, close out today's event end the week and I'd like to say thanks again to everyone who joined and participated. So have a great Friday have a great weekend everyone.


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