e challenges welcome ma'am and uh Team edes can we I'll very can we start yes ma'am we can start uh love PR are you there yes ma'am please start so my name is laitar I'm from 10th B standard in BB colang senior scary public school so the introduction of any technology has various consequences this impact our in the environment to exciting and future technological developments financial and social system in which the new idea technology is embeded the development and the diffusion of new technologies has been widely studied some Studies have indic some studies has indicated that introduction of Advanced Technologies have resulted in higher wages a number of economists who have been bip politicians have raised uh have raised an econ have raised their economies and uh they are coming toward the Full Employment therefore jobs will be neither be created nor destroyed as the result of Technology transfer now I would like my co- moderator man to share her thoughts thisone see you there at the platform she should be here but uh I think love PR you can continue she having some connectivity issues she's unable to unmute actually I just saw her message she's unable to unmute herself okay so may I start again you can continue with the next part whatever she wanted to say the co-partner is not there I suppose my name is man my name is manat k from 10thb standard I am and I am from BB colang senior Cy Public School Technology is a growing up leads and Bounds Innova and disruption have become everyday phenomena advancement in technology not only helps Industries to function at a faster Pace but they all help to minimize human effects and increasing the efficiency of production at the same time technology is also becoming an increasing factor for increasing unemployment automation has made it Pres World in every industry across the world this has not only cut down on the need for the human effects but also redu the number of jobs opening in the multitude of Beats not only has a technology brought the world closer but also it has increased the distance between unskilled labor and the availability of jobs for them now Co moderator will start I would like to introduce you to with our principal Indra prit cor principal of BB colani Public School Amar Mrs Indra prit cor is dedicated educator with over 23 years of experience is shaping the future of student teachers and parents as an English teacher academic coordinator and faciliator she developed Innovative curricula authored the grammar series corstone and Literature Series asra classes 1 to8 and served as editor for the inner wheel Club Midtown news and a recept of numerous honor including cbsc best teacher award 2018 the national school the national school award 2023 and the International School award by the British Council she is a passionate leader and resource person committed to the four string excellence in education Dr him caramel conver School malcha Mary diplom exent New Delhi she is an RCI registra and counseling psychologist with over 20 years of experience in a corate banking Malon mental health and education a cbsc life skill master trainer certified resources planner and cbsc counselor she has been a key counselor S as key uh key counselor since it certified in Porche and poxo and soft skill training she conduct impactful workers mental health society preventions and life skills for the school cooperation and educator as a visiting resources person with the Department of Education Delhi and contribute to the project cacca she is deeply committed to the Foster mental wellbeing and Education team edud I think there is uh we'll have to uh change the setting this we've opened the Whiteboard mrss Lakshmi ma'am assistant manager career counseling is an experienced professional with a diverse background she comes with 8 years experience in different fields she has four years of dedicated teaching experience for computer science team she has conducted session for both teachers and student for actively participates in discussion on various topic demonstrating her passion for continue learning and staying updated with the latest trends and developments she has exp she she has expertise in conducting training session for the student preparing for them competitive exams like L C and J Etc she loves to take session to create awareness among the student about different competitive examin examination available and how they can efficiently prepare for that Divani ma Mrs diani K founder and CE o of educative upskills education and educative knowledge Foundation dedicates to improving educator and enhancing the student clearance with the over 30 years of experience she has collaborated with the leading education brand authorized cbsc curriculum books with Cambridge publication and numerous invitations an alumina of a stand stepen College Mrs Kapoor has trained over 1 lakh educator and 50,000 students driving impactful change across harana Delhi NCR and the utar Pradesh recognized as iconic entrepreneur of a year 2021 and a woman lead India fell she continued to shape education through her Innovation projects and upcoming books human classrooms and Corridor now I would like to invite diani maam share her thoughts a very good evening to all of you and uh I welcome our esteem panelist today uh Miss inderprit cor principal BB g g Public School amiter Dr heeta Suri carel Convent School New Delhi counselor and my our very own Miss Lakshmi uh mahat top it up let me very warmly welcome our two moderators love prit and man manat welcome you all to today's yet another webinar on a very pertinent discussion the topic is the impact of technology on careers this has become the talk of all the educational corridors student fraternity at times people are petrified scared what is going to happen but let me tell you that the evolution of technology and employment there has been a very intriguing relationship dating back to the first eras of human civilization you know from basic tools like Stone knives to complicated Machinery which was driven by steam engines during the Industrial Revolution advances in technology have always transformed the way we work if we go back even further humans in the ancient civilizations the four main civilizations the Primitive civilizations use primitive tools for survivals the plow setting the tone for the rise of the big agrarian civilizations gradually new technologies set in with water turbines windmills the end industrial revolution of the 19th century we cannot miss led to a great transformation of society and how the employing of Machinery substituted human labor with machines mass production is known to each one of us so technology Whenever there has been a technological intervention it has though improved productivity increased output but there has always been diminishing job chances for those who were unable to adapt to technology when we look at today's scenario we see that today's digital age has given rise to even more sophisticated Technologies such as your CH GPD uh intelligence artificial intelligence charity through artificial intelligence robotics all are challenging old occupations if I bring the facts and figures it is very fascinating to know that 60% of you see today's careers didn't exist 80 years back changes are Sur ing like anything from AI prompt Engineers data scientists you know social media uh handlers we are not just adapting to new roles we are also pioneering newer Industries newer uh you know fields of workplace last needless to say that technology has made our work Place very safe very AI has brought in automation which is boosting productivity some of the jobs undoubtedly that would be challenged as you know we all know that uh the the analysis and the surveys show that over 20 5 million jobs will be replaced by Automation in just three years but simultaneously we need to remember technology will also be creating many many new jobs that will require Specialists with specific skills and responsibility without spilling much of the beans I would now request uh my open the panel discussion with an icebreaking question and and my question would be addressed in the order of introduction first to indap prit ma'am then Dr heata maam and Then followed by uh lxmi M so how do you see technology shaping the aspirations and career choices what I see is yes uh very good evening to one once again to all what I feel is when even we were as a kid we have learned this very theorem this very saying survival of the fittest change is the law of nature if somebody's not going to adjust the next step will be Extinction so this this technology is nothing something like to be fared off we have to live along with it so when we learn we know that we have to change everybody will be able to as a principal when I'm there in school I still remember long back you can say before Corona like four to five years back when AI was just introduced there was a fair that if any teacher will not be learning something related to the computers you will be taken away by somebody who's coming next in the line who has to come with it so when the thoughts are clear in your mind mind you are ready to accept it we need to grow along with it so for me technology yes it is changing everybody's life every day every minute of it now as 2025 has approached us we are living into it and it's everywhere that we are living with the Gen beta so when we are already aware about the same so I do not take it as a challenge or something which is going to stop us but as a growing attitude that yes definitely we'll be able to transform the lives this is what from my say what I feel like very well said ma'am that we've all survived and we've all I think upgraded uh each one has become technological Savvy in some way or the other in fact uh you know with different tools of Technology and we all became very Hands-On du Co has been a great teacher in many sense to each one of us and uh Co expedited a change which was already coming I think we never knew that it will be there overnight nobody thought of coming to the online platform of Education before a day like on second of March when it was there we all adopted to and we everybody did it very successfully absolutely left it out so when the vision is clear definitely everybody will be able to reach the target absolutely well bang on said ma'am and um I think uh now the vision is clear and I was reading somewhere it said that will AI replace uh the jobs but uh also there was that Ai and Technology will not replace humans from job but definitely those who do not not adapt themselves with AI or with technology will be replaced by those who are who adapt well yes now moving on to Dr himl Dr Hima I would want you to link this eyes breaking question to definitely to an angle which clearly says that how do you see technology uh shaping the aspirations and how students have to be uh you know how much need to adapt to technology while making career choices yeah over to you Dr him hi everyone J everyone and thank you so much tives for having me here and as we know that we are moving ahead with technology and we know that we all are aware that technology becomes part and parcel of our lives and as you know everyone will be sanguin with me if I say te technology has actually re revolutionized the way we talk to each other the way we think the way we interact with each other and it has actually metamorphed the way information and knowledge is dis imitated right so in this if you see in words of Steve Jobs I would like to quote and this is one of my very favorite uh take which he said technology is nothing and what is important here is that we we value people and we have faith in our people and uh their goodness and people are basically very good and they are very smart they only are supposed we are only supposed to give them a tool and they will do wonderful things and they will definitely Deliver us so technology is basically if you see is a wakeup call to all of us and technology is actually uh something which we need to wake up and then uh we have to uh Humanity has to modify to it as my uh co-panelist has correctly mentioned that people uh I mean we will become obsolete things will become our skills will become obsolete in case we do not U update ourselves so very important when you see uh our students going forward especially in terms of education upskilling is in demand and uh technology has to be always updated when it comes to Educators when it comes to students there are many uh M's which are massive open online courses which are available and uh when you look at the corporate world which is a actual the Final Destination the work Workforce is the final destination which our students are going to join in in future so when we see uh look at NEP so NEP has made some very important things here when you see it look at NEP it is always talking about skill based learning skill skill skill Skilling is something which will actually make us successful and our students will actually form because there's a certain demand of certain specific uh uh companies or some areas of Industries so we need to always link the education with industry so which is very important thing here and uh we need to keep upskilling them we have to keep uh uh organizing uh basically things uh the sessions um the webinars or maybe something like we are doing now because this is this must be an eye opener for many of us so we have to basically Embrace these things and since we know we have to be a learner all the time Lear if you if you say that I have learned I'm educated and I'm done then I'm sorry we will be soon gone from this landscape of Workforce and Landscape of Technology so technology is completely evolving all the time it's a continuous change which is happening many things I mean if you uh you'll agree with me uh deani ma'am if you uh think of just 10 years back I mean maybe 15 20 years back when computers came but with the software we were using and now we are completely into different things things have gone on various platforms and uh we it has taken uh it has replaced many of the things around us and then uh we have to see we have to embrace this lifelong learning which we have to tell our students also to keep learning and hybrid skills need to be adopted why because combining technical skills along with soft skills is something which I feel uh very important when it comes to students right and then and then it is huh creativity and emotional intelligence critical thinking these like uh uh NEP beautifully talks about 21st century life skills so these are very important uh skills which we need to uh Foster in our students and we need to uh explain them that technology is fine but your own emotional intelligence your own personal qualities your own uh soft skills your own critical thinking your out of thebox solutions or maybe the creativity which you are using and sustainable uh sustainab is also very important part when we are supposed to use technology we must teach these things and there are many organizations thank you so much ma'am thank you so much we have more incoming and uh so yes uh what Dr gimar clearly pointed out is that technology has to be seen as uh opportunity and what I encapsulate from our two team panelist discussion is that you know uh technology has created immense opportunities in education whether it comes to you know taking some courses or hybrid form of Education or when it comes to understanding all uh you know navigating through various career options so leveraging technology has been the most uh wonderful but also most cheapest form why do why do we forget that technology uh is uh the most cheapest form to access knowledge that also is an important aspect that we cannot undermine and uh you know when it comes to improving whether it is improving literacy or gaining knowledge or probably understand adapting to skills horning different kinds of skills or probably uh getting a better understanding of careers technology has become a way of life so when we are uh not scared of adapting technology when it comes to a lifestyle then we must also accept that this is going to have a great impact on our careers how the coming decades would be different as I already mentioned that if 25 million jobs will be automated then probably x million jobs will also be created so youth needs to be uh ready for those kind of careers and at this juncture I would like Lakshmi Madan M to intervene and let us know how youth how well the youth can prepared themselves through technology to best uh you know uh choose their careers options okay uh so good evening everyone and thank you for the opportunity I hope I'm audible yes you are okay completely fine so thank you so when it comes to I think almost all the points are covered by him l m and Inter ma'am but what I want to convey is when it it comes to technology we have been talking a lot about it the way in which our lives have been changed the way in which a lot of things have been changed our learning the phas in which we are learning everything has been changed but when it comes to uh teachers who are just I would say guiding the students I don't know how many of you have asked the students to choose a career in a different way giving importance to technology as a part we clearly mentioning on the role technology can play in terms of career decision making I hope everybody knows about the assessment test the psychometric test we all used to take the test before asking our children to take the test there are a lot of AI tools now and there are also simulation tools I have to work as a manager think of a simulation tool where I can log in I can be a manager for a day or maybe for two to three hours understand what is a managerial role before I'm just going to invest my four years into or two years into a course called MBA so we as teachers need to inform the students that you are thinking you have these abilities and skills you know this is what you want to do in your life this is what you're passionate about you need to think of one more extra factor that is the current Trend and I'll obviously call the current Trend as technology so it it should be a combination of these three things when it comes to career aspiration or career decision making and uh I'm I'm not simply saying about the two things about the psychometric test that we use used to take previously there are AI personalized platforms which provide psychometric test so I would request the children to take this test or as teachers we can suggest our children to take those type of test the second one that I obviously feel is there is huge amount of information or data around us earlier let's say before 10 years I was not or maybe before five years I was not having an idea about these many colleges universities and everything abroad now this is also something that technology has done to us there is lot of resource lot of data everything is available even I know about a foreign University about the scholarships they offer earlier it was very difficult now it's it's very easy for all the students to understand about all these things and uh I would say we are really having a feeling that a lot of jobs will be automated a lot of jobs will be lost and all of them there is always a restructuring or I would say there is always a reshaping that's going to happen happen in each and every job even if I'm a teacher I have to restructure myself in such a way that I'm just uh being able to teach the students in the way that is required so coming from a university perspective let's say before 3 years or 5 years we used to train the students in a particular way for the placements now that has completely changed the way in which we are training the students the fin year or the third year students for the placement it is completely changed even the subjects have changed whichever stream they are they have something related to data analytics or AI in their interviews or in their basic examinations that they are writing so it's the way in which we teachers are helping our students to use this technology to make their career decision so we need to explore it first the tools and everything and then we have to make our children understand yeah you have to use these tools you can use the simulation platforms then only please make a decision on your career so that just my take on the first way of giving an understanding of how technology can affect the career great thank you lxmi and you know moving uh with your uh moving forward with your discussion point I was uh I feel that since technology the current scenario is that since technology is advancing at a very fast pace not everyone is able to keep up with it and somewhere this is this leads to a mismatch between the skills that at times employees possess and that are required uh in the Contemporary working environment this is the case of working why I'm talking about this today is so that it becomes a premise to which the students need to understand that what is a mismatch and because of these increasing number of you know workers who have problems in adapting to uh changes that the technological Evolution has brought in because I see everywhere the organizations whether they are governments or offices they are investing a lot in upskilling their uh you know employees with technological um uh School tools so they cannot meet these requirements of the positions in the job market and this should be seen as a hint to the current students that no matter what is their core area of specialization every area there is an interl uh you know interlinkages to technology so if you talk about data every field will have um you know data analyst and uh uh you know those people who can interpret data those people who can so every industry will have those kinds of uh so it becomes important that students have to upskill themselves not just in terms of Technology but the newer through technology the new kind of skill sets that is uh seeping in so leveling up becomes very important with this I move on to I would I hope lakmi will agree to what I just said because this is a very trans iary stage but the coming Workforce will be very different but the challenge they will have will be a very uh the kind of education system where we are and the jobs that will be coming in and how fast the transformation is happening uh due to AI we are we really need to be intelligent I would say in our choices and not be scared of it so over to our two moderators I think they are very enthusiastic they've been preparing a lot and uh yes over to L prit and man man over to you my question is to in ma'am how has the rise of Automation and artificial intelligence transformed traditional career paths in a various industry see what I feel is as LXI M has already said we need to keep ourselves updated as teachers as facilitators it is for everybody teacher is also a lifelong learner we cannot be like yes I have got got my complete knowledge we cannot be stagnant water because Stant water it sometimes starts thinking we need to be in the flowy manner so whatever things are coming into us we need to upgrade and transform the similar to our students as well in the similar form so as m'am is has already said the skills the technology is coming to us at a greater Pace that means we as Learners we as students need to be updated not just once or twice in a regular manner we need to keep ourselves updated regularly to succeed in this today's world this is what I feel which should move on from the teacher side towards the students be a regular learner keep on SK Skilling ourselves and this is what as NEP and this foundational courses are also telling it was the new ncf skill courses we are providing the skill course in every field because it's not like we are teaching physics chemistry and bio to the students only through the bookish language what they do practically is a child being an engineer really going to help out how to change a plug how to switch on in the Practical manner this is more important earlier when you we were there in our schools we used to have SP suw periods that was the skill subject period in which we were taught how to uh put a button on a shirt how to stitch something but that's all gone but back into the trend as we talk about this was the skill and if a child wants to move out these days especially if I talk about Punjab there's a lot of trend of growing abroad and what the people demand is the the parents the students ma'am there along with the degree they are asking for the skills what skill subjects is the child learning so being a class 10 student being a class 12th student I know the education which is in the formation form that is the your the you can say which is required from any particular board this is necessary but as a child please keep yourself updated there are many courses available online on different platforms like corsera is an example which is going lot keep yourselves updated learn new skills and then only and you can learn these skills if I'm saying corand and everything it's only because of the technology technology is bringing the knowledge of every subject at our doorsteps we need to keep that door open so that yes I have that power I need to move on in the line and I want to reach the top it one day so this is the impact of technology only thing is need to accept very true I would like to intervene here when ma'am said that you know the skill subject that you were giving examples of what NEP and ncf is talking about and if we carefully look at the skill subjects somewhere they are aligning with the greater Vision because you know earlier when it was I mean now also we see that the blue uh caller skills jobs are you know they are reducing in terms of you know we call the plumbers or the uh laborer plumbers or the electricians but with the literacy on the other hand India is moving towards 100% literacy level by 2030 so the white colar job will be more aspirational now when this bottleneck is going to reduce it will also become a life skill for all of us as ma'am just SP about you know changing a bulb or probably Chang putting a washer in the tab that that kind of skill set because when the children go abroad as they they are to do everything themselves so I think these are these coupled with the critical thinking skills coupled with the problem solving skills these are and needless to say the industry specific skill set so this this age is all about skill this age is all about competencies but considering that technology is an enabler so technology will be integrated into it thank you so much ma'am yes um moving on to the next panelist my question is to lxmi ma'am what challenges and opportunities does technology present for midc career professional trying to Pivot into new Industries so um can you just repeat the question once again what challenges and opportunities does the technology present for Mid career professional trying to pivate into new Industries let's say I think I also come in that category even though my background and everything is like computer science but seeing those kids here in this college of the university in the third year or second year I have to learn a lot from them that's what the very basic situation is I have studied the subject called computer science I do projects with lead boards and electronics Robotics and all of that stuff but still I have a lot to learn because the pace in which those children are learning is really high the p in which as a person I'm I have to adapt to the things I'm I'm taking more time compared to them we call it as learning agility so as a uh person who's of this age or this Cate what I want all of you I hope everybody is of similar this thing to me all the audience so what I'm doing is I'm investing more time uh I would say more effort in understanding all these things we won't be able to understand things in the pace that these children are learning so I am experimenting I am writing codes I'm doing small small projects on my own and that is the way in which I'm able to uh grow up to the page in which these children are doing so the effort the work that we people have to um do is really huge and the second one is even if it goes wrong it's completely fine we have to build this attitude somehow somehow I have made up the mind that I'll start learning this thing I have joined one or two classes I've completed everything but at some point of time I have that feeling yeah it's not my thing it's not going to be I think at least some of you have faced this situation so it's it's completely okay to fail at times also this is also something that everybody needs to understand and uh I'm I'm saying please do join lot of discussions that's happening please do uh join different classes online I'm not saying you have to join for a uh 60 hours Workshop or 15 hours Workshop just the small discussions that's happening from there you'll get lot of key points maybe two or three new tools I have three new tools where I can uh ask my children to test there I would say skills on whether they can use AI computer science as their career let's say I'll give an example of um um something like uh let's say petrics or lot of uh skill cat is there or code signal is there very good option when it comes to checking a person's ability on whether they are they can be able to pursue a career in robotics or what's my knowledge in Python there are a lot of platforms like that you can just login register at the platform and understand it so participating in lot of of small small sessions can also give you new knowledge about the new tools so it's just investing a little bit more time and even if it goes wrong having the attitude that it's completely fine I'll catch up just finding on not two tools at a time and exploring it and even it's completely fine that we can go and ask our children what has happened maybe our kids also and maybe somebody from our class you have done this thing right I don't know how this works can you just tell me that is also completely fine that's also part of learning I can teach the math physics or other subjects maybe they know about a new tool I can just ask them how they are using it and even children of 9th and 10th I have seen them designing lot of new things the designing stuff website design and everything it's too good they are very good in it I'll take a lot of time to create a model like that so it's going to be an exchange between these people that's what I understood this we the midday people it's going to be an exchange between our younger generation and us and we have to learn together so yes I hope you got some idea two to three points I think what I got was from you was very right and this is a clear message I would like to give that uh we need to invest and what lakmi maam was saying it's not important that we need to join big courses of 60 hours or 3 months course this was a very very old old school of partner I think it will become because the pace with which changes are happening everything is instant so even if you do small little courses number one what I feel is yes I agree do small little courses to invest there are no free lunches we sometimes have a very um a mindset that if it's a free program we'll join in you need to be very careful in where even you are investing your time time is also money and if you have those small courses of say 99 I do a lot of these courses and I I every time I may just hear these discussions but as lxmi you said that there is always a takeaway even if I have those two to three takeaways I think my money is valued so we need to whether it is Teachers or students or anyone we need to build a mindset where we along with our time we along with whatever we need to invest and invest in short-term courses then apply as lakmi Ma just said and I was listening I want to know that uh website or that uh you know tool where I can see whether I'm uh do I have an aptitude to use technology in the way I want a robotics please do put it in the chat box laki thank you much over to you student moderators I think the discussion is going very good over to you okay him ma'am how can individual re emerging technology to the Future prove their carrier so as I uh as I said that's uh developing how an individual can develop alongside the emerging Technologies so we basically need to see that we keep learning as my co-panelists have uh very correctly said that we have to keep learning little little things which are coming and then uh you have to keep in touch uh you have to find your interest first and then you have to see your interest and strengths there are softwares which can actually assess you know AI softwares which are there which can assess and there are psychometric test which we psychologist carry out and which can help you in finding out your calling basically what you are interested in and what is your strength because that is something very important when it comes to uh choosing any kind of uh line of your work all right so when you uh think of Technology when you see uh how uh these uh technological advancements which are happening around you you always uh look at your own uh evolving pattern your learning patterns and then you accordingly start working on your own uh learnings from if you're at school you can always start learning these AI tools algorithms little little courses are there you can always uh go on some uh very good platforms very secure platforms like corser is there Udi is there and there are many other uh courses which are there which you can always do during your vacations you know and it is always surfing the net can always give you many opportunities but you have to choose what is advisable and what is appropriate for your age which is something very important here and there will be many AI driven tools which are there which can assess your uh individual skill and uh you can use platforms like uh social media platforms you can start uh preparing your uh uh profile you know which is very very important like uh if you see uh children who are going to prepare I mean if you're going You're preparing for C right they always ask you to prepare an essay on yourself you have to prepare that CV so from grade 8th or 9th onwards you must start doing that and you can always uh keep learning technological things and uh being a students you need to have that uh complete list of your achievements what you are doing in the school what kind of activities you are good at and you should always keep certificates for that you have to have those things when you'll be uh just in 12th which class are you studying man you are in 10th high grade that's what you said you're in 10th we are in 10th class right so next year uh you should have your CV ready by uh when you have 10th class break you have finish with your exam you must start preparing that right so by end of your grade 12th you should have your CV ready whatever you do in school the collaboration your team activities the projects you must I mean documented correctly right and very uh because this was something which is very new to us you know many universities asked for it like my daughter was again preparing uh she did not have C she just applied straight away she just passed out last year so she was running around for certificates she never kept them properly right it just comes so you need to diiz make an Excel sheet keep them and make them in a software form so which is very important for you to uh remain uh updated when it comes to future education and one more point I just want to make here that you need to uh get into uh research you know try and research different types of softwares which which can help you but then very clearly I mean don't get into some deep fake or uh Deep Web but you can always try and check and see how training takes place in corporate world what are the soft skills because soft skills is something which is like M manra nowadays most of the corporates are working on that so this is one of the very important skill and uh as I think ma'am also mentioned LinkedIn and your other professional profiles you should start just after a grade 12 moment you are learning something keep adding to your profiles that will help you that will also uh you can research on LinkedIn that is the best place to learn about your future prospects of the jobs right I hope it helps yes and Dr him ma'am I also want you to just very briefly if you could because though the webinar is on technology but since you picked up uh a you know about portfolio building that as you give the example of your daughter and I'm sure most of the students you know and that is something also mentioned in you know part of HPC it's not part of just HPC but there's a lot of talk about portfolio building so if you could just in a minute to give that bang on advice to the students present here okay basically they have to write essays about themselves you know and uh when they're writing about their essays it won't be completely about me my I me and myself it will be that how you created a change there was a problem which I saw and this is how basically they want to they want to see how uh collaborative you are how much you believe in team how much your uh uh your soft skills have helped you to solve that problem so essay building is very important where you'll be talking about your problem and how you solve it and how it helped many other people it's not just about yourself yes your learnings and takeaways have to be given but at the end so it's a it's a it's a basically uh almost one hour lecture ma'am where we talk about these things you know and no no fine I will be but I was just very curious that at least you know there is a little talk about it so that our participants can just take it back as a I think I'll also just want to add something as ma'am told about profile of the portfolio building uh what I have observed is this is mostly uh something related to our country when you're planning to go abroad obviously they'll ask for the profile and mostly in our country the situation is like we start building our profile only after completing a graduation that's what the very basic thing I am a graduate then only I'll start thinking of what is a profile because I need a job or the college will say you need to build your profile submit it here you have to apply for something now that trend has changed and I'm very happy about it 12th standard students they have started having a profile of themselves they have started participating in activities and they have a list of what they are doing so that change has seen but I'm I'm not to a very big extent but still that change has um I would say it's it has initiated in a lot of schools yes very true I would like to add over here because it was last weekend only few of the students from my school they went to chitkara University to attend one Howard Leadership Camp the first and foremost which they brought about as a learning point was ma'am it's very must that every child should open a LinkedIn account there are so many opportunities which we get from there so when they came back I said how many of the students have been inspired by you now so what is the thing you are going to provide as the team leaders to the next ones who are coming in front of you so ma'am is very rightly said the child should know what are the strengths what are the weaknesses so that he can improve upon them and Mark ahead so that is very much true as ma'am has said building up of CV how to go for it and I hope my two of the students sitting over here and listening to it as moderators they are going to provide with a complete detail to the other students as well because it's really a nice point which him maam has shared and we would like to have another lecture regarding the same because it's one of the main factors how to go for thank also I would also like to mention then I'll give give you the and I like the discussion is going so well I would also like to mention here so every time you know am and tives have these sessions we encourage students to be part of it so that they can get that realtime experience so what we call those short internship so that you know within that little span of two to three days they are right wrting the script they are learning as him M said that the art of communication you know it's virtually them who are interviewing they are sharing the platform with so this is what is required these are real it's not just about speaking so the skills that they own is research skills when they are researching such relevant topics there's also a lot of takeaway with them then they are able to interact they get that confidence so uh this is definitely part of an internship and top it all they do get the certificate of participation over to you no what I was mentioning is I have always observed children who are confused between five or six options yeah it's like they literally don't know even if they have taken the psychometric test and the test is saying something they are really confused so for those children this is something that we always refer to do if they're having a profile in a platform like LinkedIn almost all the top people from the industry they are there they can just observe two or three areas whether it's artificial intelligence whether it's chemical engineering or something related to Medical Technology they can just be there as an observer and understand what is happening in that sector so this is something that's really advisable and it is also a platform that I'm depending on to update myself it's it's a huge platform a lot of things are happening and there is lot to learn so you can also request all the children of um your classes to just create a profile and tell them how they have to use it and lot of learning courses are there self assessment is there yes I used to write a lot of quizes because I I at times I don't know I feel like I don't have the knowledge in that particular thing some self out comes I used to take a lot of ques and all of that so that we all can do it's not only can so insta has to be uh given little push and Linkedin has to come in I say replacement this good very well very well said that you know children need to learn to balance out because most of the time we see the entire Youth and now we are also getting more on Insta but yes LinkedIn would be more beneficial to you it offers you so much we don't even know uh half of the features that LinkedIn offers as so you know the kind of courses they offer the network facilities that they give and um the information they impart I think LinkedIn is a must for all students over to you students now my question is to interpret ma'am in what ways has technology enabled individuals to create non-traditional careers such as freee freelancing or becoming digital entrepreneur can you please repeat your question B ma'am in what ways has technology enabled individual to create non-traditional careers such as freelancing or becoming digital entrepreneur uh I suppose everybody uh is in a habit of viewing Shark Tank it's one of the main examples where the technology is coming in bringing into the new entrepreneurs onto the platform and even if I talk about uh this at the school level they're also promoting certain shows certain competitions where the entrepre the budding entrepreneurs are coming up with their ideas where they create different Commodities on a fake platform they bring up to that and and then what preference we are giving now is it's better to go for your own startups there are so many of the things if I talk about like uh last week when I was having a word along with the students of my science section what they came along to me ma'am when we went over there we came to know that many of the students from the very nationalized universities like Ians and all they are again coming up into the startups so this is what technology is getting into to us we do not have so much of employment opportunities as per the population of the country is concerned for but we if that technology is bringing to us and the knowledge which we are having it's better to go for the own startups and different different platforms the small sharing platforms so that is where why I think is that will be a better form of going beyond the things and coming up into the new wages and also uh continuing um ma'am's um discussion further I feel that only students again will be successful in their entrepreneural skills the startup will be if they have certain skills of identifying the problem critical thinking problem solving is there solving problem solving skills design thinking you know uh financial literacy so it's not then not like me that I spent entire three and a half decades in education and then became an entrepreneur so these children you know today's children why there is a push because only those people who were successful so these skills can be adopted and adapted at the time of your school level or college time and that is why we have so many startups by you know people who are from I some people who've completed sometimes it's become a fan you know the startup was by an IIT Dropout or a College Dropout because they became larger their thinking became larger the course they were undergoing was so small that they said that this can be done I had my student and he also came up where he's come up with a startup which talks about entrepreneurship and he was a law student and he said ma'am the the cour which I was doing in law gave me enough time because that was what we were already doing like books talks lectures examination but there was more to me I wanted to come up with real Pro solutions to problems and so he's come up with the uh entrepreneurial um you know uh education he provides entrepreneurial skills to students through workshops and other things because he said that I underwent that kind of a journey so I think yes and on as your last question was very impressive U um lovely love because it just spoke about that because this is going to be an integration of all the skills whether they are your problem solvings technological financial literacy communication design thinking that is like the what you call is that Maha yes that is why in schools we give importance on the 21st century skills everybody should try to acquire those skills if they want to survive so that is 21st century skills is the main part of it even teachers are getting trained on Advanced life skills cbsc has started those programs capacity building programs now recently I've been resource person also for the cbsc so all those 50 hours training sessions for the teachers and I suppose the dsha portal which we provide to every teacher to go through during summer break one that one month long period of time to go through as many courses as ma'am has said it's not necessary to go for long courses short crisp but with a better idea so that you can have one or two takeaway points from those so they are the best part great thank you so much everyone and now uh as it is is 55 we come to an end of this s but before I close and before I do the conclusion I would want you to hold on to your that think about that one last resting statement resting lines that you would give at the end of today's session as your takeaway or your suggestion to our audience finally I would say that the effects of technological advanc uh development which has unemployment are somewhere very very complex you know bringing both positive and negative as we discussed over this man hour from one perspective AI will automate the various tasks leaving definitely a large number of people without job that is going to but the flip side of this whole discussion is that it would be leading to a w a opening of newer Avenues newer Horizons which will be based on the upcoming skill sets so we need to bridge the uh Gap uh the widening gap between the uh adapting the skill set from another perspective we see that the the technological uh progress that up search is as I said earlier going to be the leader to contribute to the economic growth so it is important for all the institutions to upskill their students to upskill their teachers into the 21st century skills and competencies so that the students are able to survive in any kind of wuka world that we might see with this I have spoken my resting statement over to our three panelists very briefly in just about two to three sentences we would like to hear your thoughts yes first all right yeah thank you so much so technology as for me it has transformed the job market as ma'am also said and it has created I mean plethora of New Opportunities and uh I mean the world is a big stage and Landscape if you see and due to automation of tasks the things have become very fast super fast indeed and it has also reshaped it's actually reshaping the traditional jobs which are there and uh it is driving those un that those startup initiatives very well because skill India is something which is reality and if you see and since I I work with children uh with special needs especially uh the ones who have lot of issues and they come from the very uh mediocre or ews background just want to tell you that this is means when I opened and when I was researching I was surprised to see the kind of uh uh I mean things which government of India is doing for these children and especially skill-based things so sky is the limit go there and uh try out new things go and and surf on the websites which government has given and it we don't have to look look for abroad things you know you can write your essays for Indian universities and you can work and you can really be an efficient and Innovative individual so technology has definitely and it is unavoidable we have to accept and embrace it for being uh new worker and to bring in new change thank you so much wellcome Ma to you Ma'am uh indit ma'am M what I feel as you said we all are agreeing that technology is coming with a greater pace so as a person as a teacher as a facilitator even as a student whatever I am learning what I am getting today I should see myself 5 to 10 years ahead whatever I'm learning today will it be suitable for that time period or not where it is going to bring me over there so this is what we need to understand that take with along with the technology where I will be so I need to learn at present which will help me out in serving 10 years later from now so that I should not be obsolete that great thank you so much ma'am lxmi ma'am very briefly and very hurriedly so this is to all the Educators who feel orell please do understand that it's completely okay to feel overwhelmed with all these Technologies and all those things take one at a time learn at your own pace even though everybody saying learning agility everything is needed learn at your own PA understand the concept of learning unlearning and I would say relearning the lifelong learning so these all are the terms that is very very important give importance to them just one technology understand it starts learning it that's how we have to start the process it's like don't feel that there are a lot of things to study just take one start learning it and then you'll find the path or the track so this is to all the people who are confused on where to start which place to start how I have to continue and all and thank you so much everyone and start experimenting on yourself when it comes to all these things yeah thank you thank you so much thank you so much our esteem panelist our student moderators our co-host from Amita Vish Vidya petam University Miss lakmi mad um Team Med days do we have any a to be played at the end and please don't don't forget to stay tuned to the programs which Ed am Vish viya pum University is constantly rolling out for you take advantage of them team ades do we have any a oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] thank you so much thank you thank you everyone thank you so much thank you Bab thank you I would like to conclude by thanking all the panelists for sharing their insights and all the participants for staying with us until the end I would request everyone present here to fill the feedback form mentioned in the chat box we have mentioned a feedback form Link in the chat box for e e e e e e e e