Fastest Electric Car Tech - Cool Stuff How It Works - S01 EP02 - Science Documentary

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foreign on this episode of cool stuff I'll find  out what drives the world's fastest electric car put myself on the firing line in one of the most  advanced armored passenger vehicles in the world thanks to one of the fastest most  sensitive digital cameras on the market the world is full of cool stuff [Music]  truly how come I'm not feeling any heat   and I want to know how it works I'll be  riding the Leading Edge of innovation   pulling apart Today's Hottest Technologies and  presenting them in ways you'd never imagined join me on a journey into the  Hidden World of cool stuff [Applause] electric cars aren't known for their  electrifying speed but Ian Wright the   designer of this X1 prototype is ready  to face off against an Italian supercar   and I'm along for the ride are you ready Scott Let's Race let's put the helmets on the  X1 has a top speed of 112 miles per hour   the Lamborghini can reach 205. know who's  gonna win well think again all righty [Music] the X1 has no gearbox no clutch  and a motor with just one moving part you can fill the tank at any 220 volt wall socket   but on this tight track it's just beaten  one of the world's Premier sports cars it's the X1 Secret well for  starters it's unusual engine [Music] a typical internal combustion  engine has more than 200 moving parts   the electric X1 has just three main components  batteries to supply the power an inverter to   control the current and a motor to drive  the wheels the x1's Lithium-ion batteries   pack unbelievable power 400 volts at 4000 amps  about what you get from a small lightning bolt next the inverter this power unit converts DC  into AC by switching the DC current on and off   thousands of times a second by varying  the switching ratio the inverter acts   as the x1's transmission controlling  the motor's torque and speed [Music]   finally the x1's high performance motor red lines  at 14 000 RPM and generates around 300 horsepower   that's twice as much as your everyday family car  and the X1 is half the weight [Music] [Applause]   but the real reason it can beat out  a Lamborghini on a tight course is   its ability to maintain Optimum Torque  from the start of the race to the Finish if you look at all the different parameters  to optimize and race cars the ability to   accelerate out of the turns is the  most important thing and let's talk to see how this works let's go to instant replay okay hold it right there after 50 feet we've  already got two car lengths on the Lamborghini   that's because the X1 is operating  at a constant Optimum torque   and the Lamborghini is not [Applause]   in any two-wheel drive car you've hit maximum  torque just before your Wheels start slipping cars need to change to change accelerate it's an  attemptible for them to maintain that perfect Edge particularly off the starting line when  the trouble with the standing stop with   a gas engine is you've got to match the the  talk to what the wheels want and that means   you've got to slip the clutch or slip  the wheels so one way or another you   don't get you know precise control of the  torque but with electric mode as you do program the x1's computer to run an Optimum torque  whenever the car accelerates on any track surface [Applause]   tires can handle 1500 foot-pounds  of torque before they start slipping   so the computer keeps the tires just a fraction  below that critical number at all times [Music] and the X1 maintains its maximum acceleration at  the start on the straightaways and around corners far my stint in the passenger seat of Ian  Wright's X1 electric car has been mind-blowing and as I discovered the electric  motor has an added advantage you can really see this with  our thermal image camera gas powered cars lose up to 80 percent of  their energy through heat loss and friction   the X1 loses just 20 percent in these thermal images blue is cold  red is hot and white is super hot even after a couple of laps pushing 100 miles per  hour the X1 is cooler than my hard-working film   crew and much cooler than the Lamborghini  especially around the engine compartment   and all that heat is wasted energy [Music] now the X1 faces a tougher challenge we've already   wiped the floor with a sports car  but can we beat a real race car this is John condren's NASCAR  550 horsepower 350 cubic inch V8   are you ready to race us well  I'm willing to give it a little   test will be just fine do you think you can  beat us here in this electric vehicle well I   don't know I've been watching you earlier  today and this thing is very quick let's   race start it up actually we're starting  aren't we we asked that start it up [Music] [Music] what does it feel like to beat a NASCAR  oh that's cool I didn't think we would   really you don't think so they're proper  race cars you know it's a true frame it's   on race tires yeah it's 550 horsepower  so and you just you left it in the dust off the line that thing is really  quick it's crazy there's no wheel spin   uh the constant velocity joints on that  just keeps spinning and spinning and I'm   just watching the whole back end of the car  it's kind of neat watching us from behind   it is it's very interesting nice view no  it's not a night no it's not a nice view off the starting line the NASCAR's  performance is no better than the Lamborghinis   in the X1 we hit 60 miles an hour in 170 feet  about the width of a large intersection [Music]   once again Optimum torque maintained by  the onboard computer outruns pure muscle we've all got more power than we need it's  controlling the tool another decisive factor   is the weight of the car the car is nearly 3 000  pounds thanks to its 100 pound motor and 540 pound   battery pack the X1 weighs in at only 1500.  half the weight to haul off the starting line but as I'm about to find out the x1's  advantages don't end at the racetrack   if you're building gas engine cars if you build  a really fuel efficient one it'll be slow but   that's not true for electric cars I mean this  car does 0 to 60 in 3.0 seconds it does zero  

to 100 miles an hour in 6.8 and yet it does the  equivalent of 170 miles per gallon in City driving High performing and energy efficient I think  this really could be the car of the future [Music] it's like a scene from a Hollywood movie  except I'm really here white knuckling it   in the passenger seat okay see that guy he's  coming after us the truth is scenes like this   play out in real life all over the world just  one we've got a red truck behind us as a diplomat   elected official or wealthy businessman suddenly  finds himself targeted by the bad guys [Applause]   it's chasing us he's getting them right on our  tail the chase is on the odds don't seem to be on   our side we can't get rid of this guy but despite  appearances it's Advantage us you see the car I'm   sitting in is actually a four-wheeled  fortress let's drop the spikes [Music] oh it worked welcome to the  world of Maximum protection I'm at the international armor Incorporation  high-tech Chop Shop were for about a hundred   grand you can transform your everyday  car into a real Road Warrior [Music] take a regular car that would be in  any showroom Nationwide completely   disassemble the Car Armor it and  put it back together so the client   is protected but nobody else knows  that he's driving an armored car this standard SUV body is being  bolstered with bulletproof Steel some of the Steelers steel they're already  been put in the card ballistic Steel is right   here in the B post area you can also see  that the firewall for this particular car   is all taken care of as well this takes  about three days to put this together   because all of this steel comes pre-cut when  the guys are done the vehicle will look just   like a regular old SUV but it will be twice  as heavy and virtually impenetrable [Music] at International Armory they modify cars  not just to survive the odds straight bullet but to withstand a serious armed assault your average cars galvanized steel  May prevent rust but it sure can't   stop high-powered rifle fire from  30 feet the lead actually went all   the way through because of the speed  and velocity of that specific ground this would have gone through the outside  door into the passenger compartment and   killed or severely injured the occupant  inside the car look out for this guy but   it's a different story when the  car is lined with Ballistic Steel the bullet pierces the door's outer  skin but the quarter inch ballistic   steel below not only stops the  bullet it shatters it on impact no perforation whatsoever bullet totally  disintegrating on impact if you have a car made   of this type of material you're going to be very  safe yeah safe enough to be able to take multiple   hits on the piece of Steel and still get still get  out of the Kill Zone to understand how this works   I needed a crash course in Steel as I discovered  there are more than 3 000 grades of Steel but   they all contain the same basic ingredients iron  and carbon the more carbon the harder the steel   but carbon also makes the steel more brittle  so what they do is carefully Heat cool and   reheat the steel this process called tempering  produces steel that's both strong and supple oh the strength and steel used in these Armored   Cars has 20 times more carbon  than the steel in normal cars [Music]   the factory also adds high levels of chromium  a very hard metal and nickel a very dense metal   it's a blend that's tough enough to  stop an 1800 mile per hour bullet voted stopping a bullet with steel is one thing   safety off but I had to wonder  how do you stop it with glass the answer transparent toughest Nails  substance called polycarbonate resin   thermoplastic safety on in bulletproof  windows layers of this polycarbonate   are sandwiched between panels of regular glass it's multi-layers of glass and polycarbonate and  polyvinyl butyl which is a material that actually   glues the panels of the glass together and it's a  thick sandwich typical car windshields are about   1 8 of an inch this bulletproof glass is two  inches thick once that glass is adhered and   put in an autoclave and baked that's what gives  it its Clarity and its curvature and then the   safety on the inside is the polycarbonate  to keep those rounds from going through here's what happens when a bullet  meets bulletproof glass as it tears   into the layers the bullet's energy  is transferred to the plastic [Music]   it runs out of momentum before it can make  it through to the other side and into the car this is the inbound surface of the glass all  that energy was stopped by the multiple layers   of glass and then the inside the inside  occupants of the of the vehicle would   have been protected by this polycarbonate  layer on the inside of the glass panel but just in case you're dealing with a  particularly pesky Hitman this amazing car   has one more trick up its sleeve a nice common  here electrified in the car electric handles   wired to deliver a nasty 120 volt shock just like  sticking your finger in a power socket [Music]   and so ends my cameo in this  action film but in real life   cars like these are saving people's  lives all over the world [Music]   much of our Lives goes by in a blur slow things  down and there's a whole other world out there the bullet I've just fired is slicing  through the air at 3 200 feet a second   but all I can see is a puff of smoke the human  eye simply can't process an image that moves at   more than 60 frames per second to catch the  action you've got a photograph at high speed a thousand times faster than a normal camera  Go Up High yeah well I have to for more help   understanding high-speed photography I've  turned to Ken Hahn from NAC image technology   here's the cartridge and then see it ejecting out  and look at that see it floating there is ejecting   well if you think about it your normal  video camera is 30 frames per second Motion   Pictures are 24 frames per second here we're  running at 1 000 frames per second and above thank you a shot recorded at one thousand  frames a second then played back at 30   frames a second will be seen as slow motion to  capture the detail in these shots you can see   your shoulder going back yeah Ken is using nac's  latest digital high-speed camera memory cam K5   it shoots at more than 300 times the  rate of normal human vision [Music] people have a digital camera at home this is  just like a digital snapshot camera except it's   taking snapshots very very fast most digital  cameras rely on a Charged coupled device or   CCD to convert light into electrons which  is fine for normal photography but doesn't   provide the light sensitivity you need at shutter  speeds of more than a thousand frames or more instead high-speed cameras use an  incredibly sensitive sensor called a CMOS   short for complementary metal oxide semiconductor a normal video camera can only register 30 frames  a second this baby handles more than 2 000. and   we then store that data in RAM memory such as  what you'd have in your PC on the camera [Music] memo cam has 16 gigabytes of RAM memory that's  around 15 times more than an average home computer but it needs every byte because for each  second of action the camera records it uses   up one gig of memory [Music] it's a massive  amount of ram but you've got to remember the   memory cam is extracting huge amounts of  information in a very short time [Music] 60 seconds of recording time would be  hours of playback time oh my gosh and   the added advantage of digital technology is yep  we're ready you're never gonna miss the shots cameras that record on film a digital  camera can keep rolling indefinitely   we can constantly overwrite that memory  we can constantly record and when we   hit the trigger actually what we're  doing is telling it to stop recording press a button and you've just  captured the last 10 seconds [Music] high-speed photography opening up a whole new   world with a camera that's faster  than a speeding bullet all right [Music] in the fast lane it can be a thrill  a minute dose of danger or that magic moment   when a blurry World Turns crystal clear  we'll see you next time on cool stuff [Music] thank you foreign


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