BRII webinar Revolutionise agricultural spray applications

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Um. Nicole can you please, click on the q a at the bottom and see what you see. New color. Yeah so, i can also say open, answered and dismissed, and no open questions. Okay, so it looks like rather than me going and sending it off to. Panelists, it looks like you should um, just read but i will actually, ask the questions. From that from that q a panel. How does that sound to you, zoe. Pete you're. Mute. Yeah i was just checking out with uh elena, whether or not she could go here everyone. So probably. Now. We have 77. People, so far. Wow. So. Okay, give it a few more minutes. Um. We have, 79. People. Who have. Joined. All right trinity, do you want to start. Start talking. So is everyone here. Yep we've got 79. People, so let's, go, let's go. Okay welcome, and thank you for joining us my name is trinity, and i'll be moderating, today's webinar. I'd like to begin by acknowledging, the traditional, custodians. Of the land on which we gather today, and pay my respects, to their elders, past and present, i extend, that respect to aboriginal, and torres strait islander, peoples here today. Some housekeeping, rules. Today's webinar, is recorded, and will be available, on the brie website, in the coming days. Please keep your microphones. On mute and if you'd like to ask questions during the webinar. Please write this in the q a box at the bottom of the screen and we will be answering as many questions as we can at the end of the presentations. If we don't get to your questions, during the webinar, we will answer these individually. And the webinar, is closed, caption. I would like to welcome bradley morton from the department of industries, science energy and resources. Who will give you an overview of the challenges, and how you can apply. Followed by susan and nicola from crdc. Who will provide oh susan, from crdc. And nicola, from. Um new south wales epa. Who'll provide, more detail about this specific, challenge, brad i'll hand over to our head of control to you. Now. Okay. Thanks trinity. My name is bradley morton and i'm the program, manager, of bree. I've worked in the bree program for the last three and a half years and managed the last two rounds of brie. Um i also have with me pete and elena from the program team and george from our policy team in case we get some, to help out with the questions, later on today. Okay so what is bree bree, enables. Australian. Government, agencies, to tap into leading edge thinking, and seeks, innovative, solutions, from startups, and smes, which are small to medium enterprises. To challenges. Identified. In public, policy, and service delivery. Okay so how does it work. For this round the program covers five, environmental. Challenges, for which smes. Small to medium enterprises. Can develop, solutions. These challenges, were proposed, by australian, government agencies. And the successful, challenges. Were recommended, by innovation and science australia, and approved by the minister. Smes, with a great idea, are invited, to apply. And address, the challenges, through the development of a new solution. We understand, that the new solution, can be a modification, of existing, technology. The best applications. Will receive, upfront funding for a feasibility. Study, and the winners will receive grants of up to a hundred thousand dollars to test and document their idea over three months.

The Most successful, ideas, or feasibility, studies, then. Are eligible, to apply for a further grant of up to one million dollars. To develop, a prototype, or proof of concept, over the following 18 months. Once a solution. Has been developed, the sme, has the advantage, of an agency, consider, buying. Your solution, or selling the solution to the industry, sector. Smes, are also encouraged. To sell these new solutions, worldwide. As you retain the intellectual, property rights to your solution. Please. Please note, some. Challenge. Oh do you want to go back a couple of slides please. Please note some, challenges. We'll have government. Agencies. Others will not. For example. In a previous, round i trade has developed the world's first, leading. Child safety information, sharing platform between state and territory governments from a large government contract, after bree. As where, other. Challenges. Have addressed a gap in the marketplace. For example, marsd and jacob, associates, waterflow, app. Was designed to give farmers and irrigators, free up-to-date, water trading information. And the app offers both free, and paid content, in this instance, the government agency was one of the many potential, customers. Using the premium, subscription. Service. Yep and now we're on to brief, funding and cash. Flow. Bree, provides. Smes. With critical, early stage financial, support, for the development, of new to mark innovations. The feasibility, study grants which you can see across the top row, there. Rece. Grantees, are eligible to receive up to a hundred thousand dollars to undertake a feasibility, study for three months. With two million in total funding, which works out to around 400, available for each of the challenges. The second stage, the proof of concept stage. Uh successful. Feasibility. Study participants. Will then be eligible, to apply for up to one million dollars to develop a proof of concept, or prototype. With 10 million in total for that stage it works out to around two million dollars available, for each challenge. Next slide working with agencies. Brie is not about giving you the dollars, and then leaving you to develop your solution, in isolation. The program, has inbuilt, monthly catch-ups, and we encourage you and your company, particularly, during the feasibility, stage. To have discussions. Q and a's conversations. And workshops. The more the, better. The program also allows the grantees, to do a presentation, at the end of the feasibility. Study and the proof of concept, stage. So you can. Show and explain, your solution, to the agencies. And relevant key stakeholders. The department of industry will manage, the administrative, side of the grant. The challenge, agency. Will. Provide. Information. Context, and expertise. Around the challenge to be solved. And you and your company are responsible, for, developing, the solution that solves the challenge. And then marketing, and launching it in the future. How to maximize, your, opportunity. For success. Bree provides, many opportunities. Such as significant. Funding to entrepreneurs. Smes, and startups to explore. And develop, commercially, viable. Innovative, technologies. This is not match funding if selected, you can access up to 1.1, million dollars. The chance to gain a significant. Reference, customer. And track record, leading to facilitating. A path to market and a new opportunity, for future investment, and growth. I've got an example here from round one. A round one grantee, developed, convalence. A web-based. Consultation. Platform that enabled, better engagement. And consultation, with communities. And within departments. As part of their research. And work they. Ended up gaining a contract, to assist the department, of prime minister and cabinet with a piece of work on the aps review, about, two thirds of the way through their, proof of concept stage. Free also preview, provides. The opportunity, to gain, and improve knowledge, experience. And develop relationships, with australian, government clients. Bree provides, the retention, of ip, rights for you to commercialize. Products, concepts. Domestically. And internationally. Bree, also provides the opportunity, to explore, and exploit spin-offs. Another, example, from around one grantee, otamo. Their project, has led to being involved, with the, innovative. Vector control, consortium, to develop technologies, to combat malaria. And other deadly, mosquito-borne. Diseases. Which is being led by the department, of foreign affairs and trade. Brie also provides the potential, to access, other government assistance, programs, such as accelerating. Commercialization.

Onto Eligibility. To be eligible for the feasibility, study and proof of concept, grants, smes, must, have an abn. And have turnover, of less than 20 million, per year over the last three years. There is an exception, for organizations, who are controlled, by an australian. University. Or public sector research, organization. See the guidelines, for more information, on that. Newly established, companies are welcome to apply. Joint, applications, will be accepted. Provided, the lead applicant is both a primary. Project, proponent. And meets all other criteria. And individuals, or partnerships. May be considered, eligible, if they agree. To form a corporation. That meets all the other eligibility, requirements, before, signing a grant agreement. Those that aren't eligible, or not eligible, are income tax exempt companies. Government, agencies. Such as federal state local, and government business, enterprises, are not eligible. And trusts will not be eligible, although a corporation, acting as a corporate trustee. May apply on behalf of the, trust. Merit. Criteria. A suggestion. Is to get to the point, don't use too much jargon. As the assessment, committee may have a lot of these, applications, to read through. Merit criterium, one extent, that your proposed, solution, meets the challenge. So that's basically. How the proposed, solution will meet the challenge. And how the repose, solution is different to what is already in the market so how is it new and innovative. How will it solve the challenge. Merit criterion, 2. Market, opportunity, for your proposed, solution. The market, need for the solution, and the future, commercial, potential, of the solution, in domestic, and international, markets. For example how would it be commercialized. Include the market opportunities. How flexible, and scalable, your solution, is and could it be used in other industries, or expanded, into other. Markets. Merit criterion, 3. Your track record in managing, similar, projects, and access to personnel with the right skills and experience. I started capability, capacity and resources, to deliver the project. Your access, or future, access to any infrastructure. Capital equipment, or technology, or, intellectual, property. It'll also include a sound project, plan, to manage, and monitor the project, and also your project budget. So things to focus on is your past achievements. Similar, successful, projects you've undertaken. The key personnel, and their, experience, and qualifications. That they. Have. Moving on to the application, form, the application, form is located, on the Dot au portal. And some things to note about the application, form are. You can start, and save it, and come back to it and complete it in stages. Some sections, have character limits. Do not leave it to the, final, few hours to complete. Be mindful of relevant, time zones, and differences. The application, will automatically, close at the scheduled, time of 5 pm. Australian eastern standards, time, at thursday. 10th, of september. Any applications, still open and not submitted, will not be able to be submitted, and, we do not accept. Late applications. There's some contact details, there, if you need to, contact the call center or have a look on the That iu site. If you have a great idea and meet the eligibility, requirements, we strongly, encourage you to apply. I would recommend, checking out. Webpage. It has a lot of information on there and templates that you'll need, to apply such as reading through the grant opportunity, guidelines, that i've, shown there. And also the, templates, that you're required to apply, such as the financial. Turnover, declaration. And the letter of support templates, if needed. Thank you. Thanks brad, hopefully that answers most of your questions, of how you can apply for a challenge. Please keep your questions, coming through, and we'll answer them at the end of the. Session if we can't answer them in the q a right at the moment. And please make sure that rather than. Sending it through the webinar, chat put your questions into the actual formal q a box. It's, right next to the participants. Box. I'll now hand you over to susan. From cotton rdc. And nicola. From new south wales epa, to provide more detail about their challenge.

Thank You, and hello everyone, um. So look i'm really excited, to talk about the challenge today which we've put forward which is, revolutionizing. Agricultural. Spray applications. Um. Let's, go to the next slide. So my name is susan mass and i'm with the cotton research and development corporation. The cotton rdc, is a partnership. Between the commonwealth, government, and cotton growers, with industry, levies matched by the commonwealth, contributions. We invest in research, innovation, and transformative. Technologies. To deliver, impact for the australian cotton industry in the wider community. We're partnering on this challenge with new south wales, epa, and, i'm working with nicola cotty. From. New south wales epa. So thank you and. So. Uh why are we wanting to. Revolutionize. For application. So, um. As many of you would be aware sperry drift is the movement of pesticides, off target. Um and it's a global. Whole of ag problem. Um so it's an indication, of inefficient, use of pesticides. Obviously if pesticides, aren't hitting their target. That means there is reduced, efficacy. Which represents, a waste of money. This effective, low rate has been implicated, in resistance. And the lack of control, can mean, there's additional applications. Necessary. Ultimately, compounding. Any drift issue. Um. Of, of course also. Pesticide, movement is a threat to, nearby sensitive, crops, and the environment. And, that damage has flow-on, effects, um including, impact on social license, and the right to farm. And, and can result in political, pressure, on, ag chemistries, globally, so, something that we really need to get on top of. Um. And. Um no one, sets out to to drift or cause damage to. Um. You know nearby, sensitive crops or the environment. Um. But. One of the the. Drivers, behind. Um. This challenge, is is the. The complexity. Of decision making, in making a spray application. And and, so looking at, how we can. Have solutions, to support. Um, growers, to undertake, best practice. Um so if i just put some if i go to the next slide, and put some context. Um and dollars. To the issue. And, i guess you can u, we can use cotton as a, i guess can be considered a a, canarian. In the coal mine. Um, and, um so cotton is highly, sensitive, to, um, group eye, herbicides. So that, you know including, 24d. Um, and. Um. And so that can result in in large amounts of damage, so, for example, in 2018. There was less than 10, of the crop was impacted. And it's estimated that that cost the industry about 18, million. Um. In in terms of lost production. Um and and so when you start to think about you know and scale it up in in 2016. Um you know it was estimated the damage was around 20, of the crop. Um, and of course the impact go beyond, um direct financial, losses, um the industry.

Has. Suffered. Setbacks. In terms of, research. And key breeding, sites. Um, this, expansion, into new areas has been. Hindered by, by the risk of drift. Um. And. Um, there can also be real, um social, impact within communities, where drift has occurred. Um so so that's something to consider. Hoping my internet is holding. Um, so the responsible, use of pesticides, is an industry sustainability. Goal, um and it's important for maintaining, social license for access to key products. Required to support food and fibre production. So while the australian cotton industry, has, uh or the drain cotton rdc, has put up this challenge. Um i really want to emphasize, that this is a cross commodity, issue and we're interested in solutions. That will work across crop types. And of course. Um. Any solution. That that, helps reduce the complexity. Of, of spray application. Or helps resolve, spray drift, is going to have, um, you know is going to be a global opportunity, so, we're, really excited. To, partner with this program to have our challenge, looked at. So. I guess, um. You know for those who may be less familiar with. Spray application, i guess the question has to be asked. Is it you know why is it so difficult you know it should be easy we've got. Um you know essentially the thing we want to spray. Uh you put it in your, your ground rig, and you spray it on the pest and the pesties, and, you know that's great. Um. However, it's actually. Spray application is a highly complex. Uh with multiple, interrelated, decision, decisions. And each one has the potential, to contribute, to drift risk. So in the planning, phase for a spray operation, there are multiple, regulatory, requirements. To think about so you've got labels. Uh the, training and accreditation. Record keeping and um and you need to be aware of where sensitive crops are, or and, sensitive, um, areas, are in relation, um to to where the spray operation, is occurring. Um, product choice needs to consider the pest target. Resistance, and stewardship, considerations. Um, as well as of course the drift risk. Um other products in the tank including adjuvants, and water quality, can also have an impact both on the effectiveness. But also. Against the target but also. Impact, on that drift risk. So then the spray operation, itself needs to be conducted, so as to minimize, drift, with. Droplet, size, needs to consider, nozzle. Pressure. Speed. Um we need to factor in boom height and weather conditions. And so that all aligns to best practice. So then there's the added pressure of ensuring that you have timely, pest control. Um, so. You know temperature, and soil moisture for example are really important. Um to making sure the weeds aren't stressed so that a herbicide. Will actually be effective, for example. And there are um, other factors to consider, in such as post-application. Volatility. So that limited, capacity. And that. Sometimes, can be a challenge, so, contractors, or equipment, being available. There can be limited weather, windows, in which um. And and that can really drive people to to, push up against the limits of of you know what they'd prefer to do. Uh and probably, most challenging. Um for all this complexity, there's no, really good feedback, loop so if, drift, does occur. The operator, is not necessarily. Going to. Know about it be able to adjust what they're doing. Um, either. In real time or even into the you know into the future they're not going to to learn from that, um so, spray drift can travel for many kilometers. And and for example herbicide damage can take 10 to 14, days, to appear, so, so that there can be a real disconnect, between. Uh, what you know what is happening in terms of spray application, and, and what impact might be occurring, as a result. So, um, and one of the other, implications. For the the lack of the feedback loop is that it also means that compliance, can be ineffective. So, just looking at eel or dead plants doesn't tell us whether, pesticides, were involved. Or. Where the pesticides, might have come from, so. So again. There's, there's that that. That disconnect. So if i talk a little bit about. In the next slide. Um what are some of the things we've done today. And so there's been a really big focus, i think historically. Um from from lots of different groups about, building awareness. Training. Recommendations. R d. Um looking at you know what is best practice. Um. I think i mentioned training there's been lots of training, um there's been platforms, to allow people to, to share, you know where, sensitive, crops are, and there's been lots of i guess. Fact sheets and manuals, and guides, um. Produced. And, while we would hope that those activities, have had some effect. Um. What we're doing, isn't, changing.

Practice, Enough, um. And, um. So, you know crtc, has recently. Supported some. Social. Research. Um. Into. Drivers, behind, um. Uh, spray application, best practice. And it's found and and i guess one of the findings was about 60, of um respondents, so that's this is looking at a grains. On an audience. Um, had not adopted, or only occasionally, adopted, what was best practice drift behaviors. Um, but but it gets a little bit more complex, than that and um, you know we've. Got some information, from from the sos, groups, that have um, looked um at you know some interest some of the complexity. Of these, these um issues, and, and so. 60 percent, of, growers are relying on their agronomists, for advice, but only 50 percent of agronomists. Are actually confident. In, providing, that advice. Um, you know. In, getting to that sort of capacity. Issue. You know 88. Of fours, in that particular, study. Were unsuitable. For for certain formulations. I mean and probably the big one um which was was quite surprising, is, only 50, of people were confident, that they could keep their spray on the target, so despite, the huge body of work. There's just a general lack of confidence, that what people are doing, is, is actually. Um. Resulting, in the spray on the target. Um. So. Um so slide, next slide. So, really what we're looking here is for you for new innovation. And, um. What we're doing is it working and, and so we're really excited, to, to look for new, ideas. For. Out of the box thinking. Um, you know really. What's. What can, i guess the you know business the startup, um, community, you know how can can you come up with ideas to to really challenge. Um the way, um we we look at spray application. So, some ideas it could be better ways to train people, it could use automation, and data processing, or augmentation, of information. To reduce the complexity. To support better for application. Decision, making. Um you might be able to help close the, loop, and, um. Help with that that feedback, loop that that sort of alerts people to to a spray, application, going on, or you might have some other technical. Solution. Um to help address this problem so, really, you know this is a big call out to say you know this is a great opportunity, to to really let let's. Look at new innovation. So if i go to slide 11 so some considerations. Um. So. Uh what you come up with has to be compatible, with farming, so. That includes, compatible, with farming equipment and technologies. And platforms. And it's also got to take in the realities. Of of farming which is dust, and temperature, extremes. And of course the, unreliability. Of connectivity. In, regional, and rural australia. Um, your solution, should line up with. Best practice, um spray application. Um including. You know. You know supporting. You know meeting legal requirements, associated, with chemical, use and application. Um as i said before we're not looking for a cotton only solution. We want you to think, um, cross-commodity. We want you to think national, think global. Um. And, um, and while weather and time of spraying is a component, of spray decisions. Um because cotton rdc is involved, in some, uh. Innovation. Related to weather and time of spraying, so as to avoid duplication, in that space we that's that's, out of scope for this challenge. Um. So look i just wanted to i guess wrap up and. Um, you know sort of say you know see the cotton rdc, and new south wales epa. Um you know we're really excited to be part of this initiative, and, um, so we'll be pulling together a review. Community, that includes, farmers, and and, industry, so, quite practical. Um and if you're a successful, candidate, um we're going to help connect you with replicators. Growers and consultants, and industry, and government. Um and be able to to help provide that feedback on your concept.

Um, And we'd also, look to support, um, successful, candidates, through industry media. Um so look thank you i really look forward to your applications. Um i'm so excited that that we're part of this and and yeah really looking forward to, what comes in, thank you. Thanks for your presentation. Susan, um, we've received a number of questions for both, brie, and for cotton rdc. Um so i'll ask the first one of brie. Can you please clarify, how universities. Can apply. How do you kind of university. Lead or do they need to establish, a startup, jv, or spv. Yep i can answer that, universities. Themselves, are not able to apply as they will be over the 20 million dollars. The 20 million, turnover, but, if there's a, controlled, body or, a. Established. Company, underneath the university they might have a spin-off they may have a research, body they may have something that, sits underneath, the university, with a different abn, number. Then that can apply. Great hopefully that makes it clearer. Thanks brad. This one is for yourself, susan, uh, in, 2018. Around, 10, australian crop cotton, was impacted, by spray drift costing 18 million in production losses. Was a drift by wind by chemical, volatility. Or by movement, in water, is it known. So. Um. I can talk broadly, um, i would, i. You know i think there's been different studies, um, so i guess to put the water one to the side so the the. Um that damage that i'm talking about is um. Is, uh caused by, um air. Air movement, of, the, um. Of herbicides. As i understand, it, um and then i guess the question of was it by, wind or by chemical, volatility. Um. That's actually a sort of a a harder and interrelated. Question, and um. It. Um, i i would say it's, it's not easy to tease apart, um, so, if, the, um. Uh, my my. Yeah so you see, it's. You've got inversions. And and direct wind drift, um. Um. I'm going, to. I don't know nichola if you wanted to comment but but i think for me it's, it's moved in the air, um whether it was from chemical, volatilization. Uh after the spray event or during the spray or an event that happened during the spray event, i would um. I would probably not be in a position to. Answer. So did you have anything further to add nicola, or, shall we move on to the next question. Not specifically, but i think it just speaks to the, point that susan made about not having those feedback mechanisms, in place, and and part of that is dealing with the unknown, and, and helping farmers to ravel through that on complexity, and turn those unknowns, to no ones. Um so that's probably where i where i would see the innovation, in answering that, question. Great thanks for your answer. Um we'll see, uh cotton, rdc, and epa connect successful, candidates, with researchers. Um, so potentially, we could. We'd need to have i guess some detail, about. Um. The which researcher, and under you know, what, what the, you know what what was the support that was needed but but certainly, um. We can um help make those. Connections. Yeah. And what is your definition, of pests, is it insects, or weeds. I. I also can we get to insects, weeds and disease, so look i think um. Uh for mine, a big focus around spray drift, is around. Um herbicide. So, so talking about weeds. Um, and and, that's because the the damage, is is visible, um on on you sort of using plants as other. Um indicators. But but equally, you know we we certainly. Um. You know. Insecticides. For example you know that. We you, can't have those drifting, either so. Um. Typically. Um. Insecticides. Go uh. There's less insecticides. Going on you know in. In cotton in terms of number of sprays and so from from that perspective. Um the timing, can be um, can be better and then there can be a bit more focus, around, getting the job right. The the weeds is is is. Is a particular, challenge, just because of the large areas that need to be covered if you consider. You know broad acre cropping generally, so. I i would say, for me i'm looking for a solution, that can help with everything, but in particular.

I Think a focus on weeds and herbicide, drift would be a great place to start. Okay great. Um. Is there much historical, data season. Or awareness, of what the casual, factors, of str, spray drift are. Are the chords or factors. Um, so causal factors. Um. So yes so we've got. Um. There's been lots of um. Different, research. Um so so there is some really good. Technical, bits of material, i can point you to so, um gldc, have a really good, spray manuals for application, manual. Uh and that speaks to. A lot of the, i guess the technical, factors. Um, in. That, that relate to spray drift, um, cdc. As i mentioned, recently we did some social science, around. Understanding, some of those drivers, and and, under, um. And so that report. I believe, is available, on. Uh, inside cotton if you're wanting to understand i guess some of the, people component, to the spray challenge. Um. So they're probably a couple of you know initial things to point to um. I think that, that's so, so i guess to talk more generally about what are the causal factors. It's, um. So so that's where the complexity, comes in um in that there's, there's lots of potentially, lots of little, little contributions. So, you know obviously, you know, is the, weather conditions, okay, um. You know is um. The. You know nozzle. You know selection, you know so the impacts of each little decision. Um are all could potentially, contributing, a small amount to to drift. Um, and you know and that's science, that, continues. To. To, you know emerge, and so yeah there's certainly, um. So there is, understanding. But, the which one contributes, the most isn't always clear. Thanks for that, um. Susan are physical, shrouds, or the addition of coherence. Chemicals. For the emerging, aquitil, genocide. Application. Of interest. It's a very specific, question. Um. Hi greg. Um. So. Um. Shielded, sprayers. Are, at times used. Um. There's some challenges, around. Um you know so sometimes that they don't suit certain, situations. Um. Addition of coherence. I couldn't comment on coherence. Chemicals. Um. That would not yeah that that would be something i i couldn't know for sure. Um. Obviously, formulation. Is important, in products, so. That's probably. I couldn't answer specifically, whether a particular, chemical. Or particular, adjuvant. Will make a particular, technology. Work better. All right so please elaborate, about 88, percent of bores, unsuitable. I might take this one yeah you could take that one. Yeah so um this came from a study, in the macquarie, region, so it looked at um boars that accessed. Uh aquaford. And the artesian, basin. At a high level, um. Water was tested for a variety of water quality parameters. And then. Feedback was provided, to farmers, in the context, of the herbicides, and insecticides. That they use. And, the. Amendments. They needed to make to their application, or the amelians, they needed to consider. To make sure that the negative potential negative impacts of poor water quality. Were, um. Buffered or addressed. To ensure that their chemical applications. Were effective. Um and efficient. So at a, at a high level. Um the study was around. Uh what is the impact of water quality on spray efficacy. And. Potentially, spray drift. For this, specific. Piece of data. Um. The, water quality parameter i think it was from memory around bicarbonate, and it was only a small study so about 104. Samples. That was benchmarked. Against. Industry, publications. I think this particular one was around grdc, publication. That suggested, for this particular water quality parameter. Um. The. Amine formulations. Were not suitable. And. The researchers, were unable to, um detect immigrants. That would overcome the water quality, issue. Is that enough information, about that study, uh if you are interested in more we can potentially, put you in touch with the group that undertook, that.

Research. Okay here's another. Answer. For brad, another question for brad. Um, what is the confidence. How confidential. Um is the process. Yeah i've seen a few questions coming through on the q and a's and asking about confidentiality. Of ip. And yet all of our assessors. Uh, signed confidentiality. Clauses so they can't spread the ip anywhere. We also ensure, that the process, between. The, grant the possible grantees, the applications, and the ones that get in there's no cross. Contamination. Of, the ip, that you guys, have brought up, we ensure that none of the agencies, discuss your idea with other. Applicants, or grantees. Same with the entrepreneurs, program committee they. Are under confidentiality. Clauses as well they can't go and distribute your ip anywhere. So that's all. What's the best word to use. Above board, and. Restricted, to. Only your idea i guess. Yep level playing field for everyone we don't share the ip with anyone else, yep. Okay and another question for you brad. Um. Some, alexander, has asked where an sme, and have an ongoing, project with the university, can we apply, and get a letter of support from the university. Yes that's, that's correct. You can work with the university, you can get a letter of support from the university, that's fine since universities. Aren't eligible, but if there's a. Business. Underneath, that university, they can or you can partner with them that's fine as well yes. And another one for you brad what are the outcomes, that are expected, from a feasibility. Study, yep a feasibility, study we expect you to sort of go into detail, of your idea, you don't actually have to have a minimum vial product, or, some sort of prototype, at the end although some, of the previous, rounds they have started building it and starting give us some screenshots. Or some sort of. Information. From their. Work that they've done but basically it's just a, say a 20 page feasibility, study report, in a word document, and i said as i said before and a bit of a presentation, to say, what your findings, were. And how. You think it can be, feasible, into the future. Will the feasibility. Stage include, testing with growers, this summer, um, what should it prove. Business, case, adoption, pathway. Path to development, of the technology. Yeah, it may. We'll probably have to discuss that and see how far we can get with growers. Or not but basically yes it should prove your business case your pathway. Yep it can it can sort of go into a bit more detail about your idea, how it's going to work how you can commercialize, it in the future, you know basically, how you're solving the. Challenge. Okay so now we've got some more technical, questions. For, um susan. And, um, and nicola. Are new molecular, entities, for control, of pest species, out of scope for this. Grant. Sorry i missed um. You want me to read that again, i thought i was. On the questions, and i realized that i've not got the um sorry could you go again. Our new molecular, entities. Control of pest species, out of scope for this grant. Um, look so so the focus of this grant is um spray application. So, um. I would say that unless, the. Molecular. Entities. Could. Um. Improve, the spray application. Um, then. That i would say that's out of scope, um.

If That makes sense so, um. Um see, i guess just talk broadly. We do, um. Have, um, projects. Um around, looking at new and novel crop protection, products, um and looking at at biologicals. And, um you know different ways of. Managing, pests without pesticides, and we've got sustainability. Targets around pesticides. Um but no for this particular. Um challenge. Um it's it's pretty big as it is so so the focus, is really on, on spray application. And for, a vr, training solution, who will be responsible, to make the vr hardware, accessible, to farmers. So, um we would be looking, for. I i guess, from my perspective, we're looking for, for i guess. You know. Business solutions, so so people to look at the full package, um. You know from you know we're not looking to, um, i guess have an ongoing. Role in, any of the solutions, that are produced, so. Um i guess as as part of. The development. Um you know we'd be looking for people to think about the business model i don't know brad or pete if you wanted to comment on that. Yep that's correct, so basically. Um the second criteria, in the merit is about commercialization. Into the future so, yes it's coming up with a solution, and then, hopefully you'll, you and your company being able to make it, you know launch it in australia, and even globally, if you wish. We want to grow your company, yep. Okay. Um. And one further question for susan. Was related, to data, for a proposal, that was looking to provide decision, support to farmers, agronomists, by mapping the, causal, factors. We would potentially, need historical, data, for example i.e when sprays were made mixed. And if sprayed drift occurred are you in a position to provide this for the feasibility. Study. Um. I would have to take that i have to think about that question a little bit there's a little bit in there um. When sprays, are made mix, um. So. Not necessarily. Like, it's um. Not necessarily. Can i i might take that one and notice before i say no outright, but i just i need to understand a little bit about some of the detail on that one so i might take that one and notice. Um. Just because, i'm not sure exactly, which historical, data and i just need to explore. Um, what that yeah what they're getting at. I'll let you have a think about that one susan, and i'll um, hand back over to brad. When can concept, feedback, be solicited, and how do we do this. Thanks trinity, uh it's pete have brad propped, out, so uh feedback, would be effectively, uh come from the other breed program, area, to the. Uh, applicants, um after the application, has already been, submitted, so, uh the challenge, agency will actually go through and do their, uh assessment, of the application, and we also have our entrepreneur. Program, committee so epc. They will also do their assessments, so. We plan on providing, some feedback, to all recipients. Um. And so we'll actually give uh uh some, strengths and weaknesses, so the application, itself. And even those ones who have been successful, will receive, that information. But we can't really uh provide, any uh information. To a an applicant, to say yes your idea is perfect. Let's go ahead with that one or we think that he, is going to be successful. Once again we still need to keep that level playing field but you know feedback will be given. To the applicants, um after the applications. Have been assessed. Okay thanks for your answer. Um another one for you pete is it expected, that a high technology. Sme. Will partner with, a research, institute, and users of the innovative. Innovative, solutions. How does this impact the application. Process. Yeah they, can, um. We have had uh applicants, in a previous round who just do everything, in-house, so they're only doing it by themselves, um, if they choose, to uh have a partner, or collaborator. Then that's no problem at all. It is looked upon uh favorably, if you do work with say like a university. Or someone else with a. Quite a wide range of uh experience. But you also need like a letter of support, from that particular. Collaborator. And someone has asked where an sme. Less than 20 million. Which 50 percent of our partner, is owned by an overseas, rna. Rnd, firm can we apply. Yes. So uh within the within the guidelines, as long as the uh the application, for the business putting through their application. Uh. Actually uh meets all of the uh eligible, criteria. Um you know you've got an avn, incorporated, in australia. Uh there's no problem with your r d arm being overseas, that's fine. Can applicants. Access. People or include people who are currently, involved, in this research. In their specific, expertise, area. For example, refracted. Light color band. Yes absolutely, so if the applicants, want to, again include other partners, other collaborators.

For Their application, and for the research. Um then yes they can do that. Okay. Um so back to, susan. Um. Uh why, can't. Why can't you just enclose, all the nozzles in a box so there's no spray drift. That would be great, um, so look i suppose, when you think about what we're trying to do, um, when we're applying. Pesticides. Um, is it's really. Um how can we effectively. Um, target. And control. Um you know a, pest whether it's an insect, weed or disease. Where they are in the crop canopy. Um, and. Um. And so with the sort of the least amount of chemical, and, um. So, um. So there are um things like shielded, sprayers. Um. But that can affect, um, you know that that can that's. Not suitable for every operation. Um. And, um so it's all also affects you know the efficiencies, of how long, um you know the product might take to go on so. Um if you can think of a way to keep it there that's, you know cost-effective. And, um, you know i'm, really open to being completely, challenged, um if you can think of a way to um. And enclose, a spray in a box, um, i'd be, i'd be fascinated. Um but, um yeah so the challenges, of broad acre cropping is. Um, you know large areas, and um yeah you do need to, to target, the, the pest where, um where they are and for things for, you know depending on the crop canopy that can make things quite challenging. And susan are you looking for alternatives. To the traditional, chemical, sprays. Um i.e bioproducts, such as liquid biochar, and wood vigor. These can be used to replace a portion of chemicals, increase efficacy. Or be. Used as a standard, standalone, product. Um. So i think i i, answered in a previous, question we've certainly, got. I guess the idc, has. Um. Looked at and continues. To look at alternatives, to i guess traditional. Um chemical pesticides. Um. For this the scope, is spray application. Um. I, guess, if the the, biological. Or the, the alternative, was actually an adjuvant, so so it was added to the product. Um, to reduce. Its driftability. Um that would be in scope, but, um. If it was just about replacing. Products. It's not that we're not interested but for this particular, initiative. That's not within scope. And um can they, can people apply with more than one solution, in their application. Um. Is that to me. Yeah. To you or to maybe even brie. Okay susan, um. That they can apply. Uh. Only once, for a particular, challenge, if they have a couple of different ideas, within the one, application. They can put that forward. Um sometimes, it's better to, focus, on a. On a particular. Project itself but if the project, actually has made more than one, particular, solution, that can be involved. Yeah, thank you, hey so from my perspective i was like yeah cool they can do as many as they want in one application. Um. So i, think, given the interrelatedness. Of. Different elements, of a spray decision. Um it might make sense to have you know. Something that it you know addresses. You know. One part of it and then something else addressing another so i could see that could potentially, be a good fit. Thanks susan. Um are people expected, to manage, other risks. Um, for example, transition, away from fossil fuels. Or rot or the possible role of the manufacturer. Of, existing, pesticides. Affecting, costs and cost effectiveness. Of use also what, i'll start with that and then i'll finish the rest of the question. Great question, lots of elements, um. So, and and again, you know i'll look to pete to correct me from the the, initiative. Perspective. Um. You know i think it is uh so from my perspective, i think managing, those risks, is something to be factored in. Um. We're seeing, a, um you know. A move to increased automation. And um, you know. You know changes, in in, technology. Across the farming, system. Um. And, and that is also driving, reduced. Um pesticide. Use. Um so i think in your business feasibility. You know you, factoring, that in will be important. Um. I think, um. It's. It's likely though that you know as we see sort of you know we're seeing the adoption of robots, within the farming system. Some of those are still, use applying. Um, pesticides. So. It might also be about looking at, um, you know developing, a solution, that's got, um, you know that that's got applicability. Into a fully automated. Um, system. Um, i think looking at the global opportunity, though. Um, as much as there is, that that drive to continue to reduce pesticide. Use. Um there is still. You know ultimately, a need for crop protection, in in, um, in cropping. Uh, and so. Um. You know that, i, i believe there's an, opportunity.

What About natural predators, and enhancing, natural, processes. Um, so again that's really important. For the crdc. And, we've. Got. Quite we've had quite a lot of research, and and and development. In um. Looking at um. At beneficials. And as i said you know biologicals. And those sorts of things, the focus, for this is is very much around. Spray application. Um. But. Um, you know. Again. From a. Crdc, perspective. Um you know we're, interested in, in opportunities, to enhance. Beneficials, but it's just outside of scope for this particular, initiative. And along the same lines, and part of the original question is are the risks like climate change affecting, plant health. And susceptibility. To disease, and pests. Um. So. Yes. So. Um look. Um, look i think climate change, is going to continue to change lots of things you know we're seeing changes in pest spectrum. Um. Certainly, if you overlay, that with, increased. Um you know global movement of people and trade. Except at the moment, um. That. Biosecurity. Um so we're sort of seeing, new. Pests so insects weeds and disease, so we're seeing. Their move, globally. At the same, time as we we are seeing, you know changes within our, endemic. Um, pests, and diseases. Um that that you know do tend to, do continue to challenge, um industries, across the board so. Um. Yes we're seeing that, that is, having an effect is it affecting, spray drift i think, the weather component, potentially. You know that. You know what with warmer climates where where the spray windows will stay the same you know some of those things might change. Yeah. I'm not sure if i've answered the question but i talked for, i talked to. It. So should projects be focused, on, the spray applications. Of the cotton farmers, themselves. Or are you more focused. On their neighbors, farms and sprays, that are impacting the cotton crops. I'm, very, focused, on improving. Spray, application. At the, at the source i suppose so i'm i'm, um. I i'm not saying again that this is a particularly. Cotton specific. Project, or a project, to, um, only protect the cotton industry from drift i think equally. You know, no cotton grower should should drift either, so. Um this is about, um, responsible, stewardship. Of pesticides, and responsible, application, of pesticides, and so for that reason. I'm not sure what the. I'm gonna go find the question to find out how to word that but but essentially it should be focusing on the person doing the spray applicating. Um, first and foremost, and and that complex, decision making, and trying to, make. That, process. And. Easier. And, um, and more likely to result in good, um you know getting. The, product on the target. Great why can't you just. Reduce, spray, speed, to reduce, drift. Um. Yep so that would that does help, um, i think, um. There's humans, involved. Um, so potentially, that's where the move to robots, will slow you know, will help slow things down. Um as i spoke before we're really conscious, that um. The, uh. Spray, application. You know is. Is, a, um you know it's it's a people problem as much as it is a technical, problem. Um, and and there's lots of factors that are that are trying to be managed in the farming system. Um, and so. Particularly, where people are limited in capacity, in terms of you know the amount of machinery, that i have or the amount of people they have.

Um. You know, that can mean that they will push the limits. Um. And. And, you've got the added. Challenge, of, weather so. So that creates, windows, for spraying so you may have, enough equipment to do, you know all your country within, you know x amount of time but but if if the there's a weather change coming or you've only got limited. Um you know a limited spray window that that can, can challenge, people, um. You know obviously, you know we encourage people to. Operate, under really good conditions. Um, i suppose the other component, to that is i don't think. Um just slowing down will be enough to solve the problem so if everyone. Just sprayed. Um. At the at when at the right speed. If they didn't have the right nozzle, or they had the wrong chemistry, mix, you would still see um or you still could see spray drift so, i think it's again. Speed is one component. But i don't think it's necessarily. Going to to solve the problem entirely. Okay you quantified. Product the production, loss. How significant. Is the wasted, chemical, cost. Tried to do this on the back of an envelope, once um. It's hard to say. So it, depends. If. It depends a little bit on what your target, was and how much. Um. Whether yeah how much buffer there was in terms of the amount required, for that. Pesticide. To do it. Um. I think i would i would struggle to sort of put a number to that. Um, i think, um. Certainly when we look at things like you know growing, um. Weed, a herbicide, resistance, in in weeds. Um you know so there's been some some linkage, around you know if we're doing. Um poor spray jobs that that's leading to a reduced. That. Effective, application. Rate, um which can you know then contribute, to to, um, survivors, getting through and building that tolerance, to certain pesticides. So. Um. I think it's significant. But i can't, give you a number to say how. Significant. Great thanks. Um we're winding up our questions in a minute everyone so um. We'll give you an email address to send any further too and we'll just answer the final three. What output do you expect, of vr. Technology. Um so the vr technology. Was one of the ideas that was out there so so if you look at you know we've done, lots of training the the challenge with training, um quite particularly. Is, um. As i've described, it spraying is a complex. Um. Activity. And, um. I guess, um. Labor on farms, is uh limited, and so that there is use of backpackers. Or, um, you know unqualified. People and and so obviously they shouldn't you know ideally they shouldn't be, um operating, um spray equipment, but, um, having enough, people on farm trained appropriately. Um, you know could be, you know being able to have it so that they don't have to leave the farm, to do the training, could be um. A way to to improve, um effectiveness. Of. Um. Of of you know getting people up to. Date in terms of what they should be doing. Um i think also, um, you know. My understanding, of vr and certainly that idea of play. And engaging. With, um. You know, ideas. And as part of a training, so that it's much more engaging, than just uh. You know. A video, or a kind of a flick and tick, type. Activity. Um something that really engages, people might help, them to to unders you know take on board all, the complex. Um. Components, to it to a spray, application. Decision, process, and and might be a way of having, um better outcomes from training. Um so one final question, susan before we head back to pete.

If Hypothetically. Optical, sprayers had never been invented, would that idea, be out of scope. So. Fun hypothetical. Um. So. Probably. I i would it's hard because it's hypothetical. Um. I, i think something, in that vein that reduced. Um. Spraying, potentially. Could be in scope. Um. Look, i i think my advice and i don't know if pete's going to appreciate it i'm not sure he'll tell me if this is the wrong answer. If you're if you think you're borderline, for being in scope. Probably, put it in, um. Because. Like i said i'm really. Excited, about the idea that this is going to challenge us and get us to think about some brand new ideas so. So for mine. As you know i i've, tried to sort of describe, what's in scope, but, by the same token i think if it could really. Change how things are done then you know we you know certainly you have to consider, it um. Especially, if you if you think it can solve, the challenge. And, we're looking for something new and innovative, but you can use. Technology, that's already there in a different way, or. Use it in a certain. Certain. Upgraded, way or, significantly, different way that's all. Okay as long as it solves the challenge. Thanks for jumping in there brad. That's right and sometimes, uh, some of those are ideas, and projects. That, could be out of scope or maybe sitting outside of the the, norm or outside of the box they're the ones that could be uh successful, as well so, um you know we encourage, people to put through an application. Um even if it is a little bit out there. And certainly, from a cdc, perspective. Um. You know if we saw a really great idea come through. Uh and it wasn't within the scope of this you know we'd certainly be interested, in exploring, whether there was a way we could support, that into the industry. So. Um, you know. Open to ideas. And one final question, this is for, brad, and pete. You answered, confidentiality. With reviewer, you answered regarding confidentiality. With reviewers, but what about the presentation. At the end of the three-month, period. If growers, are involved. Yep we can get them to sign, confidentiality. Clauses. Etc, just to make sure your ip's protected, that's fine. Yep. So thanks everyone for attending, we'll wind up now, if you'd like to know more. Information, or download the factsheet, please go to Dot iu forward slash brie. And you can rewatch this video with a transcript, on the website. Stay safe, and have a good. Day. Um. You.


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