Expert Q&A Azure Hybrid Cloud and Management COM33

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Hey and welcome everyone, to, our expert. Q&A, about, asier hybrid. Cloud and management. My. Name is Thomas Maurer I'm a cloud, advocate. At Microsoft, and I'm here with Sarah lien so. Sarah, how are you doing I'm. Good thanks Thomas how you doing. Thank. You I'm doing very well a little bit tired with all watching, all the livestream, going. On at Microsoft builds but other than that I'm doing really. Really well. I. Really. Hope that the, people who are joining this session and, I see we already have a couple of them highly. Encourage you this is all about you, we. Have a couple of things to talk about but it's all about your questions, and. So please come. To us talk about your. Question, about Ezzor hybrid, and Azure management and, stuff like that and we will try to to. Answer that in that session, I, also want to quickly highlight that, what we are talking about what we're not talking about so we really try to, talk. About, the. High level pictures and how like, what things are important, and what do you need to think about, and. A couple around this stuff we, unfortunately, we can't really talk about roadmapping, so if you have question, one will be something we'll be general available, or something like that that is unfortunately, something we will won't be able to answer but, again, happy, to get your questions, and I. Hope. You get your questions, in so. With. That I. Quickly. Want. To switch to Sarah and ask, you one, of the questions we get a lot from people. During. These sessions or, also on Twitter and social media is, why. Is Asscher management. Or cloud, management, in general so, important, so. Sarah, what do you think I. Think. Management, of any system regardless, of whether it's on claim or in the cloud is super important, from a number of reasons and from. The course perspective you need to be able to understand, why. You, are spending, so much when your bill comes in and understand. That and be able to manage, that properly, and then, there's things like security, and data, sovereign, and, all, sorts, of things that you need to take care of know, when, you move to the cloud and what, you take care of is slightly different you know on Prem you probably take care of things right, from the start from see.

The Security, perimeter of your data center, all the way up into who. Manages, and who can access data when, you move to the cloud that model changes, and there's a shared responsibility so. There's, a number of things that are really important, for a cloud management and yeah. And being. Able to understand, that and know what tools and what, in two sets are available to help you is super important, and hopefully we'll cover up some of that off today in this session. No I agree, with that absolutely, I think it's very very important. That. You do the cloud managed in the, right way and I, always have these funny, moments. Or it is funny well it's not that funny for everyone but these. Experiences. Where customers, actually think okay hey we go to Azure and then. We. Just like. Start migrating right they create your first virtual machines they probably put some machines up and at, one point they run in the issue that they don't have any control, about the environment, anymore, and that they figure out hey. What. Is going on like how can like, how can I make sure that not everyone, is deploying a large, mv2. Serious. Virtual machines which has like I don't know hundred cores and I think 12 terabytes of, memory and, drains, your credit card in seconds. How. Can. I get this control, and I think there are a couple of tools out there which we get a lot. So. Sarah what would you recommend, to. Basically, like, set, up in your environment to keep that control, and actually do that every governance, type. Of thing and. Yeah, so as your policy is something that I've always championed. With all the customer engagements, that I go to and. Azure policy, is about setting up those guardrails, like you say to stop people accidentally. And spinning. Up a really expensive virtual, machine and then running up that really high bill, so. And as, your policy is not about stopping. People from doing their job it's, about building that safety, net for everybody, from. Your IT pro or devs and your, financial managers, and and. It's not just about financial. Management either and as your policy, it can help and protect, your environment so it, could stop things like, people. Opening port 80 for, example, or in virtual machines or where perhaps and making, sure that the only ever used something that's more secure like port 443, so. From a management, point of view like the financial management and the technical, point of view as your policy, can really help you do that it, can have that bridge for you and we have a bunch of built-in templates, that, people can deploy so they. Don't have to do all the hard work themselves, but there's also that customizable. Label if there's more already something for you as well so, yeah that's it's a door policy something that I really champion for everybody to have a look at in some kind of form. Yeah. I I really, I really like the. Templates, we have and the things which are already built in especially. When it is about things like ISO. Certification. And stuff like that for. Us IT, people, usually, it's very difficult. To. Understand, the ISO requirements. Right and the icer like, the people who do the ISO certification. And understand the requirements there they don't, necessarily understand. The. Deisher. Functionality. And how asher works and what what the different features, and, technology. Terms are and so i think with, these templates, we have four different types of certification, it makes it much easier for, both sides to understand. And. Implement it obviously in. A good, way. Right so. Another. Question, we get a lot I, feel is. What. Hybrid. Services. Does asher actually, offer and, i, really. Believe that. We. Have a real, set of hybrid. Services and this is not something new we have a couple of new ones like ezra arc and i'm sure we talked about that a little bit later on but. Asher. Really, was, built from, the ground up to be hybrid, right so we have as Microsoft we have this hybrid. Experience. We. Run in other data centers for a very long time and with, things like our clients, with our server technology. With like running day like stuffing all the data centers, I think we have a lot of experience, on, these, topics and today, I think if we high-level, need to address. This really, is like, that we have our address tech portfolio. Which really again we can talk a little bit about that in. A second which. Really grew from a single solution or, a single product to, a like. A family. Of products, right and then, obviously. Also if, you're working with IOT and if you're an IOT developer, or if you're just working with IOT our.

Whole Set of IOT, technologies, I would. Also consider that in a hybrid environment. As. Hybrid, and then we. Have the big announcements, we had at last year at ignite was obviously a sure Ark which. Can do a couple of things which is basically the control plane of. Your. Environment. Even if these things are running on, Prem and I. Think what most people don't really understand, is that you already have a couple of sets of other features like, update. Management. Or. Asia. Site recovery and things like that which you could already use for a couple of years to, not just manage, your Asia environment, but also manage, your on-prem, environment, and I, think that is something which, we did another very, good job in talking about it but, I, think. There was a very very good products so sir what is what is your fave what are your favorite hybrid. Services. And. I, think I really love update, management, to be honest in, a previous job I was in charge of managing servers, and making. Sure they had all those patches applied, so I often spend lots, and lots of teams and data centers at like two o'clock in the morning and trying to apply these patches and making sure that would also secure. And, we did that with wsus. Own plane which was a great tool but I think update management, is is really, good from the point of view that it can manage orden plane and clothes and you can automate, some of that patch and you know for a lot of your clothes stuff you can automate, it so as the patches apply and reboot, it and it comes back up so there's no longer that real need for someone to be there two, o'clock in the morning after. Perhaps Tuesday, so and and and, I love the fact that object management is really cheap to run like it costs, less than a maybe a cup of coffee a month to run in your environment so it's it's, a really great tool and then if you're using things like configuration manager. Or pram as well it can link in so it's such a powerful tool that I think a lot of people don't realize can. Actually be leveraged on priam and in, the cloud as well I. Wanted. To ask you what your favorite one was and you mentioned, as your arc and I know you're quite passionate, about that so could you tell us a bit more about that because I saw, the announcement ignite, last year but at not, today, so could you tell me more oh absolutely.

Yeah. So again, those are all great service and to be honest I love update management I completely, agree with you as a person we also needed. To take like. Words. It was responsible of updating, servers and automating, that process and, stuff like that I cannot stress enough how great. That feature is and of. Course there's always like something we can improve and I know that teams are working. And looking for feedback on this so if you have any feedback please, let us know. Yeah so my, favorite one as you mentioned, correctly, is as your arc and I, often get asked, by people, Thomas. What. Is a sure arc and and how can I use it I think there is this big. Confusion. A little bit because Iraq does so many different things I think. Key, to understand, is what, we are doing and I will quickly switch here to my, whiteboard, to give you a little bit of a view, how. I would describe as, your arc so. Let me quickly switch, here just. A second so here I'm in my white board and, we. Already talked, about, adder, and. This. Set of management services, so this one here I will call this the azure resource. Manager. This is basically, de, magic, behind. What. We do in Azure right Sarah it's, like the one which we control. Our. Environment, which provides us with policy. Crisis. With art packs and stuff like that and attached, to that you have probably your. Management. Services. This, can be like update, management. Exercise. Recovery, as your backup and all that right and this was, great. Because we used as a site as your resource. Manager, basically, for, Ashes services, so, we have different asha services, here attached if you, will so these are our. Services. Running in an insurer. And, again. You could use arm and we can basically interact, with it so what you could do is you could for example use the portal. You could use the CLI. PowerShell. I have. A very nice handwriting, by the way or. Some API is to basically interact, with as your resource manager, and then, manage these Azure services, now, people were like hey these management services in this resource manager is actually great. How. About I can use this for, mine on Asscher. Services. Like I have like I have servers, have kubernetes, clusters. Running. In my data center or in my branch offices, or at the edge so. How. Can I basically, do. That and so that is where as your art comes in and, you have to think about as your arc as. Basically. An. Extension. Of. The. Azure resource, manager. So. Here. We have our art and what, Azure Arc now allows you to do is basically, to. Attach your. Let's. Say that's a VM or it can also be a physical, server. The. Physical. Server or. A, kubernetes. Cluster for. Example. To. The, azure recess manager and basically allows you to use the exact same tools and in. Addition. To that like just connecting, your existing, installation. Of VMs, running on, pram running in your data center running. Even, at other cloud provider. At. The same thing with kubernetes cluster but, you also can do is basically go, out and, deploy. Measure. Data. Services. So. This. Is for example like, a sure sequel. And stuff like that which you can go out and deploy. Wherever. You need them right we had a lot of great feedback about, a sequel and especially about the scaling part how great it is to like scale like. Databases, up and down but. Customer has their workloads, which said hey most. Of the things we can run in Azure but. There, is one workload while we, have like either technical, requirements, like Network latency, or we have regulations, which. Like, we cannot move data outside of our country and unfortunately we don't have a, as a data center, in, our country so we need to run this locally and that is where azure ark for data services, can come in and. Basically can, help you. To. Deploy. Azure, data services, wherever you need them we call it basically, a shorter, it is an agitated, or extra services on any infrastructure. And. Again you can run them in. In, in your on-prem, data center but also on other cloud provider and, I think that, is really one of the great parts. We have with Azure Ark we, also had a couple of announcements. We, had the server part where we could connect servers, we, had the, kubernetes, part and the data services part in private.

Preview And I. Think this like, since yesterday, you can go out and I think the, kubernetes, part is now also in public preview so, you can now connect your coop need these clusters running on Prem and. Four, we have a couple of features for those and I'm not sure Sara I know you're familiar, with azure arc, like. The policy management. Do. You like that solution. And. I think, it's actually quite, a positive solution especially, for those organizations, that, are running that hybrid model and that, they're running some some workloads on flame and then in the cloud and trying to manage that because I think the, management overhead of having your. Environment, split into those, two silos, is is, quite, heavy on the IT operational. Steamers rate and so, being able to manage, things all fromage, and apply everything and have that consistent, clean is is. Quite positive and I've noticed we've got some questions around, that, data, consistency, and from there techies and I think that's exactly what Azure are exposed to be able to do ray it's supposed to help you with that data, consistency, between Owen flame and and, I sure is that is that right Thomas I've I've got that right here, yes. Oh yeah, absolutely what. Consistent. Sharing but like connect these services, together right and you get absolutely, the same deployment. Mechanisms. And stuff like that when. It comes to consistency, what is very interesting then, is like a shoe stack and as you stack up that's, like, a box. Where. You can go out it's an it's an appliance and. Integrated, systems which. Gives you a known instance, of our resource, manager, and basically, gives you the look and feel the portal, but also the api's as you, would have with Azure and. A subset, of the azure services which, then can run on pram and that I think that combination is, very great so we have offer, like. Different products, and services for different scenarios right, with Azure Ark where you can connect stuff. To Azure and use Azure as a control plane but then we've, added stack and there's just a cup and all or the estate or whole, life is like portfolio, you. We also give you infrastructure. And so you can run a sure in your data center and I just saw a very important, very. Interesting question, from Tim. Thank. You very much for that he, was asking can I run after data services. On Prem. Do. I need to require, answers, for, that so yes, Ark data, services, they, run on any infrastructure. So, you don't need necessarily national, stack to do that right there are all the services which are built on top of a stack but, the actual data services, part in after arc you, can deploy on your physical machines on Prem or in. Your virtual machines running on VMware or other. Hypervisors. Whatever. You have there so. That that was a very good question. And then I also, saw one I think. About. As a migrate, which, is very. Impressed. Interesting. And I know that you do a lot on Azure, migrate. So we cut a little bit of a question around database, migration. Here so. I wanted to ask you there like. How. Can we migrate databases, to. Azure. And. So that's. A good question in November. We announced. That the, database. Migration, to say that we've had for a while that Microsoft, is no part of azure my kitty so, what it can do is. Is how your on-prem, and, environment. Or your sequel environment, on flame looks, like and then help, you decide. If you want to go with a sequel, pass or as your path solution, and or, whether you're still having to go down that I as route because you've got certain things installed. And, working within your cycle and stalls so and I know there's, a few other and database, types that we can assess and unfortunately. I'm not a database migration, specialist, but I know that we have lots of capabilities, in terms of.

The Open source platforms, and we can help you on that journey as well so like my sequel is also something that we can assess and help you might lay into the code as well so, it's definitely offerings there and I recommend. That you have a look at as your migrate within the, portal and as you migrate is a free tool set in terms of collecting, that data and, doing that assessment so, again it's something that you can try out and actually not have any impact on your budget as well and not have your voice maybe I'm sure at you because you've run up a bill. There. Was one thing I wanted to touch on around the, hybrids can it environment, Thomas or Gerard is great for making sure your environment, is consistent, so that every server and every workflow is you know has the same policies, etc but. How do you manage that how do you manage if you've got servers, on frame, and in the cloud do, you have to have tons of RDP windows, open or Matt make yourself management, consoles, or how, do we make that easier, for the IT operations team, is there something that we can live it oh yeah. So this is this is one of my favorite yes and obviously we have something, for this again. Like keeping that consistency, about your environment also when it comes to like let's, talk about like server management or also you could banette these clusters, right you want to make sure that they are compliant, that they're configured in the right way and they. Are not like they, don't have any insecure, configurations. Or any ports open which shouldn't be open and stuff like that and so, with Azure Ark when, we join servers, or kubernetes clusters, we can basically apart, apply, policies. And in terms of servers these are either guest configuration. Policies, we. Can apply, these to the servers which are running in Azure but also running on Prem. And then, we can do things like okay hey let's say we, need to make sure that we don't have any insecure, password, settings, like. Like. Important, things like this or then also what I like is for example one of the rules is basically checking out the, timezone, settings right so if I'm a company and I usually want to be like my servers, depending, on where they are to, be in the same time zone and so, with that with the SAS, configuration, policy in Azure Arc I can, force that, on. On, machines, running in Azure but also running. Machines, running on, Prem. Then. I got a question, which, I also want to quickly highlight I quickly need to check from whom that question, was.

Subash. I hope I pronounced, that right. Ask, if you need a stack, for retroarch and yeah simple answer is not you, don't need a stack, to run like as a data services, or connect service to ash or arc they, can run, on any infrastructure. Really so if you have virtual machines running on VMware on hyper-v, if it's physical machines, if it's, VMs. Running in, a, service. Provider you, simply install an agent, on these machines, which. Then connects up to answer, to the azure our KPIs, and that, is basically how you connect. These and the same thing works for the, kubernetes clusters. As well, the. Kubernetes classes, by the way also have. Something. Very. Interestingly. Not. Just about like policy, management, and stuff like that but also app deployment so, if, you want to like if, you used to like. Having. This this DevOps, environment, and using like as a DevOps or github basically. To have that CITC. Pipelines. And stuff like that and you could use easily, use like. Ezra community service, and things like that to. Build that in and then the deploy, automatically. Your containers, to the azure community, service, now, with Azure Ark and you join a a. On-prem. Kubernetes, cluster you, can also do that with the app management, piece which we have there based on get ops so, that is that is also something very, interesting. We have here. To. Do that. I also, want to quickly again we see a lot of questions here in the live Q&A and we. Cannot all answer, obviously them in the chat but we try to do, that in the stream another. Question, I got, around roadmap. Things and people said okay hey we know you can't talk about roadmap, but. But how do we we want a couple of things how do we get these and. Yes. It really is about customer, feedback so if we know a. Lot of customers are demanding something, or they wish for a special cific feature the. Engineering, teams obviously get that feedback and, I will okay and prioritize. What, they are working on right so if a lot of customers, telling us hey we need this so. We are absolutely. Listening. To our customers and that is how features, get developed, that is how features get, prioritized. So make sure depending. On the feedback process, especially, in the preview part we usually have a, feedback. Process for the different products so. Make sure you. Give us that feedback you can also reach out to Sarah at me so, basically we can then go and forward, this to the specific, feature teams to. Provide that. Feedback. There. Sarah. Did you see any other interesting. Question I mean they're all a lot of interesting questions but another, question you want to. Highlight. And. I think there's, some questions around when, to pick something so when do you pick Asia when do you pick as your stack when do you pick as your arc when, do you pick windows admin, Center and and. I. Know that we're probably not running out of time to really answer that question because, it's quite involved but I think every.

One Of those solutions have, a key, in your strategy, right and you. Shouldn't be picking either over, either stack and or, you, know as your stack over, our arc they all have a key component to play with, in your strategy and some, things will be absolutely. Suited to Azure some, things will be more suited to Azure stack, some. Things may even still have to live on Prem on that, traditional. Hardware you know a server in your data center on the operating, system the, same way you do and then as your art can help you manage the things onto of that as can windows admin Center and I, think yeah it's key that these these products don't compete with each others they complement, each other and trying to pick the right solution, isn't. A question we can necessarily answer for you without knowing more specific, details but certainly, the, you know it's about picking, the complementary. Products not the ones that compete against teacher and there's, Noah obviously. So you know as your affairs is as your stack tape thing so. Yeah I think yeah, that was something I wanted to cover office though oh. Yeah. I mean that's that's a very important part I get this often, right it's also it's. Like Asher versus a just AG again it's like really as you said it's, belong together they also get this question often. For. Asher's, arc and as a stack so like to get the question does as a arc. Now, replace. As. A stack or something like that no that's absolutely not the case right they can be, like you can have them independent. Or you, can even combine them, so really. It. Really up below, is up to your scenario, and what you need I, saw, another question where we have Tim and it's, a long questions, I'm not going to read everything but I try to understand, what. It is so he says basically okay that's great that we have a trans tech hub which you can put in our datacenter and we get this kind of like more than a sure environment, but they also have applications. Which. They don't want to move, to. This like cloud modern, applications, they just want to probably virtualize, them and, if. I understand to correct the question correct that would mean we. Need something else as well right so obviously you can move like sequel, server and, servers, to Azure stack, there's. A stack up there is some benefits to that but, we also have another product, in the azure stack category, called the Azure stack HCI, so, hyper-converged. Infrastructure. And. This. Basically allows us to.

Virtualize, Give you a great virtualization. Environment, based on hyper-v. Storage. Spaces direct. On. Validated. Hardware from our OEMs, I think there are now over 200 solutions. Out there, like. Different. Sizes. Of hardware, like small to node clusters, for brand offices, or than very large 16-node, clusters, with lots of lots of storage or very very fast storage so, depending, on your need you, had also have a choice there it's, not that we just have one Azure stack anymore we really have this. Family. Or this portfolio of, products, which, can help you this. So. That is maybe something. Which. Which can be interesting, for you as. Well I. Also get a question from Tim does and, I. Like this one as well because I've got it many many times it is, does, that your art replace, SCCM. For server management. And. And, client, management too so let, me be clear here right now a shark is really designed for, server. Management, right it's all about like pulling, down the connecting, servers, and communities, clusters, and stuff like that to see, as your resource manager. For. The for the client part I would, definitely highly recommend and have a look at Microsoft, Intune if, you want to have a cloud-based solution or in, combination with, SCCM, now, for the server management part I know that a lot of companies are using SCCM. For. Server management part, it. Depends, write as, your Ark and the other hybrid, services they can already do a lot. Maybe. They cannot do everything, right now which. You can do with SCCM, or not in the same way let's put it that way so. Really need to figure out. What. It is but I personally. I would definitely, recommend to, have a look at a short arc update. Management. As your, automation, hybrid, worker. DSC. Desired, state configuration, all, these hybrid, services, which. Can help you to manage your servers, I think. That is where where, I would have a look at and maybe say hey ok I can. Basically replace, as CCM for the server management and, why. Would you do that well one of the big advantages is, obviously the network management right so it only had I should our core all the extra hybrid services usually. Only have one outgoing. HTTP. Connection, to Azure and you. Don't need to have a specific. Like inbound connection. Stuff like that so if you have a branch, office or, another. Data center with. A CCM you usually often need a VPN. To basically connect to this environment, and you have some network requirements, and this, refresher. Arc and dihybrid services, you again, only outbound, connection, HTTP, for for free to. Azure to certain, api's. That. Will definitely help with that. So. I think we've actually kind of run out of time Thomas, and him so. It's. Been great and we have throw some questions, in. The chat that we have an answered but I think what Thomas and I'll do is maybe take them offline and if you wanna. Follow us on Twitter, or on our blogs we'll, try and answer them and I know Thomas, you've got live. Stream or an azure R and a couple of weeks times so hopefully you'll be able to answer some, of those questions in, the live stream and share that information as, well and but. Yeah it's being fun today yeah. Absolutely thank, you Sarah yeah, so again if you're interested in Azure Ark especially in the surf management part next week on Wednesday I will do a live stream you can find the URL or, the links on my block I also. Want to highlight again I will bring up that slide quickly with the information. About Sarah and me so, please if you have questions and, I know unfortunately we, don't have enough time to answer all of these there are some more fantastic, questions in there I'm sorry, that we can't, go through all of these please, reach out to us we will really try to like, answer your questions, you can find our. Websites. Here as well as our Twitter handles.

So Make sure you, come, and connect and give us your your. Questions, as well as your feedback, for certain certain. Services. We. Have here so thank. You very much for that I also, before, we close this completely, down I know we're a little bit over time already I want to highlight Microsoft, learn TV this is a new TV, experience, we are offering in Microsoft, learn it, will be like a 24/7. Stream, online it already starts, showing, right now built, but, after build it will go on and it will show shows, and, live, streams and videos and all that so make sure you check out Microsoft learn TV as. Well as look, at the new certifications. There is new. Certifications. For administrators. And developers in. Four. Different national, services but also other Microsoft, topics, so make sure you check that out as well and with. That I really. Want to say thank you for, joining that for all of your questions again reach, out to us thank. You very much.


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