Fallen Angel Technology Warning - Watchman of the Harvest Reload

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You. Think you know how the world works, you. Think that this material, universe is all there is what. If I told you the reality you know, one. Of many. Hi. This is Nicholson, 1968. Welcome to my new project, Lucifer through the looking-glass gonna, connect some dots here, for you in this video things. That I'm going to touch on CERN. Mandela. Effect or quantum, effect going to touch on that also. I'm gonna make this statement to, you guys that, are new out, there to my videos if you've not seen any other videos for me you need to watch other ones to catch up to see, because, there's we might be a little hard to grasp, at the time and. I'm gonna say this also is and, I've. Always said the. Elites, have a language all of their own they, deal with numbers. Symbols. Now. They deal with things backwards, they communicate. In other, ways and. We're taught in schools because, knowledge is, power. And that's the way they communicate, and what. I mean by that is, just. Because. You. Don't understand, it doesn't make it not a language and what I mean by that as an example I. Don't. Understand, Chinese, but. Am, I gonna go tell a Chinese, person that, his. Language doesn't exist, no I'm not it means I just don't understand, just, like the elites have their language just because you don't understand, it does not mean it does not exist because it quite well does so. I wanted to get that out of the way as we move forward here, next. I want to share a quote, form. Sergio. Bartel, de su Shi director. Of research and scientific computing has earned. Equipped. The large hydrogen. Collider, could open up a doorway to an extra, dimension and. Out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it that is a direct, quote, if, you don't know what CERN is like I said you need to do some research the. People that follow me they, already know when xerneas, and learns about but I want to share that's a quote directly from, them a doorway into, an extra dimension. The next clip I'm gonna play you is a, direct. Quote from the founder, one of the founders of d-wave. Quantum. Computing. It's, a Eric bladezz in ski and if I mispronounce, some of these names, sorry but you. Need to hear this clip I'll leave you this clip I'll be right back but I want you to hear, directly. What. He says. Hey. Everybody. So. I'm gonna I'm, gonna tell you a crazy, but true story, about. The nature of your universe. So. You may have heard this word quantum, computing, it's, often people, have the misconception that, it's some kind of newfangled, supercomputer. It's, decidedly, not that. Quantum. Computers allow, us to, access. Hidden. Features, of nature new, dimensions, and if. We can access these sort of hidden dimensions. At. Scale, we could, have unimaginable. Computing, power so, you heard that in his own words, tapping. Into dimensions. So. You got two companies, here, yeah CERN and d-wave. Taping. In two dimensions, trying to bring stuff in send stuff out this. Is real companies, this is not movies, guys it's, not it's not science, fiction guys, it's real live, companies. On the face of the earth deeply. D-wave. Systems Inc, is. A quantum. Computing, company, they're. Based out of Canada. Ok, and just. Information, for you like I said I'm gonna connect some dots here, of what, you, need to be paying attention to what, the enemy, is up to, I've, been telling you this for a long time people that followed me it. Plays into transhumanism. Plan. All. Artificial. Intelligence, of, artificial. World. Artificial. Intelligence. Everything. It's, coming, together and what the enemy is trying to be like ok, the deep da one, was. The first one. Computer. Quantum, computer. Based, on their. Prototype, which is the Orion. Quantum. Computer. Now, what I'm going to say here and throughout, this video. Names. Mean. Things, to these guys they don't just randomly, willy-nilly. Pick. A name out of, a hat they. Name things, for, deeper, meanings. Orion. Is picked for a reason. So the name means, a lot of different things to a lot of different people around the world religions. Orion. Is a. Hunter, a mighty hunter in Greek, mythology.

Also, Known as Nimrod. In. Some translations. He, was also, the. Architect of Tower, of Babel, that were trying to be like gods, and, the Creator had to destroy it, here. You go an ancient. Region. Of Aran the, constellation. Was known as the Nephilim. May. Have been Orion's, descendants, you. Understand the connections, here of Nephilim. What are what are the. Coincidences. Things. I have, been sharing and other people have been sharing of the, following, the Watchers all Springs, known as the Nephilim, what. Are the coincidences. That they, would name something, this, technology. As not human. Is, from, another. Realm. The. Fallen the. Nephilim, I've, been sharing, a long time this technology what, are the chances, that. They're going to name their first computer, prototype. The. Orion. Quantum. Computer. After this, when. You start looking behind the names you, start seeing. What. They're saying so. Orion, in, astronomy. In the Muslim. Astronomy, Orion, was known as al Jabar, the giant. So. There you've got the sort of the giant, the Nephilim, though they're the men of renown so. See this is why it's important, to understand, Genesis, 6:4, of the, Nephilim, they are not the sons of Seth it is, the Nephilim. The elites do not will to knowing. About Nephilim. Watchers, they, don't want you reading other. Books, and. Information, they have you scared to put these pieces together of who, is at, work here and their, technologies. And, what they're doing, part of my intro, to this video was. Based on Westworld some of the clippings there was taken from Westworld which is a new HBO, TV series it. Is inspired, by 1973. Film of, the same title written. By Michael Crichton about. A futuristic. Theme park, populated. By artificial. Themes that's. Right, it is a whole world designed. For. Entertainment. Nothing. Is real. With. Artificial and. Beings. Which. I'm a little spoiler here is the, artificial beings, within this world become. Conscious. Of. Unaware. And, so. That's. For the masses, to watch that's, just a TV series, but. I'm, gonna make the connection, here well, what is really going on with this technology, is. Building. An artificial, matrix. Per se artificial. Worlds here filled. With artificial beings. Transhumanism. It's, all done with technology, and where things are being we're, being led humanity is being led down a path because, the enemy. Wants. What God has God. Has his own king wounds temples. Us, humanity, whatever, he, wills to copy it counterfeit, and he cannot. Do. It organically he. Just has to play on whatever. The Creator creates. He, has to tamper, with, tamper. With it and. Make it his own he. Can't play God without being a quenching of the devil all problems. Are not is that what you and I did his. So. Complicated. You. Practice witchcraft. This. Speaks of writing words. And. We create life itself. Out. Of chaos. And. You can say you'll believe in that or whatever but here's the thing when you start researching, secret, societies, in the elites when, you get down to the roots, of these. Secret, societies you will find loose luciferianism. And Satanism. Rituals. And magic every. Single one of them so. You can say that I don't. Believe in Christianity, but you believe in a new world order you're. Totally missing it then because, that's like saying I don't, believe in a flood, okay. So I don't want to deal with the flood I don't believe in the flood but. The, elites, are. Filling. Up sandbags. They. Believe in the. Flood they. Believe in Christianity, that they, believe, in Jesus Christ and, a creator whether, you like it or not when you start doing the research and, getting. Deep behind, everything, the spiritual, side that's. Where, you're starting to put things together so HBO. Was asked what. Was their, idea, behind. Putting, out Westworld. Now in 2016. What, was their vision for it and their quote was a dark, Odyssey, about. The dawn of artificial. Consciousness, the. Future, of sin, there. You go folks, in a nutshell in their quote now. Speaking, of important, names that are given to, certain things that we've established this, and we're going to move forward with it, it's, very important. When. We look into Zurn that, one of their detector, devices, there is named, Alice, which, stands for a large, young, Collider experiment. Alice. Basically. It is a Tector, us, to sign they're, looking for a state, of matter thought. To have formed just after, the Big Bang so that lets you know they don't believe in creation, they believe in the evolution, Big Bang Theory. But. The reason they call an atlas okay. Let's just, take for instance connecting. The dots. Alice. Through the Looking Glass, just. Came out this year released, by Disney okay. And. Like I said when.

They Pick, a name they, do not. Just, pick it out of a hat randomly, Alice, is a code, name for, the elite for, Lucifer, Satan. Most. The time it is used, in. Movies, for Alice. Notice. Alice is always the hero or. Lucy. Is another. One Lucy. Is the hero. Almost. All the time they twisted but let's just take Alice. Through the Looking Glass that, was released, this. Year, 2016. May 27th. This. Is the tagline, for Alice Through, the Looking Glass, Alice. Returns, to the whimsical, world of Wonderland and travels, back, in time, to. Help the Mad Hatter okay. Now, for, people that watch movies. You. Know no big deal people, that are researching. Zurn. You. Know Alice that's just a name or whatever but. When you put things together of, what is being told us okay. What. Did what are we talking, about. D-wave. And, what. CERN themselves. And their own words, are, trying to do tap. Into dimensions, bring. Things in send, things through we, are talking, about time, travel with. Particles. Matter. Okay. Alice. Through the Looking Glass. With. This movie, is. Trying. To do change, events. Alice, is trying, to go back in time. To. Change events. To. Save the Mad Hatter, top, hat. Freemasons. Are known. For, the top hat symbolism. Okay. Listen, to what I just said. Alice. Lucifer. Satan. Going back in time messing. With time, quantum. Effect, trying. To mess with dimensions. He, knows his, fate he knows, time, is not, on his side so, you have to change it mess with it do whatever, you. Have to do it. Is inevitable, but, nonetheless. Trying. Alice. Through the Looking Glass, going. Back in time to. Change events. That, is the movie that is the general gist of Alistair, looking-glass. From. From. Disney and it. Was based on the, original, Alice. In Wonderland, Alice. Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll back, in the 1871. When. It was you know came out as a book okay. So. For. Them to pick that name, Alice. Through. The Looking Glass or just Alice in general should tell you something so. I know there's people out there now going wait a minute Nicholson that's just a movie it's a Disney movie it's, innocent, it's no the, connections, not there okay. Let, me switch gears on you let's get back into the. Real world. Alice. Bailey who. Was Alice, baby. Alice. And baling. Born June 16, 1880. Dad, December, 15th, 1949. She, was, a writer of more than 24 books on Theosophical. Subjects, is one of the first writers to use the term, new-age. Okay. Also I'm gonna tell, you that she, along. With Helen. Burr Watsky, founded. The, Theosophical. Society, okay. Now. What, you're looking at is, they're. They're. Sealed look. At their seal or the snake the oral Boris is going around eating, itself. Just. That alone look at that now we're gonna get dessert okay. Look at CERN and Shiva. What. She's doing she's look around her what's going around Shiva, it's the same thing and, that's what it's hard when you're researching is some, of these religions, and I'm talking even Christianity. I am, NOT a organized. Religion. Christianity. Person, I do not go to an organized, Church at all I just listen to the Holy Spirit and what show what shows, me and. I, share, that information we need but. That's. What's hard is the, mixing, of, religions. Science. Everything, is just thrown together in. A mix like a pot some. Of its true, some of its lies and, it's hard to decipher sometimes, without, the. Holy Spirit and, that's what I'm showing you this okay, so, let's. Move on what else was, Alice, Bailey part. Of. Alice. Founded. Lucius. Trust, in. 1922. So, let me tell you the. Lucius, trust, is big-time, supported. By none, other than United. Nations, perler. Website, the Lucis trust has, consultive. Status, with, the Economic. And Social Council. Of, the United. Nations okay. Guys so. The United, Nations, is being, consulted. By. Lucius. Trust, and the. Name behind it, should tell you something also. Very interesting. Alice. Bailey also founded. A publishing. Company the name of that publishing, company is Lucifer. Publishing. Company, okay. So. I'm, just telling you got, to make the connections. What. Looks one way on the surface when you get behind things, then. You dig deep down to the root you find out how bad it is and what's, being twisted and it. Looks like good to people but it's really bad you know that being said let's, go back to Alice, in Wonderland, of things, that look innocent on the surface, when, you look deeper, at the symbolism, is, telling, you you. Know a message, you'll. Also notice, that in the original Disney. Adaptation cartoon. Of Alice in Wonderland, 1951. She's. Wearing an apron. That is symbolic also, the Freemasons, Masonic. Order, all wear, aprons that, is, for a reason because when, they they, feel like when, they come before. Their, guide they, present their, deeds in their works they're written down putting the aprons, they. Are buried that way there's other cultures that have done that throughout history as well the Egyptians. Notice, I always have aprons.

Babylonians. Mormonism. Which. There's another division of Mormonism, that believe in transhumanism. And this is what you also have to understand, for everybody, that is researching, this time of information, and while, the elites do what they do listen, very carefully they. Believe, a lie this, one lie is what. Revolves. Around everything. They do and why they do it they. Believe Adam and Eve were, held captive in, the garden that were held back from. Their potential, was, it until Lucifer, the serpent, the old snake Satan, whatever, you wanna say shows, up shares. The, knowledge, with, Eve okay. Whatever this knowledge is, that. Enlightens. Them to, become. Their. Own gods through. Technology, that's. What they believe man, will become their, own gods through. Knowledge, and technology. In the future. Mormonism. Is above. All other things an, immersive. Discipleship. Of Jesus Christ. That's, not, so. Much a religion, about. Jesus. As it, is an, aspiration. To live the religion, of. This, gospel. Is to trust in, change. Toward, and fully immerse, both. Our bodies and our minds in, the, role of Christ. Become. Gods and saviours. To. Be soul and. To heal and to. Raise each other up together. This is the heart of women. This, gospel, of Jesus Christ underlies. Mormon. Transhumanism. Mormons. Situate, ourselves today, what we call the dispensation, of the fullness of time as, a time of great advancement. And knowledge and power that we should expect the, sciences, the florist. Immortality. Is physical, it's, embodied there, is in Mormonism this notion of. Progressively. Improving, bodies as well. Have this idea of a, transfigured being receives, a certain quality, I've been a resurrected. I. Am. A transhumanist. Despite, life. But rather on the transient because, of my my, Mormonism, mandates. Transfer. Our, scriptures. Require. Implicit. Transition. And many. Mormons are trenching this not because we were trying to find a solution to. Fix our religion. Our, religion, led us to touch and feel, a spiritual. Man. So, let's, move on and, also notice the white rabbit, I was, always shown he is always, shown holding. A clock it's about time the white rabbit, the. Magician, I mean let me pull a rabbit out of my hat the, top hat magician. Freemason. Of the, magician, there, is magic, and there's miracles, and you better figure out which one is which it's. Symbolism the. What, we're talking here guys the, manipulation. Of time the. Magicians. The. Builders. X4. 11 the builders, who, are rejecting, the true cornerstone, which is Jesus, Christ I'm. Telling, you, that. You need to figure out what. They are trying to attempt, to do in build and. It goes to, transhumanism. Artificial. Matrix. Internet. All, of this it's, not make-believe guys, it's real, stuff, so let's go back to the movie Lucy. In this, movie, the, main character Lucy, is. Put. Under. The knife and a, form. Of drug is put into her that. Causes. Her, to evolve. Rapidly. The. Mind. Knowledge. Is increasing, she. Is becoming. Quantum. She, can see dimensions. She, can see through dimensions, she. Can move time, forward and. Backward. Through, this, knowledge suit, through this drug, which. Is symbolism. Of, just. Like the garden knowledge, that was given, to them so they can evolve to become their own gods they can manipulate time backwards, and forwards, all of, the knowledge everywhere. All the time. Copying. The. Creator. Omnipresent. In, the end she becomes one with. The. Computer system the network part. Of the the, hive, everything. Everywhere. Everything. Exactly. Where we're being led down the, road. Transhumanism. And beyond. I can't. Remember much before all this started. Sometimes. I feel like this has been my whole life. Ready. My. Name is Alice and this is my story. The. End of my, story. So. Let's take Alice, from the, Resident. Evil franchise. Movie. Franchise, which is based on video games, in. This movie Alice's, of the hero she. Has to struggle against the umbrella. Corporation. The, reason that is picked umbrella, corporation. It is referring, to the days of Noah returning. Rain, umbrella. Every time you see Rihanna, with, umbrella, jay-z, rain, man cometh, this, is the language. Rain. Man cometh, the, days of Noah returning. Umbrella, corporation. Her struggle, with it and working, but they spin it as she is the hero and, in. These movie things. One. Of the things she struggles against is the people in it or hive, mind things. That were speaking of the conspiracy. Communities. Here they have a hive mind they. Have, to investigate, an artificial. Intelligent. Computer, called, the Red Queen, does.

That Sound familiar because, also, an Alice. In Wonderland. The. Enemy is also the, Red Queen. As. Well so. I mean it's basic I mean you, see the connections, here what they're trying to tell you in this, movie franchise, there's cloning. There's, everything that we're talking about in this. Conspiracy, grounds, that people think, this stuff is science fiction and it's. Not it is, stuff, going on they want you to believe that it, is science fiction that, it's only in the movies but the people that are doing the real studying, didn't, know about CERN, d-wave. And, myself. That look into it deeper, it, is parallel, is. Going, right down the, center for, those who are inquiring. And awake, and trying to find the truth and the people that are asleep are, thinking it's just movies and music videos so. You never, figure. It out so. You've got again, we go back to Resident, Evil. Alice is the main character. As the hero here, I find. It very interesting, also that Alice's. Character. Is. Suffering, from amnesia all through, the. Movies. Series. That, she, through, that she evolves. She starts. Remembering things, that. Had. Been erased from her memory so, she's got a little stuff bleeding, through and, it's. Interesting that we're talking about the. Mandela effect in quantum, effect call it whatever you want if you look on YouTube you just. Type it in everybody, has a video on it and, I've kind of set on the sidelines, with, it but, when, you start researching what CERN is trying to do and doing, and, d-wave. As well things. Are bleeding, over into, this. Realm whether, it's. Not science fiction I, just show you what, they're doing when you believe that or not then, that's on you I'm just sharing information also. What I'm going to share is. A video that I made that. Is. Affected, by the quantum effect of believing oh but part of its changed part of it stay the same and, I'll share that later on in this video and you can unsub, you can kick and scream you can do whatever you want to do that. It doesn't exist and I, know there's some people going to be mad out there big youtubers. And channels. Were you. Know what I don't care I am sharing, truth. With you I am I am giving, you information of. The. Enemy, and things, that are really happening. I'm the, guy who told, you years ago about, transhumanism. I I, was in the beginning of this that everybody thought I was crazy now. I'm sharing this information with, you that people, think is science, fiction see people thought transhumanism. Was, science fiction and, downloading. Your consciousness, and into another vessel and cloning. It guess, what people look. Where we're at I'm. Trying to give you a warning. Start. Building an ark, because. It's coming. And if. You don't want to and you think, I'm an old crazy. Man named Noah and, when the flood comes I'm. Sorry I can't help, so I mean here's another I'm gonna go on here's another website. It's, called Alice. Artificial. Intelligence, foundation. Okay now Alice and the, AI ml. Free. Software, and what. That stands for is the artificial, intelligent. Markup language. It is a chat, robot. Software. That, you can install and. This is what I'm talking about why would they pick Alice. For, the name their. Logo, is a New, World Order pyramid. Luciferian. With. A capstone, hovering, above the pyramid waiting. To be placed down to put into place. Just, put it all together folks I mean this, is what I've been telling you there is real, intelligence. From the Creator and then there is artificial. Intelligence, from. Lucifer. Satan, Alice. You, call, it Lucy, call it whatever you want it's code name and these. Organizations operate. That way they pick those names so. This, is another, website. What. Is the biggest events, of our past. Never, happened. This. Phone may. 6 1937, if, you change the past this guy went back in time to. Rewrite history you. Change the, future, that's. Not supposed to happen right. This could alter the president ways we can't possibly predict. Timeless, Monday's this fall after the voice on NBC. So. In the middle of this project, that I'm working on, Lucifer, through, the looking-glass which, I started about a month and a half ago.

Rendering, It editing. This. Comes out timeless. Brand, new coming. This fall, protect. The past save the future, what. Are the chances guys this is what I'm talking about is. You. They're. Telling. You they have to they're showing, you through. Movies, and media of what, is going on and they are laughing and, mocking us, thinking that I mean, that's. Not that's one thing they're doing they're mocking and laugh and thinking we, can't figure it out number two is a test to, see slight. Changes. How. The. Masses, react, if. The, masses are asleep, or if, they're a way where, we're at in our awareness of, our surroundings. And, where they have us and, you can believe that or not but. I'm going to stop, here and I'm gonna play another. Trailer, by timeless. And just, listen to everything that I've shown you just listen. To it even, the, hero's. Name I, want you to listen to very. Carefully, as I've told you I can't make this stuff up folks. Tomorrow. After. The voice. Lucy. Preston Homeland, Security we need your help you're. Telling me this guy went back in time I think someone who loved history would want to save it. The, time has, come he's, trying to destroy the past it's our job to protect him because this season's, big hit is, finally, here figure out what you're fighting for and you'll be okay. Met twice and won that do you believe in fate. Fleming. Implemented. The chance purchase I don't know Sam I think, we can change things for, the better. To understand, who you're dealing with. Working. On it, squalene. Come, from this is hard to believe about me to tell you the truth. My. Name is buck rogers and this thing came from outer space. Tongueless premieres. Tomorrow after, the voice on NBC. Well. There you go guys timeless, TV series the, hero of the show Lucy. Involves. Time travel, the changing, of events, everything, that I've shared with you so, you can either sit there believe. It's just you. Know entertainment. In Hollywood, or, it's. Really going on and they're showing you something I tried. To make the connections, for you serve, real, life company. D-wave. Real, life company. Programmable. Matter, real. Life, stuff. Think, about that matter that can be programmed can, shape-shift. Replicate. Itself reproduce. Real. Life stuff, you, connect the dots of what's. Going on or, not you'd, still live in for 10 world think it's not going to happen and it's not happening for you, doubters, out there though I saved you the best part, and the best shot coming up the, company that, makes the time machine, within. This TV, series wait, for it. Mason. Industries. That's. Right Mason. Industries, make. The connections, that's, all I'm doing connecting. The dots I also. Want to share this with you just kind of just. Throw that out there with the Alice connection, again I'm, gonna read revelation, 20 and I, saw an angel come, down from heaven having, the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in. His hand and he, laid hold on the dragon the, old serpent which is the devil and, Satan and bound him.

A Thousand. Years okay. So you know, that scripture revelation, 20. Satan. In Chains. So. Let's flip it, Alice. In Chains so, knowing, what I just told you in the codes you, understand. What the elites are saying what this group Alice, in Chains is. Really. Referencing. Is, Satan. In Chains, and they. Are a rock group, they. Have man in the box or man, in the cube, symbolism. That. Name, spoken. Of the cube worship, man in the box a lot. Of different things but I'm not gonna go down that road with with this group but the, code names tell, you things so. I just wanted to make that connection with Alice and change what they're referencing, to, me without coming, out and saying, it. What. I'm gonna share now is a video. Of mine, that. Is, changed, by quantum affect the, bleeding, through of different. Round spirit, round. And. You can believe it or not I'm not here to convince you I'm just going to share the, information with, you after. Watching this, video and, other videos you. Know I'm very meticulous I'm not the greatest, in spelling. I know I've misspelled, some things, but. I like again I'm not a shield, or and I don't have a paid. Person. Sitting here editing my, videos, and, you, know numerous, people in the studio already, know I'm just a simple guy that. Has a regular job family. Nine-to-five. That. I put this together, in. In. My spare time when, I can fit it in and. So. When. I put a video together I, title. It a certain way I do a thumbnail, a certain, way, for. A reason it's, not just something okay, that looks good better, been people who have followed me know, this and. What. I'm going to touch on is very touchy I didn't want to even go there with this but. When, it starts affecting when. It affects my video, then. Then. I need to speak out and. What I'm speaking about is, this. Mandela. Effect. And. I've been watching from the sidelines, just, you know I see a couple of videos here and there everybody's. Talking, about it and, the first thing I want to say is. Mandela. Effect is. Very hard to prove because, of dimensional. Time quantum. Dimension, I mean quantum. Theory. Is. Very. Hard to prove. Depending. On who you're asking and, depending, on where you're from and, cultural. Beliefs I mean it really, is really very. Hard and. It's very touchy subject and, but, I'm gonna touch on it here only, because. It. Affected. My, video, and you, can be the judge of it if, you go to, my. Video I, published, December, 17th. 2013. It is still there on, Nicholson 1968. I'll leave a link is published. On my website. Same. Day December. 17, 2013. And, this. Was a video that. I did music, and. For you guys that don't know and. Have it follow me for a while I. Remix. Music I, produce music, it started, because YouTube, was blocking some of my videos. Claiming. Rights to some of the music even if I had permission from you. Know Ryan. Farish, is one of them that would give me permission, but. Then, they. Would still walk, it I mean it was just ridiculous so I started. Doing, my own music, this. One, this video it was called find me in the streets with no names but don't trespass mix, and. What I did was I took, landscaping. Or, landscape. In the background I'm gonna play part, of this - landscape. In the background, the. Music, was an instrumental, from you to, streets. That have no names same. Kind of beat, and. Took that, and, also. I got James Earl Jones, doing. Bible King.

James Version. Bible on. CD mixed. Verses, in with it and at. The end I purposely, put in, the Lord's Prayer and, the. Reason I did that was. The. Words of forgive. Us of our trespasses. And for those who trespass, against us okay. So in. The. King James Version now. It. Says debts and debtors so. You, be the judge and people. Who have followed me and you can go look at when, I started, on. YouTube, just YouTube, I started in 2007. When. I do a video in, the title, I purposely. Put things, in the title, to kind of let you know what, it is about and, it's a little catchy name or whatever I try not to do a bait or switch. You. Know like I name it one thing and then you go there and it's about something else I don't do that I'm, not about subs I'm not about views, but. I'm trying to tell you truth and information. So, this, video I, named. It purposely. But, don't trespassing, eggs and. So. You. You take the information as you will even. The thumbnail, it's uh, even. The artwork it's. On there as well steal from 2013. But, as you listen, to the video and I'm gonna play the end part it's. Changed, so. I'm. Not losing my mind you. Know me for guys who follow me for years, guys and girls, I. Purposely. Named. It this and for. You out there that are screaming, and kicking, about. God, wouldn't, allow that or whatever. You. Need to go back to the drawing board there's. A strong delusion that is promised, to come in, Revelation. There's. Also people. Out there screaming oh, my. Goodness, he said my words, will never pass away. Yes. His, spoken words. It's, not talking about our book because you can burn books, you can burn eat. Most, anything physical. Is corruptible. You. Know you can scream to the high heavens you can unsubscribe. Whatever. You want to do but I'm just telling you that's, why it, says in the end times. God, will, write his, words. Upon. Their hearts, he's. Not gonna write it on their. Staples. Notebook, pads and in, a book that's, not what, he's talking about, and the reason I speak, to transhumanism, and everything that I'm speaking to goes. Against, a lot of the church beliefs that. They, view, me as a heretic, or a shield whatever, you want to say but. You know what my. Track record speaks for itself again. Go, back and look at some of the things I was talking about and then you go to look at other people's stuff, you. Know I'm not the only one but I'm just telling you you better, figure out who's copying who and who's telling you the truth in the beginning. You.

Know I'm not screaming remember. I was not the guy screaming, 2012. The world was going to end that, wasn't me, I. Wasn't, the guy screaming, in 1999. That when. Y2k. That the. World was going in there you know wasn't, me, I'm. Not that guy I'm. Telling you of the iron and clay the tech and, flesh. The mixing, the. Missing, that the real Temple of God the things that are coming betters underneath, the radar that most don't see they're two words they're too worried about a nuclear. Bomb dropping, and, all. Of the other things that are distractions. What is headed you know for Humanity. Our. Father which, art in heaven hallowed. Be thy name thy kingdom come. Give. Us this day our daily bread and forgive us, our debts as we forgive our debtors and, lead us not into temptation but. Deliver us from evil, for, thine is the kingdom and, the power and the, glory forever. My. Brothers and. Sisters. Now. Little, faith of. Our. Fathers. They. Lord be. With you. Which. Art in heaven hallowed. Be thy name thy, kingdom, come thy, will be, done on earth as it, is in heaven and forgive. Us our trespasses as. We forgive those, who trespass, against. Us. Let. No man deceive you by any means for that day shall not come out you listen to this verse very carefully, that, day shall not come except. There come a falling away, first you believe in that same Inn and that. Man of sin who is that. Static. Christ that, man of sin be revealed the, son of perdition. Who. Opposeth. And exalteth himself, above, all that is called God, or that is worshipped so, that he as. God. Sitteth where. In. The. Temple. Of God, what. Is the, temple, of God. The. Only proper. Interpretation. Of. This verse is. To, human body. Because. God doesn't dwell in temples made with hands. Does, he, the. Only way God would, ever enter, this room is, if. He walked in with you. Must. Deepen it. So. The man of sin the son of perdition is. Going. To reign as God, we're. Right. Inside the hearts, of, human. Beings in this earth. That. Is the ultimate form, of, demon. Possession, they've. Taken over mankind, showing. Himself that, He, is God, remember. That what is that, DNA. Okay. And we've. Only known we've, only known of. This. General, structure of DNA, since the 1950s. Okay. But. I'm going to show you something that goes back about. 4,000. Years, take. A look at it. What. Does that look like to you, Dennis. What's that look like to you, looks. Like DNA doesn't it. Entwined. Snakes. Looks. Just, like DNA, doesn't it remember. This. Conspiracy is. Not just men. Its. Devils it's the devil who Ezekiel. Said is wiser than Daniel. This. Goes back to ancient Sumeria. Does. That look like DNA, to you. How. About this one a Peruvian, textile, from 300 years before Christ. Wow. Secrets. Been around a long time hasn't, it. You've. Seen the caduceus. In. His. What. Is that his right. Hand. Its. DNA and it's. Been around thousands. Of years. The. Devils knew the secret, this. Showed up on Time magazine. Solving. The mysteries, the. Mysteries of. DNA. They're. Depicted. On the, cover is Adam. And Eve. And what is that behind them. It's. A tree. Think. About it. Are. We getting close okay. See. That. That. Is a New. Age Eastern. Mysticism idea, called Kundalini. Kundalini. Says, that. At the base of your spine is, a coiled. Serpent, and. If. You go through the proper and. Initiations. And rituals, like. Emptying, your mind. Channeling. Familiar, spirits, or, receiving. An, initiation. Pat. On the forehead, from, a guru.

Think. About that one. Then. You, will receive, Kundalini. The, serpent, will then begin to crawl up your backbone, now remember what we learned last night about the backbone how many bones. 33. What, he Mason's use that number. Think. About it it's a number for them for illumination, when, the serpent winds, his way up your spine and enters. Your forehead. You. Receive, in light, meant and you were, one. With. The universe, you're. One with everything I, mean. If you remember a rock group called Styx, I. Mean. If you know what the name Styx, is. Yeah. A rock, group who said dad get. Out, you're. Not one with anything, okay. The. River Styx is the river that flows through hell in Greek. Mythology and. This. The rock group Styx had a song called, the serpent, rising, the. Lyrics are in the abyss of space from the center of time a Superman. Race. Think. About it. Moves. The serpent, to climb the secret, revealed, when. You leave your cave is a glory of thunder and life from, the grave the, serpent, is rising, and calling, in your spine bringing, you light from the depths of your, mind, who. Inspired, the song. Familiar. Spirits. Okay. Now, I was. In Michigan I drove. Past this billboard I said stop I got, to take a picture of this Michigan. Masons, and trying to recruit people their, slogan was share. The secret, so I'm going to. They. Said I could so. I'm going to tell you what the secret of Freemasonry the, new äj-- I call it New Age because it rhymes with sewage. And. The New Age movement and, everything, that, the devil does not want out I'm. Going to tell you what it is okay, down. Here at the bottom. Next. To their square. And compass which, tells you the secret. Says. Masons, live. Better. Now. Masonry, is all about the Ascension of mankind, remember last night what I told you about evolution, and that evolution, is dangerous. Masonry. Supports. Evolution, because. Masonry, says that mankind and, the New Age movement says that mankind is about ready to enter his next, stage. Of. Evolution where. Mankind will be more than human. We. We'll be transhuman. We will be super, men, we, will be a divine. Race. We, will be as. Gods. Thank, you. So. The slogan, live better you, do you understand, that. Now. If you, work at Walmart or go to Walmart, you're not going to hell. Okay. We. Live in this world but, we. Are not of this. World can, I hear you say Amen. Now. Masonry. Is all. About. Rebuilding. Solomon's. Temple now. Remember, the, Bible says that the, temple is what, the. Body so. Masonry, then secretly, is about rebuilding the human.

Being. Okay. So. There. In the mother Lodge of Freemason, in Washington DC they, have a slogan on the inside that says masonry, builds its temples where. They're. Telling you the secret, okay. Now. Does, anybody ever seen this symbol before this is on the, Masonic, Temple in, McAlester, Oklahoma pastor. Took me there any student pastor Mike you got to see this stuff. It's. A cross with, a rose on, it, okay. It is, called the, Rosicrucian. Concept. Of the Rosicrucian, doctrine the Rosicrucians, was, a secret. Society that, sort. Of arose. In, Europe just. Prior to the time that masonry. Was really taking, root and masonry. Adopted. Rosicrucian. Thought into. Its into, its teachings, so masonry, and Rosicrucianism, are linked, together here's. What Rosicrucian. Doctrine, says it. Says, the manner in the means by which the present day man is what. Transformed. Into the divine Superman, remember what we just saw that song from Styx the. Superman, race the divine race this. Symbol, Christian, Rose cross shows. The end and aim, of what. And. You. Thought it was just that, we came from monkeys, evolution. Is not about where we came from but where they say we're go. That's. Why it's dangerous. Human. Evolution, the solution, of the world mystery. Man's. Past, evolution. Present. Constitution. And particularly. The, secret. Of, his. Future. Development. What, is man going, to be turned into. We're. Gonna find out. Pike. Said it is for each individual, Mason to discover the secret of masonry by reflection, upon its symbols and a wise consideration. And analysis, of what is said and done in the work masonry. Does not inculcate, her truth she states them once, and briefly or hints them perhaps, darkly, or interposes. A cloud between them and eyes that would be dazzled, by them seek, and you shall find knowledge, and truth so that's what we're going to do albert, pike associates. This great secret with the discovery, of the alchemists. Philosopher's. Stone, the. Philosopher's, stone is, the, concept. In alchemy, and Rosicrucianism, that. Basically, is the key listen. To this to. Immortality. Man. Can, live forever. If he, discovers, the, Philosopher's, Stone the, very first Harry, Potter book that, was written was, called Harry Potter and the out of the Philosopher's, Stone in, America, it was called the Sorcerer's, Stone so. Millions. Of teenage. Boys and, girls know. More, about the secret than you do. And. Our. Public school said all these kids got to read this book we're just glad that they're reading, something, well. What if they were reading Playboy. Amen. It's. The same, garbage. Now. God. Said Mike you want to know the secret yeah well yeah I want to know secret God. Said we're gonna study a word in the Bible I like. To study words in the Bible because I think the Bible has words and, they. Mean something, right, God. Knows how to talk and God, knows how to talk in English. Amen. So. I said God what word and he said. Secret. Let's. Study the word. Secret. And I'm going cool that. Makes sense doesn't it you want to know the secret is its, looks the word secret the secret things, belonging to the Lord our God but those things which are what revealed belonging to us and to our children forever that, we may do all the words of this, law my.

Substance, Was not hid from thee when I was made where. David. Said when I was made in secret. And. What did we discover about that last night the secret of the womb, is. Where David was made so, the secret has something to do with how David. Was made, and curiously. Wrought in the lowest parts of the earth for, the froward is abomination, to the Lord but his secret, is with, the righteous for God shall bring every work into judgment with. What. Every. Secret. Thank God said God, is the revealer, of Secrets isn't. He let's. Get back to this secret sin thing. Because. God says I'm gonna reveal them to you, just. Me and you personally. How. Many of you know that to be true say, Amen the. Holy Spirit of God shows, up knocks on your door and, says. We need to talk, that's. One witness. Remember. What Jesus said if. Thy brother sin. Go. To him. So. The Holy Ghost shows up and. Says, we need to talk I saw. What you did. And. I'm revealing it to you first you see God follows his own pattern thank, God amen because, there are things about us we don't want anybody else to know. Come. On don't make me feel bad raise your hand oh. Really. Brother Mike. Now, the Holy Ghost came and. Said Mike I'm gonna deal with some things that. Nobody knows about I'm gonna deal with them thank. You God. But. See if you reject that. Then. God's gonna send a preacher to your house. Or. That preacher is gonna hammer your hide to the wall on. Sunday, morning and you're. Gonna think he. Knows. See. That's God working in a church y'all, thank God for a pastor that God will do that with. But. If that doesn't work, you. Smart my word, God's. Gonna expose you for, who you are to, a lot of people. Because. God reveals. The secret, things. With. Every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil my. Face will I turn also from them and they shall pollute my what. Secret. Place can be polluted, and who's, going to go into it robbers. Who's. The thief. Satan. He's. A thief and a robber isn't, he and he's. Gonna go into the secret place and. Defile. It in the, Old Testament what, was the only place secret. From the Israelites, only, one man knew what it was and what was in there what, was it it. Was the most holy place where the Ark of the Covenant was. Are. You with me and remember what that is that's the cell nucleus where, the DNA is stored. Get. It. There. It is right there cursed. Be the man that maketh, any graven or molten image, an abomination. Unto the Lord the work of the hands of the craftsmen and put it that we're in. A. Secret, place what, did we just say was the secret place. It. Was the most holy place this, cell nucleus. Do. Not put an idol. In. Your. Secret, place. And. The people shall answer and say. That. They would desire now here it is the book of Daniel that they would desire mercies of the God of heaven concerning this, secret. That, Daniel and his fellows should not perish with the rest of the wise men of Babylon then, was the, secret, revealed, unto Daniel. And when I got to this point I'm going Daniel, knew the secret. Daniel. Knew the secret, and. Do. Too and Daniel chapter 2 is, the story of. Nebuchadnezzar's. Image. Remember. The. Head of gold. The. Chest of silver. The. Thighs of brass. The. Legs and the feet of. Iron. But, the toes. Iron. Mingled. With clay now, I don't. Want to spend a lot of time going into a lot of detail, about. Bible. Numerix and so on but it means a lot the, fourth Kingdom is where we're going to concentrate on, the. Iron mixed, with miry, clay think. Of something in the Bible that's made out of clay. You. Aren't. You. Okay. Okay. We're made out of clay the, clay represents. Man, this. Fourth Kingdom, is not. A kingdom of this world this number four always points you to watch this, principalities. Powers rulers, of. The darkness of this world of spiritual, wickedness in high places that's. Where Paul said our real wrestling, takes place amen, we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against, the four powers those that fourth, kingdom. The, fourth beast that Daniel sees is diverse, from the other three, he, is not of this world he, is from the spirit, realm I don't have time to go into that tonight study, this I have a video coming out just on the number four and I explained, it in detail when I have it out I want, you get a copy of it so you'll know but, this fourth Kingdom, is, all. About a spiritual. Kingdom that dominates, planet Earth is there not a spiritual Kingdom that's trying to dominate your life is.

There A spiritual Kingdom that's trying to dominate your home a spiritual. Kingdom trying to dominate your church is the, one trying to take control of the country then. Why not take control of the entire earth you. Believe it say Amen that's. What the number four leads you to that's what this fourth kingdom is all about and what, does it say about this. Kingdom, that they would desire mercies, of the God of heaven concerning this, secret, then was the secret revealed unto Daniel Daniel. Chapter 2 verse 43 he's explaining, the fourth kingdom and why the toes are partying, and part clay he, said it whereas thou sawest iron. Mixed with miry clay they shall mingle, themselves with. What. The. Seed of men is what. Your. DNA. Right. The. Seed of men is. Your DNA, they. Shall. Mingle themselves with, the. Seed of men now, I'm going to show you in. Every. Masonic. Cell I can read symbols now like they're an open book because I know the sequence that once I knew the secret. You. Can't hide a symbol, for me I'll, tell you what it is and I'm going to tell you what this is I. Albert, Pike watch this now this fourth Kingdom is this. Is, the supernatural realm, okay. And, it's. This this satanic demonic, realm, that's the fourth kingdom so, think about this Albert Pike said that. This symbol here, the compass. Represents. The, heavenlies, the, heavenly realm, this. Symbol, here, represents. The earthly, realm and notice. That they are fused, together. There. They're not separated. They, are joined together, does, everybody see that so far, this. Is they. And this. Is the, seed of men this, is the heavenly and the, earthly, the, male. The. Female. Get. It. They. Shall, mingle themselves with, the. Seed of men. There. Is a story, you can believe it or not it, says, Genesis. Chapter 6 that. The sons, of God came, and. Took the. Daughters, of men. To. Be wise watch. This, the. Sons of God, mingled. With the daughters of men. Makes. Sense doesn't it we're, going to show you some more Albert. Pike said the square therefore is a natural, and appropriate symbol, of this earth the. Compass, is an equally natural and appropriate symbol of the heavens. The. Compass, is the Hermetic symbol, of the creative, deity, male and the, square of the productive. Earth or universe. They. Shall mingle themselves with, the. Seed of men. Heaven. Mingled. With earth we, ever heard that before let's. Let's move on now. Heaven, all. Of the ancient, pagans, worshipped. The, Sun God, didn't. They the. Indians, did the Mayans did the Greeks did the Romans did the Babylonians, did the Sumerians, did the, Egyptians did, everybody. Worship.

The Sun God for, some reason, but it's not the god of the universe isn't, it so, if it's not the God that you and I know it's a false god it's a devil isn't it and the. Sun is where Sun is not on earth is it it's. In heaven they. Also worshiped. A mother. Goddess. Of the, earth she's. Called Gaia Isis. Astaroth. Ishtar. Easter. Diana. Venus. Mother. Nature. And. She. Is worshipped, as a goddess, because. She is productive. She is fruitful, so. Watch this I want you to think about this what. Happens, when. The Sun, meets. With the productive, earth. It. Produces, green. Things. Get. It. Doesn't. It how, do trees grow how does grass grow. The. Sun meets the earth and. That's. And that trees, and the grass of the earth are the children, of the, union of the Sun in the earth do you understand, that, now. See this image here. It's. Hanging from a tree and. Somebody's. About ready to take it think of a story in the Bible. 46. Words. That. The devil spoke, to, Eve. Who. That, he spoke to Eve. Trying. To get her. To. Partake, of, the. Child, that was produced by the union of the Sun and the earth this. Is deep stuff are you getting it okay. You. Shall utterly destroy, all the places where in the nations ye shall possess serve their gods upon the high mountains and upon the hills and under what. They. Worship, the trees didn't they they. Worshipped under the trees they. Worshipped where in, the. Groves what, were groves there. Is little gardens that, they planted and they put an image of a mother holding a little baby have, you ever seen that one before. You. Know what I'm talking about don't you that. Which was is that which shall be there is no new thing under the Sun and God, said to the Israelites if you see one of those destroy, it I dare. You. Okay. But. He said that's an abomination in, the earth, yet. Within three days now watch this fruit. Hangs, from a tree doesn't, it I want you to think of things in the Bible that hanged, from a tree. Pharaoh. Shall lift up thy head from off thee and thou shalt. Hang. On, a. Tree. Deuteronomy. 21 and if a man have committed a sin worthy of death and he, be put to death and thou hang. Him on a, tree. He. That is hanged is. A cursed, of God. That's, why God did not want them to eat it. And. The. King of AI he, hanged on, a tree, until. Eventide, and as soon as the Sun was down Joshua commanded that, they should take his carcass down from the tree and cast, it out there eating of the gate of the city and raised there on a great heap of stones that remaineth unto this day what does that sound like to you, Jesus. Hung. On a tree and. They, took him down and even and they put him in a great pit and they roll the great, but, that stone was rolled away amen. See, Jesus conquered, his enemies, that are cursed by, taking, on the curse for us somebody, say Amen. Hey. I like it I dig, it. Masons. When. You join their Lodge the very first, thing that day to have you do in the, first initiation, is put, a rope around your, neck. It's. Called a cable tow and it has three strands, and I'll show you why tomorrow night. What. Are they acting out in the Masonic Lodge the. Curse said one who hung from a tree not, Jesus. The. Antichrist. Sons. Of God. Daughters. Of men the. Heaven principle the, earth principle, that. The sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and, they bear. Children to, them that is they shall mingle themselves with, the seed of men that.

Happened In Genesis chapter 6 you can believe that or not that's. Exactly, what happened. Seed. Equals what. Genetics. And so. Here's what God said in Genesis 3 the Lord said under the serpent because thou has done this thou art cursed above all cattle and, above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt, thou eat all the days of that life and I will put enmity between thee and the woman who the Serpent and the woman and, between thy, seed. Now. Who is her seed. It's, Christ and us. Butts, Christ right, literally. Was. Christ born of a woman, literally. Then. Why is it this literal. It. Is. The. Seed of the serpent is always. Recognized. In the Bible by called being, called children, of Belial, here. It is certain, men children of Belial sons, of Belial children. Of Belial, sons, of Belial the, sons of Belial as thorns. What. Was the ground curse with, what. Did Jesus wear on his head, what. Was Paul a messenger, of Satan, an angel. Of Satan to buff at him what was it. It's. A son of Belial. Children. Of Belial you have your father the devil you. Serpents, you generation of, vipers now, child, of the, devil. Is. This just simply metaphorical, language meant, to draw. Us into imaginations. No God. Is telling you that, this there's a war going on between the. Seed of the woman, the. Seed of the serpent you. Believe it or not, you. Have seen this symbol before in its. Simplest form it's called the Star of David David. Doesn't have a star you. Will not find the Star of David mentioned. Anywhere in the scriptures. Will. You and. By the way did. God ever tell, us to draw out symbols, of him images. I. Said. Stay away from him didn't he so. I think we ought to so. Let me show you what this means. This. Is pointing up like the square in the compass, sends. A notice, the opposites, here, white. Dark. White, dark. Up-down. Sons. Of God daughters. Of men this. Is the secret they are mingling themselves, with the seed of men see. This serpent, around, this with, his tail in his mouth see, that that's. Called the old boss. Guess. What it means, this. Is they call it a secret of immortality. The. Symbol of immortality the, symbol, of eternal life. Now that doesn't look like salvation, to me does it by, the way that's a dragon a serpent. The, devil does, not have the key to immortality although, he tried to tell Eve that he had it. Ye. Shall, not, surely, die. He. Tried to tell her that she would live forever if she, listened, to him, and. Not. Her husband, whose name was Adam who, is a picture of Jesus Christ, get. It. So. Guess what this means. Albert. Pike says, the. Mouse. Of the dragon represents the, woman. Open. The. Tail represents, the. Male. This. Is the. Earth, this. Is the heavenly. Sons. Of God mingled. With the daughters of men how. Many of you see that Wow. This. Symbol is described ad is it has a strong, relation, to what is known as the androgyny. You, know what androgyny, is it's. A combination of male, and female in one body. Sense. Of God daughters. Of men. The. Androgyny, is United male and female principals together this is the prime primordial, into the human endeavor did you get that this. Is where they say mankind, is headed in his next phase of evolution, he. Is headed toward the day where he is, sons. Of God mingled, with daughters of men, diffusion. Of the opposites, the heavenly realm and the earthly realm, the, reunion. The reunion, which births totality, and creation, it is not unlike the idea of androgyny, which is a duality complete. They return, to wholeness. Here. It is again sons. Of God daughters, of men sons. Of God daughters, of men look, at that. We're. Gonna find out what that means in a little bit have. You ever seen the yin-yang symbol. Okay. The. Yin-yang symbol is, this Chinese symbol, and we're gonna see it again in a little bit is, the. Chinese. Concept, of. Eat. Of. Balance. You heard somebody in karate saying you need to find balance. Right. You, saw karate kid'. He's. Being taught a pagan New Age from. Hell concept, of balance that. Concept, of balance refers. To in in, their simplistic, form they say there's, a little good in all evil and a little evil and all good now is that correct according to the Bible the Bible says what fellowship, hath light with darkness. None. So. This concept, is the sons of God mingled, with the daughters of men United together, that's. What this is, this. Image. Here remember these two pillars what are they jaqen, and Boaz. I'm telling you all the Masonic, symbols the 23, chromosome, pairs jaqen and Boaz see. This twining, around here what is that, DNA. We. Have these. Four elements here which I didn't cover tonight but I do cover in another video. They represent, the four chambers of the heart or they represent, the throne of God, because. Here you have a man a lion, an ox. And an eagle, those, are the four cherubims, that supported, the throne of God in Ezekiel, chapter one and who, wants to sit.

On The throne of God, Satan. Does here's, the square and compass sense, of God daughters of men here, we have the keystone, of Freemasonry. Now what did we say last night that DNA, was it's a crystal so therefore it's a stone. The, keystone, of, Freemasonry. Is what unites, this. Side with. This side we, have opposites. Here we have the Sun and the, moon they, are opposites. Night and day drawn. Together by, the Keystone it's DNA. That's. What that means the. Checkerboard. Floor, dark. And light intermixed, together sense, of God daughters, of men I could go on this all night Daniel. Said and whereas thou sawest iron, mixed with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men they, shall mingle themselves with, the seed of men, you. Seen that symbol before. Carpenters, union. Sons. Of God daughters. Of men I even. Found this in the. Bible, the. Carpenters, stretch without his, rule he. Maketh, it out with a line he fitted it with the plains and he marking it out with the. Compass. And maketh. It after the figure of a. Man what's, this carpenter doing. He's. Making an idol. Do. You but how many of you believe the Bible reveals all the secrets raise, your hand. Washington. DC this image. Here is called, an obelisk it is a symbol of the male. The. God Osiris. Satan. On. Top. Of the Capitol building here, is a. Statue, of a goddess how. Many of you knew that. No. Wonder the, Capitol is all messed up. If. I were president. I'd. Get rid of that thing, make. A lot of people mad and be assassinated, but. I would get rid of it, so. Watch this the. Street layout of Washington DC, forms a square and compass this. Point here points you to the mail this, point here point you to the female. They. Shall mingle themselves with, the seed of men sons. Of God daughters of men see, the two heads here. Albert. Pike says one faces one way and one faces another way because, this represents. The heavenly principle, the male this, represents, the earthly principle the female and they're joined together in one body, sense. Of God mingled, with daughters of men. And. What is this called a, Brotherhood. I'm. Not saying if you belong to a union you're going to hell.

Okay. It's, not what I'm saying what. I am saying is that, there are a lot of secrets in trade unions how many of you believe that same in. Secret. Deals. Baphomet. The. Images of the. God of the Knights Templar and Freemasons, he. Has female and male parts. One. Hand points up when. And points down he, is the androgyny. He is the, sons of God mingled, with the daughters of men in one body and who, is this. As. Lucifer himself isn't, it we're, gonna talk more about these. Arms a little bit later on on. His arms he has Solvay and, coagula. This, is the process, of alchemy. Alchemy. Was the ancient secret. Concept, of trying to turn lead into gold, but, you can't turn lead into gold Kenya, can't. Do it so, it didn't really mean lead into, gold it. Meant, turning, humans, into. Immortals. Gods. That's what alchemy, was about and the process, is you. Have to dissolve. The. Old man first, so. What you can coagulate, into a, new creature. That's. What that means that's. A statue of George Washington, in Washington DC. What. Does it look like. Do. You think there's a conspiracy in our nation's capital. Remember. What DNA looks like. So. If I show you. Masonic. Symbols. That. Look like ladders and, they. Reach from, earth, into. Heaven. What. Are you looking at. DNA. Mingling. Heaven, or joining, heaven, with, the earth they. Shall mingle themselves with, the seed of men how, many of you understand, this so far you're seeing it now in all the symbols, there it is here and even, here in this Masonic, symbol they put angels ascending, and descending on, it they're telling you it comes right out of the Bible. Was. Terra Babel look like and. What. Were they trying to do with it. Wow. And. So. I counted, I. Counted. From. My King James Bible, I have. It's listen, that, Bible has never I've never. Been able to prove it wrong yet. Rule. Number one there. Are no mistakes in the Bible, rule. Number two if you think you found one refer, to rule number one. Because. You are not smarter. Than God, who. Gave us a gift by way of his holy spirit and that gift was the ability to translate. Unknown. Tongues. And. He said if a man speaking an unknown tongue let it be by two and, at the most three you know how many original languages, that were in the Bible three. Hebrew Greek and a little bit of Aramaic and then. He said let one. Translate. And. It's a gift isn't it I. Believe. God knows how to translate Bibles. It's. Never failed so. I went to Genesis, 11 Dennis and I counted, the exact, number, of words that, were spoken by. Man as they build the, tower. 46. Of them. It's. Never been wrong yet. Does. Anybody know what mayday is. What. A maypole is a. Maypole. Represents. The male and, the. Girls. Dance. Around it as they. Take their ribbons and twine it around the Maypole it's. A fertility dance. That's. Who the make Queens are how. Many of you remember a song from Led Zeppelin called. Stairway. To where. And. Does do they mention the May Queen in there and do. You think Led Zeppelin was being inspired by the Holy Spirit. No. They. One of the guys think it was Jimmy Page, moved into Aleister Crowley's mansion, and he wrote stairway to heaven while under, a. Trance. And. She. Is buying your. Stairway. To. Heaven. This. Is Rosslyn. Chapel I talked about that in The, Da Vinci Code video that I have Rosslyn. Chapel was, chapel, was built by the Knights Templar they put Freemason, symbols all in it and they. Built a pillar. Called The Apprentice pillar, what. Does it look like and, and. Rosslyn. Chapel is, supposed to be a rebuilding. Of Solomon's, Temple what is Solomon's, Temple. And. The. Pillar reaches, from the ground, to. The ceiling. From. The earth to. The heaven, that's the secret if you read The DaVinci Code to see the movie then, you know the secret. Masonry. Talks about a winding, staircase in the temple. And. That. When you reach the top you reach the enlightenment, of Freemasonry, oh look here's, jaqen and Boaz and here. Is a globe of the earth and, a globe of the stars, what are stars. They. Shall mingle themselves with, the seed of men do you believe it now huh. You believe the secret from the Bible I.

Went. To the mother Lodge of Freemason. In Washington DC and the, tour guide takes me and I see a a winding. Staircase, and. I'm going I know, what that is I didn't, tell the tour guide dad but. I know what it is and, there's. Two of them one goes this way and one goes that way and they wind around, to the sanctuary, of the temple and so, dummy, me I'm. Going at the steps and guess what I'm doing. 23. Steps on this side 23. Steps on the other side I&


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