Live Event Replay Meet ATOS Q - The Next Generation of Accurate & Portable 3D Scanners

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Hi everyone, my name is catherine, with capture 3d. Thanks so much for joining us today. I know it's been interesting, times, but our team has come together. To creatively, put this program, together. We have a new product to share with you it's called the atos, q and it's in this box. It's an accurate, blue light 3d scanner, made by gome. So today, we wanted to make it as interactive, as possible. I know it's a digital, format. But, please use the chat, our team members. Are online. They'll be answering your questions, real time, and we will have a q a throughout this event, so we'll be unpacking. Setting up the atos, queue. Interviewing, different customers, to get their input and feedback, from the industry. And also, giving you the tech specs, so you understand, why companies, are adopting, this technology. From product development. Quality, control. Manufacturing. To production. So we're excited. To share this moment with you, thank you so much, alan, let's get. Started. I think it's most important, for companies who are looking to kind of have their quality lab on the go, to be able to pick it up and carry it out to an assembly line on the tripod, or anything like that. You have that adaptability. To, move, this around. With ease. I think it's uh i think it's super exciting. Getting that new technology. At a good price point to people that probably, didn't think they could. Get into something like that is is super advantageous. Anything etos, is, better than anything else on the market so, the fact that it's, developed by go was gonna i think it's gonna outshine, anything in his class. I'm really excited for the new atos q because of the new price per performance, in the industry for manufacturing, companies. Take a second and imagine, you are a letter in the alphabet. What letter would you choose. Obviously, q because q stands for quality and that's what the ato's, q is all about, i've been on a few service jobs with it and it's amazing, how portable it is and how light it is compared to the five, i see it fitting in well in almost every industry, whether it be in the metrology, lab the shop floor, incoming part inspection. I think it'll work great anywhere, and especially you have the ability to put it on a 4105. Or put it on a cobot, so if you want a, reasonably, priced fully automated, system. That's. That's amazing. I think that they're going to be really impressed the, data quality. That the queue spits out to the very edges of the measuring volume with the blue light equalizer. It's going to definitely, impress somebody, you can't come away from a demo this data and not be impressed by it i, think.

Hi Everybody, my name is allen i'm going to be showing you the new queue today. So i'm really excited to see it so let's just go straight into the unboxing. I'm going to start with the stuff on the bottom shelf. First. And first up for the software, i see we have three usb, drives included. And these will have instructions, for the installation. And where to find support for the system. The licensed, dongle let us run the 2020, gammon spec suite, so we're going to use this later and i'll leave it with the controller. We also have information, about the calibration, artifact. And the vdi, accuracy, test for the sensor. In this folder we have more traceability, information about the calibration, artifact. And the vdi, test. We have the information, for all the measuring volumes. Next up we have the actual calibration, panel. As you can see it's the white background, with black dots. This helps the sensor orient itself. And also helps us when we're changing measuring. Volumes. We also have this nice stand for the panel. So what we do if we wanted to calibrate we set it straight up. Now the magnet's, pointing up. We'll take the panel out. Set it on, and you're ready to. Calibrate. We also have this nice tool kit. So we don't use these a lot day-to-day, because we don't need tools to change measuring volumes, but these are nice to have. We have reference points to different sizes. So these will work well for different parts and different measuring volumes. We also have room for two additional measuring volumes, on top of the one in the sensor. So each measuring volume will have two lenses. And we'll also have a projector, for each of the measuring. Volumes. Down to the top shelf, we have our automated rotary stage. This is called the gom rot 350.. With this you can bring automation with you anywhere you go and it'll speed up your scanning process. To do is you just place the part in the middle. And spin it around and make the process nice and easy. Lastly, we have the, cue. As you can see it's a very sleek sensor. Very lightweight. It's the cute sensor, my favorite part about it. Is dustproof. Splashproof. And you see it has protected, optics. So it has a housing for all the, cameras in the projector. In this case we're going to set it on industrial, camera stand, but if you order it with a carbon fiber, tripod. Then that will fit in the case as well. We're going to hook up the queue into the controller. With the power cable. Here. We have a connection for the fiber optic as well. Plug the controller, into a wall power source. And then touch behind here is an on and off switch, it's going to flip it to on. And that's going to start up our queue. Now if we open up the controller. You see we have room for our laptop, as well. And the controller is going to hook up using a thunderbolt. Cable. And in the case we have two extra cables to hook up the rot350. We have this usb, adapter, for the, laptop. And we have a power cable which you're going to plug into the same power strip. So we'll hook this into the back of the rotation, table. Onto the power. Strip. And with this usb, adapter. We'll be able to control the rotation, straight from our laptop. Now that we hooked it up it's getting warmed up it's getting ready to go. The nice thing about the system with the camera stand. It's a very portable system. Very lightweight and easy to move around. This is really nice in a machine, setting for example. Because if you have a large part. If you have a heavy part that you want to measure on the machine fixture. You can bring the q to the part. Instead of having to bring the part to the queue like you would have to do with the cmm. You see in the case thing we have two 8 or 12 megapixel, cameras. And in the center. You have the led blue light projector. It's a very powerful, light source, and help us do really well with dark surfaces. It also has the triple scan principle. So it's going to collect a lot of high quality data really quickly. And with the fiber optic connection. The data transfers, can be lightning fast, so you're going to your scans are going to come in really quickly as. Well. In the next segment with miles, we're going to combine this with the gomrap, 350. We're going to see how fast the queue can collect quality data. In combination, with the automated rotary. Stage. Today we have the system in a manual configuration. On a carbon fiber tripod, and we're scanning a die-cast, gearbox. One of the strongest, features for this type of scanner, is the ability to change your field of view.

This Lets you adapt, the system to your specific, measuring task, by choosing, the resolution. And accuracy, that's necessary. For this part we're using the largest field of view that's available on the atos queue which is 500, millimeters. Using this remote control, and the manual rotation, table, it makes scanning fast and easy. For scanning this part i've put some reference, points on the turntable. And that allows us to move the part, or the sensor between the scans, and the software can automatically, align them together. Also the atos q is a very fast sensor and we're capturing, up to 12 million data points, per scan. The ato's q takes advantage, of all of the latest gome technology. This includes the triple scan functionality, which allows us to capture data in even hard to reach areas. Additionally. The system uses a fiber optic cable connection. Two fast cameras. And the latest gom fringe projection, techniques in order to ensure that we have very accurate scan results. Now that we've seen a quick overview for how the atos q captures, detail, on a complex, part, let's take a look at some evaluation. In gomen spec software. The result of the scan, is an accurate, digital copy of the part. Even these very difficult to reach areas that we can see here are captured, easily, using the triple scan technology. In terms of resolution. This is what you can get from the atos, q using the 500, millimeter, field of view. Gome inspect, allows you to create color deviation, plots, do section inspections. Check your feature locations. And do full gd t analysis. An extensive, set of alignment, features. Measuring, principles. And reporting, tools, make this a very complete, package. Also remember that gome inspect, is free to use, so it's very easy to share your inspection, results within your project team. So now we've had our first, look at an overview, of using the atos, q for scanning a standard size part. Now let's take a look at a second setup of the system, and talk about some more details, of the ato's, q, detos, q comes in two different versions. There's a 12 megapixel, version, and an 8 megapixel, version. You'll also notice how small the system is the atos q sensor head, weighs only 4 kilograms, which is just under 9 pounds. This makes it very easy to take it with you to the job site. Benefit for the atos q is that it comes with five different measuring volumes, there's a 100. 170. 270. 350. And 500, millimeter, variations. For the die cast gearbox, earlier, we used the largest measuring volume at 500, millimeters. This plastic, part here, requires, more, resolution, than we had for the part that we scanned earlier, therefore, i switched the measuring volume out to the 350. Millimeter, field of view and recalibrated. The system. To make scanning, even easier, i've set up the part on the gom rot 350. Automated, turntable. The gomrod, 350. Is controlled, in the gom software. So we can select, eight measurements, here and start the scanning process. As we scan the part, you can see the data being built up on the screen as we go. You can see here just how fast and easy, it is to scan with the atos, q in this. Configuration. Now that we've finished measuring the top side of the part, we need to flip the part over in order to capture the bottom side. To help us align the top and bottom scans together, i've put some small reference, points on the side of the part. These allow the software to automatically. Combine the top and bottom halves of the part together. The result that we'll see later is going to be the high detailed, mesh of the entire part, so now let's start scanning the back side.

The Blue light that you see projected, on the part. Comes from a very sophisticated. Light source. This projection, technique was developed, by gome, to produce a very, low, noise data. This also produces, a uniform. Speckle-free. Light. This light source ensures that we have the most accurate. And repeatable, data possible. So now both scans are finished and they're combined together in the software, so it's time to take a look at the results. Here's our scan result. We now have a high detailed, mesh which is describing, all features of the part. Since we scan both sides, we have the complete, digital, twin, which we can join with its cad file to start the evaluation. The first step is the alignment, of the part to the cad model. Both overall, alignment, and local alignments, are possible, inside gome inspect. Again, since we scanned the part from both sides, we can now analyze, the thickness of the part and verify, if the thinner areas are to specifications. The design of this part requires for a lot of gd t style inspections. These are calculated, on the scan data describing, the part in great detail, and offer a very accurate, and realistic, evaluation. Reporting, of the full analysis, is done in the reporting, space. Even from a black part like this one, you can see how clean the results, are. Remember, that gomenspec, is available free of charge, and can be used to share all the data in a way as you see it here on the screen. So what if we want to scan multiple, parts, we've already seen the scanning speed of the atos queue in this configuration. And we also know that the gomenspec. Software is parametric. That means that we simply have to add the second. Third or any subsequent, scan data, into our original inspection, report, the software will then automatically. Recalculate, the inspection. And deliver you a full trend analysis, across all of your. Parts. So we've unboxed. And set up the atas, queue. And also sell miles. Give a demonstration. Along with some tech specs, features, and functionalities. One of the things that i love about my job is being able to spend time and get to know people. Understand, their story, and hear, how they're using our technology. To improve. Processes. At their company. So i was able to spend some time with brian from solar turbines. I'm really excited about this interview. Thank you so much catherine. You know brian you've been working, there for about i think 15, years. It's been a long time. Yes going on uh 18 years actually. 18 years, oh my goodness. In the middle of my 17th, year so. Uh yeah, been here for a while. I've totally enjoyed, my career, using this technology, here solar, and it's actually. Moved my career, quite well here. Oh that's so great i love hearing that you know what kind of, started you to get into engineering. About after six years in the navy. I got out and went right into aerospace, working on satellites, for companies, in phoenix. And then uh moved to california, and went into making medical, implants. All of which had very extensive, source inspections, on both medical implants and the aerospace, done by cmm, and conventional, needs of. Of inspection. And then i came to solar. Approximately, a. Little over 17, years ago. And i know as far as data quality, what does that mean to you like what does quality. You know that type of measurement, technology. Mean. For me, the. The. Quality, is everything, um the more accurate, you, are able to. Collect data from a model in its actual condition, how it's manufactured. Better. The only actual perfect model is created in a cat system it's mathematically. Perfect. Mankind, cannot make a perfect, bottle we cannot. The question now being is how accurately, can we measure how imperfect, it is. Not how good it is but how far out it is, based on what our design intent, is. The, design, intent, uh. Being, shown through, a cat ball which is perfect, so. The accuracy. Of this has allowed us to with the tri-top, system, and. How we do our scanning, here. Um. Has allowed us to. Follow along, on, on the, l plus or minus point zero zero zero, one zero zero, two, bird tree alignments, that kind of stuff fit and form issues, and. And uh doing multiple. Iterations. Of, uh, following a blade from inception, to, actual 3d printing which we now use, completely, atos. Scanning, on. Yeah and i know you measure a lot of airfoils. A lot of bliss. You know solar turbines does a lot of power generation, type engine components. So, when you see this technology. In your industry, what do you imagine.

Kind Of the future to be. In the future. Uh i see this, integrating. Completely, with the mbd. We need to get a hood of drawings, and the only way to do that is, literally mbd. And the entire enterprise. Of manufacturing. Worldwide, have to get on board to do that. And, in a way. Uh this is revolutionizing. Inspection, and reverse engineering. Uh, like. Cnc's. Would to conventional, machining. So, a picture is worth a thousand words, i don't see. I actually, see conventional. Inspection, techniques, phasing, out over the next, several years. In 3d. Metrology. Taking over. Um almost all forms of inspection. Yeah you know we've been seeing the same thing so from, you know the 17, years of my journey, so far. I've seen. First when i started it was, explaining, the science. Behind the technology. And now it's been accepted. And now it's trying to. You know. Like give knowledge to people, why data, quality. Differs, because there's so many different type of metrology. Devices. And, you know our customers, are always benchmarking. And, proving, the accuracy. And i guess, i could call it maybe the stability, in the process, or, you know just knowing that it's repeatable. And it's a sound process. So. With, you know. 18, years or so. It. It's not easy, to adopt. New technology. And it's not, easy to change a process, but when you see something that can improve. Your company, and the manufacturing. Process, so much. You know you want to be motivated. To try to make that. Change but. Yeah and you work with like a huge, company. I've i've gone to, many suppliers. And taken this technology, with me. And, they want to know how we're going to look at something. And. We would, we would actually qualify, a part on a machine, using this technology, that could not be taken off the machine because of inspection, through restraint, process where it's got to be constrained. Well how do we inspect something that's constrained, that's 97, inches in diameter. You use an atos system. And uh, several times i've done something like that to qualify, a part to bring in the solar. The companies. Is uh, this is amazing, um, where do we get it you know who we see these people you see and, uh, it sells itself, you cannot. See this technology, in action without, being, i'm totally amazed, if you have any kind of background, in manufacturing. Whether you're a machinist. Or a. Deeper, hand or whatever. You'll know that that, you're, actually replicating, a physical, part, and as close as we're able to replicate, it which is. Which is accurate enough for aerospace. You were with us since it was a white light scanner. And then we've used led, technology. For blue light. And, exactly, what you've been saying, when, companies are transitioning. From a more traditional, type measurement, system like a cmm. To atos, a structured blue light scanner. You're, knowing, more about your part you're not just picking out three, you know defined, points. You're actually seeing what is going on surrounding. That area. And so it's been such a powerful, tool. And i think, you know you've had so much success, with it i'm excited, for you, i can't wait, um, you know i know we discussed. The potential, of you being a guest speaker, at our next innovation. Virtual, conference. Okay this is what it is. Thanks brian again for your time, we really appreciate, it and. I can't believe it's been 18, years. Wow time just flies. So please don't forget everyone use the chat, we are online. Live, to. Answer any questions, as, we go. And at the end we'll have a live q a and we'll kind of, read out the frequently, asked questions, that we're seeing. And go over, you know whatever details, you'd like to discuss. So now next is miles, he's going to be showing us how the atos, q can be used, for small parts. In this setup we're going to talk about how you use the ato's, q to scan small high detailed, parts, the part that we have now. Is a precision, graphite, electrode. Which is used for tool making. You'll notice here that we have the sensor mounted to the desk stand, this allows us to achieve the stability. Necessary. To scan this sort of high precision. Part. Another benefit to the atos, q, is that for each and every measuring volume the standoff, distance is the same, at 490. Millimeters. This is because we have one fixed camera angle that we use across, all lens sets. This makes any of the lens set changes, from the smallest, to the largest measuring volumes, very fast and easy. With this part. We've changed our lenses, from the larger field of views we had earlier.

Down To a measuring volume which is 170. By 130. Millimeters. This means that all 12 million of our data points are crammed in that small area. This allows us to get a resolution. Or the minimum, point spacing between two points on our mesh, down to as low as 30 microns. In this sort of setup, you could also use the smaller measuring volume of 100 millimeters, or a larger measuring volume like the 270. Millimeter. Just like with the larger fields of view scanning is very fast and, intuitive. The precision, calibration, of the ato skew, allows us to maintain, the necessary, accuracy. And precision, for a part like this. One. Both manual, and automated, rotation, table solutions, are available for this type of setup. The atos q is also taking advantage, of gom's triple scan technology. That means for every sensor, position, we're looking at three different viewpoints. The first thing the system is going to do is take a look at what it sees from both cameras together. Then it's going to look at the left camera independently. And then the right camera independently. So each side can cover what the other one misses. In order to do this you need to have a precision, calibrated. 3d, camera. The system will automatically. Combine, all three different viewpoints, for each scan, and this allows us to capture, even hard to reach areas, easily. So let's take a look now, at the data that the ato's q got on this part. Here's the resulting, mesh from that scan, and just take a look at how much detail we can get on that part. We can see here that the software, automatically, reduce, the number of points on the flatter, areas of the part, and on the curved areas we still get the maximum, amount of detail. With the 170. Millimeter, measuring volume, even the smallest, shape deviations, will become visible, on this electrode. We talked earlier about the triple scan principle. Here we can see the results from this technique. It's a very powerful feature of the atos, q which allows us to scan, deep into narrow pockets. The last thing i want to show you here is a color deviation, plot of the top of the electrode. If you look on the right hand side you'll see that the total range here is just 10 microns. Now it's very easy to verify, whether this electrode, can be used for the edm, process. Or see if it has to be improved, first. Now we've had a look at how we use the atos, q to scan small, precision, parts. You'll also notice that the finish on this part is a dark black, and even this sort of surface we can scan quickly, and easily, with the ato's q. Thanks miles for showing us the q in the desktop stand. This is really cool to see get the detail on the small part like that. Now we've seen a desktop, stand. We've seen the tripod. We're seeing the industrial, camera stand. But one more option our customers ask about a lot is automation. Because automation, can make a big difference. In throughput, and repeatability. And with the q we can do, automation, on the scan box 4105.. So let's go back to miles we're going to see it in action. Gome is very well known for its series of ato scan box systems. And now with the atos, q, there's a new addition to the family for automated, inspection. I'm standing here in front of the scan box, 4105. This system is very easy to install. Requiring, only a standard. Single phase power socket. The scan box 4105. Can hold parts weighing up to 100, kilograms. With a maximum, size of up to 500, millimeters. Now i want to walk you through the entire, process. Starting with programming, the robot. Then scanning the part, and then taking a look at the final inspection, results. But first, we need to go into the goleman spec software, and look at a function that we call smart teach. Ato, scan box systems are delivered with the virtual measuring room or vmr. The vmr is an extension, to the gom software which allows us to control the automation, device. You can see the scan box here inside the vmr. So let's first start with loading the fixtures, and cad file.

Link To the cad file is an inspection, plan. This could be loaded as pmi, data straight out of the cad file, or could be created by the inspector. Now that the software, knows which features, need to be inspected. We just need to start the smart teach procedure. In just a few seconds, all of the necessary, sensor positions, to scan the part are calculated. We can then finalize, the procedure. With an optimization. Which will define the fastest, route covering all the needed sensor positions. We're now ready to start the robot, and let the atos, queue scan these parts. Scan box systems, come with a simplified, kiosk interface, so all i need to do is walk up to the touch screen and press the start button. The scan box is now going through the program we just created using smart. Here, the parts are mounted in a multi-part. Fixture, and they rotate around using the rotation, table. The combination. Of the robot, and the rotation, table, makes it possible, to access, all areas. The standoff, distance, of 490. Millimeters. Makes it very useful for measuring parts with some fixturing, around them. While we're scanning, let me tell you a few more things about the ato's, q. We developed this sensor for industrial. Use, next to the protected, optics it has a fast, optical, cable connection, which ensures, a reliable, data transmission. The system checks itself as well. In case of a sudden vibration, during scanning. It will be repeated, automatically. Even the sensor calibration, is checked constantly. To ensure that you'll always get an accurate result. So now the scanning is finished and the software has automatically, calculated, the results. So now let's go take a look at the kiosk, interface. As the operator, i can get a nice, overview of the inspection results. I can see the overall, shape distortion. And look at the trim deviation. Then at the end, i have the ability, to decide, whether or not the part can continue on through the production, process, or needs to be worked on some more. Easy to install. Easy to operate, the atos, q inside the scad box 4105. Is your system of choice when it comes to speed for inspecting, parts up to 100 kilograms. Or 500, millimeters, in size. The vmr, with smart teach, takes all the hassle, from robot programming. Automated, inspection. Is easy, and accurate, with the ato's. Q. All right so thanks miles so much for, showing us the atos, queue on the 4105. So, what we've seen are more and more companies, transition, towards the automated, path, for increased repeatability. And also higher throughput. With me now i got josh. Who is our engineering, manager, at capture 3d we've worked together, many many years, josh how you doing today. You're doing great kat how are you, i'm doing good, thanks so much for spending, time. With me so i think. One of the things we've been talking about today is the new atos, queue and i kind of want to get your input, what did you think when you first saw it. Um when i first saw the portability. It's amazing. Um you probably saw it with alan walking through the building in the other. Video. The, different volume sets just like our high-end systems. Um. The, ability, to put on a robot like you saw on miles. Just. Such high accuracy, quality. In such a small nine pound package, it's pretty amazing. It is. Yeah it is and, you know the engineering, team that you manage. You work directly, with our customers. You know from, the, demo. Through, either proof of concepts. Benchmarking. All the way to the installation, and training, and so that, your team is right next to our customers. What do you see as far as, what is an important, problem that we might be solving with the technology. Oh boy there's a lot of problems we saw with the technology. Um you know. We're integrated, in a lot of full production. Spc, type applications. Fully automated. But we're also, manual, systems, with root cause analysis. You know one, um. One area that i remember. Was, an automotive, company that had uh, some vehicle, issues and i was actually, there in their metrology, lab. But um they had some vehicles that had some fit and finish issues coming off the line, they were able to pull it in, to the uh to the scan area. Scan the area, peel some panels back continue, to scan, and within. Maybe 30, 35, 40 minutes, they had all the department heads, in one room, with a color map and all of the, components, that were, causing, the possible, issue and they were able to dial down to a very specific. Area. Of, or, very specific, department. And then, they were able to make the change, and. Fix the issue very quickly within an hour they, they had a goal to. Go to. That is amazing, you know when we talk about. How much data we're able to capture. And how quickly. You can make a good decision, based on that data so it really minimizes.

That Time. Yeah they were going to take that data and go right back to that like. It was actually a die issue they were able to go right back to the die issue to fix the die, to move the panel a little bit. During the stamping process so it was quite amazing. That is great, and then now they have this data even for the future, so future, design, development. You know it's like we all learn. From the lessons that we've been through, and so that we can you know create a better process. So with your team, you know one thing is, a lot of customers. Ask us for demos so what can they expect, from. You know engineering, as far as working with them to see the technology. Sure i mean all our engineers. Are experts at the hardware and software. Um, you know. We have the luxury, of of having only. One. Software, that we use, and. A few hardware components, that we that we handle. So we were able to become. Very good at, at. Showing those to to our customers. But also. We have a vast, knowledge of experience, in all the industries, from automotive, to aerospace. Plastics, castings. And with that when we show our customers. Um. We give them. The comfort, that, anything that they're going to need in the future. Future process, improvements. That we can, support, them with that. And then during demonstrations. Usually that really comes out, and, that really gives them the confidence, to you know go with us that's for sure. Yeah and i absolutely. Love it just the fact how close we work with our customers, and i think, it's been great your team has been doing a fantastic. Job. I know i've taken a lot of your time but i just want to say thank you so much for your time today, and. Yeah, thanks for that insight on the, atascu. Thanks everyone, for joining us today so that kind of concludes, this section. And we want to move over to the live q a so please. You know utilize, the chat, we are going to be here for you, i think one of the most interesting, things that i learned about the queue. Is i'm super excited, about how fast and accurate it can measure small, to medium sized parts, and when we look at the gome technology. For data resolution. And clarity. It's amazing. So. See it firsthand. You know schedule, either a virtual demo with us, or an on-site, demo, we also offer services. For a proof of concept. So our team is readily available. We hope that you enjoyed this event. We would love to hear from you all and we hope that you stay safe, thanks so much. Bye. So i believe we have about 10 minutes for the q a session so let's get started. All right so do we have ron, and kat. Katherine. Hi guys. Hi. All right so then um the first question i believe is for ron, because it's more technical. And, we have, the question came from steve. He said queue and software, look nice for engineering. How, how accurate, is it, and this accuracy, question, was also asked by michael. Ron would you like to take that. Steve. Michael, great question. One we receive, quite often. Accuracy, depends, on your part. The atas center used, and the measuring volume, or the field of view, however we achieve, single, digit microns.

As You saw without an unboxing, the atos, q. Each measuring volume comes with the vdi, certification. And documentation. When you heard katherine's, interview with brian, an actual atosta, user. They're, they are achieving. One tenth to two tenths, of an inch, or two and a half to five micron, accuracy, with their applications. In regard. In regards, to the. Accuracy, of the golem software. It's independently. Tested. And certified, by nist and ptb. Also we offer, proof of concept, projects, to prove out our accuracy. Capabilities. So another. Good question that i got. So i believe this could be, the question for katherine. Charlie, said uh really nice, we have an older cmm, that have been. That they've been thinking about replacing. What's the cost for this. Great question, so. Charlie the starting, price, is 60k. For the atos, q but that includes. Not only the technology. But the goldman spec, suite software, for the basic, inspection. It includes shipping. E-training. And one year of hardware support. You know there's various, other configurations. You guys saw, miles. And allen, showed different. Settings, all the way up to, a 4105. And it is. Compatible, with the goma scan, cobot. And so but that 60k, is the starting price. Okay. Nice. All right another, moving on to the next one, we have, emma. Who said, hey capture 3d. Nice to see the new product. We have an older, atos, and we use it every day in the shop. Um. So she said it's really become, their work. Horse and are there any upgrade, incentives. And i think that could be you, catherine. Yeah i don't mind taking that one, so, hey emma thanks for joining us today. I've been seeing the chat throughout, the event, and it's really nice to see all of our customers, and new, people, come to the technology. To the event, but to answer your question. It really depends on your current system but yes, we do offer upgrades. Trade-ins. So what i would do is email, uh info. At, Info. Go ahead and send us your dongle id, or, your serial number, and then we'll send you out a quote. All right, thank you. So, actually there are quite many, technical, questions so i'm going to start with, the first one. Um andy, said. Uh atos queue looks very versatile. It's great that you can use it both manually, and automate, it, do you need a special, configuration. To automate, your scanners. Ron. So thanks andy, another great question. No special, configuration. Uh, the flexibility. Of the atas, queue you can use it as a manual, solution. And then take it and place it on a scan box and, it's a, plug-and-play, solution. For automation. Very flexible, very capable. Yeah so we right now we have five minutes left so we're i'm gonna get, a few more. Questions. And another one i'm saying is. Probably, cat okay moving on how can we download your free inspection, software. I know justin, answered. Thank you for that, and he's. Included, the link to download, the software. But would you like to. Go over the training, and how, is this, offered. Sure, sure i don't mind. Um. Yeah and thanks justin, for helping out that question. So yes there's a link to download. The new goman spec suite software. It's coming out i believe, in august. And there have been, you know every year ago makes, tremendous. You know updates, to it based on what our customers, are looking for. So, there is training, we actually offer. Free virtual, training course. There's actually one in july. Sonia i think it's. Like 20. 30, okay. Okay so, yeah and that's completely, free so gome inspect. Is a free software, to use. I believe it doesn't include the parametric, features, but you know it has. Comprehensive. Features. So go ahead download, it try it out, and, enroll, in the july, course it's three days, two hours, a day. And it's, live with our aes, with our application, engineers. Okay. Right so thank. You. And i also see like, a lot of technical, ones, asking, about for example, steven. Is asking, how to scale, larger, parts with atus, q and tri tops, because. During miles, uh presentation. He had mentioned, about tri-top. Being used for larger parts. How do you how do we scale that. So i'll take that one. So, try top would be used, on a larger, project to maintain. Overall, heart accuracy. So with the tri-top, system we do a short session. Collecting, the reference, points over the, entire, large part. And then you can start scanning with atos. So this would increase, the. Accuracy, overall. Overall. Part size. And also can decrease, the amount of scan time needed, by decreasing, the number of scans. So, combining, 8000, tri tops a big plus. Okay, thank you, another, good question here is that, from jordan.

And He asked for scans, on larger, parts that require, large standoff, distances. Would you recommend. An 8-5. Or triple scan model. So obviously this user is familiar, with both of our models. And scanners. So for me. Yes go for it ron. All right so. Depending. On, the, standoff, distance requirement. All the atas, systems, are working at a fixed standoff. The, atos5. Does have a larger standoff, distance. So it would depend, on how you're defining. A larger standoff, distance requirements. Okay, thank you. Another, one is okay so, kurt. Said, seal, does proof that this is a question regarding that, what rejects the led, heat, is a removable, module. Or is it passive, or does it have a fan can it be. Cleaned. So, the, components. For the atox. Cue system like some of the other atoms. Especially, the atos5, these are internal components. They're sealed and protected. And there's a heat exchanger. And an external, fan. So the external, item, would be the fan. And yes you can clean it. Okay. Good. So we do have another question it says we have the 8-5. It's awesome. Still need more training on it and the software, to gain the full potential, of the scanner. So. Would you like to answer to that uh. Catherine. Yeah i don't mind, i'll take the less technical, ones, because. So, yeah i'm, loving the chat, honestly. Like i just love all the participation. And the interaction, so thank you everyone. Uh, you know to answer your question. The atos5. Is different than the q, so although the design, intent. And how it looks. Is you know derived, from the five. The five actually has a brighter light source we have more volumes. In it so it is different technology. So i would say you know test out your application, your part. Um, and obviously the price varies too, so. Hopefully that helps. Okay. Um. Just to, add to that, um so this was regarding the, needing, more training, so, we do offer, virtual, training at at the moment, and also physical training, at our, um three of our four of our. Locations. So, if you're interested in learning more about acquisition. Or inspection, training. Please. Reach out to us and we'll. Get you. Up and running. All right so another, one. Was, regarding. The um. Okay so it's from mizunor. I'm sorry if i'm not pronouncing, your name correctly. For ron. Is it possible, to, integrate, the. Robot, in the cnc, environment, to scan the part, in order to locate. It. Right so. Cnc, related question. Yes, with a couple of atas, scans and data can be used to position, the part between, cnc. We have aerospace. And automotive, customers. Using our technology, for adaptive, machining. They use atas, to automatically. Verify. The machine, part while it's still in the cnc. And we partner with machining, software, companies. To take. Our data, back in for automatic, reprogramming. From samia, i think, most of our like team members, and our guys, helped out, answering, this question but, for those who haven't, seen the chat. Samia. Asked, how long does it to take the. To change between the lenses. So samaya, another great question. After a quick change of lenses, and system warmer. The calibration, process, is only eight to ten minutes. What's really nice the atas, software, guides the user through the process step by step. Total process. Including, system warm-up. Bringing the lenses, up to temp. About 30 minutes. Sonia do you mind if we also, address it looks like. A couple people because i have it on my mobile device too.

Are Asking, about, you know scanning. Translucent. Transparent. Plastic, and silicone, parts, okay. So you know we are it's still an optical. Uh metrology, technology, so for transparent. Parts. We'll need to spray. Now. For those that aren't aware, we are also, a sub distributors. And a sub. Is a company, that makes a spray that disappears. It vanishes. Run after. So many hours, right. Yeah about two, two to three hours. Yeah so a lot. So we've actually. Have continuously. Ran out so we've actually ordered a huge, like, multiple, pallets of it because it's been such a popular, product to use. For, the you know the disappearing, spray so yep i see pedro's, comment. It's awesome it is, so it's been, it's been a great product to use for those transparent, parts. Uh. Lear roy said asap, is the best. I know i see it i love it. You know it's. Um i just realized like. We've been going through the questions, in chat and i realized we're actually past our 10 minutes, for the q a session so with that. Maybe i'll take the last, question would you like to pick, a question, question that you, jot it down. So, we, do have a question you know i know you guys can't see who the host is but it's actually. Jason, our digital, marketing, manager, jason do you mind, just turning on your camera real quick just to show your face hi. Okay great. So it's been really a team effort to put this program together. And really nice job jason, not only our digital marketing manager but also. Our cameraman. So thanks so much jason, so he's the host and he's been getting questions. I've been seeing it on my mobile phone. So the question, is. Also. Can the deviation. Data, export. Excel. Spreadsheet. Ron. Yes. We can export, the cmm. Type, tables. And we also like to add, the color plot, the, easy to read easy to understand, deviation, reports. The gom software. Is, very powerful, it's one of the. Favorite things that our customers. Like, about our atas, systems. If you're interested, in seeing a sample inspection, report. Of all the features, just reach out to us, we'll email you a copy. We have gd, gt. And trend, capabilities. Available, in our software. All right then um thank you guys so much with that we would like to end our event, here. And we hope everyone, got something out of this launch event. If you. If you have any questions, that haven't. Been answered, please, reach out to us at info, And we'll be happy, to. Further help you out, and thank you very much for attending, and giving us a chance, to. Produce, something like this. And network with you all and answer some of your questions. So it was a great one hour to spend with you all. And we hope everyone has an amazing, the rest of the day, thank you. Yeah thanks everyone. Also, oh the powerpoint. Too we didn't want to give like a typical, powerpoint, to everyone. So we do have that for download. You know email us, yep. Yeah thank you. Bye guys thank you guys. Have a good one. Bye. Is. Is. You.


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