vary now okay got it okay you can start ready uh yeah muted wait i'm used to that yes hi hi everybody good evening yeah okay so it's 10 o'clock okay i think mr you is a very passionate you know to want to share about dsa to the school of science and technology which is to me is a thing that i do not know okay so uh thank you so much for sharing with us and i think there's a lot of parents who wants their children to go to school of scientific technology so yes do share with us what you know okay and all the benefits or for the parents wants the children to use tsa as a route to the school to actually go for a future that is related to science and maths yeah thank you mr slock yeah hello parents i'm mr howard you in fact this school is called the school of science and technology this school has been specially set up by moe i think also in collaboration with some of the uh militaries and technologies uh organization in singapore like uh mindef and ds and sst and destar so this school the mission is to train the future technocrat or those people who are passionate and science to help singapore to develop its technologies so that we can have a cutting-edge technology uh in our nation so i like to do a screen share of uh some slides here for your enlightenment yes certainly the way it's a very new topic you know yeah because to share a lot of parents actually uh bring their children for dse okay but not all of them actually got accepted and actually i can say majority didn't because i was one of those parents back in 2019 that i know a lot of parents because my child was in psle then so we also were very puzzled you know yeah what kind of criteria they have so that's why i found mr you who has the experience of being actually in the action of training group of students when before they go for the dsa selection right yes so actually you can see this slide is actually i prepared last year in fact last year i conducted this training uh on site as well as online so i will just run through briefly uh what dsa is uh is looking for sst in bsa is looking for so i'm very thankful that uh through my experience i have the opportunity to interact with this astronaut so astronaut you know is that is the top notch top notch scientist or in in science yeah so uh i did share with the student to inspire them you want to be top-notch right you've got to expose yourself either to training or through uh or other forms of learning technologies so i have developed this acronym because uh dsa one of the things in sstd looking for somebody who is unique in their thinking so i use this word forensica okay to represent the attitude that students should have so number one they must have the 42 okay they have mastered fortitude and uh this omniscience is actually all knowing only god has this ability now so we human we are limited so we must know our limitations are yeah and then relationship how the things are connected with each other does mean they must have a holistic understanding of not just science but how science can integrate with math how maths can integrate with maybe even languages or arts yeah and then this is endurance this is a four years program it's a it's an all levels program so at the end of four years the student actually takes us the same old level as other mainstream secondary school yeah okay one very interesting thing because as you know our nations and even the world is moving towards uh environmental education so in sst they also have a arm and arm to develop uh about nature for example like a horticulture on things that are related to nature and of course everything is encompassed by scientific investigation and they must make reasonable conclusive evidence or come to the need to give the lecturers or their teachers some conclusive things yeah they have found out from their investigation so that's why i developed this this acronym fortitude yeah very interesting great and then in my past experience this is actually one of the articles i contributed to a news article you will see actually inside here there are two considered top scientists in singapore they are in the defense technology one of them actually developed this uh thermal scanner which is uh used uh prevalently during the sas period to detect the thermal temperature difference so that they can identify people with a fever so this technology is actually developed at first for the military but it was subsequently declassified to civilian use so and then the other person that i know personally is you can see this largest floating platform which i think this year will resume our national day there after two years also called lockdown so they will have this uh this person actually is quite creative yeah both of this person i know personally so uh why i want to bring them innovative right to you cause they are very informative yeah they're very innovative so i'm standing beside this two side this one is on my here is mr tan he's the one that uh so called design the uh the thermal scanner or uh use it for civilian and then on this cell is mr yo the one who is the mastermind behind the floating platform so scientific relationship because uh this thing is very common in secondary school they learn about biology uh physics geology but as you go higher level yeah because uh sst is also i believe in years to come they'll be pursuing towards astronomy yeah yeah because singapore we haven't sent any astronaut to space yet we are still behind malaysia malaysia is an astronaut [Music] yeah so i hope that we can inspire students to achieve data that's right yeah and then here we talk about astronomy and for myself i'm also quite interested in this so uh these are some of the my findings in fact actually the bible i thought about this thousands of years ago before scientists even discover this style called actuaries yeah because actuaries you know uh has only been discovered less than 100 years using the hubble telescope but in fact thousands of years ago god actually mentioned this in the bible yeah actuaries yeah right so this you can see the relative size of actuaries compared to our sun correct so much bigger yeah so one of my i think is to [Music] challenge students to think out of the box yeah because operational science you can do an experiment forensic or historical science you can't repeat the experiments based on some archaeological evidence or his people yeah so like for example i thought i asked i challenged this life because many people many people believe in this big bang theory but so i counter them by thinking using uh the second law of thermodynamics to a so-called refute that the big bang is actually not true because life yeah yes because i had mentioned that this i published this book in my pslv science reasoning that we don't need rocket styler because if you believe big bang right you actually believe this no you believe that a power of brexit can form into a house by itself yeah sounds really impossible yeah and then also about this thing evolution yeah so i also challenge a student about hey you look at this animal yeah some some adults even children they believe that this animal are the so called the stegosaurus are extinct like millennials yeah but you see if you challenge them to think if this animal here people can engrave on the stoner that time they do not have internet no camera how would they have the idea to engrave this on the stone so by logical reasoning quite likely they have seen this animal so if they have seen that it cannot be extinct millions of years ago yeah so i always challenge students to think out of the boxer so this is through uh scientific reasoning and also scientific critical analysis and also ask them what do you think are the maybe the next 10 years what is the world heading towards what type of scientific development yeah so i challenge them with these reflective questions and then also true versus for good falsehood in some values and i currently i believe that in the next 10 years the world will be prove [Music] pursuing these five elements and i also hope that the singapore government will also uh create platforms for our youth to uh enhance their passions or even capabilities in these five areas are yeah which i think sst is a good platform to start with because the government has invested a lot of money in ssc in producing very good labs for the student to do various type of experiments yeah so and a lot of children are so interested right electrons and drones yeah correct yeah actually my son likes a bio so he's in secondary right now so yeah and then he's being given exposure to doing uh research as well so i think it's it's very interesting if your children wants to go into the science area and dsa to scientific technology is really very good yeah yeah so i i have finished my slide sharing uh i think the other element parents would be interested is what are the questions being asked right because you said that there's round one that's also around two right so yeah usually round one is should be um should be questions on paper right i mean i guess yeah yeah question maybe it could yeah can you show us example yeah or what what kind of question or just one example okay uh hold on let me share with you i actually produced this worksheet last year wow yeah i heard that you have been giving training for the past five years right yeah yeah and i'm so quite thankful every five years there are students under my training successfully get in oh yeah so those parents who want your child to go in successfully for dsa to score sign technology yes please go and find coach howard okay so thank you successful yeah you can see here actually this question actually it's a i mean daily life we encounter dessert especially if you like to cook or you like to bake so we need ingredients to make a certain maybe a cookie or something so in this question you specified that uh kerry right she has this ingredient six kilograms of flour three kilogram butter and icing sugar all this and here is a list of ingredients for making 24. okay does mean this ingredient can mean exactly yeah yeah exactly 24 chocolate chip cookies so given a new uh sets of data new sets of data here the candidate will be asked to calculate what is the maximum number of chocolate cookies she can make children will say so complicated don't know what don't know how to answer so you need training right yeah and then this is a multiple choice question uh that's mean this one is actually the the student need to do it very fast and accurate okay 50 questions right now uh the number of questions varies but the objective is to just like you know the in the past they have this gep right yes gp questions um i did mark the gp paper before the round one so the number of questions provided usually a normal students a normal academic student they can't complete it within a stipulated time because they want to see those uh very good one so similarly for the dsa round one right in ssd uh if you are not fast enough you may not be able to even finish like 70 of questions wow yeah so that's my execution exposure to my training gives the student the advantage correct correct yeah because once you know this method you already reduce the time to think through how to start yeah because it's very automatic yeah just like you you learn a new skill right there like riding a bicycle yes even how to better you know to consider which leg should i put on the bicycle first yeah so early exposure has an advantage right yeah so that's why right yeah familiarity the questions yeah yeah so this this is one example of such questions uh yes so yes there is there is really training that can help your child to get a advantage over others and this is how it's going to be it's really very important right to know what kind of question come up so what about round two what are the criteria they are looking for so that your child can score better yeah okay round two okay is interview so uh the student need to be uh very fast in thinking i mean i encourage them to be as natural as possible and then uh just share what they think but sometimes they may give you a scenario to see how you respond uh in the past they also have a group experiment yeah that's been there was whether the child can work as a team with people they don't want like those uh lone ranger like leader but not uh not collaborator kind yeah so they want something somebody who can collaborate yeah so that actually is a is a very important uh so when you when you answer a question uh yeah try to uh say things like a team player or you know you are you like to work with others you know i think that that will help you a lot right yes i like to share maybe some of the past years because you know before kovis right uh sst do you have a fiscal open house oh i see so almost every year i make effort to bring students there this year it's also not not uh so you can see this was in two zero you can see the screen share right one eight yeah two zero one eleven june so usually it's on a saturday night all the ssd opener was on a saturday and actually this student was one of my first students you can see she's wearing the ssd so i i'm very thankful so i i also wear my uniform to take a photo first nice that's nice so she's very happy there yeah she's a happy day yeah and she was my former student she requested me to train her to qualify for the school yeah so they're having some cca yeah be prepared yeah if not you you go there it's just uh exposure you don't get anything out of it you know yeah yeah you can see also down here uh they are doing some uh hands-on for the student yeah using the electronic prepaid i think yeah to suck out some specimens and for investigation yeah and then this one is also doing some um some uh hands-on on blood type reaction yeah this but that blood typing reaction so as you know that we got all this blood type yeah this is one of my former students so they are giving this a hands-on experience to build the atomic structure of certain compound yeah you notice that the drone here this is actually [Music] the time 2 0 1 6 2 0 1 6 singapore is actually try to integrate drone education in the student so the uh there's something quite creative a butterfly drone wow yeah designed by the ssq student hi nice nice nice yeah wonderful pictures yeah and then i can see there the children are so um happy you know doing the really hands-on with science plus technology which is i think is the most important i mean i mean i feel in this era now you know yeah this is a very up-and-coming technology like yesterday uh zoom about future proof your children so it really gels very well you know that if we expose our children to technology and science right it's really another way of them to to go forward yeah so this is one of the my students so he's he's sad for now actually you can see that is behind his that actually uh intentionally asked me to train him to qualify for this school yeah so he's he's secretary yeah parents who have the really they have the wisdom i say to help their children succeed yeah yeah so that's a little preview of what sst offer so if you believe that your child has this scientific inclination maybe it's my your first time hearing there's such a school in fact not correct maybe at least fifty percent of the p6 paradigm they are not familiar with this school this school actually is located very near to dover mrt yeah so dover mrt is about seven minutes walk to the school yeah it's dover road so uh i believe the uh if you're because the closing date for all dsa has been over right yes i think so now i think for this sharing is to uh give those students 35 students this year yes yeah because uh from what i understand the first round for this round one right will be happening on 22nd june actually uh this coming sunday on requests from parents right i'm conducting a training this sunday so just let me do a quick screen share here yes yes yeah this one so this training is on 19 june sunday is 3 45 5 is about two just two hours yeah so it's conducted in my center okay this photograph was taken last year you can see uh i limit to social distance your social distancing yes yeah so yes so for those who want their child to go into school science center yeah this is a chance to to learn from uh call mr yi you know and then get the chances of success to go into that school right yes okay yeah all right thank you so much for sharing you know you know i i told me i only know certain schools you know like uh anyways hi you know actually i didn't know about sst okay so yeah it's actually quite interesting yeah that's nice and uh if your child is passionate in science and maybe he's a child may be asking where i can get the training so now at least you know there's such trainer available correct and not just go there just say oh we're going to try you know i mean one of the parents who who did that you know so i think to have success you know really needs um yeah security action yeah yeah it's quite competitive from what i understand uh i'm sure i'm sure the past few years right there were about a thousand to 2005 people who applied okay but eventually i think only about 240 students are selected every cohort about 200 to 240 less than 20 right yeah so yeah so there's round one and round two so round one is the the academic part where i'm training them like the question i shared so once you pass uh round one at round two i will train them about the interview skills and also experimental skills yeah wow awesome because this year i believe that they're also resuming the fiscal round two yeah in the past they do they did conduct the the group experiment observation and also the uh face-to-face interview with the candidates [Music] okay so yes great great great thank you so much for sharing and know this it's not only for p6 this year but also for parents who are having the children p5 yes if you're interested in letting your child especially you know that children actually wants to go into this science arena you know yes to get in touch you know to start training okay before you go for the tsa so that you get success okay yes thank you so much on sunday still share with us thank you so much thank you bye-bye [Music]