Exclusive LIVE Q&A The Future of Alberta

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Whereas, we're shopping. CBC's. National, one of the co-hosts of the show we are in Edmonton, Alberta tonight, where, we are going to start in about five or ten minutes time a live, conversation, here. At, the Nate Technology. Center in Edmonton but the. Conversation, is also with you at home if you're watching this on Facebook YouTube. Or cbc.ca. We. Want you to help us direct. This conversation. About the future of Alberta what's happening, in, the energy sector the future of pipelines, the oil and gas industry, concerns. You might have about employment, all those things we want to hear from you so if you've got a question, just. Go down to the comments section and stick. It in there we've also got a live audience here tonight they too will, get a chance to ask questions we, have a lot too special gases here to, help guide us through this conversation, to the premier, Rachel Notley will be here she, of course you. Know heading into an election in the number of months so she is really the person accountable. For some of the things that have happened in the province lately your, questions will go to her as well and we have a panel of experts who, I was introduced, to the live audience shortly, as well let me bring you over here, if we can Chris. Lu Bicky he's the CEO of modern resources jackie. Forrest, senior director, at arc Hunter. Cardinal, he works in strategic communications in, indigenous, communities and, statue, girl from Angus Reed who's gone at my eye but we'll find her she's, been doing a lot of polling, as of late about people's, impressions, of Western Canada and these, energy, issues okay, we've got a first question already so let's just start getting the the panel warmed, up if you will, Marlo, asks, via Twitter knowing. That both old and new energy tech will be needed going forward how is Alberta moving, forward, or, incentivizing. Existing, producers, with clean tech or sustainable, technologies. Chris. Take a stab at that so I know we're, talking about oil and gas but.

Obviously. People are also looking to you. Know what happens down the line, and. And how those new technologies might help the oil and gas sector but, also how they move us to a greener economy. Two. Things from modern resources perspective. My company one. Were, six years old when we started we made a very conscious effort we're gonna do, this better we're gonna do it the new way so. We've developed technology, we call mule technology, modern ultra-low, emission technology. So, our natural gas sites are completely methane. Emission free and virtually. Co2. Emissions free I can't, say zero but virtually, so. We're well ahead of. Any regulations, and we're sharing this technology, with any, other company because this isn't an, oil and gas concern, this is an international, concern, the. Other thing I would say is the owner gas industry, is very much an adopter, of renewable. Technology, because the vast majority of our sites are off the grid we can't plug in there's no plugs there's no power close by, so. We find it so we use solar. We use methanol, power fuel cells we use all, sorts of renewable, power I would say we're the early adopters, of it because we need it yeah Jackie you two you study, a lot of these issues that arc at the Institute there what, kinds of innovative. Things or how important, is that to the future of Alberta and the economy here bang it's really important and we're real leaders right now in terms of the methane reduction policy. So Alberta government is rolling out very, stringent, policies to reduce my think methane is a very important greenhouse gases actually, more potent than co2 and the, technologies, that are being developed, right now like Chris talked about are I, think going to be deployed not only here in Alberta but around the world because every one gas region has this issue this is really the low-hanging fruit in terms of dealing with climate change and I, think we're positioning ourselves as leaders and our companies are gonna are going to be able to benefit from that okay I'm gonna we found Shachi so just say hi to her because she's. Not. The official, show you're okay I just want to show people that are watching us on our streaming. Platforms. If you will where those questions are going to end up don't don't, die here you guys because they're working backwards this is our digital, team over, here some. People from Edmonton some people from Toronto, and they will be monitoring, your questions, and then feeding them in to us so that we can get your best questions to the premier to our experts, and then if you go you. Guys want to turn that way you can see the real people these, are the actual audience member that have come up in very very cold temperatures, in Edmonton to, be at this event tonight so we're excited to see everybody there and take, questions from. Them as well okay we'll go back in here to see what time we're starting are we starting yet. Okay. Sachi, can I'll ask you a question while you're here. You've. Been doing a lot of looking. At what, is happening sort. Of in terms of sentiments, in Western, Canada and the rest all, the thing all how. Would you say. Albertans. Feel. From what you've seen hold, about. Whether. They are being heard. They're, not feeling, that at, all so, you have, Alberta, very much as an outlier in this country in terms of its level of frustration in, terms, of that level of, resentment. Of its voice not being heard, like they're so angry we're dropping pins, but. Just, as much, sentiment. Is so hardened, in Alberta, whether it's on the importance, of the oil and gas sector relative.

To The rest of the country or, relative. To the way Albertans. Feel in terms of are they being treated fairly, by the federal government and the rest of the country there, is just so much. Feels. That. Albertans are feeling and they're not particularly, good, feelings at the moment and and they're they are crying, out to be hurt yes well that's sort of why we're here right to make sure that we start to understand, and listen, and do, a better job maybe getting some answers. Under, what what do you see I mean you work with lots of indigenous, communities and you. Know without generalizing. How are people feeling about sort of how, Alberta. Is doing inside those communities right now but I actually would say it echoes. The sentiments, that most Albertans are feeling but what I think's intriguing about that question is we have an opportunity as treaty people to dive into not only what does that mean but. To reinvigorate a very, old agreement between indigenous and non-indigenous people. To move forward in a way where we can share an abundance the resources, of the land so, for me I think it's an exciting opportunity, to look to the future and say how, do we want to move forward together okay, well let's let's get this all started so if you are watching, this stream, it remember, you can put your comments underneath, and ask us any questions we'll try to get to as many as we can here and in, the room the national conversation starts. Now. This. Is my home this is my town many. Of these people have planned, for the boom and bust cycles it's just going on too long this time every. Month are we another bankruptcy. There's another person, close their doors. They're. Saying that their savings are depleted, they're starting to use credit and that's starting to run out as well, lots, of people left the, big money left, as. Much as I hate, to say it I don't think we've seen the worst of it we need to move this oil this is our, livelihood. We. Got to get our message, to somebody that can listen, to us they don't. Understand. What. We're up against. Canada's. Got to get together rather. Than work apart, therefore my question, is I would like to know what do you plan to do how are you going to is the government aware what is your government doing to make the next generation, successful. Do you think it's possible, that this situation can, be corrected. Hello. Everybody and welcome to the national conversation in. Alberta, we're, thrilled to be here and thrilled, to have all of you live and in person who, braved the very cold temperatures, of, Edmonton. Even. As a Winnipeg er I'm quite, alarmed that you're all still alive in this cold, weather thank. You all for being here if you're watching this on our streaming platforms, Facebook YouTube.

Cbc.ca. You, also, can participate put, your questions in the comment section just underneath of. Course the premier Rachel Notley also, here tonight and. We'll try and get to as many questions as, we can from her but let me introduce our panel first. Of all some people who know a lot about the. Issue how, people are feeling about the issue Chris, Lu Bicky is CEO, of modern resources it's an oil and gas company small. One but it's a very good one apparently, he tells me Jackie, Forrest is senior director of arc Energy Institute hunter. Cardinal works in strategic communications with, lots of indigenous, communities in, the region and sha Chi curl who many of you may know from at, issue my favorite night of the week that she is with Angus Reed and has been putting out a lot of numbers in the past couple weeks about Alberta and Western Canada so lots, of questions for them this. Is really about taking. Questions from you let's direct the conversation however. You guys want to do it here. And online I'm gonna start with an online question, if you and the audience have a question put up your hand and one of our people will get to you the, first question comes from Erin Harpal who asked on Facebook, Alberta's had canada's fastest, growing economy, for the last couple years but. Oil and gas workers are still hurting what. Can be done to strengthen and, diversify the, energy, sector which i think is something. Everyone sort of seized with and certainly we can ask the premier about it as well whether. The, whole economy, at large needs to be more, diversified. Or whether something particulars. Should be done in the energy sector do you want to start with that one Jacqui sure I mean definitely, it's challenging times right now we're. Expecting investment. In Western Canada to, be around. 20 to 30 percent lower than last year and that's filtering, through now you're starting to see a loss of jobs especially, in the rural areas where a lot of the drilling activity, was going on and. We're, well well off what we were in 20 14 today we're about half the activity, level that we were back then and, we have to recognize them you know we need pipelines, for sure we do but not all those jobs are going to come back, if. We get a pipeline and so there, you know the industry, has changed, fundamentally. Change, you know the technologies, we have developed means that we can produce more oil and gas with less people and so, I think we, have to look about how, to diversify the economy to. Find jobs for, everybody in the economy and the good news is I think there are lots of opportunity, there we're actually seeing that in Calgary where we're starting to see innovation. Centers more, digital. And oil and gas type solutions. Well, that's probably, like the economy everywhere as things get you know because of autumn, ization, artificial. Intelligence, jobs start, to evolve and change and disappear Krista how many employees do you have at your company 24, employees ok and have, you had, to think about cutting, back is, that something, that's happened to you or when you see the big guys playing, and having to layoff tens of thousands, what goes through your mind we, haven't laid off any employees, at modern however, two.

Years Ago, 2017. We would have spent 120. Million dollars investing. In the Canadian economy last. Year we slowed down to. About 95, million this. Year in the first half we'll spend 10 million so. In terms, of employment in the field and these are drilling rigs completion. Construction. Facilities, two. Years ago we, probably would have employed, 350. Contractors. Today. I'd say we employ about 20, Wow, yeah, that's pretty stark when you hear the numbers like that we. Have a question in the audience so, see we are gonna get to your questions where, are we going first over, to Randy hello just give us your name and go. Ahead. Concerned. That I'm not hearing, about the, IPCC. Report. That came out in the fall in you, know every, panel, on CBC, every, answer should be couched in this fact that our scientists. That, the evidence, shows that we have ten years to get on a different path here, and, don't. Get me wrong I'm very thankful for natural gas right now I mean it's it's, really cold out there but I think about those poor people in a hundred years when natural, gas is gone and we. Haven't planned for them and what they're gonna do so I think my, question is. Why. Aren't the politicians. Politicians. Taking the evidence. Seriously. And, acting. On that evidence thank. You, so I mean we don't have politicians, up here yet but we'll hold on to that question, there is a carbon, tax in Alberta as you know and. A federal carbon tax being imposed in other places stretching maybe yeah maybe that's a good question for you when, we're talking about these issues how. Concerned, are, Canadians, Albertans about, these. Dire warnings, from the IPCC sure, but also from the United Nations and others well this is the collision course because on one hand across, the country and in Alberta Albertans Canadians, are saying, climate. Change is very serious, they are very concerned, it's a crisis, they're. Also saying, the lack of new oil pipeline, capacity in, this country is a crisis. And nowhere. Else, but in Alberta is that view near-unanimous. Like, ninety percent of people in this province feel that way so, Jackie, to your point you, know when we talk about the, the change, of work and how work has to innovate in jobs and industries, will ebb and new ones will flow. The. Sense I get in terms of the sentiment, that's being felt in this province, is that, I think. About an anecdote growing, up when the cod fishery fell. Apart in Newfoundland, and Labrador and, there. Was so much national. Empathy, for, what people in those communities were going through and I, think the sense that Albertans our feeling is that that empathy, is not there. In terms, of the natural resource sector so I think you know the, these are two tough things, that. Need to be reconciled, the premier in this province was among some politicians, who have tried to reconcile, them both but that fact that we haven't seen new capacity, come online yet has really. Intensified. Feelings, on one side and it makes it harder, I think the the Prime Minister would agree it makes it harder, to push forward, with green initiatives, when you don't have more. Pipelines being built at least that's what he's saying I have an audience question but Jackie, I've. Read the IPC report, and you. Know climate change is a real issue it's a serious issue and I agree a lot of Elberton see that but I don't think it's an either/or nor it seems like the conversation is around if we're gonna meet climate change then we can't have an oil and gas industry, and that just isn't the case if you look at projections for, oil and gas demand even in scenarios, that meet very, aggressive carbon goals we still have oil and gas for decades to come and I think there's a role for Canada to play here to deliver, low-carbon. Oil, and gas as we make that transition and, if you look at that LNG facility we're building on the west coast that's going to be the lowest carbon, LNG, in the world and. So that's the opportunity we can lead by. Bringing, our technologies, to Canada into the world ok, another audience question over, there. Good. Evening my. Name is Rajeev I work at night, Polytechnic. The, question I have is for the if you can answer I don't know if for the Alberta government is what.

Are The plans for the. Government, strategically, to, diversify, in other industries, other than oil and gas. I. Mean. That was sort of the first question about around diversification. And I think a recognition, that. There. Have to be other ways for, the economy, to be moving but also other ways to balance the environment, and exploration. Do. You want to weigh in on that hunter what do you hear from people about how difficult it is to balance those, two issues. Energy development. And the environment well, you know I think that, what we're seeing is, that there. Are a, plethora, of different opinions and perspectives about, what is to be done around this issue and, I think that it can be very tempting to try to boil it down into it's, either this or it's not this, my. Perspective, is we need to have a conversation that. Takes into account those, complexities that. Allows us to create that understanding. So that we can move forward in a way that is rational understanding. What. Is truly going on and then, creating, a better future together, ok. I want to first of all I forgot to do this off the top acknowledge, the mayor of drayton Valley who's in the audience if, you want to just raise your hand there. And the mayor of sturgeon. County also came in. Hello. Nice, to see you and where they both have some questions I think that they would like to get to the premier so we'll try and get to them as well but first we do have a we got a couple curated, questions by, video so we'll go to one of those now. Hello. I'm Gary Nelson. Why. Can't we get the pipeline like a pipeline, in. The ground after. The grass starts growing you'll never see it it's. The cleanest, way of moving along if, somebody's, worried about the environment. Put. It through a pipeline. Canada's. Gonna get. Together rather. Than work apart like I mean why would we buy oil from Saudi Arabia when. We get tons. Over here, my. Question is in Alberta, were harvesting, oil from the very high, standards. Just. Wondering, why we're buying oil and shipping, it across the, ocean from. Countries that don't, harvest that oil at that standards.

We. That's. So that's a question I hear a lot and. Maybe it's a question that's come up in in your minds too Jackie. Do you want to take a stab at that one the, fact that Canada a, net, exporter, of crude selling. Lost the United States more oil than we know what to do with and yet, Eastern. Canada barrels. Of oil are still coming in from elsewhere yeah we consume about 2.4, million barrels a day of crude and about 0.8, of that is being imported and the, reason for it is actually historical, and all economic. You, know it we're a long ways away from eastern Canada it to, build a pipeline and, move that oil across the country was. More expensive than to, get oil delivered, from overseas, and so that has been the way it's always been because. The economics, have said you, know that that's the way to do it of course we're not as secure in terms of our energy security and. Today. We. Have an abundance of oil and there's an opportunity I think to get more oil to Eastern Canada but we, don't have a pipeline we don't have a pipeline I mean it comes down to sort of the regional, base. For where oil moves, and how it gets refined, I did, look it up though because I hear, it a lot so I'll go, chachi but I hear a lot about how much we import from Saudi Arabia so I did just make sure we had that statistic, on on tap Natural Resources Canada says it's about 12% right, now of the. Total that we export, the most comes from the United States Kristin and Sachi and then I'm gonna go into the audience sure I appreciate, the woman's comments about climate. Change which is a key, key issue and the, whole debate is hunter mentioned, has been very polarized, as either this or that but. I think when we talk about energy all forms of energy but, certainly oil and gas as well we, have to look broader and in, terms of where we source our energy and climate, change. Is important, and, environmental. Standards but there's other elements as well that, should be considered, and when you look at other elements, worker safety Human, Rights gender equality. Religious. Freedom, indigenous. Consultation. Climate. Environmental. Regulations, there is no country in the world that holds a candle to Canada we're the best in the world at it so, we, should be developing our own resource, I can't answer the gentleman's question, and why we're importing from other places well I think it's the lack of ways, to get it there definitely but why are we building but why are we doing that yeah ok Shachi and then I'll head out here it also speaks to political will and it speaks to the fact that in this country we are not monolithic. At all in terms of our views, it these, are very micro, regional, views so part of the reason we don't have energy East is because, Quebecers, are firmly, not. In favor firmly opposed, to energy East and. And, they are an outlier on that front about. Half the country actually says we, support, TMX, but we also would we'd be ok with an energy East pipeline so. When, you have regions. British Columbians, are very divided, on the issue of the pipeline that will go through their province, about 50 percent say yeah it's ok the other half say no.

Quebecers, Are all together not, onside with any pipelines, and when, you have the issue of, who, should have sort of that that know, that, veto when. And how should that voice carry more weight certainly. If you are at, Ground Zero where, a pipeline, terminus point would be you're. Much more likely to be opposed to it and those voices, I think particularly, in Quebec have carried a lot of weight. And they're fighting pretty hard in British Columbia, and as. A, result, we see questions, like this from you, know about six and ten, Canadians. Across the country whether they're in Ontario, or Manitoba, Atlantic Canada or an Alberta Saskatchewan, saying why can't we get this done in part. Because we have such disparate. Regional. Views, on these issues and, god help of a national, politician who's trying to thread the needle on this yeah and I, think you're right when it comes to oh this is gonna be in my backyard well, in that case I'm not so sure okay, the gentlemen out here hello hi. My name is Kareem, you've, created a crisis, of confidence here, in Alberta which is absolutely. Damaged, our economy, you continue, to take twenty four billion dollars. A year out of our, province. And, then you spend it and your other provinces. And you. Make, off like, you, don't use gas and, oil on, a daily. Basis, here, in Alberta we help, to, supply. The rest of the country, with money and yet the. Rest of Canada and our. Prime, minister, who's been a, disaster. For us has. Created, an. Unbelievable. Crisis. Of confidence in. Our economy. We, should be, swimming. In money here in Alberta and, we're not because. Of what's been going on over the last few years okay. Thank you and I think that's a lots. Of people sure there, you go. Why. Don't you want, to just start with that because that that's very much some of the numbers that you've been looking at, absolutely. Albertans are feeling really isolated relative. To the rest of the country, I mean let's. Face it you feel like the rest of the country doesn't get you right now and, particularly. Central Canada particularly, parts of Ontario and Quebec and. Nowhere. Else, no. Other province, is seen I just want to tell you, by. The rest of the country to be, giving. More than it gets from, Confederation. Now, that's only about a third, of the country that feels that way but there is no other province, that comes close, to Alberta in terms of that sentiment, in the sense that you, know what you may be getting a raw deal these days at. The same time I would say, that, people coast-to-coast, are more engaged, on this file than they have been in years I think, a lot of Canadians, particularly. East of Manitoba. Regarded. The pipeline file as an Alberta issue or at most an Alberta BC issue I think now we're starting to see the needle move and. See it as a Canadian issue why two reasons quickly one we all bought a pipeline, right, they talk about government buying a pipeline you bought a pipeline and you bought a pipeline, you bought a pipeline we all owned a pipeline so, there is a part of that everyone feels, a little more matter. Of stake in the issue the, the, second, factor is the is, the all-out, PR. Campaign. That the government of Alberta and it doesn't matter if it's an NDP government or, a UCP, government you know this is a provincial, government, that's that's advocating. In its provinces interests. Running. Ads coast-to-coast. Talking, about the importance, of pipelines, and we, have started to see the needle tick, in a different direction as a result, not, as quickly and not as much as a lot of you in this room and this province would like but it's starting to move a little yeah I mean there is just a downtown, Ottawa sort. Of not, far from Parliament, Hill a projection, that the government Alberta has has, paid for talking. About how much money is lost every day that the pipeline is not expanded. So if you don't think it's on people's, minds, the governor, your government is making sure that we think about it a little bit more yeah Chris I'd like to add to it as well because this is really I think the seminal question here in Alberta and thank you for asking it we, have an economic crisis, here in Alberta, and, people, are frustrated, and, they're angry, and, I think it showed in your voice for. The first time in 40 years there's serious, talk of separation, in Alberta and that's not a good thing people. Are frustrated, and, angry, because. We can't build the infrastructure, the pipelines, and this is both oil and natural gas to.

Get A world price a fair price for our natural resources. For, the benefit of all Canadians, this is not simply an Alberta matter. What, we need is, a strong. Clear. Reliable. Workable. Regulatory. System, to allow for, the building of. Environmentally. Responsible. Infrastructure. And. The, good news is we can do that this crisis, we face it's, entirely made, in Canada, by Canadians, we can solve this, but. What it's going to take is a clear. And unequivocal, strong. Commitment, from our federal government for. The natural resources industry. Ok, they would say to you that bill C 69, which I know you all know probably, too much about the, bill, that is now being looked at by the Senate to overhaul, the National, Energy Board, create. One regulator, and try. It the, federal government would suggest to, keep the timelines, tighter. And. Do, things better, they would say that that is their, response, to what you're talking about I would. Say I would equate it to getting, your degree. When. You're gonna send, your child to get their engineering, degree I'll use that I'm an engineer you. Want it all three things what do I have to do to get there. How. Long is it gonna take me, and. How much is this gonna cost, and. So you, know if your child you have to take these courses it's gonna take you four years it's gonna cost you $100,000, or whatever it costs. Under. Bill c69 we, don't know the answer to any of those questions what, do we have to do how, long is it going to take and what's, it gonna cost there is no company, that will undertake an energy, project, under Bill c69, in, its current form. Either. And, that's why we own a pipeline, there, that's very, true the problem we have is the problem that we have here in Alberta is ten years in the making this didn't happen yesterday or last week it's, going to take a couple years to correct. It having said that the, current process, that we have through the National. Energy Board is not perfect, but, it's been 50 years in the making or more it's been vetted through the courts we've. Now learned a lot we know what we have to do it's been through the courts and now our federal government's saying we're gonna take those 50 years and all those Court decisions we're gonna throw them out the window and. We're gonna start from scratch with two distinct, processes. That's. Not a good okay, I'm. Gonna go back to a video question if you've got a question in the audience please put up your hand if you've got a question on our streaming platforms, you can pop it in comments, premier. Is coming up shortly and I know you've got a lot of questions for her too but let's take a look at this one. My. Name is Fred Kerr before, I started doing comedy I was an institutional, stockbroker, my. Job was to advise international. Fund managers on, their investments, in Alberta companies you know that promised the Trudeau not me making it if we just pay enough carbon tax will build all the, pipelines we want I think, albertans and investors, alike expect. Governments, to understand, that what drives the economy and drives employment, is private sector investment unfortunately. Some of the thing cover it's done for, the last few years have.

Put Investors, off to the point where a lot of my former clients won't touch Alberta now. My. Question is what. Do you plan to do to attract private sector investment, back. To this province. That's. Really specific Alberta, humor that he's doing there I like that and, and we'll put that question to the premier for, sure because I do know that the investment. And I had a number here I'm looking for it now. Has. Has dropped, off even just over the past year. And a half people, aren't willing to invest, capital because for the reasons that you're saying they just don't know what's gonna happen next have you seen that yourself well. We've seen it I think, in spades in Alberta in terms of reduced activity and also I think, we've seen it in terms, of Canadian, companies starting to invest outside of Canada making large acquisitions. And this is again not just oil and gas mining, they're. Too frustrated, dealing in Canada, which is a, statement. I'm happy to say as a proud Canadian but. Not only are we getting reduced, foreign, investment, in Canada Canadian companies themselves are starting to look elsewhere because it's just too frustrating, yeah and I mean there's real I mean it's just in terms of company's ability to raise equity or debt last. Year and 2018, we raised 1 billion dollars, for the this is a industry, that generates a hundred billion in revenue and we raised 1 billion dollars, of equity, and a typical, year would have been like 14, billion dollars and, so, investors. Are voting I do think, getting market access for our gas at oil is a critical, step to bring investment dollars back here because. As it stands now money. Doesn't you know investors don't have to invest in Canada they can vest anywhere and with, these differentials. And with market access issues it's a lot of uncertainty, why would you put your dollars here and they're not okay. Adrian, has a question in the audience yes sir yes. Time my, name is Nick and I was wondering if the panel might discuss what kind of tools does, Alberta have to pressure the federal government, to actually do something about pipelines, I don't think really they want to do anything about it I just, seem to have completely abdicated their, federal responsibilities. You. Know I mean they already have rights of way, and. Really this is a federal jurisdiction. That they do not wish, to exercise. That. Echoes something. That Jason Kenney told me last night just so you don't think I was ignoring him I met with him yesterday and. That interview will be on the, National tonight so it echoes some other concerns that he has as well and again something to push the premier hunter, maybe you can talk a little bit though about what what. You're seeing out there in, terms of a call to, to. Do something, that you know because there there are you. Know big. Indigenous, communities who do support they were like gas sector do you want the pipeline, do, they feel like this. Government, the provincial governments not doing enough or the federal government's not doing enough I think that's a really great question I think it's important, to be asking what can, be done I think, what's really important, to not lose sight of is the fact that what we're seeing is the. Very unique, relationship that, indigenous peoples have with, the government, we. Have our treaty, rights which are enshrined. Within the Constitution, so what we're seeing is not. Only the federal government but the judicial, system, ensuring. That those rights are protected yeah. And and so, the federal government right now is, going, around and consulting. On the expansion of, the pipeline because as you know the federal court said you didn't do a good enough job the first time around so that process has started, I. Don't. Know what else you could do to try and speed, that up I guess Jason, Kenney this interview says well you could have appealed the federal court decision. That's. Not you do you want to weigh in there well there, are the legal and the governmental, and the legislative, mechanisms, and then there, is people power this, this is a double election, year in Alberta, and, I. Think. The one thing again, we're seeing, regardless. Of who's, in power is, a sense that Ottawa, isn't listening we. See this theme over and over and over again and by the way this is the one thing you have in common with, the other four western provinces, so you may feel like you don't have a lot in common but, you do and it's the sense of being on the outside looking in, and so. You know we saw the movie, before three. Decades ago with, the rise of the Reform Party coming, out of nowhere feeling, like it came out of nowhere but of course it was a very long simmering, sense of resentment you know will this be the year where we start to see similar, flash points, where people, in this part of the country just say you know what we've, heard from all you three main parties before and we're looking for a different, Weaver to pull and, we've had enough and we're gonna do something about that indeed, we put out numbers, today from.

The Angus Reed Institute that indicates. A third, of people, in Western Canada and 40%, of, Albertans, say, that they would vote for a Western. Canadian, party of course there isn't one that exists today but if. It did it, would it would be certainly, one, that is pulling from all three federal parties so you have. As voters, the, power to really put the heat not just to the government, in power today. The government's in power but really to the opposition, and say what, are you gonna do differently, aside, from saying well those, people aren't doing it right yeah and I mean a critical, year for you because you've got your provincial election and a federal election there's a there's a lovely man up here who's had his hand up for way too long but. So we'll get someone to you but I'm gonna take one more audience question, then we're gonna get the premier out because I know you'd like to hear from her go ahead, thanks. My name's William I want to open that question on investor confidence and, why is it that we keep hearing that things are down but, all we hear from the government is that things are up. Do. We hear that well, I think depends. What part of the country you're talking about and fortunately. There are parts of country, that, are doing well and of course as a Canadian I want to see all parts of this country do well but. Unfortunately today Alberta. Is not one of them and in, terms of investor confidence you. Know it goes back again to the regulatory process how. Can you ask investors. To invest when, nobody knows what the rules are the timeframes are the decision, process what, people don't want to see is what happened on Northern, Gateway with, Enbridge we, spent five or six years in a regulatory process the, project, was approved in, ridge. Vent I don't know exactly how much over a half a billion dollars, over. A half a billion dollars, getting that approval, and then, the government said you know what we're not going to do that no. Company, is, going to undertake, that and no investor, is going to back that we need a clear, defined. Workable. Reliable, regulatory, process, but doesn't the federal and I'm gonna I'll end it here in end bring in the premier doesn't the federal government, have, a role to play and, in. Making. Decisions, based. On what is in the national, interest right what, is the what is the safest, pipeline what, is the one that makes the most sense for the country. Like. Are you are you suggesting that they shouldn't be making those decisions or that the process leading up to them should be different I think the process leading up to be leading, up to it should be different these. Investors, need some fast feedback and again let's, use Northern, Gateway if, that's really the case that the federal government, feels that a pipeline should not be built there then, the whole regulatory process, should not have been undertaken, but, to have a company undertake, it for those that many years a half a billion dollars later and then just say you, know what we, don't think a pipeline should go there that. Doesn't benefit anybody it doesn't benefit Canadians, to have our own companies. To. Be cut off at the knees like that to waste that much time and money of our resources okay I'm gonna send these guys away briefly, if that's okay thank you all very much they're gonna come back. And we. Will bring out the premier, of Alberta most, of the questions have. Been online, have been for the premier I feel like most of your questions are, for, the premier so, we will get to some of those as soon as she gets out here are, you enjoying yourself. Are. You feeling some love that's part of why I'm here -. Okay. So I'm gonna move over a little bit the premiers gonna come into the middle and we will get.

Going. Premier. Rachel Notley. She. Is here. She is. Say. Hello to the your premier everybody good to see premier. I. Achieve, I'm gonna tease her first because she walked to work this morning and look totally frozen. It, was fresh and Sun came out you, know that's the thing about Alberta. Winters brave phrase, got here, okay. Thank. You for being here lots of people have questions I'm sure you were listening to some of them lots of questions online for, you as well we. Are trying to understand, some of the frustration, in the province, Canadians, are trying to understand so let me get right to it barb, Perry is asking on Facebook, what does the premier say or, think about the derailment, that happened just, yesterday, and ABC, and near-field, BC, three people died in that derailment. It wasn't shipping oil fortunately. But you are looking to buy rail cars you want to ship more by. Rail because you don't have a pipeline so what, do you think of the. Fact that that accident happened at all well. I mean let, me start of course by offering, my. And, on behalf of the people of Alberta the condolences. To. The families, of the, workers, that. Died. In that crash I mean it's a tragedy and and quite, frankly everything, that we can do to, promote safety. In the workplace, is. Something that we should do that's. Not red tape that's, good. Management. And that's the, right thing to do and, and. So it's it was very. Tragic that that happened, and and. So. I certainly. Hope that, we're. Able to see a quick investigation and, a quick set of recommendations, on how we. Can change the way things are done so, that folks that are doing that important, work are keeps kept, safe in their, workplace and get home to their families it doesn't give you pause though when you are looking. For. Leasing. At thousands, of real cars does it give you pause, well. You know I think we all know quite, frankly that pipelines, are the safest, way, to. Move. Products. Or oil, and gas products, through. Canada we all know that that's why we've, been fighting uh since, day one of our government, certainly to. Get more, pipelines built and in particular, to get a pipeline, to Tidewater, we. All know that many goods are shipped each, and every day on, rail, throughout. Throughout. The country, but. Quite frankly what. All Albertans want is for. Our products, to be shipped by. Pipelines, but quite but the other problem is is that we've come to a point where. After you, know decades of. Failures. On the part of successive, federal governments we haven't got the pipelines, built we're, in a position now in Alberta where we've had to take the unprecedented. Step, of pulling. Back on production, in order, to bring back the, price that that we get in Alberta, to bring it back up for, this product and that is an unsustainable, situation it's, an on economic, situation, it has consequences, people. Are hurt by that decision too and and. It's a function of, our. Country, not working. The way it should when, it comes to the simple, act of moving, important. Products, from one place to another so that people who want to buy them can, and also, so. That the country, as a whole can grow economically because. Well. I'm sure we'll get back into it but I have to say at the very outset you know we've, been hearing a lot you've been hearing a lot in the last couple days and of course we. You know bird I've been hearing about it for years about. How burdens, and Alberta families, who are struggling, as a result of the drop in the price of oil and what's been happening to our energy industry and we can talk a lot about the folks on the front lines as well as the people who were working in downtown Calgary, and everything. In between but. I also need. To say that it's not just, them it's also, the.

Aspiring. Fine. Art student, who lives in downtown, Toronto. It, is also the, school, principal who lives in st. John's Newfoundland it's, the small business owner who, lives on, Vancouver, Island the, fact of the matter is this the, incredible. Quality, of life that each and every Canadian enjoys. In this country is in, large part due. To Canada's. Energy, industry, our resource ministry and in particular, the, oil and gas industry, here in Alberta and and, so when we're unable, to to. Do that sing in a way that is economically. And. Strategically, smart. Then. Everybody. Suffers, like so you're we're talking to our burton's here but it actually has. Consequences, across this I mean if it was a simple thing that we. Have the pipeline already so it's not a simple thing but I want to talk about the people Lola strand is. In the audience and has a question but we have some of her backstory first. My. Name is Lola stand I was, born and raised in drain valley as were my parents so. Have really strong roots here the. Last 13. Years I've been employed with drayton Valley District family Community Support Services. What. We have noticed over the last specifically. A couple of years is that, the folks that are coming in looking for resources are, those people who never. Imagined, that they would ever be in the position to be looking for supports that way they, are the folks that are losing, their jobs due. To the downturn in the economy. So. Despite, the fact that many, of these people have planned, for the, boom and bust cycles, that we do go through in our community it's. Just going on too long this time their. Savings, are depleted, they're starting to use credit and that's starting to run out as well unfortunately. Lots, of people are saying right now that they may have no choice but actually move away from. This community, and possibly, move away from out there which. Is really sad because many, of these people this, is their home and and they've been. Here all their life. Lola's, of the audience thank you for coming Lola, and you have a question for the premiere. Only. My question, for you is what. Can you do to ensure that, people can remain in their communities and Raijin valley in alberta and not have to leave the keys that they've been in. For most of their lives. Well. Thank, you a little up for for that question and also thank you for you, know telling, folks a little bit about your experience, because, it's it's really important and I know that.

Folks. Across, the province are really. Struggling as, a result of the of the you, know unprecedented. Drop in the price of oil and the, fact that we're struggling now with getting, our product to a place that it can be purchased, and. So you. Put a really good point on it so there's, a there's a lot of things obviously the first thing that and, I think everyone agrees is we have to get this pipeline built, in. Order to to. Bring, back the opportunity to get a better price for, the product and to bring more investment, back to Alberta and. And to put folks back to work there. But. In in the shorter term our. Government, has been working since. We've been elected, to find, ways to support families. And and workers who live in these communities. At. The outset, when, we when we when, this all happened, we. Made a decision that we were going to continue as a government, to, to fund those other elements, of. Government. Programs, that people rely on and perhaps more, given, what's, been going on so you. Know whether it be a healthcare education social. Support housing those kinds of things we. Did that we also invested. In a lot more infrastructure, in order, to find to help people, get. Different kinds of work often, not as good paying work but at least some kind of work so we actually. Accelerated. Quite significantly. Our, infrastructure. Investments, in Alberta as, sort of a counter-cyclical thing we, have a number of economic, diversification programs. Specifically, geared, to. Smaller communities, the cares program we have about 200, programs that we have funded, since. We introduced, that to support. Small. Business and entrepreneurial. Folks. In these communities. So. Those are some of the things that we are doing. You. Know we we don't definitely. Want people to leave these communities we, don't want them to leave Alberta in fact people are still coming to Alberta right now even as all this is happening but, I know that in places like Drayton Valley and other communities. That relies so much on our. Oil and gas sector, we. Have to to, work with those, municipal, leaders with those community, leaders to find ways to. Support, them and other diversification. Efforts and and it's, slow-going we've had some starting. Successes, but we know there's more to do okay. Karl. Hawk on Facebook asks what is the Alberta and we asked we got this in the audience before he came out what is the government game. Plan to move the federal government, towards completion of a major pipeline project, when will this be implemented, your. Opposition. Leader, Jason Kenney said the same thing to me yesterday, why. Are you not doing more, what, more could you do to get Ottawa, moving. Faster, right well, I mean we have been pushing Ottawa, since.

Day One and I, actually think it is to, to, some degree as, a result of the work that we have done that they ultimately bought, the pipeline, when the uncertainty, that was created. Over this regulatory. Morass that we have in this country. Almost, pushed private sector investors out the federal government at least came in and bought the pipeline and kept it alive and, we, pushed very very, hard to make that happen. You. Know in the meantime, we. Are you know I think there was some conversation about it earlier today, you. Know there's different ways you can sort of you can meet with federal, politicians, you can publicly call them out you can stand in a room and yell at them the, other way to, deal with politicians, is to, make the people that they are accountable, tell them what to to tell them what to do so, I'm one voter in Alberta. But there are Canadians, across this country to, whom the federal government is accountable and so, our government very early on made the decision, that we had to raise the, the level. Of discussion, about, the importance of our energy industry and the importance, of pipeline. Construction, not. Just in number two everyone knew the issue but, across the country where. They're invoked, rich provinces. Like Ontario. And and and, even, Quebec although, we have still work to do there and Atlantic. Canada and everywhere else in between and so you, know our numbers because frankly we poll to show. That we've been able to move the dial from just a little over four. And ten Canadians, who are in support of pipelines, to just under seven, in ten Canadians, and and, so the more we push that the more we know that our federal government has, to take this seriously. So that's part of what we've been doing and that's that's you as a voter but you were also a politician, so what, I'm doing is. But. Debbie golden, though has this question and she wants a yes or no we'll see I, like, how Debbie golden thinks though would, you withhold, transfer, payments, until the pipeline happened well, I, think one, of the things we have to do is make sure that that we are all that. We're all fully, aware of the, way these things work I mean transfer, payments, are not a payment that we write that the government of Alberta writes the chat. Transfer, payments, are what, happens when across. The the country. The, people, and the corporations, that make the most pay the most hats and.

And, And so that's that's how it works can't. Withhold them so his, people are the ones who are paying their taxes but she, highlights, a very important point which I want to take this opportunity, presumably. To, a national, audience to highlight which, is this that that, you know there are four provinces in, the country. Where, collectively. The people and the businesses through their corporate taxes, or their income tax, pay. More to the federal government than they receive back one. Of those provinces is is. A. Saskatchewan. And roughly. On a per capita basis, they, pay about 330. Dollars a year, more than they to, the federal government then they get back the. Other two provinces or, two of the others are BC in Ontario, and roughly, each, of them pays about twelve, hundred dollars, a month on a per capita basis. More to Ottawa than they get back in, Alberta, that number, is about fifty, three, hundred dollars. Per, capita more to Ottawa than, we get back so what that, says, to me is, that all, Canadians. Rely, on Alberta. To do well there is not a school there is not a hospital there is not a road there's, not a port, my, friends, in any, part of this country that doesn't owe part. Of its, existence, to the people of Alberta and the prosperity, that is driven by our energy industry, but you're not saying that space, even now. But, I mean. You understand, why, that transfer. Equalizations, system, exists, it balance. Out wealth across the country so you're not saying or are you that, albertans don't. Want that burden. Or that weight, I don't, want to do that we don't have the ability to change, that anyway but what would it but the reason I am saying it is that the rest of Canada, needs. To understand, how much we need to, do well and and. And frankly I think more and more they are as I say you know there's other examples too you know happy, you, know Toronto, relies very much on a strong financial, services. Industry, and the Toronto Stock Exchange, you, know obviously, operates, out of trial well a significant. Portion of the work that goes on in the Toronto Stock Exchange is driven by Albert or Alberta's, energy, economy, capital. Investment, huge amount of capital, investment, in Canada, comes, as a result of the energy, industry so, if, we, don't figure out how to, capitalize on, this resource, that we have which is we are the second, biggest. Country. In the world for this resource but we operate. Like we're the 20th biggest because we can't get it together and all, Canadians. I think should know why, we, need to get it together okay we have an audience question here I'm gonna get you a glass of water. I'll. Just do that. Good. Evening my. Name is Alex, and I have a quick question about Bill twelve so, when it was announced it was indicated that this could be used as a measure to restrict, oil sales to British Columbia I'm, curious if you could provide an example, of a circumstance that would prompt Alberta, to make that restriction, and what, outcome you would hope to achieve by doing so. That's. A good question. Thank. You yeah well. Built well was, something that we introduced. Back. When, the. BC government was. Sort. Of positioning itself as the primary impediment, to, moving TMX. Forward, and so, we gave ourselves the. Authority, to, move around our, resources. In a way that was strategic. And got us the best price possible as, things. Stand now, the barrier. To, getting. TMX, built no longer rests with, the government of BC quite, frankly when, the, Government of Canada bought, that pipeline the. Efforts, that the government of BC was doing, to. Harass. Private. Sector investments, investors. Out, of the pipeline business, became, null and void because, now the federal, government owns. That pipeline so, now the issue is about doing, the work that was laid out in the federal court of appeal decision, in August of 2018. The. Reconsideration. Around, marine. Safety the appropriate. Consultation, and accommodation. Of indigenous, concerns, and then, moving forward to. Get the pipeline built and so, if.

We Found ourselves in a situation where, any jurisdiction. Around, us was, engaging, in, at, one point we believe, the the BC government was engaging in practically illegal, activity, and threatening, illegal, activity, if. They started doing that again well then we would have to to, look at the, the degree. To which we could use that dial as a, means of influencing, future. Behavior, okay. Another question in, the audience it's the mayor, of sturgeon County good to see you mayor what's your question for the premier good evening miss Barton and premier. Notley, I'm. Just, gonna have a brief preamble, 12, percent of Canada's, rural population, lives in Alberta and Alberta, is experiencing, 21 percent, of the, nation's rural crime, suicides. Are on the rise alarmingly. By 30 percent in 2015. And we're experiencing, an increase in. Domestic violence and assaults, as Albertans struggle with unemployment, and economic hardship. Sturgeon. County along with the rest of Alberta is dealing with, 84,000. Private-sector. Jobs, that, have been lost since q4, of 2014. And the. Government of Alberta revenues, have declined from approximately, 9 billion in 2014. To. 3 billion in 2017. This. Has lost money that is needed to provide roads hospitals, doctors, nurses schoolteachers police services, social programs, and research and development for green and. And, alternatives, the. Provinces, regulatory, competitiveness. Is our only significant, opportunity, to alleviate, the economic, and social deterioration. Of Alberta which will ultimately affect, the rest of Canada's, economy, the. Regulatory framework, process is inefficient, lengthy. And complex. Which, generates, investor, uncertainty. Premier. Notley are you willing. To standardize. And accelerate, regulatory, frameworks, by setting binding targets, and benchmarks, that are comparable, to, other jurisdictions to, ensure resources are, produced, with, environmental. And social, responsibility. Before. Canada's market share is replaced, by other countries with, little or no environmental. Or labor standards, and that's a mayor Alana that's right that's a, man in a shoe sturgeon County. A. Lengthy, question but it was, and.

And I hope, I'm understanding the, the question there but I mean so, so there's, a number of things that that. That were touched on there I know for, instance of a lot of folks in rural Alberta. Partially. I think as a result of what's been going on with with the. Economy, and partially just as as a result of the. Way crime, changes, at times but happened dealing, with some very serious, concerns. Around property, crime and our government, was pleased. To be able to introduce a, rural crime strategy. Last. Year and we've seen significant. Reductions, in many. Measures of rural. Crime since that so, we're pleased to have been able to actually, have, taken action and seen the outcome, in. In terms of. Regulatory. The. Regulatory, regime. You know we there's. A few things that are going first of all our Ministry of Energy is working with the AER to, look at ways in which we can speed. Up some of the regulatory. Processes. That, are in, play here in Alberta. Jurisdiction. Within, our jurisdiction absolutely. And and, so we are working on that and but. I also, think that to some degree there's a little bit of. Overstatement. In some quarters about, the. Degree to which that's act the, issue, but. You know where we where we're able to work with industry and they're able to give us good examples, of where things can be streamlined, and, sped up without. In any way compromising. That the safety and the integrity, the environmental, integrity that's being monitored. Then our Minister is working very carefully with them going. Forward, I will say this that Alberta. Is, a, very, very progressive, and. Sophisticated. Economy. And it is one that is built on a population. That is not only the youngest but the best educated. In. The country, and our, economic, future is, one, that should be built on maintaining, and growing that. Progressive. Diversified. Sophistication. We, should, not have an economic plan that is promised, on. Accelerating. A race to, the bottom with. A bunch of unnamed, jurisdictions. Who may or may not be in this country or even on this continent because quite frankly we. Will never win that race. By. By, suggesting, that that workers, should be paid a lot less that we should get rid of health and safety regulations, that we should stop, being concerned about the environment that is, not, Albertans. We, are a source, of innovation we, are a support, source of diversification, we, are a well trained, skilled, workforce. And and. Each and every one of us, need. To have those, skills leverage. To continue to grow and diversify the economy not, try. To pretend that we can actually, compete with, you, know places like Mexico so not at any cost you're not willing to have, these things happen quickly at, any cost as a. Race. To the bottom is not an economic model, a race, backwards is not an economic model, a. A, plan, to go. To where the puck is going to be. Given. That we have the the intellectual. Resources, to. Do, that that's how, we grow our economy, okay Lisa started on Facebook asks, how many more jobs the oil and gas sector expect. To lose until. Alberta becomes stable, again is that something you can project for do you have an idea of what people expect. You. Know it's, it, did it it's, hard to project, because, of course right now we're dealing with curtailment, and that. Was not a thing that we thought we were going to have to deal with quite so soon and we, know that that is not great although we've seen good results in at, least in terms of the price in the first month, and a half but, one of the other things that we've. Been focused on haven't had a chance to talk about as, we talk about the energy industry and people in the oil and gas sector is that, something. We've talked about in Alberta for, decades, I remember people talking about it around the kitchen table that I grew up around up in northern Alberta which, is why aren't, we getting more value for these amazing, resources that. We own price differential, well not just that but but can't we do more with it right I can't we do more with it and not. Since Peter Lougheed has that conversation. Really been had in a serious way so, in the in the last year.

And A half our government, has embarked, upon the. Most ambitious. Energy. Diversification. Program. And value-add. Upgrading. Program, since. Peter Lougheed we call it the made in Alberta program we've dedicated roughly. 3.2. Billion dollars to a whole array of programs. To incent. Strategic, investment. In upgrading. So for example, just, in the area of petrochemical. Diversification. Here, just, in the industrial heartland within, the last six months we have seen two. Major, projects, that amount to about seven. Billion, dollars of new investment, collectively. They will create over. 5,000. Jobs where, we are upgrading, our petrochemicals. Into, a form of plastic that. Prod those two projects, alone wouldn't have happened without our, made an alberta program so we want to do more of that we have more we just announced, a couple of weeks ago a partial, upgrading, program that's. Also going to create thousands, of jobs and it's going to actually allow us to ship, more. Oil, more, bitumen, with. Less, diluent. Thereby. Opening. Up more space in the pipelines and reducing. The emissions with which that is produced, great, technology. And so, it's a very exciting investment this is something, that we should have and doing 20, years ago and didn't. Now, we are, and there are jobs being created in, other, parts, of the energy sector as we, do a better job of keeping that value, here in Alberta, for Albertans and in Canada for Canadians okay another video question. Welcome. To oilfield dance I'm so glad you made it my, name is Chad Miller and I'm the founder of a social media networking group called oilfield dads I built, this group for those in need of support, to, find jobs share, stories, and overcome hardships, in way of solidarity, for the oil and gas industry, thanks. My. Question for you premier, Notley is how, are you going to convince. Alberta, and the rest of Canada that, your government, gocator, know more to, the false, promises. From the federal government, and finally, stand, up and fight for those regular, hard-working, Alberta's. So. I have to say this is online. Question. Has come up a number of times, Sakina sir Robby's is the same do, you feel you've made a mistake to trust the Prime Minister you say you will stand up for Alberta but, not once have you done it well. I, guess, I I'm, going to take, a little bit of an issue with that because I think that we have been standing up for Alberta. Since. Day one we have been pushing for this, pipeline since, day one I like. All-out Burton's like everybody in this room I'm sure are very frustrated and, very frustrated, with the decision, that we got in August, which delayed, what. Otherwise, was, a pipeline, under. Construction, for the first time in almost 70 years in the country of Canada so but. That is the, federal courts and that is not a thing that, I, can, fight. Against, when. It comes to pushing the federal government there, is no question. The Canada, works best.

When, We all work together and I've. Already talked a little bit about some of the ways in which we've been pushing the federal government, creating. A much. Better. Level, of awareness from, coast to coast to coast about why this is important, talking. To groups. In other parts of the country that historically, didn't support pipelines like so not just going into to roomfuls, of. High. Level investment. Financers. In in, eastern canada but going and talking to rooms, full, of environmentalists. As well to talk about it and through, them pushing, the federal government which as I said, resulted. In them buying what, pipeline, but. What. I will also say is there's more work to be done we are continuing. To tell, the federal government for instance that c69 and I know you guys talked about earlier today i


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