New Peugeot 3008 Facelift Hybrid4 Plug in Hybrid 2021 Test Drive Review POV

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welcome back to a new video here we are as i  promise you in my other video with peugeot 3008   hybrid 4 the plug-in hybrid version that i  will test it for you this car is able to drive   only in electric mode around 55 kilometers it's  quite quite insane how good and how economical   is this suv i know there are so many people on  the market today that want to buy an suv and this   Peugeot 3008 it's a great option so in this video  i want to give you all the information as we go in   the video and also i will tell you my feedback on  how is to drive this brand new Peugeot 3008 facelift   hybrid 4 plug-in hybrid 2021 so yeah if you're  new on my channel just click the subscribe button   to see all the notification when a new video it's  out also if you want to see the full review with   this car interior just subscribe and you will  see the notification when a video will come out   also if you are from switzerland i'm  right here in Moosseendorf at Emil Frey   i will leave the link in the description  you can check them out they have great price   great service nice people here so i really  recommend you and until then guys let me   give you the technical details of the car so  you will know which car we will drive today   also it has an amazing interior  and it comes with this combination of   seats with alcantara and leather uh electric  adjustable seats but all about this information   you will find out in the full review in this video  it's all about driving guys so if you want to find   out more information yeah let me let me open this  glass roof so you can see a little bit better   it comes also with this amazing panoramic  glass roof that make the car look beautiful anyway   about that in the review guys just check it out  the review video on my channel so you will find   out there more infos so we have here the new  peugeot 3008 1.6 liter it comes with a petrol   engine combined with a with two electric motors  one in the front one in the back and together   we'll make 300 horsepower 200 horsepower it's only  the petrol motor just something to keep in mind   it's connected with an automatic gearbox with 8  speed here are the options i don't want to go too   much into detail you can read it yourself the  price of the car it's around 62 000 francs   i will add the price in dollar with all the option  is the gt pack keep in mind it's almost full so   uh it's just insane how many technology and and  uh how cool is this car i will show you also the   exterior a few shots it comes with this amazing  rims uh 19-inch rims in black and the car looks   just phenomenal guys i mean i love the way the  car look and also this combination of white with   black is just insane you can look at the front of  the car it's beautiful i love this 3008 the new   one with those lines with this grille it's just  beautiful anyway all about that in the review i   don't want to make this video too long this video  it's all about driving we have aluminium pedals we   have this gorgeous steering wheel easy to to use  from peugeot uh new digital cockpit from peugeot   and also the multimedia system that you already  know it i have also a few uh review about that   so now that you know all the information guys um  what can i say let's make a round to the car so   you can see a little bit better the car before we  start driving so i want to turn on the lights so   you can make a better idea just like that you can  make a better idea also the quality on the doors   they are just insanely good let's make a round you  can see even here in the back uh those are the new   led lights from peugeot they look just phenomenal  i mean uh the design you can see the three   dimensional shapes inside there also you have  the hybrid four here so you know immediately that   this is a hybrid car i like the combination of  black with white black rims uh also black on the   roof this part on the on the roof there it looks  so nice even the roof spoiler look just phenomenal   here down here you have exhaust pipes two exhaust  pipes kind of fake but uh they make the car look   a little bit sportier overall the black mirrors  led light and even in the front here my favorite   part is the front of the car front grille  the new led lights the new shape of the light   the car comes with full led light the latest  technology from peugeot if you look there   Peugeot full led technology also here in the  front it comes with a camera 360 degrees camera   and also here is the radar for adaptive cruise  control emergency brake also beautiful design   here on the side the way they designed this  bumper to to send the air around the car   is just insanely nice okay guys let's go  inside let's drive the car i will give you more   information in the review so let's do it guys  all right guys so let's drive this new 3008 also   of course it comes with keyless entry so you can  see electric uh mirrors it comes with electronic   folding mirrors it's so noisy outside and and  now i can demonstrate you that the car have a   good noise insulation so check this out i  can speak with you you can hear me and now so that's great it's great that we can we can test the sound  insulation and it's very good inside the car   i know that from the previous version  peugeot makes some amazing cars   with great sound insulation the quality in the  interior on the roof everywhere the quality it's   very well built i like very much all the things  here in the interior it comes with alcantara soft   material almost everywhere i love that uh press  the brake and then the start engine button and one more time by the way guys i want to i  want to point out that this car come with   uh the first thing windshield so you can see those  lines here in the winter it's amazing because   the car will defrost the windshield you don't have  to always scrap it like like many years before uh   the new cars not all but most of them come with  this defrosting windshield and it's fantastic so   great job peugeot that bring you this to the car  also it comes with this gt steering wheel uh it's   it's amazing the quality it's great the grip it's  nice pedals everything you need it's right here uh   the new digital cockpit i think you already know  it from my other videos also the multimedia system   it's right here and let's drive guys also it comes  with this automatic gear shifter from peugeot   that it's super simple to use a nice electronic  handbrake different driving modes you can change   it from here so you have the four-wheel drive  because the car is it's an all four-wheel drive uh   and then you have the sport mode hybrid mode and  electric mode we will drive in electric mode first   time so we will see how is that feeling of driving  electric also the car come with 360 degree kind of   360 degrees um graphic because it's a it's in the  back on a camera and in the front the camera and   the car while you're driving you can you can map  up the ground so you can park the car very easily   so you can see right here very nice graphic uh  and and it's it's really easy to park the car   but now put it in drive guys and let's drive  the cars let's see this feeling we have a tall   driving position you have uh electric adjustable  seats also you have two saving position here   you can save the uh the position and i'm quite  impressed i drive so many cars in the last time   and i have to tell you honest that Peugeot have  one of the best seats on the market and i will   stop for a second to show you one more time  the way they look they are super comfortable   they are wide enough they are long they have this  side support the quality it's insanely good guys   the build quality of the new peugeot in the last  years it's insanely insanely insanely good also i   like this mirror pretty big nice visibility here  you have great visibility also around the windows   and the driving feeling it's  similar with the previous version   um it's so easy to control it this  steering wheel it's insanely nice it's so   uh smaller and nicer you have a great  visibility uh over the cockpit right there let me pass by here you have a great  visibility because the steering wheel it's down   you can adjust the steering wheel the way you  want it up down left right no problem and if   you put it all the way down or downer you  have a perfect visibility right there on the   on the cockpit and also here the multimedia it's  well placement in the perfect position you can see   everything here very easy you have also those  buttons controllers here you already know it   i don't need to tell you driving in  silent mode it's so quiet by the way guys   um the car come with the battery this plug-in  version comes with a battery of 13.2 kilowatt-hour   battery uh and you can drive only in electric mode  around 55 kilometer that is what peugeot claim   probably in real world will be around 40 kilometer  you know because yeah older electric cars have a   less range than normal only if you drive  in perfect condition you will probably get 55   kilometers in the summer and stuff like that but  expect around 40 kilometer um it's pretty much if   you go to work 20 kilometers and then go back 20  kilometers you can do every day this trip only   in electric mode so that will be not so bad to  be honest it's quiet inside a lot of cars around   the sound insulation in the car it's phenomenal i  love the glass roof it comes with focal speakers   guys you can see right here amazing sound in the  car too bad i cannot show you but amazing sound   uh also uh the car it's pretty responsive  if you put the pedals are smooth and nice   they feel nice when you touch it good quality  premium also the handlings i can see they are   really good it stay very good on the on the road  here i like that also it's pretty punchy even in   electric mode if you put your foot down we can  test here again from 60 foot put the foot down   accelerate even in electric  mode you feel that torque   it's pretty powerful those two electric motors one  has 110 horsepower one 120 or something like that   but anyway together all will have 300 horsepower  this car and it's pretty punchy in electric mode   i like that also the car come with  cruise control you can set it at 80   it will hold this speed for you and that's  that's quite nice to have this cruise control   option on the car you can read the traffic speed  limit it's quite impressive if we change the   driving mode for example let's go in hybrid  mode right now if we drive in a hybrid mode you can hear also the engine how it's kicking  in and give you more power it's quite impressive pretty nice sound of the engine  i test this hybrids four system   from uh peso also on the previous 3008 if you  want to see the videos i have it already on my   channel there you find more more information  about it but i have to tell you guys it's it's   a very good system i like it very very much i  think they did a great great job with it   and also the feeling the driving feeling it's so  comfortable uh over the bumps uh the ride the   way you stay on the seats the visibility the  comfort here in the car is just insanely good it is really good also of course you can customize the cockpit there  if you want to see the energy for example in the   middle you can have the energy so you can see  the energy flow energy flow right there on the   cockpit i think you can see it somehow uh also  you can change the different other navigation   or whatever you want to see in the middle  you can also change it without any problem   uh minimal personal you can personalize the  way you want it the cockpit is just super   super nice you can have the navigation right  there in the middle also the car come with   lane assist so it will keep between the lanes uh  if you go out so that's another safety feature also the navigation in the  middle there it's super helpful you can you can also choice the classic  way for example here the dials for example   you can see the speedometer no matter  the power how it was in the beginning the driving helps here the  lane assist that will help you   see more info and if you go to energy you  can see the energy right there in the middle   changing the lane it's easy the car comes with  blind spot technology in the mirrors there   right now when we slow down i  think you can see it on the screen   it's charging uh right there on the cockpit  it show you how the battery is charging back   uh and recover all the energy back in  the battery when you go downhill when you   accelerate and stuff like that it's it's  quite pleasant right to be honest it's quiet inside it feels really premium  here to be honest uh it feels like you're   really in a premium car and if you set the  speed for example let me set the speed right now   uh and if you go outside you can see that the car  will help you keep between the lanes of course   it's not like tesla it will warn you it's not  like tesla but it's a great safety feature when   you go on the highway when you don't pay attention  um it's it's great to have those safety features   on the car i like that very much it's simply  to set it up behind the steering wheel down   here you can set all the all the things uh all  this cruise control big mirrors great visibility yes premium this is the word for this  uh peugeot 3008 hybrid four or whatever   um whatever version you go this is the gt pack  and it's insanely nice i tell you here you have   all those physical buttons that allow you to go  directly in those settings without any problem in   a few seconds you go directly here you go to  navigation you go to car you go to wherever you   want to go um in no time so that's super super  simple also you have a button here uh a small   button when you press this button i don't know if  you can see it right now because it's super sunny   you can have these regenerative things and graphic  here when it's regenerate the brake also from the   steering wheel you can change the radio station  and from this part you can change the navigation   for example to have it right there in the front  so you will have now the navigation and here you   can see i can press this button here where it  is yes and now you can see the graphic and this   nice graphic when the car regenerate the brake  so right now we break and the car is regenerate   it's quite impressive i love it and it's so quiet  it's so nice it's so pleasant being inside here   inside this visual 3008 led light in the interior  in the nighttime look super nice i don't think i   will be able to show you the led lights but um  they looking impressively nice around the doors   here on the dashboard around the doors, i think  i show you on the other models so you can check   it out my other videos uh on the normal version  uh the full review but it's so sunny outside but   trust me in the nighttime it look gorgeous and  even here around the glass roof here you have an   led light that look phenomenal also in the back  it's nice being here it gives you a nice   feeling you have usb port you have everything  you need here uh electronic handbrake this gear   shifter it's perfectly positioned right here to  change the gears the steering it's so small and   so compact and so nice though it's agile you know  you have a big huge suv that it's super agile   uh to be honest in the last years i become  a peugeot fan to be honest i wasn't but from   what i see right now i'm a super fan i have to  tell you let's go in sport mode let's have some   fun here on the handlings it stayed really good  all right it stayed very good on the handlings   now we have a little bit more power all the petrol  engine and the motors work together to give you   the best performance right now in sport  mode and 300 horsepower it's plenty of power   to make you able to have some  fun with this uh gorgeous suv yeah the insulation it's  impressively good the handling the driving feeling it's just at  high levels it's indeed a premium car for sure and now we can accelerate a little  bit and we can see the power oh yes this is what i'm talking about i love it  i love the way it feels to be honest i go right and now the the gear the gearbox is  changing the gears a little bit later   to the motor the engine to give you the  best uh torque and also the electric   motors you can see here on the graphic they work  together to give you the best power so it's it's uh powerful and nice and the feeling it's  just nice let me go outside here and let's try an   acceleration uh from zero and yeah i have to tell  you i love that feelings uh in sport mode it gives   you that that perfect feeling is not um it's not  a super sporty and even the steering wheel guys   now in sport mode it's a little bit stiffer right  now you can feel a little bit stiffer it's not so   easy as in the comfort mode uh or in echo mode  it's a little bit stiffer but that it should be   in sport mode i mean wow i didn't expect that  and let's let's try to accelerate right now oh yes 300 horsepower they are here  and they give you a feeling i mean yeah   torque is here uh great feeling i love  it i love when you press the   accelerator and you feel a little bit  of torque that that push you behind   the seat uh and your head a little bit so yeah  i love that great job pejo i love your cars   great build quality nice driving feeling a  great comfort this is all that the driver   wish to have in in in his car i mean what  you wish to have as a driver comfort uh   practicality okay um quality um reliability  so i think peugeot have all of this   and yeah i love it i love it i know  the price is maybe a little bit higher but   guys i tell you totally deserve it what you  will find in this car it's totally deserved   also you have four-wheel drive mode we cannot  test it but in this in the winter time on the snow   will be really fun to test we will leave it in  the hybrid mode right now so in hybrid mode it   should give you the best comfort and also the  steering it's a little bit more soft right now   the suspension of the car are really good uh i  should say hybrid mode it's more like a comfort   mode uh electric mode it's more like an echo  mode and the sport mode it's sport mode and   then four wheel drive it's it's self-explanatory  so impressive yeah i like it i like the car i like   what peugeot did with this car it's easy to drive  it's fun to drive and sport mode you have all the   technology that you need those days also you can  connect android out or right here on the screen on   the curves it stays super good on the curve it's a  beautiful design exterior design it's perfect led   lights front back interior perfect everything you  need it's here inside the car impressive car   i like it also i like the alcantara that  you insert it on the dashboard i like the   the cockpit it's perfectly also the navigation  system i tested in other videos and it's just   fabulously good soft material almost  everywhere the center console here is perfectly   positioned my hands are directly where it should  be doesn't take your attention from the driving   itself so it's easy to change the gears  easy to change the driving modes easy to to   press those buttons here they are perfectly  positioned so in my opinion it's a welting car so   i love it and the steering wheel man i don't know  why people complain because you have much better   visibility than in a normal car i mean you i have  it from here i don't know if you can see it from   your from the camera but you have perfectly here  the the view and here is perfectly that the screen   it's tilted through you guys i like it i know you  will say oh you always say it's a nice car and you   never complain what can i complain i mean what  what can i say i don't like maybe the price yes   i don't like the price of course nobody like the  price everybody wants to have a a cheaper car   and stuff like that maybe i wish to have maybe  i think they can improve a little bit better the   multimedia system to make it more fancy you  know like Mercedes or stuff like that   but other than that i don't know i don't have  any complaints to be honest uh i love the way um   the car it is like that and yeah i think  nothing in in the world is perfect and for   everything in the world you can find something  that you don't like so yeah i don't know   to be honest i'm i like to be positive  and i like to show the good things   and less the bad things because i  didn't find any bad things to be honest   yes what can i i don't know i tried to  think about but nothing come in my head anyway impressive and now  if you go in electric mode   the car will drive slowly only in  electric mode silent and nice and it stays so good on the curves so good and  here we have some curves some slowly curves   we will take it without any problem oh yes my  camera it's it's flipping around there all right but it stayed really good on  the road i like the way it stay   and even in electric mode you can have some fun and nice car great car guys i hope it was really helpful i hope  you get some useful information from this video i hope uh it was really useful right  here is nobody behind me right now   if i turn on the lights you can see  the ambient light a little bit there   someone is coming but you can make an idea  a little bit about the ambient light um they   are super beautiful super beautiful here  we have a bump the car is taking the bumps   so nicely so smoothly the french know how to  do those suspension there they're crazy good   crazy good uh suspension are incredible  nice incredible incredible incredible good love it okay guys we will park this car right now  and then we will talk a little bit about the car incredible over the bumps it's  incredible really it's really good   it feels really like a mercedes like a proper  mercedes and i think we can we can stop right here   for a second put it in the park electronic  handbrake stop the car stop the motor   the engine just like that and you have  also a nice graphic when you close the car   so guys that was the video i hope you really enjoy  it i hope it was a helpful uh test drive for you   um to be honest i had this 3000 previous version  for the facelift 3008 hybrid 4. i have it for one   week to test it and i was really impressed  with the car i like very much what peugeot make   with those cars i think they make a great  job with the cars i think the build quality is   amazing the price is not bad at all for an suv  with all this technology with all this quality   the seats are amazing the pedals are super smooth  and nice suspension perfect visibility very good   cockpit everything it's just nice for me if you  want to see how much space you have in the back   there and all the information about the interior  the quality and everything inside here check out   my other video guys full review with this new 3008  hybrid port other than that if you have questions   just ask me anything you want i will answer to you  if i forget something in the video also thank you   very much to all of you that watching my video i  really appreciate that it mean a lot for me guys   also um like it don't forget to like it share  it if it was helpful for you subscribe to my   channel if you want to see the newest car that  come on the market if you like the music in the   video you have the link in the description check  it out also check out our website the new website   there you find all the videos with cars uh  technical information articles all about cars will   be there soon also the site is in the beginning  but will be better and better so thank you to   all of you don't forget to subscribe stay safe  guys and see you soon in the next one bye guys


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