Nanotechnology - The New Science of Small 18 - Using Nanotechnology to Capture Sunlight

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[Music] thank you we've spoken in the course so far about  information and Communications Technologies   and the role that nanotechnology has to play in  advancing those we spoken of biology biomolecules   and how nanobiosciences in nanobiotechnology  have a real opportunity to play there as well   if you think about some of the big challenges  facing the world today another one that comes   immediately to mind is the field of energy how do  we find ways to capture energy store energy how do   we find ways to capture energy in a way that's  renewable that's sustainable and that's clean   and so for the first lecture in this series on  energy we're going to talk about solar energy   in particular how do we harness it how do we turn  it efficiently into electricity and what role does   nanotechnology have to play in that first let's  spend a minute on the sun and its properties we   need to understand the Sun and its Spectrum  in order to think about solar energy properly   first on the Spectrum the sun is very very hot as  as you're well aware and that is that accounts for   the fact that the peak of its intensity the peak  of its emission lies within the visible spectrum   we were speaking earlier about thermal imaging  and how you can see a warm person against a colder   background well their wavelengths of emission are  much much much much longer than the sun's but it's   all based on the same physics called black body  emission in the sense case because it's so hot   about five or six thousand degrees Centigrade the  Sun Peaks its luminescence its intensity a right   in the visible wavelength spectrum and as we also  discussed earlier that's why our eyes have adapted   to see in what we call the visible wavelengths  an important thing to know about the sun though   is that in addition it has a very significant  spectral signature in the infrared and not the   very long wavelength low energy infrared there's  a major portion of sun energy right up against   the visible in what we call the near-infrared  wavelengths in fact fully half of the sun's   energy lies in the infrared and so a lot of the  opportunity for making more efficient solar cells   is going to be to make full use of the sun's broad  spectrum another important thing to think about   with the sun is we think about making a good solar  cell is the breadth of that Spectrum it's kind of   the opposite of a laser in fact if if the sun were  a laser which it's not it's not going to be but if   the sun were a laser we'd have an easier time  making solar cells because we could tailor our   converters of light energy into electrical energy  we could tailor them to one specific wavelength   we could customize them but inevitably this is  the source of energy that we have and we have to   make good use of all of its spectral components  in order to make an efficient solar cell so this   will be one of our challenges and I'll call  it the Broadband challenge instead of having a   narrow Spectrum we have a broad range of colors a  broad set of bandwidths that we need to deal with   let's start by asking kind of the economic  question though uh the Practical question on   planet Earth far enough from the Sun is there  actually enough energy to meet a significant   portion of our energy needs and if you were  look to look today at the way in which we meet   our energy needs and you look at fossil fuels and  look at sources such as coal look at nuclear look   at hydroelectric and then you were to look at the  proportion of energy that's met using solar energy   you'd find that a very very small percent much  less than a percent of our total energy needs   are met today using Renewables and you might then  ask the question was is there some fundamental   reason for that is there a lack of sufficient  gift of solar energy reaching the planet Earth   and the answer to that is is very much  not a couple of Statistics there uh one is   if you were to look at the total amount of  energy rich in the Earth every hour from the Sun   there's enough energy there to meet all  of the world's energy needs for a year   another way to look at this is if we were to  cover the Earth with only a small fraction of   the area of Nevada with good solar cells  not perfect which is good solar cells we   could meet all the world's energy needs so  scaling by time or scaling by area the same   message is given that the solar resource is  abundant and the reason why today we're not   making Fuller use of it relates to the  fact that we haven't yet found ways to   make solar cells that are simultaneously high  in their efficiency and also low in their cost   and that's what we'll talk about much during  this pair of lectures is how nanotechnology   is enabling us to seek to break compromises  between cost and efficiency in solar cells   one more thing just to think about about the sun  before we move into the technology of solar cells   is how it's distributed obviously the equator  there's both a little bit more intensity of   sunlight and then it's also a better distributed  throughout the year and in some locations at the   equator we're also doing better in terms of cloud  coverage but the point I want to make with this   map of insulation which is the amount of energy  per day or per year reaching different regions of   the earth is that even if you live where I do  in Canada uh there's actually an abundance of   solar energy and if you were to compare us with  the amount of solar energy reaching say uh right   at the peak in Saudi Arabia uh or right near the  other other locations right near the equator uh   it turns out that we have maybe 60 percent as much  solar energy as they do at the peak and given that   there's this huge overabundance of available solar  power that's that's a lot even those of us who   live you know well into the northern hemisphere  have an abundance of solar energy available to us   and the challenge is to find the ways to harvest  it efficiently and cost effectively and so on that   point about harvesting it cost effectively this  is where there's been some real advances through   nanotechnology in recent years take a look at  this picture of a physically flexible solar cell   you can see that it's bent it's actually on a  plastic substrate and one of the great things   about this new emerging area of solar cells that  aren't rigid they're not made on panes of glass   but instead they're printed onto flexible backings  uh is is that we're able to make them a bit the   way you'd print a newspaper we're able to use roll  to roll processing in order to make these flexible   solar cells in a manner that's very cost effective  instead of being a sequential serial process like   the semiconductor industry you know we've talked  about these semiconductor Wafers that go through   lithographic fabrication stepwise well instead  it's a Serial process a continuous process and   these flexible solar cells are offering promise  of significant cost reductions as a result of   their ease of fabrication the other great thing  about being physically flexible is that their ease   of deployment is enhanced as well a significant  part of the cost of getting a solar cell system   installed isn't actually in the manufacturing the  solar cell or the module that you put onto your   roof it's inputting it onto your roof these  heavy materials sometimes there's a need to   reinforce the roof as a consequence of trying  to install these heavy materials on top of them   so lightweight flexible solar cells that can be  readily integrated into a building in cases even   integrated into the building materials themselves  offer great promise for reducing this other half   of the cost of the solar system which is often  referred to as the balance of systems cost look at another another slice at the kind  of Moore's Law concept that we spent lots   of time in on technological road maps uh  silicon-based solar cells actually have their   own Morris law as well a rate of improvement in  the efficiency to cost ratio in the solar cells   the challenge though is that if one projects  this law this this empirical observation for   the rate of improvement of power versus cost in  these solar cells one would predict that it would   be many many decades until we will have based on  conventional existing Solar Technologies until   we actually have these turn into compellingly  cost-effective Technologies so this is where many   in the field call for a breakthrough they call  for a need for something that will take us off   the just extrapolative Improvement in solar cell  efficiency and that will take us into a new regime   and so here people talk about generations  of solar cell a first generation such as   the Silicon solar cells that we will talk about  together during this lecture uh that that have   offered improvements in efficiency over time and  reductions in cost but not a disruptive change   not a step change a second generation of solar  cells that have been these flexible solar cells   that have led to the emergence of the much lower  cost approach but where the efficiencies have   not represented improvement over what silicon  can give us and then the vision and this is   much of the vision for the present work on going  today is for a third generation of solar cells   which doesn't have a compromise anymore but which  instead achieves lower cost and higher efficiency   and it's quite easy to see why this point  about efficiency is so important you know   you might until you think about these so-called  balance of systems considerations you might say   surely if I can just make my solar cells cheap  enough it's not particularly important that I   harvest every Photon from the Sun efficiently the  photons from the Sun are free but when you then   think about the fact that the cost of installing  and maintaining solar cells if you like the cost   of ownership and the cost of installation these  scale with the area of space that you're filling   them into then ultimately you need very much  to think about efficiency because if you don't   achieve reasonably High efficiencies from solar  cells you may be able to overcome the cost of   the cells themselves but you're not able to  overcome these fixed costs associated with   the installation and maintenance of the solar  cells and this is the reason why this third   generation of solar cells is envisioned to be an  area of very big opportunity for the energy sector   and so to be specific about the challenge  that we're posing for the solar energy field   it's the following it's that using existing  Technologies which we'll dive into now we've   achieved certain efficiency improvements but  there are fundamental upper balance physical   boundaries that will describe on how efficient  you can never get a solar cell based on a single   semiconductor Junction to be and we're starting  to get reasonably close to those bounds and   so with the incumbent Technologies there are  limits to our capacity for further Improvement   the opportunity for the third generation solar  cells is to take us Beyond those limits is to make   such better use of the sun's broad spectrum that  we overcome the traditional limitations on solar   cells based on a single semiconductor Junction so  let's now dive in and let's talk about the basics   of solar cells how they work how they relate to  some of the materials that we've spoken about in   the course together and then ultimately how we're  going to make them better using nanotechnology so let's now talk about the semiconductors  themselves we've referred to semiconductors   throughout the course uh We've Spoken of their  different spectral absorption characteristics   we've spoken about how there are Photon energies  that are too small to be absorbed within a   semiconductor and others that are sufficiently  energetic that they do get absorbed let's put a   little bit more formalism or or vocabulary around  these ideas of absorption inside a semiconductor   and I'd actually like to start back at where we  began I'd like to start with atoms the atoms that   make up the semiconductor when the elements  let's take a silicon element silicon atom for   example exist in isolation they're not part of a  semiconductor but when an atom exists in isolation   it has these shells that we talked about these  shells that correspond to the energetic levels   that electrons fill up that account for silicon's  particular membership in a particular column of   the periodic table these are what we call discrete  energy levels they're very well defined they're   distinct only certain transitions energetic  transitions are available to say to a silicon   atom and in fact those discrete transitions are  much of the basis for how we're able to detect   certain chemical elements it's based on these  very specific transitions Optical energetic   transitions that are available inside atoms  but in a semiconductor material what matters   is not just the behavior of the constituent atoms  what matters what happens when they come together   and when these atoms come together electrons which  as we know are delocalized they have some extent   they start to merge and they start to participate  in existing over many atoms now that inside a   semiconductor is very advantageous it accounts for  the good electronic transport in semiconductors   the fact that as we discussed earlier in the  electronics context these electrons can set up   waves that have extent that can propagate along  a semiconductor this is the basis for very good   electronic transport inside semiconductors what  it also leads to is the establishment of what   are called Energy bands so instead of having these  discrete defined steps now there are ranges entire   ranges of energy where electrons are allowed  to exist they're allowed to propagate freely   and instead of having these original big chasms  of energy in which no energetic States existed and   now we have in between these bands what's called  a band Gap and this too is a Chasm but it's not a   Chasm between just a pair of discrete States  it's a Chasm between a band and another band   and so now there is a range of energies less than  this energy gap or this band gap for which photons   are not able to excite an electron from a lower  band to an upper band and in this case there's no   Optical absorption the material is transparent  in fact even this concept exists in things we   don't think of traditionally as semiconductors  so diamond for example also has a band Gap it   just happens to have a very large band gap which  is why it's transparent to our eyes whereas if   you were to look at a piece of silicon to our eyes  it looks opaque it's because it's absorbing all of   the light across the visible wavelength Spectrum  its band Gap lies out in the infrared so you can   see through silicon when you look in the infrared  but you can't if you look inside the visible   but how does this idea of band Gap then relate  to how we build a solar cell well we need to   match the band gap of our semiconductor to the  spectral properties of the sun reaching the Earth   to the sun Spectrum and so certain semiconductors  such as silicon have a band Gap that's actually   very well matched to the emission properties of  the Sun or in particular the sun spectrum that   reaches the Earth in the case of of silicon it's  actually just about the perfect choice it was not   something that that we made a conscious choice  to make silicon's band Gap this way this is a   property of silicon atoms themselves but it's a  reason why we use silicon as a very appropriate   semiconductor for making a device for making a  junction that's able to absorb the sun's light   and turn it into electrical power in fact on  that it's worth pausing for just a moment and   thinking about the relationship between the  sensors the light sensors that we spoke about   earlier and solar cells but they have quite a bit  in common each is responsible for absorbing light   each typically in the case of silicon covers the  visible and a little bit into the near-infrared   wavelengths but in the case of the sun there's  a preordained spectrum that we have to work with   and there's a preordained intensity uh in fact  researchers working in the field don't even speak   usually when they speak of the sun they don't  even speak in terms of the absolute formal units   they talk about one Sun one sun is the unit of  intensity to describe how bright the sun is it's   such a universal phenomenon that everybody having  to dealing to deal with solar energy is conversant   in in the case of light sensors typically the  intensities that are being dealt with are much   much lower and so they're they're both doing this  Optical to electronic conversion but typically in   different ranges of light intensity many  factors of 10 different light intensity   now the other thing is that in the case of sensors  we are converting information about the physical   world into an electronic representation and that  means that if we need to apply a little bit of a   voltage bias we need to put a little bit of  potential across our photo detector that's   perfectly fine because we don't mind expending a  little bit of power to run our sensor integrated   circuit but the name of the game in solar energy  isn't harvesting energy uh and so when our goal   is to harvest energy we're looking for this device  to take the sun's power its photons and to deliver   them to us in the form of an electrical current  which can be driven across a load so there's some   voltage as well and so the mode of operation of  photovoltaic devices and solar cells is different   as a result of that need to transfer power from  the Sun into some either a system where we want   to charge our car or to some means of storage  such as the case of a battery or a fuel cell   topics that I'll talk about a little bit  later when we get to the field of storage   let's dive in now and look at the heart of a solar  cell a little bit this is called a PN Junction   solar cell and uh some of the details of the  nomenclature aren't important but what's what's   key is to understand that when we build really  any solar cell we bring together two materials   typically having the same semiconductor properties  the same semiconductor band Gap but that are   dissimilar in their affinity for electrons so one  of these materials will be rich in electrons we   will achieve that richness of electrons by  introducing selectively a certain number of   impurities that add electrons to the lattice that  donate electrons to participate in conduction   and on the other side of this Junction we will  utilize a material that is depleted of electrons   and so now we have a structure which is electron  rich on one side electron poorer of the other and   we've created the potential for a Cascade when we  excite a charge on one side of this Junction we   now have a propensity for the electrons to  want to go from one side to the other as a   result of this built-in Cascade this built-in  potential as it's called and that is symmetry   as one of the crucial conceptual building blocks  of of any solar cell the reason is that we're not   going to be applying an external electrical bias  we don't we don't get to have an applied potential   on this device because we're trying to harvest  energy instead we've built a device that likes   to absorb light and then funnel the energy that's  extracted from that light in a specific direction   towards a circuit now the other point that we  need to think about when we think about solar   cells in their use of the spectrum and the limits  on their efficiency is that as we've discussed   because of this concept of a semiconductor band  Gap there will be certain Photon energies below   which there's no absorption so these colors  of light simply pass through our solar cell   and there will be others that just barely cross  the band Gap that just barely cross this Chasm   these will lead to absorption and in fact this is  a very efficient region of the spectrum for these   solar cells because uh all of the energy in the  photon that impinged upon the semiconductor is   utilized ideally is extracted from this however  a sun spectrum is Broad and there are photons at   much shorter wavelengths corresponding to much  higher energies where there's an overabundance   of energy in each photon now if we could take  that entire Photon energy and harvest it we'd   be in great shape but the way semiconductors work  is that if you excite an electron well into a band   then extremely rapidly it trickles down right to  the band Edge we say that these states that arise   from Silicon atoms coming together and forming  these bands we say that these states within a   given band are very well coupled to each other  and so very rapidly at room temperature we get   a loss of energy and it's just converted into  thermal energy not something that we Harvest   inside a photovoltaic device now this idea of loss  within a band loss of energy from a given photon   is very important in understanding the limits on  solar cell efficiency because you might say from   this uh this lost consideration well okay let's  go find a semiconductor having a larger band Gap   they're available and then we won't throw away  as much energy we'll be able to deliver More   Voltage to our device ultimately we'll be able  to extract more power however if we were to do   that we would also absorb fewer photons because  we would have made a larger band Gap and there   would be more photons in the sun spectrum that  we're not able to breach that band Gap so this   leads essentially to a trade-off it leads to our  choosing a semiconductor band Gap that is small   enough that we Harvest many of the Suns a good  fraction of the sun's photons but large enough   that we don't do too much throwing away of energy  from the juiciest from the most energetic of these   photons that come in but it is a trade-off and  as a result when one works with a semiconductor   device a photovoltaic device that is based on a  single band Gap a single type of semiconductor   one is limited not to 100 or 97 or 95 percent  overall power conversion efficiency but instead   the upper bound on the efficiency with which one  can extract energy from one Sun intensity from   the amount of intensity reaching the the earth's  surface is closer to 30 percent it turns out that   for the right at the right price that's not  about efficiency either but it's important to   think about the the limitations of solar cells  based on a single choice of semiconductor and   how they arise from making this choice to work  with the material that has a fixed band Gap and   that leads to some loss of of energy through  this thermalization process within the Bands the concept that I'd like to spend a moment  on with respect to solar cells is how do we   think about this efficiency in terms of a  current delivered and in terms of a voltage   well it turns out that the power the electrical  power that can be delivered say to your car for   charging or to a fuel cell or to a battery the  power of this is given by the product multiplied   together the product of the current and the  voltage and so it's very important in solar   cells to get as much current as possible  and to get as much voltage as possible and   it's really managing this trade between those  two through the choice of band Gap that leads   to the optimal bandgap device and leads  to the best management of this trade-off   so I don't like to start in and talk about some  Nano Concepts that allow us to make solar cells   more efficient and the first one of these I'd  like to talk about relates to the management of   light to the management of photons in fact these  concepts are already being utilized in solar cells   that can be purchased today that are that are  available and uh one of these Concepts is is   it's actually quite simple to think about in terms  of fabrication it involves trying to make a rough   surface trying to make a textured solar cell and  the reason for doing this is the following within   silicon and we talked about this in the context  of photodetectors a silicon is a reasonably good   absorber it's actually a very good absorber  of blue photons of the more energetic visible   photons but it gets much weaker in its absorption  of light as we go to longer wavelengths even those   above its band Gap the name for this phenomenon is  that silicon is an indirect band Gap semiconductor   now when we try to make an efficient solar cell  clearly we're trying to absorb all of the light   across the Sun spectral region that we are  absorbing at all anything that's above the   band Gap and uh it turns out to be necessary  in Silicon in particular to make a very thick   wafer a thick wafer of Semiconductor in order to  absorb all of the light in the infrared because   of this weak Optical absorption that occurs in the  infrared wavelengths and that is one of the things   that's driven up the cost of silicon solar cells  historically is the need for a very thick quantity   a very very pure very very high temperature  fabricated material and what happens when we   roughen the surface of a silicon solar cell is  that instead of light simply passing into the   cell and then if it sees a mirror bouncing back  out we instead create the opportunity for multiple   passes through this device so light is able to  pass in and then it sees this roughened surface   if you like it sees a rough mirror and instead  of turning right back around and bouncing back   out of our solar cell and losing its chance for  absorption it's typically reflected or scattered   off in a different direction and so instead of  just leveraging the thickness of the device for   absorption if we can couple in and then couple  sideways we're able to increase the interaction   length we're able to overcome this weakness in the  rate of absorption that occurs within silicon by   using a textured substrate it turns out that  the exact shape that you want to do this with   is actually very important you want to think  about the Angles and even the sharpness of   the angles that are used for scattering of light  in fact this phenomenon where we get light into   one of these semiconductor materials and then  we get it trapped in there and we get it given   multiple opportunities to bounce around it's  called exactly that it's called light trapping   and many interesting techniques have been  devised in order to achieve this of course   if you had to make these spiky structures you  know everyone exactly perfectly the same as   all the others that would be a challenging and  probably a costly semiconductor patterning and   etching process it would start to look like what  we do in microelectronics and nanoelectronics but   for solar cells we're trying to make things that  are big we're trying to make things that can be   spread across a roof and do so in low cost and  fortunately a number of techniques have been   discovered to make structured silicon surfaces  without having to go in and actively pattern   every little Spike Every Little Valley in order  to make one of these light trapping structures   and the technique actually uses a chemical etching  where a silicon has these particular directions   like all crystals silicon has these particular  directions known as as facets these are like the   facets of a diamond that you can see and when you  introduce a chemical etchant they can chemically   Etch in a particular direction they can etch  along a particular facet and so they're naturally   prone to taking a planar surface and starting to  carve it into these triangles into these Hills   and Valleys or spiky mountain tops and valleys  and as a result there are now very low cost and   convenient methods to make nanostructured silicon  surfaces that are very prone to want to trap light   so we've covered the basics of solar cells we've  covered the huge opportunity that solar energy   harvesting represents we've talked about the  underlying principles of matching the behavior   of a semiconductor used to capture light with the  broad solar spectrum and we've just started to   touch in on how nanotechnology can be our friend  in enabling the efficient capture of energy from   the Sun in our next lecture we're going to dive  in further and really spend time on how we're   able to take advantage of the nanoworld control  over the coupling of photons to electrons inside   semiconductors to make solar cells that break the  historic compromise between cost and performance


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