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Hey I'm David Liggett with data center Hawk I'm here with CB Aries Sean, Novak and we're talking about the data center industry next. Okay. Sean Novak thanks. So much for being here I'm, really excited to get to, hear. About you. Know where you are today with, data, center users in the space as you work with them on a consulting, basis and helping them determine what their IT strategy should be so thanks for coming thanks for having me. So, before, we began why, don't you give, an, overview of kind of your history in the space and how you began. You know now you're obviously at CBRE leading they're consulting data center consulting, practice, but. You you know have a history in the space before that talk about that and how you got started in the industry yeah so I started off as a telecom, manager believe it or not I'm. In a semiconductor, yeah. So. I ran. Phone systems, I did, all the voice over IP, we were probably one of the leaders in voice over IP we had a huge office, in India and, so one. Of the ways that we would be communicating, was calling, India, and imagine, the long-distance calls that the costs associated with that so I, created. A Erickson wash system within our environment and then we had voice over IP that, could communicate so, it was free calling yeah actually, we. Use FaceTime now okay yes, James it has changed a lot so, from. There we actually developed, chipsets. For cell phones at, this company so we had to develop a data center and we. Had an LTE box sitting in our data center so it was like a radio, tower that resided within our building so I could test it live, lifetime. And when, we created this data center it, was so intriguing, and interesting to, me that I started, getting really embedded. Into that process to see well how do how do what do we need yeah and they were bringing in you, know crack units, and, ups. And PDUs and all this stuff, they it I, had no idea of what we were none of us had a picture doing and. So, and what years was this this was the 98 yeah. So this is a few, years ago I was graduating, from high school, so. We had it was really, because when, we got into this process I then. Went from there and then started a company, with a few other people of, cell phones for children yeah and a few of my colleagues at, the the. Summit ethics semiconductor. Company they, moved on to eyp okay cool so when, they went to you IP they're like we need someone that they can actually speak, to the c-suite and still, be, able to talk to engineers and still, be able to translate like, one process, to the next and as we develop strategy. For our clients, and build data centers we, want someone like you that can go in there and talk to IT people and then, translate, that yeah sign to the engineers yeah and so, we created a group, inside. Of UI P CFC. A critical. Facilities, consulting, group led. By Larry, Larry Henman okay sure and Steve, Carter and so, when we we, start working on projects there HP. Had acquired us because it was. Beneficial. For them to take out some of the competition, from, some of their competition of building, data centers and so. We were working a lot of strategy. On the IT side so capacity. Planning was the biggest component, of our, practice, and virtualization. Was just becoming a thing and so, if. You think about a thousand, physical, server sitting in a data center and you start virtualizing. Them you might be able to fit them in to a hundred servers 100 physical servers so capacity, planning was a key component to what the future data center strategy would look like. So. When we started building these models out we never we no longer saw hockey stick growth so, from a UPS perspective, and powering space it was, no longer we. Need more and more and more but more of a flat line or, started decreasing, capacity, well, the challenge is that a lot of the clients were facing, when you have to build a data center you want to build it for two, years in advance 25, years you're advanced or 10 years in advance well, if you don't understand, technology and, you don't understand the trends that are happening in the industry you may over build yeah so, and so and at that time too were you all talking with with them about cloud and how clouds ooh wow virtualization. Sure so that it was like the the predecessor, to cloud sure you know some, of our public, cloud partner.

Out There yeah emote with a really, good marketing, you know collaboration. Cloud. But. It's you know cloud is an automated, orchestrated. Virtualization. Platform, and so, the clients that were already implementing. This in a private, fashion, but. They still have to spend the capex to. Get that environment, set up. Utilizing. Public cloud became, something, maybe three four five years ago okay so this is pre, any of that elements. They were out there but, if you start looking at a lot of the the verticals. And financial, verticals insurance verticals, and if you were to pull you know what are you what's your utilization, in your data center day versus, what you built it for ten years ago you'd, find it they're very low utilized, within their environment yeah, this. Is this, is still true for. Colocation you, know if you look at a lot of the contracts, that people, signed up for in colocation, yeah they're not using a hundred percent of their colocation, environment, because again technology, trans changed and now. They're adopting, to the cloud technology and, so, they're bursting out into the public cloud or they're creating a on prem private, cloud solution which, is much more optimized, and efficient sure so. You finished, talk. About the ey POC, BRE yes so, so you IP was acquired by HP yes, so then we we, did, a stent, HP, for another, three years. I would left HP, to go to uptime Institute so, for. Those that don't know the uptime Institute is that tier credit Authority and the data center, practice. So these, these the. Clients, that we had there were clients, that are utilizing, enough time Institute's tiered. Construction. And ter design to. Your one tier to do three or four right so, we had a lot of different clientele, there 451. Group acquired the uptime Institute so, then I worked with an analyst, firm I. Learned. A ton at, 451, because, 451. Was one of the the firms they go out there and talk to the actual end-users, and then pull the end users on what technologies, they're going to embed inside, of their environments, it. Was great because, now. Not I'm not reading. Like. Gartner, reports, or Forrester, reports, or reports that, are driven by the actual, providers, Cheryl's yeah but I'm actually seeing, the reports, from the end-users and what they're actually, evolving. Technology. Wise so, are they using public cloud are they using private cloud are they are, they using, multi. Tyrian or they they replicating. Active active environments, all the stuff that really helps when you're in a consulting, practice like I am yeah to them bring it to the next engagement to say what are you doing today let, me show you what your peers are doing it and it's me and let me show you the cost ramifications. Of actually, implement, sure this type of solution in your practice, sure and that's probably paid off you know during your time at CBRE as you should know their data center users and help them from a consulting, stand absolutely yeah.

So So, I would see, four years ago I started at CBA so I was already working with CB on a lot. Of strategic, projects. That they were working. On yeah they, started, CV started seeing the trends, of. Clients. That went in for capacity, whether it be colocation, or building data centers and they were not using the capacity that they went and signed for or contracted, for so, they would bring our practice, and to come in and say what are what should we do differently how, can you do a capacity, model, so we would go in there and start talking to all the different lines of business and see what, kind of technology, to use today and if I were to give you a blank check what would you actually implement, inside, of your practice. What, would you change how would you change it how big would it be how fast would it grow so. We were able to build out some models, to show them if you just did exactly how you are today yeah and grew it this way yeah here's what here's what you should go secure, in the world whether you build a data center or whether you go Cola if. You were to listen to what your lines of businesses are doing and then implement. That practice, and this. Is the change this is an aerial model that you need a plan for and it, has a dramatic impact to what your total cost of ownership is gonna be in your status quotient yeah so, it was really good for us to go in there and I mean some clients we're saving over 400, million dollars worth, of investment, on data, centers that they were about ready to build it they didn't have yeah a. Lot, of people wanted, to upgrade, their data centers and so they were going to add more capacity well there's a risk inherited, to adding capacity to production data center especially if you have to take it down to add capacity so. What, what was an outage cost in a data center you know stuff like that is what, we then went, with the business requirements and business recommendations. That made sense for the client to say all right now that we have all these different solutions, we like this path let's go down this path do you believe that you, know the core that 65%. Of, enterprise. Users of companies that own and operate their own data center, you. Know. Infrastructure. That, those, type of companies that 65%. Of them still, have their IT infrastructure, in those, own premises. Absolutely. If it's, 65, it's, 7075. Yeah we're, I think, we're on the cusp of major, changes, because as my. Tenure at ey P we were building, and designing data centers for our clients. I do, believe that that's you, know 10 years ago 12 years ago 15 years ago that was what everyone did you know security, was a big concern so if we owned and operated and, built, our own infrastructure, we didn't have to worry about outside. Security. Issues. Yes and so those data centers are now coming up for refresh. You know they're getting older they're they're antiquated yeah and so what, do you do do you. Modify. The data center as it stands today do, you add more capacity do you replace everything are you gonna take an out attorney or replace it did you really build a Tier three data center or you can actually take components offline, and replace them without taking an outage oh that, this is a big question now so if I'm, gonna do a migration I, have a refresh coming, up this might be the time for me to decide do I'd stay in my own data centers or going migrate out yeah and as technology is evolved, and and all the public cloud providers and private cloud providers, are out there there may be a better option now, than, putting everything on prem security. Is not much of a concern for most most, enterprises, anymore they've proven that - you know with all the cybersecurity companies that are out there they've actually mitigated, a lot of that risk and so, that's helping, some end-users figuring, out I don't have to own and operate a data center anymore, that's not my business anyway, so let's let someone else that does that for a living take that yeah. You know it's I think one of the interesting things, that data center users face is having to deal with change you, know technology change, and technology. Growth. And the efficiency. Behind the technology that is here today and what's going to be delivered in three to five years. You know the IT infrastructure. In, efficiencies. And how that gets more efficient, over time when they acquire other companies and how that impacts their IT infrastructure, and so you, know part, of the you when you think about the data center user they have a very they're, in a very tough situation as, it relates to their IT infrastructure, because they, are forced to make decisions.

Very. Large, capital decisions around. Data. That changes right and and. So obviously they make the best decision. They can but how do you, and your team go, in and best help. Them make. Those decisions, what are some things you all use to help kind of understand, a here's what we're here's, here's our situation, and then, how do we move forward with different options yeah so we have I mean, this has been 20. Years in the making of the methodologies. That we've used and our consulting, practices, and and so, there's, definitely tools, that are available out there. The clients. Probably are utilizing, some of the tools that exist out there today the, difference that we have versus. A client, either keeping, this in-house, and not working with outside firms, to figure out strategy, is that, one. First. And foremost we're agnostic to the approach okay if they want to build a data center we're there to help them figure out what to build if they want to go color we're there to help them figure out what the best color provider is and what what, location, it needs to be in and what what kind of connectivity it needs to have, and. Then if they wanted to go to a cloud solution we're going to show them all the options it takes all. The variations. Of the different types of cloud that's out there so they can make sure that the application, or their environment is in the right environment at. The right financial model sure, so. When, we go in there we we're working with all the different lines of businesses so a lot of the organizations. That are out there today they'll, just have one, line of business is going down their path this this line of business that path that path and so there's they're sprawled out there so, these guys might have a need, for private, cloud. These guys might want to own and operate a datacenter, and these guys want to be in coal oh so it's, kind of spread out as, we go in there we take each and every look at all the different lines of business and we tell one story yeah so we, bring it all together we have a single point of.

Storytelling. And then understanding. All the business requirements from each of the different lines of business and be able to come back with a business impact and the business recommendation. Yeah what, makes the most sense financially. Security-wise. Risk, wise that, the whole works so now when they have a single outlook on what their business can do as a whole it makes a lot more sense than everyone just yes yeah. I think building consensus, within organizations. Is harder than most groups, think you, know as it relates to different you. Know groups within a company that are helping to make that decision or that that decision will impact and so I do, think that you know, people. In your position that are, helping, companies do that are. Setting them up to be successful, not. Just you, know that moment but a year from now three years now five years from now because you're able to I think look at the future and understand. What challenges, might be coming but also use. Your past experience, with companies. That you've seen well the companies you know unfortunately that's, it yeah that's it so when you go to the table and you say that they have a strategy baked off and say this is what we're planning on doing and. Just vet it out for us are we doing the right thing yeah and I can go through my my. Book a business and say I mean, the that we've done this yes and here that some of it worked but here's the challenges, they face along the way let's, fix that in your plan before, you go down this path let's go the ultimate goal is to have the most flexible, scalable and resilient, data center strategy possible. Yes and you don't want to get locked into something you're never gonna use yes and you don't want to pay for stuff you're never gonna use so, how do we do that yeah that's like what's the best option that's good okay so let me ask you this if I'm a, financial. Company, you. Know you you've worked with many financial companies in the past but, what. Do you tell me as things to you, know think through about my IT strategy today what are you seeing financial, companies to do that that's working well for them as they position, themselves again, not just for today but in the future yeah so the ass this again in two weeks I'll bet she was gonna change okay but, yeah, so the financial industry, and the financial vertical yeah it's been. It's. Actually been a more. Of like a game for me because it's it's ever-changing, so. We. We built a whole bunch of data centers many years ago and they. Had. Decent. Utilization, and these data centers we have to remember like, the real, estate and facilities team. They go out and to build these sites they have to build it for the future so they can't look at the technology, they have in place today and, then turn around two, weeks from now and have something in place so they have to build for transit, is our unknown sure, and so, they put data centers and on in strategic, locations that made the most sense for the strategy then. Active. Active very, resilient to data centers in close proximity to each other a lot of them are still mainframe shops so they have a certain, synchronous, distance. Limitations you don't have to be and then, out of region DRS, that's, typically the the financial model, we. Built many of these data centers and now we're starting to collapse them or we were collapsing, them and now, edge, is coming out so they're internet things and we have to be closer to the end-user and so, that's changing, so now we have to put little footprints, everywhere that.

Their Their big enterprise, clients or yeah yeah, so this is where the the benefit of having a private cloud solution that's. It's great because we could drop that in any look yeah sure are you leveraging the public cloud capabilities. Because that you have some seasonal, burst ability that you has to fit in there it makes sense to have it there, the. The technology. That, that's where we're headed and that's. Not in my mind that's not gonna change we're, gonna have smaller, footprints, and you. Know dispersed. Throughout the the world yeah for the financial vertical we're still gonna have our primary or secondary data, centers footprint, we're still gonna have some out of region d our sites but, I do believe we're gonna have sprinkled, i.t, sprinkled. Her out throughout. The yeah, so as that happens, you know and for the, financial vertical. But also potentially. Some other verticals, as well you. Know you once we're. Talking about colocation, and said you know, with colocation, and cloud but, the, colocation, won't ever go away yeah talk, about that why do you think that's the case yeah so we just talked about 65 percent of people still owned enterprise. I think. It's higher but, if that's the case that's 65, percent of the environment. To still have data centers that are sitting on Prem they're, still up for refresh, they're still up for, decommissioning. These are the data centers they equipment, that resides and those data centers have to go somewhere, cloud. Is not for everybody not every application especially, homegrown, applications. It costs a lot of money to reaaargh attack and reengineer, those fit, into a public, cloud solution, so, think about those, applications. And note that that, IT environment, has to reside somewhere, we. Have some of the best data center providers, that know how to owner not break data centers that have connectivity, to the cloud providers, that have partnerships, with third product party, private cloud providers, these, these are the providers, that are gonna excel, and take a lot of the business from clients. And end-users they currently own and operate today there's 65%. Know that those are the ones they're gonna absorb, a lot of that capacity, yeah for well, where, do you think what markets specifically, do you think will. Receive. A lot of the future. Growth from, enterprise, users as well as some of the larger, hyper scale deals that we're seeing in the market let's talk about the market absorption.

I Mean, Ashburn. Virginia I, mean that this is they have every single cloud provider, that is known to man reside. In that market, they have every data center provider is residing. In that market they have crazy, network, connectivity, so obviously Ashburn, Virginia grew, fast and it's continuing, to grow fast you can see every data centers being you, know put, up yesterday right, then. You have the next piece is all the way on the west coast in Silicon Valley so all the cloud providers, they sit around there so, we're. Seeing a lot of strategic growth, from low, latency, touch, points, for an on-prem, solution, to burst into a, public. Cloud and the. Only locations, right now that exists, there's Silicon, Valley and Ashburn Virginia Pacific. Northwest has a couple, cloud providers, they can actually do this Columbus. Ohio has, AWS. You can do this so. There's certain, market. Areas now, I would tell you 3 years from now I bet, you there's gonna be more availability, zones with your top five public cloud providers and they're gonna be dropping, footprints. All over the place because they're seeing the expansive, growth and the Ashburn and Silicon Valley areas, they were gonna repeat that in strategic location yeah and I think if. You were to ask me and two years ago I said the same thing Columbus, Ohio I think that, that right, there they have a nice carrier hotel the logics there and then they have AWS. As their availability zone there so I do feel that that might be a strategic market, for some of the public cloud providers to hit the Midwest yeah and then, maybe. You in Dallas sure you you sit in Chicago, are. You a Cubs fan I am a Bears, fan I am a bear it's an interesting how do you feel about the Bears this year let's just say the Cubs World, Series very good. I. Like it. How. Do you talk. About the Chicago market. And how you feel about you, know that. Area which i think is really interesting because, of, you, know it's traditionally, harder to gain. Control real estate there's obviously, less available. Then. And market potentially, like a Dallas, or maybe even as things move move out side, of Northern Virginia but. But what, are your thoughts on Chicago, and how that markets grown over the past several years yeah, so I you, know. Three. Years ago they had like a cloud tax in the, proper. Area of Chicago I, think, that deterred, a lot of the cloud providers, to actually drop a footprint, in Chicago, but there. There's definitely some, pickup, for the the hyper scale guy yes come into the Chicago market, we. Do have a massive. Carrier hotel you know 350, sir oh man yeah so, we have all the connectivity that's. There so that low touch point if you're want to be in the city you have although I think Elk, Grove is, where, a lot of the providers are putting a lot of their data centers so any type of cloud connectivity it has to go through a cloud exchange or a direct connect it has to go back to 350, Cermak and then flow, out to wherever the cloud providers, exist, you start losing some of that low latency, touch point yeah so like an ashram Regina where you're sitting, in the equity Karrie. Hotel mm-hmm, at ec2 like everything has to go through there and then it shoots out so, if you're in a data center that's nearby that, the cloud providers are right around the corner right around there yeah sure it's different from Chicago, where if you're in Elk Grove and you're balancing the 350 Cermak and then going over to Columbus, for AWS, yeah so that if, they, can figure out that market, to keep everything a little bit closer to, the 350, sir magnification, then you can kind of repeat what, Ashburn is done yeah, not.

Everything Has to have low latency and not, everything, has to be sitting right on the cloud exchange or connect, you get companies like pack, of fabric or mega port yeah they can actually connect you in to the cloud from any one of these providers if they reside, there so that's something that has to be looked at to if. It's a little latency touch point because you just want to burst for a computer burst for storage, reasons and you want that to look like it's resides in the same data center and you need to be in that close proximity, there's not many markets, yeah that's that's good. When. You think about the industry when you started. To. Where it is today would. Have been some of the biggest changes, that have occurred almost, like past looking to today what, do you think of changed. The most in. The industry have x2 ah Beck's okay yeah so. Capital. Spend was, probably. Not it, wasn't a big deal so a lot of the companies who would rather spend, the money upfront then. Have a higher op X pen because. Of technology, refresh and, because of the the automated, orchestrated. Environments, they exist today I feel, that more and more companies are starting to switch over to an OP X model so they don't have to do. Any kind of technology refresh that's taken care of by the providers, they don't have to spend any money updating their data centers because that's taken care of by the providers, they. Don't have to do any, patching, because that's taken care of by the providers, so everything's, live you. Don't, need to hire 200 people to sit there and run patched and, on all of your IT systems, because, the providers, are doing that for you so what do you think so so obviously there's a you. Know a service, now that's provided, by data. Center operators and thus. Helping data center users do that and feel more comfortable with that what. Do you think allowed. The data center user community, to say hey we we. Don't want to do that anymore we do, feel comfortable now with y'all doing this because I. Don't. Think it was just a that, it wasn't out there you know I think obviously those those, services haven't matured but, there's almost a switch, with, dead center users where all the sudden they started saying wait a minute you, know it. Does make more sense to take, my IT infrastructure, and you know place it in your facility, or utilize, cloud, and not even have to go by hardware, because I'm gonna you know use utilize public cloud or something that what was the switch or why do you think that the data center users got more comfortable with it was definitely an evolution, of technology, so. Again. We go back to building, and owning, and operating your, own data center it was because security, like, I don't want someone walking through my data center that I have no idea if you go into colocation.

Provider A multi-tenant data center there's, there's cages, everywhere there's a lot of different, end users there walking through the halls well, you're you're looking at cabinets. You know you could, put you could put shields, up so no one can see the blinking lights inside your cabinets, they, have more security than any enterprise, data center I can't say any I've been secure. Ones but yeah they have a lot of security, you know seven points of security, get into, the data center before you see a single server I could, say that a lot of the enterprise, data centers I've been in I've been able to walk right into the data center without any security, so that what does that say so, I think that the security concern, has gone away and that that helped, people move, from owning and operating a data center to Colo yeah so in the next evolution of this is that the IT gear so, how do you get comfortable with relinquishing, your IT rights, to another company yeah, that. That's gonna take time you know again, now we get in the cyber security so, sure if you if you're gonna have a data center breach it's, a physical data center of reach we took, care of that we have seven layers of security before you can get in here now but, now cyber, security if someone's gonna hack into your system couldn't, they hack in your system just as easily in your own data center as they could in the Colo data center and now if these public, cloud providers had issues with this they would, be obsolete, yeah so you would have to think that they're they're hiring the, top breed, consultants. That come in there and hack their systems. Sure no one else can hack this interesting. And fixing all that before it happens yeah that's good okay so, let's. Talk about. Your. Career from a leadership perspective and, you obviously you're within seaberries, data center solutions group you're leading the consulting, practice, as far as helping data center users understand the market better, but. As you look back on your career and the people, that you've worked with who has, had an impact on you and help shape your help shaping your career oh man.

How Far back do I want to go. Yeah. So I, would say you, know one, of my first bosses, filk. Was in ski he he was a a pretty. Big, role model to me so that that was one of the first the first data center we built for the semiconductor, company, he ran facilities, and so as I was the telecom manager and he was a facilities, manager we. Worked really close together and you, know interesting. Enough hot oil cold arm yeah that's pretty standard today right so when we were building this thing out and we hire consultants, that come here and do it and I. Realized, that this. This row. Of racks we're. Blowing heat right into the front of the next row of racks and so. We bought. It to them and it's no Visio diagram, and go for, some reason this doesn't make sense because if all this heats going out of these servers right in the front of these servers doesn't that kind of like mitigate, the the point of how like having a data center otherwise you're just blowing a ton of air trying to cool these things and so, we, created. Unbeknownst, you know to us you know this is a hot out cold aisle solution, this is really cool so, working. With him and having his background, and just going through the process, kind, of like, jump-started, me into the career that I'm in today yeah you. Know then, from there, the. Eyp family. It, really, really, was a, great, success story for me so, having, the capability. To work with some of the best engineers, out there the. Best electrical, engineers Mechanical, Engineers traveling, the world with these guys and. Having a really good consulting. Team was. Was beneficial, to me to really, understand, there's. No right or wrong way to do a consulting. Engagement, so it's really understanding. And listening to you. Know the client's needs yeah and then once you figure out the. Client's needs and, how to develop that into an overall strategy and, then how to write that up as a business. Case or business, recommendation. Having. All those really intelligent people help you through that process, it was a key. Success. For me it's and then get to the next stage of my life where I start running more teams yeah and. Then, finally. I gotta. Say you know Martin it at 451, and this this guy he's. A genius, he. Started an incredible. Company, he, was probably one of the best speakers on stage, and the presence, of him getting up there motivating. His. Team was, just it was really good for me to have someone like that it. Comes at work he's, not too big for you or for me if, he sees you on the street he'll come up to you and he'll shake your hand and use, a great.

Coach And mentors who is I continue, to work, with different. Firms out there's some, some firms were more complicated, than others you just go call them up and say okay this is my problem you're having today how do you how would you solve this yeah and having, him just give you the insight of his life life, stories, it was great for me to take that to the next steps and now. I'm here at CBRE and I hope to do the same thing that a lot of the people I worked with in the past done, for me and pass, that along to some, idea that's gonna mean if you could spend, time, with a data center user and give, them one piece of advice, you know one piece of guidance as it relates to their. IT infrastructure. And and, what the future looks like for them what would you would you tell yeah so. There's. So many different, different. Technologies, are out there you're. Gonna you're, gonna get a lot of consulting firms that are gonna hit you up you're gonna like the, FAR's are gonna hit you up the. Cloud, providers are gonna hit you up there they're all gonna come at you and say we have the best product. Again. There's no right or wrong answer, so one. Of the key, components that, I'll tell a client is when, you're gonna get into a. Program. Or a project yes one, of these bars and one these vendors make, sure it's someone that actually you trust. Make sure it's someone that you're gonna want to work with from now until ten, years from now make, sure it's something that they're they're gonna allow you in their contracts, to be as flexible as possible because, this technology changes. And you feel that they're gonna lock you in and never let you out maybe. That's not the right partner it's probably a better solution down the road and. Never stop with looking. For the next best solution and. And that's the whole part about being scalable, and being flexible in your contracts, because, if you if technology changes. And your company merges, with another company or you, decide, that you never you no longer want to use one, vendor you want to switch to a different vendor, you, got to make sure that the contracts, are written in a way where, you can then switch from, one place to the next without taking a huge hit yeah it seems like those you, know setting, yourself up for flexibility. That's cute related to the changes that are coming because we all know we don't know what changes are coming but we know that changes are changes are coming you know technology is gonna continue to be more and more efficient, and it's gonna be more and more often yes, so how you leverage that and how you use that is going, to be a key differentiator and, your, business, or your, peers business yeah and missing. The mark on this could be a decision. That could cost you millions of millions of dollars in a mistake of an environment. That you no longer need we don't still have to pay for for, you, know X amount of years yeah when you think about the data center industry over the next five years we'll get you most excited, I.

I'm, Really interested to see some of the the, cloud adoption, from the public cloud providers that, are starting to take over some, of the client assets yep, so I, you. Know I think it's a wise, move for some of these providers. To do something like that but. The certain commit that they have back. To the end-user, has to commit, to a certain size and a lot of deployment, that, seems. Challenging, for me so like, I said not all applications or clot ready yeah and not all applications, belong in the cloud yes so to have a certain, commit and and, to re-engineer, regard, context some of these clouds or. Some of these applications, to clouds yes may be more. Costly, than it, is a benefit, yeah and so I'm just curious of where this is gonna head in the future and I yes I love, working on these projects because it's, something that I can see is a trend I want to be in the front end of these trends so I could see if it's actually gonna be a working trend, or if it's gonna be another one where that was a great idea six, months ago, bad idea today yeah that's you go on to the next one you bet, what okay, so let's switch gears a little bit so let's. Talk about your athletic prowess. What. Is the last so you'd like to do so for those that don't know Sean likes to compete. In different. Races and, kind of ultra, type Spartan. Races and things like that but what what's the last race that you did oh let's. See my last race, last, event I might also I did, this. I. Did the Chicago, Marathon. That. That was and. If if anyone, has never ran a marathon yes that. Run, run one yeah even if you. Have to walk half yeah I, I went, out really. Hot, out the gates so. Should imagine, that like there's a, lot of yeah a lot of like I feel like when you run in those type of races you. Get in a pack and you start moving you're like man I'm thirty seconds faster than my time supposed to be in the big time so I mean I trained for a long time in. The Chicago heat, 90 degrees and 80, yeah I mean I'm I've I. Was, right I was doing a long run 19 miles and, it was probably ten thirty in the afternoon or in the morning yeah and I it was already 90-degree, it's really hot, I had brought four water water, bottles with me so as I ran out I, searched, I dropped two water bottles so when I come back I can pick him up on the way back and start drinking up well, I think I was about 17, miles in and I, was out of water and I. Was so hot, yeah I was starting to get dizzy I was, I was my battery was dead on my phone like I I couldn't call anyone l have come pick me up and there's. Some a couple like picnicking, in a, park I love. This story I, am, a sweaty. Mess like, I I'm not just dying right now and I'm run off to them and I'm like hi you have extra. Bottle of water for, way, and there is like yeah, here here take this and I chugged, it and not like was so grateful, that I can actually get that bottle of water oh yeah I made it the next two miles and I think I slept, for about two, days. That's. So funny and that wasn't even a full marathon yes so yeah when I ran the marathon though I got. My. First like three miles were sub six-minute miles yeah which I was training for seven and a half minutes so you didn't, really just hit show yeah just take off yeah and you just don't stop yeah until you were like 13 miles and going like why did I just do this yes myself in the beginning yes, now do you do do, you do Spartan, races have you done those of our race so what's your favorite one that you've done so my, hardest, one was, one, in Monterey California so. That the elevation. Changes, there's at once, one mile section yeah this is a thirteen and a half mile, race okay yeah but. There's obstacles along the way yeah a lot of obstacles along the way you get muddy yeah you climb yeah you didn't, decline, yeah, there is one section is probably a good 20 to 30 percent.

Incline. And it was about a mile long okay, you're going up this this hill is like after, running for nine sure yeah you can see you get to the top of this thing and your whole body starts locking, up your yes like as we're locking up people were, like passing out salt pellets later like, you know we, knit down and so, like finally I you. Know finished that race it. Was one of those other moments, we were like that that was probably I took me longer to finish that race and it did to, run a marathon 26. Yeah, but. The accomplishment, and the feeling yeah I'm beyond that it's just amazing, yeah we, have, you. Know two years ago we set up like a datacenter Spartan. Team Oh interesting, yes so we have we have a few of us that would actually run around now, I haven't I have since I was training for the marathon and I bailed on that six I didn't want to get hurt on this run, and then not sure I'll do that but. It was it was awesome because I would run with the elites and do the competitive, race and then I would go back with the data center team and then just run with them and just, just helping, people like. Solve some of the obstacles that you never you know climb, in a rope like yeah I mean how many people climb, a rope for a living, you know so it's, just helping them figure out how to do it yeah, and what you get out of this awesome. Yeah they're cool and I think they're you, know some of their little Sprint's, they've done the the short yeah. I've, been have. Been really interesting okay and then you know we talked earlier but you and I both you, have a first. Going, into first grade child level going in the second grade boy both of them play baseball so we both been pitchers. This yes, to. First graders which is a lot harder than you would think their. Strategy but what, has been some of your secrets, to your first. Grade pitching, yes, so, the, first thing is don't hit on because, then they never want to get back to the plate so get, your play don't hit the players didn't, it's wait, wait till they're a little older yes are be mmm, yeah, I have two kids it won't stand up to the plate now and the edge to them so that's great that's. Good the other thing is you, know when they line up and and, they're holding the bat wrong or they're they're standing backwards to the plate it's it's always you, know just take a swing I want to see where that bat is it's flying across plate so, I have to throw a dart, right.

Where That bats going to hold the timing of their swing is the same time as the ball there's. Definitely, an art to. Understanding. Where the bat plane is and just putting the ball right there because, you can take a kid that would strike out normally, yeah and get it home runs yeah. And. Then the smile on their face when they can connect, that, that's what makes it all work yes if, there's a coach and you, get, a kid that hasn't been able to hit a ball season yeah and then you were able to get that dart right on that yeah and then they hit it and they stand there like what just happened yeah and you get to your screen Adam run so. That's. Great man well hey thank you so much for coming, in and sitting down with us and we certainly you, know excited, about you, know your role in the industry and how you're helping in users and think you, know the future is bright for you, know that process and and how things will change over, time and your ability to sit, down with end users and end users, and do that so thanks for being awesome thanks for having me this is awesome. You.


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