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when they [ __ ] crazy timbo you did that  this that thing that killed john wayne   let it back let it let it bang bang  bang let it baby let it bake bang bang yo welcome to madd d5 we're here with frankie  freaking be himself the head marketer from   [ __ ] army baby what's up frankie b how's it  going guys is it gordon you all right oh damn   it's nice 11 11 p.m in dubai here that's crazy   oh dude you're making us super proud today man  we've got people from all around the world in the   chat and i'm sitting here looking at this trophy  and it says winner of best defy technology what   yeah that's that's massive it's massive that no  that's fine it's it's absolutely it's massive uh sitting there in the auditorium and waiting for  the kind of the announcement you know you're   just cycling through some of these awards and then  this comes up and then we're just like well what's   going on then jump up and then take the award the  good thing is we've got pretty much everybody that   was there on the stage you know and we've got  a good picture and we've got some good photos   i've shared some in the fake  token chat and on twitter and   from the main fed token account so it's good  but man honestly it's like the last two days   have just been like a whirlwind that was  spoken to literally thousands of people   two days ago we opened up in the the 10th  uh but i'm sure in a room with one of the   marketing team what's up big brother good to see  you man great job out there guys good evening   yeah good evening great to have you man e5 winners  d5 winners i so he's he's in the marketing team uh   dubai is expensive so split the room  oh yeah right man maybe not after   yeah this move the zeros but listen it's it's  been two days absolute organized chaos i would say   the open wars not today but yesterday uh 10 a.m  dubai time and literally it's just everybody   all you know foot to the floor all hands on the  pump just talking to thousands of people thousands   of people and it's ranging from uh people people  that want to invest that have heard of us you   know they come up and go oh no fedex i know fake  token uh i was an investor and then uh some of   them sold at the all-time high you know and took  some profits i've been talking to day two holders   so we've been talking a lot of  day two holders you know that wow like projects in fact the the blue couch uh was  broadcasting while we were there pretty much the   entire time apart from some kind of connection  issues towards the end of today but we had tokens   that were going to list based on coming to the the  expo on the blue couch chatting to them you know   just kind of talking about what they're about  but honestly it was just it was relentless like   it's not much to give up but i did not have lunch  for like two days and almost honestly it was just   saying you're like dying for a bottle of water  six hours yeah you know who's got water who's   got water yeah it was with everybody like we had  so many community members turn up you know from   the german community iranian americans coming over  uh just absolutely everything and uh everybody the   german community hung about they started answering  questions for because we were just so busy yeah and yeah it was just it was good to to see rtr   you know i kind of on stage and wait definitely so  sometimes you just don't realize how much you've   actually got to talk about you know because  there's just so much happening uh 100 yeah   he's very well versed at that you know he's got  a very elegant way of that stuff coming off the   tongue [ __ ] that me maybe me and you you know  would not be saying to normal people he says it like the dude five hours i'm like uh  this is fegix and this is smart d5a   and then it was just by the end of today it's  just kind of rolling off the tongue you know   a hundred percent you hate honey pots smart  defies for you you know you want lovely   peg x's for you so it was just it  was good it was good it was exciting   it's and i'm still hyped just nice like 11 like  half past 10 at night just now and we're going   to go out literally for we've been out for  a couple of years since we've been here but   tonight we're going to go for it it's celebration  time man y'all doing a great job uh shout out to   fig rock shout out to rtr shout out to the whole  marketing team and shout out to all the volunteers   everybody here's a volunteer shout out to all the  volunteers that showed up in dubai and answered   people's questions they got their spiel down i bet  they could talk to anybody in the world about it   right now i want to talk to more people you know  like knackered absolutely so tired it's unreal but   yeah by by the end of it you're like man i've got  this down to a tee how would i talk to more people   dude you know so let's say we're looking at other  ones it was there's no doubt this has added a ton   that yeah well singapore and we're looking at  thailand and things like that but permissionless   so we're looking at them and if we can get them  to work we will or at least have representatives   there but yeah it's just so valuable and and dubai  the there's regulation for a long time you know   can i almost stop in this and now they're just  letting the gulf especially they're going for it   you know yes uh so yeah it's been 100 yes sir  like you said they didn't understand it they   were scared of it then they looked at it they saw  how it could prove the life of their whole gulf   region and they said [ __ ] this we're going for  it and now they're probably doing commodities and   everything else in crypto and it's like they're  doing everything so so many questions like people   want to buy equity and the the fed company were  like guys centralized what was that was happening   buy fake talk and if you wanted to meet  your ceo and all that kind of stuff yeah a good portion it was was a education you know  like you're supposed to a lot of people who were   not necessarily familiar with the difference  between a kind of centralized exchange and   a decentralized you know so you're having  conversations across the absolute range you know   from newton's experience to not believing we  can do 2fa in a wallet you know is here you   haven't yeah like go go crack it you can tell me  if you can get if you can get that money out then   go for it you know a hundred percent  in the wallet there and then and   it's just you can tell us you know i love  it dude i love it look don't ever lose that   energy yo faygo feg army olsen has a killer  background behind him right now he's going   to pop in and just say congratulations  everybody's got a couple shout outs they   want to give but uh army olsen that is a cool  background you got what is that there brother you on mute big though yeah sorry  man that is oh good baby baby   oh yeah the safest wallet on earth is here the  graphene 2fa crypto wallet that's amazing man uh   what was the reaction when y'all when rtr you know  let that out of the bag yesterday i heard somebody   in the crowd go wow like you said that i heard it  genuinely like the there was at least five or six   different presentations before rtr went on you  know and but we're we're right there i i talked   about this before but our booth position is right  at the auditorium door you know from our booth   and you'll see it from the photos you could see  the stage so you could see people presenting for   hours before rtr would open you you can hear if  there's noise coming out of that auditorium or not   and it was just there was nothing just silence and  then yeah rtr went up and it we we deliberately we   cut it it was 20 minutes you know we caught it  a bit shorter because we just rtr himself read   the room and when these guys don't want to be  in here listening to long speeches so just the   the tag lines you know the the high level stuff  and they were just like what there was a round   of applause you know there was there was clapping  and everything so and then not that i thought it   could get any worse but the the booth just get  absolutely hammered you know right they're just it was amazing the whole experience uh well we're  gonna the socials we're gonna have off the back of   the awards you know we're putting it plutos  or kind of graphic designers putting on the   website at the moment we're just trying  to figure out how we can make that work   uh we're writing an article article about it  already you know that there's just so much   value and it was good it was amazing meeting the  fed community that they were turning up so hyped   just to see people uh from fed talking you know  and the the thing to be reminded we're community   members before we're doing whatever roles we're in  you know and we're just as hyped to see these guys   it was good it was amazing that was a fantastic  experience and i'm probably underselling it but   no no thank you for for coming on here  and telling us a little bit about it   i wanted to oh yeah definitely definitely matter  of fact we're going to just we're going to get a   nice year-end wrap-up real quick because this this  this award back here the best defy technology of   2022 uh that's amazing so i just want to go  through the line real quick there's a lot   of people in here that are that are first month  second month third month uh supporters you know   they've been in here for over a year but eli what  what was your favorite part of this year man being   a part of this whole crypto and especially this  fed community man what was your favorite thing   to happen this year brother just this year like  in 2022 oh well you know in the last past year   so i think the best that like the best  thing i've experienced through the feg   uh like since vegas launched uh was one you know  starting mad defy and meeting every single person   that's you know in this room meeting every  single person who's you know talked to me through   telegram everybody who said that you know we're  an inspiration shout out to uh [ __ ] radio um so   everybody meeting everybody in the community  that's my favorite part of feg and that's been   my favorite part of the fact this year uh and this  last year i think it was gotta be the [ __ ] the   bus tour because that was that was a lot of fun  the bus tour was a lot of fun and retweeted it   again uh i pushed it out and it's probably one  of our biggest traction tweets in the last few   weeks i think it's like over two thousand likes  it's a it was good that was fantastic sorry yeah   yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah  yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah   yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah  yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah   yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah  yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah thank you   for that frankie dude we saw that blow up we saw  your post blow up that same night a thousand likes   in an hour and uh we couldn't be more happy we've  got a lot of footage a lot of unseen stuff from   that trip that we would love to get to the right  people so that they can assimilate it as needed   and when wanted you know what i mean i thought  eli i jumped in there but i just went today cool   oh no you're all good i appreciate the add-on  honestly uh but no i think that was my favorite   that was my favorite of the year was the is  it well the two favorites of the years is just   the community that is that's formed around this  since i've started uh i guess maddify and then   the [ __ ] best tour so that's three not two  so those are my three favorite things about beg   since it started i don't give a good goddamn about  the prices i don't give any uh [ __ ] about that   uh the only thing i care about is the fact  that it's a technology that i can trust it's a   a token that i can come on here and be like yeah  i support fed without me being like are they gonna   rug pulled it you know is this a scam and even  i've never had that feeling with [ __ ] even at   the very beginning whenever john called me three  times he called me once he said something about   [ __ ] he called me a second time he told me  something about farming liquidity and like was   like werewolf and vampire tokens or some [ __  ] like that and i remember turning around and   then on the third time he called me he tells me  about feg and i turned to my wife and i said hey   we gotta sell all our werewolf and vampires i  don't know what the [ __ ] that is but we gotta   buy feg and then she was like okay all right and  i called my mom immediately and i was like yo we   gotta buy [ __ ] and she's like eli i don't know  what that is and then and then [ __ ] fast forward   to now now everybody knows what the [ __ ] bag is  and now everybody's going to know what peg is and   it's great that's all i got to say about it john  back to you damn skippy son well said my brother   yo i don't want to if anybody doesn't have  anything it's fine but i know carlos carlos   what was your favorite sure bro in the last year  brother what have you what have you seen man   tell us some good [ __ ] that you've seen in this  community brother for sure brother i i first want   to start saying that uh congratulations for the  lovely amazing uh fat community they truly deserve   that at work i mean best they fight technology  and you know i want to say something that like   we all share here especially you you john blonde  you know this there's a difference between knowing   and thinking you know what i mean and i know  this is a technology out of from out of this this   world and we have uh you know what i mean i know  fragrance is doing an amazing job downloading this   amazing technology for humanity and i mean you  know what i'm talking about jumblon this this is   giving it from just like you know  what i mean higher consciousness   we will always uh be supporting it and showing  love to the community man big shout out to all   the fake community man and now obviously the fact  buster was uh an unbelievable experience uh as you   know we did that with from out of from our from  the bottom of our hearts i mean we always uh you   know we love the community since day one and you  know we just gathered together and said you know   what let's let's go let's go and support 100 and  that's what we did man thank you very much i'm for   making it happen brother you you're a legend man  hey you know how we do it i couldn't have done it   without every single person in this [ __ ] uh uh  gallery right now including mr olsen mr army olsen   mr olson what if what was your favorite part of  this last year man in this community my brother   man well what can i say last year i've just been  in feb one year in one day today man yesterday   my year anniversary of being in fake um and i've  seen a lot um let's just say uh well done to   frankie for everything you've done we're starting  from there and rtr and fed team all out in uh   dubai smashing it absolutely smashing it um i  would say probably apart from the 2fa wallet yeah   spring um smart diy smart device that has made  everyone's life feel a little bit more safer man   and now we're just going to batch it up with this  safest wallet in the world oh my god right brother   you're 100 accurate on that man that was a [ __  ] lovely one yo i got just a couple more people   we don't want to hold frankie b all day he's  got places to go beers to drink but trey all   day what was your favorite part from this  whole past year my brother man everything   about it man from meeting y'all to being involved  with the team that i'm involved with now meeting   justin and carlos and [ __ ] army olsen rtr they  could be who else and just everybody man it's been   it's been an amazing journey man like i would have  never thought i'd be here man and i'm here now so   i support and love everything y'all do man hey  we love you too trey day we couldn't have done   it without you sir and i mean that from the  bottom of my heart yo i got big tony tony   tony tone in the house tony how you feeling about  this past year big dawg oh brother first off you   know i want to say thank you um to fed you know  and and and no [ __ ] army because without that   you know um i wouldn't know anything about crypto  and just like what eli was saying you know when i   met up with john john it was like it was actually  on fire you know it was actually a five and then   it was like the whole the whole wolf tickets and  then you know the vampire tickets and everything   else and you know here we are and then you met up  with dos and trey and eli and you know it's like   and now i'm getting a chance to meet you guys  so i mean through feig you know there's been a   lot of great connections and networks made and you  know with that you know a lot of dreams have been   um reopened and you know um reimagined and uh  newly discovered so um i i guess this whole year   you know coming here and in the past has been  you know it's been a blessing you know and i'm   just blessed to be alive and be part of it and  to know um some great people and to work with uh   a fascinating team and you know and i know that  our success is our success is a branch of the   tree i mean they planted the seeds and  you know we're just branching off of it   and what would like to say without faith you know  and god blessed without fear you know it's uh   um we'd be up the greek would we never would have  had we never would have had the dream so this you   know much much respect and blessings of faith i  mean it was great thank you very much for y'alls   you know commitment and dedication because we look  at that and it inspires inspires me and inspires   everybody else that's you know i work with and  that's on this platform right now thank you   1 000 man i felt that brother i felt that  yo uh frankie b i want to say one of the   greatest things about this year was uh the other  night when you came in here man and i met you   uh because to have a to have a head of marketing  uh that can get us on places like what was it you   got us on coin tracker or something like that  market cap coin market cap yes that was a big   move man thank you for coming over and doing that  for us uh just to have somebody to say look i   really want to take this over i'm really going  to dedicate my life matter of fact i think you   uh you freed yourself up from having a uh a nine  to five just to do this full time yeah yeah yeah   yeah yeah that's amazing it was a friday last  week yeah so no full time yeah i think it needs it   and i'm going to give it give it my best shot and  we'll see we'll see what happens but hey we were   behind you a thousand percent and uh we're gonna  keep making these great videos these great info   informational videos that we can teach the public  with man uh a lot of people need to learn about   uh hyper deflation and uh reflections and uh it  can change their life and that's just that's just   where it starts you know yeah no definitely and  listen let's uh as i said the last time it's i'm   sorry it's taking me so long to come on uh just  no worries brother we knew you were busy as hell   uh we thought about this last night it's daytime  we usually shoot at night but i said with all the   time differences this will be a perfect time to  shoot we're glad to get this update from y'all   live that right there is priceless brother and uh  we'll keep on doing it welcome mindy uh the people   keep showing up the people that are proud of y'all  man i swear to god that from all around the world   they're showing up in the chat right now um nindy  man great to have you hey just say what's up the   frankie b man if you if you got a chance and uh  tell them how proud you are i'm real quick as well   very proud of you as always so uh thanks for the  good work smashed it in good thank you boom like   that that that how does that love from all over  the world field frankie uh it's good and you know   what it's it's the community it's what we're  all about and it showed in the last two days   it's it's shown in all the conversations i've had  and you know i just uh i just love it it's it's   amazing but i know it's short i will have to call  it quits i've got other market team members say   you're good you go ducks yourself jump over here  and say what's up gang you know drove the bus and   look he is this is a fake hey man great to have  you sir thank you for all you do brother he's from   the the marketing team in there they're chasing  me down we're we're heading out for a few beers   yeah but listen celebrating yeah as everybody  should be because it's it's not us it's the entire   entire community you know so we're gonna go have a  few drinks uh thanks very much for having me on uh   i'm gonna keep coming on as often as i can at  least every week every every couple of days and   just keep keep sending me the zoom invites and  i'll keep jumping on and giving you the updates   that i have but it's all about top of funnel  now it's making people aware of what i will   say is one of the takeaways that i got from the  expo one of the biggest apart from the fact that   awareness is there uh although we need to make  people more aware well we've got a lot going on   we've got a lot of products a lot of different  things happening and we just need to make sure   we're getting the messages right about each  one of those things we can talk about how   they can complement each other but just just  making it clear and apparent what we're doing   so that we can have uh investors get involved and  people get involved so that's one of my takeaways   that's fresh off the top of my head i was thinking  about earlier uh you're the first people to hear   it but it's it's true you know so yeah listen  i appreciate it appreciate it definitely we got   your back we'll help you get those messages across  clearly and we'll do it until it's done brother   i want you to know you got a full team right  here with you uh and we appreciate everything   you do brother go have a great time tonight and  we're celebrating right with you i'll give it my   best shot yes sir thank you all right cheers  guys later definitely thanks very much you   want to say bye cheers bye cheers my brothers  chairman friends bye from my english friends yeah we'll catch you soon all right thanks guys  appreciate it bye see you guys live from dubai that was fantastic man it was great to catch  up with those guys i really appreciate all you   guys we had more people on here that didn't get  a chance to talk i didn't want to keep them too   long guys but i appreciate it welcome jennifer  welcome everybody let's do this again tonight   uh do it again the next night let's have frankie  b on here every week and let's get the word out   to the people the good word that we got the  best d5 technology in the world right now   boom and it's like that the german idea what'd you say big  dog my d5 is back is it it's bad baby   with a vigil hey no great show guys and  we'll catch you next time we love you   grease hip hop is a tragedy i'm here  to operate this is rage anatomy i'm   warning up the plane like the air force  academy feel like i'm about to take it see us coming walk away just bail  get brave and we'll raise some help


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