Craft Build Interdimensional World Survival Voidtrain Gameplay First Look

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the war was coming to an end to  help restore the war-torn country   thousands of volunteers were coming  from every region even the distant ones engineers by profession and heroes by  nature these four were determined to   help rebuild like everyone else sometimes  in life things don't go according to plan   they missed the train or maybe it  was fate that pulled the cruel joke their commander churchyakin tough and demanding   rumors about him circulated in  the army the devil they called him   he had character yet his subordinates  were always successful and came back alive they made their decision they were to proceed  on foot the weather was beautiful and calm for   a winter the sun was shining the birds were  chirping a nice no no no wait that's wrong   this is an old version of the  script here a terrible snowstorm hit   the wind blew the engineers off the trail and  they were lost instantly but the stories about   shipyard and the picture in his breast pocket  gave them motivation and strength to move forward the length of our intro doesn't allow  our heroes to wander for a long time   so luckily they stumbled upon a cabin once inside the volunteers found themselves in  a modest workshop machines wagons some strange   devices but a cursory glance attracted other  things a book wait a book more like a personal   diary just as the fellows were about to study  it voices and noises were heard outside germans   remnants of the vermont they were sneaking  around in the rear of the shifting front   and the heroes were in danger of meeting them face  to face they had to hurry what they managed to   read paints a strange picture the author described  unknown devices gates a place called void   according to the notes not only had he been  there but also the nazis time was running out   the engineers understood that their only option  was to go to the void following the instructions   from the diary done as instructed let's go but  on what please love and respect on this one   normally sane people would have gone  out for help prepared themselves and   certainly wouldn't have thought about  going to another world in a trolley but enemies are about to  start banging on the door so after making hasty preparations for  departure they if anyway i'm talking too much   it's just a story i once heard from a stranger  who in turn heard it from another stranger and he   oh what can be invented for a good story thank you so much for joining this game edge  we're jumping into void train if you remember   we did jump in and play this one prior and now  it's time to kick the tires on this one again   this is currently only available on epic games  but it will be available on steam in the future so   go and check it out if you wanna put your  wishlist uh if you are gonna pick up epic   games you can always support the channel  by putting game edge all one word of course   inside the gamertag it does help out the  channel thank you so much for that and again   let's jump in and do this survival game it's  such a different style game and we really well i   really enjoy it you guys seem to really  enjoy it so let's have some fun with this one what the hell it's time oh my god guys these guys are trying to  break in lock the door okay what the hell oh my god oh my god that's awesome okay so this is our what we're using right now  let's see a little trade going through it goes through and it's going to go  through one of these portals and can   come back on those sides somewhere else  and that's what you're trying to show us oh is he playing music it's cold out here oh my god hit the door harder great stuff we  either put this on here and uh get yourself going   get the handle on and then we have  to start this up and look at that   it's actually marked up with an a here we  got this boom whoa i forgot how good this   is now he plays like i mentioned that  prior i love this game is a lot of fun devil open thank you what's it say hello i can barely hear him down with this  open all right we need to start let me try the door is open on the other  way you idiot freaking crap i don't know what happened to the voice there  kind of it got taken off but it is early access   in this game too uh it's still a lot of work  left on it but it looks really good already   i'm super excited okay we got this those little  buggers man yeah they can get annoying not   mistaken those things will leach onto your side  of your ship if it's not there to be another one   but there's something that will leach outside your  ship and actually start hurting it if not mistaken   so yeah lots of do we can do base building  from what i was reading now on this so we'll   build to expand this little thing into a bigger  platform to get ourselves into a train almost like   uh we'll build to also with the  scavenge up stuff we need to craft up   areas here on the actual ship like  crafting stations and other things   so we're going to learn as we go boop okay so  they want us to take the trolleys break off   all right we did that in between begins one second  our heroes are about to start their adventure   wait wait wait forward not backwards oh where  can i go let's just use this transmission thingy   all right yeah so he wants to go forwards right  here so we're going the wrong way there we go   we're going to jump up and grab the stuff good  good okay now our heroes are definitely about to   begin their adventure one of the many dangers  that lie ahead oh so much excitement awaits   now we should be careful when my mistake when we  get near the trolley itself it will suck us back   here we also press f to get back on not good at  this rate we'll never finish this story no i know   i don't want to be that bad but maybe we should  hurry a little bit i just can't help it i have   to grab a bunch of stuff dude all right we need to  hit the trello charlie handle here here and then   hit it up and see frank this guy is awesome  all right yes there we go you can make this in french all right let's go let's see here  what else we have uh we need to go grab some   stuff let me just put this just for a second  show you guys some stuff because it goes quick   and i don't want to miss anything here so we have  some dirty ice now too we do have to worry about   water i guess now in food and we also scrap metal  we have renault chemicals and we have wood of   course regular grafting wood uh most likely it's  some kind of chemical agent and of course you know   scrap metals and water of course dirty ice i'm not  sure if that would be something we can actually   clear uh clean up not but we do build crafting  stations and stuff so i'm curious to see how that   goes right let's get going huh i see something  else here so we are tethered on this thing   here if you guys want to see it we have a little  tether we can bring us all back in by pressing f   and we can just go around and start looking for  stuff also shift gives you a little bit of a boost   like a running so you see your arms are flailing  all over the place and we'll continuously look for   some stuff around here now you can play this co-op  multiplayer which i think would be really cool   i think there's a lot to see it's beautiful  isn't this void it's absolutely stunning   okay so early on it's gonna be a little easier  there's gonna be a lot of stuff that's more   scrap metal we do need to collect four of them  and four would so that is something we're going   to look for now i don't want to go too fast you  can't make the trolley go faster i'm just not   that interested i want to get as much of a loot as  possible early on so we can get ourselves rolling   oh of course some get hidden behind these things  and they will grab you this thing and pull you if   you continue going without a break so prepare for  that there's some kind of gravity see there you go   when you get near it very very cool story i  love everything about it wow what the hell   is that sound dude later on we'll be able to go  with some of these islands and stuff on the side   all right we have quite a bit of stuff  already we're just gonna need some   wood and stuff here and i went around and got  some more chemical agents and other things   we'll build that right away i just saw some more  stuff so i said screw it let's go and grab it   and then we'll have it for what we need to do  all right so yeah i took a little bit of time   to grab all that fine stuff but again i want to  showcase as much of the game as possible here   and hopefully you guys will like this you guys  are please take time hit the like button tell   me you want to see more of this story you'll see  as i'm talking about there's some other things   portals we need to go through the game has a  lot more to offer but let's build this up here   all right so press t all right that opens up  this and then we can place this down over here   okay inside those lines gotcha so maybe a  little more at that side oh it seems to be   a little bit of an issue there but it's okay  as long as it's taking those lines oh my god did it not go in there rotate also exit yeah  place i thought it left all right we got this   there we go done built okay so it says research  technology of a smelter gotcha let's open this up   and the smelter takes requirements thank god  we got the scrap like that we just needed   four of them and we got five  so now we can research this excellent and we can also research this but this   is going to take the smelter you  can see what the requirements are i guess iron bar we can't go over there  and check it out and some wood i'm thinking   that's good so that's okay we'll try and do  that as soon as we can so we have to build   that research sorry that's smelter and we're going  to need some more scrap metal gotcha we can do it lots of goodies coming right up yeah  i'll do a little more of the looting here   i love the lights on this thing  this is some more dirty ice definitely a must or with some wood up there gotta really avoid being near your ship  or else you just get sucked down to it all right there's some good loot coming up  right here you gotta look behind some of   these sometimes it just kind of hides  itself and this one's a big one here   we're gonna have to go down and break it  because there's some stuff on each side   here i don't think i can grab it all  in one go what the hell is that sound oh that thing it's not happy i wonder if it's  gonna start pushing us or not because i'm being   too lazy now let's uh making sure we don't  go back or it's we cannot go back anymore   all right let's move forward there i'm not sure if we have a certain amount  of time in a void or not but definitely   tutorial probably lets us do a little more  than we should all right we need to build   that smelter that means i need a couple more  scrap i think i have how much i have right now yeah i don't have enough i don't even  grab any i thought i'd grab something   with dirty ice and other things  what the hell all right it's okay whoa whoa i hate when i land like  that it throws me off so badly okay   boom amazing game i'm really enjoying this i thought i saw more stuff around that  corner there was some here just some more   wood and other things we'll need that  probably for fuel for the smelter too   hello little buggers all right just  gonna grab a couple more stuff here   i'm hoping well i think we're one  shy from the finale of uh grabbing   the metal which is not everywhere i'll tell  you right now if it is as well hidden as shite but we're actually a little bit faster  than this thing thankfully enough and there's some metal right  there so i think that'll do it   get yourself in the middle of this thing here all right scrap metal how much do i have  now yeah i have what it takes all right okay put on the brakes for a second here okay  open this up let's check this out we get to   be a smelter oh boy yeah running out of room  ready we'll put everything on this side here maybe we should put on this side actually on the front yeah let's try to  rotate and see how it looks like   and how it feels here when it rotates  oh very easy it's just a very quick let's put the rotation here this is  actually going to hide what i'm doing though   yeah game edges you'll get a little bit hidden  there it's okay good place down blaze of glory   all right to build the other thing we need  to get ourselves was it they say build   get two scrap ingots all right iron ingots so  we need fuel inside of here which we would grab   some of the wood we have sturdy  wood and we have a regular wood we can also start this up we don't wanna we don't wanna do  that just yet we wanna get ourselves growing   a tiny bit i'm gonna need to get ourselves some  scrap to get rolling on this and then we only have   we have nothing left i'm gonna eat a chest  very shortly because i've gone too much   the only thing i need a scrap scrap scrap i think i see some back there right here oh  now what if it's one for one on the scrapping we're gonna have to make a chest very shortly  too that's something that's sucking now let's just get a little bit further in so  i can get some more scrap and stuff needed if we're smelting that now what if  we're gonna have to make our gun are   we gonna find a gun like we did last time  protect ourselves all right get back in   all right just pull a break for one second  here i need to figure this out okay so fuel   we did that right here okay so fuel  you click it in there and a recipe   it's two it's friggin two to build it okay but the  fuel is in there already right i haven't touched   it yeah so it's a max of fuel boop all right is  there anything around here wait maybe we'll get   lucky and yep that's two right there there's some  more coming up too okay we can at least get one   iron bar going oh there's no right there dude see  this is why whoa okay for a second i almost fell   through into the void and i've been done for  look how amazing this looks like a whole bunch   of lands and creatures and stuff oh there's tons  over there too let's just move it up a little bit some really crazy sounds  in this game too i love it i can see we make we've got badges and other   things too and there can't wait  to see how that's gonna work out scrap wood all right we just landed i guess we're going  a little bit deeper so we can go out some more   stuff there okay so inside the smelter we want  to create that iron bar which is what we think   is what we need requirement it is so craft that  baby up we can do multiple though if we want to   so it's only taking one fuel at a  time for one is that it one for one okay it doesn't overuse that is really nice now  that go right oh no it grows right here nice   pick up so i believe we have to research   you and we still needed two bars so that is  something we'll have to work on a time bit   and can i yeah i need that freaking ability  to store stuff it's going to be a little   bit crazy or else how much room do i have on my  inventory oh man i don't have any more room dudes pure ice water use does this make you sick i do need to get some water on me hope it doesn't make you sick okay and this is food so organics i'm not sure  what the guy is eating but he's eating something   maybe those dead animals over there just gives  you really a small silver sliver of this so   that's okay let's make sure we have everything we  need okay all aboard anything else around here no good you got a little candle right  there that's freaking awesome okay so really i mean organic stuff are very  important to you don't get wrong but we uh   we have a limited space so i have to be smart  no more chemical because i have tons of those   all right to really keep my eyes out  for the good stuff so we can make   ourselves there's some more things there  flashing oh crap it's underneath us too oh i think i see scrap that's why i'm no we're  gonna have to go back all right surprisingly i'm   out of space so that means we really need to get  a move on here and put some more stuff in here   because i did get some scrap i've decided to go  and a little bit heavy on this we're just gonna   do one because i'm not sure if i needed this  stuff afterwards i don't want to overuse it   so craft that up should give me enough space to do  something short this will stack oh we need to add oh you know what i can just put in there  that's right i could put in like five of   these if i want to right so that makes a  lot more sense it doesn't stop afterwards   i don't need a few for the building what we  need to build so that's okay there's a stack   they do stack very nice okay  so now we can research this wickeds now we'll have a chest to put things down okay and what's next here basic we  need three more of those components   and three copper pipe so is there copper out  there is that what i don't understand here   oh look at that you do need the chemicals to  make copper out of the scrap interesting so i   need three copper uh for not enough resources not  free so sorry basic components what do they want   us to do first and top did they tell you no they  don't so we're gonna need three and three right no   matter what so that's quite a bit of scrap that's  still needed for that so we can learn a little   more so let's do this here we're gonna build  up and craft up whatever we can all right two   and guess what i'm gonna do during that  time i'm not sure does it stack here good question huh there you go one come on oh cool all right so i need i need space oh  we need to build one of those uh things too   we just built it why not now we can put some  stuff away all right so you cannot put it there can i expand that floor they're  not gonna let me do that just yet no we haven't had the ability to do that just yet  right okay all right we will take the chest though okay i got a lot of those so miles will make  it happen are you sure how much you can fit in   this thing continue resources uh construction  add resources iron bars are you kidding me can you delete these things i don't know all right we need two iron bars that's done oh it's not that much space anyways  okay so i made enough bars to do our next upgrade   and i'm going to make some copper so that's going  to be something we're going to work on let's open   this up here and we're going to do the research  on this one here which is basic components unlocks   gears and springs let's rock that okay so let's  make some copper we're gonna need some kappa   and hopefully we can make a few of these  would be great we need three of them right   so three craft that baby up and then we'll build  an upgrade to the other one too that's fantastic   we're also gonna need two more to make  that chest here chests are not very big   i mean again i think we can upgrade them to make  something else i did have to drink it eat during   this time by the way if you're wondering it was  it's not uh really quick to to find everything so let it produce what it needs to produce  i didn't put some more wood in there so it   wasn't a big issue you can take out the wood you  have currently you can put in other kind of uh   woods and stuff or any kind of oh there it is  something a burn inside of it fuel oh that's   good that's what i need right there that stuff we  are approaching i think the void itself the actual   teleport which we need to go all right it's just  what it's fine scrap i will go back for it all   right let's go back here whoa let's put a pause  on that we have three bars let's open this up what   else we have left to do here's the research table  copper and components researching there we go   all right so the next one here is a workbench we  need three more holy crap really okay so let's   see here let's go into the smelter here i'm  gonna need to make myself a few more of these   so there you go craft that baby up and see  if we can get that workbench up and running   before we head through there and maybe  we'll make ourselves a gun or something   like i said i still need this storage if possible  if i grab this here with a stack it does stack if   i grab this here stack of five perfect okay and  you can actually move these things around it's   great let's check out how we're doing over there  we can actually use some of crap ice there we go   and we actually are hungry so that leaves you  ate some space a tiny bit all right good stuff   i just want to pick this up thank  you research right here workbench okay so now i should be able to make this  said workbench over here workbench one so   this is right now research table and workbench  we're gonna still need three more of those i   think that's gonna be on the other side ladies  and gents there we go are you ready i'm ready okay we still have some weights i thought it was   gonna boost it right away straight  to go right to the end here right oh now it's about to get real whoa those are the same things are behind us isn't it  there's a train station looking around for some   time now our heroes are trying to understand where  they are and who could possibly build such wonders   upon further inspecting the platform it  becomes obvious to them that someone used   to live here an idea occurred to our brave  adventurers investigating the abandoned depot okay so we still can craft some stuff up  here i'm thinking uh we need to make that   desk we're gonna have to hold off so there's an  abandoned depot here i would love to have got a   little more room to of course uh not have to worry  about some space and stuff i'm not sure if we're   gonna find a lot of lootis in here last time we  were here we did get attacked but it was a demo   and we also found guns so i'm not  positive this stuff we can loot no i no all right do we have a light on us i don't  think so oh no no cause i press t   i just press it i just wanted to see if  there's light or anything but i forgot okay we got german you know lockers that's every second locker you  can open or what no no all of them chin at least interact kind of  pops up are you hearing like   something almost alien noises you  guys hear them that's like there oh crap i hear some kind of radio here going that thing flashes that are our stuff because  it looks like it's blue flash i don't know   sure what the hell it is or what the hell i'm  looking for here is that the radio okay it is like i'm completely lost what  we can actually find here looks like most of these rooms have just  been completely demolished and stuff i'll go down i don't really want  to go down but we'll go down okay i don't know what to  do where am i supposed to go freaking awesome though oh right here told me to get  ready okay so pick up revolver did i miss that freaking  revolver or is it down here oh it's got me down there the mattress somebody has been in good graces  with the goddess of luck nice nice where's all this stuff just paper is  that it like a weak secondary weapon which   can infinity oh ammo really enough to deal with  the initial enemies the revolver can be upgraded   to modules pick up the enemies throughout the  armories this is unlimited ammo that's wonderful   we're researching and building it okay we'll do  our best to do that can i open up your drawers   you have anything else dude because you got  some really nice goodies here looks like you uh   you kind of stuck around i'm  taking or they left you behind   or you decide to end it all i don't know  how it all works dude that is your choice   i mean how the hell they get out of here  now i guess i'm gonna go back up top here don't jump down unless you're sure there we go oh  nice perfect so there are still enemies in this   game inside these stations maybe not initially  oh crap wait wait i do that so it's a six shooter i really thought we'd find more loot and stuff  but i guess initially this is what we're going   to find and go to and then we'll have that these  guys kind of drop down and stuff on us okay   there's nothing the other side to you i guess i  guess not that's where they want us to go back   leave the depot all right i guess  we got everything we wanted whoa i think ever against the second depot oh whoa all right well i was waiting for something  else another deep or something that doesn't   look like that's gonna happen that's good uh  it looks like some metal right there all right   so we're prepared to get those little leeches  remember i mentioned to you guys those things here i wonder if we can grab their  body oh it does give food i guess we could put it next to this give us  a little bit of room plus we're going to be   crafting up some stuff here it's not that high  up so it's good all right we're good i didn't   want to build this very shortly i think that oh  you know what it probably needs hardwood that's   probably what it needs okay so what does it need  us to do now we go into workbench itself and see   what we can build copper wire now bolts copper  wire copper pipe sorry there we go and springs   gears too okay so one of those leachate  things there just there you go he's down   not sure if i can grab his meat that sounded  really horrible and what else is that   leather uh one bolt oh sorry is that wood yeah  wood and copper we need some copper too now   and this one here is two chemical  components we're going to need what is that this kind of resin i think so so we need that to get this basic  component so pretty much maybe the lab is going   to be the one that unlocks this part to get  that i'm pretty sure that's we're gonna need   so we need some copper i need two of those  ones right good let's do two of these craft that craft that move forward a little bit same time i'll  grab some good loot here okay we're going   to get rid of some of this stuff here so  we're going to go into the research table   because i'm really overloaded we're going  to research that up we've got all the stuff i think to expand this place man i don't have  room for all this it's insane amount of stuff am   i missing anything here crap uh some ice nothing  big okay so ct builds how what is going to cost   us for this research table it's a lab here oh man  two two there's a lot of grind left i'm probably   going to do some off camera again this is very  very cool there's a lot to build a lot to do   i'm gonna break it here if you guys want to  see more of this amazing game make sure you   like button at confidence i would love to  of course bring you guys the girls a bunch   more oh look at mister here i guess i hit a point  here what are you doing can i go through it i can   oh you can't get that piece of wood over there  you you it's all good good thank you all for being   here you guys are up to your best this is game  edged and i'll catch you guys on the flipside


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