EP 96 ഇരുന്നൂറ് കി മീ നീണ്ട തുരങ്കങ്ങളിലൂടെ Exploring 200Km Underground Secret Tunnels of Vietnam

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Which way do we go? I cannot see anything. Someone is here Today I am going to see how the Vietnamese fled Americans during Vietnam war Good morning from Ho Chi Minh city I got my bag and happily beginning my next trip. Today I am going to see Cu Chi tunnel, an underground tunnel It will be an interesting video for sure.

Welcome to a new video of Tech Travel Eat's KL2UK Kochi to London Its 7.30am. I had booked a tour and the team has come to pick me up from the hotel It is so sunny at 7.30am It was raining heavily last night Now the weather is bright and sunny I have booked a private tour to go to Cu Chi tunnel It is a half day tour. A guide and a vehicle is here for me. They bought me 2 bottles of water and a cake.

I had not had breakfast. So good I got this in the morning 50km from Ho Chi Minh city to Cu Chi tunnel It will take 1.5-2hrs depending on the traffic After traveling 1.5hrs, we have reached Cu Chi tunnel Jack has gone to take tickets If you dont come in the morning, it will be crowded later This is a huge area Can see army men.

Welcome to Cu Chi tunnels This place is called Cu Chi tunnels Lots to walk around and see here We will have to spend 2-3hrs here I shall show you one by one. Just like we saw at War Museum, you find old American army war tanks here You see their flights also here We had seen new products at War museum. But here they have old ones and their equipments. By seeing todays video, you will know what all did the Americans do in Vietnam How did Vietnamese get rid of the Americans from here How did they get back their country and get freedom etc You will know all that here Lot of tourists are here. They are taking photos It doesnt look so maintained The other places gave us a clear cut look All these are so gigantic This is an old helicopter You would have seen in India Pakistan borders, Old tanks and things collected from Pakistan kept there This is somewhat the same. These are things left back after war and found abandoned that are kept here We are going to see the bombs put during wars This is a beautiful and big area You can do half day and full day tour here I would recommend to come in a group or with a guide Or you wont understand anything here Guns and equipments used during Vietnam war are displayed here You see lot of guns here. AK47 and handmade guns made by Vietcong too

A petromax lamp like the one I have at home All these are handmade. They used lot of thin guns They did that to easily pass through the tunnels with these guns There was South Vietnam and North Vietnam North Vietnam was supported by USSR. Soviet Union and China supported them But South Vietnam that where we are now at Ho Chi Minh city, People here were supported by USA South Vietnam was supported by America You know the way how Americans harassed Vietnamese those days At that time, North Vietnam created Vietcong, a gorilla community It was called Vietcong - the Vietnam communist They are the people who came from Laos through Cambodia and reached here We are now at a Cambodian border place 75-80km from Cambodia border is Ho Chi Minh city We have traveled 50km and reached close to Cambodia border. Do you remember me telling you that Laos was a country where maximum bombs fell Do you remember that? Are you able to connect it now? There is a line between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. This was a line which couldnt be crossed by both country army So to capture South Vietnam, the North Vietname had to If you look at the map, you can see that they went to Laos and then Cambodia That is how they reached this tunnels Tunnels were first built to escape from the French You would be knowing that before Americans came here, it was a French colony This tunnel was made to escape from the French Later to fight against Americans, North Vietnamese took over these tunnels They established this and made a big township under the tunnel That is how this Cu Chi tunnels got expanded.

People from North Vietnam came to South Vietnam via Laos and Cambodia. That trail is called Ho Chi Minh trail Americans dropped bombs at Laos and Cambodia those days To stop people coming from North Vietnam here I had told you that there are many bombs that havent exploded still at Laos We had gone to see people making spoons out of its shell. You would be reminded of all that now. That is why I said before coming to Vietnam, we have to know about Laos and Cambodia Are you able to connect what did we see at Laos and Cambodia Why did America drop bombs at Laos and Cambodia Why did America play here You would have understood somewhat Americans wanted a base to fight against USSR That is why they played all these. That is how Vietnam war happened. They came here and took over zygone.

I had said about it when we visited reunification memorial If you had seen the previous videos, you will understand that. They took over Saigon They made a reunification between North Vietnam and South Vietnam That is how Americans were chased out from here These are the basic things behind it Now I shall show you the tunnel and real trap next. We have entered the Jungle part now If we come alone, we cannot understand where the tunnel or traps are They will help us save time and show it to us I thought it was an ant hill All these are air ventilation You have deep tunnels that are 5-10m down there We can get down some of them These tunnels have different kinds of rooms Rooms they stay, sleep Rooms to cook, ventilation system going down for toxic gas to go out We are going to see those tunnels where people lived for years to fight against USA People who lived in this tunnel, the Vietcong, would have a shawl like this They would have a torch and a bottle of water They use a scarf too. Americans pass toxic gas through these openings to kill the people in there They would have all the needs to save themselves from that They footwears were made of recycled tyres Most of the time inside the tunnel would be dark To find out enemies coming towards them, they used the sense of smelling They could smell boots and other smells. They had their own smells Anybody not of that smell was killed That is how people were killed in there Many people who lived in the tunnel, died due to Malaria and other diseases They could not get air and light in there and died that way Just like being killed and shot dead, people died of diseases and illness too Like I mentioned earlier, they used to cross Cambodia border, come here and attack Saigon Saigon is the present Ho Chi Minh city This area where we are is the safe spot they found to stay in Ho Chi Minh city 1st level was 2-3m 2nd level 5-6m There was an emergency exit to Saigon river from the 3rd level Amazing What all they used to do those days They used this small axe to make the tunnel They didnt use any big machines or stuffs for it From here, you can go only with them We are going inside the forest now.

There are many things we dont know here The pit we saw earlier was by a bomb dropped. Even though big bombs fell here, it used to go only this deep That is why they have made their bunker deep to 7-8m deep The bunker system they did were very advanced those days That was good. They had to fight to live. We can see many of that here This is an entrance to a tunnel I am getting down into a tunnel Too good We have to be careful or will fall in trouble My head is hitting on the sides They used Zygone river water for cooking and other uses They used this system to take water We have to bend like this and go I never expected it to be like this You have ways this side and that side For tourist access, they have made some tunnels bigger Something ran over me now. A bat or something We faced a tunnel experience now Now we are going out through another side That was good. This is why they are with us. What if we go the wrong way through the tunnel?

That is why they come with us. We got in from there, went under this and came out from here I am fed up bending and walking a small way Imagine about the people who lived in here Something in here That is an entrance to a tunnel They havent written anything here If they are not there, we wont understand that Vietnamese are small in size They make small entrances just for them to get in They have fake entrances to trap people too He is going to go that way and come out this way Look how he has got in there We should not only go, but close the way too You wont even know that there is something like that here Only small people can come this way and not big built ones. I am going to try this out now. Those who claustrophobia, dont stand for these You will get stuck in here I am going down I cannot see anything Can hear some sounds Take it close, put some leaves and mud over it. Put it over your head and close it.

I have closed it. I got in here There are two ways here Can hear some sounds Which way do I go? I cannot see anything Is it here? Shall walk and see Where am I? My hands and dress are dirty now. This is a trap.

American soldiers didnt know where to and where not to stamp while walking those days When they walked over such traps, that would slip them down They have sharp bamboo thorns like there They have put poison and human excretion too for them to get infected That is how they killed people in traps here Since I came early morning, we dont see anybody here Otherwise it is very crowded here You see lot of tourists here Especially on holidays Today is their independence day They got freedom on this day from the French I am going to the Military health bunker This is where they used to do treatments earlier Let us go inside this. Who is this? He was on the other side. I got scared. This is a small place You find bunkers like this here Now we are at another place Next we are going to the meeting bunker They would have had their meetings here those days You find different bunker systems here See how fast he is walking I am tired bending and walking They used to do their planning and have meetings here I cannot who are the original humans here since they guide is also dressed like this There are many traps like this here What all did they have then. Lot of traps! Lot of bats and insects here He told me that there is a 50m tunnel. We can go if I want I said no need. We had seen 1st level, 2nd level and 3rd level tunnel earlier We are allowed only upto 1st level tunnel Government has banned from going to the next level Since there is no proper air circulation, it is risky So they have banned that But we can see an entrance to that here This is an entry to a 2nd level If the 1st level entrance is like this, what would be the 2nd level entrance then? Lot of bats in here. That is the problem

They have a light in here This is the entrance to the 2nd level It is very small. During wars, they had to prepare food for the people who lived here This is the underground chimney area While cooking, they used a trick for smoke to get diverted to another side They used to prepare early morning when there was mist They used to cook only once a day They cooked early morning It was done to avoid people finding out the smoke You can see vessels here even now. You can see the smoke. They have lit it for people coming to see Let us see the dining bunker now This is the dining bunker This is where people sat and had food.

There may be many like this Boiled tapioca. If there was little fish curry with it, I would have gobbled it up Boiled tapioca with peanut and sugar Boiled tapioca. People would have struggled so much to live and make war Should appreciate them Not only them, but everybody around the world I am having boiled tapioca as my breakfast The person who is in green dress will get us tea now Vietnamese tea Along with boiled tapioca If I got little fish curry, I would eat all these boiled tapiocas. I am that hungry I had 2-3 pieces now I wonder how they eat peanuts with salt and sugar with tapioca During wars, getting tapioca itself would be a great thing We wear slippers this way, but they wear it the other way. They designed it that way When you walk over dirt, you can find the route you walked When the slippers are worn the other way, it was tricky and confusing to find out Can see a person making slippers You can see them make it Can see some boils and cuts on my hand walking in bunkers and forests We are going to see the Military workshop now An old military workshop where they used to recycle bomb weapons Can hear the sound Can see them do something When you fall in a trap, stay there. If you try to escape, you will die

What all ideas What all kind of traps here What all ideas. If you dont have weapons, traps are made with what you have in stock That is how it is here There is a souvenir shop at the end. You can buy if you want to You can buy the rubber slippers as souvenir too Look at what all they have here Different kinds of souvenirs as t-shirts and many things kept for sale here You wont see the backpacker crowd you saw in Laos, Cambodia or Thailand here That is the specialty of this side of Vietnam Back packers would be at the Norther part, Hanoi and other places We will be going there after this.

You see many people playing traditional musical instruments here They perform shows here Not sure if it is a part of independence day or seen always Nice patriotic music and people cooking the traditional way here Grilling with bamboo It is kept for sale A traditional market too This is not independence day special, but here everyday Lot of things displayed there. Can stand there and take pictures There is a restaurant also there It is really worth visiting. I thought of not coming first. But you rarely get to see such tunnels There are some like these in Andaman People who have been to Andaman would know that Now we got into the car. Let us go to shoot. They have a shooting range here He said we can shoot with real gun You can come with a group or come with a private tour like I did I shall share their details in the videos description box Anybody coming here can contact them You can take a private tour or a group tour of 20. That would be cheaper. You can book tours as per your budget We have come to National Defence Sports Shooting range It is a protected area Have to open the gate to go We have reached National Defence Sport Shooting range Can hear the sound of shoot Nice place A shooting range place Yes, that only. You get AK 47 here 60000 which is 200 INR for a bullet You have to buy at least 10 bullets Is there any point buying 10 bullets for AK 47? 20 bullets for AK47. My 4000INR has gone

I am going to shoot 4000 Rs now This is a military area You can shoot only from here. Army is giving us a chance to shoot by making us pay People here are shooting with AK 47 They have kept a thing on their ears That is loud. I am going to shoot with an AK47 Even I got these for my ears When you put this on, you hear that sound very softly Very good noise cancellation I am going to shoot with an AK 47 It has a reflex of hitting back when you shoot I am going to shoot 20 bullets of AK47 I am going to touch an AK47 for the first time This is the bullet.

I have no idea where is it going A part of it is falling down here They are refilling it That is how you should do it. Shoot many together That was awesome. I am drenched in sweat. That is how you should shoot. Not just singles I am sweating after shooting When you hold it there, it goes continuous. When you begin shooting for a while, it will pain over here It hits back I shot for 4000/- INR and done in seconds But it is worth. We wont get such a chance anywhere in our country to use AK47

They call it Bum Bum here I was there for 20mts to shoot and now I am drenched in sweat Imagine how much of do our army struggle at war grounds and other places Back at the hotel after the tour. Heavy rains here Rains began early today Back after the day It is heavily raining outside Rains are a big issue We cannot do anywhere when it rains How was todays video? Superb, right? I enjoyed a lot. It was fun. Very nice experience. I had thought not to go But good I went. I had a good experience Tomorrow we are off to another town Off to another place We have to travel to the North now.

That is what our next plan is See you tomorrow. I have posted the tour operator details in the description box Check it out. See you tomorrow. Bye bye.


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