Eşkiya Tuzaklarının Altından Milyon Dolarlık Define Buldum

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Hello friends, we have lines like this, make you laugh, make you laugh, the sound of water is one of the most beautiful sounds What is going on in this world and in front of you What is happening? Do you see these sources All of them cracked quickly from here? Most likely, we have such a problem here in this creek. The ones below are a few broken sides, I found Bandit safes. Yes, now it's a very suspicious place, here is a summer where there is a possibility of Bandit safes, so what are we going to do today we're going to do a search, let's get to know how to look for the bottom I started but first I have a request from you, there is a like button here, we are doing that , we like this video, we like it, I wonder if it begins but they are very likely to be used here A lot of things rushed around, the bandit on the wall Played ball here too Played all the shit Get a shave Thank God No, very suspicious but if it doesn't come out, this storm will be fine, look, they were broken like a snake Lion vase Royal slept like this, so if I get 20 of them from there, God don't know how I will look for gold It's not like you're calling at all, how bad it was. There's an angry person with Avşar. Yes , there 's someone right here, my father said. This is Sinan, we'll hug you. our anger is here Ok but I said let's call here first he said don't open it but there are risks like it will drop Maybe if I find other foods let's open another first This is very old Hacı always Risk o I'll go home my love but we went here it's a difficult weather No I will look there but can I see this stone Let's raise it , it's strange I hope it doesn't, I hope it stops, yes yes yes yes this place is completely dangerous this place is very dangerous Look at this you see it like my home how is this place like a snake Not again Yes, I'm looking good right now, look at your eyes, even where is the place where the snake is looking at me, friends, let's keep it busy together and let's see it together, erebak Meat right where the anger is, read wow wow is this the first time I encountered such things tonight more He won't come to buy it himself, we don't know. We don't know, so we keep

on searching , no matter how sweltering the weather is nice, i'm almost glad, he got angry, i have to work there, it's very dangerous there, but this situation is more dangerous there yi what is better e-spike is there huh Is there something there is nothing God created Let's go let's go cry for this one here do n't scare the spikes subscribe frequently , you are falling out in that house. You come out. You are an idiot. Right now, this one is idle before , so if I say it is a trap, it is trap, Mr. naturally, it is not that they were destroyed in this way, but it may have been trapped for a particular reason. If they send them to the big ones, they 're going to destroy it . at least, but at least I will come, I guess, this is play, no play, when he reads history This is still the right base There 's no tten , my dear. Well , it 's a very weird, weird environment. I'm going to work here now . I'm going to pass there it will come.

Did you see it anyway and it's already this big record shamed the small end God is glad I knocked it down Good luck I did it while I was working there We could do it right there it's better now At least there are no big rocks like that , don't play, don't play, our work will be at the bottom Uh Uh subscribe this Erol expense there is ohohoho we see this here by god dad here and there Wow friend I'm going 47 centimeters No my love is my daughter beautiful Of of what did you do Elif program one stop event, do it there, there isn't much. I told you. I swear it's not. ok here Dude Dude subscribe subscribe subscribe This number is not required Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow mother wow wow wow Dude Dude look there this bird has a gram also oh oh oh oh oh oh there is an owl on the bidet they also have super super money similar to them, there were a lot of them, normally I found it similar to it. Close up, here we go , my friend Coş Coş Coş Coş , this running creature, don't get excited, look at the beauty, look at this beauty, look, look, look, don't be enthused. there is nothing, my friend, what are we going to do now, let's empty the present, then let's take a good wash, or do we see the owl, it looks very nice, do not open it slightly, let's go back, oppoq opened oh oh oh look inside, is there something discount now Let's see what's going on and our tea today is pretty good now the yellow father of Karataş came out into Karataş, let's see this mess, subscribe this ring is very beautiful but a very beautiful woman face she is very small She is very very finger what a beautiful thing I have sex with you quickly one of the most beautiful events subscribe and I came out yellow and yellow look more decorations Wow friend wow subscribe Hi what a beauty this is what a beauty is this Yes now let's open a smart one let's see and see Let me show you inward like this Oh it goes away no that stays a 70- It's going to 80 centimeters, it will go away.

Our goal has been moved. Let's see if there are any that have been deleted again. No , I didn't get angry when I was here. Let's get it when I did it, I still bought it. But don't buy it now. Yes , what are we going to do then? bye bye subscribe


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