EP #61 അമ്മയ്ക്ക് വയ്യാതായി ആശുപത്രിയിൽ | Reached Koh Samui Island After a Tiring Journey

EP #61 അമ്മയ്ക്ക് വയ്യാതായി ആശുപത്രിയിൽ | Reached Koh Samui Island After a Tiring Journey

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Hello. We have reached Southern Thailand. I have reached Surat Thani On the way to Ko Samui island. Standing in front of Surat Thani railway station and not knowing what to do Let me find out how to go to Ko Samui island One of the beautiful airports of the world is there. But since we are not taking a flight, we dont have to go there. All of you would have seen that in reels. Welcome to a new video of Tech Travel Eat Let us go to Ko Samui There are taxis to go. Look at this vehicle.

Look at the lights in front of it. If our MVD sees this, the driver's license would be suspended for the next 10yrs. Let us go to the city. When I got into that bus, it reminded me that there is a direct transport to Ko Samui There are many agents here who will take us to a ferry and we can go to Ko Samui You have that here It is operated by the ferry team. I heard that it is a big ferry that takes cars and bikes like we did in UK.

Which one am I to go in ? I didnt know that they had an office like this here. You will find shops like these in front of Ko Samui railway station All these are ferry company offices They will take us from here to the ferry station and then by ferry to Ko Samui But I dont know where will they drop us I went inside and paid 420 baht to go by ferry to Ko Samui That is nearly 1000 INR. It wouldnt cost me that much if I had gone by bus But then I will have to go to the town, take a ferry ticket etc. All would be on my head

Here they will take care of everything I am given a sticker to stick. Dont know when are they going to call us. They are a back packing family All of them have their individual bags I am getting inspired seeing that. When I travel with my family, I will have 2 boxes Here they dont have boxes but individual boxes for themselves. Elders have big bags and kids have small bags They are traveling together I am having green tea without brushing my teeth Next train will be here soon Staffs are taking placards and going to the station to canvas people How about having a banana in the morning?10 baht for 1 My breakfast The next train has come. Many are coming from that

They are taking tickets I can go only after they come It is 7.30 now. Our bus is ready I should have come here straight as soon as I reached He is the bus driver. Looks so good. Their dressing gives them the lookn We are going in this mini bus Another bus behind this. How do they keep these many luggage behind? An old loco 2 boxes has filled their boot already It is 7.45am and I got inside the bus.

90km to the ferry terminal It will take 1.5hrs Nice small AC bus. We havent left yet. They have kept the luggage inside. No space in the boot No idea what they are doing They are filling people in here Look at his hair. We left at 8.20am Let us see how long will we take to go 90km It has stopped at a bus stand now.

I got my ticket We have reached near the ferry. Can see lorries and cars ready to get on to the ferry I think it is like the one we went from UK to Europe. Huge infrastructure We have reached. Next ferry at 10am It is 9.45 now So many vehicles ready to go All these big ones go on this It is as far as Rameswaram to Sr Lanka If we had this international system there with immigration, Both countries can develop tourism a lot.

We can go to Sri Lanka and they can come to India too All these can be done easily I dont understand why our government is not taking an initiative on that If they opened this boot, I could take my bag Going inside the ferry terminal They have luggage storage service Ticket counter here Coffee shop here Super market and food court here We havent reached Ko Samui Before that itself it is awesome. How to go to the ferry? There is a counter here. We shall get in through here If I miss the 10am ferry, the next is only at 11.30 I am on time. The boarding has begun I have heard people say it is best to prebook if you are coming with your vehicle Or it will be crowded here That truck has come from the island Nearly 2.5 million people visit Ko Samui in a year

They would be making crores and would be doing so much too Ko Samui is a place for luxurious resorts Lot of islands in and around there Thai government is planning on having bridges to the island from here I have only heard about Ko Samui. Going for the first time Vehicles go on that too. We are boarding on the ferry This is awesome. I think they let in passengers first and then the vehicle We are going by Seatran ferry The ferry you see there is also of Seatran company 490 people can travel in this ferry Amazing Not as luxurious as what we saw in Europe You can sit anywhere you want. On top or in the AC There is a store in here Coffee shop too. Can buy what you want You have the place to have food from here Shall keep our bag here now So much space here This is huge. Many can sit in here

We shall sit in the front Some chairs in the front and it is written for members only This is a huge ferry with so many seats I bought food from a shop here Some chicken rice. I paid 80 baht for this. 10 baht for a bottle of water. Not so expensive I think it is spicy. How do I eat these with spoon? Rice chicken and some cucumber. Let me try it out.

Yummy I am eating all these without brushing my teeth I didnt get time for that Not time but the place for it. This is slightly sweet Can call it hot and spicy Our ferry has left from there. Bye to Surat Thani. See you later I havent planned on how many days to stay here or when to go All unplanned Chicken is goo. Can have with spoon and fork. It is soft Ko Samui is the 2nd largest island in Gulf of Thailand after Phuket That is where we are off to Phuket comes on Andaman sea side The colour of the water there is blue in colour The water here is green Both of different sides. The sea is the same. It comes on China sea side.

You can see that in the map Most of the tourists in India go to Phuket side People come here but not from our side This is one of the best honeymoon destinations You will understand when I show you the place People are sitting in their car leaving it on That is dangerous and is not to be allowed In Europe, people are not allowed in the car. Passengers should sit on top at the deck This is lifted once the vehicles are in and lowered when we reach land I look so tired not taking a bath. I had a bath yesterday morning There is a deck on top too with bench seats We can sit anywhere. Nothing such as ticket for up and down separate We can sit anywhere we like once we take a ticket The ferry isnt crowded Dont know why. May be it is like that

This is the main land. You can see lot of mountains far there That is Ko Samui island We are reaching Ko Samui. Look at the colour of the water We took nearly 1-1.5hrs. You can see green water all over Sharp 1.5hrs and we have reached the island. It is 11.30am now We are at Ko Samui island now It is very hot here I have to buy sun screen See how organized the ferry has been stopped Walking through an aero bridge like The colour of the water is amazing It is called Samui and Ko Samui too Ko means island and Samui is the name of the island We see Ko everywhere Ko means island We are staying at Chaweng beach. It is 22km from here Shall take a bus or tuk tuk.

Let us see. 150 baht to go 22km. That is 350 INR That is expensive. It is expensive here. Grab shows 200 baht for bike and 700 baht for car That is 2000 INR Can see locals walking to the road. Maybe because we checked from here.

This is a pier like you see in Lakshadweep from the road to the sea Ko Samui was a fisherman's village earlier. With lot of coconuts also grown It was a local land Back packers discovered and made it a tourist place Lot of resorts came in after that Today it is a luxury destination Ko Samui and few other islands around it are luxury islands The other two islands are more expensive than this. I am exploring on how to travel budget friendly in a luxury island It is hot.

I dont think there are buses here. Vehicles that came in the ferry got out here Can see bike taxis All are expensive I managed for 100 because I came outside You saw how I asked for 100 and he agreed. We shall go in this tuk tuk till Chewang beach Traffic block. There should be busses here. Should find out. I didnt see any All these would have come in the ferry. Awesome Ranger in front of us. This is one of the biggest islands here. So many vehicles come and go Look at that sea. It is not sky

We are riding up a hill Beautiful view When we got on top of a mountain, the view was amazing The highest altitude here is 2000ft high Not much but 2000ft This is Toyota Hylux Hylux runs as tuk tuk here We have to pay 40-45 lakhs in our country to get one It might be cheaper here or they wouldnt run as tuk tuk All got out except me One person sitting in the front. I think they too came in the ferry They would be returning from somewhere I think they took me in like that. Anyways, I can get down in front of the hotel I got down Let me pay him They are a family I have reached my hotel This is our room I took a less expensive room here It is not a happening place. I got this for 2000/- 1km to the beach from here Nice comfortable room AC, fan and other facilities are there This is our wash room I am very tired. Let me have a bath and freshen up You would understand seeing yesterdays video on how tired I am Let me take a bath and then we shall go outside You may be wondering why a bike at a shoe shop The hotel staffs told me that I can get a bike here I am all set to go to the beach They said they dont have. It is ok

You get plenty everywhere No need to take a car Shall take a bike Shall take a good one. These are people who died taking bikes from here Not much of a difference. I shall take it Not such a good bike.

Shall adjust for 2 days Let me fill petrol first Checked my weight from a medical store I have reduced to 69kg Came to buy a sun screen and bought it Wore the jacket too. Now let us go You have Central Mall everywhere. One here too. Looks like it is famous. Not sure if our Central and this is the same Anyways it is good. The roads are so bad.

I found a beach here and going that side The roads are so bad. No wonder they said to be careful Anybody wants to buy land here, they can. It is for sale. Would cost crores Beautiful Nobody here now. People will get into the beach little later We too shall go after a while Shall have tea and sit. Nice vibe. Nobody here All are having a sun bath Beautiful place. I liked it.

Beautiful. Had a swim in the beach and came here to have dinner now. I have come to an Indian restaurant Curry Hut. Let us have dinner from here I was craving to have Indian food. \

They have veg and non veg here Indian flag too. There are people here Garlic naan and chicken do pyasa is here. But plate to eat has not come Masala pappad is also yet to come Got a plate and masala pappad This is how it is here Looks good I am very hungry Lot of people in the beach, so I didnt shoot Masala pappad is good. Just that it is salty

Curry is not bad It wasnt good. I was very hungry and so had it. Finished the curry too. Finished the masala pappad too. Ordered a masala tea Nearly an hour since I ordered. Could leave after drinking. Masala tea is here. Dont feel like drinking

Smells like Milo I think they made it using milk powder You may say I am complaining and eating everything. I am that hungry Came craving for Indian food and got stuck. Swetha called last night and said my parents and Abhi had gone to Kozhencherry My mom fell from the step She has a fracture like. She is in plaster and may need a surgery I got tensed. I couldnt do anything. Today they updated me saying they returned to Ernakulam today Will go to Renai hospital today Shall show and see whether a surgery has to be done or not They told me no need to come as of now. Abhi is there

Swetha is also there. I am confused on what to do It is just a fracture and nothing much to worry. Let us see. I shall keep you updated. I have come to see Samui airport. Ko Samui airport is famous in Instagram.

We cannot go inside since we are not flying Let me see if there is anything beautiful to see there I parked the bike outside or will have to pay parking fee. I have seen such transformer statues at Lulu Mall A shop selling things like that. Many things here There is an airways called Bangkok Airways here in Thailand Ko Samui is an airport for that Can see a building made of hay I think this is the arrival area It is a private airport.

It was opened in 1989 They have built it the Thailand traditional way It has been built in a nature friendly way You can feel the vibe as you come here Only Bangkok Airlines is operated from here But Scoot also operates from Singapore Bangkok Airlines fly to all the places in Thailand and Singapore It is an international airport I have reached the arrival department Departure is on the other side First only ATR flights used to come here. Now lot of 320 flights are coming 1000s of people come to this island daily More than 50 Bangkok Airways flights are there in a day here They have that much connectivity Since it is only Bangkok Airways here, it is a bit expensive too That is the only problem This is the arrival hall This is the arrival area and we cannot go inside. You have a smoking area here. This is the departure area. Nice vibe Looks like a resort. Can see Singapore, Phuket, etc on the clock tower. Look at the vibe in front of the airport There is a coffee shop and restaurant here All made of hay The ground is done using colourful tiles Cannot see the runway but can hear the sound of flights They have made a lawn here and it looks like a resort I am in front of the airport now. Lot of shops and souvenir shops here.

Can see a beer parlour and a outdoor shopping mall there We can see the inside of the airport. Cannot go inside. If the outside is superb, it would be awesome. I have seen this tree at many places. Do comment if you know its name The flower smells awesome See how nicely have they kept a touristic place airport Restrooms here He called my name when I was walking. Nice to meet you

They said that they watch my videos. That was a surprise. When I was shooting, they came and spoke to me. Unexpectedly saw them I am wondering it the airport is like this outside, how would it be inside Our airports should also have shops like this. People from outside can come. Many get employed. Lot of space for us too Bangalore airport has something outside Bangalore airport is one of my favourites in India I liked it. I will fly to Ko Samui one day after our trip I have come to see the airport now.

I saw good souvenir collections at the souvenir shop here But they are expensive 90 baht for one which is 250 INR for one. Let me check for some outside If not, we shall come here and buy. Bean bags kept to relax This is outside the airport under the trees You can simply relax there. You should come to Samui and relax at this island It is a bit expensive for simple people You will have to spend some money Otherwise it is difficult to enjoy here It is a honey moon destination The airport is close the Chaweng beach If you are coming by flight, you can rent a car from the airport You can rent a bike outside the airport You have bike rentals available If you are coming with family, it is best to rent a car Take a bike, only if you are alone You can go around Ko Samui is a big island If you want to really enjoy, you should stay in a resort Only then can you really enjoy You have beautiful resorts at the beach side There are resorts at different budgets. It would be a bit expensive Samui is an awesome island with beaches I shall show you Chewang beach area. Though the airport is awesome, the roads are bumpy Tomorrow I have to go to a place I came to book a ferry and bus for that I am not going to Phuket, but to a place close to that.

Very difficult to go there alone I will take a ferry and then a bus to Phuket. But will get down on the way So I came for that. Now let us go and have food.

I have reached the most happening Chaweng beach area This is a road beside the beach Can call it a walking street in the evening This area is a party hub, has DJ, pub, restaurants including cannabis This is such an area It is one of the main happening area. You have souvenir shops also here A nice happening place Let me park the bike here and have a walk Lot of souvenir shops here. Shall buy some Should have food too. I am feeling hungry z Everything is just is just opening. It is just morning All are just opening. Needs some time. Evening is the vibe time

I wanted to walk this side last night and shoot. But I was not in a mood. You wont get that good quality souvenir we saw at the airport anywhere else I might have to go to the airport again and buy What you find at the stores here are all just ok What I saw at the airport looked very good. I dont think I will find that anywhere So many shops in here.

All these are souvenir shops. All just opening in the morning. Lots here. Beach dresses are seen here. There is a sea food restaurant here. Shall go and try it out

Menu is given here I dont want water in the morning. What to order? Let me order some fish. Yesterday I ordered Indian food and nearly cried. No more Indian food from here. I went craving for it. But got fed up They have lot of items. Let them make it. I shall see.

Let us go and sit there. Shall have fish. That is safer They said it is 380 baht If I take a piece or whole, that would be the rate I have to drive. So I dont want beer or anything. I am sober.

Nice ambiance. In the evening it would be awesome. They would put live fish in the tank We can select what we want and they will cook it then and there. What is here now is put in ice. Might be yesterdays Swetha called me just now. They had gone to the hospital. My mother has to undergo a surgery She has a small crack on her leg It is at two places. One part has to be screwed and the other one needs a plate The doctor said it wont heal with a plaster She is aged.

When you are aged, even a small fall may create issues Even my father has a small issue like this. But it wasnt a fracture A Scoot aircraft flying over us Abhi, my father and all are there. They told me not to go. Nothing to worry They said they will manage Let us see. A relief for me that Abhi is there. I got tensed. It's ok Nothing much happened She is diabetic. That is the issue

Only if her sugar level is brought to control, they can do the surgery They said that they are admitting her today Let's see My fish is here Smells good. The lemon and spices. It is still boiling. Let it cook in that for sometime. We shall then eat it.

Eating from this is the biggest task It is very hot Tasty Stopping our video here. Shall show you the rest tomorrow. Shall show you Ko Samui and the rest here tomorrow.

Please pray for my mother. I am praying from here. Small tension. Let me see. If I need to go home, I will break the journey and go home.

They said that they will update me See you tomorrow. Bye bye.

2024-07-18 06:01

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