Q&A Webinar Automotive Cyber Security for Connected Vehicles Today & Tomorrow

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Hi and i'd like to welcome you all to the on-demand, webinars, presented, by, tristonic. Trisonic, is a world-class, provider, of cybersecurity. Solutions. Focused in on automotive. Platforms. Smartphones. Iot, devices. Wearables. And mission critical, applications. For automakers. Tier one partners, and soc, providers. And. Industry experts. Do you believe, the necessary, precautions. Are being taken to protect. Automotive, systems. And ultimately. Drivers. And passengers. Particularly, with the steady influx. Of, technology. Entering the vehicles. Well through this webinar, and more we're going to answer these questions. And pose some interesting, challenges, as well, so i'd like you to stay tuned to learn more. About how you can ensure. That your plans and approach are relevant. For the, future. My name is gregory wade i'm your host for today's webinar. And i'm also the head of strategic, partnerships, at trustonic. Joining me is andrew till. Andrew is an industry expert with over 25, years of, experience, in the automotive, sector. And he is the head. Of our automotive, practice, at tristonic. Now for future reference. You'll want to be able to visit. Www.tristonic.com. Resources. For a replay, of this webinar. And a whole, wealth of other. Interesting, information, that's relevant to the automotive, sector. So i encourage you to check that out. Andrew again welcome it's great to have you with us. And uh, before we before we jump into, the. The meat of the, the webinar. I want to share us a little bit about what makes you so excited about the cyber security. Uh, sector as it relates to the automotive, industry i'm sure it's something that's very interesting to you and very exciting based on your background. Thank you greg and it's a pleasure to be here um, so what a great question to start off with i think for me. There are several aspects that get me very excited, one. You know we have a lot of new digital, services, now coming into the automotive, industry. Providing, those in a. In a way that protects, con consumers, builds the trust and enables consumers, to engage. With confidence, in those services, i think is going to change the shape of the automotive, industry forever. I think it will allow oems, to build. Very strong. Almost lifestyle. Tight relationships. With. With their customers, and vehicle users. Which will open up a lot of new revenue streams but importantly. Deliver a lot of value add to anybody, inside the vehicle whether the driver the passenger. Or they're in the uh the rear seats. And i think the, the second, part, is we all know that.

A Vehicle is increasingly, becoming connected, and i think once you have that, inbuilt security, the ability, to connect with other ecosystems. And deliver. You know. Value, and experiences. That we haven't even dreamed of yet. They all become possible, and i think this is, this is really about looking to the future, and, and saying. How do we keep, this industry being very dynamic, but critically how do we keep delighting, and putting a smile. On the face of everybody who gets into a vehicle, in the future. Indeed, well it is very exciting, and as a, passenger. And, more often a driver i'm looking forward to all these amazing. You know additions in technology, but also making sure that i am safe, on the road and those around me so thank you andrew that's awesome, so when we dive into some of the questions that i'd love to pose of you and we'll get into some of the as i said some of the meat and and, sort of details. That's so important, to to the industry. And, um you know you know i've discussed a lot about this in the past i know we've talked to, a number of the, automakers. As well for their perspective, and input. And you know more and more what we're seeing is that vehicles, today, have become. Advanced, computing, platforms or advanced compute platforms. That uh are transforming. You know simply from getting that from point a to point b. Uh, into an extension. Of our connected, lives. And so, so how of the the characteristics. In these vehicles. Changed. To meet, uh new consumer, needs something very interesting, and, sort of dynamic to the industry that i think, is really important for us all to all to discuss. Absolutely, i think this is perhaps one of the biggest changes that we've seen in the last, five years, um. You know and there's a lot of change in this industry, right now. But what's, happened is a lot of oems. And and players in the automotive industry have realized, that. The experiences. And the influence, of. The phones that we carry in our pockets, are now filtering, into our expectations. From. The experiences, we have in vehicle. This is driving us towards more connected infotainment.

Uh In the in vehicle infotainment, systems. We're seeing telematics, become standard. On, all new models. Currently, shipping. And. And we're also seeing the demand for hyper personalized. Experiences. Leap from. Our desktops, and our phones. Into our vehicles, and i think what we're now. You know we're now starting to see is that the the really the eye candy. That appears on the dashboard, is second to none uh you know the visual experiences. The. The smoothness, of navigation, and transitioning, between menus. The responsiveness. Of the systems which is often a big criticism, of the early, interactive, ibi platforms. Again is now as good as any, other device, that a consumer, is interacting, with on a day-to-day, basis. And of course, um you know one of the other big. Influencing, factors, is the introduction, of commerce, and streaming services, into vehicles as well creating. A lot of new revenue streams. And i think what we're, what we're also seeing is that the through the connected, telematics. Um we're enhancing. The the safety levels of drivers and passengers, by enabling, those faster response, times. Bringing in voice assistance. And. Alert services, that draw your attention, to potential, dangers. Around you and. You know also, sharing, critical information, off the vehicles of course it's not just about delivering things into the vehicle but how do you. Take information, off the vehicle, and so that the oems, can make sure you've got the latest software you're up to date with all the you know the drivers. Or it can analyze potential, faults and avoid. Having a breakdown. Um, something a lot of people worry about. From on a day-to-day basis. And i think the. You know the emphasis, on these on these capabilities. Has been really. Um. Brought to life through the covert 19. Challenges, that the world has been facing, and we are seeing digital services, play a much more important role in people's lives now, more than more than ever. The same as is happening, to the automotive, industry, and we will see and we are seeing. A lot of these new services, being used as a key. Way to bring people back into the dealerships. We've seen a lot of, reinvention, of websites, and interactive, services to help sell the uh, help sell the vehicles, over, over time and i think, again all of this. Is underlining. That the car is now an integrated, part. Of people's lives and the the digital experiences, that they have. And it's really leading us to a point where. You know the oems are doing their part. As well as phone vendors, and other, the consumer electronics providers, to make life frictionless. When you're using these services, so it's it is a tremendously, exciting. Um. Time and i think uh one that is, is really changing what people, expect, from a vehicle moving forwards. Excellent, excellent well you know i have over 30 years of experience in the technology, sector and i know about, 10 years ago we used to talk about the last mile or the last kilometer, being. The vehicle. As it related to the extension. Of services, and applications. In mobility, and and obviously. More and more it's becoming a reality, today so it is definitely an exciting, space, and, i'm really glad that you're sharing your your insights, and perspective. With us. On this very important. Issue and opportunity, quite frankly. So, what i thought we would do is we'd transition to another. Really important question, andrew and i i posed this question, at the beginning, of the webinar, as well. In that really sort of to sort of incite this perspective. That, is all wrapped around. You know are the auto makers of the oems. Taking the necessary, and, correct precautions. To protect their automotive, systems and ultimately, customers, drivers and passengers. With the steady influx of technology, entering the vehicle it's a big question. And and i'd love your perspective, on this and as as you are so in touch, with leadership, today. And you know the individuals. And and organizations, that are making these decisions, these important decisions. What is what's your take on on, the the preparedness. Around precautions, and making sure these systems. Are well established, to protect. Customers, drivers and passengers. So i think this is a, a, key question that drives, right to the heart of the the future moving forwards, and you know now that we have. In vehicle entertainment, systems that are connected. Um, you know both, both to the telematics, unit inside the the vehicle but also to the back-end cloud services. It's really essential, that the data and the apps and the services. That are connected, are properly, protected.

And That, we can engage with vehicles with that level of, trust, um i think, the oems, the automakers, you know they want to push. Software updates to keep the vehicles, up to date so we don't have to take back the garages. Etc. And. And also to to start building that relationship, in an ongoing basis, with the the vehicle users whether it's, a vehicle you own or a vehicle you're renting, or you're just in a ride share experience, with. But of course. When you start pushing new software. And adding more functionality. Into, any device. Not just a not just a car. Or a truck or a lorry. Um you you do unfortunately, create, typically new entry points for, for hackers, and. You know we saw at the end of last year that unfortunately, we that was a tipping point where we went from the majority, of hacks being. White hat base to to being black cat-based, so this is now a. You know a critical issue, and i think it's therefore important that the connected cast systems. Are both hardware-backed. And upgradable. And when we talk about being hardware bank that. That route of trust for the vehicle is is right down there at the chipset, level. Um. You know at the lowest possible level and then build on top of and all the way up through every layer of, of software, inside the the vehicle. And this then allows us to make sure that we can. You know verify, and attest. Um, that the interaction, between the vehicle and the world around it, is valid, and and that it's connecting, to. Or has been connected, with, the things that it believes. It is connecting to um, you know it might sound very simple but it's extremely, important. And that means that when. When we do, push the updates, and and you send new software down to the vehicles. You know that it's coming from the server that it should be coming from that it is the. Software, update, that you were expecting, and you can do that reliably. And. And um. You know critically make sure that, that, after those software, updates have been delivered and installed that everything is working exactly, as you would expect. And i think. We're also seeing now that this is a big issue for regulators. That they have realized, that. You know security. Is extremely important to the automotive, industry, it needs to start. At the silicon, level. And work up and and it absolutely, should not be a. A bolt-on, or what is often referred to as a brownfield. Approach to security, where you say i have i have some software can you please now make it secure. Um right. As opposed, to. Designing, that security, in from. From the beginning, and, it is a. It is a different mindset it's a different philosophy. But i think for. Again for the future of this industry, and building that confidence, that i often talk about. Um you know you, keeping people, digitally, safe in the same way that we keep them physically safe. And, we will see consumers, become very aware, of. Their digital protection, in the same way that they are aware of. Does the vehicle have. Side impact, crash protection, bars does it have, airbags. Um etc, so. I think. Extremely, important. I think the recognition, across the industry. Is growing. And as i mentioned there are various. Industry legislations. And regulations, coming in over the next couple of years. That will also. Require. Any new vehicle, to uh to be safe by design. Well i think it's that concept, right which is the safe by design. And, i think about, security. At core, and these are terminologies. That, you certainly share, uh with the industry, and i think it's it's really important that that you know folks recognize. That core, uh differentiation. So. So andrew. Um. What what do automakers. What do the oems, have to do. To ensure, that optimum. Level of safety. For for customers, for passengers, and drivers. In their vehicles, and, from your perspective, your experience, what do they have to do it's such an again an important, question. To be able to uh, to answer and to be able to provide some guidance on. Absolutely, great and this links back to the, to the previous question. Um, it and it's back to that phrase it's security, by design. Um, that there is a, i think now a growing understanding, that the.

Security, Framework, just is part of your quality framework, it's part of your design frameworks, it's not something that you. Um, you pass to a team in a dark room somewhere in a remote lab inside the organization. But. You know the security, experts, are there at the beginning, of that new model design. Process. And. We're also seeing, i'm going to, talk about some of the regulations, for a moment but the the world forum, for harmonization. Of vehicle regulations. Um are coming out with a new framework which which is commonly known as unece. Um, wp-29. That will come into effect here in europe, in mid 2022. Um in japan, we are seeing. Uh a faster movement towards that and we're expecting. Some of that legislation, to start impacting, in 2021. And the the core of that legislation. Is that it requires. Um security, to be built into the vehicle, and active monitoring, of the fleet when we say fleet we mean all, cars. All tracks, etc. Um, that are on the road, and monitoring, for emerging, threats. For. Attacks, taking place, and to be able to mitigate, the potential. Of cyber attacks. Along the entire value chain. So this is a, it's a. Major major, shift in, in mindset, towards. Secure, by design. Um, and i think to be truly effective against hacking security, needs to be applied across the entire vehicle's, core systems and processes. Not just the to the network, parts, um so we see a lot of focus on protecting, the. Telematics. Unit and protecting, the cloud. But. Also, ensuring, that all vehicles, inside the. Network. Elements inside, the vehicle, are protected, that you have, encryption. And. Attestation. Running, in between, processes, gateways, etc. Um, within the vehicle so you you almost take a zero trust mentality. To ensure that you are you are. Correctly addressing the cyber. Threats. And i think, you know obviously. We're talking today about. Connected, vehicles but in the near future we're going to have. A vehicle, to, everything, connectivity. Vehicle to vehicle vehicle to infrastructure. Etc. Adas, and autonomous, systems that will all be. Um you know bringing in key new technologies. In the in the next few years, and it will be again imperative, that. That. Through secure, by design. Um. That any user of a vehicle has the utmost confidence. In. In the protection, that they are receiving, from, the oem. Or. All the all the, suppliers. Into that vehicle. Um, so that not not just, you know that they're uh, they are physically safe again but they are digitally safe their data. Their credit card information. Their service, uses history, etc, is all being protected. Um. If they don't have that level of, trust. Um then, you know probably. You know from a digital service standpoint, 80 percent of the r d dollars going into. The new features and services, are not going to be valued and used, um. Unfortunately. But the the opposite yes. But i think this is what we've learned from other industries. Uh that, if you don't build the trust and you don't talk about security. It doesn't always need to be in a in a threatening sense but you talk about it in a positive, the proactive, steps that you're taking. The way that you're monitoring, and keeping people safe. Um. You know i think that is very powerful and maybe just to give an example, but, um i don't know anybody, who has ever objected, to their bank calling them telling them. We've just observed some abnormal, behavior, on your credit card, we're just checking to make sure no fraud is taking place. Um you know there's a there's an example of where you value that interaction. And somebody, looking out for you and keeping you safe and i think that. A lot of the new regulations, coming in. It's that kind of analogy, where where the. Oem will be expected, to proactively. Intervene. Alert people if there is a problem. And keep them safe and that can also help to reinforce. You are being looked after you are being protected, it's not, it's it's. To my mind definitely not a negative. Yes yes and such an important discussion, indeed and, secure by design. Not only an important concept but i think reality, today. And certainly, from my perspective. It's interesting when you take a look at regulations, and how many, in the past, have led to just incredible, innovation. Often folks, you know determined, that regulations, are there for structure etc. But the amazing thing is in so so many cases, regulation. Stems. And spurs, on incredible.

Innovation, I think we're gonna we'll see that certainly in this sector. Absolutely. Definitely so so, you know, much like what we've seen in other, um or in the technology, sector. Um, systems, and you were alluding to this earlier but systems have been. Within vehicles have been targeted by hackers, and some of the stories, that i've i've read and. What i've seen. Just, unbelievable. The lengths that that hackers will go to. And these resulted, in you know glitches, and, key challenges within the vehicle i mean i certainly don't want to be. Traveling, down the motorway, the highway, the interstate. At 60 miles an hour or 100 kilometers, an hour or more, um and and being you know encountering, these challenges. And so so how how can the automotive, industry overcome. These, significant. And this is these are significant. Potential, for incursion. You know again your experience. Your vision, what what are you seeing in terms of how they can overcome, these core. Challenges. I uh. I think this, is. Perhaps one of the most, fundamental. Um. Challenges, is is, it's an industry level. Challenge. Uh i think that's the first. The first thing to understand, it, it is not about, as an, individual. Oem. Um. But it but it's, looking broader and then it's about building the trust and the confidence, and building the protection, across the entire industry, um you know the sad reality, is that we will see many attempted, hacks being targeted, at, things like, cloud platforms. Um, to deliver malicious, payloads. And and just to give you a, good example, of like the the. Um perhaps the more unusual, attacks that will take place, we have a platform here in the uk called radio data systems. And, this is used to provide traffic information, being broadcast, to vehicles, that that goes into the sat nav system and alerts you to, traffic jams etc, um of course. You know this has been around for some time and these days you know you maybe, will be using waze or other or other more digital services, but. It is very very simple to set up a local. Fm radio, broadcast, of the rds, and, traffic information. And to. To send out, false. Traffic information. And that effectively, will then. For locally, uh affected vehicles. Um. Force their sat nav system, to start initiating, a reroute if it thinks that there's a major traffic jam ahead. And this is just one example, of a broader, system level. Challenge, it's not just about what's happening in the in the vehicle but it's about, what is happening in and around the, vehicle as well. Um, another. Unfortunate, example, is the use of counterfeit, parts. Um. You know. Have you considered, you you change. A part that has a microprocessor. On it. And that microprocessor. If, it's a counterfeit, may contain. Malicious, code. Not original manufacturer. Code. That is not. Doing things that you expect. And of course this is a massive problem for uh for. Asset tracking for value. Leaking out of the the automotive, industry. Now the good thing is i think to all of these challenges, there are, there are solutions, if we take the counterfeit, parts we're seeing the. The potential for digital holograms. Um a form of. Software, that is an analogous, to a, sticker. Being introduced, so that, when a part is installed into a vehicle it declares, itself and it can call home. And register, and, and, and it can be validated, as being a genuine, part. That then is authorized, by the vehicle, to have access, to the appropriate. Uh, vehicle subsystems. Um. You know just being able to ensure, that, that all parts are genuine. Has a major. Value, for the uh for the industry. And also for the users of the vehicle that the vehicle will perform, to the operational. Specifications. And tolerances. That they expect. Um. But coming back to this concept, of. It really is about the industry i think, one of the. One of the big opportunities. Is for the industry to work together, and to deal with it as an industry, level, uh challenge and that's why. Um you know forums, like autoicep. For example, example are very very important, where, oems, can come together, they can share. Security, research. They um, they can use the test tracks and model attacks, of all different types. And again. The intent is there that that is shared in research, that all, oems, benefit, and all. Parts of the supply chain. Benefit, from, sharing, the uh the research, around. Um. Different, threat scenarios. And simulations. To make sure that everybody, is able to to address the challenges, and to come up with new strategies. For, potential, future, types of attacks, that, that may not be viable today but could become. Um, a a, as an issue in the uh the future so i think. Again i think it really is around a, recognizing. The car is, today, not, not an isolated. Entity. It's part of a much bigger ecosystem. I'm working across that ecosystem, to say how do we build out the chains of trust across the value chain. Um and again i would come back to, start at the silicon level and build out and up from.

From There. Um, and look at the. The value of sharing data, sharing, information. Um even amongst, companies, that traditionally may have been viewed as competitors. Because, the. I think ultimately, the. The users of vehicles, and again whether you're you're owning it you're, you're renting it you're in a ride share experience. The expectation. Is that. That they are going to be safe. When they engage in all these digital services, and and their expectation, is. That. Wherever that threat may come from. As an industry, we are going to to address it. Excellent i know for me, personally as, a consumer. Recognizing, and knowing that there's a potential, for this kind of collaboration. As it relates to. Ultimately, my safety and the safety of my family i think is certainly very, encouraging. And so thanks for that observation, it's. Really important. To uh to encourage, that kind of activity. That's for sure. So, um, you know more and more what we're seeing of course, uh. Digital, digital, keys so there's new innovation. Such as digital keys. And they are definitely. Revolutionizing. Car ownership, and i think an aspect of, of. Increased, pride, as well. You know not to mention the the benefits, that these, bring, from a shared mobility, service perspective. So how do you see. New technologies, such as such as this and, others. Affecting. The car. Ownership, model, something very interesting to delve into. And, i know there are so many out there. Who. They're you know their first, touch if you will. From the. Shift, in terms of innovation. And and benefit. Is on the digital key front so it'd be interesting to get your perspective. Here andrew. Yes well that's, clearly there's been a lot of uh, a lot of industry talk about digital car keys over the last few months with announcements, from oems. And some of the, standards bodies. Um about the latest specifications. Being released. And i think what we will see, is a wide range of new use cases, being, being opened up um. You know for example just imagine. A uh a, delivery, worker, is able you can share the uh the digital car key with them. And they're able to access your vehicle, put your package in your, the trunk of your uh car. And lock it again and leave it all nice and safe and secure, and just the. The hassle that saves you as an individual, from having to be at a certain place at a certain time. Um. Etc. But i think the. You know the technology, will also have massive massive benefits. Um. In terms of safety for everybody, if you think about. Just just take. This example, you know new drivers, are typically. You know. Later teens, but they can't afford brand new cars and so they tend to be in.

Older Cars, that are. Um, you know not equipped with the latest. Protective, technology, for them or for other people, um. On the road, and now with digital car key services. They don't have to go out and buy a brand new car they can have access to. Newer cars available, from various, um, you know car sharing, uh. Platforms. And they can be in the latest and greatest, car and and enhancing the safety, for. For everybody, um i think likewise. Uh you know with digital keys can be used to. To reduce a lot of distractions, while on the road by linking car key systems to your, your cloud profile. When you get into a car it can be, sent up to your unique requirements, every time. The radio preferences. Set up, the seat position, set up the wing mirrors. Um, etc, etc, you know there's an awful lot that can be done. To, just reduce the amount of time people spend. Looking here looking there, adjusting, things. Because they got into a car that is uh. Not set up for uh for them. And i think as you. As you go into the uh, into the future. Um, we we see even more. Potential, more benefits, as oems, uh you know again are able to to use these. These platforms. To start engaging, with their customers, on a on a day-to-day, basis, um. And they really are about. Trust, you know the idea of having a. A, your car key in your phone. Um, is is bringing, for many people. The oem's, brand. Onto their phone for the for the first time and that is a new, step in the evolution, of their. Relationship. Um and i think that's incredibly, important. Again what i will say, is. We have to think about keeping the keys safe. And i think one of the, one of the most important things, is. Is that you have to then look at how do you do that on a on a mobile phone you know normally, when you keep a car key safe you you put it in your pocket you put it somewhere secure, in. In the house. Now it's, now it's on your phone and we know that that, does expose it to more. Attempted, hacks and, unfortunately, there's a growing number of attacks against. Mobile devices and malicious, applications, out there so. So again the same technology, we were talking about earlier. That will be. Implemented, in inside vehicles, in terms of hardware, back security, is available, inside phones. And being able to to run those car key applications. Using a. Trusted suite of drivers, to prevent key lobbing, screen grabbing etc, to allow you to. Interact, with the. The digital keys or other information, about. Your vehicle, and, and your personal profile is extremely important and we think that. Um, again back to this concept of security, is about the ecosystem. And it's it's, that end-to-end, chain of trust. Um this is where. For many consumers, they will. You know perhaps. For the first time, also start asking questions about security. Um, that is not just linked to the vehicle but is linked to the interactions, with the vehicle from other devices. Indeed, indeed. Uh you as you're describing. The application, and the benefit. It brings back a great memory for me which was uh. One of the, largest, automakers. Advertisements. During the super bowl this year, it feels like such a long time ago. But it was just an incredible. Incredible, example, of the digital car key capability. Uh with a number of uh, hollywood, celebrities, there in boston it was it was really really kind of a cool. Uh advertisement. And it brought it to life you know for. I think i don't know how many people watch the super bowl probably billions.

So. Thanks i mean it's part of it is bringing these applications, to life isn't it to make them real for folks to understand. Both the opportunity, as well as the challenges. Yeah i think making them relevant. And and. Giving people examples, that they relate to is extremely. Important, for for building. That confidence. Indeed, indeed. So now with the so many of the uh the oems, the automakers. Now investing, in. Individual, service platforms. Uh to drive. Uh new revenue streams and we hope that they are, uh, you know what are the automakers, to do. To maximize. User engagement, for these services, you know it. You know, so this concept if you build it they will come well is that necessarily, the case. I um. I'm a believer that. Absolutely, if, you build, um, but you build with focus and you build with. Understanding. Um. That that's, part of the uh, the key. Um. And again i'll, say key because i'm going to link back to the previous, question i think. There there is a need to to become more of a lifestyle. Player. Um, for consumers, and i think they are expecting, the the oem brands. To stop moving in that direction, and i think you know we can see a number of brands already. Um, you know offer much more than just a uh, a vehicle, uh to their customers, um you know. You say baseball bats and t-shirts, at one end but you know branded. Uh. Um. Uh items of all types, and i think this is this is part of what we will we will see that. But. It is, no longer just about being a vehicle provider, it's it's. To a large extent about becoming a mobility, service provider. Um. And then linking into people's lifestyles, in a much broader way so that they become. More intimately engaged with the brand there's a more regular. Communication. Um you know i in the past i've often like, like in selling a car. To doing a 400, meter sprint. Um, and really what you want to be doing is, you know, for, 100, meter relay handoffs, um where. Where you're just guiding, somebody, from. From one vehicle to the next as, they're ready for that next uh. That next evolution. And i think. Again as we as the vehicles become connected. Your ability to learn, about your customers, and then understand, when and how. It's appropriate, to engage with them. Um. Is, significantly, enhanced so let me just give you one example. Um. You're building a, driver, profile, and you're often using things like. What's the uh, the force being placed on the seat, you know how heavy is somebody. That tends to stay relatively, stable. How much force do they apply to pedals. Brake, acceleration. What cabin temperature, do they prefer, what music, they listen to, how loud. And then you suddenly notice, that. The style of music has changed. And it's become much, quieter. And, you're, starting to notice, that. That on a regular basis, the. The, rear seats are registering, an occupant where they never did before. And this might be a good indicator, that. Actually, this person has had a baby. And that, they're now driving a baby around on a regular basis, uh another good indicator, could be driving significantly, slower. Um. But it's a, great. Insight. Into. How somebody's life has changed and that it may be, they may be then considering. As many people do when they start to have children. Um. The, the safety of that vehicle, and, should they be changing, from. You know if they're a small car owner, to, an suv, for example. Um. You know, or you start to see the drivers, changing, and you're on a regular basis they're visiting the school because their children just start at school and again. Major life, events. Tend to trigger. Changes in buying behavior. Or. An openness, to different types of interactions, and i think these are. Um. You know the types of relationships. That that oems are going to be able to build with their customers. And, you know ways in which these digital platforms, are going to give them, a much closer relationship. And of course. You know i think every oem, today, is is planning, to drive, billions of dollars. Of revenue, from, the digital services that they're rolling out. And so. You. Again if we look at other industries. You don't suddenly, create new, billion dollar revenue streams. Without, really understanding. Your customer, at a. A more intimate level. And of course what we what we haven't touched on here and. Is that traditionally. The the relationship, with the consumer, is not. Directly with the oem it is with the dealership, it's with the the distribution, chain, and so this is a. Again it's a major, shift. And i think a very positive, shift. Um. Because not only will the the oems, learn more about the customers, but the customers, will have direct channels to give feedback.

To The oems. About what they want what they're looking for in the future. Um you know what drives their loyalty and of course there's. An awful lot of market research. That takes place but that. That doesn't supplement. Uh or it doesn't. It doesn't replace, the need. And the value of having that direct touch engagement, on a uh on a regular basis. I think you know we can see. You know if we point to the likes of tesla, and the way that they engage. You know with their customers. Um the tremendous, value that they've been able to. To build, around their brand, um as a result of that. And so i think this is this is a. Key. Uh evolution, because, again we were talking about. A small number of the technical, changes that are happening in the industry there are many many more, and. Again i would not expect that we're going through a burst of innovation for five years and then everything slows down i think it will. Um, only get faster, if i if i can, better. Say that that i think we're on a. An acceleration. Curve of innovation. In, in the automotive, industry moving forward. Indeed, and i agree it's it's an interesting time and i know it's always been a challenge for the, automakers, to have that direct engagement, with the end customer, and, be able to engage, and understand, lifetime, value, and then also, you know to be able to better appreciate, the evolution. Of. Of the consumer, and what their, interests and desires, are, so it's a great opportunity, indeed. Absolutely. Yeah. So, as we talk about, uh. Evolution. And you mentioned eight asked earlier. You know this is another really interesting, space which is, uh from you know from android, automotive. To ada, systems. How are you seeing, the technology. In and around the car. Changing, over this decade, and, i know this is a big question we're talking about a decade, here, and i don't think you have a crystal ball. But uh i'd love to get your perspective. Unless you do i'd love to get your perspective. On. The the shifts here, and i mean it's such another, amazing, an amazing space interesting space. It is and um. I i think this is. Again going to be very very exciting, times as we move forwards, um i think the first thing that i would say, is, the roads will simply be safer. As a result of all this technology, i think we're already seeing that. Um. Where level 2. 8. Or autonomous, technology, has been introduced, the. The number of deaths per million miles driven has, declined. I think we've seen, um. You know other benefits, as well which are. You know links to electric. Technology. And the impact, on the environment, that that has, and i think interestingly. What we've seen over the uh, the last few months with, the covered lockdowns, around the world is is, how quickly. The air. And the environment. Reacts to those changes, um. And i think that's something that everybody has seen as a benefit. Um from the lockdowns, of being able to walk outside, and and, just. You know having clean air to breathe um. You know, around the world not just the. Um not just in one or two countries but it pretty much in every country. So i think we you know. In a strange way we started to see a little glimpse into the future, from. From some of these technologies. But. I think we're also seeing you know a big focus by oems, now, on, reduction, of congestion, reduction, of pollution. And and quickly reduction, of injuries and deaths. You know you've got manufacturers, like volvo out there who for a long time have been talking about zero deaths on road. Bringing in. You know other technologies. To interact, with the world around them and also manage speed limits, and and. Have speed limit warning. Sounds. Inside the vehicle if you're uh if you are exceeding the speed limit which of course volvo drivers.

I'm Sure do not do. But i think then we get on to, you know as the roads become safer from that side. Um, that will encourage, you know the, multi-use. Aspects of roads so more people cycling. Because they feel safer. More people using motorbikes, because again they. They feel safer, as the uh as, the cars, are able to detect objects, and, and people around them and take, and you know avoidance, actions to reduce those, what would have otherwise been, potentially, nasty accidents. Um. I think other things that we will see a, you know, just sequencing. Um. You know change of events so take part and ride schemes as it's a great example. Um. For cars to be able to signal that they want to use that scheme but they're. Five minutes away and for the buses to understand. If we delay. Pulling away for five minutes we can get, you know another 15 people on, you know from seven different cars that are arriving. And having everything, linked. Up, um. Being able to manage the capacity. Uh for the for the overall transport network i think is is, extremely, exciting, because. Let's face it none of us like, sitting in traffic jams. And, you know the frustration, that it brings when you can't get to where you want at the time you wanted to arrive. Um which leads me on to another thing i think. Help from mood management. Is going to become a very, very. Big topic. And that might sound strange when we when we talk about cars but. Um you know as we deploy more sensors, not only. Around the car but inside the cars as well we'll be able to, unlock a lot of innovative. Um. New use cases so let's take health and a good example, here you. You know just think about those microphones. That are, normally used, for. Interaction, with a digital agent, or, for a uh you know your bluetooth. When you're making a call from the car. Now imagine that they're listening, to. Your heart and they're listening to the blood flow. Inside your veins and they're able to detect, if you have a potential. Issue of you know blocked veins or you have an irregular, heartbeat. Or, something along these lines, which, you know absolutely, feasible with the fidelity, and the quality of the microphones, that are going in today. Um, likewise, cameras, and. Monitoring, driver cognition, so that you are able to. You know understand when it's appropriate, to do handovers. From. An autonomous, technology, to driver control. But now take it one step further and. The same cameras, could. Monitor your limbo rings inside your eyes, which are one of the best indicators. Of your overall state of health. And again give you a warning if it, if. If the system detects, that there's a potential, risk, to, to your health, um. Likewise, cabin lighting. We know that lighting influences, mood so being able to. Detect, that maybe you're in an agitated, state of mind. And changing the lighting, changing the amount of oxygen flowing into the cabin changing, the. The volume of the audio, system, to relax you to help you be. You know a, more focused, driver and a safer driver, um, and again. I think you know alerting, other cars around you that if it does detect that you will. You're, not quite in the best state of mind to be driving. Perhaps, you know broadcasting, a signal to every other car just saying give a little bit more room don't. Could be as simple as telling the car behind you, not to be so close, because it's it's creating a state of, of anxiety, in the uh.

In The driver of the vehicle, um, so i think there's there's a tremendous. Amount of. Of. Uh you know exciting, new use cases, and and. Many that we haven't even dreamed up yet, but i think. The core is it's not just about. Safety for the vehicle itself. It's it's, all those other vehicles around, all the other users of the road and pedestrians. Um, as well, everybody, will benefit, and i think. Um, you know getting people from, from. A to b. On time when they expect to get there is one of the, one of the key things to help drive safety, and and. And take out the frustrations. That normally, uh. You know surface when you get stuck in traffic. Um, and i think the the as i say i think the other side is a car will become a great place, to. To monitor your health and keep you and give you early alerts, to potential, dangers and risk to your health. Um so that you can you can get those things resolved, and, and enjoy the cleaner fresher, environment, that electric vehicles are going to bring us. Indeed well when i was growing up i'm sure much the same with you uh this concept of defensive, driving well it sounds. Like, this is more than, not only the modern definition, of defensive, driving but the futuristic. Definition, of, defensive, training. That's great, that's great, i love it. All right well you know it, it's interesting again we're talking about future, futuristic. If you will so so let's talk about some trends, and. Uh your. Specific, calls to action for the industry. If they want to remain, uh current, and competitive, because i'm sure you've seen it all and you've you you've interacted, with so many of the automakers. Out there you see, again the, the spectrum, of engagement. As well as the. Capability. And and the. The no pun intended the drive. You know to address these trends and to be at the forefront, of innovation, and technology. Yeah, so i think i think uh correct i would say, i'm going to recap. Some of the points that i've already made i think. We've kind of, covered these in different ways but i think the first. The first one you're dealing with. With an exciting industry like automotive, where you've got this dynamic level of change is not to to expect, that to, to slow down. That. The level of change we're currently experiencing. Is is to quote the the common phrase the new normal. Um. It. You know, it is not suddenly going to revert, to. How it used to be, where. Where, it would take four to five years to design and develop new. New vehicles and the technology, was often several years. Out of date by the time that new vehicle hit the road, um, i think we're now seeing that. Automotive, is driving, innovation. And a lot of that innovation, is actually. Going back into. Other industries, as well you know i think some of the work around. Autonomous, driving, and the the artificial, intelligence, systems. Um required, to. To realize that dream. Is something that will benefit, many other, many other industries, um, likewise some of the health cases we were just. Uh, talking about i think will become. Uh you know things that spin off into. Into, uh other industries, and and that's. Sort of taking a learning, from what's happened in high-end motor sports, for for many years. Um, i think the second. Uh that i see is is you know. This. This vision. Of. The future is really underpinned. By a core assumption, that that. You have robust, security, in place. And that there is trust between the vehicle oems, and the occupants, of that vehicle, um. And that drives the engagement. It creates the right platform. Um. For i think oems, to then be able to reap the rewards, of all the digital services, and, critically that that digital ecosystem. That they're investing, in. Um. And again i think the. You know we've seen a lot of. Partnering, over the last few years, between oems, to, to focus on r d innovation. And between. Some of the uh the service providers, who want to be involved in the automotive, industry whether it's a telecoms, industry, content owners etc. And i think that, that is going to be a big feature, um you know i think your role in terms of. Uh managing the trasonic, ecosystem, and the partners. You know is going to keep you very busy, um, around the automotive, area. But again i will bring it back to. Uh you know that also, means that the the chain of trust, and the security. That that is in place has to span that ecosystem. So from the chip to the vehicle to the cloud. We have to have ways of making sure that we can say yes. This part of the ecosystem, is secure, passed, to the next, passed down to the vehicle, um etc and the vehicle is able to say yes. I have i know i can trust what i am being. Given. And if it's a software, software update, that it's it's. Good, in order to be able to to deploy this.

And Again, for. I think the you know that ecosystem. To not just think about. How do i deliver all these new services etc but how do i leverage and learn from other industries. About the best in class security, policies. To keep people safe. And again i. Focus on this a lot because i think once you have that trust. From the vehicle users, that they're being kept safe. That will unlock. You know a lot of new revenue flows in into the industry. Indeed, indeed. Yeah that's it is such an incredible, time i i have to say that is, that's just amazing. So so what's your sense in terms of how this differs, by. By region. We've talked a lot about this uh in the past what's what's your sense. Um so i think, you know, one of the interesting things about the world we, we live in today is that you know different regions, move at uh, at different speeds, um you know i think if we are looking at. Um. You know autonomous, technology, and particularly. Technology, we've, seen the us take a real. Lead in this um, you know not only in terms of oems. Being very aggressive, in and driving. The technology. New operating system players but also legislators. Rolling, out you know very friendly, legislation. Um, to enable the oems, to to to just get the millions of miles on the road. Um. Need it. You know where i live here in europe i think we're a little bit. Further behind, but i think where. Where we've seen a lot of progress, in the european, market, is on the the human machine interface the hmi. Um experience. The the, drive towards digital clusters. Um and combining, the the instrumentation. Panel, and. Um, the ibi, platform, and really. Closing that gap between, what you would consider as best-in-class, user experience, on a phone. And best-in-class, user experience, in. In vehicle, um, and i think that has. You know been something that has. Led to a lot of benefits. Uh, to, to to all regions around the world, um. And i think when we go out to. To asia, uh you know we've seen a lot of focus, in uh out in asia on next generation, platforms, of integration. Of. The car with the world. Around it, um. You know china has a wealth of players. Emerging that are doing some very very interesting. Um, very advanced, platforms, and, integration, of digital agents, and vehicles of infrastructure, technology. Um which is very very exciting, i think when we move to places like korea and japan.

Um, Interestingly, we see a lot of focus on, on electrification. And. Innovations, in some of the smaller vehicles, driven by. Um you know availability, of parking spaces. Just like tokyo, but. Um. You know i think, i think particularly in korea and. In, japan we've seen some of the local players. Take a very different approach to. Some of the technologies, that they're adopting, and and. Again. Um, you know when you look at that hmi. Uh, challenge. And and, the different types of. Of character sets for uh languages, there it, it's leading to, a different range of innovation. And some of the services, that they're uh. Um, they're focused on you know one of the things i've always loved is when i go to japan you. You know you've had autonomous, doors. They're just all right but just open for you in taxes, um, you know and a great example, of, a, bit of micro innovation. Linked to the uh. The requirements, of. The local market and i think this is one of the. One of the really compelling, things about the the automotive, industry, is that region by region. Um, you you have these local adaptations. That, make it feel very. Very unique, and i think that is, uh you know a real strength, of. The industry and i think again when we. When we look at the digital, services. Um, of course this this this will really be brought home, um that it will not be. The same players in every single market. Um. That are successful, again we, talk about china, and, there's a huge ecosystem, of local chinese, players. Um, that are very different you go out to russia, and you have. Um you know the likes of yandex, as a leading, um, the leading digital platform, provider. Again. Back to korea, japan. A lot of local players involved, and then obviously in, western europe and the us. You know the likes of google, and amazon etc are very very powerful players so, again i think from that that side we will see a lot of uh. A lot of excitement, and differentiation. Yeah that's incredible, is the level of innovation, is just, amazing. It's incredible. Thanks. Yeah so, so. What are uh two to three key points and i know we've covered a lot, um, you know what are the two to three key points you want to leave. The webinar, audience, with just so again it's important. Follow-up. Calls to action. And i'm sure they're going to all want to go back and and review the webinar, in future as well so share with us those two to three key points. So uh. I'm gonna start off by saying, you know security. Designed, in, design from the ground up. Not bolted on. Is, the future of automotive. Whether it's hardware, or software. And i think that. That unlocks a very promising, future where. Consumers. Engage, with trust. With. Vehicles. Regardless, of, of. Oem. Um and i think that is, that that is probably the biggest change that i see. You know happening from a uh from a security, standpoint. Um the second. Is. I think just, to come back to the last question, regional differentiation. Does not go away we don't certainly. You know all want exactly the same vehicle with exactly the same services. Um, so that, that will be extremely. Important, to keep maintaining, and, leveraging, the regional strengths. Um. That the, industry, enjoys.

And I think the third. Is. It's like all successful. Digital economies. Um, it is about an ecosystem, and building an ecosystem. At all levels, and again whether that is, the sharing, of security, data, to to build an ecosystem, around. How as an industry we protect, customers, or it is. Being able to bring the latest and greatest, innovation. Of. Streaming media content, into rissy entertainment. It will be about ecosystems. They will be extremely, important, and this, this again is a uh a very new. But also a very exciting. Uh you know development, for the automotive. Industry. Indeed. Very exciting and i think that's the drive to innovation, and recognizing. What is possible but then also having that big picture of you as you've shared, to, the incredible, opportunities. Ahead. Indeed, indeed. So andrew i really i want to thank you this has been an exciting, time. For me to share. This. Opportunity, to discuss the sector with you, you have such amazing background, and experience. Before. I, move to close just any, any closing comments, or statements that you'd like to share. With those who are enjoying. Uh this webinar. Um, so maybe, uh if i do a little plug, greg but uh you know i do, recognize, from from my. You know time in the industry that security. Is. You know for many people a very daunting. Um. Issue, uh obviously, we at presonic. Uh you know play a role in helping to protect the vehicles, and people should just feel free to give us a call and talk about. You know what uh what it is that. They're concerned about or new things that they're, you know they have on their mind i think. You know i i can't stress enough that. You know i do, i i view. You know robust security, is the foundation, of trust. And i think found that the foundation. Building that foundation, of trust. Opens up the next generation. Revenue streams, and and service adoption, that the industry is banking on. Indeed, oh thank you so much it's just been an incredible, time with you andrew and thanks for your insight and your perspective. And for those, uh, who are enjoying the webinar. Please, do check out um. For more, details, in terms of this webinar you'll be able to actually be able to access it in future. At, tristonic.com. Resources. And of course you'll see here in front of you as well if you have any questions. You want to delve further into, secure automotive solutions, please do go or email us at inquiries. Trustonic.com. And of course our website, tristonic.com. I would also encourage, those, who are on social media. To take the opportunity, to like, comment, and share, i think the important aspect is sharing this material, as well out into the community, as as, andrew has indicated. The more that there is a level of collaboration. Across the industry. I think the, better we all are from an innovation, perspective, as as well as being able to focus in on, the importance of making sure that our, consumers. Drivers, passengers. Are, secure. In the vehicle. So with that i'd like to thank you all again for joining us, for our on-demand, webinars, i'm gregory wade. And, all the best to you and, and, all the best, to you in the automotive, sector, thank you so much, thanks andrew. Thank you greg, thank. You.


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