EP 35 Visiting The Most Beautiful Village of China - Lijiang ചൈനയിലെ ഗ്രാമങ്ങൾ നമ്മളെ ഞെട്ടിക്കും

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You can also come with us. Say hello. You dont have to get scared. Come here The road ends here You can see two men fishing here. See how they do it. We shall dress up Mia like this and take photos The main attraction is the water being sprayed. You should see some of the streams in Ernakulam KL2UK has reached a village at South China, Yunnan province.

I am at a beautiful village at Lijiang and I am staying here Saheerbhai, our friend Mia and myself are here Welcome to a new video of Tech Travel Eat Today you are going to see how a village has been developed for tourism Its going to be a different video with some local food, people and many more So, welcome again This is a beautiful hotel at the Old Town of Lijiang Now it is almost afternoon. So we are going to have brunch And then I shall show you the rest First we shall take care of hunger We dont have the health now. Yes. No sound to speak.

Vehicles wont come towards our hotel It is a protected area, a walking street. Only transportation vehicles like these are seen here to carry luggage See how beautiful have they made a place look like He has come with a car. Looks like a Chinese car. A Chinese copy version of Tesla Today we are going to go with Wangwan This car is so spacious Earlier there were phones where you put 5 SIM, 4 SIM etc All used to tease Chinese phones Today most of the people are using China phones Sameway after 5yrs, all these cars will be like that True. Now itself we have so many Chinese brands in our country Many are yet to come.

We shall simply go and check out some cars Not to buy, just to see It will be at the shopping mall. We shall see. I dont think there will be any shopping malls here. This is a village This place is awesome. We are entering Lashihai Wetland Park You can see a big lake here. It is given to the Wetland Park team It is given to a private agency to do activities and tourism What all do they start up even at villages Have you come to drink tea? They were telling us that the entrance is from there Understood.

They were telling us that the entrance is on that side But we didnt come to get in here We came to see the place Beautiful place I think this is a theme cafe Looks beautiful. They have so many products made of roots and wood. They are for sale too. You can buy these, have tea from here This cafe is made of blackstone We can sit beside the lake in here and have tea Lashihayi lake is a fresh water lake This lake is the main drinking source for Lijiang 100 species of birds are there in this area of wetland That is one of the main highlights here Since it is fresh water lake, they dont have boating or anything But there is horse riding here. I can see cranes from here Look at those go. Beautiful This is actually Tibetan plateau. Just that it is not Tibet. It is Yunnan province

When we checked Google Map, it showed 1300km? Not 7000. From here to Lhasa it is, 1700km It is close by It is said to be Tibetan Lama's place too We are going to have the local black tea now. You get lot of tea leaves here We are going to have local black tea now They have made it strong with tea leaves and hot water separate in a flask We can pour how much needed and make it light as needed They dont use tea dust, but tea leaves I loved this place. So nice to sit here and have tea

What all have they done to a village? We have so many beautiful villages in Kerala We can do lots in Munnar and Vagamon Basic infrastructure is what is most important We see that here. In our place to open a mountain is an issue, to clean a forest is an issue.. Only if all that are done, you can bring an infrastructure. All these are done opening and cutting many things.

But they are managing it in such a way that the nature stays as it is All the tourist locations here are not like Europe There you have foreigners. Here you find domestic crowd After I got in from Nepal, all I saw was 1 Indian group They were Australian citizens who are Indians Other than us, no other Indians are here In Beijing you may find some foreigners. But other tourist destinations are them They travel and spend This is the design of Volvo Slight changes and it looks just like that This is an old car Can see US Army written on it Looks awesome. Somebody has left it here

We are going in this vehicle It is an electric vehicle The person who came with us is talking to someone at the restaurant He said that we can go We are 3 of us. This car looks awesome. Looks like Tesla They have a big display Looks better than Tesla. The interiors are awesome

They dont find all these vehicles so great For us all these are awesome cars Shall ask that So much of leg space. I can lift my legs like this and sit here All these are cultivation land We see the most while coming in the train. They do more of green house cultivation That is how they do their cultivation There are lot of advantages with that You would be knowing the advantages Little expensive to invent in the beginning You see these green house farms more in foreign countries. We booked this cab via Didi. We are hiring it for a day. We shall go around with her There is a peach farm here Look at these peaches. Lot of flowers in between He might be wondering where are we going We can go inside and get to know the owner Shall take some pics and go So many peaches and looks so beautiful Do you know their way of farming? They will have large farms.

They will grow local hens which are expensive. They will eat the pests and grow here I feel greedy seeing them. We wont eat, just came to see them. He is saying something I think he meant there is another place on the other side There is a system of getting in the farm, paying and eating fruits He said there is another place on the other side What you pay 20 for in the market, you will have to pay 50 here That is true. But plucking and eating feel is different. That is a good way for tourism and it is seen all over too We have it in our country too. People eat grapes and take pics and reels All those would have pesticides That boy is the owner. He is taking us to another place there

Even the villages have excellent roads I think that is his mother Nice peaches kept here Saheerbhai, have a peach and go They are giving it to us. Have and go We can pluck another one too Do you remember where did we have peach from earlier From New Zealand Sorry.. from Australia He looks aggressive This is another fruit. They have closed it like this They have given a small gap for air to pass. They have put the cover for all How much of difficulty covering each one of it They gave us a basket to pluck peaches We have been given a basket to pluck fruits Say hello. Dont get scared. Come here/ Say hello.

He ran away He is shy Look at the peaches here.You can pluck and have them. It is very soft. The top feels like cotton You should pluck a dark orangish coloured one Like this one. Pluck and try it out.

You have lot of peaches grown here You find different varieties of cultivation here There is a green house there This is a method of green house farming They havent put it over this You will have an initial cost for doing this in the beginning Once you do it, you will have a very good growth of cultivation. There is nothing such as season. Even when it is hot or cold, you can grow any fruits or vegetables. That is the highlight of green house farming. You can increase the production, profit, efficiency, sustainability etc.. Moreover you have good security. It is grown closed in here

You have lot of advantages with green house farming I havent seen them much in Kerala But in Ooty you see them doing mushroom farming this way. It has to be done like this Shall take one more peach. It is tasty We have seen this at Morocco, Europe and many developed countries They follow green house farming. It has lot of advantages. Many watching this would be knowing more about it Do comment on the advantages. We can buy pluck, eat and take peaches from here That is a good system.

How will they measure how many we ate? Dont make me say that We will have to wait for a while for the process to get over We ate almost 1/2kg You can put some in your pocket You will fall down Looks like he is practicing They checked our weight when we came inside. They will check again while going They will know how much we age. They will calculate the grams What we took our small. Look at the big ones here They are of different qualities She is asking the way. We are asking our way the whole journey. That our trip!

We brought Mia to help us. Now Mia is seeking help from someone else. Now will we have to take her also along. No place in the car.

You also come. It is like in the movie Urvasi Theatre. All are let to get in the car. They were in search of an actresses house It was inviting all into the car The movie in which they say the boss's legs were injured We shall do the same. Shall call all to join us.

These are strawberry farms. Strawberries can be grown only this way We were coming on this side of the road What you see on the sides are all rose plants grown as thorn fence We have been seeing this for kilometers They have grown rose plants which has thorns so that nobody crosses it Lijiang is a place where you find lot of roses grown They use roses for many things. They dry roses, mix it with tea leaves to make rose tea. We know that many things can be made with rose Lijiang is place that grows lot of roses I found this very interesting. I am first time seeing a fence and gate covered in roses

You see them all over I think she doesnt know anything I think she isnt from here Even they are enquiring the route We may have to take along one more person. We are off roading now. How do we go with this car? Can see rose garden here This is the end of the road We have come to an end. She said we will have to pay 300 if we go to the other place And brought us here Come. I shall tell you when something happens We have reached a place when the road is over.

Now we are going for fishing I think they have some artificial ponds here Can see people fishing here They will cook the fish for us from here How about asking them to? You can see 2 people fishing here They have made a platform towards the lake. People sit there and do fishing There are photos of fishing, cooking and eating This is a village tourism place Let us go to the people fishing and find out the details They have everything kept ready for fishing here You have to put this and fish from here There arent any special fishes here. Or you would get some as soon as you fish That is why people sit here for hours We dont have time for that That is our issue What to do We shall buy fish and eat.

Fishing idea wont work out. Even they havent got anything. They have been sitting for long You need the patience for it. You cannot fish when you feel so. Or it should be a place where there are that many fishes We have come to Lijiang old town.

We shall see the farmers and market here Durian, you see them at all the South East countries Can see food and traditional products in the market here Like we have shavayi in our place, you can see chicken rotating here You see two wooden wheels like those used during the olden days to run water This is moving with the help of a motor This is a market here. You see it at all the places you go. You see dried roses. You have them in different colours and varieties They have dried them and kept for sale. We can buy any we want These are dried rose buds and variety flowers They use them for several purposes That is why these are made. Looks like these are premium

These are tea leaves, They mix flavours to these and have They have tobacco also Clothing stores too A simple market where common people come to shop. When I heard Chinese village, I expected it to be more of a village I may have to go more interiors to see basic villages I guess. I couldnt see them yet. You see the traditional dress of each place There would be shops that sell the traditional dresses too.

Vegetables and household things for sale You see lot of fancy things here Quality of the fruits are amazing. You feel like buying when you see them Look at the size of the mangoes. Varieties of mango. Grapes taste awesome. We had bought some fruits last day. Tastes awesome.

Potato chips. Sunflower seeds Looks like potato chips are common here I feel like tasting them. But isnt it bad? What if they dont give They may give 1 They weigh and give you this. It is written 10. Not sure for how much. Peanuts and these are had as snacks.

Prawns and fish dried and kept for sale Tamarind. Earlier we used to break the shell and eat the inside with salt and chilli pdr. It is awesome All these fruits are very tasty They are grown here itself and not brought from anywhere else Look at strawberries. I like this special fruit of theirs. We had its juice from another place You see lot of fruits grown in cold weather You can taste the watermelon and buy They cut the watermelon and put them in plastic containers for us to eat Mia loves fruits. She buys fruits often. Look at them spraying water on the fruits for them to stay fresh That fresh look makes us buy them. All of them do it.

It is done for them to stay fresh. This is the fish market here They have put live fishes here Variety live fishes in different tanks here No issues if our fishing plan didnt work. We can fish from here Live fishes in big buckets They are cleaning the fishes you want He is cutting the fishes Something like prawns. All are live Dont expect Wuhan market that you saw in TV in all parts of China Like we see each area has its own kind, Each province here is entirely different.

You feel lot of similarities with Indian markets seeing the markets here Nice raw mango I feel greedy seeing them Fruits and carrots looks so beautiful I feel jealous. We dont get to see such nice carrots in Lulu too always We do grow excellent vegetables in our country. But the best 1st quality ones are exported to foreign countries That is why we dont get anything fresh as these We do grow and have fresh and best vegetables in our place But they are exported If we buy them from foreign countries, we can get them That is how it is different at many places Tomatoes look so good.

Nice and beautiful fruits here All well kept here Chillies, variety spinach You see all the vegetables that are there in our place here too. They have many more items too Just add these two and not oil I love raw mangoes. That is something like Himalayan salt She has added so much of salt She will mix it in that bowl for us We can have it with a stick I love raw mangoes This one mango would be more than half kg It is bigger than my hand We didnt need that plastic cover. But its ok 100/- for that mango cut and marinated Different kinds of tomatoes in variety grades that look like cherry tomatoes If you get so many varieties in a village like this, how would it be in cities? Variety cucumbers too You feel like eating the tomatoes when you see them.

Onions are peeled, washed and kept for sale Chillies, brinjal and cucumber. I feel greedy seeing them. Chinese ginger and Chinese garlic are very famous export items Have you had this colour egg? Green coloured eggs. Are duck eggs this colour? I didnt know that Is it true that Chinese make artificial eggs? Maybe You get green chillies from that You are joking.

Look at the onions peeled, washed and kept here This is meat processed and dried. You can see them hung inside You get ribs, hips, legs and other parts done and kept this way You wont find freshly cut meat at foreign countries like that You can see them cooking something like a chapathi I think they sell dumplings here Can see variety dumplings and eggs here . I had got this bread from Tibet All here are very friendly Different kinds of mushrooms dried and kept for sale Meat processed and packed like this And as you see everywhere, tea leaves too On this side you see more of villagers selling their products here This is the same you see in Asian country markets But there are no quality difference in any here All are washed and well kept here Spring onions, coriander leaves, mint leaves, spinach etc All are kept so neatly When entering the market, you can hang a basket like this and put things in it Nice concept So many leafy vegetables You see lot of them here They have everything Is this cauliflower? Fully bloomed cauliflower. All these are dried mushrooms Whole roses dried and kept for sale Jasmine flowers too. They use these to flavour their tea. You see lot of dry fruits and dry fishes here.

I have seen dry fruits and fishes earlier but seeing dry flowers for the first time. Will pigs have such big legs? All these are processed. This is how you should sell meat You shouldnt use fresh meat bought straight from a butcher. There are proper ways for it. Boombang has said that in his videos All kinds of meat should be first processed before use So many things behind it. You see all the meat kept for sale this way

You wont sense any smell or anything here We are now at Lijiang old village It is similar to the same village we are staying at They have transformed the village to a tourist destination and local market We tourists have to pay an entrance fee at some places Lot of shops, souvenir shops and other attractions to bring in people You can wear traditional dresses from this shop and take pictures from the street How about asking Mia to dress up like that? We shall dress up Mia like that and take pictures That would be awesome I dont think there is a dress for us. Looks like only for women. If there are for men, we could try that out. You dont want? Why? You shouldnt say like that The only street like this I have seen is Jew Street in Fort Kochi We can do this at our places too Sweet street in Kozhikode is also another place where many tourists come We can have beautiful streets like this in each place Flowers in front of a liquor shop. Can see a stream flowing down there. But there arent any mosquitoes in that Flowers here are so beautiful This shop looks beautiful All these are restaurants waiting for tourists They dont charge tourists so much This is a local restaurant. People are having food from inside

Nice ambiance. A stream in front. No waste or anything in it. Beautiful place. Nice frame and beauty everywhere How beautiful have they made the place to look like. Because they have kept it this way, lot of tourists here So many people visit this place I loved this street Let us not go to the hotel today. We shall stay here

We can sleep on this street at night Full greenery. Golden Harbour Restaurant You can see the stream here. Water is being sprayed here That spraying is a main attraction here and the flowers too. Buildings in a wooden style It is so beautiful.

You will know the real beauty if you watch this on TV Not that you wont feel it on your mobile. But better on tv Those watching on tv, do comment from your mobile Like Chettinad mansion, this is Muhu mansion. A traditional Yunan style building If you go inside, you can see it.

We are not going in now. Shall walk outside. All these are in the World UNESCO site There are many such places in China This village is under World UNESCO Heritage site They have used blackstone on the ground and at many places Bridges and many more here are awesome.

I loved this place. When you come to China, do visit the places I visited Go an explore them. I am showing you many places. They felt shy They are giving a drink for trial here I shall try everything This is of rose. A rose flavoured drink Let me try the raw mango we bought Is it sour? The roads are a bit narrow this side This is an older area All two-storey buildings You have shops below and houses upstairs 2-storey buildings Looks beautiful with small glass doors Crushing different kinds of chillies and garlic and making variety pastes We can buy if we want. Chinese pickles

No mud or dust here. It is so clean everywhere This is a souvenir shop. Let me see if there is any for me I bought a Lijiang souvenir from here People have dressed up to take photos. So much to walk in here Lots in here If kids fall here, they will injure their legs. 2-3 women have dressed to take photos Nice to see them. Lot of flowers below and plants on top They are original plants and not plastic.

Women look beautiful dressed up A coconut juice shop. This doesnt come from our place. It is different. Coconut products sold here Beautiful restaurants They are taking photos from here This is a typical traditional Chinese restaurant We didnt see this kind in Tibet It is different here and there. It is like saying it is different in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka etc When you go to each city in China or Provinces, food and people would differ Language would be the same. Just the change in accent. You can stand anywhere and take photos How much would they have spent to maintain this.

Nice garden and beautiful place. Anybody can take photos here The stream is flowing down there and they have done this over that I would call this the most beautiful place in China You cannot even see the stream. They have kept all these so beautifully We can get inspired seeing these. If not inspired, at least keep the places clean You should see some streams in Ernakulam If they are kept clean, we could at least get rid of mosquitoes Fruits cut and kept here You can see smoke over it to make it look attractive You feel attracted seeing that Lot of food and variety barbeque They will grill any you want. Vegetables and meat. You can mist coming from it.

This is a food area Nice songs to be heard. You can see them grilling food here Beautiful place. The food looks so colourful. They have the mist in between all these You can buy and have from here only Variety food here. Is that peacock? No. This is a set meal Nice and colourful All are enjoying and working So many are employed because of all these I loved it. Beautiful vibe. So many people walk here all the time. You dont find any dust or dirt.

That is what I said, we can sleep here A shop that sells traditional instruments Can see a woman play and sing here She has kept the music on. People here eat a lot of watermelons. You see lot of watermelon shops here This area is huge. We have been walking for so long.

You see fog effect from watermelon too We are reaching somewhere and all So beautiful. It is 6.30pm now. Lot of ear rings in this shop I bought some for Swetha These are the ones I bought for her. She likes them. 7 of them. I bought many ear rings No more complaints Swetha We have reached the market square of the village That is what you see here.

They were taking photos.. It is sunny and the view from the top of that hill is beautiful But it is best to go up in the evening and not now Old town of Lijiang. By evening, this place gets crowded The history of Old Town of Lijiang is here.

A neat stream here too Lot of shops near it. This is a special vibe. Now you can climb up that way and go around. It is sunset time. You can only see that from this side We shall see after sometime. Saheerbhai and team is missing I stopped to shoot video and not I cannot find them.

I cannot get them on the phone too That was a vehicle. I thought some performance was going on. It is a vehicle that came to collect dry leaves. It is moving with music A beautiful place Even that vehicle is moving with music It is a vehicle that is here to collect waste This is a beautiful area We are going out to have food. This is a tourist destination You wont get authentic food here. We shall go out and have that.

As walking out, I was looking at each building here This is a 3 storey wood building Most of the top floors are restaurants and cafes. They have live performances there You have souvenir shops down where you would be surprised seeing their products I forgot to end the video We have come from Lijiang old town to Shuhe old town. It is another village We are staying at this village You will know how village tourism can be made so attractive when you come here So many people visit this place and they have done so much for it How much money and tourists? I am surprised. How beautifully, neat and clean have they kept the place

All the streams are well maintained and clean I am really shocked seeing all these Our tourism authorities should come and see this. They should see how tourists can be attracted We have so many villages and can do so much there This is awesome. Anyways, I am ending the video here Tomorrow we will be doing an awesome food vlog. Tomorrow I will be showing you a dinner and brunch That would be one of its kind. Wait and watch.

Dont forget to comment your suggestions We will be in China for few more days We will be going to Laos after that Stay tuned. Bye bye.


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