Info Session Internet of Things IRL

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IT Masters: All right now let us actually begin Thank you everyone for coming along to the iot IRL information session with it masters and charleston university this evening. IT Masters: Thanks everyone for registering and coming along this session will also be available to view later on, as well. IT Masters: So, my name is jack I generally MC the webinars for the short courses and it masters and i'm also an eligibility assessment officer as well with us this evening we have shane Murphy. IT Masters: Who i'll introduce more thoroughly in a little moment geoff Jenkins, Dr Jeff Jenkins and kip French, who also is my esteemed colleague at it masters.

IT Masters: Before we officially begin i'd like to say first of all that we are broadcasting, or we are presenting tonight from the land of the orangery people have the coolest nation. IT Masters: and pay our respects to that out as an ancestors acknowledging the unseeded sovereignty and ongoing connection to land waters and cultures. IT Masters: and IT Masters: A little bit of housekeeping before we begin as well, if you have questions for the panelists for shane or for Jeffrey please direct those to the Q amp a section. IT Masters: Which is down the bottom of your screen to slightly to the right and those questions will go through them they won't all be answered, but we'll try and get a good cross section of those questions in throughout the presentation and as well at the end. IT Masters: To talk about the substance of the presentation if you've got more operational style questions about my team masters enrollment eligibility courses. IT Masters: Operational kind of things feel free to direct those to the chat function as well and kit and I will do our best to keep you updated on those as much as we can.

IT Masters: So. IT Masters: We should begin, so our main speakers tonight are going to be shane Murphy, who is the itm sales and marketing manager. IT Masters: And he has worked previously in the Internet of Things, industry, since mid 90s in carrier and comes mainly and we also have our wonderful guest Dr Jeffrey Jenkins. IT Masters: Who is a networking applications engineer at core wireless has been an Internet of Things developer and operational manager of over 20 years, as well as having many, many fascinating stories from vcs and academia as well. IT Masters: Once again, my name is jack I am the eligibility and close advisor it monsters, and we also have kid who's going to be moderating with us this evening. IT Masters: So I believe we've got a little bit of an order of operations as well.

IT Masters: which I think shane is going to take us through is that right shane oh. Shane Murphy: Indeed hey. IT Masters: Really, sir. IT Masters: i'm very well thanks shane and I have a. IT Masters: I have a question for you and my question is, what is the Internet of Things.

Shane Murphy: Where will. IT Masters: We get to that. Shane Murphy: we'll get that in the tick but we're going to essentially just so that everybody knows what's coming on tonight, and I saw somebody asking how long it's going to be, we hope to get it wrapped up in an hour.

Shane Murphy: Sometimes we can get a little bit caught up if we get lots of great questions i'm sure we will so we're going to have a little bit of a very intro intro to the Internet of Things, an interview with geoff Jenkins. Shane Murphy: A little bit about what we cover in the charleston university subject Internet of Things, which is one of the subjects of elements, some of our master's degrees. Shane Murphy: And then, a little bit of this sort of nuts and bolts stuff about how you get into our courses. Shane Murphy: And what you can do to you know pay for them and get subsidies and all that sort of stuff and they'll be questions in fact they'll be questions at the end of the interview as well, so that we can split those up into a couple of groups. IT Masters: That feeling worse.

IT Masters: Now I did jump the gun very slightly, but I am still very interested in your answer the question chain, what is the Internet of Things. Shane Murphy: Thank you drumroll so, by the way these quotes from the two authors, who wrote the textbook for the IPCC 560 subject. Shane Murphy: And this is a bit of a, this is a bit of a take on the old Thomas Edison quote, which was to invent you just need a pile of junk and a good imagination, which is, I think what everybody thinks that the Internet is a pile of junk.

Shane Murphy: So we've created the this one from Wikipedia. Shane Murphy: dispenser things describes physical objects with sensors processing ability software and other technologies that connect the exchange data. Shane Murphy: with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks that says a bucket load, and it also says nothing at the same time. Shane Murphy: For those of us that worked in the industry for very long time, really. Shane Murphy: i've preferred describe it like this, and I know that looks like a lot of boxes on the screen, but essentially there's five main components of any Internet of Things, application and.

Shane Murphy: i'm happy if somebody comes up with a question that can challenge the five some some might have slightly less, but I will only be simply because they combined. Shane Murphy: So essentially at the lift end we have aged devices So these are the things that collect data. Shane Murphy: or they actively do something at the time, so the sort of devices that we might see out there, what I call Pauline devices, there are things like. Shane Murphy: Vehicle tracking devices which St your location any point in time and then send the message off or they measure the height of a damn the height of the water in a damn and then send it off. Shane Murphy: opposed to that are more active devices and they are things like, if possible machines which actually focus a transaction.

Shane Murphy: And pretty much any age device comes into one or two of those categories, even if it's a camera cameras or edge devices, many years ago we we had an application, which was. Shane Murphy: microphones that recording bet noises so that that's would not fly into wind farms. Shane Murphy: And that chewed up an enormous amount of data, but was a very successful application and a way of showing that you can use very. Shane Murphy: Simple technology in ways that aren't thought of before so that's your first main area of it it's the edge devices and that's what a lot of what everybody gets. Shane Murphy: caught up with because they're the things that are ubiquitous they're everywhere that's what you see the rest of the stuff is not really seen in so many ways.

Shane Murphy: there's the connectivity layer which historically came from this sort of area from cellular and wider area networks, radio and other sorts of networks. Shane Murphy: Because the Internet of Things started out as a thing called machine to machine technology in the in the 80s, even a nice it's called all sorts of other things as well. Shane Murphy: But essentially cellular and when we're great drivers of the take up have Internet connectivity because cellular was the first technology we had which covered a wide area of most countries at relatively low costs and with the ability to send small amounts of data. Shane Murphy: comparatively cheaply lots of people build private net radio networks as well, but cellular was the real Dr Robert and, and that is in fact the industry from which Jeff and I can. Shane Murphy: We spent a lot of using that and Jeff is still working in that in the cellular form providing connectivity to devices.

Shane Murphy: Then over the last few years in ghanian popular he has been the area of what I call pans and bands personal area networks and building area networks. Shane Murphy: So that's why fi or bluetooth or the FBI or some other form usually have wireless connectivity within a limited area or a building or a site. Shane Murphy: So it's much, much smaller in range then you've got the other extreme, which is satellite.

Shane Murphy: Which again Jeff can comment on a little bit more, as we go on, because satellite is becoming more and more important for anything that can actually. Shane Murphy: See outside a building it's obviously complex inside a building, although we're finding a little bit more around stuff does get into the building, these days, particularly with the sister GPS. Shane Murphy: And then, finally, there is still an amount of connectivity that happens sound fix wires, particularly in buildings. Shane Murphy: But it is something that we can't completely ignore because some devices are just wired into place, and they go so that's the second component of it. Shane Murphy: it'd be interesting to look at the comparative costs of all of these things because edge devices typically are capital costs, this is a an operational costs.

Shane Murphy: And this, these days, forms data storage forms a a ongoing costs as well really because nearly everything is stored in the cloud. Shane Murphy: But there are still a lot of people that store within their own circumstances, particularly with high security needs or with high privacy requirements governments will often do stuffing in house, although I think that aws and, as you are in those people and making huge inroads into that. Shane Murphy: So essentially you're collecting you're collecting information you're sending it down the pipe it's being stored in a big warehouse somewhere. Shane Murphy: Then you've got all that stuff in the warehouse and to that you apply some business rules and to be honest, well, this is the smallest part. Shane Murphy: Of the diagram it's actually the most important function in the lot because it drives outcomes without the business rules without business intelligence. Shane Murphy: iot applications are to logic, then hobbies and we've seen many ones where people expected to do brilliant things.

Shane Murphy: And they were technically wonderful, but had no business rules associated with them, and the first business rule is who gets paid. Shane Murphy: But ultimately that comes down to if X happens, then, what do we do about it, if the damn level that we've measured over here gets too high. Shane Murphy: What do we have to do we have to tell somebody so that they can either release the sluice gates. Shane Murphy: or they can prepare people to leave the area if it's going to be a major flood, because often with a damn you can tell three to five days in advance of when the floods going to happen at the other end just simply by the level of the river. Shane Murphy: So there's all of those implications this is critical, all the rest, you can play with in different ways, this is the thing you can't change because it depends upon either money or saving time or saving lives. Shane Murphy: And then you've got outcomes which are those things you get alarms something's happened and alarm goes off the damn levels got to high you've been told that the drivers driven outside these area that deliveries late something like that you've got a transaction.

Shane Murphy: If pastas the easiest one to do there are other ones around, but primarily if pasta, these days. Shane Murphy: And then you have report so every month, a building manager might get a report on the building usage of power, right across the board, and then they can take other actions from those outcomes. Shane Murphy: So this is the whole ecosystem really there's not very much that extends beyond this ecosystem and I think we, in the time I was working in iot we probably assist. Shane Murphy: Thousands of applications and most of them failed in this area and the other area they failed in was the channel to market but that's outside the actual ecosystem that's how you actually get.

Shane Murphy: You know applications in but generally came from a failure in the business rules if you don't have a business place you don't have an application. Shane Murphy: And that's what the iot ecosystem is all about really the customer in the business process X, but it's a where the. Shane Murphy: Where the applications really driven from what has tended to happen over the past 20 years is it's these guys the APP developers and the hardware developers and the connectivity providers. Shane Murphy: That have actually tried to seed, the market and they've tried to drive uptake of applications, so it was the people who. Shane Murphy: Developed applications for using GPS That said, all we can, we can develop a small GPS receiver put in a vehicle and send the information back.

Shane Murphy: And then try to sell it to trucking companies that was one of the first widespread more visible applications of iot. Shane Murphy: But that wasn't necessarily driven by customers, in fact, the customer's always said, our family you'd made it. Shane Murphy: $1,000 not $2,000 and then it got to $1,000 off, and it was $500 you know we we take it up straight away, and the reality was they. Shane Murphy: They couldn't justify a business case for it in their own mind, because their business process people hadn't told them how to do it, but it was being driven over here. Shane Murphy: What happens now is you getting much more of this area of the ecosystem driving what happens, and often the customer is the person involved in developing the APP for. Shane Murphy: purchasing the connectivity contracting out the hardware development or doing it themselves and also have a business process expert in house, but without any without all those roles being filled nothing happens.

Shane Murphy: So here's some examples of iot Apps in action, and I would assume that probably everybody is on this has some idea. Shane Murphy: About most of these sorts of things, but we'll just talk in general terms. Shane Murphy: There are dozens and dozens and hundreds and hundreds of Apps but many of them fall into similar sorts of areas, these are the most used ones utilities here in Victoria, where I live. Shane Murphy: Virtually every premises has a smart meter these days that enables the collection of real time or near real time usage data on your power meter. Shane Murphy: And it gets sent into a big data warehouse where the person who builds you is actually separated from the person that collects and sends the electricity to your door, they also use it to monitor and maintain a transmission networks.

Shane Murphy: In payment applications you've got parking wireless if possible any machines all of those things covert has been an amazing boost to all of those things, because everything is now our wireless I don't know if you people are using cash anymore, because. Shane Murphy: We don't yeah I reckon i've still got the same $50 note I had two and a half years ago. Shane Murphy: In medical there are more and more Apps appearing in medical and it's interesting to watch the. Shane Murphy: What I would call the payment flow in medical happen because, for example, and sleep apnea there has been a move to have sleep apnea and devices monitored by via the Internet of Things, and that is primarily driven by health insurance companies in America.

Shane Murphy: What they wanted to know was that the people that they are paying for the sleep devices for the seat that machines for we're actually going to. Shane Murphy: Use the devices, because then their health insurance would be viable and if they didn't use the devices, then the companies would refuse to pay for the machines so it's It is interesting how it happens their. Shane Murphy: fitness Apps fitbit all those sorts of things, your iPhone itself your your Google phone they all have multiple connections for these sorts of things now.

Shane Murphy: and diabetes, there is an employee looked at many years ago which go sorry diabetes, I say, diabetes, every time and i'm thinking asthma this happened to us the other day didn't deck. Shane Murphy: And asthma puffer. Shane Murphy: It had a tracker in it and they could determine when you're having it was for children because they discovered that if children didn't regularly take the puffer. Shane Murphy: Then they were much more likely to develop worse so as they got older if they actually regularly took the rental and it was going to be much better and same with diabetes, the diet, some of the diabetes pumps are actually managed at the same way. Shane Murphy: we've spoken about logistics tracking and dispatch That was the original way that I certainly became involved in this sort of thing through two way radio networks back in the 80s and 90s. Shane Murphy: where you want it to be able to automatically dispatched things because it was 10 to 15% more efficient.

Shane Murphy: And it's that's just going on and on and on now, who does not get a delivery where it's already Telegraph to you when your delivery is about to arrive, and has in fact been derived often with a photo attached as well. Shane Murphy: We we couldn't imagine those things, many years ago. Shane Murphy: Smart buildings is a hugely growing area again here in Melbourne I know that the local council has been keen to make what they call a digital twin so they're they're building virtual copies. Shane Murphy: of many, if not all of the big city buildings and ultimately want to monitor what goes on in them for fire for parking for. Shane Murphy: health reasons for energy levels all of that sort of stuff.

Shane Murphy: And parking you seen the parking signs around in every city, they are all interconnected in good cities so that you know that there there's some sort of central control around trying to manage the amount of parking that's available with the amount of cars in the city. Shane Murphy: and often, as you know, lovely city here with a determination that they are trying to reduce the number of cars in the city in the first place. Shane Murphy: and security was the other one that the one of the core builders of iot in the early days, building access building alarms a rapid response you know security drove a lot of what's going on. Shane Murphy: And as just as just as just said yes weather stations all that sort of stuff so it has gone from being very much a fringe techno technologically driven. Shane Murphy: series of Apps into something that surrounds us everywhere i'm you know we could go on and on, with applications but i'm, I just wanted to give you just a general flavor of what it is, so I think. Shane Murphy: Rather than hear me just grab it on about stuff it's probably going to be good to speak to Jeff and talk about some of the things are actually happening in the world.

Shane Murphy: So spoken a little bit about these, but I think it's important underlying what's the purpose of having these applications, because I know there's a lot of concern about. Shane Murphy: You know, information sharing surveillance. Shane Murphy: and other aspects of iot and security, especially, and so you know the values got to be there in order to do it so for utilities it's stopping things like brown out early warnings or problems they're able to. Shane Murphy: load manage the whole network properly because they can actually see in real time what's going on. Shane Murphy: Before they had to wait, you know when the made a breather came around it'd be weeks or months before they knew how much.

Shane Murphy: Power he but he was using apart from the drain or getting on the generators. Shane Murphy: and real time billing and usage data is also very useful for bigger organizations, you know if it turns out that they've left the lights on in the factory online at that cost them quite a lot of man that's just. Shane Murphy: A mundane stupid example, but it is all of that sort of stuff that adds up over time and a lot of what the Internet of Things applications do is they take very small amounts of data.

Shane Murphy: and build a picture over a period of time, like every bit of data is a pixel in a very large picture. Shane Murphy: And it's not until the pixels get to a certain point, you can see what the picture looks like it's one of the ways i've i've usually thought about it. Shane Murphy: The other way is, of course, that in many respects 99% plus of the data you collect through these sorts of applications is actually pointless and useless. Shane Murphy: Particularly if it's something that's an alarm or something but it's that very small percentage when the alarm goes off is what you really need to hear and that's and you have to collect the rest in order to get the F to click the dross in order to get the gold, I suppose. Shane Murphy: payments would just you know we've talked about how kovats affected that everything has become cashless now, but it also refers to things like stock updates from vending machines damage control. Shane Murphy: automated measuring all of those things would not end we're not possible in quite the same way 1520 years ago.

Shane Murphy: Medical one is really important, not only for the health insurance stuff which is by the by, and probably limited to places like America. Shane Murphy: But it's only issue detection ultimately those results get back to doctors and they can track what's going on with their patient without having Devon come in every few weeks, they can track the. Shane Murphy: Responses to some of the what's going on in their device, you know the seed pack machine model, for example, to take back pressure or certain other features of what's going on with the. Shane Murphy: With the use of it that would indicate that maybe there's another problem developing and so they can try and hit that off at the pass and save everybody a lot of time, money and energy. and Shane Murphy: Fleet legislative spoken about cities effective use of resources, less power usage and health, you know things like legion is the safety of.

Shane Murphy: Large cooling and heating stacks and buildings all of that stuff is is actually again really important usually find that safety, things are amongst those ones where. Shane Murphy: We collect a lot of data, but we don't actually use it until it becomes critical. Shane Murphy: And it's it's The critical thing or the important thing is to be able to match the patent map the patterns, so you can see if something's building up that's going to be a problem. Shane Murphy: same with security, you don't really want to know all the time that the doors shut you only want to know when it's open and so part of the challenge. Shane Murphy: of applications is designing them in such a way that they try and only send them important data across the networks, particularly if it costs money to send data across networks.

Shane Murphy: And I thought, just to sort of close out this section and Jeff was reminding me earlier and i'll introduce Jeff properly in a second. Shane Murphy: That we've been seeing these sorts of graphs all the time i've been working in this field now it's worth noting up front this point here is when the graph was drawn and that's the point at which reality turns into forecasting or it is then here if I would take that as fantasy. Shane Murphy: Because inevitably these graphs all have the same curve there you go up steadily in a very nice path, and then they rock it up for the next few years after the.

Shane Murphy: forecast period and inevitably they do grow successfully we're not talking about small amounts of growth at 26% compound annual growth rate. Shane Murphy: That is a phenomenal growth rate in anybody's terms, but then they talking about you know, increasing further over this point in time. Shane Murphy: Currently, at the moment they're talking in realms of 12 to 13 billion connected Internet of Things devices, however that's defined by the iot analytics people. Shane Murphy: And they were doubling that in the next three to four years that's probably optimistic, you probably find that the grass going to go, you know more along the.

Shane Murphy: path and the trajectory is what it's going now why the growth slow between 20 and 21 colon phelps it slowed because of covert because people weren't installing more things that's generally what's happened. Shane Murphy: But you can see that these compound growth rates over here in the different connectivity forms and they've used that as a way of doing it rather than by application because it's fairly easy to break down but. Shane Murphy: You know even wired iot which is tiny is still growing in a compound rate of 7%.

Shane Murphy: legacy cellular, which is what we nearly always use now to well 3G 4G primarily these days it's great 17% compound right, you know, while Atlanta great 24%. Shane Murphy: Smaller networks 22% so we've got huge huge growth rate and obviously 5g is growing at 159% we could make a whole pile of jokes about it being decoded but let's move on from that as well. Shane Murphy: But yeah just give you a feel for how ubiquitous and how important this is as a as an overall sick dial in information technology and, to be honest, how little it's been looked at today.

Shane Murphy: So I thought that I would introduce Jeff today to you i've known Jeff for many years, Dr Jeff Jenkins, has been involved in iot since 2000 when he stopped becoming a. Shane Murphy: lecturer in ancient history and other subjects. Shane Murphy: he's currently a networking applications engineer at core wireless but he's he's been inventing applications and designing things since 2000 and probably before that a little bit on the side as well. Shane Murphy: he's designed and implemented a number of conductivity applications for satellite and cellular in his current role and in other ones as well and.

Shane Murphy: I believe he plays a lot with raspberry pi and other applications on the side. Shane Murphy: And he's fluent in a pile of ancient languages we said it doesn't i'm not sure whether we could get him to tell us all of them, but. Shane Murphy: Things like Syria and Aramaic via their ancient forms a language is he's been teaching in and just ideal working from home situation is the oasis picture here, and that is Jeff himself.

Shane Murphy: Some years ago at this oasis where there is a an ancient site that he's team were excavating so he'd love to be working from there and. Shane Murphy: You know, doing these Apps at the same time as we're doing thing so i'd like you to welcome mill along with me and I thought we'd say hello Jeff how are you. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: i'm good chain i'm i'm good i'm reminded of so many conversations we've had over the years, where where you said that's a good idea, but what's the one of the business rules where's that going to go who's going to pay for it. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And we had quite a few of those didn't we in our conversations.

Shane Murphy: Yes, I think he got sick of me saying that and it's one of the reasons I I took a little bit of a break from it for a while, because I got sick of saying it. Shane Murphy: We had people with great dreams and not very clear ways of getting them in place, but just a little bit about what you're doing this, as I see you're standing in front of me and i'll Castle, as well as your backdrop is that is that the same place that photo is from. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: yeah that 10 kilometers away but that's half a day because it's windblown sand and very slow going to get from one to the other and that's a little place called Omega body with a second century Roman Ford. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: You introduce me as a network and systems and applications, perhaps engineer that these days i'm a pre sales engineer.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So they keep moving me around but it doesn't change what I do. Shane Murphy: Have can say, does it make a difference. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Now the label the labels, the is.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: A bit meaningless pre sales means that I I need to engage with customers, not just with machines, but I think I always did that and because I was always interested in how the technology would would could be implemented to to produce a good outcome for a project. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So I and i've always thought about machine to machine and iot as a very much an ecosystem, which involve people. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: We probably shouldn't think about iot as Internet of Things so much as. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Using things to enhance people's experience enhance environment.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And and help us to. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: I think, to live better lives and and that. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: That personality aspect that that.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Real people real machines part full ecosystem, I think, is something that that has become clearer and clearer as i've done this more and more. Shane Murphy: So yeah I like to think of it as some helping us make better decisions. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: yeah it's a great way to express it I think that's true.

Shane Murphy: So maybe let's talk about some of the sort of applications that you might have built and what sort of difference they've made to it because it sort of extends on for what you're saying. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: yeah so what I what I didn't just disclose but I showed is that i've been a hobby programmer all my life and and when shane and I first started working together and. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: It was on the assumption that I would write some applications which would somehow enhance the business that chain was doing.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And we did that, right from the start chain, we we we raised the hood and we wrote applications we wrote a radius server right at the start and and that helped us to discover some applications of the radius protocol that we we didn't know I don't think and when word popularly known. Shane Murphy: Was it was interesting because and and just to extend from that radius server when we when we first started that business was a very small business. Shane Murphy: Competing actually with the largest cellular carriers and the radius server for those that are in the call who.

Shane Murphy: understand what that is is a very simple in some respects piece of technology that just assigned to an IP address. Shane Murphy: But what that actually enabled us to do as a small company was to be extraordinarily nimble and to be able to sit up applications that. Shane Murphy: could do things straight away so in those days, people required static IP address because their their application design wasn't great.

Shane Murphy: And we were able to deliver static IP addresses overnight same day straightaway, and it really worked. Shane Murphy: And I think that's that and that's an example of you know, a very small and not especially groundbreaking application, but done in a very simple way that had a huge difference to what we were doing. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And then another one that you'll recall Chinese some. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Application of SMS so it was it was that large sleep apnea company that that needed to be sending SMS is in particular ways and particular circumstances and to particular markets and what we what we built their hobby piece of application, really. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: But that supported what was a very substantial business for for quite a few years and and, interestingly enough, SMS is a good example of it isn't it that's a technology that we all thought had had headed today. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: But now it's in use in iot theory widely and what we discover is that SMS mo, especially where you.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: You text I don't know the answer to some number and back comes a response that sort of application, which we worked on years ago has now become ubiquitous so these things go in and out of. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: favor but the Foundation protocols that to find them, so the SNP P protocol for SMS capable of supporting lots of actions that we don't even use most days is mtp for email, but these days we're using email within iot contexts, so a quick example of that is we've got. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: What we do some iridium and we do it together with cellular sometimes packets in a single device because I really am is very expensive.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: cell you as much cheaper but sending it doesn't work everywhere, whereas a really pretty much does, we like to say that if you put an ATM on the South pole. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: You could you could get money out of it using a medium and weirdly enough, even if the ATM was down in progress, you could still get money out of it using a redeem It might not have much of a business model I don't think shane that when. Shane Murphy: I speak not but for those who don't know mediums in network of. Shane Murphy: global satellite originally used for phone calls that motorola and a whole pile of companies put up in the 90s, and has come into its own as a primarily data network with a small amount of voice across it these days.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So what we've built not even in the last short while, is a is a technique for switching between iridium and cellular network, so we have customers who. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Who will always their device will always use cellular because it will be may be in the Florida keys they're only interested in satellite if someone steals the yard and sales into Cuba. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And so, for a whole lifetime of the application that never used any satellite but they'll be paying significant fee for it, so we designed a technique for monitoring the cellular network and when it went away, we would switch on the iridium. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And those sorts of benefits ways of bringing different technologies different streams together.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: That I think is probably a focus of what we try and do to enhance iot. Shane Murphy: I would do without the risk of being you know banging on about it, I would suggest that that's an application of business rules driving an application for a change, rather than the technology those technologies have been around for ages, but the business rules haven't been there. Shane Murphy: Yet, what do you think of the, but do you think of a core skills that dumb people working in iot these days need.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Well, your your. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: venn diagram of sorts shine earlier on, with with. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: At least four areas of interest and I noticed a couple of questions which we might come back to later, which really add to the fall and and probably nobody has all four. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So, in terms of where I come from, I think.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: imagination interested in raising the hood is the key to to how I approach iot and so, in particular. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: iot demands database skills and pretty much everybody involved with it needs to be thinking about the storage of the data. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: How to merge streams into a single database.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: How to analyze the data and Ai or whatever it be how to share the data and I add another one, how to cycle that data around to users who can then plow back their insights into the way Mr Tyler structured so all of that, I think, data is especially important for iot. Shane Murphy: We have a. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: lot of it.

Shane Murphy: yeah I, and I know that charleston also have a big data subject which is available in a couple of our courses as well, and that that is a very nice. Shane Murphy: Marriage with the iot so that stuff I would also say that you know from my experience, and I have no technical experience whatsoever I to have a classics in English degree and have never gone down the technical side like Jeffrey but. Shane Murphy: I would say it's about asking the right questions of people in and particularly when you're trying to engineer something, because often it's not about being able to decode the Python. Shane Murphy: or whatever that it's written in it's about being able to say well there's a problem here and there's a problem there for the problem must be coming from over there in the in the string. Shane Murphy: And that's and I noticed that somebody is asking about how to become an iot professional I don't think yet that we were just starting to see the emergence of those sorts of.

Shane Murphy: You know, professional sort of recognitions for somebody that specialize in iot. Shane Murphy: that's coming a little bit late to the party, because it is so many things like networking and cloud computing and cyber security are all involved very intensively within within iot it's a real mix of all of them. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And everybody shane I think.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: who's working in iot and it needs to think about the wide ecosystem and just say there are all these different elements which are essential to a good iot project I don't know about all of them, but I know that they're all important. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And then I can participate usefully in the conversation with a customer with a friend. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: That that produces a good project design. Shane Murphy: yeah so what's coming up next do you think. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: well. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: As satellites and it's going to be important for the future we've talked quite a bit about a radium or mentioned iridium lots of times tonight and that's just because.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Where I work we've been doing a radium for 10 years and we've got lots of satellite customers, but they're all using a radium short best time. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: But I really am is already moved on to not short by startup at a surface IP based product and then, in the meantime we've got a radius of sort of small track of a satellite. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Whereas something like swarm is a shoe box or a wine bottle of a satellite. Shane Murphy: And then crashes to earth.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Yes indeed, and that's changed all of the. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: The way we think about satellite it's reducing the cost very significantly. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And it's changed the applications in the very process, so there are only very few things were very few applications where people could afford to use a radium. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So large, heavy transport tracking that sort of thing. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Particularly if there were compliance issues all of that would justify using a radium but. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: wells around the great the great artesian basin.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: We couldn't track each of those we couldn't monitor each of those now, we can do that with swarm and we're doing it right. Shane Murphy: So i'm getting and we're about to move into questions as well. Shane Murphy: But i'm, the first question we're getting is about styling and that keeps coming up our that's mask right i'd not heard of styling I must have been living in a shell. Shane Murphy: Do you know much about styling if.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: I don't I know a lot of better radium shane. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And I know, and I know about as well, but most there are four and, therefore, maybe five major heavy duty self satellite networks and and. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So so. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: inmarsat is still the most common one, that people think of when when iridium as mentioned these are these are heavy duty systems, particularly for monitoring.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Aircraft they have major military applications and can I quickly mentioned chain to change the subject for sake it's because of kind of answer that question. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: we've got a great iridium customer who who flies drones for for. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Delivery of medicines and they're they're all around the world, these days. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: But we were we were with them just two years ago, right at the very beginning their cto is a good friend of mine, we sat down talked about how. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: How such an idea I ot project could be built, so that you could fly your drones from his beach house at matt Martha. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: it's it's moved on since then, a great deal, but it was it's a great a great project it's a really image cellular it's bluetooth in it's all over the world.

Shane Murphy: yeah it's interesting I see some of the comments about how styling is much cheaper than iridium, and I mean. Shane Murphy: I don't know how necessarily true that is i'm not questioning that's the case, but I think what we found with things like Internet of Things applications is the difficulty has been. Shane Murphy: To be able to purchase air time on any network that takes account of the fact that you're only using very, very small chunks of data, a lot of the time. Shane Murphy: So that you might you know styling might be very much cheaper for what we might use for web browsing or running a call all that sort of stuff but it's.

Shane Murphy: A lot of the ones that are very cheap on high bandwidth data are very expensive to use for small data and when you've got a lot of you know if you're deploying thousands of devices around the world that send kilobits If not you know. Shane Murphy: bits of data every couple of hours up they generally don't meet the requirements for a high bandwidth product plus also the hardware, it becomes an issue, then as well. Shane Murphy: they'll be interesting to see how styling goes, I will say that my my inherent cynicism is that nearly every satellite network that's gone up with possibly the exception of inmarsat because they've had a base in in. Shane Murphy: Maritime and health and safety generally went through chapter 11 bankruptcy three to three to 10 years after it was put into orbit and the people who then took it over. Shane Murphy: made all the money out of it, because the technology was there and working in there were able to read price it so it was much more sensible so it's it'll be interesting to see how sterling and all the other ones come along. Shane Murphy: So what do we got here in terms of questions somebody has asked where does administration sit in an iot landscape, considering the five components.

Shane Murphy: I think administration can see in a number of different places generally it's sort of seats in some respects with the way the business rules are because that's where the energy is developed from. Shane Murphy: So whoever whoever implements and manages the the rules is the person that manager, because it is such a a group of disparate things usually bought together. Shane Murphy: it's the management is is very complex I would I would call it, because you're often dealing with different vendors for hardware for software. Shane Murphy: For connectivity and you know all of those things take time to manage. Shane Murphy: What does happen, though, is it, it tends to develop companies that are good at integrating all of those things and then that company manages the process. Shane Murphy: But usually that admin will sit somewhere, either at the databases, or in the business rules or the outcomes, because they will usually happen around the same spot in some form or another.

Shane Murphy: But other questions that we got is terminus cut mix the mix it I think we'll leave that one alone. IT Masters: Well shane I was going to use that that question actually to pivot into some of the really interesting things that Jeff was saying to us yesterday about the. IT Masters: The way that a lot of the questions around iot are less technical and more legal and infrastructural and geopolitical so rather than the specific skynet question, thank you, a non resident day.

IT Masters: I suppose the, the question is around what Jeff do you or or shane do you see as the kind of future of iot data collection and distribution ownership and use of the data that's being collected, some of which is very, very useless currently but. IT Masters: You know, much of which is potentially being stored and maybe come weasel in the future. Shane Murphy: Just one meet so i'll i'll have a first crack at some of this stuff. Shane Murphy: it's it's quite scary I think in some respects, but in others. Shane Murphy: You have to be you have to have some faith in in what remains of the systems.

Shane Murphy: And, and it comes down to trust, who, who are the people we trust to have this data and do we trust that they're going to do the writings were but. Shane Murphy: I know we've all heard the stories of Google search using anonymized data but, that being able to pinpoint people who, for example, wanted to inquire about terminations in some Midwest and in America, where it wasn't allowed. Shane Murphy: And so that they're the dangers of unfiltered data access, you know at a. Shane Murphy: At a you know, an unfortunate level, not as a malicious level obviously malicious attacks or another problem altogether and security in iot.

Shane Murphy: I think, is going to be the great challenge of the next five years in every single in every single place. Shane Murphy: But politically they it's it's about who do we trust and are we going to allow them to have the data and are we going to compare that with the data that people already. Shane Murphy: Have on us from using any social media network in the world, using a mobile phone, etc, you know, have we know that data is going off to commercial organizations already, but have no. Shane Murphy: You know, only have.

Shane Murphy: Minor implications, about how they use the data, even though they are slowly being impacted, what do you think Jeff. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So really intrigues me how sometimes the most valuable data we we don't get access to it's not shared with us. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And my favorite example of it is the in home display for electricity use.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: That information was was collected Austin ostensibly so that we would all have access to it we'd be able to change our behavior use a bit less electricity or use it at a more sensible time of the day, or not. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And and and, in fact, back in the day, people said, we can build fewer power stations, if we get this right, so it had really important. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Ecological implications that the best use of that data I don't think it was shared with us and ostensibly everyone was going to have an in home display everyone was going to be included in the discussion. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: didn't happen.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And it was. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: A political as much as anything else well. Shane Murphy: Yes, the history of of climate change and renewable power in Australia is a whole political narrative of its own, I should just mentioned that this point that. Shane Murphy: A couple of people being putting their hand up which we don't necessarily respond to So if you could dump if you had a chance to type A question that would be really good.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: So carbon monoxide. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Change for a moment and. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: We, we had a mutual friend who thought to himself when they built a freeway next to him. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: I should start monitoring carbon monoxide levels and monitor them right throughout the period of building and operation of that freeway. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And so, that was a 10 year project anticipating that that data set would have venue. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: And, but I got picked up a son in law in my wanderings recently and he's an airport designer systems engineer, and he he collects data sets he doesn't click them he buys them of wind direction wind speed.

Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Over a 10 year period in a certain location which somebody has collected and then i've said well here's the data, you need you can't make your decisions without it, especially with climate change in the like. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Somebody thought of that in advance, and I think that's where data is the key and it's the opportunity for us to to to discover that build our own data sets and share them. Shane Murphy: I think it depends on how well you protect the owner, the originators of the data from identification for purposes that they may not have wanted. Shane Murphy: One of the really mundane applications of of what you're saying is I don't know if people know, but one of the ways that Google maps and the like are able to give you traffic data is that they buy.

Shane Murphy: The real time traffic data from just about every career company and taxi company in the world. Shane Murphy: And they push that through their back end and they measure where it's going, and they have developed long term maps of that together with some predictive algorithms when I first started in this industry. Shane Murphy: working for Vodafone actually there was a mathematician lives in mount waverley. Shane Murphy: He had developed a comparative model that from six o'clock in the morning he could tell you how long it was going to take for your commute on the local freeway intimate into the city. Shane Murphy: Which is normally a 25 minute commute depending on the traffic that had happened by 6am.

Shane Murphy: That day and there are sort of algorithms that have gone on, but it's it's buying that data, as you said, Jeff that that people have been using for other business rules and being able to reapply it in a generalized de. Shane Murphy: De identified way that has provided value to everybody, I know I use Google maps all the time in order to be able to get around and try and find the fastest way, and then I have a little game with myself to see if I can beat it. Shane Murphy: Because that's one of the things Jeff do you know about the eye to it, I on network framework. Shane Murphy: Somebody has asked a question about finding value in co creating value and they're all in that framework. Geoff Jenkins at Umm el-Dabadib: Really shy.

Shane Murphy: Okay, will i'm sorry anonymous attendee, we have to pass that up because I don't know that framework. Shane Murphy: Is a curriculum in development to learn apply it so when can I start more screwed well. Shane Murphy: There isn't there isn't there isn't so we have one subject which we're about to go into and just give you a little bit of information on, and if you were looking for an iot specific. Shane Murphy: set of subjects we would be happy to have a chat with you about how to derive that by doing say a massive network engineering or something similar to that. Shane Murphy: It will have a lot of industry certifications, which is part of your question as well, this is Jeff wax question.

Shane Murphy: But they will not specifically be iot certifications but as far as i'm aware there aren't a lot of iot specific applications and Jeff psyches to agree. Shane Murphy: So what i'm going to what i'm going to do now is move on and say thank you to Jeff for that pilot but hank please hang around and feel free to drop your your. Shane Murphy: 14 as we go on where we're going to move into the last part of that now, a second last part which is to talk about our subject. Shane Murphy: This has run out of Chester university it's a part of our online degrees, the Internet of Things, the subject is ITC 560 and. Shane Murphy: This quote is from one of the gentleman who wrote the textbook for that subject.

Shane Murphy: To how the Internet of Things will bend and mold the IPR glass in the decades to come, we will certainly will certainly be fascinating to witness. Shane Murphy: way as engineers developers research as business leaders, consumers and human beings are in the Baltics this transformation, I think, well that's a little bit Florida, it is, it does give you an idea of what's going on. Shane Murphy: So ITC 560 is designed as an omnibus subject is what I would call it, it is a very wide ranging structural look at the Internet of Things, from an academic point of view. Shane Murphy: They cover pretty much what we used to call it from DC to daylight everything in the in that you can think of with iot they've got subjects on their. Shane Murphy: Areas on blockchain their various on communications protocols, the way that an application will go together some stuff around business use cases. Shane Murphy: A couple of weeks on security architecture and some of the history around those things.

Shane Murphy: And therefore it's it's designed to give you a real taste of the Internet of Things, one of the reasons that we're running this webinar tonight is to try and ascertain. Shane Murphy: If there is an appetite out there for people to do more in depth things on top of this subject, so you would do this subject as an introductory. Shane Murphy: fundamentals of Internet of Things topic and then maybe take it further subject that has a deep dive in one particular area, for example. Shane Murphy: So it is a very wide ranging subject and has a lot of stuff that you cover in a 12 week period so as necessarily I believe there is a very small amount of coding, there is a project of some sort. Shane Murphy: But I would have to you'd have to look more at the handbook I don't have just answered that question as well. Shane Murphy: So, to give you an idea here's the learning outcomes for it see that's probably a really good way to explain what's included in the course.

Shane Murphy: be able to explain and demonstrate the various components of an Internet of Things well we've. Shane Murphy: Partly done that already be able to analyze the role and importance of iot in the modern world. Shane Murphy: To be able to investigate and propose various requirements of an iot application for the real world. Shane Murphy: be able to evaluate a variety of existing and developing architecture technologies. Shane Murphy: and be able to describe and evaluate different applications that the Internet of Things, so I think that gives you a very good feel.

Shane Murphy: For the sorts of things that the course is going to give you in the subjects going to give you it some so. Shane Murphy: You know I think there's a lot more that you could go into in particular areas, and we will talk a little bit more about that, when we get to the end of the next phase of our discussion, which is about how to study these sorts of subjects with us. Shane Murphy: And i'd like to invite you back jack. IT Masters: Hello it's me from earlier, yes, so thank you very much for all of your fascinating insights and information Jeff and shane. IT Masters: And if you are like me interested in learning more about Internet of Things, after hearing from them. IT Masters: Like shane just said, we do offer one specific subject currently with it masters and CSU called Internet of Things, as part of several of our degrees which we've been delivering online since 2002 so if you're not currently familiar with it masters and CSU.

IT Masters: We have been an entirely online delivery. IT Masters: provide us into. IT Masters: there's no no need to attend campus to study any of our courses and we do try and provide a large amount of really dedicated students support it monsters, we have dedicated session support offices administration staff there's myself and Anna who do eligibility and credit assessments. IT Masters: As well as you know, just an ongoing kind of network of of mentors and subject coordinators as well to support your study.

IT Masters: We are the largest or we were the largest provider of online it degrees for about four years, up until 2020 when basically all universities. IT Masters: You know, it became necessary for them to provide online degrees and we have been a leader in the market for a really, really long time. IT Masters: Our graduates have some of the highest earnings and the highest rate of employment in their desired field once they've graduated out of any of these higher education providers in Australia. Shane Murphy: And what's surprising because. Shane Murphy: China is rated towards the bottom of the university ranks, for you know overall what as it is a university, but in the IT area charleston is rated very highly and the outcomes for graduates are very high.

IT Masters: Yes, yeah absolutely and part of the reason for that is because of the approach like with it masters, where we tie in industry based instruction and industry study with the pure academic study. IT Masters: So that actually leads us really well into this pathways to study so. IT Masters: Essentially, what we want to do is recognize that, especially in the IT industry, there are a large number of people with high levels of technical expertise experience in the industry. IT Masters: Who, it would be like sleepwalking to go into a certificate, three and four bachelor's but who don't currently have formal tertiary recognized qualifications, a lot of people have industry certifications i've seen people in the chat talking about Cisco CC and ACC NP etc. IT Masters: there's a wide range of those and we allow entry into the post Grad program through our graduate certificate pathways.

IT Masters: For people without a previous university level qualification, if you have relevant work experience of a certain amount or. IT Masters: Relevant industry certification as well, so if you've got a bachelor's degree or if


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