Elon Musk Just EXPOSED This Is Just ABOVE Us And They Don t Want Us To Know

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as if the United States creating a space-specific  branch of the military would somehow wreck the   utopian peace our civilization has managed  in the space above our heads there has been   a substantial increase in accusations about  the militarization of space in recent years   the reality is that since the launch of Sputnik  1 space has become militarized and nearly all   space projects over the past Century have had  some direct defense ramifications the Soviet   Union's efforts to field a real space cannon in  the 1970s are the best example of this fact in   action how did it happen also what is the worst  Space Project of the United States that is now   feasible if Elon musk's Starship is a success  let's find out hello everyone welcome back to Elon   Musk Evolution where we bring you the most recent  news about Elon Musk and his multi-billion dollar   companies space news and the latest science  and technology but before we begin make sure   you subscribe to our Channel and click the Bell  icon so you don't miss any of our amazing videos   according to musk many Americans have started  presuming that the U.S won the Cold War hands down   in the decades following the fall of the Soviet  Union from our political perspective in the 21st   century we can see that the Soviet Union was in  many ways an unsustainable Quagmire of Oppression   and economic impossibility however in the early  stages of Humanity's race to the Stars the Soviets   not the Americans appeared destined for the top  spot the first man-made object to circle the   Earth successfully was Sputnik which was launched  by the Soviet Union on October 4th 1957. a little   over a month later the Soviets achieved another  Triumph when they sent a stray dog named Laika   in orbit laika's Mission appeared to demonstrate  at least in part that live organisms are capable   of space flight even though the dog would perish  as it circled the Earth the Soviet space mission   Luna 2 created history on September 14 1959 when  it became the first artificial object to touch   down on the moon however the Soviets greatest  Triumph was still to come musk explained when the   Soviet Union launched Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into  orbit on April 12 1961 and he spent 108 minutes   in orbit before re-entering the atmosphere the  world was once again reminded that the Soviet   Union was the world's leading power in space  technology these early successes in the space   race meant much more to the Americans than simply  enhancing their reputation abroad each victory for   the Soviets not only increased the lead they had  in securing the ultimate High Ground for their   military but also demonstrated the viability  of the Soviet communist economic and political   system making the Soviet space program as much  of an ideological threat as it was a military one   however despite taking the role of the underdog  in the early stages of the Space Race the United   States used its post-world War II industrial and  economic strength to start narrowing the Gap left   by these early Soviet winds launching their own  satellite less than 4 four months after Sputnik   after the Soviet Gagarin by just over a month  would come America's first space traveler Alan   Shepard by 1969 the U.S would have prevailed and  in the eyes of many its capitalist economic system   as well thanks to its technological strength and a  tremendous inflow of spending two veteran fighter   pilots Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong successfully  touched down on the moon on July 20 1969. amidst A   continuing nuclear arms race musk says the Soviet  Union quickly went from dominating orbital space   to trailing behind as a result they perceived  this change as a serious threat reports about the   American manned orbital laboratory program which  was envisioned as an early Space Station from   which crews could perform orbital surveillance or  perhaps Mount military operations against Soviet   orbital bodies only served to increase their  concerns the Soviet Union invested heavily in   the Almaz space station project which was  an early version of their own design in   reaction to the mole program the concept which was  concealed behind a public-facing civilian space   station initiative actually called for a series of  military-specific space stations in orbit around   the planet each capable of carrying out its own  high-altitude reconnaissance despite the United   States decision to end its mole program in 1969  the Soviet effort persisted and went even farther   with plans to outfit these space stations with the  first cannon ever to fire in space going above and   beyond the abandoned American mission the Soviet  space Canon r23m car tech when they perceived the   American mole program as a threat the Soviets  were correct in truth a number of schemes and   proposals for allowing the Americans to spy on  Seas or otherwise destroy Soviet Satellites were   being discussed in the pentagon's hallways in  light of this the Soviet Union decided that their   space stations would need to be outfitted with  equipment that would allow them to do more than   simply take photos of the planet below instead  they wanted to be certain that their shelters in   orbit could withstand any attacks the Americans  may make according to musk they made the choice   to model this new covert space cannon after the  tupolev tu-22 Blinder their supersonic bomber   and its 23 millimeter gun the Soviet government  turned to the moscow-based KB talk Mash design   agency which was already in charge of a number of  successful aircraft weapons platforms for its new   Mission as the world's first real space cannon the  Canon's design was altered by engineer Alexander   noodleman and his colleagues at KB talkmash to  make use of the smaller 14.5 millimeter rounds  

that could engage targets at distances of up  to two miles with an incredible rate of fire of   between 950 and 5000 rounds per minute depending  on the source you read reports that were made   public after the fall of the Soviet Union claimed  that during ground testing the cannon successfully   penetrated a metal gas can from a distance of  more than a mile the cannon was intended to be   permanently positioned on the underside of Soviet  Almas space stations requiring operators to shift   the entire 20-ton station in order to point the  barrel of the cannon in the direction of a Target   the Armament system was first attached to a soyuz  spacecraft that had been altered and renamed the   salute space station before being launched in  1971. however interest in these manned observation   platforms was already starting to decline inside  the Kremlin by the time the solute was in orbit as   unmanned surveillance satellites appeared to  be more useful the only Cannon ever fired in   space even while American intelligence agencies  were well aware of the Soviet Union's plan to   build military space stations it was still very  challenging to fully understand what was happening   in the vast region of space above our heads on  January 24 1975 the Soviet Union successfully   finished a test launch of the r23m in orbit above  the Earth under the cloak of perfect secrecy   the precise outcomes of the test are still a  secret because there was no crew on board at   the time there have been unconfirmed allegations  that the weapon fired between one and three bursts   using a total of 20 shells the space station  engaged its thrusters in order to counteract   The Recoil of the fired bullets however it is  logical to assume that the test may have failed   in reality any video of the weapons test launch  was lost when the salute 3 platform was de-orbited   hours later and burned up upon re-entry into  the Earth's atmosphere cannons were replaced   by Interceptor missiles when the Soviet Union  planned and enhanced Almaz space station for   upcoming missions however the program was scrapped  before any such Weaponry could reach orbit at   least according to the Declassified data musk  explained the art and Technology of Warfare have   continuously Advanced throughout human history  and much like Natural Evolution itself fighting   parties have been caught in a never-ending cycle  of getting better and better our never-ending arms   race dates back to ancient times when clubs Spears  and arrows were used as weapons in more modern   times we have access to Firearms missiles with  growing lethality and of course nuclear weapons   though even these are not seen as the ultimate  destruction tools the area of space has been   viewed as a sort of Last Frontier of warfare as  research and development have continued to uncover   and improve better ways to kill each other and  defeat the other man what if you add access to   weapons of mass destruction that could be launched  into orbit where the adversary would be powerless   to stop you and what if you could transport these  weapons anywhere on the planet in a matter of   minutes to wreak havoc from above this is almost  too good to be true for the military and it may be   upsetting to many people that this science fantasy  scenario has been actively sought let's look at it   the fact that it is in a sense forbidden makes  it one of the key issues with using space as   a Battleground nuclear biological and chemical  weapons are forbidden from being deployed or used   from Earth's orbit according to the outer space  treaty which was signed by 107 nations in 1967   although war mongers will be disappointed there  is a way around this what if the weapon wasn't   chemical biological or nuclear in nature how  could we come up with a plan that would violate   the treaty yet be just as devastating although  lasers have been suggested in the past they just   haven't proven to be all that efficient at blowing  things up unlike the Death Star in the Star Wars   movies they just cost too much to grow require  too much mental energy to focus and are useless   at Great distances our technology in this area  is woefully insufficient for anything other than   possibly burning through a piece of plywood with  a concentrated burst at close range for sustained   periods on an immovable object or perhaps shining  a tiny mini cat toy laser in an enemy's eyes Laser   Technology for Warfare especially that from space  has been largely considered a dead end musk stated   however what if you could simply drop something  massive on them from space it could seem   ridiculous like something Wily coyote would say  E coyote might attempt but this is a very serious   very frightening area of science that is  much more deadly than you might expect   it is referred to as kinetic bombardment also  termed a kinetic orbital strike which sounds much   worse than huge heavy item thrown from orbit  and it is truly frightening the fundamental   idea behind it is to hit a target with an inert  projectile that falls from orbit without the use   of explosive moving parts propellants or chemicals  the plan is for a satellite to carry a magazine of   these items which are most likely tungsten rods  around the size of a telephone pole and weighing   approximately nine tons with fins attached to  keep them straight and to essentially drop them   towards a Target thus it must simply be a large  heavy object descending toward Earth right you'd   simply need to move out of the way and everything  would be good well not exactly the projectile   would accelerate dramatically as it moved through  space going eight kilometers per second in orbit   and eventually reaching an impact speed of around  mach 10 as a move toward the surface of the Earth   alone propelled by gravity just one of these rods  from God would strike the surface penetrating   hundreds of feet into the Earth and exploding with  an explosion roughly equivalent to about 11.5 tons   of TNT or 7.2 tons of dynamite when it released  its stored kinetic energy the level of Destruction  

they could inflict if more than one were dropped  over a region would be comparable to that of a   strategic nuclear strike for instance 100 rods  would be equivalent to 1150 to 14 000 tons of TNT   in terms of total destructive power which would be  close to the output of the atomic bomb dropped on   Hiroshima without any Fallout radiation or the  requirement for any form of actual explosives   these missiles which are frequently referred to  as project Thor are expected to be carried by six   to eight satellites in orbit at any given moment  enabling them to reach any Target on the planet's   surface within 10 to 15 minutes of receiving a  launch order the opponent would have very little   time to prepare and in addition the launch would  be hard to detect the rods would be hard to see on   radar and they would be traveling so quickly  that they would be practically impossible to   defend against although it sounds terrible and  there wouldn't be much an opponent could do to   prevent or foresee such attacks this is all just  science fiction speculation right once more not   exactly it does sound very science fiction and the  rods from God have in fact been mentioned in many   science fiction stories Jerry pornell a former  Boeing Employee who later became a science fiction   writer actually came up with the idea for the rods  from God in the 1950s however this is not purely   fantasy in fact kinetic strikes have previously  been applied in one way or another in real life   in addition to being a completely sound and  realizable notion and Theory since World War One   massive quantities of metallic projectiles known  as fleshettes were dropped from airplanes on enemy   positions with an effect comparable to machine gun  fire heavy solid objects thrown from tremendous   Heights have been used the U.S occasionally used  Lazy Dog bombs during the Vietnam and Korean Wars   which dispersed hundreds of tiny solid metal  chunks with fins of sheet metal welded on to   allow a straighter fall and higher velocity each  one hit with enough Force to penetrate nine inches   of concrete after being dropped from as little  as 3000 feet a kinetic weapon in this case a   100-pound modified missile with detachable blades  for increased lethality was just dropped from an   aircraft to completely destroy a vehicle carrying  a senior Al Qaeda member in 2020 the principle   behind this technology is sound and it works  the only reason the rods from God from Project   Thor aren't a reality right now is because of a  lack of funding currently it would cost at least   ten thousand dollars to get just one pound into  space making it prohibitively expensive to launch   such massive projectiles into orbit the only  reason project Thor has not been pursued more   aggressively is because it would be prohibitively  expensive to launch hundreds of nine ton rods into   orbit even yet the proposal has continued to be  discussed by military leaders and has been taken   into consideration more than once albeit only  in a limited capacity as a bunker busting weapon   if the price wasn't so prohibitive they would  unquestionably see this through to completion   and if they can figure this out then who knows  although it makes you look up and hope there   isn't a satellite up there with a rod pointed at  us I think we are probably okay for the time being   however according to musk this project is more  than possible if Starship is successful how let's   take a closer look how decreasing launch costs  sparked a booming business in space business is   expanding in space a rich ecosystem of products  and services has grown in orbit around Earth and   Beyond ranging from Joyrides for space tourists  to science experiments in microgravity to massive   Mega constellations of satellites that transmit  high-speed internet to the ground the surgeon   activity has been sparked in recent decades by a  sharp decline in the cost of space launches the   development of smaller less expensive components  for satellites and other spacecraft and the   expansion of commercial space Enterprises it has  completely changed the orbital environment greatly   enhancing human access to space and igniting the  development of a commercial space industry that is   expected to reach a trillion dollar size by 2025.  companies can Now launch satellites into orbit for   a fraction of the cost that they originally had  to pay nowadays that would have cost hundreds of   thousands of dollars launch projects for only  a few thousand dollars is sometimes possible   for businesses and students thanks to smaller  satellites and lower launch costs according   to Aerial ekblaw Creator and director of the MIT  space exploration initiative it's a big sea change   from the previous paradigm the cosmos once a  domain occupied by a small number of space-faring   governments is now accessible to developing space  programs worldwide as well as to entrepreneurs and   innovators commercial organizations and even  students though extending access to space and   sustaining an orbital economy have many positive  effects for society they also present a number of   obstacles such as how to strike a balance between  a burgeoning business and the safe and responsible   use of space how can we be certain that we  are utilizing the opportunities while also   being fully cognizant of the responsibility  that goes along with that act blah remarked   declining prices and Rising interest access to  space has recently been more widely available as   the cost of placing satellites and other things  into orbit has decreased according to musk space   launches were largely a government-dominated  capability 20 years ago musk says there is far   more room for Innovation now due to increased  competition brought about by the entry of new   commercial launch service providers like SpaceX  and Rocket lab the cost of trips to space has   decreased according to the union of concerned  scientists in 2021 1702 new satellites were placed   into Earth orbit raising the total number of  satellites active in that region of space to 4852   in just three years prior in 2018 there were only  around half as many satellites orbiting the Earth   as there are now companies like SpaceX and oneweb  who are building massive Mega constellations made   up of tens of thousands of Internet satellites  circling Earth are largely to blame for the recent   increase in orbital congest similar plans for the  launch of thousands of communication satellites   into low earth orbit were made public this week  by Amazon in order to bring high-speed internet   all around the world but putting the entire blame  on these Mega constellations is oversimplifying   the issue according to Darren McKnight a senior  technical fellow at Leo Labs a california-based   Aerospace company that runs networks of  ground-based Radars and tracking systems to   monitor objects in low earth orbit and map their  movements he noted that just a small portion of   the objects in low earth orbit that are at danger  for Collision are operating satellites furthermore   the majority of more recent satellites may be  moved out of Harm's Way if necessary unlike dead   spacecraft that have lingered in orbit for decades  in order to prevent the buildup of space trash it   has also become a common practice for satellite  operators to create an end-of-life strategy   these tactics include directing a spacecraft to  deliberately deorbit or burn up safely in Earth's   atmosphere or leaving it in a higher graveyard  orbit far from the planet's most populated regions   the dangers are nevertheless very real as launches  continue it is anticipated that there will be   an increase in space debris in low earth orbit  bad neighborhoods or regions where large clouds   of debris offer very significant hazards have  already started to appear according to McKnight   the next five to ten years would see a  significant occurrence in specific parts   of Earth's orbit he predicted we're looking at a  10 to 15 percent probability of a collision which   sounds unlikely but by leaving these objects  in orbit since the mid-80s we're tossing the   dice a lot said the researcher a succession of  recent anti-satellite missile tests including one   in 2019 by Russia one in 2019 by India and one in  2018 by China as well as a separate unintentional   satellite Collision in 2009 increased the hazards  a non-governmental organization that focuses on   Space policy the secure World Foundation estimates  that each incident created thousands of pieces of   debris larger than a golf ball as well as  even smaller more difficult to track items   in an effort to improve situational awareness in  space and support the preservation of low earth   orbit Leo Labs is only one of numerous for-profit  organizations along with the thorough mapping and   tracking provided by Leo Labs businesses like  astroscale are developing technology to actively   remove debris from orbit and finding ways to  increase the lifespan of satellites in orbit   one of the issues is that while launches are  governed by national laws in each Nation there   is no Global authority to regulate what happens  in space it's been a while before policies caught   up with the industry's expansion and it's  not obvious whether any formal International   Accords can be reached very soon according to  caller of the Aerospace Corps it feels like we   are developing the plane as we fly it the stakes  for preserving sustainability in space are high   however given society's Reliance on satellite  systems for everything from telecommunications   to security and defense according to Whedon  who also serves as the chair of the commercial   space Transportation advisory committee a  division of the Federal Aviation Administration   whether or not our nation has satellites in  orbit she remarked we are all users of space   space is essential to our daily existence  hence I fervently believe that this is a   motivating object for Humanity and that  ends today's episode what do you think of   this episode let us know your thoughts in the  comment box below please subscribe and don't   forget to like today's video we'll see you in  the next video thank you so much for watching


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