EP35-Elon Musk Receives ET Crystal Tech in 5 Branch Timelines, 2 Orig. Univ. Goals, & MORE by Apolys

EP35-Elon Musk Receives ET Crystal Tech in 5 Branch Timelines, 2 Orig. Univ. Goals, & MORE by Apolys

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[Music] Welcome folks to Cosmic Brilliance, where  we have another fun and educational show with  Dragon/Fae Super Soldier, Apollymi Mandylion. This  show will be expanding on some important questions   and facts that Apollymi briefly mentioned in our  previous Episode 34. This show will also include   the answering of audience questions and profound  scientific facts regarding the so-called Big Bang   Theory so thank you so much apollon for rising  to the occasion when you are exhausted and have   only two hours sleep and super busy we're also  appreciative thank you for having me again I I   yeah I'm very very busy lately uh especially with  trying to get the the book out and and running and   just the missions have been very numerous  lately. So thank you for having me on the  

show again. I know you also have been really really  busy a well it's always teamwork right we do team   so it's an honor for me to do that with you and by  the way folks you might notice I'm talking softer   because I'm dealing with getting over a really  bad cough so please bear with me I didn't want   to postpone a December show for you because I know  how excited you are and this is December 202 23 so   it's the last show of this year and by the way  we're entering holiday time so happy holidays   everybody so as usual we're going to start off  with a bang speaking about a famous hardworking   inventor who has tremendous impact and Destiny for  Humanity and Earth Elon Musk SpaceX founder Tesla   CEO who suggested humans will land on Mars by  2029 now my personal intuition is that Elon most   likely knows that humans and corporations have  been living and protecting shared ET colonies   on the Moon Mars and multiple other places for a  long time someone of his genius drive and stature   would obviously be heavily involved in classified  contracts so get this a well-known German n you   can figure it out scientist Warner Von Braun  predicted and wrote 70 years ago in 1953 that   a man named Elon would lead Humanity to the red  planet Mars and I'm going to show right now proof   of that on the screen so wner Von braa the head  engineer of 90n scientists that we brought over   here from Germany and employed predicted the  first four of five accurate events that have   taken place so far so he has a pretty good track  record that is no surprise when you realize the   ends have very Advanced space programs that  involve timeline manipulation right follow me   Bubble Worlds and the ICC have advanced Tech  and data banks that forel timeline events and   rollouts of tech up to 300 years in the future  so to reinforce what Werner wrote musk himself   self mysteriously quoted the following line  from Young Frankenstein on Twitter which I   don't follow but a friend fortuitously sent this  to me yesterday his quote was Destiny Destiny no   escaping that for me so apoll me I would like  you to share your story of remembering working   with Elon and who Elon ended up being on Mars  if you would okay uh mind you timelines are very   different for a lot of people and you know that  I am a time traveler I end up jumping timelines   quite a bit so in one of the off branches of  the timelines and I believe I've mentioned   this a couple times just in off glances and some  of my interviews either with you and James and   uh some of my very first ones uh with a person  called lightwing um Elon actually was a big deal   in those timelines he not only brought technology  that well technology to humanity as in for normal   people not just government but he also ended up  establishing the first uh base for civilians on   Mars and from there it was a huge revolutionary  period of space travel because instead of just   all the governments having this technology and  hidden away it was during the time of disclosure   and he took one of the hugest steps to being like  this is reality this is real we are making this   General to the public to advance into going past  just you know the orbit of Earth you know past   the moon and on to Mars and from there in that  timeline it just sparked this huge revolution   of space travel because we went past Mars by the  time that I ended up time jumping from that one so   the technology that ended up advancing from it you  know yes every every inventor knows that for one   Amazing Creation there's like 10,000 failures all  right or it just needs tweaking you know people   are very harsh and critical about things but it's  it's all new you're you're going into something   that is always going to need tweaking or you're  really not going to know how it works until you   get it out it's it's just product testing you know  everyone has that um but once you get past to a a   stage where it's actually founded and and has its  stability you know that's when things start coming   to life and he brought out like I wouldn't say the  first version of The Med medical pods for healing   uh he ended up working on an actual cryostasis for  most people who don't know in the general public   we have biostasis this is how you end up freezing  like your eggs for vitro and and everything else   um and the serum that they ended up using was  actually that from a frog that ends up getting   Frozen they took the the serum DNA from that and  ended up making the cryo serum actually work yeah   it was pretty cool wow that's really cool so  instead of the cells expanding from all the   absorption of water the serum ended up making it  to where it ended up taking basically the sugars   out of everything and so basically you're you're  taking all your fluids out putting this fluid in   so it protects everything and then by the time  they reput all the fluids back in your cells are   safe what a trip now you do jump line timelines a  lot so you did tell me that um and I want you to   be the one to say it that um how first how many  timelines did you see Elon and who actually was   Elon on Mars so it it kind of jumbles a little  bit I know there was at least five five stable   timelines excuse me five stable timelines where  I I saw Elon and his journey was not easy okay   he was going basically against a river of what's  happening with the disclosure now you know people   don't like this it's new all this AI stuff and all  this technology that is very Advanced for people   it scares a lot of people so you know it's it's  very difficult but you know he just kept at it and   ended up getting the attention of organizations  I'm not going to say but they ended up helping   him and excelled faster so the technology that he  was using completely went from normal technology   that you know engineers and stuff have available  here to basically Tesla technology and I mean what   Tesla has been working on and above so Tesla  also the inventor involving some of that do   you know about Nicola Tesla I know a little bit I  know who he is on an outward aspect I don't know   all of the stuff he's worked on he's way ahead  of his time yeah so I do know that with some of   the engineering of that like and a little bit of  Crystal Tech which he may or may not have gotten   from certain individual um oh because you knew  him in that timeline so is that yes of what you   contributed for him well it you're helping him  with ET technology is that what you were doing   yeah because my disclosure contracts over there  was a lot different I mean it was hard because I   have I have to take all of the crystal technology  that is beyond most people's understanding and   break it down so you know what's easier in outer  space for some things because the gravity the   way that Adams a line of everything a lot of the  stuff has to be forged in space there is no way   to forge it here on Earth so the manufacturers and  everything of the ships that had to be made to be   in my outer space to make some of this Tech that  he did is a lot of money and a lot time consuming   but he he ended up becoming the Emperor of Mars  there you go like and you feel like on all five   timelines or only a few no all five timelines he  ended up achieving it sometimes it was a little   different ways of how he achieved it but he ended  up achieving and not because I ended up helping   him in some of the timelines but you know some of  the technology was more advanced than others and   other timelines but regardless he still ended up  being the Emperor of Mars like he moved over there   had his housing over there you know they were  in the works of actually ret terraforming Mars   at that point along with a lot of the ETS over  there that had agreed to it so had to live in   bubbles for a little bit but that's pretty normal  so um well Mars has been in our timeline Mars has   been militarized since the 1950s and flooded with  colonies that's joke of this whole thing it it's   kind of a rough place to be you know and and  with the 2,000 people that are up there now so   you know talk about that because people don't know  that well a couple years ago uh a small group got   invited to go to Mars I'm pretty sure everyone  remembers the sign up sheet for everything what   they don't know is those 2,000 people are already  up there the that entire subject just disappeared   off the face of the planet they're like sign up  we're going to do this we're going to do this and   no one's heard anything that's because they're  already over there and they don't want people   to know when you're over there you have to get  debriefed on ETS there's so much going on these   people have not had contact with their families  you know so for the people who made it anyway um   but and that was was that 2,000 people or in the  year two what when when was that in our time there   was supposed to be supposed to be 2,000 people  to go up there and start a small Colony the only   reason why they are allowed over there is because  the ETS have agreed to give them a small segment   of a test run this is part of basically a test to  see if humans are ready to have full disclosure   down here because if they can harmoniously enough  neutrality not oh love and light peace you know   because that's never going to happen half of the  time um to exist with them and to be able to show   evidence of evolving to accept them then they know  how much they can start interacting with Humanity   on a physical level not just I'm going to abduct  you and erase your memories exactly exactly and um I don't know if I should say this folks you  know I have to abbreviate things in those five   time where Elon was successful Emperor had Mars  colony was the T-man also voted in in some of them   there was a couple female presidents who is not  the normal running uh that has been shown lately   to actually be president of basically the the  US and some of those timelines are they alive in   this lifetime do you know I don't I don't know I  haven't been keeping up with politics in this yeah   I don't blame you just okay so um before we leave  Elon was there something just in case Elon hears   about the show is there something you'd like to  sell to him like hey bud how's it going remember   me I'm the one who gave you the crystals well okay  so apparently rumor has it um before we shut down   Galaxy of unity uh basically cuz I needed to write  the book and there was just a lot going on we also   got bigger than expected within a year and that  kind of surprised us so we needed to step back   and re-evaluate how we are going to run Galaxy  of unity we are relaunching in January so just   for for everyone to know we are coming back uh  there's going to be a few changes but we're still   going to bring you guys the same disclosure that  is awesome and unrated so we just have to tiptoe   around just a tiny minute things because I don't  allow her to talk about everything on the on the show apparently there has been some emails that  got dropped into our box but because scam emails   have been so prevalent so prevalent and it's  really hard to determine which one is which   uh those emails may have been put into the spam  folder I did read them and they sounded really   awesome I absolutely love they were from Elon Musk  is your point apparently so the the the grape vine   says but because we had so many scam emails and  I was afraid that my computer and love letters to   her oh God okay we're not even we're not even  gonna go there apparently uh I just I did not   know if they were going to be a scam letter or  not it's not that I totally ignored them it was   a possibility but I am very new to the internet  still so I'm I'm learning a lot so Elon if you're   watching this I promise I will not put you in the  spam email again I am so sorry you're probably in   the first one in the world to spam Elon sorry  I didn't mean to we just came out like think   about it in my position okay and I'm not one to  like deny opportunity but when you just start   out and all of a sudden one of like the biggest  people on the planet is like I want to help you   guys and there's a bunch of spam emails coming  out that could put viruses on your computer and   hack into it you're like logically this has like  what I I have a better chance of being struck by   lightning so on a logical standpoint don't hate  me but you never know he might remember you he   might have ACC we don't know what he has access to  well I uh I may have like followed him on Twitter   because Galaxy does have a Twitter account uh  it's just very outdated so um yeah well sorry   well he has a Destiny and and perhaps you have  a destiny to remet and help each other again   I I hope so and you know once the books finish  he it might end up in his mail yes exactly the   first manual we're working on thank you so much I  thought everyone would enjoy that story to start   off with and hopefully Elon and you will connect  when when the destiny so um a question from a   subscriber she wanted a bit more clarification  regarding what occurs during always pronounce   this wrong recompense if the wipe happens and  I understand and we discussed there are 70 arcs   that are huge spacecraft left from the original  Cedar races that have been activating all over the   world and inside the world and in the oceans this  past Deca uh this past decade I think yeah so you   refer to most of these arcs as the true Gardens  of Eden and you verified that they contain all   the genetics Advanced tech knowledge and records  that will help people to survive during the reset   period which we're close to now so you also  mentioned that quote the arcs are activating   because it's getting time for for the next seed  pickup end quote so mily's Elven ears went be   and so I want you to remind our audience again  what you mean by seed pickups specifically what   they are who does them and which humans are  being picked up and if that is the same term   referred to as harvesting Humanity in theology  texts so um you want to start and I'll remind   you of because that that was like that was that  was pretty long okay so what question do you want   to start off with first uh just um about uh what  seed pickups specifically are okay who does them   okay and which humans are people are being picked  up okay so this is going to be hard to swallow   for some people and I'm going to put it as nice as  possible please do all right uh the seed pickup is basically I I have to bring the definition of  harvesting because there is a really scary side   to harvesting um that has nothing to do with the  seed pickup technically it is not by the Creator's   plans uh harvesting also has to do kind of with  Agenda 21 on a negative side uh basically though   certain people might not own Souls they do have  stock DNA wise in your bodies and the harvesting   has been already happening a human trafficking uh  people who have been deceased their bodies have   gone missing and what you get is not actually your  loved ones um this has been going on for like the   last 10 years it's just gone way up especially  since a certain event has happened that is from   the dark force side of things this has nothing  to do with the seed pickup the other part of   harvesting it it depends you have to understand  a lot of ETS are very logical in brain so what   may trigger people uh or you know bring them  to a different mindset is not the same of how   they think so some ETS might say harvesting it's  also another kind of word for seed pickup this is   where ETS also have stock in people's bodies of  of DNA wise what I mean by this is people share   a certain amount of DNA of their ET Creator  species not everyone has the same amount of   percentage okay this is what differentiates like  certain hybrids with humans who have either bread   with them or got set down here through The Gardens  of Eden and had their ancestors breed down genetic   lines if does that make sense yes and this is  referring to the 22 or 24 original Cedars this   is the original DNA for the human race on earth  right this only applies to Earth itself not the   creators of the universe or above even though  some of them are part of that Council so um and   they have they have stock in this when I mean by  stock I mean time money uh I hate to say this but   you know they're like your parents okay like you  humanity is a very childlike state so they are   your parents they may be terrible parents but they  they are they are still your parents so therefore   they still have um a little bit of control over  certain things when it comes to you getting off   world so there there is that uh they have the the  right basically the authority to depending on your   percentage to come down here and during the seed  pickup and be like okay well you have this much   percentage of my DNA I choose to accept bringing  you into my responsibility uh and then you know   they get to basically influence what happens to  you when you get off world whether it's good or   bad that depends on your percentage of your  DNA and this is an agree agreement just for   the experimental Earth this is an agreement just  for any seed Planet technically but Earth is a   seed Planet so okay and is there any percentage  level that people need to have of a certain AR   combo ET races to be claimed like what if they  a lot of humans only have 1 to 3% High you know   hybridization so or if they have 1% can they be  quote claimed by their parental seed family so   if you have 1% whatever breaks down to that 1%  of of DNA say you have 1% of ET DNA but in that   1% It is a mixture of octarians sierens um you  know Draco or draconians or uh any other race   like the Sian it depends on how much percent of  what one say say like an octarian has more stock   in someone's DNA who is 1% but they have the most  out of that 1% versus the other four ET species   that highest percentage owns the most stock so  therefore they get first pick they get first um   understanding of like what's going to happen to  you off world and that that parent can either buy   out the rest of the stock percentage or you end  up kind of getting shared so you know you might   have four other like what happened in my case I  had like 10 ET species who owned me and that's   why my programs were so intertwined and confusing  because each one of them gets to do something in   their own group own but it can owned your body  your Avatar Avatar yes a body and so but the   highest amount of stock gets to have the final say  they get to set down the main rules you can't do   this this this or this for those other smaller  groups of stock parental ship it's just like   investors in corporations the more percentage  you have quote the more power and rights you   have absolutely it's the same thing I was shocked  and astounded and frankly kind of disgusted when   I first found this out but it also makes sense  because even though we might be an experiment   all of us there's still a lot of stock money and  time being put into us and and everyone's like oh   well I'm an experiment will screw my life I don't  mean anything but that's not true you can either   rise to the occasion and be the best you can be  you know knowing that someone decided to put all   that time money and belief in you to to make you  happen or you can just lay there on the floor and   it's your choice basically that is how uh you are  going to be able to access some of the arcs or not   some AR AR s have you have to have more DNA uh  percentage than others in order to be able to go   on that Arc now these ones that you have to have  that DNA percentage are literally from the seed   um basically what we call The Gardens of Eden and  I say Gardens because there is more than one and   it depends on where your DNA fully lies so the  seed pickup is basically has to do with your DNA   uh percentage however some ET parents might be  like you know what I don't really have any use   for this person I know it sounds harsh but is a  golden opportunity um they're like I just don't   have a use for this person and you're going  to either be picked up as a child as a a uh   experiment which is less rights than as a child um  or uh other we call other basically like they're   not sure exactly what to do with you yet so that  that's also an opportunity because you have the   right to excel yourself into different categories  people who do not get chosen by this does not mean   they have not passed okay so hang on let me  let me put this way people who are chosen by   their DNA from ET parents do not necessarily  have to pass Ascension because they are in   Parental ownership and therefore the parents  take responsibility for the child's actions off world wow which means if you mess up out there  they have the right to discipline you or delete   you any way they choose possible so on saying  that the other category is for those who pass   their Ascension and cannot get on the arcs  for the DNA say your your DNA is just too   mingled and you can't get on there the star  seed Council has put down arcs for anybody   who is past their Ascension to be able to  access and get onto those arcs it doesn't   matter what DNA you are those ones have the  ability to go to what we call a hub where you   will be analyzed basically uh categorized  which just means that okay so uh you don't   have a parental you have consciously evolved  to be a teenager or an adult to be able to   go freely into the universe and make  your own life you you're not a child anymore and then and then you you basically get  uh your identification as an adult and then you   can kind of choose to wherever you want to go you  get a free boarding pass to wherever you want to   go now um fascinating now hasn't the pickups been  happening already for at least 10 years yes there   are some people people who have disappeared off  this planet who have had their parents take them   off world whether they have passed the Ascension  or not is up to them if you have a ET parent who   has chosen to to take responsibility for you and  you've passed your Ascension you basically get to   live in their Community as an adult not a child  I just want to make that clear so you know if if   you pass Ascension and you still end up accessing  an arc that is for your DNA uh you still get adult   privileges when you get off world so then the big  question for this is I remember you mentioned that   in a softer reset what you were saying a lot of  people make their way to various arcs during the   Thousand-Year Rec compense recompense and they'll  be safe inside the arc but you mentioned the Hub   and finding the arcs how does one know or find the  location of the arcs that their DNA is going to   match with or that's even closest to them because  most of the people on the planet don't even know   these arcs are activating is it through word  of mouth or do uh you know how does that happen   most of it is going to be knowing your lineage  knowing the history and this is why history has   been so muddled throughout the ages uh in uh  Word of Mouth the other thing is is that if   you have enough DNA in you you're going to feel  it and trust me you'll know mean when an arc is   nearby yeah when it you'll know when when an arc  is nearby if you have the uh DNA to to match it so   the other thing is your intention and I have  to make this specifically clear just because   you share DNA with it if you are not consciously  evolved enough not to be a virus out in space uh   you will not be able to get into the arcs and the  arcs will defend themselves they will disintegrate   you smart and if someone's like well I don't know  if I'm pure enough it's not as as bad as you think   do you have good intentions for people are you  a person who claims Society over yourself and I   don't mean like I have to sacrifice everything  it's are you willing to help people and be   part of the community are you willing to to help  someone who's in need these are starting to sound   familiar aren't they you know don't be stealing  stuff that's not yours you know you have to work   together as a group in order to survive outer  space is way worse way worse about laws rules   and survival than it is down here on a planet  that has resources even if you go to a different   planet there's going to be rules and stuff that  are already set down can you follow those and I   don't mean to tea of like man I really shouldn't  have threw that Penny down that well when the sign   said no because it contaminates the water if you  can't follow those rules I can't help you okay   wow all righty so another version of the rescue  during the rec Pence period you briefly mentioned   in our last show or actually you mentioned it to  me privately is there have been similar pickups   going on like I said over the last you know years  of people deemed important to an ET Star Family   and you explained what that was but then you  also referred to clone drops happening and I   think people need to know about them because they  don't realize how many people have been picked up   and they're they're so fascinating they're just  watching these people's clones or dealing with the   Clones so right so the Clone drops are basically  to it has several things um a not to alarm people   so it's kind of like there there can be amount  of fracturing or sharding um say a person gets   picked up by their ET parents but that person's  like man my family and stuff is going to freak   out they they're not going to be able to deal with  this I have this important work that needs to be   done down here you know that sort of thing oh or  um you know I have several sets of ET parents one   of the ET parents says hey this person's making  us a lot of money they have a lot of influence   you know uh or for what whatever reason we want a  clone of these people down here so that they can   continue to do whatever it is that they've been  doing again there's several reasons why clone   dropping does happen well and also you mentioned  that uh people will just be suddenly missing   so do they play with the Matrix or timeline so  people don't notice uh do do they just replace it   with clones I mean there's a lot of option here I  guess yeah it just depends on on the scenario and the trying to find my words here you EXC me  well it's not even that it's just that okay   say this person is a no jmo whatever they they  don't no one's going to miss them you know that   person will get picked up by their ET parents  you might even have witnesses and that person   is never seen again you know that they didn't  have enough influence or or you know it's just   that the ET parents either don't want to spend  the money to make clones because it does take   resources and money okay nothing is free out  there except for pra um you know so maybe they   don't maybe the parents don't have have the  money or resources or they just don't find   it important enough to have a clone set down  here and so they they won't put one down here   are they going to erase people's memory depends  on what country you're in again ETS have a very   specific contract for Americans than they do other  countries so are you able to share what those any   of those contracts are for I think we'll do that  in another show all right I'm putting that down   okay I'm not letting you pass on that one but  um now you did I do remember you said in other   timelines people actually see people being picked  up and Ships coming in and physical ETS coming   here to take control so obviously that's not  happening in this particular timeline it hasn't   happened yet yet our timeline has not reached  the appropriate year yet for that sort of thing   which is more like next year probably uh next  between next between next year to the next five   years yeah so a lot of people are going to get  confused with Project Blue beam um what that's   plan so you know it's going to be tricky you have  to know yourself and and and know what needs to   be to be done so that's why we share so much  about what the tech actually is what's really   available what's being used so you can discern  reality from games being played on you and not   be at you know the whim right and it's it's hard  the the holographic technology the the voice the   voice to skull technology ology it is all very  fine-tuned at this point yeah so it it's going   to be very difficult for people who who are just  stuck in a certain dimensional reality to they're   just going to fall for it too you know Hook Line  and Sinker yeah if it happens we'll see so so   you also said that sometimes uh we do a wipe and  then the councils put people back on the planet   and they activating now becau um the arcs are  activating now because it is getting time for   the first seed pickup so the seat pickup quietly  has been happening for maybe 10 20 years kind of   and now it's going to be more and more and more  and more and more active it's it's picked up a   lot since the uh Draconian Syrian dark Council  Wars have pretty much ceased they now have time   for the councils over here to really just kind of  focus on correcting the scenario of this planet   because they've let it slide way out of bounds  uh yeah so you know um their main focus now is   is literally trying to get everything back  up to speed because this planet has been a   little bit behind schedule more to than my my  liking me too right so how did these councils   so if they you know pick people up and then bring  them back down after how do these councils decide   which species cultures they put back on Earth or  do they ever put them back in a more primitive   State like what does that look like do they cloak  it and do this a lot at night like you know so uh   normally after a project is is is done for the  first round we're coming into the first round   we're going to have the first seed pickup we've  already had first analysis of the situation of   the consciousness of the planet consciousness of  the people for Galactic encounters and development   the next is the seed pickup then the first seed  pickup and then we'll have the first uh thousand   years of recompense during the Thousand Years of  recompense whoever does not meet the priorities   of seed pickup for whatever reason you know  and and people will like like now you know   people are going to die during those thousand  years and then they won't have to worry about   it because hopefully they won't be here the  Matrix and the veil and the Soul capturing will   be taken down during that thousand years it's  going to be a whole different ball game W Wild West it's going to be a whole different ball  game for people to adjust to and they have a   thousand years without all of this trama and  suppression to meet the criteria of Ascension   and then after that we will have what they call  the the hard wipe so the hard wipe is more than   85% of the population gets completely devastated  or they do a full WIP 100% if the the councils   decide on on it it really depends there is not  supposed to be another testing after this this   planet itself will uh no longer be a seed Planet  it is it's done its time it doesn't want to do it   anymore it will actually be devastated and then  reformed into a full functioning higher Dimension   uh well okay I can't say higher Dimension it will  be fully functioning to the galactic community but   its Consciousness will be a higher Dimension but  the physics is still going to stay in the where   it is now but there's not going to be any more  Matrix there's not going to be any more Veil you   know and then some of those people who get off  of Planet uh depending on who has stock in this   planet during the reform will actually come down  and populate again well that kind of makes sense   now I do want to just clarify for people because  there's so much in all our shows that most people   have to watch it two or three times because it's  a really educ quick education that's never been   taught before for a long time we'll just say  for a long time to the public so I just want   to remind people um that this has been talked  about but when she says that um you know when   she talked about impure intent and if you meet  your Ascension Mark what I want you to remind is   that's not getting to seventh density we did an  entire show on the tear of Ascension you need to   go back that means they have to be at the seventh  tier which the bottom line of that lesson is what   we repeat over and over again which is you have to  go through conscious evolution to be basically be   neutral this does not include like the love and  light crowd this does not include the dark crowd   it's basically understanding both sides in a point  of neutrality why do you have to have evil why   do you have to have good you know understanding  why people do the way they do but being neutral   about it no one's hurting anyone to as an extreme  extent you know and no one's being too overly good   because if you're too overly good in love and  light any negativity whatsoever is going to cut   you like a knife and it's going to hurt so being  a neutral Consciousness gives you the ability to   go out into outer space and be understanding about  other people's cultures even if they don't apply   to your own uh you know so and then you can kind  of decide after that which way you want to go but   to get off this planet and reach that seventh  tier of Consciousness that's what we're asking   for that's the credentials you need thank you  that's super clear we can never say that enough   because people will forget and go and freak out  and go what do I need to do to qualify what do   I need to do to qualify so very clear so just  remember that folks I've been I did not come in   neutral and uh so it's an in joke uh so I did not  come in neutral either so you know I still had to   go through all the tiers of Ascension too just CU  I'm a hybrid does not qualify me as a uh ascended   anything but we will I will be teaching how to get  to those level of sension teers in the book in my   book that I'm coming out with so yeahoo along with  with someone who's very awesome at hosting thank   you so in our last show you gave quick examples  of the different kinds of wipes that can and been   done by meteors floods ice agage see all these  people don't even know all this is done on purpose   they just think oh it's nature happening okay  we can do all this stuff so so examples of the   different kinds of wipes are meteors floods Ice  Age earthquakes volcanoes and your favorite nuke   from orbit or don't Smack me or for a soft reset  that can look like finding an arc or being picked   up right so so and you did say that soft resets  wipe out at least 80% of a population and they   handpick who they want to leave on the planet or  just leave the planet themselves so you did more   or less explain that the they that makes those  decisions who stays and goes in a soft wipe are   the parentals of the uh and the ones that have the  DNA of the ET original Cedars and the percentage   that you have within you etc etc correct correct  do I have that right correct yeah they the they   are the ones who started the experiment they are  the ones who are in control of the experiment and   then they are the ones who basically figure out  how to end the experiment so apoll me in our last   show you quickly mentioned quote a lot of species  can't be reincarnated into anything and not every   species can Ascend end quote so in this show let's  have you get into the specifics of the species as   examples of that and why okay as I have mentioned  before in previous episodes the fifth era of man's   genetics was like a a miracle genetic anomaly um  before then it was really hard for other species   souls to be reincarnated into just anything most  people are like oh well you know your soul can   reincarnate into whatever it's very difficult  for some things and this is how it works so pay attention your highest self that we have discussed  in previous episodes has the ability to take on   quite a many forms when it shards a piece of  its Soul energy goes from a highest Dimension   to a lower dimension in that Dimension there are  several different species that it can be available   to it humanoids dragons F what whatever okay  many many avens many many many different types of   species Vines fine that are on a higher Dimension  these higher Dimension genetics are a little bit   more okay A lot more malleable to certain energy  frequencies that it can be put into the the   physics are just instead of having like one or  two forms of physics it has like 20 30 okay and   the Soul has like 100 so those DNA frequencies can  merge into that that second form a lot easier the   more you go down in dimension the harder it is for  that form that soul to get placed into something   with less physics less Dimension the frequencies  which makes up everything has to vibrate a certain   way if the code does not say say a soul has a  triangle a c Circle and octagon okay and it's   trying to reincarnate into a lower physics body  lower Dimension body or physics uh that only has   um a square okay so if it has a square if the  physical body has a square it's the frequencies   are not compatible it's not going to be able  you could fit the sole into the box okay but the   frequencies are going to be very distressful it's  not going to vibrate the way it's supposed to that   body will break down faster sometimes a little  too fast when you find a body that has a circle   because you know the the higher self has a circle  an octagon and a triangle and then you have a   circle down here that's a body it's going to have  at least one link to it the body is going to have   a similar frequency that it can vibrate at even  though the other two don't exactly match um this   happens a lot with reincarnation a lot of people  will have a reincarnation that has very similar   genetics they be like oh well I reincarnate into  a dragon a lot or I reincarnate into a feline a   lot or I reincarnate into like some sort of  fish creature a lot and that is because of   the frequency sharing that happens so this era  of man because of the 22 genetics of different   species you've got Elvin you've got humans you've  got various amounts of other ET species including   Draconian and Draco all right they're all merged  together in one ball of messy soup right but there   is a lot of different shapes there that have  different frequencies and so people who only   had the ability to to be in certain forms can  now be in a a single bid body oid I like that   body oid this is why hybridization is so important  because if you take uh we'll say like one of the   Um Mermaid folk okay you take a mermaid folk and  you know that is humanoid but still a fish born   you know body type and frequencies so you have  two difference there you have the humanoid and   then the fish body variant type and then you take  I don't know um we'll say a a bird and somehow by   an act of whatever uh they fall in love and have  a thing together and produce the hybrid child all   right so now you have this humanoid feathered  fish thing uh and now the different types of   souls have the ability to to reincarnate into  that body now there are some hybrids of species   that are you know full species that just cannot  their frequencies just cannot mesh together so   this is where the genetic hybridization happens  where they take bits and pieces of genetics from   certain species which is what happened with  the fifth era of man and they make a complete   experimental genome was that one of the because  I know if we go way back to the beginning of this   Universal experiment this one there were rules  and laws set down for it that have changed over   time so was one of the very first one is we want  to combine all the species get them all working   together all on the same thing and and hopefully  we'll get to the point like we have where we have   so much intermixing and DNA spicing that people  can have multiple experiences and maybe eventually   that will create greater piece and less uh  ignorant prejudices well that's basically   the main goal for any experimental Universe to  be honest oh okay well it makes sense to me I   can't think of a more important goal like to get  to peace and Harmony and you know right and out   of ignorance ahu okay so but do you are I know  this is a little sidetracking do you know any   of the original goals that you could share with  us way back I know it's changed witha some things   have changed basically the original goal for the  original goals for this universe was obviously   because it's a beta Universe a find at least a  couple timelines excuse me find at least a couple   timelines that don't collapse so this is what the  council's had to do pretty much so there's that   but that that's meaning don't destroy themselves  yeah that the the collaps scene is basically where   the programming becomes so toxic or unstable it  just can't sustain itself anymore and it collapses   there's been a lot of those and it happens  with every every beta universe and sometimes   even normal universes that aren't beta universes  anymore so there's uh you know and then finding   a neutral ground on having pretty much the Free  Will experiment those are the two major ones wow   free will is is very volatile okay yes yeah it's  kind of like learning to ba reain in and balance   Free Will which is like an oxymoron it really  is yeah it's like as a Creator you want full   control over your experiments so they don't mess  up too much but with a free will experiment as   much as the Free Will is on this one it is an 80%  Free Will experiment at this point and that can   go either good way or bad way or a neutral way  but it's it's 80% at this point and and so far   it hasn't exactly been to our advantage so we're  doing our best to get that back to a little more   neutrality so and I'm not even just talking about  what's happened on this planet like as a universal   wi was a universe yeah Universal wide as a free  will Universe it's like it's it's still chaotic   out there too I there's a lot of people who are  like oh when I get to space everything's going   to be awesome and there's going to be no danger  and everyone lives in piece together I hate to   break your wakeup call yeah it's even more that's  why like if you can handle it here you can handle it almost anywhere earth needs to be the  training ground before you go out there   exactly including sitting next to somebody  who wants to eat you you right yeah if you   can talk your way out of that one you're  well I just always make sure that you feed   them first with not yourself so all all  counsels and every single get together   everyone needs to have a full stomach before  they show up bring snacks bring snacks free snacks yep okay so thank you for that that is  interesting so this universe you said is not   doing that well uh not the worst but not doing  that well you said that in the last show and   those two things were big things now is free will  also one of the common things in other universes   it depends on the experiment there are some beta  universes that do not have free will yeah so it's   almost like as weird as it sounds it's almost  like having free will is like a trait at this   point again if you don't know what free will  I'm talking trior tree it is a it is a tool   sword that is for sure um if you don't know what  free will is and you're just tuning in it is very   complicated to explain uh basically you'll have  to go watch the other episodes I don't think   yeah because we got to stay on this we have a  lot to cover okay love um now folks I if you'd   be patient with me for just a minute or so I'd  like to discuss what I discovered is one of the   main reasons that some people I think don't have  enough energy or as much energy as other people   and I found it both pragmatic and fascinating so  as as all of you subscribers know by now we each   have a higher self and overs Soul now depending on  what your oversoul decides it will divide into two   or dozens of different aspects for the purpose of  Maximum experience this has all been explained the   experience you are having now is James or Sarah or  paulmy or merily or whomever is not the only you   and not all of you and this is only one aspect  and I keep emphasizing this for people so that   they release their fear and their self judgments  that that understanding relaxes the fear a lot   and realizing that you're mortal and infinite  and have infinite opportunities to explore and   grow and that each aspect that incarnates from  an overso from your overso okay here's the trick   requires a certain percentage of energy from  your oversold to exist this is my hypothesis   so I imagine and guesstimating that Prime Source  creator of the Multiverse would smartly choose to   keep at least 50% of its overall energy to manage  the multiverses and then maybe put I don't know 30   35 40% of its overall energy into creating Souls  like us for maximum learning and experience which   source benefits from because that's how Source  expands and grows also so the important point I   discovered or thought about I'm I'm not saying  I'm the Discover of this just hit me is that   the percentage of energy that your Soul's overs  Soul contributes to you for any lifetime is very   impactful especially if you need to be strong  energetically and over Souls that may choose to   fractalize or divide into many Soul aspects for  more experiences to have under their belt so to   speak uh or under their wings may suffer a bit  due to dividing the overall energy between all   those fractals especially those going to lower  planets with 3D to 4D lifetimes that have the   extra challenge of Prana or life Force being  reduced by the matrixes so this has never been   discussed that I know of in a show and I think  it's extremely important for one's Soul wisdom   especially for all of you who are going to be  designing your next Incarnation per so pursuing   this idea PA me I would like you to describe what  a prime aspect of a soul on Earth is versus a   secondary or less Prime souls and then offer your  ideas if this is is a very an a valid you know hypothesis that was a lot it is a lot in terms  of the percentage of energy that someone takes   into a lifetime can be tricky um go ahead okay  so you want me to I think you should hit the   highlights of that entire s uh segment that you  just because that was a lot it it is a lot so   basically it was only a paragraph believe it or  not but it's a lot in there that um so describe   how okay you've already in our early shows we  talked about higher self astral bodies overso   so the highest part of us we could say is the  overso that's making the decisions and uh sending   aspects of itself out into incarnations or  whatever else now if it puts more energy   more life force into one of those aspects would  that be considered a prime aspect because it's stronger your Prime is always going to be  your overso always okay so that would be then okay oh I see where you're going you're  thinking of kind of sharding off aspects I'm   saying I'm not getting that complicated into  SSP stuff I'm just going the overo when it   divides itself initially whether the over Soul  when the oversold divides itself it will still   always be prime so all those whether it's 12 or  one or two or 50 those are all considered Prime   no your overso itself will always be considered  Prime if the overso fractals into two different   ones they are not prime that's what I'm talking  about okay okay your your Prime has two different   definitions I think that's what you're looking  for when we are talking about a conscious exchange   of energy your overso will always be prime 100%  now say you take your overso and you fractal it   into two all right now you have two primes if  they fractal into multiple because where your   your Prime definition is going to be the same  definition definition is Source your source   definition is always going to be where the energy  came from first from the level down say you have   a hydrogen atom the prime source of energy of  that atom is going to be broken down into the   particles neutrons electrons and protons the  source of those is going to be broken down   into the subatomic particles whatever those may  be and the source of that is always going to be   broken down into the golden and silver spiral  which is explained in my book so it depends on   where you're going for Source the same thing  is for fractaline any your overso is always   going to be your golden and silver spiral in  that definitional term when it fractals down   if this one decides to fraction off into others  that will be its prime Source energy for these   ones if this one decides not to fractal off  then the prime source of energy will be from   this fractal not this fractal even though it  shares the same coding to an extent wow okay   now is there any loss of ability and energy the  more you divide because absolutely so that was my   whole point of that whole paragraph So and that  and to go into that um Quant transfer is still a   fundamental Elementary how do I put it um point  of physics that does not ever like exceed itself so your overso only has a a certain amount  that it can fractal before it loses enough   Quant transfer from that that it starts to become  weakens if those fractal Beyond a certain point   it creates unstability so even though you have  your oversoul you can your oversoul has a an in   has a certain amount that it can fractal down  to and then those fractals will have a certain   amount it fractals down to but here's the thing  it only applies to certain dimensions of physics   so say your overs is up here all right with the  gold and silver spiral and it's all this other   stuff it fractals down into a different l lower  plane of Dimension kind of like what we were   talking about with like diffuses diffuses and so  even though you might have let's say from this   from this top Dimension you fractal down into  the lower Dimension be Bel just below that and   you have like five of them you can only have so  many amount before it has to fractal down into   a lower Dimension and a lower dimension in the  lower not sorry Dimensions plane of existence   physics having more and more babies pretty much  but even those have a a even though most people   think that the lower the plane of existence for  the dimensions the more you can have but that's   actually not true the lower plane of existence  that you are on for those dimensions of physics   the less you fractal because there's not enough  quanti and pra energy in order to sustain it   because it's farther away from the prime yes it  is farther away from the prime the further you   go from Prime Source creation the smaller the  Quant transfer is and therefore the it does not   have it has a def finite amount of energy great  that's exactly what I wanted clarified Okay so   now I know we're not going to get into the whole  SSP thing but I know that they'll clone shards   which is a little bit different up to like 10,000  times I mean it's like or more which is crazy and   um you said to me when we were talking about  that that astral body can choose spontaneously   to split itself okay and then I responded I  thought that the astral usually only split   it's off through trauma and you said it can  but it can do it through Choice as well and   then here's the clencher thing would answer you  said splitting off from trauma is how you created   a demon so there there's two explanations for  that because not demon not all demons the true   definition of a demon not the recent definition  of a demon we're talking old definition the old   definition of a demon is a conscious entity  that is Created from Pure emotion it doesn't   matter if it's an emotion of love lust hate you  know Joy uh anything so and it'll get explained   how conscious is created in in in a book again uh  because I go into full detail on that but um this   could be a little [Laughter] teaser so yeah uh so  demons can be created through trauma and but they   can also be created through uh love emotions  or light emotions or anything really it is a condensed it is a condensed amount of energy  from yourself so basically what can happen in   I'm not doing this in full detail everything  will be explained in the book is a Shard of   consciousness of yourself can be created as that  pure emotion and from there it can evolve and so   if you have most of the time negative emotions  are a lot more condensed easily especially in   this plane of existence and that's unfortunate  but however so they're easily more creative now   this is technically considered a Shard of you you  were taking your energy and you were creating it   and then it exists now okay this entity has the  ability to uh end up evolving on its own and then   can become coherent enough to make choices on its  own so even if it separates itself from you and   becomes a full-blown entity it is still part of  your energy source it is still a fractal of you   and it's it doesn't matter if you have a priest  or anything a lot of people ask these shamans   and Priests to you know get these these demons  away from them but sometimes they are your own   and no amount of priests or anything is going to  help you because they might go away for a little   bit and then they're going to keep coming back  so it is a fractal of you that is part of your   true Essence and it still counts to your soul  fractaline tally wow so this has to do with all   that we were talking about in the last 10 minutes  because you were saying demons are literally in   Emotion with what astral splits off usually due  to trauma I'd imagine so the again because we're   talking about splitting off from Source splitting  off from overs Soul splitting off blah blah blah   blah and what are the repercussions of that what  are the responsibilities and what happens so the   bottom line though in my book is to always  integrate back so when an astral splits off   due to trauma you have to do Soul retrieval right  I mean eventually you want to do Soul retrieval   right and uh just say a few words about that for  people how how they should be going about that   so Soul retrieval is when you decide to take your  Shard and you have to be careful which one uh say   you're trying to to Res Soul retrieval of your  demon or you know I'm debating on putting this   in the book of Soul retriever Soul retrieval  uh after one of your alternate timeline dies   whoa yeah might be too advanced we might have to  put that in here too but well let's just consider   one timeline okay for one timeline we we'll deal  with the the demon I am not going to specifically   explain on here how to do that I'm just going to  give a basic reference so it will be explained in   the book because is so important uh for first  years's but I mean usually I do it for second   years but anyway um so during Soul retrieval  what you're doing is you're basically taking   that fragment and reabsorbing it into you into  your essence into your everything but there are   consequences as everything that it has experience  goes into you too and you need to know how to deal   with that otherwise it can affect you a lot so  but that's basically what soul retrieval it is   you were taking that Shard and absorbing all of  the knowledge into you that including what you   were mentioning so you absorb the demon demon  even if it's a demon quote unquote accept the   trauma eventually and then resolve the trauma so  to speak right it's just easier not to make them   in the first place for the ones that are evil  anyway exact exactly exactly but but most of   that is is is made through abuse and Terror and  and all of that isn't it right but there are of   magic too there there are certain methods of life  that are available to every one who can learn that   to even though again point of neutrality part  of neutrality is oh bad things are happening to   me it gives me the opportunity to be calm to be  analytical and to react when I mean react is in   I can react negatively to this I can meet it meet  it at its you know velocity of intent which never   usually solves anything half of the time or I can  take a different route to this and and either go   away or deal with it in a neutral manner like  say say someone's going to punch me in the face   okay someone's going to totally just like off  me in the face for for no apparent reason I can   be neutral and still protect myself and react to  the situation with a calm neutral energy energetic   mindset and manner I simply take the person and  throw them on their back I don't meet them with   the verocity of oh yeah you think you're bad I'm  going to hit you too that is meeting their energy   you don't want that and it feeds you don't want  to feed you want to take it away from them and so   you just simply put them on their back you're  calm about it you're neutral about it you are   in your own flow and you dissolve the situation  that's all that it takes it doesn't being neutral 

2023-12-31 14:44

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