Great Pyramid Revelation SECRET CHAMBER Seen 2022 Documentary Ancient Architects

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hello everybody and welcome to ancient architects please subscribe now to get the latest ancient history news and independent research from around the world the great pyramid of egypt has stood proudly for thousands of years one of the most well-studied ancient enigmas on earth in the past three decades the latest technology has assisted the experts in uncovering some startling new revelations hidden corridors and voids have been detected with geo radar there have been small closed doors discovered with the help of state-of-the-art robotic explorers and less than a decade ago two mysterious voids were found with the help of cosmic ray muon scanning technology but whilst the world waits for what happens next a mystery from history has come to light buried inside books nearly 200 years old are some previously unseen credible historic eyewitness accounts accounts that contradict what we thought we knew about the history of the great pyramid can they help us unlock a secret hidden chamber deep inside is there a corridor below the queen's chamber and was its discovery covered up more than 150 years ago in this video the great pyramid mystery only deepens as two startling eyewitness accounts from 1837 may well change the narrative many of you will have seen the recent videos on the ancient architects channel concerning the great pyramid one of which featured part of a recent lecture from august 2022 by zahi hawas where he says to a room full of people that he believes the secret of the great pyramid is located below the queen's chamber but i still believe that in the floor under the floor of the second chamber of the pyramid located the mystery of the great parliament of the reason i made that video and found that particularly interesting is simply because it was strange atypical and odd i hadn't heard him say this before in fact i remember him refuting these specific claims a number of years ago it led me to the work of jill's dormian who a number of years ago analyzed a number of anomalies in the queen's chamber and even conducted a geo-radar survey in the year 2000 he strongly believes there is a corridor beneath the queen's chamber with possible portalist blocks and so therefore it could lead to the true hidden burial chamber of khufu he raises many valid points and his evidence does feel compelling although not definitive but at the time zahi hawas dismissed his claims saying they are spectators amateurs how advice is the man who investigated the great pyramid in the early 19th century and he did excavate inside the queen's chamber he and his team made a large excavation in front of the niche but in his books operations carried on at the pyramids of giza in 1837 vice said he found nothing on april the 4th 1837 vice said and i quote a similar vacancy occurred at about the same depth under the stone in the niche in the queen's chamber which contained like the other fillings of desert sand and the quantity of black particles of decayed stone they were about three or four feet deep and evidently did not lead to any concealed communication the works therefore were abandoned so that does seem quite conclusive vice abandoned the specific excavation in the queen's chamber on april the 4th and as he says he found nothing but because of dormian's analysis and the recent change of heart by zahi hawas it does make me wonder was there more to the excavation by vice could he have found something but made no record now the great thing about youtube and the internet is that it brings people together from across the world that would never usually meet it can lead to the sharing of information and i recently received an email from author and now friend of the channel stefan bergdahl and he showed me some writings i'd never seen before stephanie's german and the historic writings are also written in german so i am very grateful we got in touch and translated the words at this point i have to say that stefan's work is truly incredible after receiving a doctorate in computer science in the 1990s after working in artificial intelligence research and project management since 2016 he's been working as a freelance specialist author in the fields of egyptology and metrology that stefan decided to pursue his passions he has published six incredible books originally in german but english translations have been made for some titles his book titled secrets of the pyramid of khufu is one i strongly recommend it is an incredible piece of work and he includes information i've never found anywhere else and i use some of that information in this video i've left a link in the description below and just to note if your english speaking you can change the language and pricing in the bottom right hand corner of the webpage so it's thanks to stefan i'm now aware of two important 19th century eyewitness accounts of the great pyramid and they actually conflict with the words of her advice they were both independent accounts both separated by just eight days and both were written at the time when how advice was actively excavating the queen's chamber both mention a second sarcophagus inside the great pyramid and the detail really is quite amazing in this video i'm going to attempt to unravel the mystery the first account was written by catholic priest j.n vesino in 1840 and i've left a link to the book in the description below it documents facino's visit to egypt in early 1837 and on march 27th he entered the great pyramid the timing is important to note because by this time according to volume 1 the vices operations trilogy his men had been working inside the queen's chamber and queen's chamber passageway for the past 24 days throughout his books vice does mention visitors to the pyramid project but he makes no reference to vasino on march 27th that day it seems it was out recruiting more men and sorting other logistics and regarding the actual work inside the great pyramid for that day he simply writes the same works were repeated which sounds like he didn't step foot inside the pyramid that day but not only does it look like vice had no knowledge of the visit of the sino it's possible he had no knowledge of his book as well published in 1840 and only published in german that's the same year that vice published his famous books and vesino's name is not mentioned once regarding the queen's chamber the ceno says and i quote we descend to the queen's chamber it's a third smaller than that of the kings the walls are covered with polish marble and the ceiling raised in the middle and slopes evenly to the north and south from the entrance to the left on the eastern wall largely in the same stands the somewhat smaller marble coffin open empty simple excavation under it is presently taking place and a marble covered room was already visible if one bumps the coffin it sounds hollow above the coffin a low shaft led into the eastern wall holding the light in front of me i crawled in on my knees and elbows after about 30 feet it led south bats fluttered in front of me startled by the beams of light blinding them now it went upwards at first more spacious but then so narrow i could only crawl forward with the greatest difficulty it became immensely humid and the light burned gloomily then something alive rolled along the corridor in front of me i drew my pistol everything was quiet around me again meanwhile however something spooked me and feet first since i could not turn around in the narrow room i started on my way back glad when i found myself again in the queen's chamber on the face of it this does seem to be compelling and before i get to the next eyewitness account let's just digest what we've just heard the ceno's description of the queen's chamber is quite accurate the sloping ceiling is size compared to the king's chamber and the position of the entrance on the eastern side he does call it a marble covered room and although we know it is made of limestone it is a fair description for someone that is not a geologist in the 1830s but the mention of a sarcophagus inside the queen's chamber is what immediately got my attention the first time i had heard such a claim since aledrizy in the 13th century he is quite specific when the sarcophagus is positioned on the eastern wall directly below the tunnel in the niche his description implies it was made of limestone he says that an excavation is taking place beneath it and another limestone-built room was visible and we know that directly in front of and below the niche on the eastern wall was the excavation by how advice the c note is corroborating what we know that in march to early april 1837 this part of the queen's chamber was being excavated but officially in an entry on april the 4th 1837 just eight days later vice said that nothing was discovered and there is no mention of a second sarcophagus anywhere in his books but vasino is pretty clear there was one and it doesn't sound like a three to four foot excavation because he says another chamber is already visible below the ceno next goes on to describe the tunnel in the wall inside the niche and again he explains it quite accurately for a lay person he mentions nothing out of the ordinary there are no bold and extravagant claims just an honest and accurate description of the tunnel and his experience crawling through it so either how advice didn't mention the second sarcophagus and the secret chamber below because a they didn't actually exist and vecino made it all up or was mistaken b vice didn't think the limestone sarcophagus was important enough to record and maybe the ceno was mistaken in seeing a room below or c vice did not want this information being made public but before we point the finger at how advice and question is integrity could vecino have made it all up or been mistaken well regarding the second sarcophagus eight days after the sino on april the 4th 1837 prince hermann puckler moscow also known as kampucler also visited the great pyramid he wrote about his somewhat lackluster experience and talking about the internal chambers of the pyramid he said in which the two livestock of a guy stand in another passage he talks about the dull and boring interior of the pyramid a somewhat uninspiring structure and of the walls of the internal chambers he said without a trace of writing ornamentation or pictorial work seemed to me to be no more an object of admiration than the two simple stone box coffins that one sees here so the only thing of note inside the great pyramid according to an educated noble visitor on april the 4th 1837 are the two simple stone box coffins or sock off a guy like the ceno we have no reason to doubt cam puckler because he's not exactly talking up his somewhat tedious great pyramid experience and he also says i am not a learned archaeologist who sets out to make discoveries here i am only endeavoring to give the reader an accurate and contemplative picture of the whole under the individual impression it made on me which scholars usually fail to do count puckler doesn't describe the queen's chamber in any great detail he doesn't detail specific chambers and corridors like the ceno does just the things that to him were noteworthy experiences such as his descent through the well shaft exploring the dead end shaft that leads from the subterranean chamber and so on he doesn't have a great deal of positivity about the gloomy and small internal passages and chambers and it sounds like he can't wait to get out so it doesn't appear that vasino is making things up because another visitor to the great pyramid independently mentions to suck off a guy inside the pyramid and he entered only eight days later for me this was a genuine mystery and over the course of last weekend i had a number of back and forth with the owner of the history for granite channel which in my opinion is one of the best new channels on youtube we must have spent hours trawling through sources old and new poring over pictures and trying to make sense of the information late on sunday evening i believe the history for granite did crack the mystery of the second sarcophagus and it was mainly thanks to this picture he believes and i agree after hours of deliberation and exhausting all options the vasino's limestone sarcophagus was actually the early part of the tunnel inside the niche the neat and squared section comparing how it looks to vasino's description smaller than the king's chamber sarcophagus open empty and simple it is entirely possible we know that many mausoleums have coffins in walls and being a holy man vecino would have known this so maybe to him this part of the chamber did look like a so-called second sarcophagus he goes on to say above the coffin a low shaft led into the eastern wall and looking at this picture that too could describe what we see but he does say if one bumps the coffin it sounds hollow so i would like to experience what it sounds like to maybe bang a fist on the squared section to see if it gives off a hollow sound or echo i think there is now a reasonable explanation for a layperson's description of a second sarcophagus and also a reason why it wasn't mentioned by her advice because it's entirely possible there was no second sarcophagus and the ceno and puckler were just mistaken in their observations of the room it was their interpretation of what they saw puckler goes into no detail at all and for all we know he didn't even see it and was only told vecino was describing things he actually saw and his interpretation of what he sees comes from his own experiences and biases reading his description and we're looking at the queen's chamber through his eyes to be thorough myself in history for granite check through many historic references of the queen's chamber to see if anyone else did mention a sarcophagus or maybe makes the same mistake as vecino in 1581 palerm said the queen's chamber was empty just a few decades later in 1618 villemont said it was full of rubbish in 1737 norden said it was full of stones and these were taken from the excavated tunnel inside the niche in 1799 denon said the queen's chamber contained the quantity of stones and rubbish taken out of the excavation they've been made in it before two years later in 1801 jamaat says the queen's chamber was extremely offensive and much encumbered with the rubbish produced by a large excavation interestingly how advice says that in 1817 captain cavilla was clearing out the queen's chamber removing the rubble and the rubbish in the hope of finding a sarcophagus and he also continued to excavate the tunnel inside the niche on getting to the end all cavillia found were the names paisley and monroe inscribed at the end of it so palerm said the queen's chamber was empty in 1581 and the tunnel inside the niche was already open the early part being the ceno's so-called soccer gurs in the next few decades we get the build-up of rubble and rubbish in the queen's chamber so this is likely when the niche tunnel was extended and that is the source of the rubble dumped inside the chamber cavillia was never going to find the sarcophagus inside the rubble in 1817 because the room was already empty in 1581 and the rubble came from the crude extension of the tunnel in the niche it was also never recorded that cavilla found a sock of a gurse because well it's very likely he didn't before palerm the only other credible eyewitness account of the queen's chamber was made by aledrizi in the 13th century and he does say and i quote the queen's chamber is entered with an empty vessel in it on the roof of the room are writings and the most ancient characters of the heathen priests but now we can also argue that aledrizy may have also mistaken this early squared section of the tunnel in the niche as a sarcophagus making the same mistake as vasino i can understand why somebody may think a body was placed right here the niche is the focal point of the room and the body could fit in this central square i now think that on closer inspection of the texts and looking at the specifics of the room there was no second sarcophagus in the great pyramid and i think that this part of the ceno's claims are adequately explained and it's all thanks to the history for granite channel so please do subscribe but that's only one of the ceno's claims his other bold claim is an excavation under it is presently taking place and a marble covered room was already visible claim of a room below the queen's chamber could not be corroborated with any other source we only have his words and then the physical observations and geo-radar survey conducted by jill's dormian to say there is a passage below in his books vice mentions his team were digging in a number of places and he spent weeks inside the queen's chamber and queen's chamber passageway he says that a large hole was dug in front of the niche but after three to four feet of excavation they found nothing and then the work was abandoned so we have to consider that either voice was not being completely truthful or that vesino was mistaken so do we know anything else about this excavation are there any other sources we can draw upon well in true there really isn't a lot on march the 3rd 1837 vice wrote we began to remove the great block under the recess in the queen's chamber and the whole of that apartment was carefully examined so this was when the excavation in question began march the third we obviously don't know the pace of the excavation but we do know that vice abandoned the work on april the 4th and apparently the excavation was just three to four feet in depth therefore it took 32 days to dig through three to four feet of sand and rubble and although that does sound like very slow progress the digging could have been sporadic and inconsistent because many other excavation and clearance projects were also ongoing interestingly john chaperine who became vices superintendent also made a diagram of the queen's chamber and he claims the excavation is in fact eight feet deep and not three to four in life and work at the great pyramid vol 2 by charles piazzi smythe he includes a scale diagram of the queen's chamber and he has the cavity going down to around 7.6 feet this is also considerably deeper than vice mentions in his book when he said the work was abandoned on april the 4th so these accounts do not add up to give vice the benefit of the doubt maybe he didn't actually inspect the excavation himself maybe he was told it was a few feet deep and the workers found nothing of note and then he recorded the information accordingly but what if the c note is correct what if vice did find dormian's hidden corridor below one thing to ponder is that even though the work began on march the 3rd weiss did not discuss the excavation in any detail until april the 4th why make no mention in 32 days he only made a record when he said the specific work came to an end interestingly april the 4th is also the exact date of the visit of count puckler the second german source i've mentioned in this video by all accounts vice did have a history with puckler and it appears the two men did not quite see eye to eye puckler had already met with vice in february the prince requested to encamp invice's enclosure but vice did not consent he notes that the prince paid him a long visit on february 24th he does seem to be interested in what vice was finding and reading between the lines of what is written voice does seem happier and more at ease when pucler was not there maybe it was because he was powerful well connected and educated and maybe is also because he was taking too keen an interest in what vice was working on maybe vice did not trust his motives in less than three months the prince had visited twice and he even wanted to encamp with him maybe there was politics at play and vice was concerned that puckler was trying to get too involved he could have been worried that the prince could potentially take credit for any new discoveries i don't know if vice found something substantial an undocumented passageway or chamber then there could have been the worry that puckler could use his status wealth and power to take over the project and also remove vice from the operation yes it sounds like a conspiracy theory and a scandal but it isn't unfounded in fact we do have good reason to believe the vice was genuinely concerned six days later on april the 10th vice writes that a slanderous paragraph intended to be inserted in the english newspapers implied that he and colonel campbell intended to make their fortunes under the pretense of scientific research he called it an absurd accusation and an example of the anonymous attacks from adventurers who infest egypt he said it was an example a specimen meaning there must have been more and by using the word infest he clearly saw it as a big problem he was clearly all too aware of backstabbing malice and the politics associated with such a high profile operation the english press was about to publish so-called slanderous claims against him and the source was anonymous the visit by the catholic priest vesino seems to have gone unnoticed by vice but this would not have been the case for puckler's second visit on april the 4th who was known for having an entourage and travelling in pomp and style vice was already wary of him as well although it can be substantiated we have no reason to doubt the description of the queen's chamber by vesino because he does get a lot of detail correct and there are no outlandish exaggerations if the man wished to create a whimsical view of the great pyramid we can explain away the second sarcophagus as a simple misinterpretation but can we explain when he says a marble covered room was already visible if the ceno couldn't see anything if it was too dark and there was only rubble wouldn't he just say i couldn't see anything why was he so specific that a room was visible i guess it's possible he was honestly mistaken some masonry blocks at the bottom of the hole viewed in flickering candlelight may have given the impression of a room down below but we do have to consider he could have been correct because we know the geo-radar survey done by jill's dormian does show a corridor-like anomaly below therefore is it merely a coincidence that on april the 4th the day camp puckler returned to giza and entered the great pyramid was the very same day that vice ended the excavation in the floor of the queen's chamber an excavation the vesino said leads to a chamber the visit may have prompted vice not just to make a false record of his work in his writings on april the 4th but also to close up the excavation and fill in the hole especially if it had drawn the attention of someone richer well connected and more powerful and someone he likely did not trust vice was looking for his big discovery we all know that he needed it but if count puckler wanted to he would have had the power and the money to take over the operations he could have removed her advice take away any new discovery and claim it for himself as we've seen vice was aware of plots by others to smear his name there was some kind of campaign against him on april the 4th the specific wording of vice is also of note regarding his excavation he didn't just say it contained sand and decayed stone no he specifically said and evidently did not lead to any concealed communication the works therefore were abandoned vice wrote very specifically that it did not lead to any concealed communication but why did he even mention that did he mention it because he was afraid that puckler had in fact already seen it just like casino saw rear eight days earlier you could argue that vice is covering himself protecting his project and also his new discovery of an unexcavated passage below the queen's chamber quickly filling in the hole so it would then be puckler's words against his could vice have concealed his discovery so nobody would ever dig there again but secretly he and john perring wished to return if they got more funding i don't know but i do think it's plausible there has been a lot of information in this video so let's recap number one how advice recorded that he and his men were excavating the area below the niche from march 3rd 1837 and it doesn't give much detail number two 24 days later on march 27th 1837 the cno enters the great pyramid likely unknown to how advice and in his 1840 book he knows a second sarcophagus below the tunnel in the niche in the queen's chamber this was positioned over a deep excavation that led to a chamber below number three count puckler enters the pyramid on april the 4th and in his later writings he also knows a second sarcophagus number four the second sarcophagus most likely did not exist and is actually describing this early section of the tunnel in the niche number five weiss had made no record of his excavation until april the 4th when he said they stopped excavating at around three to four feet in depth and he specifically said he found no concealed communication number six herring and smythe record the excavation as eight feet and seven point six feet respectively far deeper than what vice recorded in his book number seven as mentioned in my previous video jill's dormian notes a number of physical observations in the queen's chamber and these all imply a corridor is below number eight dormian also conducts a geo-radar survey and identifies there is a corridor-like cavity running east to west below the queen's chamber number nine zahi hawas who once publicly dismissed dormian's work says in a lecture in august 2022 that he believes the mystery of the great pyramid is below the queen's chamber number 10 vice's written entry regarding the closing of the excavation was made on april the 4th and this coincides with the royal visit of the prince a man he seems to have disliked and maybe also did not trust if he did discover a room at depth it is possible that puckler could have seen it worrying about the possible implications maybe vice needed to specifically write that he found no concealed communication to contradict any possible claims by pucler and then he filled in the excavation maybe puckler had also spoke to vecino and on his arrival to the great pyramid he was asking questions so maybe vice did not want anyone to know until he explored it himself maybe he didn't want somebody else to claim his big discovery number 11 vice was clear in his writings there were plots against him and his men stories sent to the media to discredit his honor so vice does have a reason to hide any possible discoveries until they're explored in full by himself number 12 we also have to consider that vecino was mistaken in seeing a room below and although it does look like the vice was inaccurate with the depth of the excavation maybe he was accurate with the fact there was nothing so they are the facts and also some of my own thoughts and opinions a few different options and that is really all we have to work with when charles piazzi smythe took this photograph in the queen's chamber sometime around 1865 we can see the excavation has been filled in somewhat sloppy and also like it was hurried we never see or hear anything else about this again i think it is entirely possible that howard vice did find the corridor identified by dormian but because of the visit of cam puckler and the conspiracies against him that were reaching the press he closed it up and never actually finished the work this would mean there could well be something new to excavate below the queen's chamber and we can clear all of this up and find out if the sino or vice is telling the truth we can re-excavate the whole maid by how advice in front of the niche and this would cause no destruction to the room because the floor slab is already missing and according to vice pering and piazzi smythe it's just filled with sand and rubble as per this diagram if vice was hiding a secret chamber i don't think it was for any other reason and politics and self-preservation he didn't want anyone else to take away his discovery which could have been the discovery of a lifetime he and perrying were working very closely together and so they knew what was down there they never did return and re-excavate maybe they never got the funding or the permission but i do think it's worthy of a new excavation in the 21st century again because the damage is minimal it's just re-excavating a hole that was dug 185 years ago if the egyptian authorities want to boost tourism this is one aspect of the great pyramid they can explore there is nothing to lose and there could potentially be a lot to gain they just have to dig an old excavation if they find nothing well just fill it back in but if they do find something the great pyramid of egypt will be front page news around the world thank you very much for watching this episode of ancient architects if you enjoyed the video please subscribe to the channel please like the video and please leave a comment below thank you very much


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