uh good morning uh just tell me if uh I'm sure that everybody can hear me right testing yeah okay okay uh uh good morning again my name is l uh I'm I'm representing a company uh which is PCH uh this company is specialized in construction digitalization and industrialization and uh I would love to i' like to share uh a bit about our digitalization uh in engineering and constructions uh technology uh that we have been uh uh doing a lot uh trying to transform the industry in the last few years uh some of the experience and journey we have been through uh and today the fundamental uh of all this transformation relates back to uh sdg uh the 17 goals of sdg many years ago uh if we and most people know what sdg is the sustainable development goals and U the very fundamental of it is to make sure that we all got enough food to eat we go got uh uh uh noral hungers and uh then uh everybody has got the quality education uh good health well-being things like that and those are the fundamentals but if we move towards the more advanced goals uh we are looking for uh uh industry Innovation and infrastructure we are looking for uh uh responsible consumption and production we're looking for the uh sustainable cities and uh communities so from the very fundamental of keeping everybody uh stomach fi to getting the city developed toward sustainable uh and also uh uh being responsible to the development uh it may sounds like uh something very simple but when we have a world uh that has been expanding and exploring with populations this is actually a challenge that's getting more and more difficult uh more and more challenging uh especially uh we are facing with more adverse climate conditions and that means that uh uh planting and harvesting is not so more is no more straightforward uh so so in all in all to achieve the goals the very fundamental is we need to be able to be more productive because we got more people to feed but then what we produce has to involve less people but in the much much larger output so the productivity is actually the key word in in achieving sdg and and the tools towards achieving this productivity deliver productivity to improve efficiency is actually nowadays still lies in the area of engineering Innovation and Technology Innovation so this these are all related uh to each other and our nation has developed has been developing towards uh uh adopting this uh sdg goals and uh and over the years we have been for formulating our uh National policies and uh and also our framework towards development but the fundamental is still the SBG driving behind so the last few years uh from the pandemic until now uh we have seen that the country has actually uh uh developed our own uh share Prosperity vision of course when you talk about Shar Prosperity is actually part of sdg is actually to make sure everybody uh uh is out of poverty uh everybody progress together and uh toward sustainable growth uh uh and more towards uh communities building uh uh better cities uh we are now uh looking at adopting digital technology towards smart city so we have our Malaysia Smart City framework we have our I I iot uh policy we have even our industry Ford uh uh policies and under o this uh today let's be very specific uh looking at the the construction and the engineering sector so taking from all these National framework and policies uh the the in construction 4.0 was introduced back in 2021 and uh of course it was introduced by Ministry of books and CB and uh this uh was introduced and the whole uh policy and ideology of construction 4.0 uh was actually built was was actually developed based on four strategic uh trust which is mainly to build capacity it means we have to transform our human uh capacity unlearned and reand uh and the other strategy is of course uh uh we have a lot of research a lot Innovation uh but sometime they are very much uh from the academic institution so how do we uh uh merge them how do we uh commercialize This research become very important and this is another strategic trust the Strategic trust is of course to integrate the Technologies one of the challenge is is that there are a lot of Technologies but Innovation is about how you use the Technologies to solof problem and a lot of time you have to integrate one technology to another so if you if you only have iot uh which is to to to sense to actuate and to to to use uh a cloud computing to make smart decision but then you do not we do not use it with other technology together it just it just very limited so so integrating uh uh Technologies becomes a uh the acture strategy and ex essence of the consulant 4.0 and and then uh of course uh an all this to realize all this we need to uh have a better and enhanced business environment so these are the four business class and uh it was introduced as constuction 4.0 uh we can we can discuss about digitalization we can discuss about technology in engineering for many many point but I think the most straightforward uh will'll be will'll be uh talking and uh and introducing the consu 4.0 because it
is a more comprehensive and more but I view more holistic view uh where many different stakeholder from the practicing engineering firm architect firm to construction firm uh to the developers they are they should all be align and uh and col collaborated under this kind of framework and uh and uh it practically is B built based on the strategy task which have been introduced uh with the enablers of changing people uh and empowering economy integrating Technologies and of course we need a lot of uh uh governance over uh a lot of process to help achieving this uh overall to make it interesting uh it introduces uh uh 12 Technologies of course I think it is not just limited to this 12 but they highlight the the uh 12 main 12 uh main Technologies uh which is outlined in this and uh and and it has got his objectives and uh core values of again if you look at this from uh from 10 years ago uh before 2021 uh 20 in the early 2015 uh we actually have the uh citp uh construction industry transformation plan from those days uh the core values have not been much uh uh defense okay it's always talking about productivity it's always talking about safety and health and it's always talking about uh integrity and well-being and the objective of course is to uh attract uh [Music] more uh people to come and join the industry to to shape a better industry more sustainable industry to transform the industry uh with technology with industrialization processes and create collaboration among the industry the economic as well as um the Civil Society and the government uh because uh all this Innovation uh all this destructive skill mostly come from outside industry itself so without collaboration it is impossible to actually to to to change yeah and uh so so and if we take a step back to look at this uh uh constuction 4.0 it is actually part of our national effort in the particular industry under the IR Industrial Revolution 4.0 and and uh but we need to understand that the the from from industri rtion 3.0 to 4.0 uh we have been pushing for two
thing the main difference between 3.0 and 4.0 is we already talking about automation we we are we are really talking about industry processes that's automated uh under the 3.0 so if you look at our uh National agenda of IBS industrialized building system where we are promoting prefabrication technology uh that is actually 3.0 okay we want to do constructions like the way we produce cars like the way we produce uh U industry products uh in a control environment sharing the same workflow the same people but you can streamline the process with more Automation and and and and optimize the process flow with Automation and software analytics those are actually uh Industrial Revolution 3.0 and then the journey for our our
IBS couldn't be completed uh is we are still there and now we have come to uh industry Revolution 4.0 construction 4.0 so the only difference is under 4.0 we we still need automation but we need Automation in decision making in automated decision making so that need machine learning that need smarter uh computers that can almost do uh uh AI that kind of thing so that is only different so if you look at uh uh the policy the plan under construction 4.0 prefabrication is still there prefabrication is IB yes so it is it is there and now with with with all this digital empowerment uh the hope of realizing IBS uh at a larger scale at a more more realistic uh uh implementation is is better because uh why IBS uh was moving uh in a rather slow pace uh in the last 20 years uh half of the reason is owing to the the low labor cost still a low labor cost in our our Malaysia construction industry uh if you can solve a certain production problem with throwing in cheap labor you will never invest in expensive machine because the the the front investment of the equipment and technology is more expensive overall after all the whole idea of IBS uh in the last 20 years under our IR uh 3.0 is about transforming the consulant
industry from labor intensive to technology intensive the reason to transform it is because labor is getting is supposed to get more expensive and uh and if you rely on too much of Labor process uh you can never be productive so under the the if you look at past 10 years uh National productivity report published by NPC Malaysian productivity uh corporation uh out of all the industry uh average productivity per hit count is about 90,000 it means the value added per hit count in the industry average service industry like consulting firm engineering firm is only performing the average 90 to 96,000 that is the national average but if you look at other industry uh there relying on automation relying on equipment like manufacturing industry like even mining industry they are they are dble this digit they are more than dble of this this digit if you look at engineering Service uh that is about 90 to 96,000 uh ring value added per count per year we are about one quarter of the similar industry Engineering consultancy in the oversee in the advanced market so this is not a a productivity that we can be proud of but worst of all out of all the industry the lowest of all performer is construction industry the construction industry is only performing half of the national average it's about 40 45 to 45 to 46,000 per hit town added per year if the value of the construction workers average workers or engineer working in in the industry is about 45 46,000 uh uh uh per year how much you expect the salary of Engineers can be given they only add 45,000 and on average plus workers plus a senior plus that so that is one of the problem that we have not overcome okay we there's a lot of ho- how about uh increasing the salary pay for the engineers the young Engineers which is a real real problem but the root problem is the industry they are going in into they are going to be involved into are producing too low their productivity are too low and that's why they can't afford High salary that is one of the problem it's not the problem with uh what they study uh with the profession because the same profession uh should they be in consulting firm or in engineering firm or in contractor's company construction company if they they would to be in other Society in other country they are paying better because their produc higher so we need to change our productivity and now we have an opportunity by introducing 4.0 we have we there are more room to add in uh uh Innovation there are more technology we can add in and productivity can be improved so when the productive improve whoever are inside there will be paid better so that's one of the problem and uh and and the engineers are trying the engineer has been the one who try to help the work uh in the number one sdg goal to eradicate poverty number two is is no more hunger but if you look at the the the the sad fact is it look like the engineer Community is is is s going into poverty okay with the salary starting salary below for grad below 3,000 is is almost is almost a poverty line in in any uh Advan City Life I would say yeah so anyway not to to to uh to be regretting over this spe uh let's move on so this are the 12 Technologies just to uh to share about it and most people know about that uh we talk about internet things we we talk about uh 3D scanning photic uh technology of course cloud and realtime collaboration is very important uh if you are doing a beam model now you will realize that uh the fundamental of beam model is not only about 3D visualization is about the way we work the way we store data uh it's normal local is actually a cloudbased and uh under this technology we also uh trying to look at Advanced building materials Big Data uh adoption uh some blockchain application artificial intelligence uh 3D printing there's 3D scanning there's also 3D printing additive uh manufacturing augmented reality for ver uh and virtualization autonomous construction prefabrication modular constructions and building information modeling and the interesting one is actually prefabrication and modular construction it's just uh same our same same IBS under a different uh name or under a larger context okay uh it it require the whole uh ecosystem empowerment to realize pre verication and modular construction it means the Upstream uh uh uh industry player is very important people who invest into into modularization invest into product invest into production line and then the designer pick up this production this available product to make it into a building so this reli very much on the ecosystem establishment and uh and we are looking this now with the have of digital technology we have a modeling this prevarication become more achievable we you can actually model your product very precisely coordinate your project very precisely even you you start your fabrication so this with this uh uh CH technology we are looking for a further transformation of our industry our engineering industry construction is just a means of engineering realization so so they are the same when I say construction when I say engineering they're practically the same thing okay is is is is the engineers there's a lot of uh uh uh people who say okay uh what's the difference between engineers and uh the the builders who are actually the technologist okay here we are talking about engineering and technology so we have technologist we have Engineers what was the main different they they are complimenting role the engineer study the fundamental of science they know what is the right thing to do okay and the technologist has got certain skills and tools to do that thing right so the engineer who knows what's the right thing to they need the technology who know how to do that thing right simple as that so they compliment each other so these are some of the uh uh uh uh slide sharing and looking at U uh what are all this 12 technology I think I I talk about most of it the most the one that has been very much realized in the region uh in in in the industry near our region and this are mostly Malaysia case uh this is talking about pre vation and modular modular construction so it's practically work backward before before we actually uh decid to construct and before we design we actually uh pick and plug from available components wherever possible this component may not be sitting there waiting uh for us to buy but the more and the production line for this component are already established so so if you you look at the boxes at the right hand side of the the slides those are what we call a a 3D Precast or ppvc prefabricated prefinish volumetric construction so so instead of casting uh uh prefabricate a wall like picture in the middle the trend now is going towards a 3D and because this is 3D uh that concrete box when you have uh prefabricated it you can send it to another production line to pre-finish it to fix the towels to fix the m& to fix the toilet before you send the entire box to the site to be assembly the concept is the same it's it's about a uh uh dfma designed for manufacturing and assembly so the whole ideology is whatever we design is possible to be manufactured in a control environment rather that we need to do it in a very hetic way on site to reduce uh the disturbance to our build environment to improve safety and productivity performance and then to use industrialized processes and equipment for the higher productivity as well so this is the whole idea about prefabrication and modular construction the keyword of prefabrication lies in modular if you do not try to standardize most of the process and product it is very difficult to do so so uh very smartly uh CB back in 19 back in 2019 has introduced uh the handbook on uh uh modular design of our affordable housing uh some of us may may be aware but it will be interesting uh to take a look at it because uh uh if you adopt their standard design uh they already that means somebody already adopted it so they must be some production line some Factory this they can produce this in a more economic way uh prepation preast can be a more economical solution provided our industry has got the correct infrastructure provided our industry has got the correct uh uh uh supply chain establishment for it and provided that okay there is enough quantity you cannot expect do to do prefabrication pre-cast but every project is a very different design you have to do a new Mo you know the all this steel Mo all this steel Mo for the boxes that you see okay they are very expensive and you need to actually have 1,000 unit produce from it before it can be econom economical so imagine that you you are building one project and you only produce it and you you only use the mo to cast uh 10 to 20 times it will not be cheaper it's not possible to be cheaper than you do it uh on site and uh if you are casting this very far away and you need to ship it on the on on sea and then uh and ho it on trucks in the long distance that is also another problem that it cannot be achieved so so the ecosystem has to be matured it has to be in in a a surrounding 100 kilometer radius where you when you produce all this thing so so the the idea is easy the establishment of the supply chain and the value chain is still challenging and on the left hand side we are we are looking at the uh what you put inside the prefabricated uh concrete structure is the rebar the steel bars and uh you you can actually uh do a automated uh bar bending and cutting uh process and uh you practically pump in what you want to bend and cut and the Machine will pull the right size of bar bend it and cut it to the size one so this is actually automated process based on digital uh uh uh input the digital input is to allot the automated process so this is called a digital process however if you do not have the digital content you do not create this rebar design that can talk to this machine how are you going to ask a machine to produce it so beam application create the digital content to empower this digital process I'll talk about this uh uh when I talk about beam uh generally the problem now is a very general specs uh the generally our specs of beam in this country is very much developed uh by various organization like jki whoever okay but of course we are not the technology Creator so from the very beginning including uh uh uh other government agency in our neighboring countries all their standards all their specifications for the beam is actually influenced by vendors influenced by software creator so the software creator will write the specs for you and they will actually also if you adopt their specs fully you will also adopt their limitation as well so certain software has got limitation in modeling uh uh structure rears like this and uh and this is one of the area that is not well developed until today uh to facilitate this process if if you look at the construction sites today you seeing that most of them are still buying the 12 met bars to cut and bend it using uh labor on site if you want to go to this process first of all when you uh design your rear you must be able to design it in BB which is digital content so this is some of the challenge but this can be easily overcome uh my company has been working working on this area for years and uh we actually realized uh some of the process we have actually realized a lot of modeling of rebars and things like that and uh we moders uh boxes and the rebar sh you like what you see here and uh then of course uh uh the other two technology under the 12 technology uh for engineers uh augmented reality uh which is of virtualization uh you actually the is now we talk about augmented reality is is why we use the wood virtualization rather than visualization uh you actually visualize the actual physical and also overlay what you want to build in the model to the acture so if you look at the picture here okay you have a actra construction site okay and you want to do something the model in color are the model and you overl lay them together real time at the actual space uh using this device whatever device you're using that's called augmented reality virtualization you you visualize a virtual overlay on the reality you know so that is uh that is a matured software a lot software provider uh you can subscribe it for a few thousand 1,000 to few th000 US dollar a year uh for that but then the key line is again when I talk about pre fabrication you need the digital content so that your machine can automatically pick up what you want to produce fabricate right a digital process again virtual virtualization using AAL reality is also a digital process how to how to do this if you do not have the bin model you do not have the Digital model digital content of of of those color when you look at the the corner those red color yellow blue color on on the left hand side the a reality if you don't know have those content you cannot realize this process right so again creating digital content is the key of all so if you in my opinion if you look at the uh construction 4.0 all 12 Technologies the most important and most fundamental one is building information modeling BM and and in my context over the years we have been working a lot on this uh in this particular area uh to me building information modeling is actually uh digital content creation you're creating a digital twin and in in in the industry level I always like to talk about BM not as building information modeling as building Information Management because how you exchange information what you use those information those model for construction for post consruction activity like smart FM and those activity those are more important those are the meaning the the the the ends okay the purpose of your modeling b m beam uh taking the words from the uh ex uh chairman of CB uh uh Dr ammad tudin beam is the means to create the content on it's just the beginning the means and and and that's the model but the end of it is building Information Management to a national people who who like like UK and some the country who sponsor and who supported a lot the beam movement uh they look at beam as better information management it is supposed to integrate not only building you integrate the building information into other to the context of safety to the context of security as well so building information modeling okay uh is is practically if you look at a simple construction project is actually uh uh a rehearsal you do a a full dress rehearsal uh you you you build virtually then you build physically so you build twice before you decide to to build physically you use the Virtual Technology to construct a whole thing and what you constructed virtually is called BM it actually is is information reach it's only for it's is all only for visualization purpose you actually coordinate if we build a pipe and a wall if the pipe bang the wall the software will pick it up the software will tell you how much quantity how many brick is required to build those wall the the the the software can also uh help you to sequence out okay they will also tell you how much piping you need what the sizes they'll give you the quantity they you give they also simulate the program you want and things like that so this is what building information modeling I'm going to share a a video so that it's not so boring and uh it is about one job uh it has only take the the ground uh on the on the foundation level level and this job is about uh uh this job what is significant about this job is uh the owner and the architect work together the owner invested into Pim and uh they practically have a perfect build uh virtual build before they actually uh take off and during the final tender they release the beam model the coordinated be model to all the tenderer and uh the tenderer take away a lot of risk and the finalize the final tenderers actually reduce the cost by 5% because of the work that was already done everything was was already moded including the rebar you can generate the exact Tage of rebar you can even generate the cut and bend we call the bar bending schedule for rebar so so there's no risk normally when a when a contractor tender for a job they will build in certain kind of risk Vector when this is done okay somebody has put enough top to coordinate everything uh uh that that's the benefit out of it so anyway uh uh let's look at the video e e for okay I apologize because uh sometime the computer setting is not not not pre-tested so I think you all probably didn't hear sound on it uh you can hear me now right okay so so uh I will take another 10 minutes to wrap this up okay uh the next technology that under the 12 uh that mentioned in the construction 4.0 uh master plan uh include 3D scanning and photog gtic uh I will I will show you another video which is about 3D scanning and since there's no sound I I then I can talk uh and uh explain over it do you have sound over this no sound uh Mr Louie when you share there's a check box at the bottom when you share you need to share that take that then only the sound will come out okay I'll try and see okay anyway I I I think I I will I will explain because the sound is just music there's no narration so it's better I do it and uh this is a job in the TRX uh 9 kilomet of substructure infrastructure uh it was a very complicated job uh so upon completion this you can see that uh from the liar scan here uh this is actually near completion uh the project has to complete with a very accurate ASU and and the ASU has to be in the beam form also so what we did is we do reverse engineering we use a Lia scan to scan all the of course only the what you can see on Surface you can't scan the rebar uh you can't scan what is embedded inside you can but you can trace them so what we did is uh we went in and scan it and uh and and it took a uh but it only took a team or two person but it may took a a mon or two uh but it's a very efficient and effective product uh uh process and uh what you see is actually the model and what is more important is the accuracy of the of this model is only a few mm uh uh and when the scanning is is is going on uh there is a surveyor team who also do the exual survey to give to give us the benchmark point so once you have the P okay and uh you actually have the digital twin of what was SP what's the SP but what and and and if you look at this rather than the drawings this will definely be much more accurate than the joints because even the position of every single B in not is actually the ACT actual position and uh then from the B model uh we actually produce the uh 2D uh drawings and these 2 drawings is produced by automated process by setting the template and it was reproduced uh from the model so this is actually reversed these are the the actual U uh 2D drawing that was produced and it is actually accurate okay and uh so so so uh this is another another uh example of application uh if this project were to be using uh surveying normal surveying process uh you'll take a long time and Frankly Speaking you cannot you can never expect the kind of accuracy uh that you can get as compared to schedule okay that's one one of it and uh and and and to draw those drawings to draw those mod if you are using conventional drafting you will take even longer time and more manpower so so this is one of the advantage of doing uh 3D scanning uh but but this is one of the very uh minimal use that we should say a good practice is uh in some some projects in this region of asan they are uh government who practice uh a mandate of every month uh mandatory scan okay so when you do early scan okay if the building is 30 years old you do a scan to create the S build uh and and and this is a digital scan and this is uh uh kept in the cloud H you will never be lost the the issue with a lot paper as Bui is it cannot survive three years after you change the asset manager after you complete the project the whole manual you cannot find anymore uh but this is what we are doing now okay but the the the project I mentioned the best practice now uh uh being practiced in some of the country some of the major project is they mandate uh during the construction itself they mandate a monthly scan uh to actually manually validate the progress you keep a record so nobody can actually uh uh cheat uh that you have not constucted this but you claim this this is actually kept in the in the scan uh and of course but the act the more meaningful to me uh by using this technology to to drive a project is actually you can actually uh use automated software to actually detect uh deviation to actually validate progress by comparing to the B model they are already software uh capable of doing so so you you you put in your scan you put in your your action model to almost an automated process they can actually tell you how much progress you have achieved physically that's one of it that's what I mean automated process that's number one number two is if you actually built the wall at the wrong place isn't that better to detect it when you actually erect the linter before you even erect the brick wall you know or you actually erected the brick wall but you have not plastered you have not put in the the door frame and the door so this is what we call Early detection the purpose of of human who always go and take blood and do uh body check is to F to to empower early detection if there's anything wrong with the body you want to detect it early no what not when when you nothing can be done so for for same thing when you have a building when you want to uh coordinate the building building you want the detection of deviation we call it deviation you feel wrongly okay you didn't follow the design for some reason whatever okay uh a decision was made to change but the the the document uh wasn't changed that is also a deviation deviation can go both way the document require a change but the team doesn't know they build the o1 but this is one D but the decision another way is the decision has been made to change the site change but the documenation didn't change Contra document that is also a deviation you either do a contractual deviation or physical deviation so this this technology is very useful for for that and uh I'm trying to influence the industry I'm trying to talk to authority to actually share resources uh to implement this okay uh we have a good uh technology company who is willing to to to to bring in 10 to 20 units of uh of uh uh demo units to help industry to train people in scanning to create standard practices scanning is there everybody has got technology but standard practices how to scan the procedure to scan to to to add this into the contract of a project that has to be worked out that should be a standardized document that and and and I I always believe that working on at that level is more important than bringing in the technology itself so to continue these are some of the uh uh other uh technology realtime collaboration autonomous uh construction uh actually this may sound uh hard to believe but it actually has been realized mainly at the mining and the the the infrastructure uh uh huge infrastructure industry where you involve a lot of heavy equipment and uh and this all can be very precisely controlled uh uh and they call it the the uh all terrain vehicle uh uh management system that is autonomous and these are already available in the market anyway uh we may not have too many of this project and and you know it depend who is willing to invest so you look at all this technology one to 12 all the technology that we have been talking about uh uh and some of them are much likely and and and some of them are much ready uh in the market exam uh and and some of them by building information modeling is the key to everything you must create this digital content before you can you can actually have your augmented reality you all the rest of it are digital uh processors that rely on digital content so the building information modeling if you do not adopt it to create a digital content you can't do it if you do not have digital um digital bank that hold your money you can't do ewallet you can't do transaction you can't do any of this right so so it is very important and uh they are they are research and Survey who has actually analyzed uh the possibility uh look at the likelihood and impact to the industry of all this of course again uh the integrated uh uh building information modeling is the key it is not only building information modeling is towards management that's why it's called integrated uh beam uh when when back uh in several years ago when they uh when the the join uh Six Nations who was developing this uh beam standards it was perceived that uh the development will go through three maturity phase phase one phase two maturity one two and three and what marks the maturity from two to three is the creation of iso standard uh in terms of beam and post iOS ioso standard uh we can integrate a lot of uh value chain across the uh bu C uh uh digitally uh and similarly and so when you once you integrate those things together it's called maturity level two uh three so it's called integrated pin so these are all the The Overlook uh view of the this this uh technology like and it's impact and they all important to me and uh and the research spe in 2020 by uh McKenzie identified uh many uh root causes of low productivity in construction industry and uh the to overcome this uh we need a uh work process enhancement and that means that we need to have more collaboration among the value chain okay from one process process and um that also means that we need to share data seamlessly when you share seamless data it has to be transparent right your content and process has is transparent and you need to empower a digitization now those years they are still using this sorry this 2015 uh research they're using the words digitization uh then five years later they change the W the digitalization so the differ is they realize that it is not only the content you need to digitize you also need to digitize the process hence it comes to with digitalization right and uh and this whole thing in principle is a paradig shift from what we are practicing currently uh the the dark blue curve is the current what industry do most of the thinking and process only come in uh once you are you are ready to do constructions uh this is because everybody I me to put it in the ugly way uh all the consultant all the engineer and the architect they want to push most the thinking most of the coordination through the uh contractors but if you think about it you are the designers you can't coordinate it and how would the contractors will do that we take two to three years to design our building to design our drawings and things and we only give the contractor two to three weeks to Tender and the tender Clause says that any discrepancy you have to pick it up people has to picked up in two to three weeks the diseny you you have been created and whereas you have two to three years time to do your design and and submission and things like that so so it is orientation of industry but let's talk about logic is it possible the Paradise ship is talking about moving uh moving from the uh blue curve dark blue curve to the pink curve where most of the coordination most of the detail has to figure out have to be figured out during the design development stage that that means that uh the cost of any changes is much cheaper and the ability uh to impact cost and functions uh functional capacity is much much lightly if you want to do a change okay if you really decide on a 10 story building okay after you build two story you decided to add it to 12 story that is almost almost impossible the kind of additional cost of do it but if you still still on on planning stage why not you know so that there's another change that is coming uh today is of jum so happened uh today is the actually effective uh uh enforcement of the new OSHA that was amended I think 18 months ago and the new OSHA will actually empower the new oim regulation this this will be sign off under the OA new oia spirit but it has been introduced since uh 2017 I think I'm running out time but again it is it is talking about the same philosophy we want to think about safety okay uh in a much early phase rather than when you are actually implementing your work when you actually operating your construction when you're actually uh operating your building only you you look at your Operation Safety today under the new uh our national occupation and health uh uh philosophy management philosophy uh under this amended version we created the the the the idea of principle who actually created the race okay and we actually created the idea the philosophy of shared responsibility whoever created the risk share the responsibility to mitigate the risk using preventive uh uh uh measures it means this can only be done with the participation of uh developer uh building owner uh investor as well as designer okay this is not an issue that you throw it to a later stage okay uh the contractors uh the the factory managers you have to think about their risk so these are coming and uh and why I bringing this this is a good framework but it need a lot of digital empowerment to get this across and also we need to identify at this design stage I will have to identify somebody who come in three years ago to change some component what kind of risk is he going to expose to what is the better method I want him to use so across three to five years time how do you structurely download this information make sure it's available for those guy okay that's Do not sit ourself okay if I give you a building and they give you the SP even just the spute drawing can you guarantee me that five years later you can find the spute drawing go back to your own organization and try to find the spute drawing the if you even you find it okay I can tell you one out of 20 chance that you can find it but that only chance that you find it that as is outdated okay so how do you make sure that you have this information not only about ESP it also has to incorporate the risk and all this documentation it must be really updated always updated and readily available to people five years 10 years 20 years down the road okay the only way is to digital empowerment and it come all together so we must look at all this this uh uh enhancing regulation new framework as holistic look to is actually about information management is actually about doing Works more collaborated and collectively real time on the single source of Truth so the problem is is currently all this effort all this information are fragmented you talk one talk to another okay the ficity manager talk to somebody else and and nobody is looking at information as a center if we do this if we do this transformation it is actually digital information transformation we are doing and uh to the industry to the engineering profession industry uh the blue color is what we currently focus on you are told to design a building and Engineering you look at compliance service if this is hospital I want to make sure you serve as a hospital but we never look at how constructable it is how maintainable it is do we think about design for safety do we think about security miners okay we always think that our creation our project life cycle is our main responsibility do we think about Beyond uh build ass life cycle when people come and maintain it when people repurpose it so sustainability is more is also as important as creating work content focus is current value and uh we need to look at work process enhance enhancement because it's only when you also work at a look work process enhancement that you can only change the productivity same thing for example I'm a structur engineer the country is talking about IBS and when when when I'm engaged as structure engineer for the project I always tell my developer for example I'm talking about some the uh the situation in the market the the structure engineer will tell will have to tell the the the client because the client is not paying extra this Innovation to do IBS freecast uh is to be done by contractors but why do we do a work that's not what we want because by not willing to design into a pre-cast building a IBS building if because we don't think about work process enhancement we don't care about productivity so these are the thing that we must value add into the the our engineering practice our thing okay we cannot just look at contractual linkage or value change we have to think beyond that uh with digital linkage and when you qualify players into your project we always talk about qms quality management safety management system and uh how how do you make sure that uh we can we can ensure productivity the the the only way is digital information uh system beim is actually adding the IMs into it okay I'm going to wrap up in a few minutes and uh this is talking about the future of how we train human capacity I I I'll drop it okay and uh this is some of the B uh we talk about uh uh we need a new breed of a competency of people who know who understand construction but who will not do construction but they will do analytics so this is why I always introduce a new competency is called engineering constructibility analytics these are people these are new skill that we are helping to train and uh and training this is not enough we need to adopt standards okay we need to make sure the digital content we we created are ready for future digital process the digital process are not not they are not all here yet they will be invented when you invent your digital content that's the challenge so the problem is you have to have create your beam to a certain model So currently PCH is working with uh CV uh and EC construct to to create the next level of the beam object Library which is Future Ready smart city where certain kind of a uh standardization in it okay and and lastly I want to share that okay uh we are all either as a person or as a company we are go going through this transformation of change management and I always share this uh uh in my talk okay uh change is not a straight line from from one end to a better end it is always a challenge because when you change your tools okay yeah I'm I'm sure you guys I'm I for example I'm just just make it okay if you're very good with fork and knife and Spoon and if I ask you to change to a chopstick you actually need to unlearn and relearn you cannot be better straight away I'm not saying chop is better what I'm saying is if you change the tools okay there's always a drop in productivity and there's always a change in in your in people's moood people feel challenged people feel depression you know before they pick up to the New Beginnings this is the problem this is why the it is it is very difficult to convince the semi uh uh the medium Enterprise small medium Enterprise SB uh to transform because uh SMB tends to be more reactive rather than proactive because of the resources that we have we can't be investing a lot so the only solution Forme for smaller player is collaboration okay if people already gone the path work together okay don't go to this this deep and serer yourself people has just take the success factor and and work together and then take take on a easier path and transformation digital transformation needs to look at Four Element the the technology itself it's not about buying the software are you managing your data correctly are you creating a realtime single Source way of managing your data okay and then of course the people has to change finally the process has to change after everything you do if your company is no more not adopting beam after you adopt beam blah blah blah blah you find that the process is still the same you still store your data in your local drive you still exchange information by waiting for two three days uh and and and sending out emails waiting for respond not creating a real time online collaboration platform you didn't change the process there's no there's no digital transformation happening so bear in mind this so lastly okay I've been driving this campaign for years uh the way forward in engineering construction field is actually uh to harmonize safety productivity and technology so thank you very much sorry for overrun uh with with the time that's all on my presentation thank you
2024-09-16 22:32