Energy Healing Tools for Self-Care - Revolutionary Sound Wave Healing Technology | WAVwatch

Energy Healing Tools for Self-Care - Revolutionary Sound Wave Healing Technology | WAVwatch

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that uh someone hasn't heard from from last week or new ones or you know it really doesn't matter because we have different people each time so please feel free to repeat a testimony that you have because someone might not have heard it very important anybody have anything they'd like to add before we get started on a little program today about other frequency tools you can unmute yourself or we could wait to the end if we needed to well rather than waste your time I'm going to go ahead and ask everybody to mute if you aren't already and I'll go ahead with the presentation but again thanks for coming today and maybe you'll have some questions or ideas uh towards the end if you would like to ask them so give me just a second to share my screen so I'm assuming that you can see my screen and hear me so somebody let me know if you can't but thank you for coming so much today and I see a greetings from Massachusetts that's what we need is people all over so I want to talk just a tiny bit about the Wave Watch but obviously I'm getting to the point where I have 60 some presentations about the wave watch with different ways that you can use it but what about some of the other uh therapy type ideas that are uh coming up you know what do we need to know about them is there anything that we should be sharing so that's kind of what you know I wanted to show you today a little bit because I've used a lot of them but not all of them there are more coming each time we have just a few people coming in so here's how the Wave Watch Works just a little bit again just a diagram you're wearing it on your wrist and you can set it for the 850 different ideas and my concept is that your body will absorb those frequencies you do not have to have something where you hear it all the time it's you know a little bit more muted and doesn't bother other people in the room so it's absorbed through the back of your wrist and then it combines uh sound and digital frequency therapy for personal self-care that's what I'm saying it is self-care you are not making any decision through a doctor necessarily you can but mostly you are working with things that you have been diagnosed with or easy things you know if you have a headache you know if you if you have incontinence you know hey you know so you can look up those frequencies and work with them on your own without having to wait sometimes for some other longer weights to see different types of healing professionals and the Wave Watch does use specific targeted is a very big idea these are targeted they are labeled with the exact name like incontinence since I've already mentioned that they're labeled with that phrasing so that you can find them and this helps to tune our bodies without invasive methods so a little bit uh about the Wave Watch but mostly I wanted to share some other ideas with you because it's starting to be overwhelming now we are seeing lots of studies there will be people who will still say oh there's not any uh proof that this works and that is not right at all there are 400 scientific studies and when I just did a search for the scientific studies there were 520 000 search results I'm not sure you know exactly how many of those but people are looking for those kind of ideas so it's obvious the way this is phrased and this came from Psychology today and it says that science is catching up to understanding how science heals see we've been behind and now all of a sudden there's lots of things that are coming out on sound healing so these scientific articles use music as medicine and they found strong evidence that music has mental and physical health benefits in improving mood and stress isn't that great so there are scientific studies so if anybody tells you there aren't any just you know tell them to Google oh I am trying to switch to the next slide here so what are some different acoustical frequency tools what could we be seeing what could we be analyzing trying to figure out if we want to buy it uh is there something else that we want to share with people that we know what are the differences um you know or in my opinion anything that has a sound frequency that you can hear and feel is going to be very good but there are going to be some differences in those tools so to start with we probably know need to know what a WAV file is and this is a tip for your buying possibility um wave which is what the Wave Watch is named for I say for waves and vibrations but waves files were encoding formats that were used by IBM and Microsoft a long time ago so and it's an archival digital audio system now and they're uncompressed so they're very huge files and they're saying now that you can't often download a WAV file from the Internet it's very hard to do that so it would have to be labeled that way a little bit most of them have been compressed and so they're an MP3 forms and if I'm saying that right I think MP4 is video I'm hoping I'm getting that right uh but they are what labeled differently and so you would recognize that if they are not a wave file they have been compressed and then when you try to interact with them or listen to them they're uncompressed and a lot of the uh efficacy of the frequency can be lost so just a little tiny tip if the energy tool that you're looking at isn't using wav files they've been compressed and may not be as accurate so that would be a tip as you look for different ideas now these are some new frequency tool ideas also you want to look to see the number of sound frequencies now to me that was what I went with 850 different sound frequencies and I can always add more you know so you never know what I'll come up with but the number of sound frequencies or do they let you know you know how many sound frequencies they have so um the type of frequencies I've already explained now you also want to look for chords and messy wires and patches you know those are pretty important who wants to be strung together with three or four ideas you know another idea would be to make sure that it isn't really hooked up to the internet now maybe that's okay with you I really have trouble with that we are having so many people who are having problems with EMS and when you are wearing something all day long that is EMF connected you're connected to the internet out there you're connected to the ether you're connected to 5G or 4G or however you want to say that and that can be very very bad for your body so do be very careful on that idea another one just in you know normal um buying possibilities is you know do you have monthly fees some of them do have monthly fees and some of them are you know you need to purchase them several times so uh to get any good out of them so lots of different ways to think of that and you're the person that has a budget and you're analyzing and trying to figure out what to do now one that I didn't throw in here was you know how many of these are you going to buy because there's a bunch of them I was overwhelmed as I started adding to my list here um another idea is uh you know can people that are harder hearing use it because so many of them do rely on you sitting there and listening to an acoustical frequency of some kind now again the difference in the wave watches you're absorbing that frequency and the reason I made it that way is because I'm hard of hearing I can't hear frequencies hardly at all you know so I would not have been able to use my own conception if I had made it where you had to hear that frequency yes sometimes things are absorbed maybe a little bit differently through the ears but they know that every cell in our skin absorbs frequencies and the list of information about the way we absorb frequencies all day long through our skin is pretty astronomical and overwhelming when you look at it another idea would be the cost for the amount of frequencies that you're getting so just a few tips we can all do some math we know if someone has two frequency ideas versus you know many others you're going to check the tossed and whether it's a tool that you really want to use because you might be ending up with 20 tools instead of one tool so new frequency tools are on the market we are being overrun with them you can find them on Amazon you can find them on um you know many different places so these tools have energy frequency and vibration advantages obviously and so just a easy way to say why we're looking for these and why so many people are searching is that they're safer there are less side effects than drugs um you can generate new frequencies they can measure new problems so if the new virus is discovered they can measure the virus for that the frequencies for that and then that can be used in some manner on some of these tools that you're shopping for they can really simplify Healthcare models again the first slide I showed you was 400 and some studies on that and how they are missing some of the ideas about that so um there's also reduced response time in pandemics and crisis situations you know I don't want to say too much but I think you can all read into this so if you had something that you could just put an extra frequency on because they found a new virus or a new bacteria or you know something had been generated um if you could put it on one of your existing tools that might be a lot better than waiting for some of the things in the arm that we have been told are so good to wait for so one person who was really um instrumental in some of the ideas that I have um you know went along with this idea that vibrations the resonant vibrations will cause the energy of the virus to self-amplify and I'm having trouble with my screen today sorry about this and uh just self-amplify and destroy itself so that's the idea that you're using and that's why we want an availability to be able to put new frequencies onto different tools that we might have in our repertoire so this is the person I started to mention he um basically was able to measure the frequencies for uh covet 19. and he published them and he put them online for people to use so because of his generosity I was able to take the frequencies that he said and regenerate them and put them onto the Wave Watch so he could do this any other time somebody else could do that so New Wave files could be measured for any new problem that we have so people are out there measuring the tools are not that expensive to actually measure frequencies I don't know where they are I don't have one of those but frequencies can be measured for everything obviously if you're thinking you can measure a virus frequency you can make a measure a parasite frequency you can measure the prion frequencies and the list goes on and on now just to get into some different types of tools starting with a free one I'm sure some of you have seen on YouTube that you can just go right into YouTube and say music for healing you know frequencies for needling lots of different ways to say that and that's endless uh I have actually seen an idea that people were uh just cutting and pasting and using different videos but the same music behind the scene and really building a really good business for themselves with these frequencies so anybody looking for something to do hey my hat's off to you if that's something you want to look at so the name of my business is 432 energetics or that's why I picked this slide 432 is supposedly the energy of the world and um this is one that you can just tap into and you can play it as much as you want now we've already kind of talked about the negatives of it because it is on you know Internet it's on your TV that kind of thing so you're getting some good frequencies with some negative frequencies a little bit you know and if you put that on your cell phone or we're playing it on your cell phone at night your cell phone has to be fairly close to you in order for you to hear those and again you have to hear them um some people do like the noise or you know maybe it's a white noise to them or a brown noise or however they want to say that and so for some people that's okay but uh because I'm hard of hearing uh it doesn't work for me I don't actually like those to sleep with so all kinds of music and these are free to use so that's a good starting point because they are going to work you're going to hear some differences in in you or feel some differences with these ideas now another one can vary just a little bit and I had this years ago and I'm sorry that that picture is kind of blurry I was really having trouble today I had to turn my computer off two or three times and you know to get it to even download anything and uh my uh connection evidently wasn't very good and I'm not sure what happened on the clarity of this photo but you can understand that Linda I thought my eyes were going crazy oh yeah I mean I spent 10 minutes on it it's like I'm out of time you know I'm just going to tell them it's a blurry picture but this is an audio frequency app and again we talked about apps on cell phones they have some great ideas for them this one is very thorough you can look up a specific idea you can see the frequencies right on the app it will show you that it might be you know uh 40 Hertz 178 Hertz 250 Hertz and usually they they might go up to 30 frequencies and so by the way I do mention that the Wave Watch has 850 frequencies but inside most of those sets there could be up to 30 frequencies so it's closer to about 24 000 frequencies are on the Wave Watch and also you know on this app there would be similar amounts of frequencies a lot of frequencies that we're playing as a loop or together you know that kind of thing now I did see that uh apps you know on the uh the internet or um off a Google app or wherever you're getting them uh can have a monthly fee this one I did see on another website also and it's up to a hundred and eighty five dollars on that site so you still want to look around because I know I have this uh on my phone I've had it before and I don't think I would have paid the 185 it seemed like I paid it by it for the month so look around if you're interested in that but again you have to have your your watch or excuse me you have to have your phone with you you have to have it beside you or in range where you can hear it and so that might be or you might be plugging it in and putting it into your ears lots of different ways to do that so that's how that works but those are still things that people are looking at and they're trying to access them and wanting to to work with those then another idea would be well what happens to the internet you know on some of these apps if the internet goes down is this app applicable or usable now this was a pretty new one that I hadn't seen and hadn't shared with you before this is just a a detox and they call it frequent cell if I'm saying that right and it fits all the the methods that we have it's a hundred percent natural it's non-toxic it's non-addictive zero fight side effects uh again it's not invasive it's wearable and easy to use now this one just says a six-month durability and it is actually something that you stick to your body so they did say you could stick it up here you know and they say in Europe that it has been tested uh so Olympic Champions gold medalists and Elite athletes from Europe and the U.S uh will testify how effective this field technology is for wound treatment regeneration recuperation and overall performance I know I'm just reading that but you know you you have to kind of grasp on to it we now have athletic Champions Olympic gold medalists who don't want to be caught with anything in their system and you'll read a little bit more it's a non-addictive approach with zero doping risk so that's why they're into it so I think on my next slide it shows I guess I didn't I guess I didn't have it in there but it shows that you can wear it on your chest it's kind of a you tape it on a little bit or it sticks on some way that wasn't very clear but it's not a wristband at all so you could put it on your leg you could put it on the side of your arm you could put it on your chest you could put it on your head if you wanted to you know so but it is uh putting frequencies out in some Manner and these would be more the acoustical frequencies so this is available right on Amazon so when you start seeing all these types of tools on Amazon more and more people are looking for them and trying to figure out if they're good products if they're negative if they want to share them with their families and that kind of thing so the concept is really good because they're you know trying to detoxify your pineal or pineal gland people say it both ways and um work with that and so that can have so many different effects on your body now here's another one that I thought was interesting to share with you and this one is um basically called the Apollo neuro and it does have an app from a cell phone that you have to work with it but it does about seven different things and they call them Apollo Vibes so they are more for uh unwinding falling asleep calm Focus recover energy and social I'm not sure exactly how they're phrasing social but that's what it does and so this one actually has a clip to it and you could clip it on different places or you could wear it on your wrist or your ankle and this one with the frequencies that are suggested runs in the 350 to 399 range I didn't see a length of time or how you charge it you know I don't know some of that information I'm just trying to let you know that these are available and you may not have to charge it at all now that I look at it because it's an app it does connect with the app and so here's the next one and again I have another you know the picture that was a a little bit should have made up just a tiny tiny picture so that it wouldn't be blurry but they do suggest that you wear this three plus hours a day at least five days a week during the day and the night over three months to see the biggest Improvement in sleep and cardiovascular so they actually have a study they have a double blind randomized study and I'm not sure if I'm messing this up can everybody see that at the bottom now the Apollo vibrations improve heart rate variability and a double-blind randomized placebo control crossover trial wow that's a big one so I do have the information where that came from and they can now say quote unquote scientifically that it does change the Sleep patterns of people if you're wearing it for a longer period of time so that might be another thing that I could have included in some of the ups and downs when we're looking at some of these tools how long do you need to wear it for something to maybe be an improvement and obviously on the Wave Watch we've got some improvements in days and you know not weeks but days and sometimes hours and sometimes minutes you know so that goes with the whole idea that frequencies zip through your body at 4.3 times the speed of sound and that would be wave files so if they are not using wav files they may be in a different mode and so again I I'm not giving you an in-depth idea about every single one of these I don't know the pros and cons of them for for use I haven't used them but I can see that they're saying it might take three months for the biggest improvements and I'm saying that's a little bit more um that's a little bit slower than I would want so you can make your decision on what you would like to try I always give up you know something doesn't work fairly quick yeah obviously you know there are some places with the way watched it you know over a longer period of time maybe there are some improvements uh in two weeks you know but I don't think I've ever had anybody say oh in three months I really noticed a difference you know I think it's much much quicker than that again I shouldn't be talking as much about the way watch I just wanted to share some other ideas with you well come on so these are other ones that I believe I have showed in some different um you know segments but they also have bio energy discs and they are frequency discs again now there are some that I'm not showcasing today that are LightWave discs they're light discs but these are supposed to be sound discs and they stimulate the body system you know drug free technology and there's a website for them the only thing I could see is that they were 79 for three days of discs so you've got to figure out you know how big your problem is what you're willing to try you know if one thing doesn't work is there another thing that would and how often do you need to reorder it so to me that could add up a little bit quickly but maybe it gives you the results that you want just by wearing a disc and you don't have to think about it so pros and cons to all of them so this was a disc that you wear again for three days and this says it uses the combination of emitting frequency emitting devices and it's activated by your body heat and these discs transmit a range of frequencies through neurons in your body and so we already know about frequencies in our body and how they can move through very quickly so they are supposed to be helping with muscle groups organs hormones antibiotics increase uh strength endurance and mental focus it does say the treatment is FDA approved now I was kind of looking for a slide and maybe it's it's misplaced down below but we do want to know how long a product does last and the importance of FDA certification or FDA certified FDA you know uh approve FDA approval I have actually been looking to see if I need FDA approval for the Wave Watch and I was told several years ago that I did not that we were working with acoustical frequencies but when I started thinking about statements with the use of the wave watch and the wow the over the top results from kidney stones I had thought that would be a good research project but or a double-blind study and I actually have talked to several professionals and they're actually saying it could be a little bit negative that uh you have so many Hoops to jump through the FDA could shut it down so many things that made me just kind of sit back and say okay we can use acoustical frequencies as they are right now so again sometimes some of the FDA May Cloud what we're able to say and of course we can't say much as it is we can only use testimonies we can always only talk about the fact that someone told us that this happened we cannot make any statements and try to stay away from so many words but to go on not to be too boring here uh there's another tool that's just an ultrasonic mosquito repellent and so it is a watch that evidently comes in a couple colors and you could just put it on uh for your mosquitoes so they're saying you can use it for hiking and mountain climbing and camping and it has some kind of a sound that they say is um um basically repeating the sound it's a resonant sound of the female mosquito or the mosquito and so in that way the resonant works if they've copied the sound of a particular idea and then you actually meet something or something comes into your range that has that frequency those two frequencies meet even though one's in your body and one's on the mosquito they're going to meet and interact in some way and change so that you do have a type of mosquito repellent so uh the other day somebody emailed me a testimony on the Wave Watch and said he was very glad to see that it had the mosquito repellent on it and he thought it worked so that was very interesting so another tool is called wow if I just do there another tool is called a husso h-u-s-o and they are wrist and ankle bands and you have to wear them together and you can see that it's quite a procedure here you must be wearing some uh earphones and you've got bands they look like they're loose bands uh not necessarily at all like a watch band or wristband that we've seen on some other products but they're a little bit more fabric type bands that velcro on and they are made for uh deep calming and sleep stress programs and there's five programs for mental Clarity balance programs so these are wrists and ankle bands and a little you know tool you can see it and they do uh sell for the 497. now this is you know just what I saw on the internet you might could find some special somewhere or a discount but that's another tool so we've got to make some decisions you know what type of a tool do we want to carry that can be very helpful for our body and how many pro problems do we have I'm just going to say I have more problems than calm and sleep you know and uh I do have the mental Clarity so I could wear that all the time you know but uh I think uh this one has some ideas and it may be something that you want to check into I did not see what type of frequencies it is emitting so I don't know if they're MP3 or if they are uh wave frequencies but again that's something for you to dig down into and to be educated that the wave frequencies are the best frequencies they haven't been messed with they haven't been compressed so they are the ones that you want on any type of product that you would buy so I I don't know if I uh how I did it but I was able to you know use Wave Watch and get that uh patented and or excuse me get the idea with the name itself tied together so that was lucky for me that I was able to do that on those wave frequencies now here's another one and it's called wave one and it's from free Medica and it's a twenty five hundred dollar tool and you can see uh you can wear that on your arm and your leg and it has software uh to emit targeted frequencies and this is a little bit more for Lyme disease so as far as I could tell in my reading it was only for Lyme disease and that is huge huge huge huge so so many people do they have Lyme disease and I shouldn't get started on this because I've already done two hours of information about Lyme disease so you can look that up if you'd like to but if you are a person that has been diagnosed or even know that you've been bit several times by ticks and sorry to say remember mosquitoes are passing Lyme disease now and also if you're on an airplane and somebody is carrying Lyme disease and your immune system isn't up to Snuff you can get off of an airplane with Lyme disease so here is a product that you could wear or buy just for Lyme disease but don't forget the Wave Watch has a whole folder it has 25 frequencies for Lyme disease also so you want to cover the basis on basic health today well I had fun with this I hope you can see how many there are and I'm overwhelmed I don't even know which ones you know uh would be the best to suggest that's what you have to do that you you are in charge of your self-care you're in charge of your budget you're in charge of whether you want to wear something on your wrist or your ankle or listen to it and so everybody's going to have some different ideas so this one I saw uh was stress tracking and mental health monitoring and I believe this price was uh a little bit it might be a little bit old 75 percent off for the launch at 35 and I didn't grab it then just to check it out and I should have but this was probably about a year ago that I found this information so I would assume that right now it's in the you know 130 dollar price range and so it is on a you know wristband and uh you can see some of the ideas that it uses there so it looks like it's got you know some tracking for um heart rate you know and we'll see what else but it says stress tracking and mental health monitoring but all these tools that they're coming out with so here's another one this one is a motion sickness relief band and it sells for 199 dollars and it uses electrical signals to stimulate a nerve on the underside of the wrist and you can dial it up so it's a little bit more electrical but don't forget that we have to have sound to generate the electricity which is this is a Tesla theory that you know sound everything starts from sound and then it goes to on down the road so anyway by stimulating the body's nervous system this can be helpful for the nausea and motion sickness and again it's FDA cleared it's a wearable technology so that might be an idea if somebody is really having a lot of motion sickness here's another one this is why I was kind of cautioning you to you know really look do you want to have several you know wires underneath your you know your shirt or whatever and this is for women for cramps and you know some women are in such pain that they may you know definitely want to try something like this but again almost everything that I'm mentioning The Wave Watch has frequencies for cramps it has frequencies for motion sickness that type of thing but check everything out because you know that you have specific problems that may be different from somebody else so this is one that it comes with its own case obviously it has an attachment where you are able to feel that interaction with your body as the um impulses are transferred through your abdomen very interesting tool I hope I'm not bored yeah I just got so involved in this it just went on and on so here's another one some more sleep and calm products at 159 each and they say that you're supposed to be aware of both of these so again you got to kind of look through what's the easiest to do so one of them evidently is for calm and one of them is for sleep because it is worn on either side of the body in the morning or night or even on the spot for 15 minutes so even if you got stressed in the middle of the day you could put it on but it is saying more at night but you do get two of those for the 159.

yeah I know I've talked to this and I did not get a better image looked up for you but there is something called a or 90.10 and you they did have a free two weeks use and you could look this up on on YouTube this is a virtual med bed to download over your bed and I actually bought this it was twenty five hundred dollars at the time because I'm really trying to find out more information about medbits and I think we all are Med beds is a term that a lot of people are recognizing and this was the one that seemed the most futuristic to me so basically what you did was take a picture of your bed and it it was down to the mattress cover you could have the mattress cover on but the you know sheets and uh bedspread and pillows were off so you take a bit a picture of that bed or even a lounge chair or a chair or something like that and you upload it to a site that they give you obviously and then they connect with you through all of this energy information that we have that just kind of blows you away this one's the most mind-blowing to me and then they are able to beam a you know set of frequencies back to your bed site now is that too futuristic I don't know because I've had several testimonies on it I've had people that were in my office and I had been I took a picture of my massage table and you know supposedly it was beaming kind of cup making a canopy of quantum you know it was a Quantum transfer of frequencies to that particular area and I've had several testimonies there I've also I can transfer it you can transfer it and so you do get three med bed covers you can take three pictures and then you do have to use them at the same place so in my home I could have three in in my different home but if I wanted to use it at my office I had to transfer it to my office and I could no longer use it at my house but that was all fairly easy to do I just uploaded another picture and changed it for the day that I wanted to use it in a different place or if you're you know traveling and you want it in a hotel there you go you just take the picture of the hotel bed and you can download it there so it is fairly easy for travel a little bit different but again the most futuristic technology that I can share with you um they had a two-week free trial on it at the time that I put this up that may not be available now but there were a lot of testimonies on the Medved 90.10

now another program uh and uh idea that several people use is uh the Keeley watch and I don't have one myself I know several people that have them and this has been FDA you know cleared and registered that kind of thing and it does say that it has non-medical applications that use individualized frequencies to help your body relieve stress so um it is a little bit harder to use people have told me because you're tying several ideas together but what this does do is you can scan your body each day and it will tell you what frequencies to use and so for some people that is pretty good and I think I understood that you do have to hook up to your cell phone at some point but once the frequencies are transferred you're not necessarily tied to the internet but don't quote me on that but remember that's one of the most important things are you looking for a tool are you okay with a tool that's tied to the internet or do you want a tool that is not tied to the Internet so those are big ideas for you and of course when you're going to pay twenty five hundred dollars for the frequencies um around twenty five hundred dollars for the you know the the big model uh you want to make sure that you uh feel comfortable with its use and so there's going to be somebody around that hopefully can share that with you and let you use it just like last week I had an amazing testimony of somebody that shared with their neighbor The Wave Watch and I did a whole program on it basically because it was about a stroke you know and and strokes on the Wave Watch and their neighbor had had a stroke or somebody they knew very closely and so they shared their Wave Watch with them and in two and a half days we had fabulous testimonies on how the lady had um been setting maybe for about a year with no improvements and she'd been through the medical uh Community what they told her to do and then insurance they stopped Insurance there were no more payments that were available so she was setting and this amazing neighbor that loaned her won in two and a half days this lady was able to move her and better and if you haven't seen that one look it up last week it was just on Strokes she can move her hand better she could walk better she you know she was sleeping better the list was pretty overwhelming in two and a half days so surely if you are interested in this particular idea you can find someone that might be able to give you a testimony look up testimonies on the internet do your best before you spend your money there are also monthly fees on this one but maybe not everyone every model may not have a monthly fee I am not for sure on that particular one so but that's what you should check out because you're looking at it for interest I know I've showed this one before in a couple of them before but I don't think I've ever put them together this one is called a um vme biosynchronizer bad and whoops uh it really looks like this it is just a huge lounge chair and the price is very significant I'm gonna say forty thousand dollars is what I remember it as they may have some deals but it is definitely an expensive one but supposedly it has all the frequencies that you can think of that are known all the frequencies in the world there's different ways to say it out and so um you know before you look at something like this you're definitely going to want to check it or rant check it out you're going to want to um you know get any kind of testimonies from it I was able to lay on this one at a um you know conference where they were selling these and they were actually the site that actually looked at my Wave Watch and said oh you have targeted frequencies they were that was just a a great uh word uh that they were really emphasizing you have targeted frequencies where some of the other tools that I've shown you especially this bigger one just has frequencies they're not targeted so that would be another idea that you would want to look at do you want targeted frequencies do you want something that's small mobile do you want a larger bed do you have a room to dedicate to this and it does make some sound it you know it has so many frequencies on it it will definitely make a buzzing sound and so you want to know about that before you um you know make any decisions on that but I think the decision that I've already made is that science is waking up to frequencies and they're behind you you have already woken up to frequencies because most of you have the Wave Watch and so you're looking at frequencies you're wanting to learn about them more and more and so I just gave you just a little you know primer on some ideas that I'd seen that I thought I could share with you so um and here's a number if you want to uh you know look at the biosynchronized synchronizer bet so anyway I am going to stop sharing and um answer some questions here here and see where we're at here um if anybody would like to add any testimonies asking questions again this is another open time to do it yes so somebody asked about the 9010 med bed um you know everybody doesn't have um twenty five hundred dollars I bought it for my business and I am pleased to be able to um to learn about it and to share it with people and to get more testimonies from some of my clients I'm not for sure it is for everybody uh you do talk to the med bed basically so at night when you get in and you have the picture already uploaded for the med bed you say activate 9010 med bed scan my body and you're just talking to it in a normal tone of voice and then you tell them that what you want to work on so that was another reason that I was fascinated by it because that is high tech don't you think we need to go there so I wanted to see about this technology if I thought it was real again I've had testimonies so um I I didn't have one personally my husband had a testimony he said it really helped his leg pain at times but um I haven't had hundreds of testimonies so you'll have to look up the YouTube to see if you like that I'm not sure if I can answer this question can you touch upon how the Rife machine bulb works not quite sure maybe Marie uh somebody else could could touch on that one the word bulb has kind of confused me there a little bit uh there are Rife machines that are little boxes like this and they're older technology seriously because the Wave Watch is new technology that we've developed with sound frequencies right on the wrist it's it's not that these are the newest technology and they're made a little bit differently they do have more frequencies you get a book that comes with them it's about this much but I some of the right technology is again from 2500 to you know 20 000. so again you would be looking at your own costs and what you can afford room you can put it in you know all of these kind of things to make a decision can you find the recordings on the website and I'm not sure what kind of recordings we're talking about the recordings are all on the Wave Watch itself they're not on the website you know Linda I'm talking about the stuff you do on Wednesday mornings like these are they recorded they are on Rumble sorry about that that's why I was you know yeah I'm trying to follow through there a little bit they are on Rumble they some of them are on YouTube and then they are on Facebook Wave Watch frequency Fanatics and that's a long time also is it just just Wave Watch Wave Watch great thank you and there's about 60 of them thank you for asking that and clarifying so my mind hitched in there all right let's see oh and I like that that's what I've already said you are ahead of the game everybody that has you know interest in frequencies and looking and trying to make a decision and most of this group today already has a wave watch so in my opinion you're ahead of the machine or ahead of the head of ahead of the crowd uh I don't know a lot about the spooky 2 Rife machine but they did publish a book that has their frequencies in it but people you can go online and find frequencies uh I've already mentioned that several times uh it's the ca FL website cafl website and uh they have frequencies there and so those basically um there's uh about 12 major places that have measured frequencies and published them so spooky 2 has a book about this thick the you know cafl frequencies are are also available on the website that kind of thing so you can find um so I'm not saying I'm a great person I don't know if I can um talk about the Beamer or the I mean the rife I just mentioned that just a little bit and the rife at one point in time was using more electrical frequencies a little bit different but now all of those Rye frequencies have been measured re um I shouldn't say that they have been recalculated into acoustical frequencies and that's just a mathematical equation so if your frequency is like 200 000 you can do a mathematical uh equation and get that down to the same frequency in the acoustical range so a lot of people have done that and published acoustical frequencies that originally were Rife frequencies and I can't speak to the Beamer good enough to to say it is using frequencies obviously they're not acoustical but lots of feedback on those also now I think the Acera if I'm saying that one right and remembering it it's kind of like my bio Meridian system that I have but I may not I do not know enough about that one to speak about it okay um so the med bed uh I think if I'm understanding this question right so if this man bed the 9010 is virtual uh it's working with an app no it isn't uh once you upload your picture into it you're not connected at all to that so I did not feel that you were uh connected to the internet per se but I could be thinking it through incorrectly you know so it's not it they tell you that you don't have to have Wi-Fi you know when you buy it as far as I am understanding so it is it can be downloaded from their company with their equipment and they call it quantum energy and they are not saying it is Wi-Fi or 5G or anything like that so I was pretty fascinated by that one because it seems to be very futuristic and maybe that's where we're going that's where I want to go is ease you know I don't want to have a great big type of a you know a med bed to lay on all the time that I can't haul with me so that's why I wanted to try the 9010 memphian I have another question here does a watch help with Epstein-Barr virus certainly does and I have my own example of that I mentioned a couple times so maybe I won't bore you with that but again that would be the resonant frequencies so if you have Epstein-Barr in your body it's setting there and it's vibrating and Epstein-Barr loves to go to to different organ systems and bury itself deep it loves to it's connected with arthritis it's in your bones and your nerves and things like that and it's just sitting there vibrating so what they've done is measure the exact frequency of the Epstein-Barr virus and it's on the Wave Watch and so when we wear it we're putting in a frequency that comes in and interacts it's hard to show this it interacts with the exact same frequency and then they self-amplify and fall apart so there are several examples of resonance and that kind of thing Linda I have a question um I have a neighbor who was diagnosed with stage one colon cancer and then she opted for radiation and chemo and now it's gone but she has all the after effects of like neuropathy and I'm sure she's toxic so with the neuropathy would I have her detox and then use neuropathy or like is there an order that would be important there it's really hard to say because everybody is so individual if you have some muscle testing ability you might be able to muscle test and say do I detox her first or do I you know play neuropathy uh but the one I actually suggest first is inflammation pain and Trauma because that is all tied together you know and that's the very first frequency on the Wave Watch inflammation pain and Trauma and then um sometimes you can play them you know very quickly I've had people with testimonies on chemotherapy that they thought it did help them detox that their urine change color their stool change color or something so they you know they had a clue that they were detoxing um I don't see a right or wrong on that Linda on the inflammation programs um there are probably four or five inflammation programs that are in addition to the inflammation pain and Trauma so you suggest um you know putting those in your favorites and playing them all at the same time what is your suggestion on that um some people the inflammation pain and Trauma may not be the one that that takes something away so those other ones are different sets of frequencies they could have up to 30 frequencies in them that are different than the inflammation pain and Trauma frequency set so that would be a different way if you're not you know pleased with just you know some of the frequencies that you've been playing yes put more of them in they are different frequencies for the same problem okay because I for example not necessarily have pain but I know I have inflammation in my body just due to leaky gut and all that kind of stuff that I'm trying to heal so you know we pretty much all have inflammation somewhere I just didn't know where or written yeah so and again if you're a muscle tester you know your body can tell you oh you need the pain one oh you need the inflammation one you know oh you don't need the one inflammation pain and Trauma so some people can differentiate and play those right away it doesn't hurt you to play all of them you're covering your problem a little bit more specifically so and I see Jeffrey had a great testimony he said he sprained his wrist uh Monday afternoon at work uh the day we he got the weight watched so he charged it and Tuesday morning he placed the watch on and after wearing inflammation pain and Trauma the sharp pain in his wrist disappeared hey thanks Jeffrey and see how that that inflammation pain and Trauma frequency is my favorite overall one so it's it's a go-to one if you don't know what else to do perfect okay I think we've kind of covered some of the questions does anybody have anything else I could answer or any testimony last question Linda um when or how when you decide to add more frequencies in the future for example how how do you do that with you know without having us having to mail the watches back is that what you're gonna we're gonna have to do eventually um it's gonna be pretty easy I hope because I designed it that way from the start so it's a TF card there's a little TF card in the uh Center of your watch and so all we have to do is uh get another TF Card Exchange TF cards all right so we'll just pay for the upgrade and then you mail them out to us cool all right thank you for making it so easy I tried I don't know if I got it there it's you know so uh um we are yes do you have time for just a few more questions I have um a friend on that wanted to ask some but he didn't know when he could unmute himself or he this is fine now let me answer one question uh what could I use for shingles herpes zoster is the word for shingles so go to the virus folder and it's right in there there's three different settings for shingles but it's called herpes zoster and the Marburg virus I don't think I have that one that doesn't ring a bell so what I have is a general uh frequency set for viruses remember viruses are all kind of in a frequency band bacteria are in a different frequency band parasites are in a different band you know so you can do General frequencies for many uh you know helpful things even though you don't have the exact name of a virus Linda this is Vicky I don't know if this is helpful or not but when I had shingles you know I ran through all those different programs but then you and I later date did a little bit of muscle testing over the phone and both of us ended up on the cytomegalovirus and that does have some kind of relation I'm not sure what but it was very helpful that one helped I see I've forgotten about that so that's perfect so that's what I'm saying so it you know if you have one virus and like the Marburg virus that I don't think I have in there but if you run through the whole virus folder you're going to get some relief because they're all in the same band so there will be some frequencies that should be helpful Linda yes hi um it was great to hear last week that you mentioned Dr Hulda Clark and years and years and years ago I did her parasite cleanse and at three different times different years I did her go gallbladder liver flush and it had this and they were wonderful but this is great to hear that there's this watch that takes care of detoxing and I'm very happy with that thank you I can't say it's perfect you know but we do have some great technology that is available just really uh you know easily wearable wearable technology now perfect now somebody asked if a friend could come on has she come on yet um okay wait so I'm just I was just on the phone Mike can you hear can you try talking so he can hear but he can't ask the questions that he wants well you can you ask him yeah go ahead what were the ones tell me Mike really quick I don't have it in front of me okay is there a way maybe Linda we could set up a separate call um I'll tell you I'm really hard to catch uh can you just ask a question now all right God you Mike you could speak it go ahead ready I'll put it on speakerphone go ahead okay so can you hear me yes okay now you can hear me okay so what's the ideal treatment strategy you know when you kill a virus what happens is your body needs to clean up the that's been killed with autophagy or with pictures or stay alive some type of thing to clean up the particles that have been destroyed so what's the process of killing the virus and then cleaning up what's your because you can overwhelm your body with a lot of things so right on the Wave Watch in the booklet it has detox folders inside the virus folder so if you play the viral detox or excuse me the viral um it's just called a combo it has a detox so in most of those folders where you're killing something I included a liver detox a lymph detox a detox folder and then it's not going to hurt you to play the detox folder the complete detox folder that has 25 ideas in it so it's built in there it's just different you know it's a different way to do it can you can I see that thing you just showed me you know I didn't I know that but I didn't know it's the booklet that comes with the Wave Watch he was asking if it's possible to look at that before he makes the purchase yeah you could order it on the website or not order or you just fill in a link you can get the PDF of the booklet or the list of the frequencies perfect and then another testimony somebody uh you know worked in their yard and woke up with swollen ankles from bug bites and use the Wave Watch for inflammation pain and Trauma making progress great and don't forget there's also frequencies for bug bites you know in that area and there are also frequencies for healing and regeneration in the wounds so you know you can work around something several ways there's more than one way to do it or there's you know more than one thing just like instead of taking one tincture you're taking three tinctures you're working with three different sets or three different ideas for frequencies that could all help with bug bites okay all right any other question that bug bite one is amazing for mosquito bites I'm just gonna say I experienced it personally and within 30 I had forgotten to put my watch on we were setting up for camping and I got like 18 bug bites around my ankles and I was like oh my gosh and a friend of mine who also has the Wave Watch I said I wish there was mosquito bites because I was looking under mosquito bites and I didn't find it so then the next morning she goes I found bites and stings so I played it and within 30 minutes so they stopped itching and they seem to heal much faster as well wow when you have a simple thing like bug bites you know and it works on it you're you're thinking okay there's 850 other frequencies you know yeah it was wonderful perfect thank you is it Kimmy am I saying it right it's Kim I don't know why it says Kimmy but it's okay all right Kim so and then I'm sorry on download the PDF I know you just go to the website and uh there's a place there where you can you know it'll say the frequencies I did leave my email I just wasn't able to actually get the PDF to download okay so it's been put on there but maybe it's not working correctly yet so I'll have that checked out but the frequencies are there so yeah this morning a gentleman emailed me um and asked if there's any further questions so I guess I should just respond to that yeah I know he's emailed that PDF out before his name is Tom and he if if you have any questions uh he is the 401 number on the back of the booklet and uh he does a really good job he's my customer service and my technician and repair guy and uh works with everything you know fixes all the watches and does a lot of different things so Tom is the go-to person so okay great and also one last question my friend um wanted to know if it would work for plantar fasciitis I have a frequency for fasciitis it doesn't say plantar specifically but I do have some testimonies on it using that particular one okay cool and you know I can't say a hundred percent it might work for one person and not for another but there are frequencies to try to address that yeah I mean you could have a damaged tendon and obviously it's not going to report that I mean and then you might go to tendonitis you might play inflammation pain and Trauma so instead of just relying on one frequency you you know think outside the box and play as many ideas that could be related to it as possible wonderful somebody else gave a testimony uh I play uh palming or bipolar to help me fall back to sleep and I'll know it's the right one because I start yawning immediately hey I like that and then I fall back to sleep I needed that last night I had a bad sleep night and I played several different things but I wasn't working my brain as much as I should have probably because you did a better job and fell back to sleep this is just kind of funny Linda but I play the calming when I watch the Chiefs games and I'm able to sit and watch the whole game whereas before I'd have to get up and do something oh isn't that interesting see we we don't know which frequency would work for us in which circumstance that's why it's so nice to have a variety of frequencies and I hope you don't think they're overwhelming they're just a variety at your fingertips to use so perfect is there anything else it's kind of time to don't want to waste too much of your time or use too much of your time I hope you didn't waste your time and I hope this was some fun information for you because uh the uh new technology that is coming out is all over the place you can get something as simplistic as three or four frequencies for uh mosquitoes on a watch or you know the Wave Watch has been plus 849 other frequencies so you kind of work through your budget what you want to try how you want to try it um whether you want it mobile whether you want something big in a room it's all your choice so hopefully you got a little bit of more information thank you unless there's any other questions and I do have one other question do you have anything on your site that um covers like what supplements that you use to keep yourself healthy in addition to the watch I mean I know we don't need a binder and I know there's a lot of wonderful things in here we can do to keep ourselves healthy but do you believe in supplements at all or not really of course yeah I mean you have to take supplements and good food but no I don't have anything that I take you know necessarily so salt would be the only one I've done a one hour workshop on salt is a must you have to have the right kind of salt okay so that's the the starting point for everything but I don't have any other supplements listed so many different kinds and and I do try to teach you how to muscle test so you know what kind of supplement you need wow interesting yeah I would love to where is that video on the learning

2023-07-12 00:29

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