Ending this CEO's $10,000,000 (at least) military gaming FRAUD

Ending this CEO's $10,000,000 (at least) military gaming FRAUD

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what actually makes a game a scam in my opinion  a scam requires deception and we've seen many   pre-release games deceive audiences with fake  trailers to generate hype and the worst of them   collect money never producing a result that is  representative of the initial trailers essentially   doing a rug pull to their early backers and today  I'd like to get you up to speed on a project that   you might consider a scam and it gets even worse  than that they are actually actively bidding on   Department of Defense projects and I cannot  wait to tell you about it look as a guy who   was internal on this project this is never going  to happen like it feels like I've traveled back to   the start of Star Citizen is what it is for those  we had warned them over and over again not to go   public that we had nothing he still did I don't  want to have my name anywhere near the tws at the   moment like every freaking thing that we have is  what I [ __ ] built myself not knowing how to do   it in the air to ground milsim genre of gaming  there are two games clearly leading the pack   digital combat simulator AKA DCS and War Thunder  DCS is like an advanced Microsoft flight simulator   of combat Aviation people watch YouTube guides  just to figure out how to get their plane in the   air we need to check that the electric function  and the pneumatic function are within 75 next   we're going to check the exterior lights over to  exterior Light Panel to engage our nozzle steering   so we've got to look at a couple of brakes can  overheat so don't ride the brake positions I'm   ready okay we're in position now we need to do  upper four take off the check so I swear at some   point he will take off here's an actual F-14 pilot  flying in F-14 and DCS how cool is that and then   there's War Thunder it's much more approachable  for a wider audience that just wants to mash the   throttle forward and get into the action these  are not casual games though their fans are   hardcore these people will microanalyze cockpit  layouts and get into debates about virtually   every aspect of how a plane handles and they know  their [ __ ] recently they added the f-15e to DCS   they've already had the F-15 in the game though  but that was the f-15c now they have the F5 15E   yeah um I can totally tell which one is which  can't you DCS released their game manuals for   the jet a staggering 546 Pages which is the length  of the first two Harry Potter books uh for scale   and the community is eating it up in anticipation  of the Jets release ah yes the Bible okay just a   relaxing 546 Pages might read that over breakfast  tomorrow and while hardcore flight simulators are   not really my cup of tea they're pretty damn  cool I used to play this game called World War   II online back in 2001. it was one of the first  large-scale ground-to-air MMOs ever made not   alone in wanting to see these games developed in a  newer Unreal Engine 5 environment just the idea of   engaging in large-scale Warfare with hundreds  of other players launching off of an aircraft   carrier to intercept an enemy fighter or to take  down a destroyer these games have come a long way   and they're fantastic recently War Thunder was  Under Fire after changing their in-game economy   requiring players to do even more grinding in  order to get access to better equipment causing   many people to walk away from the game unless  you Fork over cash and pay to win in an exciting   new game called training in Wars simulator tws is  poised to capture player's attention looking for   the next best thing they are making big promises  large-scale MMO combat with infantry tanks and   aircraft all in high fidelity unreal 5 environment  making its direct competitor the 15 year old DCS   look ancient and outdated and what is up with the  naming conventions for these games digital combat   simulator Microsoft flight simulator training  and War simulator I'm not convinced that the   same engineer didn't name all of these games and  after doing a little bit of research I've actually   never heard of a scam flight simulator before it's  much more common to find rug poles and MMOs open   world games and of course anything related to  Logan Paul or cryptocurrencies most gamey games   get shut down pretty early in the process before  they can do a lot of financial damage to backers   people are perceptive in a previous project I  created a fake trailer as a social experiment   a lot of Gamers picked up on it quickly people are  intelligent and the milsim community is one of the   more Savvy communities I've ever seen when I was  doing research on tws I came across this community   of DCs Gamers who cataloged and documented  everything wrong with the tws development   this is Bonzo I got into contact with him while  doing research and he pointed me towards so much   damning evidence that I can't even include it all  in this video if you want to learn more I suggest   you connect with Bonzo you can check out his info  in the description box I also told him I would pin   his comment to this video so check it out tws  story starts on June 6 of 2022. Tara Smith the   company behind training and War simulator is about  to launch their trailer for their game which was   initially called track while scanned little  history recap here on June 6 1944 the Allied   Forces suffered 10 000 casualties in at least four  thousand deaths storing the beaches of Normandy   While most people see June 6 as a day to remember  the brave soldiers who put their lives on the line   to turn the tides in the favor of the Allies the  CEO of terracent decides to announce his game and   teaser trailer but he starts the trailer off with  this video stolen from another Creator without   their permission it's a speech from the commanding  officer Ryan Cohen I did a little research on this   guy and he is an absolute badass from what I can  gather he gives a talk to his men before entering   combat in Afghanistan kill the enemy kill the  enemy unfortunately many of the men in this   video will be dead in the next 48 hours I do  wonder what the family of these Fallen Soldiers   thinks about a video game company using this  speech as marketing material for a game June   6th D-Day I want to announce this to the world  I said okay I don't know if already Ollie The   Voice you were hearing is Seth he was Friends of  the CEO and helped get the project off the ground   early on he even edited some of the trailers  I did have a problem with the whole you know   the speech thing and the the live combat scenes  I felt it was disrespectful to the men who lost   their lives in that conflict to be using it for a  promotional or entertaining purpose and I voiced   that concern to him and he goes I understand your  concern but I'm making the trailer this is what I   feel will have the best effect he had him walking  on tracks the rigid animation walking on tracks   yes they were on Rails and he can say whatever  he wants about that they it's all on Rails like   every anybody who has any sort of a brain can  tell that this is flake he's one of the founding   board members of terraceith who recently exited  the project last month flight is referencing   um the animations being on Rails uh what it  means is that the aircraft were not being   piloted by actual players it's much easier to  drop a downloaded acid into the game engine   and program it to fly a set pattern and present it  as a game Gamers have grown accustomed to seeing   this in trailers and it's one of the first signs  that something suspicious is going on both Seth   and Flake were not only around at the time of the  trailer's release but they actually helped make   trailers for Ollie man these planes look Jank  while they're flying and I said yeah because   they're not rigged they're not they're static  models with their landing gear down I had to   angle them so it you know looked like the landing  gear was up and they're on a track they're on   an animated track and I had to edit it to make  it look like they were actually flying and cut   the bits and pieces that looked wonky it was so  unbelievably mad that day because we had warned   them over and over again not to go public that we  had nothing and he still did and who is this CEO   leading the development of tws this is Ali mavan  he's the CEO of terracynth the developer of tws   in the last year he's flip-flopped on the name of  the game the name of the company it's all sassy   next year will probably be named something else he  has no experience developing games and he doesn't   even have a software background and in his own  words he's a business guy while I am absolutely   passionate about this I'm a business person so the  background is there to make sure that the project   is being moved forward correctly and that the  money is being allocated to the right places this   audio you're hearing is from a public Discord call  where hundreds of people join following Ollie's   release of the tws gameplay teaser but before we  dissect that three hour long call from last year   I want to take a moment to go through his track  record he previously founded a company called   sherbird that was abandoned years ago and when I  looked it up it looks like it went out of business   in 2020 and what I asked Ollie about this he told  me the business failed because of covet I told him   the records show that the company dissolved in  20 20 at the very beginning of covet and I asked   for specific dates he told me he didn't know them  offhand and then just tried to change the subject   and then he's got this Cable ONE company listed  it's a consulting firm where you'll see that he   will just consult himself and when I went to the  website and I looked for his work and I saw that   for defense he has listed as Harrison there's you  know his own game that he's Consulting himself on   technology he still got share bird on here I just  I mean this is just a completely fake company and   not only does he claim to have a pilot's license  he was planning on completing his complex and   multi-engine certification he also claims to  own an aerobatic airplane but the FAA still   lists him as not even completing the first course  to become a basic single-engine pilot and there's   no evidence of ownership of any plane whatsoever  another example to show what a slime ball Ollie   is is he will tell you that his brother Iman was  a professional gamer my little brother is uh it's   Iman he's a pro he's an esport gamer right he  plays valorant he was an OverWatch guy he played   um Apex Legends for Minnesota chill okay so  he's like a top one percent player in most   games that he plays but there's no evidence of  this and I'll say that he was a professional   boxer and even presenting myself as such in  interviews former pro boxer entrepreneur and   Esports founder is that right I I am I am I've  done a lot of stuff only likes to say that he's   a regular Forbes contributor he's part of this  young entrepreneur group Forbes asks a bunch   of people for a single quote when they publish  that and it's a big nothing Burger uh that no one   read what's interesting about Ali's lies is that  there's always a shred of truth behind everything   that he says he had a failed business where he  tried selling boxing gloves therefore he's a   professional boxer he's getting his multi-engine  pilot license he owns an aerobatic plane however   he hasn't completed the beginner Pilot Course  his brother is a Pro Gamer but in reality he   has 11 subscribers and made his last video three  years ago all of these little lies could be seen   as harmless we all know an insecure person uh  who is like Ali but these lies aren't about a   big fish that he caught last weekend these lies  were used by Ali to promote himself in this game   to the general public potential backers  to onboard people to work for the project   for free currently volunteering for this but uh  even though I work full time I still work on this   full-time as well it's just what I want to do  and it's a lot of fun currently I'm volunteer   um you don't have any Equity right no no those two  gentlemen were the only two people uh developing   and actively working on the project uh for an  entire day when I shadowed their development   process and we'll get into his business history  a bit more but first I want to explain how Ollie   and his game had its first big blunder this all  started when Ali released a vertical slice trailer   that sparked interest by passionate members of the  milsim community hundreds of people flocked to his   Discord to ask questions and they wanted to see  what was up with this new game announcement the   Discord call started off with a handful of  people and over the course of hours hundreds   of people were hanging out and listening it was a  completion of show and there were over three hours   of conversations that happened that day and I want  to just highlight some of the points the community   brought up at the time your biggest problem is  that you're asking for money from a community who   has been beaten down by the Early Access model  and the over-promise under delivered model and   these aren't just random people in the Discord  responding this is jabbers he's a content creator   in the middle Sim Space he was very articulate  during the call with his reservations about tws   totally agree and that's why the game's actually  free to play you'll hear Ali say a hundred percent   I totally agree all the time in these calls but  it's just a method to manipulate and disarm his   dissenters the truth is he doesn't totally agree  if you go to his website it doesn't say anywhere   that the game is free to play look you go to how  to play on the website you scroll down and it's   a VIP status and access and it tells you how  much it's going to be three thousand dollars   for fourteen fifteen hundred dollars if you do  a control F and search free nothing shows up uh   nowhere on the website does it say this is going  to be a free to play game you don't there's no pay   to win right if you don't want to uh I know  a lot of you guys are extremely critical it   feels almost like some of you are are angry about  something um at the end of the day we're trying   to be as transparent as possible which is why I'm  on the call uh with I don't know it's probably 100   people in there 150 people in here the community  was worried about a lot of things with track wall   scan but there were two questions everyone wanted  answers for number one was Ollie actually able to   fulfill some of the grandiose claims in the teaser  and in the announcements that being full Fidelity   study level aircraft detail and how will Tara set  the deal with some of the technical challenges   that they have to overcome and secondly why are  they asking for money before showing a minimally   viable product or playable Alpha it feels like  I've traveled back to the start of Star Citizen   is what it is jabbers was unconvinced that he  could get good performance in an open world   flight Sim using Unreal Engine 5. and I did a  little stress test I only have a late gen i5   and a 1660 and I was able to run 8 000 Abrams  on the map with 70 FPS and just look at how he   responds to new evidence that contradicts his  fiction that he's created in his own mind you   can't stress test on the same model it's called  instancing you can't do that you need to put   multiple types of models into the same scene that  you're trying to render so that you're actually of course he first agrees um in just about  any game open up the mission editor in any   game that you have and try dropping 8 000 units  and if your computer doesn't that's not my point   instancing only goes so far I understand that  but my right is that's not how you stress test   unreal can't run a flight Sim if you use its  stock you have to build your own components   so did you guys do that yeah oh dude learning  Visual Studio has been a nightmare luckily I   have a good friend of mine is CEO of a company  called Aviator assistant uh they are an efb an   electronic flight bag app like for flight for  your phone he's he's obviously an expert in C   code so he's been helping with the visual studio  side and getting getting things built into the   engine the right way and I looked into this a  little bit more and only on his Facebook in 2022   announced that his failed company Sherbert  um did a deal with track wall scan which is   their old rebound brand of their current game  and when you go to the article it's an article   written by Tara synth announcing a multi-year  partnership with the flight navigation software   and being the good investigator that I am I  contacted Aviator assistant and while they told   me that they typically do not discuss their  affiliation with people outside the company   um the person I spoke to was given permission  to tell me that at one point they did have   an affiliation with Tara synth however it is no  longer the case I prodded for more information and   they were being very professional and refused to  answer any questions this isn't good he tells lies   that have a sliver of truth yes it's true that he  met with The Aviator assistant guy and probably   talked and worked together but it's not true  that he figured out a way to make a full Fidelity   Unreal Engine 5 flight SIM from past experience  of other developers that have tried to do this   um it just seems like unrealistic the access to  the modules you guys are trying to promote I'm   sorry it just doesn't seem real we've been working  on it for two months it takes companies years to   make full Fidelity aircraft and you guys are gonna  have something working by Christmas I mean we we   should have an aircraft working in the next 90  days at some point but there's a lot of weird   things for me that just ring alarms in my head  like you keep buffering banana but nanite doesn't   Nani only does static meshes so if you have high  fidelity Abrams with animations how are you doing   that Nana it doesn't support animations it doesn't  support so we we have an Abrams in nanoi uh how yes parts of the tank that that are static  or nanite parts of the tank that are animated   are not Nani okay so it's not totally  Nan I just tiny little pieces of it it's   clear that Ollie was not expecting to field tough  questions and the best part of the whole call is   when he's prodded about how he will make full  Fidelity f-35s we were also shocked when we   were able to to get the F-35 data the way that we  thought we would like like we didn't know that it   would be as easy we thought we were going to be  approximating a lot of stuff and uh and it turns   out it was the opposite a lot of the a lot of the  data was out there a lot of the data was freely   available all the data was Declassified and we  could have it and use it if you're a mil-sim   Enthusiast you know that the military is very  protective of their schematics and information   it takes a long time for aircraft specifications  to be Declassified the F-35 helmet alone is   absolutely insane it allows the pilot to see  through the airframe and track targets and terrain   with augmented reality so this is looking through  the airplane I'm seeing what's underneath me which   wouldn't have been possible before it probably  won't be Declassified for another 50 years   does this mean that some of the specs aren't  available online of course they are you can   find fighter jet manuals all over eBay and the  internet but this doesn't mean that you won't   get arrested for selling or republishing the data  a developer working for DCS was arrested in 2019   for smuggling an F-16 manual however his employer  DCS was smart enough to claim no involvement we   were actually pleasantly surprised at the amount  of data that if you really go digging for white   papers as long as they're legal make sure you guys  if and don't send us anything if you have anything   that you want to talk about reach out to text you  of top secret clearance uh I had Secret [Music] all right so whoever has Whoever has top  secret if you guys have something that   you want to talk about reach out to one  of our guys who has top secret and they   can determine that's for us that's not how  top secret works man Ollie just officially   asked for people to send him sketchy info on  classified planes as the CEO of the company military that's just not how that works man  that's one way that's not my department and   here is where Ali makes a huge blunder he has  a childlike understanding of how top secret   clearance works this blender was so big that some  of the staff working for him and associated with   him left the personally like I'm pretty a little  sketched out as well like I'm happy to work with   you on the Esports stuff but I'm I can't I don't  want to have my name anywhere near the tws at the   moment like and that's why I'd like you to take  my name off the website The Voice you're hearing   is Hudson Davis and he's a professional pilot  and content creator in the milsim space who   ended his relationship with tws on this public  Discord call we're not just trying to be jerks   like we've actually seen people go to prison but  I'm sure there's a few of us that probably want   to help but uh some of the things you guys are  claiming is kind of scary earlier you said you   got this information from Lockheed Martin and  now you're saying you're kind of back exactly   you literally cannot get any information it's  not that you have some it's you cannot get any   information [Music] so as we as lion in the  sand and I'm not exaggerating to say that I   could go on for hours with inconsistencies lies  manipulation and other problems and I am not alone   in my reservations about this project big fry and  operator drewski did a five second sniff test last   year and came to the same conclusion anyone with a  [ __ ] brain would know these guys are scammers I   didn't even need to make a video haha last year  operator drewski wrote a YouTube comment on one   of the trailers pointing out that developers were  asking for money before they even had a minimally   viable product but somehow tws continues to chug  along and this is one of the biggest red flags in   Early Access gaming never ask for money before  showing a proof of concept everyone worth their   salt in the gaming industry knows this drewsky's  comment was deleted by the CEO of tws why   because drewski is right and the biggest enemy  to a scam is truth and how do I know that the   CEO deleted the comment because for some amateur  reason they accidentally leaked their mod chat in   their Discord and in response to criticism which  Ali would call trolls or haters they attempted   to make a road map but in the process they stole  assets from other games and were bombarded with   feedback and frustration so this is the original  Reddit thread where the link was originally posted   of course if you go to the link now it doesn't  work if you go to the comments it's great I'm   not even sure what I'm looking at how is how is  the disjointed series of images a roadmap it's   nothing I found closing my eyes helped make sense  of everything and uh everybody is just ripping   this to shreds but but the community points out  that the F-14 F-16 radar models look like it's a   ripped screenshot and someone actually finds the  original Source from the Falcon 4 Wikipedia so   they essentially pulled radar off of Wikipedia and  tried to you know say that it was theirs and of   course Ollie down here says his Creative Commons  with the health coming community that he was able   to use those and everyone here is saying yeah you  still have to credit author dude let's say these   images are Creative Commons and I could use these  on my website or something he's saying that these   are for his game luckily somebody on Reddit  actually screencapped most of the roadmap so   that we could look at it here and it's just the  biggest train wreck ever here again here's that   radar system that they stole from Wikipedia uh and  they're trying to pass it off as something that   they're doing and again this is Ollie he called  himself blacker at the time he's trying to pass   this off as you know this is just symbology  I'm not trying to say this is our radar it's   just it's absolutely ridiculous uh because like I  said the milsim community is perceptive it got so   bad they deleted the road map and haven't released  anything since they've yet to release any gameplay   footage everything is planes flying on Rails with  stolen music and stolen video footage from other   creators they haven't even made the Interiors of  the vehicles or the planes which by the way have   all been purchased from asset stores the airplane  isn't theirs they just imported into unreal five   and ooh ah it looks so good but somehow it still  tricks people check out this content creator   reviewing the trailer just look at the paint the  reflection the details the lighting this is one   of the most stunning looking aircraft I have ever  seen the map isn't theirs it was generated using   a plug-in so one of the first uh trailers they  put out is this you know fancy uh map world view   where they have the whole world map and you can  see buildings everywhere and the reality of the   situation is this is all done with a plug-in  called cesium and uh you know it's really cool   I mean I think it's fantastic it basically uses  satellite imagery to basically generate buildings   it kind of falls apart when you get really close  but it's not theirs it's just a plug-in it is an   Unreal Engine plug-in uh it's open source also  if you are interested in checking out how they   implemented it and if you look this is their  playable demo of the game and of course it has   no flight simulation or anything difficult at a  glance it's a bit puzzling you know their whole   brand is focused on flight simulation and the  first playable Alpha is a first person shooter   and when you look more closely you'll see it's  just an acid dump they bought the environment on   Unreal Engine in fact this exact one right here  um yeah and I bet my life that all the movement   mechanics and guns and everything in this little  FPS Alpha demo is just a ripped off acid from the   unreal store as well why do I think this well it's  what they did in the past but just take a look at   this I got a hold of an older build of their first  person shooter demo this is not a contemporary   weapon for a milsim game this is like some kind  of Halo rifle what this is is this is an asset   that you can buy on the unreal store and I found  evidence that he is still using assets for every   part of his game listen to this meeting where  Ali asks if being prone is a part of the movement   asset oh um so did prone come with the set or  are you gonna have to build that from scratch   oh well I think I'll have to build up from smarts  I'll check in a second on that note is there any   questions comments concerns for me I think we've  made the uh uh a great choice to use this asset   that this asset is obviously very powerful  it's just that you know unlike the previous   one sometimes here I try to make small things and  it takes so long and the best part is none of the   Infantry units or the game mechanics in this Alpha  released in the middle of uh what 2023 are similar   at all to the trailer they released in June of  2022. and where is the initial trailer from 2022   Ali took down the trailer a few days ago in  anticipation of my video but it's all backed   up and while I've been a lifelong gamer I wanted  to get some feedback from a real game developer   to make sure I wasn't missing anything dude  I first just gotta say those little trailers   you made or little uh things you made were  just freaking hilarious I just want to pause   here for a second point out that the video  footage you were seeing right now was made   by Brock just to demonstrate how easy it is  to make fake game footage in almost no time   yeah it's it's crazy how easy it is to make  something like that probably took you what a   little over an hour with it all combined you  think yeah probably around there as a real   game developer and somebody with actual software  background what are some of the red flags you saw   when you were looking either at their website  or the trailers or whatever very little actual   gameplay it's like all cinematics and you know  like rendered footage and just being easily uh   able to identify pre-built assets there's nothing  wrong with using assets but you know most of the   time you actually change them in some way or  you know you you like build your own maps and   worlds and not it's not just like a drag and  drop type of and you know you I could see in   one of the trailers they literally just dragged  and dropped it I I don't think people understand   how difficult it is to make games like what what  what they're claiming is they're going to generate   an entire Earth simulator Land Air sea a huge MMO  environment with full Fidelity to scale airplanes   guns you know tanks everything has never been done  before like if you just had to spitball and guess   how long or how many people would be have to be  involved to pull something like that off like what   would you throw out what would be like your idea  probably a team in the thousands and take a very   long time I mean I would just easily compare it  to something like you know Battlefield you look   at the size of their team how long they take to  make Battlefield making something that much larger   uh because Battlefield it they're relatively you  know smaller maps and you want to render something   that's you know on a world scale it would take  hundreds of people and probably you know 5   five to ten years something like that it's like  they never actually show gameplay they might show   you like the artwork or like a rendered footage  but you never actually see it functioning and   that's always just like the biggest red flag to  me like sheer scale I mean if you've seen like   um Modern Warfare It's like a 200 gigabyte game  when you start throwing all those assets into   a game you're talking about like a game that's  terabytes large if not larger because you need   every single model 3D models are very large  files because you're talking about like you   know a hundred thousand triangles is usually like  what makes up a model at that scale and it's just   they're massive files so I couldn't imagine a  game that large it's like you have to download   a 20 terabyte game one of the more egregious  trailers that tws has released is this one   where they show off their AI that is supposedly  integrated into the game Ollie is claiming that   an AI air traffic controller will direct pilots  and players in real time using machine learning   online grid one seven Sierra brake Victor Quebec  break four seven three if you go to the website   for Astra which is Ollie's AI company for this uh  proprietary Anya technology you can't even test   the product because it just errors out I don't  believe that this trailer is real and you may   be wondering who is supporting this game at this  point I know they don't have a lot of followers   who are behind them because even after their VP of  Business doxed my email and told everyone to send   me cat memes I didn't even receive a single email  you know I didn't want to do low blows but these   guys are as skimmy as it gets this is Bo their VP  he has a history of doxing people he once posted   this guy's Facebook with Mafia style intimidation  tactics you should really lift more and find a   longer looser before you take photos next time  to which I would respond you should work on your   writing comprehension when doxing and making  fun of people's appearances in your official   Discord as the VP of Business then he tries to  intimidate him by saying he's a prior threat   intelligence analyst and uh you know you [ __ ]  around and you find out and how he's going to   share his PC specs and all this and you know he's  just a great [ __ ] and what do you do when nobody   writes articles about you or your business well  you uh you write them yourself and you put them   on your own website apparently Tara synth was a  semi-finalist at a programming event but internal   communication reveals that he didn't even have a  team for the competition we need those models for   itsec we don't have a team for the competition so  I need everything I can get at my disposal to win   which explains why this guy named Taro Ito who is  officially not associated with the company is in a   photo when they receive the most Innovative award  and don't get too impressed like an elementary   school science fair three out of the four teams  present got an award and Ollie will write articles   about anything he's like that kid in The Goonies  who tells big stories in third grade I cheated on   my Instagram and fourth grade I just throw my  uncle back to the bed I glued on my face when   I played Moses in my Hebrew school play he had  a call with us Socom and pitched his idea and   then he wrote a whole article about how us Socom  received a presentation from tarasanth he also   apparently is creating the most advanced AI ever  Ollie's the kind of guy who would wait in line for   three hours at a book signing event and then tell  everyone that he's good friends with the author I   mean you gotta hand it to him he's persistent and  so we are now stepping into territory where his   defense can't just be incompetence I don't believe  that for a second because Ollie is too quick on   his feet I've listened to hours of interviews and  Discord calls he has been told everything already   Ollie will say that he welcomes feedback even  negative feedback but he consistently bans anyone   with opposing opinion and he's one of those beta  creators on YouTube that disables the like button   on their videos I mean come on man and while the  monetization scheme is predatory in my opinion I   know that the next plan that Ollie has is to win a  government contract with the Department of Defense   all while drumming up business with his gameplay  trailers here's Ali telling the board exactly that   this year I'm expecting we'll be winning our  first official defense contract and actually   um producing a product directly for the US  government to support the Warfighter and that   has been the mission of Paris then since day  one Ali claims that his plan all along was to   get a DOD contract however after talking to his  friends and former founding members they disagree   and just listen to this call all he has with  his team he's frustrated with the progress and   they haven't been able to implement a single full  Fidelity plane into the game we want to produce   more Revenue we have to produce more Revenue  immediately Day text I don't know Unreal Engine   I learned Unreal Engine every [ __ ] thing that  we have is what I [ __ ] built myself not knowing   how to do it yeah I learned it right so like  at the end of the day I I can't hear well we   need this guy we need that guy and because we  don't have this that's why we can't do it like   someone for widgets and I'll tell you why it is  way too [ __ ] advanced right but dude I'm not   bitching about widgets no I'm not bitching about  witches give me one tell me what aircraft we have   what model have we gotten done in the last three  months that I can put into the [ __ ] game and and   get a video out of a static model I don't need I  don't need anything on Advance give me a static   model what do we have a static model I'd say the  exterior for the 245 yeah we got nothing dude   g45 is not done no I'm saying for the exterior  it's not done and I bought it I bought that wait   you bought T45 I bought that no I bought  the exterior I bought that I paid for that   that's my that's my you see where I'm come from  you see where I'm at like that's Ollie pivots to   the idea of getting DOD contracts because the game  was never going to come to fruition the whole DOD   thing is because he ran out of money he's looking  for CIO sp3 funding even then he was saying like   I'm running out of money guys I've had to dig  into my savings account I'm having a pull from   uh share Birds assets to you know buy things  for the game carvana's trying to repo my car   they're trying to say that I owe 27 000 on the  car blah blah blah like they're at my address   in New Jersey they don't have my Florida address  and I'm like do what he goes yeah I get I get temp   tags on my cars you do that in Florida all he  claims that an F-35 pilot by the name of Hazard   Lee was in regular talks with Ali in an unofficial  advisory role we have regular conversations um in   an unofficial advisory role with uh hazardly who's  you know got a he's a YouTuber but an F-35 pilot   with 150 million views on YouTube so I contacted  Hazard and spoke to him on the phone and he denies   all involvement and said he told me he wanted  to fly down and check out all these operations   before making any kind of decision smart man this  is probably why Hazard is an actual F-35 pilot and   Ali hasn't finished his beginner course but Ali  still uses this chart which includes hazardly to   drum up excitement and motivate people to work  he lists salaries here if they were to get a   government contract and it's one thing to motivate  people with money even if it's not likely to come   but it's another to misrepresent the facts of the  situation telling anyone that Hazard Lee is a part   of the project is deception and he's deceiving  potential investors future members and of course   stringing along people who are not being paid and  this isn't the first time he's done this he's got   Jason Williams listed in the document he was an  executive director for a fight submitter game   and it really means a lot to have him a part  of the project this is kind of like being a   director of a movie and telling you know writers  and cinematographers that you're trying to hire   that you have an A-list celebrity in your cast  when you don't here's a presentation where he   uses this document to convince people to come work  for him notice how teresynth has Jason Williams   listed as an executive director and would you be  surprised if I told you that he told Bonzo that he   does not now nor has he ever worked for tarasanth  or held any position in their company but the   question remains like can ollie actually land a  DOD contract and everyone knows the United States   spends a lot of money on their military since  9 11 on Wars alone the United States government   and allies have spent 5 trillion or sixteen  thousand dollars per person this year the Pentagon   announced an 842 billion dollar military defense  budget but what's crazy is almost half will go to   defense contractors so just think about all the  bases with the Navy Army Air Force and Marines   all of the aircraft carriers the submarines the  tanks the Infantry all the medical personnel the   hospital everything that comes along with the  military is only half of the military's budget   the rest goes to contractors and the government  is terrible at managing money and having oversight   the F-35 is years late and hundreds of billions  of dollars over its initial budget and there   are a lot of other things that are really sneaky  about this the operating budget is like 50 over   budget is operating at 38 000 per flight hour as  opposed to the 25 that they promised okay 40 of   the aircraft are going to be actually available  for training remissions while everything else is   stuck in maintenance and and you know stuck on the  ground and if you look at the top 10 recipients of   Defense contracts for 2021 Pfizer is only number  six remember this is Pete Cove in 2021. Lockheed   Martinson here at 39 billion dollars at first I  thought there's no way he's gonna be able to scan   the government out of money it's actually not  unrealistic that he would convince someone that   he can create some kind of simulation for them  and NAB some kind of contract for five years and   blow a bunch of money this is Dr Neil Finkelstein  he's the chief operating officer at the national   Center for simulation and he is a voting member  of the board of directors for Teresa it's my   understanding that Dr Finkelstein doesn't really  know what's going on I watched Ollie explain very   basic parts of what teresynth is such as the name  of their game and where to find their website I   have an alpha that will be coming out shortly  and that product is called training and War   stimulation so if you Google that you'll find uh  you'll see some of the work we've been doing on   that front I firmly believe that this guy doesn't  have the capability to see through the subtle   details of all these statements and that makes me  worried just look at how impressed Dr Finkelstein   is when Ali is speaking 35 pilot with 150 million  views on YouTube um Ollie proudly announced an   alpha play test to the board which took place at  the end of last month I don't believe they have   any idea what the actual status is of the game  and I don't have a lot of empathy for these board   members at this point after speaking with some of  them um they haven't done their due diligence and   are for the most part just sitting around waiting  for a big payday for this company to moonshot very very tiny DOD contract I mean you look at  some of the contracts that I referenced in that   chart I sent to you some of those guys are getting  250 million I mean the the lowest contract I think   that was uh awarded in 2022 is like 10 million  dollars that's 10 million dollars of taxpayer   money um for something that it's probably never  going to come to fruition look as a guy who was   internal on this project this is never going to  happen there is not enough manpower behind what   they want to achieve and you may be asking  yourself why is anyone on all these board   of directors how is he motivating people to help  him out I've reached out to all of them and of the   ones that have responded they don't really know  what's going on and I suspect he's stringing them   along with the hopes that they will land some big  contract and he's got Andy Manning ex-ufc fighter   on the board of directors and he gave money to Ali  back in the Sherbert days and Ali gave Andy three   percent equity in Tara sent to sit on the board  and when I asked Andy if he wanted to see some   damning information about ali in the progress of  tws he wouldn't even take a phone call with me and   he told me that if me getting scammed is jumping  on board meeting phone calls twice a year for   equity in something that may or may not have value  at some point down the line then oh well and he's   sort of right he's just losing his time if this  whole thing is in fact a scam or a big failure   but he forgot one thing by turning a blind eye to  everything going on and just hanging around for a   big payout you are part of a company that could  be doing something wrong and then you have Lane   Campbell another board member who became like  Ollie's Handler he had a brief meeting with me   where I told him about the development of the game  and where it was and he kind of went into lawyer   mode and we decided to schedule a meeting between  Ali and myself where I was going to interview Ali   and hear his side of the story but all he did a  no-show and canceled the meeting about 10 minutes   after the start time Lane who wasn't invited  to the meeting showed up anyway and gave one of   the worst explanations for Ali's absence I I mean  just I just don't get it I mean if if he's worried   about false information and he feels like he's not  getting heard and I have the wrong information I   don't understand why he doesn't want to take the  meeting it makes it it makes it really tough for   my perspective because I mean like what if this  is all lies and he wants to clear the air I'm   totally I'm here to to listen that's why I set  this meeting up Tim the the perspective he has   is that you're while he schedules an interview  with you you're going to folks like like Andy   and uh and pursuing a narrative that there's  no evidence to staging and he thinks you've   already made your mind up he's just going to  come on here and give you can and fodder to   basically misrepresent the position he's taken so  the evidence doesn't substantiate there's there's   any crime or fraud or anything going on here you  can make the statement that there's not enough   value being created for the prices or that they  have uh you know what you would consider that   not a game but and he's making a bunch of  claims then a couple of co-founders leak a   bunch of internal documents and they are going  to be held liable for that but those documents   are internal they were not public that Ali say  that hazardly was an unofficial advisor in a   board meeting I guess but that's not an official  right he was saying that he's not a divisor though   so it's a lie right I mean that's that's false  information he's giving to people to that they're   going to make decisions off of these business  decisions okay he's talked to him and he's asked   his advice from right so he's not an official  advisor but he has provided advice to Holly that's   not a lie I've seen chat messages between them  yeah I mean but but they're not in regular talks   so they were in regular talks he did and he said  they're in regular talks and unofficial advisory   role and Hazard said they had two conversations  one was a year ago and one was about two weeks ago   and he asked to uh be flown down to check out the  operation and Ollie just basically stopped talking   to him at that point that's not what I saw I saw  the text messages well again again I would love   to talk to ollie about it again I only have okay  look like what am I supposed to go off of um okay   so so how a journalist handles this is you talk  to the other person and he doesn't and it looks   really bad when you don't want to answer questions  and so people will make up their own minds on this   and you can't blame me for for for trying to go  and I've talked to uh more people involved with   terracynth officially than unofficially so you  you can say I'm going and talking to Bonzo and all   these other people listen I I don't take bonzo's  word as a hundred percent truth I've talked to   almost every single person on the board including  you and or I or I've attempted to and and you've   seen the way I try to make contact like I will  send emails I will call you I will spend money   to find your phone number I will talk to people to  to to you know that might have your email and I've   I've attacked at almost everybody on the board and  at least four or five okay so don't sit here and   tell me I'm not doing my due diligence trying to  talk to people and I'm not getting the full story   um listen unfortunately Lane you don't know  enough about this project you're not able to   answer my questions and so that's the whole point  of bringing ollie on and he's not willing to come   to the table I mean he was willing to publicly um  you know call me he pinned a post in his Discord   calling me brain dead so it's clear to me that  because he doesn't believe that I'm on his side or   I'm not somebody that he can manipulate or control  he doesn't want to have a conversation with me   and if you're not afraid of the truth you're  not you're not you're not afraid of Batman   conversation so God I just wish there was a way  for me to hear all these defense in his point of   view if only I had provided an opportunity for  him like a scheduled meeting and the ability for   him to speak his mind this story is not over but  first I want to offer Ali an ultimatum I will take   down my video I will publicly apologize on YouTube  Discord and Twitter and I will purchase the three   thousand dollar pre-release backer version of the  game but I will only do this if you can show me   that these two trailers the the initial trailer  and the one with the AI are actually playable   whatever was shown just needs to be represented  in the way that it was depicted AI responding to   and interacting with me as I fly into an airspace  and I'll need an airplane to fly you know around   in the game and I want to see land and infantry  and air simulation in the same environment uh   anywhere on Earth and I'll buy whatever VR  headset is compatible because as you stated   in the description you are a leading company and  modernized arxr Technology for war Fighters and I   realize it's unfinished and that's why I just want  to use like one model that's high fidelity and   this game is supposed to be a huge MMO but I only  need to test it with like a group of like 10 or so   and I want to really see how the AI handles this  all coming in for a landing and directing us and   whatnot with the machine learning for some  reason I don't think you're gonna do this   because I don't think you can and I would like to  continue the story in part two covering a bunch   of interactions I've had with people on the  board including Lynn Campbell who threatened   legal action and tried to scare me by uh telling  me the name of Bonzo which was the wrong name uh   and I want to continue to follow this project what  will Ali do next I have a ton of documents I need   to go through some internal Communications and  other juicy pieces of information but this video   is already long enough and I want to see what all  he's going to do if he threatens litigation on me   or other people I want to keep following this and  I'm sure you guys do too and I want to leave you   with one of my favorite Ali quotes and remember  keep doing what you love I'm gonna be honest with   you I wouldn't buy anything from anybody who I  didn't have some trust in so and it's going to   take time to build trust with some players  and I get that a hundred percent the people   who are pre-ordering now and helping fund the  development now are taking a risk right on their   end and like betting on us and saying like oh yeah  I believe in what these guys are doing I like it

2023-06-22 05:50

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