EmTechMOOC Shindig Audio 032818

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Hi everyone and thank you for joining us today for what we hope will be an exciting engaging. And, interactive. Discussion. Of the Coursera, Coursera, MOOC. Emerging. Technology. Hashtag. M Tech, MOOC, that was developed, by a team, at the State, University of, New York and here, today we are joined by Robin. Sullivan and Cherie Van Patten, who, will tell us a little bit more about, the course how, it was developed and why you might want to participate in it and first. I'd like to just give you an overview of the, shindig, platform, and thank shindig, for allowing us to use this as a way to engage with our community, if, you look at the bottom of your screen, you'll you'll see a symbol, for a hand. And if, you click on that you can raise your hand and come up on stage and, we encourage, you to do that if you have a question, that you would like to ask or. Better yet if you are a current participant. In the course it would be great if you came up on stage and, shares a little bit about your story and what your experience, has been so, far if you, don't have, the technology, or you're not in a space that would avail you to be able to come up on stage you can also click, on the chat icon to. Simply, post. A question and, then the question will come up on the screen and we can answer it we. Also encourage, you to take advantage of the chat. Space to talk with some other people that are participating here, today, to, learn a little bit and share with one another so. Now I'd like to talk. With Robin, a bit, and thank you for joining us today Robin, I was hoping you could tell us a little bit about your role at, SUNY. And how. The mtech, MOOC came, about. Sure. Thank. You Rhys for organizing. This, shindig. Event and. So. Just to give a little bit of background. The. Mtech MOOC our formal. Name is, exploring. Emerging. Technologies, for lifelong learning and, success. For. Short we call it 'i'm tech milk and. It. Is a, learning, opportunity that, is. Housed, in, the Coursera, MOOC platform, and. It's. Hosted through the state university, of new york. The, funding, for the project initially. Came about through an innovative, instruction, technology, grant and. The. Project, is based on an earlier. SUNY. Wide, effort. That was geared. Towards, faculty. And staff professional development. It was. Very successful for. Five years, and just recently. We. Have modified, the, project. To, reach.

The Goals of all learners so, students. Professionals. Staff. Faculty. Alumni. Retirees. Not, employed whoever. Has. An interest, to learn about emerging, technology, tools is. Encouraged. To participate. My, role, in, SUNY, I am and online, learning specialist. And an. Instructional, designer with the. Center, for Education. Center, for educational, innovation, at the, University, at Buffalo which is one of our one of those 64 SUNY campuses. That's. Great thanks Robyn and I, should, add that I. Am an instructional, designer joining, you here today from the. Sometimes. Sunny, Cornell. University campus, and Ithaca, New York and. I helped, a bit, with the marketing. And promotion of. So. Sheri could you tell, us a little bit about your role in SUNY. And in. The MOOC. Okay. I'm my, name is Sheree and, I'm, here at Binghamton. University as. My sound okay. Okay. If I didn't Robin just gave me a look and it sometimes that's, when I sound like a chipmunk so. I just wanted to make sure I'm. Here as an instructor structural. Designer at Binghamton, University. I also. Serve, as assistant. Director to, this MOOC project, and before. This I served at tools of engagement I'm really interested in. Faculty. Development, and just. Lifelong, learning as a whole where people need to, learn. The tools that, they're going to need in their toolbox to, continue, to to, learn on their own throughout. Their careers. And lives in general. That's. Great and with that in mind I was wondering, if one of you could speak to what some of your goals were, in the development. Of this MOOC and, outcomes. That participants. Could expect. If. They engage in the MOOC. Sure. So. The, the, aim of the project is. For, participants. To. Identify. The. Value, and also the implications, of using established, and, emerging, technology. Tools, the. The. Process. Is meant. To help somebody in their both, their personal and, their professional. Lives and throughout. The activities. We. Hope that participants. Will acquire strategies. To, develop lifelong, learning habits and. The. You. Know the idea is to keep pace with technology, change she, all know that technology, evolves. Rapidly something. That might be available, today. Could, be gone, tomorrow, and so. As. A person. In today's, technology. Rich, society, we, need to be able to evolve, with that change and we need to be a lifelong, learner, so. The. The, course. Is meant, to kind of start, out with a focus, on lifelong, learning we have some resources. That. We, share on. Gaining. Some strategies. And then. Once you gain those strategies and also some of the underlying concepts. Such. As Creative Commons. Your. Digital footprint. Accessibility. Of technology. Tools. Also growth mindset. Is very important. In. Becoming. A lifelong learner, then. You move on to, future. Modules, that, cover the topics, that are focused on 21st, century skills so, the future second. Third week and fourth week modules, are communication. And collaboration are, together. Creativity, and then that's. Kind. Of closed out with critical thinking and. In. Addition. Somebody. At the final, throughout. The entire MOOC they develop a personal. Or a professional. Portfolio. That. They then share, through. The milk in a peer review process so. It's. Kind, of great. So. Of course that inspired, a lot of a lot, of questions, one, of which is some. People may see the term emerging. Technologies. And think, well this course isn't for me or I, probably, don't have the, skills needed to engage with emerging, technologies could. You talk a little bit about the Act you know you, mentioned some of the activities, but more the, skills. Or competencies a, learner might need in order to effectively. Engage, in the course. Sure. So, the MOOC is targeted. To a. Broad. Range of learners so. We encourage, anybody, to, enroll whether, or not if. You are very new to. Technologies. This will give you a comfort. Level to be able to pick. Up some, technology. Tools to, be able to communicate same. Way that somebody is very comfortable, just picking up a pen and paper in. Today's environment you need to be able to pick up an image share that image through email or do.

A Video chat similar, to what we're doing now these, are just tools that people need on. An everyday basis, but, if you're somebody that already has technology, skills. Or, technology. Knowledge you. Can come into the MOOC and it's. Very, much of a discovery, basis, so you can. Search. For tools. Through, the, complimentary. Wiki that asks. You to look. Through the resources. That we've compiled, and you. Can determine what is your personal. Objective, for the particular module, find. Tools, that you have not yet explored and, explore. Them in relation, to the activities. If. You've. Managed to somehow explore every single tool on the site and that's probably not and, not doable, because there's a lot there and everybody is continually, adding to. The site you're. Welcome, to find a tool that does interest. You that is, new. And. You. Can add it to the wiki you can do your discovery, activities. Based on the tools, that meet your needs so, any. Any level in between. You. Had mentioned faculty. Development, and that got me thinking about. Centers. For teaching, and whether, they might be able to use, this course in their own faculty. Development, programs, or to help. Teachers for, example the 21st. Century skills is something we hear about a lot you know could a faculty, member pull some of the content, from this MOOC and use it in their on-campus course. Billee, be able to take content, like even if you just find things on the mtech wiki that you want to use in your course and I, could see structuring. Like a faculty. Learning community. Or some kind of almost like a reading group around, these various activities so, maybe one month you would read, things from communication. And collaboration and. Go, from there and there's, a lot of things that can tie into how you teach, and, also things that you can teach your students, about the. Growth mindset as, opposed to a fixed mindset and, how to develop lifelong. Learning skills and learn on your own. With. This the students, in mind I was, wondering, if if there, are any students, that are here today if, they might like to come up on stage and, share a story or Robin. Or Sheree if you have any, examples of stories or, experiences from. Students, who have participated in the current, running of the MOOC. I'd. Like to just kind of add on to what Sheree just said and.

Then Gives our participants. An opportunity to think about maybe. Something. That they'd like to share we can bring you up on stage and talk whether. Or not you participated, in the MOOC but, to expand, on the idea of can. The, IAM, tech wiki site be used. Separately. From the MOOC in, or. Together with the milk in a either, a faculty, professional, development situation. It's. Also very useful for, faculty to use with their students, and so. We've tried to set. Up the site. So that some, of the activities, are accessible. Right, through the IAM tech website and you, can get to the site by, clicking in that little widget in the bottom, left corner that, Chris, has position for us and. So. If you wanted to use it for a faculty professional, development just, like sure you said you can grab pieces from, the MOOC or from the wiki itself. Without even having to log in and we also hope that faculty, will steer their students, towards. These activities. And towards these resources, so that they can, enhance. Their own 21st, century skills. And knowledge so, hopefully. That gave everybody, that's out there I see one. Of the co, collaborators. On the project, who's listening. In a. Couple, of them and it. Would be great to have we could pull someone up on stage, you. Are. Welcome to just click that join podium. Button and. You'll. Be up you, know to share some ideas I, see a, couple. Of our students, in the audience already. So. As Robin, said you can simply click on the join, podium, or you, can raise your hand and Chris will Chris, will bring you up up and we have a taker, Jessica, Krueger from Buffalo. Thanks. Jessica for being, brave and coming up on stage to join us could. You share with us a little what about your experience, in the MOOC and reasons, for taking it sure. Sure, so I'm. Actually a faculty, member. Below. And I'm. Someone, who really loves technology. But. I'm always trying to find different ways to integrate. It either into my classroom or, as. Faculty. Development. And so this MOOC actually, gave me an opportunity, to explore, so, many different, technologies that I haven't, seen before and, learn. About them and use them I actually was just telling someone the other day I really. Love the, digital profile, it's a great way to collect, and put together your teaching.

Portfolio, But also for students, to keep the projects, that they, have and, learn more about innovative. Ways to, show. And demonstrate. Information. Actually. In my class next semester students. Will be using one of the technologies. To make an info, graph, to. Demonstrate. To. Patients. Or. Clients about. Different health education, needs so I, think. It's a really great, fantastic. Opportunity. For you to integrate it into your classrooms, whether it's a piece or the. Whole MOOC getting, your students, learning. More, although. They seem, to be very into technology. They're, always on their phones or, computers it. Gives, them an opportunity to, actually learn. How to use some of the software which is a valuable, tools they get out into the real world. Jessica. And I know faculty. Time, is very precious and, I, was, wondering if you could give us an idea of about, how many hours a week you feel like you need to spend in the course really you know get what you need out of it I. Think. I spent about an, hour and a half to two hours and, I, actually. Spent, some more time after, the course looking through different content, and clicking around because. There's so much there, it's. A, really valuable resource, to. Pull from and, continue to click back and look to say oh how, can I use this or what are some different ways that I can incorporate this, or what tool could I use to make my life a little bit easier. And. One of the things I know I really, enjoy, when engaging in MOOCs is the community, aspect, and the opportunity, to meet people at. Other universities and. Share and learn from one another, could, you talk a little bit about your experiences. Interacting, with the community. Yeah. It's a. Wonderful. Platform. I've. Been able to meet people at, University, of Buffalo. That, I've met in person not just online in the MOOC but. Able to share, ideas which. I think is so important, we, all work in our own microcosm. But. This allows us to be more, interactive and. Work, with others and learn from each other. Thanks. Robin. Or Sheree did you have anything you wanted to try. Ask, her about. Um. No. I think you. Jessica, was part, of our pilot session. We had a pilot, that ran I think, we started it in early, January, just. To kind of have a smaller, group run through um you. Know all the different pieces of the project and make sure that it was ready, for primetime people. And. And. Then, we've relaunched. It again this past, March. 12th, and so. Hopefully it became better because, we tried to listen to the experiences of the original pilot. Participants and, just. Like any good, teaching. Situation. We are continuing, to learn so. We are continuing, to try to take what, we have and make it, better and. The. Site that. Jessica. Mentioned that she was able, to go back after, she was in the MOOC the, iam tech wiki site. That's. Wonderful. To hear because, that's what we really hope it to be it's, a, great, collection, of tools, but the general, public is able. To go in and continue, to add to that site. There's also the ability to rate, the tools so, somebody can say this is a five style, I love Docs, but this, wiki, cool, thing. You, know this other site, that was added, you, know making not a date so it could get a lower rating. And you. Can the tools, automatically. Show up with, the hot most highest rated, up at the top it gives you just kind of three at a time. To say oh these are the best and then these are the next best and that side is only going to become really useful and, really. Engaging. To find tools by the, crowdsourcing. By people adding to that by people putting in their ratings and so, it's great to hear that it is something that's referred back to the. Grassroots, effort, behind. Evaluating. The tools I know there are a lot of websites, and evaluate, tools but we sometimes wonder who's. Sponsoring, those websites, or, how, those evaluations. Are coming, about so it's great to have, an open source and open source like that. So. I know Rob, and you just mentioned, the. Pilot and that it's running currently, and I know the next session. Is scheduled, to start April 16th. Could, you talk a little bit about the self-paced. Nature, of the course and how that works. So. Our. Second, session is scheduled, to start on April 16. So. The MOOC itself is five weeks long and. Somebody. Would enroll in. The MOOC and go, through the different week, modules. You. Can spend. You. Know I'd, say it's little, there's like half an hour to an hour you. Know getting, the activities, done but. You can spend many more hours and sometimes the tools just kind of suck you and you find one and then you find another one and, so, we have an activity in each one of the week modules, it's a discussion, forum. Activity. That you select, one of the tools or the resources. Provide. A reflection. In the. Discussion, forum and in. Week 2 you start building a personal portfolio. You, provide, a link. To your artifact, there, and.

That, Kind of goes through to, the five weeks. But. If you happen to fall behind that's. Understandable. We all have really busy lights so. You. Know there's going to be a continual. Cohort. Of. Sessions. That launches, every five weeks so if you get through week three, and you say I'm really far behind you. Can just jump into the next cohort that starts again in the five week mark if. You get to four. And three-quarter, weeks and you say I'm not going to get to that deadline you, can you know just roll yourself into. The next version. And, one, thing that we, didn't, mention that. We. Do offer digital badges, as incentives. For completing, the different modules and in. Addition, if you complete, all five modules, and participate. In the, peer review portfolio, process, you, earn mastery. Badge that. You can share on your CV on your social networks, you. Can also, earn, a Coursera, certificate. So. Since, this MOOC has been sponsored. Through SUNY. All. SUNY, participants, are able to earn their, Coursera, certificate. At no cost as long, as you sign up with your SUNY email, and, anyone. Else throughout, the world we do have. Participants. That are from, different parts of the world that's extremely. Interesting and, I hope to see that grow and grow. Participants. From other parts of the world that are not part of SUNY are encouraged. To participate it, can do everything. All. The activities, all the feedback that's not the case in some MOOCs but you can participate in all of the activities. Except. The one thing that you don't get for the free version is the Coursera. Printable. Certificate and, that's, a hot. Commodity to, put on a resume. Saying I certified. Through Coursera, for these courses. Grace. From, SUNY is here Chris if you wanted to come up on stage and say a few words because you just click on the podium, and, while we're waiting to see if chris comes up i've, Robin, or Sheree I was, wondering if one of you could talk a little bit more about e-portfolios I. Think some people might, think well I don't really know what that is or why I should, care. Okay. I can take this Robin. Basically. An e-portfolio is. A way, to, have. A digital representation. Of your work so in, the case of a portfolio if, you were. Like. A graphic, designer or an artist you would have a portfolio of your work that. Shows that you can you have mastered, different, things required, in your profession, and an. E-portfolio is. The same kind of thing so, what we like to do is have people every. Time you do one of the modules you will put like, a representation, of, the fact that I did, this as far for my communication, and collaboration project. Or when, it came to creativity I worked, on this this item here and I. Also, teach, of an internship, class through our Career, Development Center and there. Was a time when I was using those in my class as well so. That the students, would have a representation. Of, what they've done in college and then they would also be able to include a resume in a cover letter like, a generic kind of cover letter maybe, more like a bio and, they. Could use it as a career, artifact, when they went out looking, for employment, after school. And. It's something that we're I'm considering, adding. Back, into my program because, I do think the students like, to have that record when they leave college. Is. There anything else you'd like to add Robin. Our. University. Just. Recently, made the e-portfolio. A requirement. So, every, student that comes in, the door as, a freshman, at UB has, to lead, with an e-portfolio that. Shows their. Digital, footprint, their professional.

Persona. And so it's something that is, being. One. Of those emerging, trends, that is being, more sought, by employers as. People. Are looking for jobs and so, it's a really important, part for you to say who, you are as compared, to learning the rest of the world put little pieces up that you don't have the control over you want to put your footprint, out there. And thank you Chris for joining. Us to round out the conversation. As we near the end of our time could. You tell us a little bit about your role at SUNY, and why SUNY. Wants. To offer MOOC like this what the you know what why, is so important. Yeah. We've been involved for a while and I just think not, to be too repetitive here but what everybody's been saying kind of we echo that I. Think. That having this. MOOC be open to. Faculty. Students. Staff, really. Anyone, that wants to learn how to be more sort of digitally. Literate. Comfortable. Using technology tools. Really. Made it appealing I think the other thing is the mtech wiki. Is, a great idea because. The tools change so frequently so. The. Evolution, of what, started out is the tools of engagement project into, the mtech MOOC is I, think. Makes a lot of sense and and, you, know just again. I think. Everyone. Needs to be able to be, comfortable online, finding. The right tools to do what they need to do to communicate with other folks to collaborate with other folks and so, just. Makes all the sense in the world so, of. Course, we'll be involved. Chris. And. Robin. Are Sheree is there anything that you want to add a, last call to people before we wrap, up our session I. Just. There's. A question, in the chat that I can, address from, Caroline. And. So. She. Asked, what. Platform. Does our university, require students, to use and so. Right now our. University. Is using the digication platform. And that's. Also something that is, in, use at many of the SUNY campuses, and anybody. That joins the e/m tech MOOC is. Encouraged. To request. A free education. Account so, that's kind, of a great offer that, we've been able to make a partner, with the digication company. So. You. Can individually request. An account if you, have an account through your institution. For example if you are associated. With you B or Stony Brook which also uses education, you're, encouraged, to use your campus, system, so, that one. Of the things that's limit. In the the, MOOC is that support. Is through the community, so if you have an issue you kind of ask your colleagues, can somebody, help me figure out how to change the permissions, on my portfolio, if, you have an, account. For education. Portfolio or any other type of portfolio, or a blog or whatever. You want to use create a video if. You use a system, that's supported, by your, campus, or by your organization, you're, more likely to be able to use, that. Support. That might come with that benefit. I. Think. You. Know I don't we're, at our time, so I just wanted to, say. Thank you Patrice for helping us to organize, this event, and. Thank you to everyone, that. Took. Part and jumped up on the stage and, shindig, is a great platform thank, you to shindig for, allowing, us to host this event and.

We, Didn't. Really take advantage of the some conversations. That can happen and shindig but so will mean you have to do this again that. Sounds, good all right thanks for abend think Sheree and don't forget to click on the mTEC icon, on the bottom of the screen if you would like to sign up and learn more, thanks. A lot everyone. Faint. HTTP. Colon, slash slash Sunni. Dot, edu slash. E mtech. Let's emt, e CH, hope to see in the milk.


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