sad guru explains what inner engineering is and how this can provide tools and solutions to empower yourself to change your life and make it the way you want it to be [Music] the moment we are born as human beings somehow our lives got complicated if we had come here as any other creature on this planet life would be very simple eating eating sleeping reproducing and dying now we have to do all those things but after doing all those things we find somehow it's not enough somehow where you are right now wherever you may be is not enough you want to be little more than what you right now isn't it that's all if you know only money maybe you're thinking of little more money if you know only pleasure maybe little more pleasure power little more power whatever it may be whatever your currency may be but everybody is wanting to be little more than what they're right now the process of desiring is continuously going on so this longing of well-being because ultimately everything that you're doing is in search of your well-being whether you're going to work or you're going to the bar or you're going to the temple or you're going you're getting married or you're having children you're studying in university everything is fundamentally your well-being isn't its home yes different people may have different ideas about well-being somebody thinks if they can eat twice a day that's well-being somebody else that's not well-being isn't it our ideas of well-being may be different but every human being consciously and unconsciously constantly in search of his well-being isn't it so what is well-being when do you really feel well in your life when do you truly feel well when you're very happy you're well even if you're physically ill you're still well isn't it even if you're medically diagnosed as ill you're very happy right now you're feeling well isn't it so fundamentally well-being means a certain level of joyfulness certain exuberance of life what is happiness we can say happiness is this that but in terms of life your life energies are happening in a more exuberant way what then it normally happens depression means your life energies have become very low on state happiness means your life energies are exuberant there are many ways of describing happiness but only those who are happy know what it means to be happy there is nobody who has not been happy everybody's been happy but the problem is they're not able to maintain it that's all isn't it everybody's been happy in the last 24 hours how many moments of joy have you known one two three how many maybe you can count on your fingers many people have nothing to count when you are five years of age a child how many moments of joy did you know in 24 hours lots of them isn't it somebody had to make you unhappy now somebody has to make you happy isn't it the whole equation has gotten rivers somehow all this effort of life everything that you did education career business family whatever you did everything was in pursuit of happiness is it so everything that humanity has done on this planet is in pursuit of happiness is it so in the last 100 years we have done too much on this planet with the use of science and technology we have changed the very face of this planet today we have the kind of comforts and conveniences that no other generation could ever even imagine yes what royalty could not afford 100 years ago today average citizens have isn't it so and most of you driving chariots with 100 200 horses [Music] yes even kings could not afford this but are we any happier we are definitely the most comfortable generation ever on this planet is it so physically but are we also the most joyful generation so it's not worked science and technology has brought enormous amount of comfort and convenience to our lives things that we could not imagine just 25 years ago are just a living reality today isn't it but are we any more joyful no and all these cons comforts and conveniences have not come easy they've come at a tremendous cost to every other life on this planet yes every creature from plant to animal to everything including human beings have paid an enormous price to create these comforts and conveniences and we are not even happy what is the point we are literally making a bonfire of this planet if you are ecstatic it's okay burn the planet it's all right we're not even happy i think it's time to really look at it isn't it why are we burning it up fear not even happy [Music] now the problem is you're in pursuit of happiness it is enshrined in your constitution also here in pursuit of happiness what does pursuit of happiness mean that you want to do so many things to be happy yes yes that's what it means that you must have the freedom to do many many things to be happy see whenever happiness happened to you whenever you are happy it doesn't matter where the stimulus was where did you become happy inside or outside inside yes did you ever experience happiness out here no such a thing has not happened because the seat of human experience is within you not outside of you people are talking about inner happiness outer happiness there is no such thing happiness and every human experience has always been internal never been external isn't it so happiness is internal but the starter button is outside in the world somewhere else in somebody else's hands now some amount of inner handling is needed which has not been done when i say inna i am not talking about your body or your mind because your body and your mind comes from outside [Music] see when you were a child your body was so small now it became this big how [Music] the food that you ate isn't it so what you call as my body actually is a heap of food yes not a pleasant way to describe you at all this is actually a heap of food or a piece of this planet isn't it yes this is just a piece of the planet right now you gathered it this way and made it this way see all this countless number of people who existed on this planet before you and me where are they all topsoil isn't it this will also become topsoil unless somebody buries you real [Music] deep fearing that you may raise from the dead [Music] so this body is something that you accumulated from outside yes what you call as my mind is a huge heap of impressions that you gathered from outside is it so all the content of your mind is a huge impression heap of impressions so between these two this huge heap of impressions and i wouldn't call this huge this heap of food that you gathered from outside if you have to gather so much there must be something more to gather this isn't it yes but your experience of life is limited to just this your body your mind and your emotion when i say mind and emotion they are not really different what you call as my emotion is just the juicier part of the thought thought is dry and straight emotion is little juicy without that you would feel too dry and thirsty so because to quench the thirst you make a certain part of your thought emotion the way you think is the way you feel isn't it so yes right now you think this is a wonderful person you have sweet emotions towards that person right now you think somebody else is a horrible person you have ugly emotions towards that person you cannot think he's a horrible person and have sweet emotions towards that person isn't it you cannot think this is a wonderful person and have ugly emotions towards this person the way you think is the way you feel people think they are different simply because emotion has a certain amount of drag time [Music] see today you thought this is a wonderful person tomorrow morning your thought told you this is a horrible person but thought immediately changes direction the moment it saws a few things it just immediately changed direction emotion cannot change its direction it has its own drag time it still continues but after three days emotions will also change maybe three days or three years how long you take it's different but it will change isn't it it'll catch up with your thought or no it does emotion is more fluid so it has drag time you can't gather it immediately thought you can gather it immediately and redirect it this way emotion you can't gather it immediately it spills all over the place takes certain amount of time to gather it so your thought your emotion your body everything has been gathered from outside [Music] so what you have from outside you can gain you can lose isn't it you can gather it what can be gathered can be lost isn't it and it will be lost either in the course of life or in the process of death it will be lost and when you constantly live with something that is going to be lost and that can be lost any moment naturally you will live a very unstable and insecure life isn't it just see how much of your life has been structured around your security almost everything that you do is about your security isn't it so yes is it so please carefully examine your education your career your family your children your emotions everything are centered around your security somehow isn't it when you're constantly thinking about security when you're constantly concerned about your security you will not walk full stride of your life every step will only be a half a step you cannot let yourself go completely into the process of life always the question is what will happen to me what will happen to me is the question isn't it till this problem is taken away you will never realize the full potential of who you are you will never find full expression either to your body or to your intelligence or to anything till this question of what will happen to me is taken away from your life only when you come to this state nothing can happen to me whatever whichever way life is this is the way i will be unless this is brought in within you you cannot take full steps in your life you will take only half steps in your life so the spiritual process means bringing another dimension which is beyond the physical into your living experience so that this problem of security and insecurity is gone because you're so totally lost in your instincts of survival you think everything is within the range of this it is not so see if you don't mess with your mind right now to be peaceful and joyful is natural is it so is it do you have to go and conquer the world to be joyful can you just watch the sun setting and be joyful can you close your eyes and be joyful yes can you think about something and be joyful and not think about anything and still be joyful so being joyful is not happening because of any particular act in the world yes people might have gotten there by doing many things that's different this is like on a certain day a bull and a pheasant were grazing upon the field the bull was grazing upon the grass and the pheasant the bird was picking ticks off the bull here in some partnership there was a huge tree at the edge of the field the pheasant looked up at the tree and very nostalgically said oh alas there was a time when i could fly to the topmost branch of the tree but now i do not have enough strength in my wing even to fly to the first branch of the tree the bull very nonchalantly said oh that's no problem if you want to get to the top of the tree every day you take a certain dose of my dung every day eat some of my dung and within a fortnight you will get there very hesitantly the pheasant started pecking at the dung and low on the very first day he reached the first branch of the tree within a fortnight he did reach the topmost branch of the tree so he went and sat on the topmost branch of the tree just beginning to enjoy the scenery the old farmer who was rocking on his rocking chair saw a fat old pheasant sitting on topmost branch of the tree he pulled out his shotgun and shot the bird off the tree the moral of the story is many times even can get you to the top but never lets you stay there [Music] in so many ways you're trying to yourself into joyfulness you have gotten there many times but never stay there isn't it yes you can do this just by running on the beach by dancing by singing by drinking alcohol by taking a drug by doing so many things it all gets you there for a moment but never lets you stay there isn't it yes or no the more you don't get to stay there the more and more desperate you're becoming with life now i'm talking about joyfulness what it is the many many ways to look at this one simple way is [Music] let's say right now you lost your peace if you lose your peace what happens with your life first you today go home and yell at somebody at your home your husband your children or your wife or whoever is theirs if it continues tomorrow morning you pick a quarrel with your neighbor if it continues then you go to your office and yell at your boss the moment you yell at your boss everybody knows that you need medical help yes when you yelled at your husband's wife they thought it's normal [Music] but the moment you yell in a place where there is going to be serious consequences for you people know you need medical help isn't it so they took you to your doctor initially the doctor tries to talk you out of it but you won't budge the last thing is you throw a pill into this pill is what just a little bit of chemicals isn't it if you throw this pill into you you do become peaceful maybe not forever for a short period of time you do become peaceful it is working that's why so many people are popping it isn't it it's definitely working maybe just for a short while but it is working so just a little bit of chemicals is bringing peace into you or in other words peace is a certain kind of chemistry isn't it [Music] if peace is chemistry isn't turmoil another kind of chemistry yes isn't joy another kind of chemistry isn't misery another kind of chemistry agony another kind and ecstasy another kind every human experience has a chemical basis to it now i am talking about creating the right kind of chemistry within you where to be peaceful and blissful it's just natural to you you just create the right kind of chemistry now this is the way you are this is not something that you pursue outside we have engineered the world today in many ways so that it functions better for us isn't it we have done nothing about ourselves engineering fundamentally means to create situations the way we want it isn't it we have strived hard to create external situations the way we want it but our inner situations are not the way we want it what's the point now we are sitting the kind of climate that we want in the outside but the inner climate is not good this doesn't work isn't it it doesn't matter where you are you are sitting in in a palace or in heaven but your inner situation is not good now it doesn't matter isn't it yes people are wanting to go to heaven why because they've made a hell out of themselves obviously who told you this is not heaven how do you know how do you know that you are not already in heaven and making a hell out of yourself because all the misery that you have ever experienced has happened only in your mind isn't it so where is the manufacturing unit for all the human misery that's happening on this planet california [Music] where is it it's in your mind isn't it this mind could have been a ladder to the divine this mind could have been a source of ecstasy but this mind has become a source of misery for most people tension anxiety depression why you just don't know how to handle it isn't it yes you just don't know how to handle it this is a miracle which has gone wrong [Music] with the humanity human mind has gone wrong isn't it so this is actually a miracle you could use this to make anything this moment if you want you can make yourself absolutely ecstatic with the same mind isn't it so with the same mind this moment you can become depressed and totally lost both are possible right now if you're willing yes or no so why has it gone wrong this is simply because without understanding the nature of this body without understanding the nature of this mind without understanding the nature of how this one exists within itself we are just trying to live by accident we're just hoping everything will be okay they have been telling you for thousands of years don't worry god will take care of you everything will be okay everything will be okay look at the world and tell me what people are going through your life within how joyful you are how peaceful you are happens to you only to the extent you understand and only to the extent you handle it to what extent you're capable of handling it only to that extent only to that depth you will know life otherwise you will not know anything beyond that for example the mind how we are handling it let's look at this to the nature of the mind is anything and everything your five senses come in touch with your mind collects most of the impressions that you have gathered in your mind are unconscious every waking moment and every sleeping moment of your life whatever comes in touch with the five sense perceptions is recorded every sound every smell every touch every sight that you have gathered is all there in your mind some of them you are able to pull back and use much of it you're not able to pull back but it is functioning it is creating impact on you in so many different ways all these impressions so this mass of impressions that come in you have no discretion about what to take in and what not to take in whoever comes your way will stuff something into your head and go you can't stop it if you say i do not like this person you cannot stop input from that person actually you will take in more from that person from than anybody else isn't it so your mind in one way is just society's garbage bin you can take garbage bin whatever the content of the garbage bin you can take it and make it wonderful manual for yourself or you can live in the garbage bin and struggle eternally this is the choice that you have so what you receive there is no choice about it everything that you come in touch with goes inside but you have the discretionary power to what to use and what not to use isn't it that is there but that discretion has been lost in lot of human beings that's why they become compulsive human beings [Music] just see how much of your life is compulsive how much of your life is conscious please look at this carefully observe yourself and see how much of you is happening consciously how much of you is happening compulsively you will see a large part of you is happening compulsively when you're happening compulsively you will not happen the way you want yourself isn't it see there's only one problem with your life life is not happening the way you think it should happen that's the only problem is there any other problem [Music] is there any other problems this is the only problem isn't it life is not happening the way you think it should happen in the same breath you claim you believe in god if you believe in god if it is not happening your way it must be happening his way you must be even more happy it's happening your god's way that's not the reality so world is not happening your way it's okay but now the problem is you are not happening your way this is the problem isn't it yes nobody in the world is happening your way please see nobody around you will happen 100 your way isn't it so yes nobody happens your way it's okay but this one person must happen your way if this one person doesn't happen your way you will become a tragedy that's the tragedy of humanity the world is not happening your way that is not the problem you are not happening your way that's the problem isn't it so if things happen to happen your way you have begun to understand in the world that you have to engineer it so that it happens your way now if you engineer your car properly if you turn it here you want it to go here it goes right there it's a good car otherwise you do it here it goes and turns there you know there were cars like that before [Music] yes do you know in 50s and 60s the american cars if you want to turn them there you have to turn them here not anymore isn't it because better engineering the same with you no inner engineering has been done for you isn't it just by accident you're trying to happen so what you gather is not the problem your ability to use what you want is a question isn't it isn't it good all the in the world you've gathered in your head it's best you collect it because if you don't know you will walk into it every day if you know all this you can see that you don't walk into those things isn't it yes see being free of something and being ignorant of something is very different yes you're ignorant of the ways of the world you will bump into it today or tomorrow you know all the crooked ways of the world but you don't give in to that you consciously not there in it that's a different thing isn't it so suffering is not conscious if you're suffering in some way that means that part of you has become unconscious isn't it so nobody consciously creates suffering for himself does he does he if different levels of suffering are happening that simply means different levels of unconsciousness exists within you isn't it what is conscious within you that part of you you will keep it the way you want it is it so is it so whatever is conscious within you those parts of you you will keep it the way you want it whatever is unconscious those parts you are not able to keep it the way you want it so all that you have to do with your life is make more and more of you conscious if you strive to make this whole thing absolutely conscious this will be 100 the way you want it this one piece of life will happen exactly the way you want it when that happens i have absolute confidence in you that you will make yourself into an absolutely blissful human being there's no question about that we prioritized and curated key findings into practical summaries that you can immediately use to implement what you've learned [Music]