Emerging Trends & Technologies in Higher Education Webinar

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Welcome. To this very special Tech Week 2019. Webinar, emerging. Trends, and technologies, in higher education with. Guest presenters, dr. Vickie cook and Rhea Schroeder, this. Webinar is brought to you by human, resources, instructional. Technology, the. Library, and the academy for Teaching Excellence at, Harper College, my. Name is Melissa Basinger, and I am an instructional design, specialist, in the academy for teaching excellence, it. Is my distinct. Pleasure to introduce our presenters, today dr.. Vickie cook and Rhea Schroeder. Dr.. Vickie cook is the executive, director of the Center for online learning research. And service, or colors, an associate. Research professor in, the College of Education at, the University of Illinois Springfield. Vicki. Has been actively engaged providing, consulting, and faculty, development with, educational, leaders across the u.s. and in Mexico. She. Worked as part of a team that authored, the university, professional, and continuing, education association. Upc-a. Hallmarks. Of excellence, in online leadership, she. Teaches online, in the Masters of Arts and Education graduate. Degree program at UIs. Vicki. Has served on several regional, and national committees. As well as having been a longtime member of the Illinois Council on continuing, higher education, serving. In multiple, roles on the executive board, Vicki. Serves on the board for upc-a has, served as a mentor for the Association, for continuing, and higher education is, a member. Of the online learning consortium. And has, served on program, steering, committees for the upc-a annual, conference, and OLC, annual conference. Race, Schroeder is professor, emeritus associate. Vice chancellor, for online learning at UIs and senior, fellow founding, director, of the U the National Council for online learning at upc-a, his. Career and publications, focus, on the application of technology, to enhance teaching and learning, Rey, founded, the UIs office, of technology, enhanced, learning in 1997. Which, later became colors, combining. Support for the essential, online faculty responsibilities. Into one unit, Rey, has been recognized, with many awards for his work and, including the 2018. Albert Nelson Marquis Who's. Who worldwide, Lifetime, Achievement Award. Recognizing. More than 20 years of leadership in the field and the, 2016. United, States distance, teaching and learning Association, Hall of Fame Award for. Significant, contributions, to the field of distance learning through, leadership technology. Research, and teaching, I'm. Afra Harper College ironic Center very warm welcome Oh Vicky, and Ray.

Before. I turn it over to Vicky I'll just take a moment to look at the agenda for our webinar today. Vicky. Will start by discussing how students today are changing, and what that means for higher education, will. Hold a Q&A session with Vicky during, which you can type your questions for her into the chat area we'll. Then turn it over to Ray who will discuss up-and-coming, technological. Changes impacting, higher education, we. Will conclude with a Q&A session with Ray, so. At this time we'll. Give a moment for. Vicki. To share her presentation, materials, and I will post a link to those presentation, materials in the chat and posting that right now and I, will turn it over to, Vicki, good. Morning it's, good to be with you all we're, going to be talking about Generation. Z students. And. Then. We'll find out a little bit about. Why, students. Are a little different than what we've seen in the past, before. We start I want to mention that we always use, a web tool. Using. Google Sites to, provide, our presentation. Content that. Way you all can. Use. That information however. You'd, like to in the future you can go back to it you can refer to it you can share it on and so, you have the link to the site and you'll, be able to utilize, that if you want to check anything out as you go forward let's. Start, by. Looking, at. I. Have. Lived long enough to see the same eyes and, different people. I see. Your eyes. I know, your. Eyes. Our wars the force awakens. Every. Generation has a story, to tell do, we have some Star Wars fans, in. The audience today, I want. To make sure that you understand, that when we think about our students, whether they're online or, whether, they're face-to-face we. Need to think about the eyes of, our students, our students. Aren't the computer, screen that we're looking at I'm, not standing talking right now to a screen, I'm talking. To the people on the other side of the screen so, we want to make sure that we remember our students, eyes what. Happens, to those students, in their, individual, lives is what they bring into the classroom and, that's, regardless of, whether they're face to face or online so. As we think about our, students. In context. Let's, think about that our students, want to be learn what to learn they don't want to be taught. Generation. Z students. Are those students, who were born between, 1955. And, 2012. They, are right now around twenty four years of age and they, are students, who are very cognizant. Of digital. Of the. Digital world and what is happening. In the world they. Know exactly how. To connect, using. Digital. Devices. They. Know what, is going on both. Physically. And digitally. So. They look at. Learning. Very differently, than previous generations did. Typically. They're going to hold 17. Jobs they're. Going to have five careers, and they're, learning at a time when. Automated. Intelligence. And. Augmented. Reality and. Many. Other forces, are playing on the classroom, as well as life in general andraia will go into many of those things when he talks about emerging. Trends. And emerging ideas. In. The. Digital world but these, students, have been called fidget --all and i've included a link here that you might find interesting. Regarding. A fidget. 'el student, one, that both, present. In the physical, world and present. In the digital world in. This, particular, author's, view there. Are a few things that we can think about regarding. How we interact, with, this generation, of students, number. One digital is king everything. Really needs. To be connected, to the digital world and, many. Of you know that this this particular, generation. Is often. Cited. As not, being, terribly. Attentive. To what is going on in the physical, world the. Truth of the matter is is that with Generation Z you have 8 to 10 seconds, to actually catch the student. At the.

End Of that 8 to 10 seconds, they will go on to something else, if. Their attention, has not been caught so. It isn't that they don't have an attention span it's, that, you have a very short time frame to, actually, catch their, interest. To draw, them in to, a particular. Topic. Or learning. Activity. Additionally. This since this particular, generation. Is very insistent. On, having an, individualized. Approach. To. Life they. Have, been given a lot of individualization. In, their. K12. Experience, they. Learned how, to. Really. Look, what, they were doing, as, part. Of a group but also how. That affected. Them as individuals. So. Individualization. Is, critical. When we think about planning, for. Activities. And assessments. In our, classes. There. Are a, number of ways, that we can do that adaptive. Learning is, one way that we can make learning. Much, more individualized. But. You don't have to go the entire adaptive. Learning route, you want to make particular. Assessments. And assignments. More. Customizable. By, allowing students. To, choose. What are some ways that they can show, that they have mastered, particular. Learning. Outcomes. Finally. Real. World relevance, is, so critically, important. To this generation, this. Is a generation that. Has. Had some, significant. Experiences. That have played upon their, developed, many. Of them were in kindergarten, when. That. 9/11. Happened, and the Twin Towers came. Down and, over and over and over they. Saw. The. Twin Towers falling. On TV. That's. What they heard in the news when, they were five and six years old then. In 2008. We had a major recession, and that, caused, families. To lose homes. Parents. To lose jobs, the. Economy was, no longer, stable, and this, generation, has. Dealt, with those types, of, instanced. Ability, in I can't. Speak this morning unstable. Approaches. In their, lives, and it has made them, very, cognizant. Of the fact that there are definitely winners, and losers in life there. Are things that are not going to go well and they can't depend, on the economy, to, always, be the way that it is today. They. Also are dealing with more student, debt than has ever been dealt with in the past and, so, they have some very, difficult. Choices to make when they think about being. Connected. To an institution. For, four years in order, to receive. A degree so. How can your. Institution. Help. Them understand. What. They need to, be able to get a good job what, do they need to be able to make, enough money to pay back their student loans to, take care of their families, how. Can they be more entrepreneurial. This. Particular generation, also is, looking for ways that, they can both. Complete. A bachelor's degree program. Be. Well employed. Perhaps, have a second, job or a third, job to assist, with making. Money, to be able to pay off student loans. That. Has been termed in many ways the slash degree, and. The. Slash degrees, used to be called moonlighting. But, today. Students. Are looking for degree opportunities. That will allow them to be a teacher slash, photographer. An accountant. Slash. Waiter. They. Want to be able to have very. Good, experiences. Across, the board that will help them build skills, in multiple. Ways and they, are very very entrepreneurial. In being able to do that. Most. Of these students. Entered. College, between 2013. And 2014. So. When, you think about students. Who are currently in your classrooms. Even though we often have. Multi-generational. Classrooms. Our youngest. Students, are part. Of this generation, Z. Generation. Z students, are, more. Alike. Baby, Boomers than, either of the previous two, generations. That exists, between the. Djinn Z students, and the baby boomer students, so, it is really important, to think about, how. You can, use that. Connecting. Point for, baby boomers and Gen Z students, as you think about how, you build, activities. And sharing. Opportunities, within your classroom. Whatever. You look at it is important, to be engaged and increased student engagement, to. Launch students.

Into Successful, careers. More. Than any other time in history that is very important, to this generation. Take. A look at this video and make, sure that you read the captions. That go with it. So. The CEO of. Project. Tomorrow has, a great quote she said heads today have grown up with technology they're. Looking for experiences. That, use technology, purposefully. And not frivolously. And this. This, generation, is all about purposefulness. They are not about, frivolity. In any in any, part of their lives if you saw on the YouTube. Video that I just shared with you one of the things they want to be is relevant. They, really, want to be relevant to, the society, they, want to be relevant, in every, aspect, of their life they want to make a difference, so this, this, particular group, of students, is really more, connected. And more able to understand. How, their actions play, upon not, only their local. Situation. But also the global. Promise. Of the world and what that means is that these are students who are really interested, in projects. And opportunities. To learn and grow outside. Of the classroom, experience, or, learning is extremely. Important, to this students. So. Let's talk a little bit about how college is different today than it was in, the past for. First, more, students, are going to college than ever before, between 2000. And 2017. We, saw an increase of 5.1. Million students. College. Is more competitive, than, ever acceptance. Rates at competitive, colleges, have actually, decreased. College. Is more expensive, we've, talked a little bit about that already, every. Time that you read, anything, in higher ed you see more information, about the debt load that students carry college. Tuition, has more than doubled, since 1985. And, the. Stat isn't listed but the assistance. With scholarships, and with, federal. Grants has decreased. And so that, makes it even more difficult, for students who are trying to pay for their tuition textbooks. Cost. Much, more text, costs, are up. 812. Percent. Since. 1985. There, are two particular. Content. Areas, where, students. Drop, out significantly. Simply. Because, of, textbook. Costs, and the, first one is computer science and the, second one is business and those. Two. Disciplines, have. The most, that. The textbooks, that have actually, increased, the, most in the, past 10 years, more. Technology, is used in teaching and learning I'm sure that all of you today would, say that you are using more technology now. Than you've used in the past five. To ten years we. Are using, technology, we also have more technology tools, to use and again, ray will touch on some of those when. He talks but there are there's, a plethora of. Technology. Tools that people can use and many of those are free. Online. Learning is a huge factors, 69. Percent, of Millennials think. They learn better with technology, than. From people, of, this. Particular. Survey. That was done fifty, percent of the respondents, were, older, than 45 when. They said that. Students. Are more diverse, than ever, in, 1970. We had 15%, diversity, in 2018. 42%. Of diversity, among students. In. 1970. Less than half of the students in college, were female and in, 2018, more than half are female. Fewer. Students, today identified, with organized, religion in, 2005. More than 25, percent identified. With organized, religion in, 2014. Less than 16, percent of students identified, with a specific organized. Religion. Organization. And students. Experience, stress levels, at higher levels, today than, ever before.

Seventy To eighty percent of students, have a job while attending, school with, chads2 the stress and forty, percent of them work more than 30 hours a week again, going back to trying. To. Provide. For. The cost of the education. So. I want to finish, my, component. Of of. This particular, section. Of your webinar today by, showing a video to give. You some, idea. Of. Of. What an eight-year-old who, was born in 2005. He's little older than that now obviously, he's 14, what, but he was 8 when he when, he recorded, this video and he, provides a lot of insight, into what. Jin, Zee is. Our. Feelings, and cuts. But. We will spend at least 20%. Of. On. To show me. Into. My gadgets, also. Has a bad impact. Windows. And. Use organics. All. Those. Yes. Oh. Howdy. And. A, pair of shots. Is. A Facebook, and you okay. I. Hope. You found the insight, into. Generation, Z by, a person. Who is part of generation Z interesting. One, of the things that, he. Noted in there was the lack of social, skills and this is a topic. That comes up regularly. These. Students, have not been. Not. Have not grown up in an, era. Where they are, taught. To look, at someone as they speak with them they're looking at the phone and speaking. With people on the phone they. Haven't been taught to be able to shake hands and greet people in a particular way, those, are all things that are needed in the workforce. And so, those, need to become part. Of activities. And. Ability. That you have in, your classroom to add those, components. So that you can engage more effectively in. Social. Communication in. Face-to-face, environments. If. You are teaching online, having. Them do interviews. Where you spell, out have, you have, you walked up to the person introduced, yourself and shake in their hand those are the types of things that are, important. To put into our curricula. As we, are teaching, other subjects. I've, included, a number of different additional, readings, in case any of you are working on advising, and student success. There, are a number of links. To articles. And. Resources. That you can use here. Additionally. I've included some books, that I would encourage you to read certainly. Robot, proof of Higher Education by, Joseph, Allen who is the president, of Northeastern. University is. One, that I would encourage all faculty and. Have to read in higher education I think. That this is the, the, current. Environment. With what digit, with what technology. Is doing to, our world and how it, will continue to change our world is vitally. Important, ray, is going to share with you a number, of those changes, and how those things will, impact, not.

Only Generation. Z but. The next generation, as well, so. With that I will open to any questions. There's. Much Mickey and any. Of our attendees if you have questions, we'll take a couple for Vicki on generation. Z students, before. We move. On to raise part of the presentation, I did. Have one question Vicki while waiting for our. Attendees to type in, you. Had. Talked. About great. Characteristics. Of Gen Z students and maybe some of their learning preferences, I know that you're teaching faculty, at UIs. In, the graduate program have you noticed Gen Z students. In, your graduate program and could, you give maybe like one or two examples of specific ways you've changed, either. Your teaching style or your assignments. To better respond, to your gen Z students, I'm, sure, so some of the things that I, found, helpful when working with students, is to allow. Them, creativity. In using, different digital, devices so. Rather than having something that's device, specific. Let. Them have the creativity. To, use a device, to. Show. How, they have mastered a particular outcome, for, instance, perhaps I, want. Them to write a paper, about, a. Particular. Theory. In English. As a second language learning, but instead, of saying a paper I will ask them to produce. A, product, that. Will, show, that they have mastered, that content, area so some of them may choose a paper others. May choose to build a website others, may choose to create a video and, so, allowing, them, the opportunity. To utilize, digital. Tools to. Show me that they have mastered, that content, has been one very, well-received, way of working, with students, to allow them to be, very creative and this generation, particularly, loves, the creativity, that is provided, through tools that, are available on, their, phones but certainly, through. Other means as well. Awesome. Thank you and I noticed our. Simulcast. Added on that the multiple, means of representation. Which, is coming from the Universal, Design for Learning principles, and, engagement, do. You see those I, would think having a big impact on how we approach then, Gen, Z as as, educated. Absolutely. And Universal. Design is. Certainly. Something that all, generations. Will. Will. Actually, find positive, as we use. Universal. Design principles in our courses, that, will help all of our students to be able to learn more effectively and, utilize. The, learning, techniques, that really work for them you, know we talked a little bit I just, briefly, mentioned. The idea of, customization. And having. Different, pathways, to learning also, helps, our students, some, students, may learn, by, reading others, may learn by, hearing, others. May learn by, doing and. So, if we need to approach. The way that we provide, content. So, that we have content, that's available that. Can be read. Maybe, through an, accessibility, reader, or perhaps. We have podcasts, that are posted, if we, do provide podcasts. We also need to provide the, script. So that if, necessary, we can go back and read that if, we, have opportunities. For students, to use various. Modalities, to. Input. In take the content, area, that will help them in really. Customizing. Their educational. Experience, and being able to learn more deeply. Thank. You very much my. One question from Maria as, a millennial I remember using technology, and teachers, using traditional, classroom tools would. My generation, be considered, fidget, all. You. Are right on the, cusp Maria, so it would depend on whether, you're an older, millennial, or a younger, millennial, there are actually, three, different segments. Of the Millennial, Generation. There's, the oldest, generation that is most like Gen X there's a very middle, point, of Millennials, who, both were, adapting. To, the. Idea, of technology. And and, really. Had technology, played a whole lot of. Importance. In the way that they were, being, taught. In k-12, education and, then, the youngest millennial, group is really, most like the Jin Z group, in the fact that they used a lot of Technology. In both. K-12 and certainly when they got to, college so. It's very, very possible that you were also in the digital generation, Thank. You Vicki and we have a question from our simulcast, group they, asked are there still students in Gen Z that prefer traditional methods of course.

There Are always, always, in, any generation, that you talk about you. Have some of the veteran, generation, who loves technology, you, have people. At all ages so, when we talk about. Different. Generations, we are talking, about a. Generalization. Of characteristics, and, so, no one group of characteristics. Is going to describe everyone. Within a generation, and some, Jin Z students, do indeed love a traditional. Approach and, hopefully. Many of them have learned, to. Love reading, and will, continue to read whether on a device or in a book but, the, whole idea that. That. A generation. Has certain characteristics, is, is, very broad, and we should never lose track of the fact that our, students are individuals. And we should approach, as much, as possible with, a variety of, teaching. Techniques, and not to a simple, subscription. To only one thing to. Vickie and we'll take one more question for. You and then move on to Ray so, great Stephanie. Heard one of our English faculty, she. Says I'm English. They're teaching mostly composition, courses, I'm. Interested. In learning and implementing multiple, means of engagement in, the classroom what. Might be some options for a composition, classroom since, it would seem difficult to, allow students to present via, video or non written methods in a writing course, sure. That's that's, a really. Good question one. Of the things that, can, be done is, to provide video, feedback, to, the student, on their. Composition, so. Sometimes, what, you're doing is, you are adding, in content. That is presented through. Different, modalities, or you are providing, direct feedback from, students, in different modalities so. If your students are preparing. And writing, their content, and you, provide a video of. Yourself or, a podcast, of yourself providing, feedback that's, another way to mix it up a little bit additionally. It's really important, to, realize that especially. In a cop class you can use a lot of different types of writing tools and technology. That allows, students, to do things that, can be very creative such, as using, I authored. Allow. Them to bring in a number, of different, images and, techniques. To. To. Enhance, the text that they're learning to write, their. Fall and I'm sure our, simulcast. Group kind of piggyback on that and give some other options, even. Having the students, write scripts for videos or do storyboarding. Or other ways to write but still give, those different options at, one good. Idea much, so. At this time I will turn the presentation over. To Ray thank you very much, Vicki, and. Ray. Welcome, hi, thank, you and it's great to be here and I, certainly, want. To say, thanks, to my, colleague, Vicki Cooke as well as Keri eleven our assistant, director of colors who, are both here and, as. We, do this. Webinar. I. Would. Like to add just. One. Reinforcement. He. Said about her presentation. Style for. The last dozen, years. When we present we, we, tend to use well. Previously, bloggers, but then websites. And we, believe, that this platform is, far. Better than PowerPoint lists with, an emphasis on, pointless because. PowerPoint. Is static, and, it. It can't easily, be updated, its it. Forces, you, as an audience to follow us but, right now you can be scrolling down clicking. On links, and playing videos. And, you, know you can follow your interest, and that's really our goal in these, presentations. And I think, that that fits us very well. I'm, talking about technologies, but I, will, say I'm not going to talk about specific. Apps. Because. Apps. Come, and go. Specific. Technologies, come and go but, I want to talk kind, of emphasize a couple of trends. One. In the area of artificial, intelligence the, other in. As. We, take a look at the next step in, computing. And moving, to quantum, computing and how that's, going to impact us. So. Let me begin with this very, brief, introduction, of Education. 4.0. And looking. At the future. The. Speed of the coming together of technologies.

Globalization. And people, thinking, in different ways in terms of expectations. And aspirations. Means. That we have to learn new things and, learning in different ways you, know it took us thousands. Of years to move from caveman, to, create the car and then, it took us tens of years to move from car to aeroplane, and then it took us a few years to move from aeroplanes - to, computers, and you. See this shortening. Of time all the time and therefore, the shortening, of education, is responding. To that shortening, of the way in which the world is changing, so it's the speed of technology and it's the speed of adoption, of new technology, which, is making it happen we. Used to go to school and then we went to university, or business school and then we think we don't need to learn anymore for the rest of our lives but. We're all going to live to a hundred or more and, so, we're going to go through many many phases of change. In our own lives and our own careers so, we're gonna have to keep learning and keep moving forwards but, learning in this new way it's, incredibly. Exciting what. We need to do is to start making sense of the changing, world and making sense of the new opportunities, for us we. Shouldn't be intimidated. By the world we, shouldn't feel as though we have to learn everything, but. What we should have is our own vision what do we want to achieve how, could we make the world better and how, do we want to live our lives and then, find the knowledge and find the skills when we need them in order, to help us to do that. Well. Most. Prescient, as described. There the, the idea of living. A hundred years and there's a wonderful. Book. Out that has driven a lot of discussion, in our field a hundred year, life. Which. Has led to the 60 year learner and. The. Concept, that in fact because, in part of technology, first medical. Technology, which, is allowing the, life expectancy. For everyone, born after the, year 2000. In this country, to, expect, a hundred. Year life. But. Also broadly, in. Employment. And in. Business. And industry that. The, advent, and the, continuing. Development, of. Technology, will. Require, students, to come back to us at our. Colleges. In, order to obtain. Certifications. And. Update. Their learning for new jobs such. As, was. Described, by Vicky, we. Also are moving from a push, approach, to appalled reality, and I often, talk about this as if we were in. One. Of my favorite fields, donut. So, if we're Krispy, Kreme Doughnuts. We've, been pushing out Donuts and and selling. Them to the public. Take, it or leave it, and come. To our College or not but. A. Couple, of things have happened because. Of the rapidity of change in. The. Fields. We're. Selling, now day old and gas. Week. Old Donuts that is we may be actually. Delivering. Degrees. Our, associates. May be in fact, out. Of date before those students hit the field, but. Also. Students. Are coming and choosing. They. Have. A broad, selection it's. Not like it was 25. Years ago, when, you, would go to the nearest campus. Now, you can, simply go online and, get, a plethora, of, options, including. 5000. MOOCs out their entire. Degrees. Delivered. By Coursera, and edex, and, Udacity. And others. So. So. The, whole field, is is really. Changing. As. Described, here 15. Or more employers, now, of, these top employers. And, includes, IBM, you can click on that I guess I will for for just a second, but. You. Might look, at Google, or you might look at IBM. Or, Ernst. And Young and, you know what they say no degree. No, problem, you, know we'll hire you you don't need a degree to. Work for us and so that's, that's, a real challenge so. Let's see here, do, I get is that work yes. I'm. Back good okay yeah, so I. Mentioned. Some of the fields that we should be working for and, with our blockchain and, high, demand fields, and. Certainly, incorporating. Technologies. As we move forward the, ones that are going to be in demand. Harvard, Business Review and by the way I put the dates on many of these try, keep current most of these are in the last two months. Does Higher Ed still prepare people for jobs, and, there's a real question about that certainly. Employers, are wondering, whether, we're really doing, our job, as they hope we will.

Chris. DD at Harvard also, has, described. The 60-year, curriculum. The idea that a student, will enter Harper, for example, perhaps, when they're 18 or 17, dual. Credit, maybe 16, but. They'll. Continue, with. Our until, they're 77. Because their, life expectancy, is, a. Hundred, years, so, we're going to need to. To. Serve learners, much longer, than, we have in the past and that's, driven, by technology. Well. Some. Upskilling, and and others, and you can drill down into those I'm. Gonna play a portion of this next. Video I think it's important, for us to, understand. The. Essence, of artificial, intelligence I think many of us look at that is a kind, of a cloud. Or a, blob, AI, does, this so I just ask AI and, they'll do this and we, don't have a sense of how it all connects, and so. This is artificial, intelligence for, people. In a hurry however. You. Know and it's quite condensed, and I found, I needed, to look at it a couple or three times but, let me just give you this brief, first. Half of this of this, five-minute video. Artificial. Intelligence, for people, in a hurry the. Easiest, way to think about artificial, intelligence is in, the context, of a human after. All humans, are the most intelligent creatures, we know off, AI. Is a broad branch of computer science, the. Goal of AI is, to create systems that can function intelligently. And independently. Humans. Can speak and listen to, communicate, through language, this. Is the field of speech recognition. Much. Of speech recognition is, statistically. Based. Hence, it's called statistical. Learning. Humans. Can write and read text in a language this. Is the field of NLP or natural. Language processing. Humans. Can see with their eyes and, process. What they see this. Is, the field of computer vision. Computer. Vision falls under, the symbolic, way for computers to process information. Recently. There has been another way which, I'll come to later, humans. Recognize, the scene around them through, their eyes which. Create images, of that world, this. Field of image processing which. Even though is not directly related to AI is required. For computer vision. Humans. Can understand. Their environment and move, around fluidly. This. Is the field of Robotics. Humans. Have the ability to see patterns such. As grouping. Of like objects. This. Is a field, of pattern, recognition. Machines. Are even better at pattern recognition because. They can use more data and, dimensions. Of data, this. Is a field of machine learning I encourage. You to go through this so you get a sense of deep, learning, and. Machine. Learning which. Are the key, components more. Likely, those are what are driving. What you're, looking. At in and. Calling, artificial. Intelligence, and, here's an article on machine. And deep learning. Delivering. Opportunities, at scale with the help of AI one, of the things that's really going on is. Kind. Of this exciting, experiment.

Started. Four years ago at, Georgia, Tech professor. Asha Cole in this video. Also. Describes, it he is professor. Of computer science many, of you know at Georgia through. Udacity. With their help and the, help of AT&T, developed. A an ant, scale master's, program, in computer. Science and. He. Even. Had to teach his class on artificial intelligence to. A group of. 400 students, well, he was given 60 days and he added. 178. Is to teach these 400, students, one, of his was not so good Jill as he describes, was. Kind, of bumbling and, not, not really up to the task but by the end of the semester was, so good that she was nominated for TA of the year but of course you'll note the, name over here is Jill Watson, and she. Was a Watson, computer. Program, that answered. Questions, from the students handled. The discussion, board along with the six other TAS. Not, a single, student raised in this, artificial. Intelligence class suspect, that she, might in fact not be human. Very. Successful, and I've, had the opportunity to meet with Asha three. Times now and and he's. Developing. His. Program, so that it, can, run. On. The other, platforms. And could. Be as, little, as, $15,000. So, for. Example, Harper, could purchase, this program, for assistant, students, in discussion, boards at, that price point that. That, could be very exciting, then. That raises a question could, a I replace, our teachers well not. Likely or not soon, maybe. In some classes that that, is possible but. What we're seeing much more of is, that, they can in fact provide. Us, the. The. Ability to personalize, learning which. Is if, you will the holy grail in, education. Be able to teach one-on-one, instead. Of aiming at the average, in a class or the, top of the class at the bottom of the class to, be able to adapt our materials, and, oh. I'll. Leave this video it's a very good one I encourage. You to take a look at that as well and. The promise of personalized, learning I had. Just, recently. Written, an article in Inside Higher Ed this, year on that very topic. There. Are some that suggest rather than AI we, should have I a. As. Described. Here. And tie a is. Intelligence. Amplification. Artificial. Intelligence, right now we, see out of I a the. Doctor's office where, the doctor is typing. On a computer or, maybe leaves. The exam room and looks. Up things online and. Gets. Information and, then, we, transmit, sit or applies it to you in the, form of prescriptions. And, treatments. There. Is some concern that has been expressed by. Stephen. Hawking the, late Stephen Hawking, among others. Including. Bill. Gates. Elon. Musk Steve. Wozniak, we're, concerned, that AI is so powerful, it could, get out of out, of control if, we don't carefully, monitor. What's. Going on in AI and and that, we continue, to. Administer. AI. Well. I think what's most, important, in the near future and we're, going to see it rolling out this year is, quantum. Quantum computing. And. The. The, significant. Advent. Of, quantum. Computing, is that. It uses qubits, so, we're all familiar with bits bits, which provide, us a 1 or a 0 well, qubits. Which are if you will the bits used by quantum computers, give, the one in the 0 but also, 1, and 0, and also. A kind of a phasing or probability. Of the use of 1. And 0 and so, this, allows so. Much, more. Processing. Power storage. Power for. Quantum, computing it will, ramp up what we're doing, by, gosh. Ten thousandfold. Truly. It's it's just a massive, change that, we're going to begin seen, there, are two hints in this video I'll show you just the first AI. In 2019. Hot. Dog not hot dog at the, same time, what's. That hot dog not, hot dog at the same time but, what he's talking about is quantum, right hot, dog now that had to it and. The third. Factor. Is the. World, it's Suraj and 2019. Is gonna be an incredible year for the AI community, I'm gonna briefly recap, some of the major highlights, in the field from, 2018, then use some, of those highlights to make ten predictions on, what's, gonna happen in 2019. The subset, of AI deep learning has accounted for the majority of the public discourse on AI in 2018. We've, seen some incredible new, applications. Of it so far but let, me start by stating something that might, shock, you even. Though I'm ethnically, Indian, my mom was born in Kenya, which technically, makes me an African American, besides, okay, I'm stopping with, that piece that.

Note. He is Indian. He's also, concurrently. African. American that can be stored. On one qubit and it's, phenomenal the speed, of these computers, I would, suggest that you carefully look at these, questions and. After. Just, pointing out a couple of these I'm gonna stop, what. Are you doing to assure that you're teaching and also, how you're teaching is going to be relevant to graduates. In this context. In five, years is. Our pedagogy, advancing. And adapting, to the. Kind of learning that we're going to see among. Those 60 year learners are we sure the career path that we're preparing, is going to be there in five years are, we preparing, our colleagues, to keep up with a rate of change and the, like so, these. I think are important, questions we, we just don't have the time for them. Here's, our. Contact information and I'm, going to stop now. Thank. You so much raid there's some amazing. Things to think about at. This point I'll open it up to our attendees, if you have any questions. For Ray before. We close out, while. I'm waiting for any attendees, to type you mentioned briefly at the beginning the. Black chain of Education I know I've heard, you speak about that and other times. Could, you just say, in, I, don't know how brief it can be to talk about Black team but how that impacting, education, today sure sure, in 30 seconds, or less a. Blockchain. Is a secure. Ledger, it's. Not, totally, unlike the Internet but it is totally secure, it, is what drives Bitcoin. It is, the vehicle for us to share transcripts. To, share. Information. With others that is secured. In, a, network so that you. Can build. Upon that. Ledger. For, an individual, and what it will do is it, will allow your students, and our students, to, take MOOCs. From, Harvard. From. The. University, of Pennsylvania from. You. Name it from, major universities and. In, essence, add them, to their transcript. To their virtual transcript. Saying. Thank you um, we have one final, question I'll take on the simulcast group, on what, might be some methods for adapting, teaching materials, to become a more personalized, learning experience. Yeah. I think we're. Going to see is using, AI in, order, to. Address. These, needs. Of students so you. Know certainly, there, is adaptive. Learning available, now smart. Sparrow is when we looked into Newton. Is another that's, largely, I think still. Provided. Through a big publisher, which, publisher is that a Oh Pierson. Yeah, so. So. They're. Those technologies, are there what, they do adaptive. Learning based. On the answers the students, give they. Help, guide them in tutorials. At the level to. Help. Help. Them overcome the. Misunderstanding. The deficit, and understanding. That. They represent in the way in which they answered the question, so, yes. Certainly we can use AI and adaptive, learning but. With, quantum, computers, and with. AI as, it, becomes. Even more robust, we'll, be able to berola provide this to. Students, on a daily. Basis, in our classes. Adaptive, learning also helps customize, the content for, jimsy oh yeah. Okay yes and Vicky. Says yes and Gen Z it, helps, customize, the content for. Gen Z. As. I heard Vicky echoing, in and. That's. Great. So. At. This point I'd really like, to thank. Vickie. And Ray and. Carrie also for your help today. Thank. You so much for your time and sharing all, of your fantastic, expertise. Thank. You to all of our attendees, both, virtually. And in the live session, we. Will provide, a recording, of this webinar soon. On hip, and then the Academy for teaching excellence webpage, will, also provide the link to Vicki, and Ray's presentation. Web, site so, the links to all of the videos both, the ones that they showed and. The other ones that are in there will be available for you to watch but. I hope you all enjoyed. This, webinar we've got more Tech Week events going on all week. You, can search for tech week on hip to get the full schedule so, Vicki and Ray thank you so much for being here today it was wonderful, thank. You for inviting us thank you. Absolutely. And with that we will close out our webinar, for today hope everyone has, a wonderful rest. Of their day thank, you all.


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