Emerging Technologies in Mobile Development With Olarewaju Gideon Oyindamola

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[Music] hi hi good evening yeah welcome to  today's episode or in Tech with oo um I Amo   Inola thank you for honoring our invitation  thank you so much honor and invitation okay   uh yeah thank you so today's episode right will be  on uh mobile development and it will be the topic   is on imagine Technologies in um mobile app  development basically and we know you to be a   mobile developer so that's why we we are actually  happy to have you on our podcast show so you can   educate our listeners on emerging Technologies  in Mobile development and how they can actually   basically work with Technologies the emerging  Technologies how they can work with them in their   own career path as a mobile developer so thank  you for invitation so um can you just kind of   give us like a brief introduction about yourself  about yourself as a mobile developer basically   yeah yeah hi everybody it's good to be here um  I'm G I've been a developer for 5 years plus now   I'm building mobile applications in the fintech  industry e-commerce industry and even logistic and   platforms yeah so that's a brief overview about  me um so today what I have for you is just simply   um to talk about imaging technology to mobile  development because most of us have our day-to-day   jobs and um we're often aake with our development  and we often only like work on on things that the   company we work for if the company is stuck in the  past then you actually have to just keep working   on that but you need to actually be evolving and  moving through the times so there are different   um applications and Technologies now that can be  used to enhance user experience and then and also   increase um user user um and also increase user  and engagement on on your applications yeah so the   first the first technology I'll be talking about  is um technology of them instant applications   this instant apps you must have seen them maybe  from maybe probably like you're playing a game   and an adver pops up and you are allowed to play  that game for like maybe a few seconds before it   tells you to G download so instant apps are like  apps that are like your traditional app that you   have to download for instant apps you don't  really have to download it you just have to   like click the link and you basically have a taste  or an experience of some parts of the application   without having to install it they are lightweight  and you can just quickly load it through a link   so that's basically what an instant application is  oh okay so um thank you for uh introducing the um   emerging Technologies in Mobile development and  you started with instant application yeah thank   you for that but um I would like to know what  makes instant have so um significant in mobile   app development landscape okay so there actually  more Technologies but okay since we start with   install apps so I'll just talk about that first so  what makes it significant um is how they provide   the kind of like seamless user experience so when  something is seamless it doesn't you don't have to   wait like it just works so the experience is kind  of seamless for a user because you don't have to   install it so you don't have to wait for it to get  installed and um you can try out the application   just like that so this actually leads to like  increased um user acquisition and engagement   because more people are able to and try your  app without having to download it because some   of us might just not feel like downloading that  application so that's where that comes in that's   instance and applications coming so often also  yeah so they also have another Advantage okay   which is it works on both your iOS devices and  your and your um Android device so it's it's   platform independent you can work on any platform  so it's kind of like an hybrid experience yeah   well um from a technical standpoint how do you how  do developers in this um aspect how do they create   insta apps CU I'm I'm trying to understand what  makes it different from like the usual application   basically okay so since you can only like view  or experience a part of the application so that   should give an idea that let you know that um  the app is actually being model modularized so   there there's if you're a developer you understand  what like a dynamic mod this so you can actually   have like a module that only um allows you to  experience this part or this feature for my   application so the way the way it is um it is done  is you it requires modularizing the the main app   into like smaller modules so these modules you can  call them um feature sets so each modu represents   like a specific functionality of that application  so by doing this you can actually ensure that only   the necessary part that you want to actually allow  the user to experience is is accessed by the user   that is that is trying to like access the Instant  application so once you have this feature sets you   can have links to these feature sets so you are  sure that um the user will only have um access to   that part of your application so as for maybe like  things like and challenges um that occur maybe the   developer probably needs like manage the size of  the instant application that's to like ensure it   remains responsive and also like fast to ensure it  remains fast and responsive so basically what this   means is you just need to like strike a balance  between offering um the experience that the user   can be attracted to before downloading your app  maybe like a and a feature that that makes sense   that you know that yes it can be engaging and  also keeping the uplight with yeah that's that's   basically what it is thank you um so before you  actually move to your other aspect of Technologies   in Mobile development a question just like hear  me now and the question is um can you kind of give   like a real life use cases where um this instant  applications have been used in particular maybe   to direct mobile developers to such kind of a use  case so they can understand it more appropriately   definitely definitely okay so instant apps have  actually proven to be effective in in various   Industries and for example in your e-commerce  sector maybe you are you're trying to like get   the user to just quickly browse your products  and they can even make purchases yeah without   having to download your your full application so  you can just have that feature set where they can   just quickly browse some some particular set of  products and actually purchase it without having   to download the full app in your another example  is um in your um travel industry you can have   access to features like flights or hotel bookings  so maybe you want to like get your user to like   book a flight or you want them to book um an hotel  room yeah so you can use use it in this in this   uh in this kind of scenario also you can use it  in um apps like maybe your news app maybe like   spot news or any kind of news maybe you just want  them to like read a particular news about maybe a   particular gener maybe sports or entertainment or  something like that so basically just um allows us   just benefits by delivering like immediate access  to articles or maybe and for your for your news   maybe you have a video a video article as well so  yeah so these are like real life use cases okay   thank you very much so you can actually continue  your emerging technology so we have to just CHP   into some questions so as our listeners can follow  properly yeah that's that's fine that's fine   that's cool okay so I would like to talk about  another imagin technology although this one has   been around for for while but I would still say  it's emerging because most people have not yet   adapted to it which is cross crossplatform and  development okay so for example you have mobile   applications that can run on multiple operating  systems like your iOS or your Android yet they   have a single code base unlike when you have your  native apps that you have to actually separate the   code base because that's what they require they  require separate code bases for each platform so   crossplatform apps enable you to have just one  code base which which um allows you to write the   code just once then you can deploy it across  different platforms so that's basically what   crossplatform applications are so it's just for  you to have one code base and you can deploy on   different platform different platforms yeah  yeah for example your IR and your Android platform okay so uh um what makes course  um platform app development so appealing to   developers and businesses okay this is um actually  a good question there are several several reasons   why why it makes it appearing to them so for  example first like this is like the most basic   the first the first example it reduces development  time and cost everybody will with me that cost is   important when you when you want to doel true yeah  and Business Development cost us to be be almost   number one but if you want but basically sh if you  actually want good code you need to spend money   but when we are talking in terms of crossplatform  app development it reduces development time   and cost because with a single code base your  developer can build apps for multiple platforms   and it also allows them businesses to like reach  a larger audience because you don't have to like   develop um on different platforms so you just  have basically one code base for different   platforms so this way cost is reduced because  businesses don't have to hire another developer   or another Android developer and because you want  to reach and audiences on different platforms so   you basically have just one code base so also  and react native and flutter for example they   offer native like performance and user experiences  so these Frameworks actually are attractive for   developers to to build crossplatform development  because of this reason okay thank you for that um   can you share some common a that developers face  and like what you feel that okay this practice can   actually help them overcome such orders yeah so  so um some problems them developers face when it   comes to the cross platform application basically  yeah okay so one of his problems is actually   maintaining maybe specific user interfaces and  experiences so while um having a crossplatform um   framework like or flter handles this for for them  automatically there are still some some platform   specific interfaces like there can be interfaces  that are specific for Android that might not be   on iOS so things like this might be an oo but the  best way to tackle issues like this is actually   to have to customize your UI components for each  of these platforms to ensure that the user has a   simless user experience another thing to consider  is um optimization which is a performance optim   optimization which is critical and very very yeah  it's help yeah so developers have like profile and   maybe f t their apps to deliver Smo experience a  smoth experience across devices also you actually   need to keep up with the latest updates updates  and advance and advancements maybe like those   Frameworks find a bug that they they tackle you  have to keep up with that so that you can leverage   their new features and improvements continually  yeah okay thank you for that question uh I have   one question from um a listener what do you  envision for the future of um crossplatform app   development okay um I think it's promising because  um these Frameworks that I use for crossplatform   development continue to evolve for instance  flter now allows you to actually build even   web applications apart from just um Android and oh  wow yeah apart from just Android and iOS you can   actually use that same code base to build a web  application so are you saying now that if you if   you're a flter person you can actually yourself as  a web developer as well as a mobile developer yeah   that's that's basically what I'm saying so you can  explore that yeah so you can explore that and also   um you can still expect a better performance and  increased support for Native features like the um   user interface issue I spoke about earlier so  they are always always always looking for ways   to evolve to evolve and and um and make the um  framework better for developers to use also um   some some um crossplatform apps will likely  grow and as businesses might actually seek um   ways to reach more Target audiences on different  platforms so I believe we continue to actually see   innovation in this field so and in the future I  think crossplatform development might be the goto   choice for mobile devel because you wouldn't want  to like different developers to build applications [Music] for hi hi I'm so sorry so sorry for so uh you  were actually talking on um um the aspect whereby   there is their future for this um crossplatform  application yeah development okay okay so I I   was like um the future is actually very promising  because this Frameworks like um react flter they   continue to actually evolve and we also have cutl  mod platform coming in which is um also a means   whereby you can actually do the same thing like  build um have on code Bas for different platforms   so these Frameworks are constantly evolving to  improve the performance of their Frameworks and   increase the support for Native features on on  devices also um the demand for crossplatform   applications as we speak is actually growing more  businesses actually don't want to hire an extra   developer they just want to hire one developer  that can actually work on um code base or probably   they want to like have a team of developers that  can work on crossplatform and devices and not um   developers that would only work on just one device  since it will cost them less money to have a team   of developers that can work on Cross platforms and  so it help these businesses to reach their target   audiences on different platforms so I believe  that will continue to actually see innovation   in this field which will probably in the future  make crossplatform developments the go to choice   for mobile developments most likely yeah wow thank  you so much so cross platform application is also   another emerging technology in Mobile development  okay that's interesting you can carry on with   your other emerging Technologies okay another  aspect would be um AI apps everybody's familiar   without AI artificial intelligence everybody yeah  artificial intelligence is really really taking   over the markets so AI applications are basically  applications that would leverage AI Technologies   or artificial intelligence Technologies to like  enhance user experience and provide intelligent   and context a functions functionalities of  functions unlike um our traditional apps which   already buil and rely on predetermined or prebuilt  algorithms like the application is already built   with predetermined algorithms AI apps rather  on the other hand they they learn from user   interaction and adapt to your your preferences  as a user so they basically make data driven   decisions so that's what a applications are yeah  looking towards this AI aspects right so uh it's   it's more like AI is everywhere so uh it's it has  actually unlocked a lot of possibilities when it   comes to um de app development basically and  I'm I'm actually not too surprised when uh you   actually mention it because oh obviously AI is  also in mobile app development yeah but um could   you share some popular use cases of um AI apps and  how um they impacting various Industries at the   moment yeah definitely so AI apps have actually  made sign ific impacts across different sectors   for example in the healthcare sector we have  ai power apps that actually assis in dioniz um   medical conditions and monitoring um the health  of patients in the finance industry we have ai   apps actually Aid in fraud detection and provide  um personalized Financial advice for users we also   have um driven and learning apps that help you to  maybe probably learn new Languages by by giving   you personalized lessons we also have the popular  and virtual assistants the AI also also support   which is um Siri we have Siri we have um Google  Assistant as well we have bxb from Samsung so all   these different different impacts um have become  integral part Ser of people's daily lives so they   actually make tasks easier and more efficient for  for users and for the developers alike yeah okay   thank you while while you were actually sharing um  some information you made mention of um impacting   overall user experience can you like dive deep  into how um ai's integration has actually impacted   um the user experience of the mobile applications  yeah sure sure okay so AI actually um impacts user   experience overall by AI now provides like  personalized recommendations even Predictive   Analytics and real time insight to to your to your  users to users it also like tailors the contents   like it tells contents and services to individual  preferences for example if you prefer a particular   content I prefer a particular service here I  actually learns this and actually tell us your   experience to that then we also have natural  language processing with this AI can actually   understand and respond to your to your language  as an human so this this is evidence in in voice   activated interactions like when you speak to Siri  Siri actually speaks back because it knows that   that's um because it has it has actually learned  a natural language so this is done by this natural   language processing um feature so moreover um  Ai mobile apps can actually also automate tax   they can improve accessibility also security is  enhanced through Biometrics which these days now   you can actually use your fingerprints to to  um access your phone and do many other tasks   like maybe you want to make a transfer these days  Bank apps also have fingerprints so yeah there are   many other possibilities like that that AI brings  to announce us experience okay but um in this um   AI um side of emerging technology are there any  challenges that developers face when it comes to   AI apps yeah certainly certainly definitely so  there are um a few challenges actually because   for for an AI application you have to actually  collect and obtain large and high Quant high   quality and high quantity data sets for training  so it needs a large quantity of data sets and it   has to be quality data you can't just um put um  any kind of data so that um the prediction can   be can be more accurate so you need quality data  and also quantity you need a lot of quantity of   data to ensure robust also you have to like ensure  robust security measures and ensure that there's   privacy when when you're dealing with AI and  also we have the issue of bias in AI because you   might obtain data for a specific set of people  which might not relate to another people so we   can use Race For example maybe there's a way a  specific race um does a specific task or handle   a specific thing it might be different from the  way another race does so you have to handle that   bias so that and you also Al also have to look  in the in the direction of Ethics as well when   you when you're implementing AI so basically the  developer um that is developing this as to be like   transparent on how AI is used so as to address  this potential buyers also you should actually   prioritize user consent and data protection and  and you also have to like added like industry   regulations and standards so yeah there actually  a lot of challenges faced but but at the end of   the day yeah a is AI is AI is um still like it's  still like an ongoing development so every day we   are we are discovering new ways to like properly  handle this so like I said for obtaining um large   quantity of the Assets Now for example it can  be challenging for for a specific maybe like a   specific n Niche or a specific do domain assess to  Quality data it's might it is actually essential   to create an accurate and reliable algorithm for  security measures as well you have to deal with   sensitive user data so you have to actually be  careful about how this data is secure it's it   has to be crucial so also you have the bias issue  which I mentioned earlier so it has to like be be   it has to like be and properly as well so so as so  as to help the decision making of the AI so so it   makes proper decisions also with the ethics and  and all so yeah basically that's that's all okay   thank you so much on that aspect um you could  actually still um give more Technologies in the   emerging Technologies in Mobile development  thank you for um giving me accurate answers   to the AI application question yeah so I have um  again for you camera focused apps yeah so we've   been seeing apps that actually focus on the  usage of the devices and Camera these days so   they are basically applications designed to like  optimize the smartphone's camera capabilities and   enhance photography and and videography in in  user experience the actually have a wide range   of features some of them have um Advanced filters  some of them have real time effects some of them   have social sharing where you can share your  your your photography and and your videos so   theyve become more sophisticated over the years  actually in in camera focused apps now most of   them leverage even Ai and computational  photography techniques and they deliver   stunning results yeah so that's basically what  camera Focus apps are so you you can see example   every day maybe your Tik Tok app your Snapchat  yeah so yeah oh I was even trying to sorry cuz   when you made mention of that I was trying to  like okay where which angle is this coming from   I was trying to wrap my head on the application  so thank you for mentioning Tik Tok uh Tik talk   is actually like a real a real application to  metion when it comes to this aspect basically   okay so in in essence you're saying this camera  Focus application actually deals when it comes   to photography creativity the aspect right yeah  yeah okay so how do you think these application   have impacted photographic culture in a way  um since you made mention of Tik Tok how do   you feel it has actually impacted photography I'm  trying to just imagine how the camera focused up   and you know photography what the syn was to  okay so they have actually how will I put it   let me put this way they've made photography  democracy before not everybody would be like   open to like okay I want to buy a camera yeah or  I want to go and buy a camera back then we used   to have expensive cameras like the likes of Sony  the likes of Polaris used to make um cameras but   these days now you have that kind kind of standard  of that kind of camera standard a digital camera   standard on your mobile device so it makes it  accessible to millions of users worldwide so   that that's why I would say it's like now it has  made photography like a democracy you can use it   you can be a photographer if you like even if it's  yourself you're capturing but at least everybody   has access access to it okay I wanted to say maybe  it's just me in the entire world that doesn't have   a Snapchat application cuz really I don't know  I don't know but I I I think I enjoy this aspect   because I get to see a lot of people posting  you know my Snapchat and it gives that kind   of cool editing when people take pictures it's  quite interesting really but I don't know maybe   I'm in another planet so just let's just imagine  I'm not in this planet you might you might be a   boring person to some sets of people if if you  don't don't actually engage in in downloading   these applications and using them the moment  we are done the we are done with this podcast   I'm definitely going to have one so that I I just  follow the trend okay that'll be best all right so   um okay you have something to say go ahead yeah  so this applications have actually used the use   of um using editing tools for example Photoshop  now there are some features Photoshop only had   which can be accessed via your your smartphones  these days for example there's this feature that   came with um I think I 16 on on Apple on on um  Apple phones which is in the iPhone there's this   feature whereby you can just hold your your  picture and it cuts the background away and   you only have wow yeah so you only have person in  that image so before that could only be achieved   using Photoshop is now yeah cropping it out but  this even you crop you don't it doesn't still it   comes with the entire like few of the backgrounds  but yeah you're right iPhone just only the people   involved only the only the person in the picture  so it's different from from typical cropping   whereby you just cop in triangles I still have  some background yeah have some background this   one is this one is basically it removes your whole  background and it's like you snipped or you cut   around the person so there's no background it's  just the person so this feature now is actually   accessible I'm using a smartphone these days so  it also allows um social sharing features which   is um yeah you now have a community whereby you  you can be creative with your photographs or your   videos and you have a community that actually gets  to see your work and you can even get feedback and   learn from others also you have a community you  can learn from and see this person's creativity   and photography and be like wow I want to try  that so we've seen the world has seen a big surge   in in photographers turning into passionate  photographers because of these applications   and because of its contribution to and the global  official visual um culture also these applications   are off used like they can also be used like in  in m in the monetizing aspect whereby we've seen   people actually getting money for likes through  these kind of applications yeah true true and even   the aspect of the photography even people that  actually don't don't have the like this this thing   now makes people that you you you wouldn't know  that you have this photography skill you know cuz   everybody now knows how to take pictures they take  take me from this angle so it's like everybody   have this skill and let me not say it's camera  Focus application that has brought everybody that   brought the skill out of everybody to okay looks  like I can take pictures appropriately that's cool   actually because also you have um people coming  to like do adverts so because the community yeah   content creators content creators so the community  is full of and content creators like that so yeah   so basically that's that's this is actually  really nice um um technology that's actually   emerging um so uh I wanted to make mention of  some features well you actually mentioned one   of um like it was a question I was I was I was  going to ask when it comes to the features found   in camera Focus application but you made mention  of that one that has to do with um you trying to   take out the person or the image the person image  from the entire background separating them so I   don't know if you have other popular features or  maybe that's just like the one you have basically   or yeah definitely so there are actually um  more controls on your camera that actually   gives photographers or let me say users in this  in this term more creative freedom so there are   different controls like it allows you to adjust  settings like the iso setting on your camera your   shorter speed your focus also we have real time  features now and effects that add creativity to   um your photos and your and your videos all these  filters like instantly like enhance your your   visual appeal as as a user so once you see filters  like this yes you feel like actually trying them   on your own picture as well also we have features  like the portraits mode we have the nights mode   on on some of these applications and um HDR which  allows you to capture ey definition pictures and   um users can actually capture stunning images  even in like maybe dark conditions now maybe   there's your around is night and you can't really  see around some of these cameras actually capture   on the dark properly so this has also allowed  um um companies like Samsung iPhone and that's   Apple that make iPhones it has allowed them to  actually integrate these features as well in their   own devices camera since they see that people  are actually interested in it so now when they   are making a new phone their flagship phone they  add these features automatically so most of these   features you find on on Instagram or SnapChat they  now tend to add it to their own camera app as well   well thank you for that uh information so um with  this advancement that we've been like Bally we've   been seeing when it comes to um camera Focus apps  they're actually remarkable but um looking at what   do you think we we should expect from this um from  this application in the future what are what are   what are your future what are the future um um  aspect when it comes to this application okay   sorry I mean I need to take a sip of water oh  oh it's fine so sorry it's fine all right okay   so I think the future is actually promising and  has been promising for quite a while now because   new features keep coming out so I think we can  also anticipate even more seamless integration   of AI and machine learning which actually enables  this applications like improve image quality and   user experience I think we should be ready to  experience more AR features which is augmented   reality features this might more more more more  prevalent adding and different overlays and   effects to reward s for example I think you've  seen let me explain what's an example of this   sment reality for example when you're in a Google  meet you can actually have the background of a   place where you're not you can pretend you're at  the beach yeah you can you can pretend you're in   front of a museum or something like that yeah so I  think this will be more more prevalent the way the   way you just just reminded me of I was actually  I was actually not really in a cool environment   and I need to jump on the professional meeting  I just gave myself those bookshelves and I'm like only yeah yeah right it's actually cool  it's actually cool you it gives that kind of um   cool look because just imagine if there were no um  features like that I'll just be seeing in a in a   background that's not that's up to yeah that's not  presentable yeah yeah so okay this AR be will be   more prevalent also I think with the combination  of 5G with these apps we will be having more   seamless streaming like people like content  creators for example that love to live stream I   think that it will be more seamless in the future  and then real time collaboration for example like   you said about the Google meet sometimes you see  a you experience a lag whereby um you guys might   not be on the same page but I think it will be  more real time than it is right now so yeah so   it will transform the way we interact and actually  share visual content in the future yeah okay thank   you so much on that aspect so um do you have more  um emerging Technologies to still share when it   comes to mobile devopment definitely there there  are different technologies that I imagine right   now we still have the internet of things we have  the progressive web apps we have different iot   iot okay so can you let's should we dive let's  let's dive a bit into iot so can you just like   brief us what iot is actually doing in the mobile  space yeah so in the mobile space and Internet of   Things the applications actually leverage this  technology to connect and control devices and   sensors smart devices and sensors if I may add  these applications allow you as a user to like   remotely monitor manage and interact with other  enabled devices in the iot aspect so this creates   like a sess and intelligent environments for you  this um internet of things have actually it has   actually um been revolutionizing different parts  of our lives for example now people have Smart   Homes and weable devices so an example of these  weable devices is your Apple watch which can be   connected to your Apple phone which can then your  Apple phone can be connected to your um to your   to your Mac laptop so your Mac laptop could be  connected to maybe an apple speaker so basically   it's like it's it's like an ecosystem so of of  things connected to the internet in your home so   yeah so we have we have different parts of um our  everyday living that mized by this even transports   even yeah even people in the in in Industry like  when you are maybe making large scale Productions   you can actually have internet of things involved  in all this but right now we're talking about   applications so I would actually sck to boms  and yeah smarts and stuff like that yeah okay   thank you on that aspect B um I would like to know  are there like some specific use cases of reward   applications where um iot apps have brought about  some significant changes yeah definitely and this   has been evident in different sectors actually so  um I don't know why I want to start with this let   me start with like agriculture so I would see  Now farmers actually um engage iot applications   to help them facilitate their their farming skills  like there's this thing they call prec Precision   farming which Precision yeah Precision farming  which means that you have you are monitoring   the soil temperature you're monitoring all the  aspects that has to do with um your crops so to   enable you to to yield optimal optimal crops  so there there's the monitoring of your soil   moisture to make sure that it's the proper the  proper R you monitor your soil temperature you   monitor your crop bels so this um helps them to  achieve increased yields in their Farm produce   because they know the proper um they know the  proper measurement of of these aspects also we   have in in transportation we have um ve vehicle  tracking we have route of optimization we have   driver safety So when you say vehicle tracking  I think that's self-explanatory you're able to   track your your vehicle root optimization like  your Google Maps you're able to like know the   fastest routes to a specific destination and  driver safety as well maybe there has been an   accident or something there's a trigger that  um alerts Emergency Services also we have um   applications in the healthare system which also  like offers remotes he monitoring and also when   um fitness trackers so when I say let me go back  to the remote Health monitoring I think there's   this aspect now that your hospital or your your  GP or your your doctor actually knows what's   wrong with you before you actually even know  by by um fitting a tracker on the patient you   actually know that so you also have Smart devices  that that are personalized for for patient care   yeah so we have different aspects like that  okay so um I don't know you're mentioning iot   and you said um when it comes to Google Maps  um trying to track so are you saying that um   um Google Map as it says now is also under  like The iot Internet of Things application   yeah yeah basically what's an Internet of Things  application means is it's all things connected   to the internet using things that connected to  the internet then they can communicate with each   other and stuff like that okay okay quite clear  so um definitely we always see challenges the   PRS and Cones when you make use of a particular  thing so um I would want you to share [Music] [Music] with [Music] hello hello okay are you still here I couldn't  hear you anymore oh I said um I would love you   to um share with us because definitely we know  that when it comes to a particular thing there   are PRS and Cones so I would want you to share  with us challenges you feel developers will face   when it comes to um building iot applications and  how you feel they can address such concern oh okay   actually thought you cut off okay so oh so sorry  so yeah building iot applications actually come   with some um unique challenges the most evident  one will be interoperability which is will this   work on different devices on different iot devices  like there's also the challenge of data management   and storage also um ensuring smooth communication  or seamless communication between the devices and   the app also um things like addressing security  concerns which is of utmost importance when it   comes to mobile developments because of your your  data and and and yeah because of user's data so   you have to prevent like unauthorized access  to your iot devices so you have to like um as   a developer I think you have to like Implement  encryption authentication and different security   measures to make sure that data is not stolen and  your data is not altered so you have to um have a   secure protocol for that to say regard sensitive  information about their user and prevents things   like even potential cyber threats from from  hackers yeah so those are different ways okay   thank you so much um while you were talking on  other um emerging techn right you mentioning   other emerging Technologies you made mention  of um Progressive web applications okay so   um I would love us to quickly dive into that  before rounding of the section so um could you   just like brief us what the pwa means because  I just we just get to he pwa pwa pwa and it's   it's I really want to understand because from  what it means like from the word pwa I'm seeing   a web inside like Progressive web so how does  it attached to Mobile so yeah I would want to   I want you to bring like an elaboration when it  comes to um pwa so that others can actually learn   because we have some people that they they don't  really understand what's um pwa means okay so PW   are actually similar to instant applications but  in this case they actually work on your on your   web applications so that's why they are called Web  applications so that's why they called Progressive   web applications so they leverage your your web  technology and they deliver like a native like   experience of mobile devices you might actually  not even know that it's actually a web app when   you're using it unless you you know that yes  I'm actually accessing it from my my browser so   they also combine the best of of different words  because they can actually also work on different   platforms since you only need your web browser  to to access it and they also have they also um   help with the functionality and the performance of  native apps by using a web browser you also have   the functionality and the performance from native  applications yeah so that's that's basically what   the PW is okay sorry that I'm diving out a little  but I would want to know do you um why where what   what are those instances that make um people to  want to go in for um dwa like see while you were   talking you made mention of um it's their web  applications but you might actually not know if   you're using from your phone so is it that it's um  a web developer that like the code base is what is   being transformed to search I I need like I don't  know if you understand what I'm trying to say so   so for a pwa actually it depends on the framework  you use if you are a web developer and you decide   to use a react fine but as long as it is um it is  it is it works well on and it is adaptable to the   screen on the mobile phone so I believe web web  developers also actually um put in consideration   responsiveness yeah screen responsiveness when  a user actually visit ums on on your device so   yeah so so yeah so that's that's basically how  it is wow that's interesting that's interesting   so uh okay so I made mention that it's actually  different from your instant application okay they   both offered almost the same um contributions  like improved user experience of mobile device   and um working on different platforms but for  PW a pwa is actually a typical web application   so it uses Mo modern and web Technologies but  instant applications actually provided by your   your platform so it could be like your Android  operating system or your IOS operating system so   also the p W is are designed to be to to actually  give you access to almost all features on the on   the application but for instant applications  you only have access to a few features so yeah   so basically they have different different um  scenarios where they are used as well okay um   thank you for that I would I I have actually two  more questions to ask Q one is um um based on the   progress um um the pwo that's Progressive web  application so um you you made mention of like   the difference between the instant HS and um that  of the pwa and are Advantage is that um this pwa   being like advantage that the progressive web  apps bring to the table when it comes to um   the mobile application [Music] yeah first and  first and foremost they are like the they also   eliminate installations you don't have to install  just like your instant um application so you can   just simply visit the website and add the pwa to  your own screen you'll have seen an example of a   pwa whereby you actually have to like almost it's  almost like you downloaded a browser and once you   put the browser we have like the it have like the  logo and like the name of the application so once   you click it it opens like your web browser  so basically it eliminates the friction of   installing um the application from the start  so you can just simply visit the website then   add the pwa application to your home screen then  you can then the ease of significantly like the   ease significantly increases when when you're a  user you're trying to engage and and also for a   business you have increased user integration user  engagement sorry and user retention because it's   easier for the user to just go there and access  it it's also lightweight so there's a faster load   time and your data is actually not being as  consumed as well sometimes yeah so basically   they have different advantages okay also maybe you  might actually like not have time to like develop   the mobile application like as a home maybe you  just want to give the user the experience of the   mobile view yeah the mobile view of your web  application sorry of your website or your web   application still still the same thing yeah I  just want like just give them the mobile view   so yeah something like that okay thank you so much  for this topic actually it's actually interesting   talking to you having conversation or I'll call it  like a chat when it comes to emerging Technologies   in Mobile mobile development thank you so much uh  but a question actually dropped right and I don't   know it's quite personal I think the person  would really want to know how it has been for   you as a mobile developer how has it been how has  been experience like there's really no um there's   really no quite a long time for you to like give  us so much breakdown when it comes to that aspect   but maybe more like just give us how has it been  as a mobile developer like has been for you as a   mobile developer and while you are tripping that  in you could just um this is like my own last   question on our podcast channel for this topic  basically like you dropping advice for aspiring   mobile developers to stay up to date you know with  latest emerging Technologies because you know um   Everybody actually had like a background and what  they have learned so far like from the beginning   as a mobile developer and we get to see these days  that developers always be like this is what I know   like it's quite funny you know when it's like okay  this is what I know I just want to be good at this   nobody wants to learn new things nobody wants to  work with new technologies and they just stay the   aake system so maybe you have advice for people  like that and how you feel they can um move on   when it comes to this having working with latest  emerging Technologies but so far how has it been   for you as a mobile developer okay so for me as a  mobile developer I think it's been it's been great   because um going into development my dream my goal  is to like live a mark on this world so that when   when I'm long gone I know that yes I impacted a  lot of lives whereby I made their life users lives   easier in this aspect of mobile development so I  say [Laughter] a By Us by using my my application   at least I made um daytoday life of the user  easier for example a business person I made um   handling and um handling their business easier  for them to to do by providing an application   that does most of their their task for them like  receiving money and stuff like that so yeah so you   seeing people use these applications actually  give me joy and makes me feel fulfilled every   day sure yeah when I when I check user engagement  and I see that yeah people are actually engaging   so it's been fun because it's actually not just  a career for me it's actually a passion because   I enjoy doing things that that are are seen as  useful yeah I enjoy being useful so being a mobile   developer makes me feel useful because I can  develop applications where people lots of people   thousands of people millions of people us in their  day-to-day lives and day to-day living so yeah as   a mobile developer they there are different things  that i' I've seen that that have made me keep keep   going and say yeah I made the right choice which  is like I stated so advice for um people that   want to continue learning as a mobile developer  you actually have to be be learning continuously   because you have to stay up to dat with the latest  Technologies and programming language and Works   some people might be like yeah work they have to  work every there's actually no time to develop   themselves can work on his um code base from your  company so there's actually no time so the way   I handle this is I keep my weekends secred once  I've worked for the week my weekend is secret so   during this weekend is where I involve myself  in um watching android. programs on YouTube   um watching different YouTube videos or going to  Emi buying a course so I stay up to dat with the   latest trends and latest technology this way and  I also have like a timetable for my own personal   developments where which I follow strictly so once  it's time for that I I follow it strictly then I   try to like develop my own skills personally then  and also for aspiring developers I believe for me   I believe learning the hard ways is actually the  best way to learn so that then other things can   become easier since you learned the hard way  most people are encouraged to to write without   following the proper way which is like following  and the proper Paradigm things like following   the solid principle right in clean code following  the right architecture things like writing tests   people are most people are not encouraged to do  that they encourage to to just learn and just   build this just let it work for me I don't believe  that's a proper way to learn I feel if you want to   learn something you learn it proper way I'm not  saying you shouldn't go through the basics yes go   through the basics but once you putting the basics  together always try to do it the hard way don't   take the easy way out and be consistent in your  in your learning don't while you're learning don't   don't take a don't take a break that's too long if  you want to take a break take a shot and get back   to your learning it pays in the end that's that's  just the truth it pays to FIA [Music] James yeah   hm this is quite encouraging thank you so much  Gideon Raju it was a nice uh moment hearing a   lot from you really thank you so much so guys  you've heard it from you've heard it from the   mobile developer himself you know if I were to  be the one talking about it it's just going to   look like if in the mobile space okay and that's  why I brought somebody in the mobile space to come   share with us uh information that has to do with  um emerging Technologies in the mobile development   and you've heard it all because the truth is  mobile development keeps evolving and if you   cannot meet with the trend you'll be left behind  and you know what it is businesses companies and   you know companies you're working for always want  what's like always want trength always want to use   Technologies new technologies in their project  and if you cannot beat it you're out of the game   cuz they will definitely employ someone else that  knows it way better than you and that's why while   you are in the system and while you're learning  while you're working I mean for a company do not   stop learning because on the long run it is what  you know that takes you far that is it because   you're working for the company the company wants  something evolving and you might not really know   when another new project or just like this AI  that's happening now people that actually know   AI in the space are and you that don't know  or don't have any knowledge of what AI is and   somebody that is that same space with you know  what AI is and there is time to like drop off   definitely the company will see the other person  as uh somebody that has value more value than you   that has no value so you just have to keep  working with emerging Technologies and Trend   latest Technologies in your actual field yeah I  know um gon spoke about um his own Field Mobile   development but this CS across all other um um  um field you know because looking at it it's   also relating to the web aspect too and I'm so  sure they have something similar when it comes   to the design aspect so you just have to ensure  that you learn Technologies new technologies that   has to do with your own space and keep learning  do not stop learning I'm so sure Gideon is still   learning so if he's still learning I'm still  learning even senior developers are still   learning right so who are you to say you're don't  learning as long as you're alive you have to keep   learning okay you're lucky I'm not with my  king you're lucky so thank you so much for   uh staying up until now on this show thank you  so much Gideon for honoring I it's a pleasure   really I'm really grateful that you're here to  um come share with us this knowledge imagine   the quality information you gave us thank you for  coming on on the show to to share this knowledge   with us so guys see you next next next month  okay and that's August so it's just it's just   next week so see you next month on this channel  Tech with AEL where we share Quality Technical   information for you to stay up on your game and  keep pushing when it comes to your technical   career thank you so much see you and for now  I'm still always your Tech babo Ina bye [Music] Guest : Olarewaju Gideon Oyindamola


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