Embracing Future Tech and AI for Better Health Making Public Health Personal Podcast Ep21

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Public health really looks at people's situation  and not just health, but from economic and social   and behavioral aspects. And it's one of  these things where you can't ignore it,   because it affects you in so many different  ways. Every day you're thinking about how   are your surroundings actually affecting  your health and not just like physical   health but mental health emotional  health. And so when I was growing up,   I didn't necessarily have the means that other  people had. So you quickly learned that your   surroundings really affect what you do. And that's  why I became very interested in public health. That was today's guest, Bruce Y. Lee. Hello  and welcome everyone to Making Public Health  

Personal. This podcast is brought to you by the  CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health   Policy in New York City. I'm your host, Laura  Meoli-Ferrigon. Thanks for listening. Today's   guest is Bruce Y. Lee, Professor of Health  Policy and Management at CUNY SPH, where he is   the Executive Director of the Center for Advanced  Technology and Communication and Health, otherwise   known as CATCH, and the Artificial Intelligence  Modeling and Informatics for Nutrition Guidance   and Systems Center, otherwise known as AIMINGS,  which is supported by the National Institutes of   Health and serves as the AI Center for the NIH's  Nutrition for Precision Health Consortium. Bruce  

is a systems modeler, professor, writer,  journalist, an expert in computational and   digital health and artificial intelligence. He has  authored over 255 scientific publications focused   on developing and using new systems, computational  and AI modeling methods. Dr. Lee writes   extensively for the general media, including the  New York Times, HuffPost, Time, and The Guardian,   among many others. He is a senior contributor  for Forbes, has a blog for Psychology Today,   and his work and expertise has been featured  on television, radio, and other forms of media.   In today's episode, we'll discuss the benefits  and disadvantages of advanced technology and AI   in public health, and how to embrace technology  for a better future. We'll also discuss current   trends and the future of communication and  education. Bruce, thanks for joining me.

Thanks for having me, Laura. We recently sat down for a video interview that  we did about CATCH (the center for advanced   technology and communication in health).  And what I found interesting about our   chat is how your center merges technology  and communication. They really are very   much interwoven today with social media as an  important part of information sharing. Could  

you tell our listeners about CATCH and the  great work that you and your team is doing? Yeah, thanks Laura for the opportunity to talk  about CATCH and our team. if we think about it.   One of the big things that technology can  do is it can help with communications and   can help with decision making ultimately too.  And when it comes to health and public health,   it's all about decision making. You have  to make different types of decisions,   either at the policy/governmental level or  different companies and organizations have to   make decisions. People have to make decisions  about themselves and about their loved ones,  

about their families, about their coworkers and  colleagues. And, you know, we were really moving   into an opportunity to transform a lot of that  decision making. So if you look at a lot of other   sectors and a lot of fields Previously, before  technology helped advance those fields, you know,   decisions were made sometimes haphazardly. So  many times I give the example of meteorology. So,   most of us weren't around before you had weather  maps and simulation maps and those things like   that. So how did people make decisions? You know,  you might step outside and you say, okay the cow's  

lying a certain way. And I see some clouds in the  distance. So maybe it's going to rain. And then   maybe you could predict the weather in potentially  an hour or so. But beyond that, you didn't know   what to do. But nowadays we take it for granted.  We have all this technology that helps us really   understand what's happening with the weather, with  the cloud formations, wind, with the barometric   pressure, all these different things. And then  we can actually get a pretty good idea of what's  

going to be happening, not just over the next 24  hours, but next week or month. We know that it's   going to be a particular warmer or colder winter  or things like that. So it's really transformed   decision making and we really have opportunities  to do that in health and public health as well.

So definitely, as you said, technology  evolved in our lifetime and it continues   to move at such a rapid pace. It's kind of  hard to keep up sometimes. Can you describe   some new advanced technology and artificial  intelligence as it relates to public health? That's funny. So when I first started with my  research career and work, et cetera I was very   interested in how computers can help decision  making. And I remember back then I'd use some  

of these terms and when people would look at me  I had three heads because they're like computers,   what is this stuff, et cetera. So it's been  interesting seeing the evolution over time.   You mentioned AI, you know, a couple of decades  ago, people will be like, are you talking about   Allen Iverson or what did this AI stuff, but  now it's become very vogue to mention the word,   but what do we mean by AI? So it's short for  artificial intelligence, and it's actually a very   broad term. So it encompasses any situation where  you're using computers to essentially mimic what   the brain normally does. So if you think about  the brain does many different things, the brain   takes information , it analyzes, it interprets it,  makes decisions, it assesses things, So anytime   you get a computer Or computer technology to do  that kind of stuff, it's considered AI. And the  

difference is in the past, we would basically  tell computers specifically, you know, do this,   then do this. Like the computer was almost  just like a completely obedient servant,   so to speak. The computer wouldn't really think  on its own, but now we're at a point where we   can put in algorithms so that the computer can  quote unquote think the computer can fill in   some of those blanks and move to the next step  without you specifically saying that. You know,   I want you to produce this number. I want you  to do this. And that's the difference with AI.   And that incorporates a lot of different things.  So it incorporates getting computers to analyze   information and turn out recommendations you  know, computers to help decision making. Now  

we're seeing computers be able to write things,  produce art, produce songs, things which are more   advanced. And I think some of the latest stuff has  really captured people's attention. Like it's been   a steady progress over the past couple of decades  where computers have gotten better and better,   but once like computers can start “talking to you”  or start “singing songs to you”, then you're like,   “Oh, wow, this sounds like a real person”. So  I think that's why it's really caught a lot   of attention. Especially, you know, with chat GPT  and things like that in recent times. But it's now   becoming more and more accessible to the general  public. I think people are excited about that. Yeah, and definitely people who are in  higher ed are familiar with chat GPT, Bard,   other AI tools, and a big discussion  and fear is about how students are   using these tools for plagiarism. I  think, as an instructional designer,  

I think it's a good challenge for professors  to have to think outside of the box with   their assessments.Not everything has  to be a paper or writing assignments,   but what are your thoughts about the current  trends and future of communication and education? I think one of the key things that we have to  remember is technology is neither good nor bad.   So there are some people who are like, “Oh, all  types of technology is great. As long as we're   advancing”. That's not really true. And then there  are people who are like, “technology is awful. We   should, not adopt these things because they're  dangerous”. And the truth lies in between. It  

really depends on how you actually use things.  If you think about it, anything, you know,   if you use a pillow to sleep on, that's good.  If you use a pillow to you know, hit a lamp,   then it's bad. Right? So, so similar with  technology. And one of the things that we need   to do is, as we develop these different types  of technology, we also have to think about how   are we going to use these things for good. And  that's one of the things that we do in CATCH,   not only do we develop this technology, but  we also use it, but we also kind of raise the   discussion of how should technology be used? What  kind of safeguards should be put in place? So the   big opportunity with AI is it can do things that  help humans free up their time to do more things,   right? So if you think about it. You  look around, there's a lot of things  

that technology does that we used to have to  do so like a laundry machine/washing maching. A vacuum. Yeah, vacuum. You have to kind of vacuum around.  You know, it's great you can take some of these   things that used to consume our time and, you  know, may not contribute to our well-being.   Although some could argue if you like clean really  aggressively, it helps your physical activity.  

But then it frees up our time. And time is that  one commodity that we can't replace, right? So,   it frees up our time as well as our brain power to  elevate ourselves in society. So spend more time   to kind of focus on other things. That's where  technology can really help. So, for instance,   if AI can help with decision making, like if AI  can provide, “Oh, did you think about this?” Or,   you know, “we've looked at these complex processes  and analyzed them. And here are the results”.   Let's see how this can help decision making.  That's where AI can really help. So we want to  

identify those things on the flip side. It can  hurt when it is being used to replace things   which are innately human, are inherently human.  One of the things that can get people nervous is   you know, I remember there's a headlines what was  a couple months ago or so, there was some study   that claimed, “oh AI can show more empathy than  doctors”. And so, but if you look at the study,   it's yeah, sure, AI can use some of those terms  and those things like that. That's a big jump,   right? You don't want to sit here and say, yeah,  I'd rather have this AI talking to me than the   real doctor. And we do know that there's a whole  range of how empathetic doctors may be. And you  

know, you want someone who's a lot more empathetic  as opposed to someone who isn't. But ultimately   you don't want to sit here and replace a human  being. In that type of situation. And similarly,   you mentioned like creative endeavors. Sure,  chat GPT can come up with a, interesting song  

or maybe some kind of like creative, right?  But it's not the same as a human actually   come up with these things. So those are things  that we don't want to replace. We can enhance,   like we can have, AI provide ideas or things to  spark, but not replace. We don't want to replace. Yeah. Something I've been seeing in the news  lately is these self-driving cars and how   they're rolling that out in certain cities.  And I think about how driving requires so  

many decisions and, in a scary situation,  do we want computers to be worrying? Do   we hit this kid or do we go this way? Do  we want to leave that up to a computer? Yeah, that's a weird situation, right? Because  we already have public transit right where people   can, you know, you don't have to think about  it, you can sit down and then you can do work   or listen to something, and the train is doing  the work. And that's the advantage of public   transit. Another advantage is that you're, you  know, you're mixing with people and things like   that. But then you've got cars where people  say, Okay I'm going to drive it myself. And   that's the whole purpose of a car. So that, you  know, you feel you have control over, but then   if you're moving to autonomous cars isn't that  like public transit, but without people mixing   with each other.So we have to ask ourselves. what  is the, what are the benefits and disadvantages   of moving towards different directions rather than  blindly saying, let's move towards this and accept   everything will be okay. So we really have to  think about these. I'm not saying that autonomous  

driving self-driving cars are necessarily bad.  And there might be a need for those things,   but we have to think about what the secondary  tertiary consequences are and the unintended   consequences. We've run into so many situations in  the past where we've had unintended consequences   with well-meaning technology, etc. So, you know,  one example is social media, right? So social   media became popular at the very beginning because  people said, hey, you know, you can connect with   someone like your high school friends, someone you  know, and you haven't seen this person in years.  

Then what, look, we're actually communicating or  look, I found my prom date or things like that.   Right. So that's great. But then there are also  negative consequences of social media, and that   doesn't mean social media in general is bad, but  as society, we didn't think about. How do we put   in safeguards to prevent the negative effects?  Right. We only deal it with after we're like, Oh  

my goodness, what happened? You know, people are  feeling more lonely with social media or feeling   more disconnected or this, all this misinformation  that's being spread. These conversations were not   being had you know, in the early 2000s when social  media was starting to really pick up steam. Yeah,   I don't think they knew they were going to use  social media for news distribution. And so a   lot of misinformation, disinformation comes  from social media. And I don't think that   was the intention. Absolutely. Yeah. And then the  trouble is the discussions weren't even being had,  

right? So people weren't even thinking about  it and say, Hey, Oh, look at all the holiday   presents under the tree and just opening it up  without really kind of thinking about what does   this actually mean and what should we actually do  with this? And what should we be careful about? AD:  If you dream of making a difference in the  world, a public health degree or certificate   can give you the tools to do just that. The City  University of New York's Graduate School of Public   Health and Health Policy equips public health  professionals to advance not only a healthier   New York city, but a healthier world for us  all. We want you to join us in our mission.   Visit sph.cuny.edu to learn more about our  program. No matter where you are in your career,   CUNY SPH offers a broad range of degree  and certificate programs to not only help   you advance in your career, but to have a real  impact on the world. Public health professionals   are needed now at more than ever. Join  us visit sph.cuny.edu to learn more.  And so how is misinformation and disinformation  on social media harming public health? Yeah. So if you go on social media, you only  have to spend, a few minutes on social media  

before you start encountering misinformation  and disinformation. And the difference between   misinformation, disinformation, I'm asked these  many times is misinformation is information   that's wrong. It doesn't imply intent though. So  people might share information that's incorrect,   but they're not deliberately trying to mislead  people. Disinformation is when you're actually  

trying to deliberately mislead people. we have to  remember there's a lot of that on social media.   It's not sharing stuff that might be erroneous.  There's people there saying that I want to spread   this false information for a political agenda  or for a financial agenda or because I would   just want to create chaos or just because this  is how I have fun. So it's almost like you are   getting on social media and you are having active  advertising that's trying to get you to think a   certain way. And it's incredibly prevalent on  social media. And there's so many situations  

where people regularly will share things with me  and is this true? Is this correct? And many times   I'll write about it and for Forbes and there's no  shortage of materials, right? Ranging from people   saying that, a vaccine will turn you into a  gigantic magnet or like a refrigerator door   where everything will start sticking to you.  You know, there are people who believe that. Yeah. And so do you think that there's  any remedy for this? I mean, aside from   regulating social media, how do we get people  informed about public health in a safe way? So I think there's several ways. You know,  naturally misinformation will always be out there.   It's been out there for centuries. And continue to  be out there. So it's falling to think that, oh,   it will stop. That everyone will always push out  proper information. So instead, what we need to   do is several things. So one is be more creative  about communicating public health knowledge and  

information. One of the challenges has been that  there has been a lot of very old school ways of   communicating about public health. And sure,  a lot of those things are good but it's not   really changing with the times. And I've heard the  argument, people saying you know, public health   and health information is complex. But I give the  example of if you jump on YouTube and you search  

for like Avengers trailers or things like that,  you'll find videos. Sometimes they're like 10, 15,   sometimes half an hour, where people are analyzing  an Avengers trailer ad nauseum. They're sitting   there and saying, Ah, you know, when Tony Stark  did that, this must mean this thing. Or, you know,   Thanos, you know, is looking, you know, this.  Oh, look, there's an Easter egg back there. So,   that tells you that people are interested and  willing to try to embrace complexity. They want   to analyze it. They want to think about these  things. So why not do that with health or public  

health? Right. But the difference is people feel  it's fun to look at an Avengers trailer, right?   They're being entertained. It's flashy and you  know, you've got personality and all those things   like that. Why can't you do the same thing with  public health? You know, tickle people's brains   in other way. I think one of the challenge with  public health is there's been a lot of you know,   doom and gloom or scare people like don't do this,  but why not make it fun. Why don't make it funny,  

you know, entertaining and those things  like that. So I think we need to take new   approaches. And so I know, Laura, you yourself are  taking new approaches in terms of communication,   which is great, which is fantastic. And so  think about new ways to do that. The other   thing is we need to think about expanding the  audience and moving things earlier. So, kids,   why not expose them to public health? A lot  earlier at the beginning. if you were to ask   a lot of kids about public health, they may  not even know what public health is, right? True.

Help encourage that. And also the focus  of public health communication shouldn't   just be health professional or government  officials. It should be people of all sectors,   like we need to tell everyone, you know, you're an  artist or you're in, you know, the manufacturing   sector or you're in the finance sector, public  health actually matters to you as well. And here's   why it matters and then we need to stop using all  that kind of jargon that no one else understands.

Medical jargon. Yeah. Agreed. So among your many  areas of expertise is precision nutrition. So what   exactly is that? I know before we were talking  about using technology to improve our lives,   but precision nutrition seems  right on, on track with that. Yeah, so the word precision became in vogue, you  know, over the past 10 years or so. So there's   like precision medicine, precision health,  the concept of precision is making things more   tailored to how people differ, right? So one of  the challenges with health and public health in   the past is there's been a lot of one size fits  all solutions. You know, everyone should do X,   Y, and Z, and sure, there's certain things  that everyone should do okay, don't eat dirt,   is probably something that people should, no one  should eat dirt, although you'll get an argument   with almost everything, but, okay, but then  there's, beyond that, there are more specifics,   because you know, people are very different.  There's incredible diversity among people.   And I don't mean diversity between different,  like social demographics and stuff like that.  

That type of diversity actually many times is;  those differences, many times are overemphasized.   People are individuals. So they're different,  so many different ways. They differ in their   personalities. They differ in their behaviors.  They differ in their surroundings, their social  

connections. People's biologies differ. Their  economic statuses differ and those things like   that. Okay. So then if you look at something like,  for instance, clothes. We don't tell people you   should all wear the same clothes, right? We  don't do that. There's tremendous variety.   So why do that with different health measures  and why do that with nutrition? So one size   fits all doesn't work with nutrition because if  we look at a lot of like dietary guidelines and   nutrition recommendations many times it's like  for the entire population or you have people   pushing diets like Everyone should be on this  diet Everyone should be on the all cauliflower,   but nothing but cauliflower diet, right? But  that's just not the case. There's no magical diet   for every single person. So precision nutrition  is about better tailoring nutrition guidelines,   dietary recommendations, all those things to the  differences in people. So one of the key things  

is trying to figure out how these differences  then manifest and affect both nutrition and the   connection between nutrition and health.  And that's what precision nutrition is. And I know that there are a ton of apps  nowadays for nutrition, for health, you know,   that's tracking our heart rate, our sleep, our  food, what we're eating. All these different   aspects of our health. Should we be afraid to  share that much information with, you know,   Google or these different companies or  how can we use it in a positive way? Yeah. So there's a couple of things with that.  Many times when you get these apps, you don't  

know what's really behind them. You don't know how  they're actually churning out the recommendations.   And so we have to be careful about that, right?  These are the so-called black box apps where they   give you maybe some sense of what they're doing,  but you don't know what's coming out. So this is   an example where AI technology can potentially  do harm because there might be biases built into   that, right? That might be based on data from one  population that doesn't really apply to you. So  

one of the things that we want to encourage is  when you get those apps, you need to know what's   behind the apps, right? Just if you think about  it, if someone were to give you advice without   knowing anything about your life, give you for  instance, like relationship advice without even   knowing anything about you, you would sit there  and say, you don't know anything about me. It's   the same thing with the apps. Like where are you  actually coming up with those things? So I would   say, first of all know that. Second of all with,  yeah, with the data issue you want to be careful   about. Who you're sharing your information with  it's so interesting because if you take a lot  

of that information, you tell people, would you  shout out that information to everyone and say,   “Hey, everyone, by the way, this is what my body's  like, My BMI and my weight. All these things.”   And most people would say, no, I'm not going to  do that. Or would you just go to work and say,   “attention, everyone, attention, everyone. I want  to tell everyone about details about my body”,   right? Please listen. You people, most people  would say some people might do that, but most  

people would say, oh, you know, I'm not going to  do that. That's, but yet you're going to put all   this stuff into an app that you don't know where  that goes. Right. So you want to be careful about   that. I think one of the challenges with these  app is, it's sitting on your phone. So it looks   like it's your private buddy and you know, that,  that buddy is like, “shh, don't tell anyone”. But   it's not the case. You need to look carefully at  how that data is actually being used. And then you  

have to be, you know, actually comfortable with  that. But there's many times not enough of that. Yeah. Is it a matter of reading that really  long user agreement that we all click agree on? Yeah, here's the 50 page thing in  three point font. Now click agree.   And the trouble is when you download the app,  you're so anxious to use the app. You're like,   I want to check out this app. You're like,  yeah, I agree. But you have to remember like,   you know, what are they saying there?  You know, we can use your like this in   any commercial or something like that. You  don't have no idea what is written there.

Absolutely. So let's chat about virtual reality  and public health. And I remember back in 2019,   right before the pandemic, VR was  really taking off and it still is,   but the pandemic seemed to shut down a lot of  the gaming and leisure facilities that we had   for VR. There used to be a lot of these kind of  arcade places that I used to go to. Is virtual   reality still being used in public health? And  can we expect to see more of it or will augmented   reality or AR be more of the direction that  we can expect that type of technology to take? Yeah, I think it's one of these things where  we are really only scratching the surface when   it comes to VR and AR. There's been some use of  it, but the potential is much greater than the  

use that has occurred. As a similar situation,  there hasn't been as much thought put in the   matter. Like, how can we use this actually for  good, positive way as opposed to a neutral or   negative way. So the answer is yes, it's going  to increase both VR and AR. But the question is,   are we actually prepared to fully leverage  these technologies in a positive way? You hear   talk about these types of approaches replacing  humans. You know, you can go and talk to the  

virtual doctor or something like that. We  have to be careful about that. This can go   different directions, but one of the potential bad  directions of technology like this is, you know,   you can see like organizations or companies  say, “oh, we can really cut costs by cutting   out people”. You know, we don't have to have  employees. We can have this technology doing   this. Why not have a virtual health professional  that can do these things rather than a person.   But that overlooks a lot of the things that you  get from a real-life person. The real-life person  

is not just his or her knowledge. It's not just  that person's technical ability. It's also that   person's judgment and that person's compassion,  that person's empathy, that person's experience,   that person's connection with you. Even the  actual connection itself can be valuable,   right? Very valuable. So we just have  to be careful about these things. So what types of technological advances  can we expect to see in the future? Well, certainly one thing is making information  flow more freely and make it more available. So   if you look in public health I remember walking  into a county health department maybe this was   around like 2008/2009. And you walk in, okay,  and there's a fax machine on the left there was  

a rotary phone in the health department. You look  at some of the information and they're on these   like yellowing pieces of paper and there's  this file cabinet. And then there's this one   person there who was the bank of information. You  worry like if that person ever left or retired,   then suddenly all this information would go away.  Now, I mean, I think there's been some advances in   like health departments since then. And that's  just one example. It was actually a fairly   large county health department, a metropolitan  county health department, but that was the case,   you know, back in 2009. So, there has been some  advances, but there's still a lot more opportunity  

to make all this information more, not only just  cataloged, but more accessible and we can use this   information in different ways. So that's one big  area where you can really have huge jumps in how   information is available to all kinds of different  people. We saw during this COVID 19 pandemic where   there was a lack of information. There was a  lack of communication and we did see some of   these with these websites where you can kind of  look up things. But that can jump significantly,   right, where people can really kind of look  at this information, do analyses with this   information. So that's one big area, you know,  how are we actually sharing information? Another,   of course is decision making. You know, one of  the things that we do as part of our center is  

we build these computer simulations. So we'll  simulate different things. So it's. that we've   used from the start. It was like, this is the  Sim City of public health so you can actually   simulate these things similar to how people  simulate a mission, like a rocket mission,   launch a rocket into space. That's done  after not just millions, not just billions,   but trillions of hours of computer simulation.  They'll simulate everything and they'll adjust  

what's actually going on. So they will be able  to anticipate what's going on. So we should be   able to do that in public health, right? So why  not do that in public health? There are certainly   opportunities for you know, virtual assistants,  virtual decision makers, those things like that.   And also there's opportunity of people being  able to experience things in public health   using like virtual and augmented reality. So they  can better understand other people's perspectives.   That's just scratching the surface. There are  all these different types of things. There's a   lot of things that we can do in terms of media,  mass media communications, different types of   movies and videos and things like that. And they  can be augmented with technology. There's CGI  

that can help with a lot of different things.  So yeah, that's just scratching the surface. So, how can we embrace  technology for a better future? We have to keep in mind. That when we use  technology, we want to advance all of society.   I want to emphasize all of society. The big risk  when you have technology is it benefits certain  

people leaves a lot of people behind. It can  actually technology can either worsen things   like disparities. It can worsen conditions for  certain people. It can create more separation   or on the flip side, it can do the opposite.  It can bring people together. It can reduce   disparities. It can bring more equity. It can  enhance diversity, all these things like that.  

We really want to be in that situation. Right?  So, so how do we avoid the former situation? How   do we harness and leverage technology to actually  bring people to get in those things? First of all,   we have to think about is technology actually  representing just a small segment of people   or is it representing everyone? And that  includes like the underlying data. So let's   say for instance you had some type of app that  turned on, say you need to always eat organic,   fresh produce. That's your solution. And you also  need to get a masseuse every day and get a chef. I love these ideas. And people are like, great. Okay. So that will be  fine. If you are in Silicon Valley and you have a  

big house or something like that, or that'll be  fine if you're like Beverly Hills etc. But for   most people or many people, that's very difficult  to, and for a lot of people, that's impossible,   right? Because you've got people sitting there and  say, look, I'm just trying to survive. Right. And   I don't have a organic grocery anywhere around  me. Right. You know, I basically have a donut   shop and that's it. So I can't follow these  recommendations. So therefore, that is useless  

for most of society. And it will actually worsen  disparities, right? Because if people are advised   to do that, they're like, I can't listen to this.  I'm just going to go eat donuts. So, we have to   make things practical for everyone. We have to use  the data that represents all of society. We have   to understand the differences among people. We  have to create technologies that account for these  

differences, account for these complex systems  that affect what people do and therefore come up   with really things that are appropriate. We've  already seen that public health, right? People   come up with public health recommendations that  don't account for differences in people's living   situations, their cultures, all these different  types of things. So we really need to make sure   that the underlying data, the construction of  technology matches the true diversity that's   out there. Secondly, we need to think about how  technology can actually bring people together   rather than divide people. Right? So, social  media. Yeah. In some ways brought people together,   but it's also dividing people. how do we help  people better empathize with each other's  

conditions? You know, one of the key things that  I think we have to keep in mind when we talk about   things like diversity and inclusion equity and  those things like that. And we talk about things   like, Oh, it's something that's good to do. No,  if you want to be completely utilitarian about it,   it's actually best thing to do for everyone,  right? Because there's so many studies   that have shown, for instance, biological  diversity, actually species that have more   diversity actually are stronger and become more  dominant because they have like diversity of ideas   and backgrounds and those things like that.  So you actually learn more when you encounter   people who are different and when you approach a  problem, we have different perspectives. You can  

solve the problem in a better way. Or if you  have different people doing different things   in society, the society benefits. So we have to  think about that. We have to think about those   things aren't just catchwords. They actually  benefit society. So how can we use technology   to actually enhance those things so that we could  actually have a better society for everyone? We've   actually demonstrated with some of our models  how for instance, if you actually account for   lower income neighborhoods and make sure they're  healthier, it actually benefits everyone else. So,   those are ways that technology can be used in a  very positive way. And so we really hope that it  

moves that direction and we have to keep that  conversation going so that people realize that   technology doesn't automatically have to leave  people behind. Oh, The last thing you have to make   technology accessible, right? People actually have  to be able to use it. So how do we make technology   available to people of all income levels, people  of all backgrounds, and those things like that. Thanks again, Bruce, for being a guest, and thanks  for listening to Making Public Health Personal,   presented by the CUNY Graduate School of Public  Health and Health Policy in New York City. You   can now share, like, and subscribe to  our show anywhere podcasts are heard   and on our YouTube channel. To find out more  about our school, you can visit sph.cuny.edu   or connect with us on social media. This is  your host Laura Meoli-Ferrigon signing off.  

And while public health has a global impact,  that doesn't mean we can't make it personal.


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