EMBARRASSING PHASES: The Nightmare Instead of Christmas! | Sanders Sides
There are few who deny. At dropping lines I am the best for my talents, are denounced. Fahren. Line. Y wide, that's, it we'll get it one more time. What. Is up everybody. Do, Newton well. It is that time of year again, the trees got no leaves and, like a refrigerated, Apple the air is crisp and cool. Except. For here in Florida but you know I'm sure that it's nice. And other places I'm. Not jealous, I'm chill, except. I'm not, Florida. Frightful. Whether or not those slave ballots are still jingling, our hearts are still linked. In tingling, and it is time to set our sights on that perennial, favorite, Christmas. No no, you're, mean, one we did a Christmas episode last year Thomas I mean yeah Virgil, Christmas is kind of a yearly thing it. Sure is, but, you know what we still haven't. Done oh my. Gosh Easter. What. No. St., Patty's, Day no, aunt Patty's, Day no my New Year's Day by the time we're on the same page maybe Halloween, yes yes yes Halloween. Halloween, Halloween I. Mean I don't care I just I, like holidays, so what. Are you what. Are you doing what are you doing over there Thomas, I'm waiting for the others to show up so I can scare, them right out of their pants. Affectionately. And then I'm going to affectionately. Scare, them so freakin, bad though, wet those same, pants after they put them back on. Wow. Virgil, that's that's. Pretty evil tis the season but. It's not look just don't mind me okay just look keep doing your thing we'll all right this is great because it means I get to support my best costume, yeah yes. Pretty. Great right my mommy got it for me did someone say mummy no so you can go back down hey guys Wow clearly, I have a strong attachment to this holiday you guys look awesome Thank You Thomas I put a lot of thought into my costume, how'd you settle on being a mummy what a better costume for, me then zombie, royalty. Fair enough and Logan Frankenstein's. Monster, no dr., Frankenstein, I was going to be dr. Frankenstein, but Roman said and I quote that. Dude. Sounds, like a great deed dork you should be the scary monster, instead, you, know the. Real Frankenstein. You wrote all that down or I try to jot down anything that is said to me that is unprecedented, Lee stupid it is important to keep, receipts lots of people don't know that the monster's name is in Frankenstein, Logan stop putting people down stop. It, stop. Anyway. Where's Patton I'm here Thomas, I dressed, as a ghost oh wow. Amazing. Just getting the head and popped up yeah ah okay. Well I feel. Like a fool sorry I'm late everyone Thomas, here still hasn't picked out a candy bowl for next year's trick-or-treaters. The little procrastinator. And I can't decide if he should get an orange bowl with black bats or a, black, ball with, orange, bag what. Are you or orange pumpkins. That makes more sense that's, on time button what is this have, you forgotten the discussion we've had concerning, our coordinated, costume choices wait coordinated.
Costume, You were supposed to be the Wolfman Patton up some measly mock I am The Wolfman I have the floppy ears I've got this cute little tag with my name on it and that does not say your name on it that's Scooby Doo's tag Oh must, have gotten my nametag mixed up with someone else's well, someone's. Scooby customers, ruined sorry Patton did you say woof. Man yeah. Wolf, man it, was wolf man yeah, woof man wolf man, woof man wolf, man woof man wolf man you guys are, you guys mess we, all agreed that we were going to wear scary, costumes. Do not spoil this belated, Halloween. For me scary costumes, I don't. Think I got the memo on that one I literally don't know how we discussed it in your head well spider-man, is sort of scary he wears a mask so no one knows who he is pseudo Parker he's always fighting crime at night fighting, is scary night time is scary the spider on the middle of your chest is scary, spider-man scary you're scary going it's okay it's okay Patton it's just me it's just me Thomas. You're. Spider-man, calm yourself JJ spider-man's, not scary he's a hero scary. Is more like like. Yes. No. Not, like that um are, you kidding me I spent, all day working on this be afraid be, very afraid. Oh sorry but I just don't think that we find. You as, scary. Anymore. What. Oh but that's good you're, part of the group now you weren't with us instead, of. Against. Us, well. Let me rephrase that okay, uh you're, not frightening them anymore why not frightening, us you're, not including yourself why I am fearless and therefore. Powerful, I've seen you scared Virgil, why aren't you doing your job I'm, obviously, trying, and actively, failing, have you forgotten about the graph that I Ellis traited of the Year speaker. Yeah oh good. You remembered something that I taught you for once and surely. You remember the optimum, point of tension signifying. That it's not good to experience, none of anxiety's effects I don't know about none, of its effects Virgil is still very, scary, you just gotta give, him a chance Virgil. Do that you, know do. That thing with your face okay. Ah. Oh. Oh, you. Scared, the pants right off of me uh oh. My gosh you guys don't think I'm scary put your pants back on don't patronize me, you mean pant renée's whatever it just slipped out I mean we we spent an entire two-part. Episode discussing. How you weren't, a malicious, entity we. Bonded, and stuff what we understand, now understand, what you're, being, scary, was really, mainly a thing when, you were isolating, yourself before, you knew a better way to help me now, that we've broken down that wall you don't have to you, know keep. Up the act act. You. Know not an act but a phase a phase well, sure everyone goes through phases, they're, embarrassing. But we get over them we're all just happy you're embracing who you truly are now so we can be pals listen. We, may be friends, but that doesn't mean I can't scare you anymore I'm your anxiety. That is what I do well, not anymore apparently how, hard is it to distress someone I mean just, watch Thomas.
Given, Human beings limited, years there's a cap on how many things you'll be able to make in your lifetime meaning, you. Probably don't, have the time to create everything. That you want oh my god why would you say that jeez dude see all it took was a little logic what is it so, wrong, that Virgil's, doing something a little different now well, why can't that phase be over you, patents, with me the dog days are over take it from me Virgil as someone, who's gone through a few phases myself. Phases. Are like, Halloween. Costumes, a time. Comes when you wear one around but eventually, it's time to take the costume off the. Phases I've gone through are in the past and. I feel like I can finally be my real self, now huh. Interesting. Perspective Thomas. Sorry. Everyone, I hate the dark somebody light a match not because I farted you know I'm, glad, you brought up those phases, you went through, let's. Talk about those. What. Have you taught anyone, remember, Thomas's. Cosplay. Ya. Know I was I was not good at costume. Construction, so you changed my costume, as an example it's. Rude. I was so into, that scene made, so many different costumes, went to all the local cons. But. My costumes, always. Fell. Short, compared. To everyone else oh that, absolutely. Defeated, me I couldn't. Cope with the fact that we weren't on the same level as all the other incredible. Cosplayers, at the cons you attended, oh that. Was big of you to admit Romans. Who bad your big admission. Is dwarfed, by your, gargantuan. Failures. Yikes that those were ugly. Words there, get up not as ugly as Thomas's cosplayers. We. Have the same, nevermind. Just let it go first you know, extending. Beyond this penny. Dreadful. Theatricality, penny dreadful. Theatricality. Is not. Intended there is something, interesting to be said about all this talk of phases, and yes yes I can't help but be reminded of, Erik Erikson's, what a name the theory of psychosocial. Development what a name particularly. The fourth psychosocial, crisis, entitled, industry, versus. Inferiority catchy. During this phase one aims to gain a sense of confidence, when developing, skills if. Unsuccessful, one, could develop feelings of inferiority. However. A mixture, of failures, and successes, could, lead to a more agreeable, balance. Of competency. And modesty. Oh my gosh he's so right I'm so modest, so cosplay, is something that made.
Me Feel inferior potentially. But remember, you were also, trying your hand at other trades during that phase, singing, filmmaking, etc, with which you felt more successful, and your proficiency and set skills provided, unnecessary. Counter, to your more. Embarrassing. Efforts well me. I was wrong to be embarrassed, by my cosplay, well not wrong, but yeah. I had fun I, did, it because I was passionate about, the characters, going. To conventions, gave me a chance to meet. People that liked. The same geeky, stuff is, me, so. What if I didn't have the means to create a film, quality, costume. I shouldn't have given, up so easily, oh but you can always get back into it would you really want to revisit that you should just let the past die kill, it if you have to easy there, Kyle oh friend oh my gosh a nice nickname I hadn't. Thought of that you shouldn't give up on things just because, they're hard or if you're not good at that right away you know you're. Right and I feel like I've also probably, improved, since then with all the costuming. For videos that time. In my life might, have been an essential stepping. Stone in order to get. To where I am today, stepping-stone. More like throwing stone oh sorry. I did not mean to actually that, was just supposed to scare you guys but, I bet now you're going through another phase of pain. Sorry. Again now you know Virgil this isn't so, scary you just diminished. My custom, quality that's all careful or it'll be Thomas's girl phase next oh you mean when you feigned an attraction towards women you mean the first 23, years of my life, you. Were so repressed. Oh. I bet Virgil has a ton more to scare us with how about me next your batwing, to cherub, I mean, you bad. Boy. All. Right. Dog. Oh no. Not. Yes. Patent, de, mo. This. Is maybe the scariest phase, and all of Thomas's, life well. Scary. Is a little harsh, yep Thomas you were such an angsty, teenager, and you know how teenagers scare the living poop out of me Oh Patten you don't have to make emo song references, but, it's better if you do I agree with Patton this is a horrifying, period, to revisit through all of the relentless, waves of hormones, and emotions. No. One could understand, me yeah I was really, going through some stuff when I was younger, there's. A lot to get a handle on well that's what you get when you let your heart win whoa. Okay. You can stop making the song a hundred times better maybe I can, try oh the ill-fitting. Hairdos, I wore and. All the bracelets, - how, did I wear so many bracelets who, let me do that being.
Old Enough to comprehend, depressing. Realities, but still, too young to wrap your head around why, things, are the way they are resulted. In you becoming, a, little, trihard. You only made things worse for yourself by dressing, in a way that was so wannabe. Edgy, and you, were just. Making. It way too easy to insult you hypocrites say what what oh my gosh I can't believe it were shut up also what were you thinking going to events like Warped, Tour you hate crowds, hmm now I don't want, to overload anyone with information since, when but this also sounds like one of Erikson's, stages of, psychosocial, development, identity. Versus. Role confusion. This. Stage describes, one search for personal, identity and a, sense of self trying. To figure out who you are it's a time for exploring and seeking, a figurative, place, where one belongs. In society, if one doesn't have an easy time during this stage they, could experience, an identity crisis, and experiment. With different lifestyles an identity crisis, that clearly hasn't ended I mean what am i other than a highly condensed, ball of angst whose style is a relic from that time in your life oh oh my gosh yeah and, never basically styled. Twins. One just a couple of cool guys coming, through okay Paden um, sorry. Well I mean maybe. That angst is still with me to some extent but you, work with us now, you're not in, the driver's seat anymore, you have. A seat, at the discussion, table I was. Absolutely. Frightened. Out of my mind, back then but only because. I was, trying. To understand, difficult feelings. For the first time glad. That's over with what do you think we're doing every time we meet up catching up and then I found, a. Healthy. Way to express. Myself screaming. Lyrics, lyrics that resonated, with me and made, me feel. Less. Alone. And, Virgil. Going, to concerts, made, me feel like there was a place for me in society. And I really. Needed. That at the time, honestly. That was a time where I developed a lot of the values I, still. Believe in today plus, the music is still pretty darn cool well that goes without saying hmm, I don't think I really have any other embarrassing. Embarrassing. Phases. And. That means my beautiful, costume, can remain untouched. Princey. Princey princey, so, naive. Ah. His. Burlap. Sack face oh I. Get it it's, fine oh. Yes. The fine phase, Wow. Virgil, I hate to say it but.
This Is a miserable failure on your part the, vine phase wasn't scary on the contrary, I'm rather proud of all the work we did oh all, the, work. It's. Okay we're on YouTube now where, we're safe, from all the bad decisions, I've, always. I've always made things that. I can be proud of on YouTube, Thomas don't invite something else so Thomas. Vine. May be dead, but, it still haunts you like a malevolent. Apparition. That those were some of the earliest, years in developing, your voice as a creator, but no matter what you do no matter what you try you. Will never grow. Past it no your tombstone will, read here. Lies Thomas. Sanders remember. Him he, was the storytime guy on by. Oh I, know because I. Don't. Know if people were to remember your vines years down the line I. Think. That'd be pretty neat oh my. God. You're awesome, Logan. Did Derek son have anything to say about this, you. Mean Erickson oh that's. Right the only sons I can keep straight are my own as a. Matter of fact Patton yes, the generativity, versus, stagnation stage. Does share a few notable qualities, with, Thomas's, fine face well why don't you generate, an explanation, for, us Logan holy well, it, has to do with one's desire, to create, and be, involved, in the community the, function, of this stage is ideally. To figuratively. Make, your mark on the world through, creating. Or nurturing, something, that will outlast, you oh my gosh I was literally talking to you about this same thing a while ago me. And this Erickson guy Wow so wait I was, doing exactly what I needed to be doing I was, taking. Part in an online community and I, accidentally. Stumbled, into making something that was bigger than me just. By doing something, that I enjoyed, that's so freakin. Cool and sure I made. Mistakes all the time but you know I'm better now right I don't know are you I don't know am i all right I believe, I understand, the intended, outcome of Virgil's, methodology, if, you had never made that horrendously. Bad fine okay now you guys are just being mean the fines aren't that. Example. Most of them weren't that bad yeah you, boy has delivered some ill-conceived. Content, but, that was part of his development, similarly. If we hadn't endured those various, cringe inspiring, periods of your life then. You wouldn't know the things that you know now or be. The person, that I am today. Yeah. Uh it's. Not that I haven't changed but when, you reduce a piece of my history to just a phase, you. Ignore, everything that I went through who. I was, when I scared you all the time is no. Less real than Who. I am now, past, phases, are the foundation, of who you've become, oh. Here's. My name zag it, says Potter so if you remove that foundation, what's, left standing, huh, sorry, if we torn it down a little bit Virgil a pun infused, touching, moment. That. Is so my aesthetic, look dealing. With me will. Never be a walk in the park and, you can't pretend that it will be when you try to deny me I get frustrated and I lash out you. Talk about how I work, with you now that's, great but I need, you to, work with me too, you're, right you're. Right I I. Don't suppose there's anything I can do to. Remedy. The, situation yeah, don't worry about it I'll, get even with you what what does that mean what are you gonna do what are you gonna do it it's already done dear Susan. Newton. Dear. Thomas. Do you remember your for, jorah days. Alright, now we're even you don't bring up a guy's fedora face Virgil, there's gotta be a line not even if that guy belittled, someone's past hardships, fine I wore a fedora or seven, it was one wait you can barely call it a face my head is not built for ads does the fedora thing tie into the lesson in any way no I just, had a point to prove I. Still. Got it yeah you certainly do, don't question me again Sanders, if he's going back to being scary can I go back to calling him names no no you have to be nice I'm just glad he didn't go into the girl phase you with a girl defies all me. Yeah no it wasn't fun for anyone Thomas I feel. Kind of confused now, I, always. Try to show Virgil, love and support but. Lately. I. Feel. Like I always, neva. Tably, do. Something, wrong no, patent, I I. Understand. There's. A lot that Virgil could do that I don't want him to do he, knows exactly how, to push my buttons but.
He. Is who he is, all. We can do is. Try. To listen to him as best, as we can and. Adapt. To his needs it's, not an easy thing to navigate, so we're going to run into problems. But, if it's any consolation patent. I can. See how hard you try and, I. Think. You're. Doing a really great job. Whoo. Well, my nerves are shot um I, guess, the takeaway from this is that, phases. Although. Sometimes. Embarrassing. Aren't, inherently. Artificial. They're, the. Building, blocks of the, person, you are now, we're. Constantly. Growing, and our experiences. Shape. Us. Embrace. Where you are in your life right now whoever. You are right this minute. You're. Real, don't. Let anyone tell you differently. Until. Next time take, it easy ghosts schools, and non-binary. Ghouls. I, don't. Know I was trying something take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals, peace out, have yourself. A. Scary. Little. Christmas. Very. Well done, virtual, you're. So. Evolved. Deceit, real, class Savita sneak up on a side in the middle of housekeeping, Wow, classy. Is my middle name. Seriously. It's on my birth certificate you can look it up for, proof yeah maybe, maybe. An opposite town. All. Right all right you're overselling. It now oh you are, hilarious Virgil. You always, have been what are you doing here hmm a bunch of talk about Halloween a season. For dressing, up and pretending to, be something or someone else you're, right a master, of deception such as myself has no place in that kind of discussion okay me being able to elicit fear doesn't take away from the fact that I've grown so, don't even try me with that Harvey Dent's clever retort and convincing. Statement, and cool. Costume, are, you supposed to be scarecrow. In Joel Schumacher's canceled, third Batman film you know this is what I normally wear I've never seen that outfit in my life stylish, clothing aside, just. Be sure to. Of that personal. Growth Virgil. Who. Knows maybe. Soon you could, be rid of us, ah Oh. What. I was. Totally. Not looking, for this. Yeah. You better run what was that nothing get out.
2018-12-30 19:31
i just realized that when roman said that "someone's scooby costume is ruined" i remember deceit saying he was looking for the scooby tag.. imagine deceit in a scooby costume tho
probably won't see this but omg I want to see so badly a day in the life of each of the Sander Sides.
Did you know that vine 2 is coming out can you do vine 2 when it comes out because you are so funny the one who hates Christmas is me Halloween is the best lol I am emo
Grinch is a bad banana
Nightmare befor Christmas is my favourite movie so watching this was amazing
23:23 so cute
At the end, Virgil’s high-pitched “nOThing, get out!” Felt so precious X3 ahhh Virgil’s such an awesome character
Thomas: “You’re real” Me, sobbing: *nods*
"I don't know, are you?" "I DON'T KNOW, AM I?!" me too, Thomas XD
Why would Virgil not like any of Patton's comments anymore? Something is going on....
I know what you mean Thomas I hate this heat
Thomas Sanders is da boss
0:56 was so cute
I don't think Thomas would be mean enough to do this but in the end card for deceit to get back at Virgil he would play the G note from welcome to the black parade and Virgil would just be horrified but also all the mcr fans including myself would scream and cry in a corner for an hour minimum uwu.
The only other punk based name for Patton in his costume aside from Pawton is Panton
I shouldn't say this in such a wholesome place, but did anyone else think thomas looked
Why you are do similar to Dirk Gently (character from netflix series) for me? XD Btw love your videooooo ❤
16:43 I can't believe Roman missed the opportunity for a "we're not straight" joke
I LOVE Roman's scream. It's amazing every time
6:02 *wE hAd A bOnDiNg MoMeNt. I cRaDdLeD yOu In My ArMs!*
When they brought up his emo phase that just brought up horrible memories about myself.
Wait... ya boi (18:03)... one's friend... LOGAN! YOU SECRETLY LOVE ALL YOUR FRIENDS AHHHHHHHH WHY AM I SO happy about this. Lol
I laughed out loud multiple times. LOUDLY. And I'm the only one in my dorm currently, so I'm just laughing to myself. Keep up the great work, I love your videos and showing them to my friends!
At first i was a little sad and left out another time becuse i celebrate channukkah but then it was Halloween and i got alot happier :)
Who’s gonna tell Logan that “Doctor” Frankenstein never even got his Associates? (Unless they give degrees for skipping class and grave robbing)
Patton is my spirit animal
Put more makeup on Virgil like in one of your old videos please
For what it's worth... I love your Tiktoc's too!!! But I am a nearly 30 year old woman that has three kids and always have/will smile at all of your work. So take that!!! XD
i need to see pics of thomas in his emo phase
Patton is a furry
NOTHING GET OUT! ive never heard Virgil whine before
So fucking cringy
Virgil is my favorite part of Thomas (Also Thomas is so inspiring,he really inspired me)
This video is like a video of Virgil vs Logan
hay can you make it were all the sides go into paddintons mind space or logics mind please
nOTHing get out! Lol that voice crack tho
19:30 God Damnit I was really hoping Patton would say “Dear, Evan Hanson” jeezus luisus! I love ya tho
Thomas your hair! Its FADING!!! Also like if you agree that Thomas is just perfect and sweet and never needs to change
I've been dealing with my own Virgil a lot lately.. Do you have any tips on what can be done when it starts to get more overwhelming? If you already have made a video on this topic could you direct me to it please?
Merry Christmas Thomas
Talyn back at it again with the stellar Roman-screams
I do remember Thomas as the StoryTime guy, those always made me laugh, and I still watch his vines when I need some cheering up. Also, who knew Virgil could be so spooky sexy? By far my fav! -that goth girl in the corner with a book
Don't worry Thomas, your first cosplays can't nearly be as bad as my first attempt. Tried to spray paint a wig to make it darker, very rookie mistake
I think we are going to Patons room next!!!!
“Princey, princey, princey so naive” I loved the way he delivered that line
Well here in Virginia it gets cold. That's it. It doesn't snow until February when the Christmas spirit has already been packed away along with all the other presents you broke within the first week of getting them
"NothING get out!" Omg that voice crack! XD
Im sorry but i hate cristmas and im with vergle
Loved the Star Wars reference
This video has made me confront things I didnt want to for a while...
Wow okay, nobody should support this man. He is nasty. He takes pictures of himself with (sometimes) only his underwear on. He takes a bunch of ass pics (with clothes) of himself on Tumblr, and people embrace him to take certain ass pictures. Her may seem sweet and adorable uwu boy, but he's actually fucking gross. PLEASE DO NOT SUPPORT THIS MAN!!!
I've been studying early childhood education the last few years in order to get my degree in teaching and did an ENTIRE project on Erik Erikson and his eight stages of physiological development last year. I really appreciate how it was incorporated.
did logan steal virgil's eyeliner?... wait ROMAN TOO?
As somebody who has lived in florida their entire life, I can confirm that it only gets chilly here. If it ever snows, its like...an atom of snow. I've only seen the temperature go down to 30 or 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
This is just thomas talking to himself
eY tHoMaS, y'all need to do a video recreating the "incorrect Sanders Sides quotes"
tHe HeCkInG nIgHtMaRe BeFoRe ChRiStMaS rEfErEnCeS One of my favorite youtubers and my favorite movie? Perfect. Even if it's just the beginning of the video..
So have you watched my hero academia yet???
I agree with Virgil! Christmas is horrible!
... im just going to openly admit this. I went through a Jekyll and Hyde phase and i look back on it and wonder what the heck i was doing...
Feeling that Florida weather ;)
I don't think I have gone through any phases yet. I have been through a color phase, I guess, but not much else.
is it just me or did virgil use a harry potter reference with the thing when he took the light
Haha I love all the song references
Why do I feel like you guys are trying to get rid of Virgil
Paton: DECEIT I WILL FISICALLY FIGHT YOU!!! IF YOU HURT MY DARK LITTLE BABY My theory is Thomas will feel kinda weird sorta Deceitful and only Logan, Paton, and Thomas (obviously) will look to the staircase and see Virgil is gone they look away to look back and Deceit is there they freak out then start questioning him they go to Virgil's room and deceit isn't there with them but they see Virgil tied up with his mouth covered or something that's all I got. So excited for the new sander sides to come out and if it's not soon I might start screaming and never stop (eye twitch).
Bro please go to Disney for New Years and vlog it I’m begging you (( EPCOT does the best New Years stuff sue me ))
Okay, so my favourite youtuber has decided to dress up as my favourite superhero (Thomas looks great in that costume!)
I’m new!!!!!
Winter is dying
Ay I’m in Florida
MCR reference yay!
Wait Thomas... You're spiderman???
Whoever suggested a panic! reference in this episode got their wish i love but its beter if you do
I'm loving the end card with decite but I have a little theory here what if decite is trying to turn the others against virgil because of something that happened in the past and also I noticed something in "Can LYING be good" so we all see Thomas's shirt is a sequence skull flag we're on one side and plane on the other side but what if this resembles darkness and light? So in the beginning it shows half and half which could mean a conflict in his head between the light and dark but when decite appears it goes full white this indicates that decite is trying to turn him but when he leaves its all flowers which means he has seen the truth about it
I don't know how to say this but... I've been cutting myself since mid May and I'm trying to stop, I'm starting to have suicidle thoughts. I don't know what to do and I haven't told anyone. I know you won't see this Thomas but your videos help me to not cut as much... so thanks for that
scary like THIS *ad plays*
Can i just say how Virgil rocks that lipstick
6:02 "We bonded, and stuff!" Me: THEY HAD A BONDING MOMENT! Please tell me someone gets this reference
Same with Arizona #StopHeat
I rate this video 10/10 no explanation needed!
thos personltey are like mine that all fight. the negativey start the fight
Why would Virgil sing a Christmas like song at the end if he doesn't like Christmas? It makes no sense.... unless... a sneaky snake was pulling the strings... Deceit could have taken on Virgil's form just like he did with Patton. And while Re-watching this I noticed Virgil is wearing gloves, Deceit's trademark item besides the bowler hat. It would make sense on why Virgil is acting so weirdly and why Virgil didn't feel right to me. He felt different until the end card.
*GuYs StOp DoInG tHiS tO uS i WaNnA kNoWwWwWwWwWwWwWwW*
at least it's not down here in the rgv it's cold then hot then cold then hot etc...is it me or Thomas Sanders looks fabulous in anything
Roman: Wolfman. Logan: Wolfman. Thomas: Wolfman. Virgil: ... (Hadn't popped up yet.) Patton: Woofman. Are you guys... Are you guys messing with me? : Me all the time
That vampire outfit is sooo good on you.
Dose anyone else watch the end part where we get a little mini video ? If you do then did you hear virgl's voice crack or at least that's what I think it is ?
This is one masterpiece
nOtHiNg GeT oUt gotta love Vergil
DID THE LINE 'Dressing up and pretending to be something your not" AND "Noce costume" just prove that Virgil once was or is a dark side. At the end when Virgil says nothing get out you can hear a hint of fear in his voice. I think his so called "light side" is sensitivity. I dont know how to elaborate on this but that is my theory.
It rains in the UK
Our Christmas is in summer. We all melted in the sun eating food.
‘WE bOndED AnD STuFf!!’
SANDERS!!! Sanders sanders sanders sanders!!! I have an idea for the next Sanders Sides!!! The sides react to Ships fan art. I would love to see the reactions of Roman and Virgil for the Prinxiety fan art.
I got every reference ;-;
I was gonna comment on how I had a confusing Emo phase, but then the end segment came up. Y'all know I have to talk about that! Who writes these scripts and characters? I have to know!
Before 2018 is over lets go 3million
Virgil's voice crack at the end was perfect. And I loved how it shows two 'dark' side bickering over nonsense. Like come on Deceit. Children, please, MANNERS.
Thank you so much for another amazing video Thomas and crew. You are all amazing and appreciated.
Please tell me that we’re gonna get to see the other sides soon
Patton what is this 'straight' word you use? I do not follow.
Virgil in a vampire costume is all I ever needed in life oml thank you
Omg all the mcr references around 11:48
Wait, there’s paramore too?!
I absolutely love video! So this isn't me hating because, I can't hate on Thomas! But like, is anyone else just a tiny bit bothered by how loose Logan's tie is? Like, is Logan bothered by it too???
Thank you for saying how anxiety is always bad. It means a lot to me because it saved my life.
nOtHinG GeT OuT!
I loved this video so much
Poor Virgil. He was just trying to be scary.
Once Thomas gets over Anxiety, will Virgil get a new name? Will he be fear or alarm, or will he forever be Anxiety? Most importantly will he be replaced, and how will everyone act depending on the situation?
Do behind the scene
Does anybody give you hell for being gay how do you over come it then
When Logan said "holy s***" i was half shocked and half randomly bursting out laughing!........AND OMG THE SECERT ENDING! Love it!
Okay but emo puppy Patton is freaking adorable
please do s video with chris villain!
Sometimes I forget I have the same initials and purple hair but dyed it waaaaay before discovering you.
Virgil's voice crack at the very end always brings a stupidly huge smile to my face!!
I think virgil is afraid of deceit because at the end card at 23:23 he says "Nothing get out "like if deceit heard the insult he would hurt him In some way
*don’t question me again, sanders*
roman might just be my new favorite character with all the emo song references in this video
Virgil; Yeah you better run. Deciet: What was that? Virgil: NotHInG GET OUT!!!
More Deceit please :3
i love these videos!
Thomas your spiderman
i love how it just says ‘cast- thomas’
7:34 Me: *falls to the ground laughing* ROMAN OH MY GOSH
That last comment... "Whoever you are right this minute. You're real" just hit me in the heart and I thought you should know that. I needed to hear that more than I thought I did. So thank you for that.
Patton: He wears a mask so noone knows who he is Logan(semi-quietly): Peter Parker Me: YOU RUINED IT
Virgil: hey demons its me. . Logan: ya boi Roman: *ahhhh* Logan: AHHH Virgil: ahhh patton: ahhh??
16:58 did he achatchly say the shi word omgosh.
The end card is the best yet
In Oregon it is raining so don't feel bad
I love it
20GAYTEEN has passed..... Now for 20 BI-TEEN
Colorado: In the negitives Florida: in the hundreds
Yasss he referenced panic at the disco
Thomas? You're spider man?
You know Thomas, I feel you. We were supposed to have snow but ya know.. There hasn't been the whole time!! Aghhh. I wish we had snow.
'Thomas... your spiderman...'
You seem a lot more like Deadpool as Spiderman
13:56 He's now Sir Virgil of the Roundtable, where no man is above another
This is my favorite thing on youtube!! it needs to be uploaded more!!
omg these videos make me so happy. :D Emo Scooby Patton may just be the greatest thing ever! Also I'm still dying from the dental floss. LOL.
Band together friends... the theories grow stronger every day...
"Put your pants back on" I'm dying
You don't want to be in Pennsylvania/Mechanicsburg
"NOTHing get ouuut" 0_0 dat voice crack dow
That scream was Talyn, wasn't it?
CAN WE TALK ABOUT PATTON OML and at the end virgil just goes "nOtHiNg gEt oUt-" and I died XD
Patton: the only sons I can keep straight are my own Me: i thought thomas is gay?
Am I the only one who looked at the Scooby Doo tag when Deceit picked it up and and switched the SD around to DS as in Deceit Sanders!!!!
noThinG geT oUt
I am gay too and when you said my girl phase is said to my self SAME!!
What’s with the throwing stuff at peoples eyes? Also Virgil threw that at Thomas, Thomas is real, Virgil is imaginary.....?
I love you so much Thomas! I love your videos and the fun personality you have! You make my day everyday! I also think you have a lovely singing voice
Do you wanna put your mouth on my mouth
"And you know how teenagers scare the living poop out of me" ... I mean that's my heart your messing with but you know, I could care less (as long as someone'll bleed)
I’m going to Disney this april I hope I see you somewhere
What was that? NoThInG gEt OuT!!
I love the nice and soft version of Virgil but I also miss the edgy and scary but still cute version of Virgil. Thanks Thomas
That endcard tho...
I want Virgil react to this -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvPJaiL58gg&list=RDQM9kvqN4WH9Zk&index=7
the florida rant hit me
The Fedora Phase 19:14 19:14 19:14 You're Welcome
In Colorado it’s very warm How did I miss this ?
oh no i'm in the fedora phase
emo isn't phase it's a lifestyle X3
Maybe Virgil IS an outcast, like the other sides of Thomas he doesn't know about (including the one he does). Maybe him growing is a sign he's no longer being an outcast. But, since they still have a way of making him feel excluded, he still has some growing to do. Maybe, just maybe, when Roman, Patton, Logan, AND Thomas accept him and work with him, he can be rid of his own tormentors. From the sounds of it, they try to bring him down for wanting to be up front with the others. Like, he was never accepted with the outcasts either.
All I can say is you (all?) are doing great, sweetie!
When I saw Virgil's costume my brain went two places: 1, ooh vampire!, and 2, is Virgil wearing lipstick?
*"NOThing!Get out!"*
4:32 to 4:36 me when I see food
Oh Virgil! In the end card, my baby! he's so scared...
Omg, Virgil and Deceit reminds me of an older brother and little brother. Constantly getting on each other's nerves. XD Especially with that, "Yeah, you better run" "Oh, what was that?" "Nothing! Get out!"
honestly the tantrumish NO and the getting into Halloween just make Virgil adorable here. I WANNA HUG HIM!
You should do more Q and A’s with Patton,Vergle, Logan and Roman!!! Also I love you and next Halloween I’m going to dress up as Patton or Vergle
Am I the only one who is more excited to rewatch Thomas Sanders' videos than go outside and shop on my birthday? Just me? Cool.
I know how you feel I live in Florida
I'm so excited for the other sides!!!!
"NOTHING, GET OUT" -- love my dark strange son smh
Wait I was thinking we know Anxiety, Logic, Morality, and Creativity's real names but WHAT IS THOMAS'S REAL NAME?!?!
any one else thinks that Virgil wouldn't like Halloween because trick or treating might induce anxiety
Deceit Classy Sanders.......... Me: 9:10
I can only think of how much research Sanders puts into the philosophers quotes
“The trees have no leaves”.... THE TREES ARE NAKED! DON’T LOOK!
I don’t care how much you wanna tell me that ‘nobody’s perfect’ blah blah blah...Thomas is the perfect human being. I just...wish I could be more like him.
"And you know how teenagers scare the living poop out of me" I see what you did there ;) *cough cough* MCR *cough*
Too soon about warped tour
Thomas Does it feel weird just talking to yourself
Omg I was just in Florida
Love it
Okay so My theory is that Virgil is actually fighting with Deceit over who should be in charge of Thomas. Deceit is trying to make Virgil so incredibly overbearing that it’s too much and all the anxiety drives the others (Logan, Patton, and Roman) to not even exist anymore. He wants Virgil to overtake so that Thomas can be ruled over by only Virgil and himself. Deceit is all like “Noooo we should be the only ones here. WE should have complete control over Thomas. WE should rule him. No one else matters.” Deceit is trying to make Virgil join his side so that they can take over, but Virgil doesn’t want to give in. He tries to hide this ongoing battle with Deceit and the “taking over”but you can tell that it’s starting to become serious and it’s harder and harder to hide from everyone. Soon Virgil might burst and tell the others, and I think that Virgil and Deceit are going to have a huge fight over who should rule: Just Virgil and himself, or everyone. And I think THAT would be an amazing episode. You can also back this theory up using what Deceit says at the end of the video, “Just keep up that personal growth Virgil.” This shows that Deceit wants Virgil to keep growing, and making himself so strong that all the anxiety drives everyone away, so it’s just the two of them. AND Deceit also says “Who knows? Maybe one day you’ll rid us all...” THIS shows that Deceit wants to get Virgil to get rid of everybody, well, everybody except for him. So that they can both rule over Thomas together, without anyone trying to stop them. So how’s the theory? It’s my first one so I hope it makes sense.
I fricken love Patton
The next video for sander sides they should make Moxiety ( Virgil - Patton ) a thing, IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please no. Please
I want to meet you
Hey Thomas you should make a Discord server
When Virgil says that he had a point to prove at 20:00 I'm sure he was adressing to Deceit xD
I love you. You make my day.♥️♥️♥️
Pawton is so cute as an emo omigod and can I'm anxiety lol
(7:34) Jesus the scream so high ._.’
Virgil: Put your pants back on. Don't patronize me. Patton: You mean "pantronize"?
Ooooooooo dang we got a Virgil Voice Crack™ up in here. Also, did anyone else hear a slight... echo-y tone to Patton’s voice when he was voicing his fears to Thomas? I was a bit confused but I played it back and definitely heard SOMETHING...
I love the Spider-Man costume and the floss as webs. It’s so cute
I want you to do another vine video and sing the song lie from NF
this video was only created 6 days ago and there are alwredy like 3,000 comments
nOtHiNg GeT oUt
Ima need you to write a novel, or (preferably) a series of books with all (5...or more?) Sanders Sides.
12:13 what song is this?
Wait, Deceit was looking for the collar Patton mixed his up with. Does that mean Patton had some kind of interaction with Deceit before he appeared?
It’s ok I feel the heat also I live in Arizona aka desert
I love how desperately Virgil was trying to scare the others XD
11:10-14:40 damn how can you describe the life of a closeted teenager perfectly in like 3 minutes?? Ly ♥️♥️♥️
yeah here in florida there's no escape from the heat, it was 70 degrees on christmas
Could their be an Anger side? And that’s what causes the sides to lash out. Like when Logan through the price of paper at Roman in the puppet video? Also if we happened to get introduced to two other “dark sides” and deceit. Would their be a sander sides episode were Virgil might have to choose the dark sides or the sides we know?
23:24 Virgils adorable voicw crack oml
Virgil- That's right you better run Deceit- What was that Virgil- Nothing GET OUT OF MY ROOM What any teenager would say
11:48 * sees TØP pin * Me: we did it clique. We did it >:3
Logan cussing was the best
he lives in Florida! that makes a lot of sense.
I dont think memo phase is a phased it's more a part of me. Well....
You should collab with Brent Rivera PLEASE
I love those slang words definitions
12:58 I LOVED Warped Tour
i went to florida for christmas
11:54 Panic! At The Disco reference
11:39 the phase i am currently in
Anxiety scared me when he jumped out holding knife dressed as a vampire like if happened to you
Has anyone else noticed the more into it Logan gets the faster he talks
The little tøp pin on patton's hat killed me
Hey Thomas one of my friends Jesus pronounced hey sus died last year from cat scratch syndrome. On new years it was wierd. Anyways you've helped me out a lot after his death you made me happy. Hope you have a happy New Year thank you for what you've done for all of your fans
Why do I see no comments about the fact that Roman made a P!ATD reference
Your birthday on April 24th and my birthday on April 24th
Mmmm! Let's hear it for them Floridans!
I feel like thomas should do a sanders sides where they talk about forgivness
why does deceit remind me of king george lll
Most of the comments: *well thought out theories about Deceit and Virgil that blow my mind* Me: Omgs, Patton is trying so hard.
You know Patton is an angel when even in emo clothes he looks adorable. Maybe even more adorable.
I went through my emo fase at a youg age like 8/6 and i do da arts so instead of going emo.on my clothes i did ot through my misic anf art it was a bad time
"I am fearless and therefore powerful" nice!
I remember your vines
Patton: Logan did Dericson have anything else to say about this? Logan: You mean Erickson? Patton: Oh that's right. Sorry the only sons I can keep straight are my own. Me: Patton obviously not considering your sons are gay.
Theory time!! So while they were talking during the Vine Phase, Thomas mentioned being "proud" of his work on YouTube. Roman was quick to retort, saying to Thomas, "Thomas, don't summon something else." Could one if the dark sides be Pride? Roman looked very frantic to keep Thomas's mouth shut. And this was how Deceit was summoned. By Thomas feeling the need to lie. Roman could have been stopping Thomas from feeling too prideful of his work on YouTube in order to keep him from summoning Pride. But that's just a theory. A film theory. ;)
Virgil should keep the vampire costume Like if you agree
19:36 hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Im getting a Patrick Stump vibe
Sometimes I forget he’s in Florida and that if I went out more I could actually bump into him on accident sndjjsbfhafbf
These videos are so well made
Lol come to Minnesota and you'll see lots of snow!
Plus u always make to year more exciting and much more better thats why we all love u❤
Imagine how long these take to make
I thought in the next 6 months this would come out. I so happy expectations were false
Omg Virgil tho, he’s so freaking funny i literally cant
Bloopers please
Make more sander sides
Patton: And you know how *teenagers scare the living poop out of me* Roman: Oh Patton you don't have to make emo song references... *but it's better if you do* ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You sir are so amazing i absolutely love your humour!!!!!! How old are you???
U are v y talented never stop making content
When Virgil tries to scare them with the blood and knife an ad came on oh my God I never laughed so hard because if a video and of course Patton is adorable
Hi Thomas! I don’t really like to write comments, but I just wanted to write this one to say thank you. You inspire me in so many ways, and your vines and videos always make me laugh and never fail to brighten my day. I would totally write more and make this comment way longer than it should be, but I don’t really feel comfortable posting a comment that could eventually get very personal (with me, not you) on the internet where millions of people can read it. So thank you again, and keep doing what you’re doing! You bring smiles to many people’s faces everywhere, and that is a wonderful thing. Just another one of your many fans, ~ RebaRosie (Lol this sounds more like a letter than a comment but oh well
i... I think I ship a little Deceit and Virgil... Just a little
I gasped at Thomas in the Spider-Man costume, I LOVE IT
Question what’s your opinion on British accents Oh and plus what’s your favourite holiday (Christmas, Halloween ext)
The emo phase is my life now ||-//
OP wouldja look at that another Thomas Sanders video making me cry what's new
Virgil is more of an Obscurus to me. He could possibly wreck the other sides if he'd gone out of control which may happen any time.Which I reckon, that everytime he does so, he just isolates himself in his room to avoid other possible casualties. Moreover, the other sides do whatever they can to help Virgil to sort out things, thus he, at some point, able to control himself at will or subconsciously by projecting his mind to other ''greater things'' which makes him to forget what he was dealing with. Anyways, I think this new Sander Sides installment was done also out of the influence of Fantastic Beast, wasn't it?
This whole series is trash change my mind
*Voice crack* "nothing get out"
How his voice went high at the end of the video tho "Nothing get OuT!!!"
I honestly learn more from Thomas then i do in school thx Thomas for everything
I still can't believe Logan swore
I'd rather be back Florida than Arizona good I miss Florida
I love the mcr reference there Patton
I know how you feel I live at the beach to
I love this video! :)
He's handsome, and can sing! You go Thomas! Love you!
16:53-16:57 didn't mean to laugh so hard
Deceit: maybe some day you can berid us all Me: is that foreshadowing I smell
That Spider-Man costume is literally like the best thing ever.
1:24 V: *hahahhah*
*coughs* PATTON IS A FURRY!!
Deceit is a strong felling lies are in all humans and that is why he is trying to mess with Anxiety cause Anxiety can beat him easy cause of the fear of failing a laying and getting in to trouble fear can beat him of the fear of failure
Anxiety is great stop calling him Virgel it makes him normal So no Christmas stuff Funny
I hope their is a series with deceit as like a 5 side I guess
I'm from Texas, I feel ya
new years day its right now
Virgil looked like brendon urie in the its almost Halloween video
Can I just say you be rockin that spiderman costume.
patton is a good boy
(okay lowkey need to know where virgil's fangs are from someone please find out-)
Virgil's hair in this video is just perfect.
You don't bring up a guys fedora phase Virgil, there has to be a line!
Did anyone else notice that at the beginning, he said "denounced" instead of "REnounced"?
Patton making an MCR reference. 2019 hopefully has MCR back.
Here's a chapter I wrote based off of this video that goes along with the storyline of the main story, *Sides School*, but anyways, here's the link: https://www.quotev.com/story/11306630/Sides-School/46 Please read it. Love ya, Thomas. (BTW I wouldn't mind if you read the whole story or if you just read the chapter, even if you didn't read any of it I wouldn't mind.) One last thing, I like how Patton said, "The only sons I can keep straight are my own." Because even his sons aren't straight. From one LGBTQ member to another, Happy Holidays. And, as Virgil would probably say, take it easy mistakes, regrets, and non-binary rejects, Rest-In-Peace Out!
Virgil, don't listen to Deceit, he's just trying to bring you down. If you SCALE the favoritism, you'll find that more people love you than anyone else. He's just jealous of you. I love you Virge, stay spoopy.
I’m just imagining him talking to himself throughout this whole video
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Virgill is the cutest vampire ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*waits for deceit* *is not disappointed*
my bABY
I love how Thomas makes me want to laugh, cry, squeal, scream, theorize, _curl up in a ball for hours,_ hug everyone, murder everyone, and binge watch all at once.
Have you Thomas Sanders ever lived in Canada
3:41 Roman: well someone's Scooby costume is ruined 23:16 Deceit, holding the scooby tag: i was.. totally not looking for thisss... Guys... DECEIT WAS GONNA BE SCOOBY! AAAAAH
Am I the only one that thinks Virgil is rocking the lipstick?
*when you look at the comments watching the video* *and you find out Deceit is in the video* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
“BETTER LOOKING THAN YOUR FACE!” “We have the same face! Never mind. Let it go Virgil” Relate. Same energy as my brother saying YO MAMA jokes. WE HAVE THE SAME MOTHER!! When will he get that?
I love it but now I'm worried about my bae
Wow didn’t expect spider man
flordias weather sucks I understand the pain merry scary cristmas
To everyone have a happy new year
4:37 *gets a commercial for new spider man movie*
"Oh, you mean the first 23 years of my life?" MEEEEE
Can we just like acknowledge Virgil’s Voice crack at the end tho
The very end made me happy, I’ve never heard so much emotion from Virgil
He’s so inspiring. He’s part of the reason I make it through.
Does the clip at the end mean that there are more characters like Deceit for Thomas to uncover??? Exitement! ❤❤❤
P: What a name! What a name! Me: WHAAAAAAT? AAAAAA??NAAAAAAAAAAAME???
Thomas, even though you might not like the things you've done in the past, they *have* made a mark. The vines were among the few that were legitimately funny and not offensive, your past emotional turmoil and current inner conflicts have helped all of us so much as we can work through our own problems with your help. Your videos are a perfect mix of silly and thought provoking, and you've really made a difference for a lot of us. Your past may have been "embarrassing", but it led you to where you are today: to us. *Thank you, Thomas Sanders.*
Wait does he mean when he says Virgil is pretending to be someone he's not? And getting rid of them all ? What is going on? Mmmhhhhhhhh I'm freaking out!!
3:35 Must have gotten my name tag mixed up with someone else's But also end card I totally wasn't looking for this DECEIT'S NAME? (it could just be Sanders Deceit, but shtill)
Everyone reply to this comment for fav side. V=Virgil/Anxiety P=Patton/Morality L=Logan/Logic R=Roman/Princey
I love this. I feel this. therefore i loeef this
Deciet: what was that? Virgil: NoThiNg GEt oUT!
I love Virgil's growth over the whole series, but in this video he explains everything without lashing out and talks in a soft, and sum what soothing voice. Even when scaring Thomas he is very gentle with how he does it. I can't wait to see how the other sides grow as well. Also Virgil's little squeaky, "Nothing gEt OUt!" is ADORABLE!
10:31 foreshadowing? ion know, most people just focuse on bigger things lel
Patton's face at the end! Aw!!
patton: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ha ha ha ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Why do I like Deceit xD
19:37 rip paton (sorry if i spelled it wong)
I love Virgil
Ready for this yall? Virgil is romans opposite side. The opposite of confidence and optimism is playing it safe and pessimism. Virgils anxiety is what causes roman to work as hard as he does to produce good content. They work TOGETHER to fulfill part of thomas’s personality. This can be said about the other opposite sides. For example, patton and deceit work together to preserve the feelings of others and balance his moralities in certain situations. Whoever is logans opposite will also work with logan in a certain way. And that’s the tea sis.
These videos are entertaining, helpful and informative. Thanks Logan!
6:02 wE hAD a BonDiNg MoMEnt im sorry i had to
I’m trying to take Virgil seriously but those fake vampire teeth are distracting me #adhd
I can tell how much work went into this and it really paid off. You guys did an awesome job with the make up and the costumes and the script and the editing. All of it was just awesome. Thanks for including me in your outro. I myself are a non-binary pal. Thanks for all you. You really help people with your content. Keep it up. I look forward to see what you create in 2019
14:38 you just explained me
How come Roman said, "Dear Zeus!" When Zeus is the greek god? He should have said, "Dear Jupiter!"
R: Hypocrites say ‘what’ V: What R: oh my god, I can’t believe that worked!
20:00 - 20:03
Throughout the video I was a bit conflicted on my feelings towards it. Virgil never seemed like his goal was to actively upset anyone, he was just cynical and overly-cautious. Then I realized that this actually fits his established character pretty well, since anxiety typically involved a heightened sense of self-preservation. If Thomas isn't scared of Virgil, even a little, Virgil may not exist, which could influence him to try and remain somewhat "scary" I doubt this characterization was intended, but it still seems pretty accurate to me
So... Virgil most definitely used to be a Dark Side, right?
i miss story time ): they were funny
I'm sorry, I'm gonna be that guy. Virgil's voice crack at the end is a mood.
My favorite part has to be either Hypocrite say what? Or Virgil yelling at Deciet.
I have a very highted type of Anxiety and its hard for me to function properly sometimes but, these videos really help me understand that Anxiety isnt bad. That it can help sometimes and that you shouldn't be afraid of it.
Was that ending credit scene building up to something
... Thomas... You are the most interesting, inspiring and most awesome person I have ever seen. And I still watch all of your videos. Your funny, have a lot of friends, and... Better than me. I have social anxiety and I can't talk to anyone. So when I watch your videos... I am inspired.
Please bring back real or fake anime
So I was watching "making some changes" and it kind of hurt me when Virgil didn't get the J.D joke so @ThomasSanders can you add that Virgil has watched it heard of heathers and he is either interested or if he likes it
Get v2 is vine 2
So Thomas’s is gay right
https://youtu.be/GbXHrj8k7dg #saveyourinternet
I was rewaching this for my 100th time and only now did i hear virgil's voice crack right at the end after deceit said "what was that".
virgil: i'm having me time. get out
Plezzzzzzzz make more sander sides videos
So we didn’t have to wait till May?
Hahahahaha everyone rewatch 19:27
I have a really important question... Does anyone have any advice on rejecting someone? My very best friend just confessed that she liked me. I mean, she has been VERY clear about her bisexuality since we were little... But I never thought she'd like me... And I do love her.... Just not in that way... She's like my sister... And I don't want to loose her... She's really important to me and I-I just want to hurt her... I need advice.... Badly...
I meant DONT want to hurt her. Jeez that was stupid
Tensions are rising and I both love and hate it.
Do another real or fake anime
"We bonded and stuff" has the same energy as "we had a bonding moment, i cradled you in my arms"
omg now i wanna see deceit in his scooby doo costume!!!
How were you able to keep the bandages on the mummy because i am doing a cosplay Nd I need to keep bandages on
"Yeah you better run." "What was that?" *voice crack* "NoThInG, GeT OuT!"
"noTHING GET OUT" me when my mom asks what I'm doing while i watch these
Awesome Video :D
7:33 : Talens scream is so cute
You tube considered you as american singer
I live in Florda
I live In florda
I can't take Patton seriously at all!
I like how this video is literally "randomly Remembering those embarrassing memories and cringing to yourself mentally." Totally didn't click in my head until now xD
At 16:41 Patton i don't think you remembered all your sons are gay..... Like buddy come on
Heh, Lil Emo Patton is cute
You should let the sides react to fanfic
Thomas's phase was straight
Hey. So this is VERY off topic, but Thomas, IF you happen to read this, I need some help. I’m starting a YouTube channel and want to do scripted videos, but I have no idea what to do them on, how to do them, or anything really. I could use your help. Thanks!
Logan: “I am fearless, and therefore powerful.” Me: He quoted the book. HE QUOTED THE BOOK! Frankenstein is my favorite novel, and I really appreciated the cultured use of it.
Everyone remember how when they change what the look like they can cross the wall? Good. I think it would be really sweet if they are in a weird place in Thomas's mind, and Virgil starts having an anxiety attack, so they all change into someone else and go over and comfort Virgil (or just one of them, prob dad he's most compassionate) I just think it would be really cute to see them trying to help him through it
being emo isnt bad. i am emo and its amazing
I'm drawing them all as charectors as monsters
Do you think Logan has ever hit the stairs next to him just wondering
Random idea that won't go away, what if a dark side could be apathy? I don't know.
Thomas will you please read this to everyone especially Virgil? PLEASE!? https://www.wattpad.com/564484712-a-sanders%27-side-of-christmas
Also I am not trying to take credit for this story as I did not write it!
sometimes i forget thomas plays all his sides
Were you related to kernual Sanders
Also. I feel like one of the dark sides for Patton should be Fear. Just because Patton seems to be afraid of a lot of things, such as spiders, nighttime, fighting, and maybe, even though he acts like he is his son, Anxiety. Just a theroy
Is patton a furry? XD
I feel like Virgil is a kid going through puberty and you are hus parents.
Logan with that classic Frankenstein quote while dressed as the monster was all I needed. Well done!
Thomas’s favorite Disney princess is Shuri.
Ghosts, Ghouls, and nonbinary spirits.
Virgil voice cracked slightly when he yelled at Deceit lol. he will always be my favorite
Gotta admit, I'm started to think Virgil is a kleptomaniac...
I love Virgil
Virgil’s lisp because of his teeth omg
Where was this video last semester when I was in lifespan psychology
Lol love the song references
"i don't kNOW AM IIII"
Through looking at the conversation between deceit and Virgil we can tell he's talking in complete lies here and he calls Virgil evolved and basically says that he is just going through motions and will never escape the dark sides
Patton: those were ugly words there kiddo Virgal: not as ugly as Thomas’s cosplays Princy: BETTER LOOKING THAN YOUR FACE virgal: we have the same *breaths out* never mind just let it go virgal The first time watching that made me laugh
When Roman said but it’s better if you do I screamed *PANIC AT THE DISCO!!!*
um the emo phase is amazing
Deceit's laugh will haunt me for the rest of my life
who is deceit?
Emo puppy Patton is freaking adorable
*dEEeEeeEeeEeeEep bReatH* ya duh
this is gonna be the best year in my life soulfully because of this video
only 400k views? wtf
:14 what makes my name logic?
Sorry Thomas but this link has all your old vines https://youtu.be/v4_9lRF6uSU
Omg virgil no you angsty little baby-
virgil saying “nOthIng gEt oUt!” is my new mood.
Thomas you should go to team ten house like if you agree
Hey Thomas I don’t want to seem weird but I thought of an okay idea for the sanders sides: Thomas falls asleep and in his dreams he walks into a room where the sides are all sitting at a table eating their favourite foods.the room is completely black with a bit of light up above, Thomas sees a spade chair and sits down- the sides still haven’t noticed him. Thomas awkwardly waves his hand. Uh, hi guys Virgil is the first to look up followed by Patton, Logan and then Roman. Everyone’s a little freaked out Virgil - what the Patton - fruit cakes! Virgil - *grunts a little* Logan is he supposed to be here? Logan and Roman look dazed Logan - uh I don’t believe so Roman - why is he here? Logan - I don’t know- Virgil - wow Logan - but I don’t think he can stay here Sides continue discussing Thomas ThomAs - uhhh, I’m still here guys Logan - right sorry. Thomas how did you get in here? Thomas - I don’t know. I just fell asleep Logan - okay let’s start from there ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have ptsd.
+patato the kawai ok good solid reason why it's not
it's not
You totally missed a tangled refrence btw. You said "Thats the thing its kinda a yearly thing," "Thats the thing about birthdays theyre kinda a annual thing!"
Virgils voice crack at the end gives me a reason to smile today
Logic(Logan) makes me feel so dumb
Everyone's talking about how Roman saying 'dont invite something else' could be a reference to deceit/whatever but honestly I just think it was him not wanting Virgil to insult more things he was proud of
-At the end- Me: (Skrieks) DECEIT!!!!
Ok who else loved Virgil's "NoThInG GeT oUt" at the end?
My favorite part, besides the after credit scene starts at 19:14 I just love the humor. At first I went 'oh dear Hades did he have a nice guy phase?' For a sec
Logan’s slang is IMPROVING!
But I’m better now right? (Anxiety: “IDK are you?”) IDK AM I ?!
0:34 me about TX
The phases Virgil gave the sides were the opposite of them
I honestly don’t like living in Florida because it’s to hot!... I wish I still lived in Florida.
Omg when I was 12 I owned like 20 fedoras, glad to hear you brought it up
i live in Texas
I feel like Patton is secretly David from Camp Camp
Wait u live in Florida!?! I DO TO!!
Exept for here in Florida. As someone who just moved here I am upset too. Well atleast the leaves are falling now, even tho its technically winter.
The sides should react to their ships (fanart, fanfiction, edits, whatever!)!!!!! THAT WOULD BE SO COOL!!!
16:55 L o G a N
Bring back fake or real anime
Romans high pitched scream omg-
It has been confirmed. Deceit's name is Scooby.
I'm just sitting here with the goofiest smile on my face.
Love living in Florida
Quick question WHERES BEN.?..( just wondering I love Ben/benny and I wonder if you guys still keep in contact since he hasn’t uploaded in a year
I live in Florida
I started watching Thomas Sanders because I saw some of his vines lol
Can u do more voices of UNreason I love those videos!
It snowed here after 5YAERS
Anxiety is a secondary EMOTION
Thomas, no. Stop complaining. You do not want snow. We got 10 INCHES OF SNOW ON NEW YEAR'S DAY. AND I HAD TO SHOVEL IT. WITHOUT THE HELP OF A SNOWBLOWER.
23:25 Virgil-*voice crack*
WOW! This guy is so fucking corny I swear. I don't understand how people find him funny.
Merry Halloween you lovable people........oh...... Deceit too.
"Winter" in Florida? Thanks i hate it!
Logic said in one of the older videos that each of them represents more than just logic, morality, creativity and anxiety. I know everyone wants to see the d dark sides of Thomas but I want to know what else the main four represent and if the dark sides are a part of them logic was refering too. Like if they got out of hand would they transform? Anxiety into Depression or Rage, Logic into Chaos, Creativity into laziness or pride and Morality into........Deception? Maybe it has begun.
Middle School, the time where Virgil was born.
Do u think Virgil has a dark side or is a dark side...if so, what would be his light or dark side?
_oh jeez dude_
What if the Sanders Sides are just the evolved versions of the Seven Deadly Sins? I mean think about it! Roman could be the evolved form of Pride. Virgil could be the evolved form of Sloth, as shown by his unwillingness to do work in previous videos, or Wrath, as shown by his previous lack of self control. Patton would be the evolved form of envy. Now hear me out on this one. It’s because of how he does show certain amounts of envy towards the other aspects of Thomas’s personality. Deceit could also be wrath, though this time unevolved. He definitely shows signs of not being able to control his rage. Logan would be evolved Gluttony as shown by his greed for things knowledge and otherwise. This also gives us an idea as to who the other dark sides are. Lust and possibly Wrath.
When Logan cussed, I wish Patton made a gasp face lol
Hi I saw your comment on Erica loves pet saying how do you watch the episodes that come up well, I have a blog and a video site where if u want to see them in HD. So when they’re on C4 I post the videos onto my vk or dailymotion account and take screenshots and put them on my blog. If your interested please let me know and I’ll send you the link thanks Just rely to me on here if you want the links thanks
Hey, Thomas! You should make a video(music/singing related) with Kestin Howard(KestinTheVoice on YouTube.).
Did you ever self harm during your emo phase? I just know a lot of people (my self included) use self harming behaviors to cope with stress. It’s become a huge problem for me personally and honestly, I feel really alone because of it. I just know how I work and maybe, you could relate? Idk. Love this video though. Taught me a lot. ❤️
Hey Thomas go to geico.com/bestof 10 commercials Like Caveman Airport Collect Call Hump Day Gecko Interview Maxwell The Pig Possum Reality Show Soap Opera Squirrels Spy Ok
Parents: Stop listening to music, join us!!! Friends: all you do is listen to your stupid music. Sibling: Your music sucks. Music: Hey sweetheart, you ok? It’s gonna be alright, calm down.
Can u react to sanders side cosplays on tiktok
I can’t wait to meet the other dark sides. Anger, lust, depression, stupidity. It can’t always be butterflies and bubbles. Plus Thomas is brilliant enough to make them easier to handle thanks to his comedy and experiences. Since I stumbled upon his channel, I’ve learned to not fear my anxiety and have even come to reduce my attacks. My last one was in June 2018.
ItS nOt A pHaSe MoM!!!!
Thomas, u should do an episode of Virgil And the background with Decit, and give Decit a name.
The vocabulary cards are back! Yay!
not funny
I cried when Patton got his moment at the end. Ugh I'm so much like him. I understand little marshmallow!!!!
Dr you need to call him when he’s on his mind
I almost cried. This was so important for me to hear
+Potato bishh YES
1:17 Thomas: I've never done a New Year's episode! Me: This is so sad Alexa play "Lies lies lies lies lies"
I live in Florida so I feel your pain.
Tbh, I loved this video, but it would have been amazing if logan still hadn't worked out how to change out of his puppet form
Can somebody give me the timestamp for "hypocrite say what"?
Nvm I got it
Random theory, but maybe this video is hinting at the other dark sides throughout the whole thing? Hear me out please It starts with Virgil, who is a dark side, dressed scarily and through the video, the other sides costumes are changed. The costumes do connotate to deceit's nature and he even points it out. And the phases- the fedora looks to be deceit (also note patton's reaction to when he has the fedora on), the vine one seems to relate to greed maybe instead of pride, as Thomas wanted to become very well known on the media, the emo one looks to kinda represent the angsty virgil who's figuring himself out, and the cosplay one may represent Envy because of how Thomas says he didn't make as good costumes as others. Also, deceit is basically the opposite of morality. Envy seems to be the opposite of Logic, as it can cloud your thoughts and change your views entirely. And greed looks to be more the opposite of creativity compared to pride as greed is like wanting something to be yours instead of working to achieve it. And who appears at the end? DECEIT! Tell me what you think of my theory please, and if you have any more ideas! ^^
2:16 Oh my... why does Thomas sound like Deadpool? Is it just me?
ohh talyn's scream is back!!
patton looks like an adorable lost emo puppy
That voice crack was beautiful
Hypocrytes say what? "What?" oH HO IT ACTUALLY WORKED
I spelled hypocrites wrong.
patton you cant keep any of your sons straight
virgil seems really persistent to scare the other sides. he almost seems like his old self. is this deceit? or is virgil going into a bad stage again?
Know what I'm sick of hearing? "It's just a phase"
These videos are actually pretty deep
Forever a mood
Omg my dark strange son is s a v a g e
"Affectionately get them out of their pants" *slow down there anxiety*
This is making me think of my phases that i've had. There is Demon Phase Girly-girl phase Singer phase Antisocial headphones kid phase And Self deprecation phase which i'm still going through...
When they mentioned Vine, the next video on auto play was a Thomas Sanders vine compilation, lmao, I'm dead.
i not like that in tennesse
Thomas I'm sorry buddy, but even virgil is more positive then the human race
I’ve watched this video like 15 times, and I can’t get enough of it.
Okay, the snek in the end gave me the hibby gibbies, but can we talk about Virgil's "Nothing, get out!" his tiny squeak melted my soul into the next astro projection
yea... just like my realization of EVERYTHING wrong in my entire life... I'm late again..
I have a serious question. Does Roman, Patton, Logan, and Virgil have a brain/any organs? Think about it. Since they are part of Thomas, would they really be necessary? Technically they are his imaginary friends....do imaginary friends own a brain or organs.(Fun Fact: It's a NOOOOOOOOOO!) Also will Patton become more mature when/if Thomas has a child. (Adopt maybe) Also, me and my f friends are being Sander Sides. I'm Patton and my friend Logan is Logan. lol I would also like to see Joan, Talyn, and other friends' Sander Sides. Like Joan's Logan, Roman, Patton, and Virgil. What would they names be? The same names or different ones.(I say different) Please Read and Consider Sander Sides Squad!
Christmas could be worse...................in Louisiana it rained like heck
*d̶o̶e̶s̶ t̶h̶i̶s̶ m̶e̶a̶n̶ y̶o̶u̶'l̶l̶ b̶e̶ a̶t̶ S̶w̶a̶m̶p̶C̶o̶n̶*
Ok but do they have different outfits for each phase????
I live in Australia ITS SUMMER HERE
Virgil kylo ren
Are you mentally okay?
Are you still doing the anime guessing game
Congrats on 3million Subs!
Virgil: Yeah you better run. Deceit: What was that? Virgil: nOthiNG gEt oUT
*_Patton. Is. So. Adorable. I. Cannot. Handle. This. Emotion._*
Wait. So was Deceit Patton?
Virgil is my favorite
Who else Is watching him get 3 million subs live?
I literally am Virgil
Virgil: yeah you better run Other guy(forget what he is): what was that? Virgil:*voice crack* NOTHING GET OUT!
"Other guy" is Deceit
I want someone to introduce undertale toThomas I don't know why but I want him to see what it is please Thomas
“ tHe fEdoRa pHase “ patrick stump : exCuse YoU
Virgils voice changed :(
I faun you on vine
I still have no snow and I'm upset
Is it just me of does anxiety Thomas remind you of Sasuke Uchiha from season 4 of Naruto, the normal anime and or Sasuke from Shippuden?
We need, like, a t.v. Show for just the sides with plots and the usual lesson at the end of the day. Because the fans keep making theories even though this series is for Thomas dealing with depressive thoughts that one would get at 2:00 A.M.
Patton: the only sons I can keep straight are my own!
In November 2018 I made a Parody of you because Fantastic Beasts 2 was coming out. The Vine I parodied was "I might rely on GPS a bit too much" Here is a reminder: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=isOxIIhmVQE. And now here is my Parody: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V7scsenQPTU
Damn that scream Roman, scared the living daylights out of me
So Spiderman scares Patton but not anxiety dressed as a vampire with fake blood and knife... Honestly same
"nOtHinG geT oUT!!1!"
“Wait, Thomas... you’re Spider-Man...???” That was ADORABLE!!!!
the 13:45 part where thomas says that Anxiety works with them now, he kinda should have said that they learnt to work with him instead ! just sayin' everything else is amazing
Fucking florida
love you fav character is Virgil
Gotta love that voice crack from Virgil at the end
You're so close to 3 million subs!
OMG every time a parent interrupts you when you're doing something they say " what are you doing?" Then the kids SAYS " NOTHING GET OUT! "
Did anyone else here Virgil’s voice crack at the very end?
U should make a video where ur sides watch themselves in old vines
I love Roman's scream
vine thomas: my milkshake me: pauses video* noooOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!outwardly cringes* also patton: that is so my aesthetic! me: aesthetic? this is what happens when innocentness is exposed to the modern day-and-age internet
“Dear Zeus” “Dear Newton” “Dear John!” *DeAr EvAn HaNsEn*
You’re so close to 3 million subscribers!! :D congratulations!!
I didn’t know that Thomas singing Nightmare Before Christmas songs was something I needed in life. More please?
OMG OMG OMG The way that deceit confronted Virgil at the end practically proves that Virgil used to be dark, the way he talks like they used to be friends
16:55 WOAH LOGAN, you said it, that pun was kinda bad
Just let Virgil be scary ;-;
deceit is virgil's new mom, sorry guys, i dont make the rules.
Virgil's scare was so cute. His rawr was even cuter, like a little kitten.
I've had some weirddddd phases ..... *Killing Sims phase*
#TSrealanime I cry a lot I have no power and I got power now I break my bones a lot (My Hero Acadimia)
-2 not fun
WhAt ArE yOu GoInG tO dO
The emo references make me happy. Can't lie.
No one is going to get this but... We had a bonding moment I cradled you in my arms
i got you tomas i live in florida to UGHHHH
12:51 was HILARIOUS
“NOthing get oUt!”
Wolf man I know I'm the woof man
I'm In Georgia so I know how that feels
Hey you're not in Canada you don't know how cold it is here
Ok so...Thomas as Virgil in the Victorian getup...really working for me not gonna lie
who else really wants thomas to collab with james charles
4:40 Roman was unimpressed
@Thomas Sanders Look at this https://youtu.be/2dbVMpTc2xo
Can you please do more videos with deceit? Like, maybe another Sanders Side Q and A with him in it! That would be awesome!!!
Patton: The only sons I can keep straight are my own Me: Wait a second! PATTON DO YOU HAVE MULTIPLE SONS OTHER THAN THOMAS
Nice guys first
I have a question (idc how late this comment is) prinxiety or moxiety? Im s͟e͟r͟i͟o͟u͟s͟
Please tell us what deciet's name is
I JUST HAD AN IDEA you should make a video on how to be gayer because I want to be gayer-
nothINg get Out
it says Pawton
logan looses it and starts swearing
Well that ending was.... Ominous.... >.> Not foreboding at ALL Thomas. •~• Seriously though, loved it. Keep up the amazing work with everything you're doing, and I can't wait till your next video! :D P.S: Virgil is way too adorable. Even when he's trying to be scary, he's too darn cute! P.P.S: IT'S NOT A PHASE, MOM!
virgil is just quoting everyone
*watches Virgil and Deceit* These two have a history...
''try hard' wow as an edgy teen I feel personally attacked
Virgil saying “Nothing, get out!” Is my favorite line of his. His voice was so high pitch there
The emo phase is my favorite, cuz its just so relatable XD
Still watch your vines (I'm evil
I spit out my tea when it said ' but its better if you do '
The fact that Roman goes to " better looking than your face" makes me ( a prinxiety stan) think that Virgil's face is the standard Roman has ( aka me digging for prinxiety content)
Much love to Joan for all of their help. They don't get enough credit. This was amazing and 100/10 on the costumes ♡♡♡ Love You Joan
The look in Virgil's eyes at any and every moment says : I am all powerful smol bean that must be protected...fear me
I love that vampire costume.
Did u see the new su episodes
Thomas. I have a veeeery important question. Do you ship Moxiety (Virgil × Patton)? I JUST GOTTA TO KNOW, it's my OTP ;w;
I personally don't ( I know I'm not thomas and you don't care but I'm already typing sooo....) bc I see their relationship as more father son
Just a theory but is Roman’s dark side Ego/Pride since Deceit is kind of the unofficial parallel/rival of Virgil?
Myyy haaaarrrrtttt
Thomas music
I keep wondering if Thomas's phases here parallel Virgil's Dark Side arc... Cosplay phase? More like passion turning to perfectionism, leading to giving up and feeling inferior and alone or unworthy, of not belonging (with the light sides), of needing to prove himself. And finding that he's good at other things, but the inferiority overshadows the superiority: 'If I cannot be loved and respected, I will be feared and respected.' Emo phase: trying to find a place in society where he fits and can find himself. Virgil finding the Dark Sides after previous failures and, even tho they're toxic, finding a place where he feels he belongs, finding friends, and developing his values--like perhaps that causing pain/fear is a worthwhile means to a productive end. Vine phase: breaking out of his shell, starting to show up among the best of Thomas, both setting a tone that he wants to continue (and doesn't), tho it was wrought with moments he regrets as having been... too much, even problematic. It's not that he's lost these parts of his past, it's that he's learned to take the best that he can take from them while trying to be less of a hindrance. He'll still be a dick for the sake of keeping Thomas on task, but now it's less about holding his face to the grindstone and more about maintaining a Yerkes-Dodson peak.
Hey Thomas do u like fun land popcorn if u live in Tampa then u might know what I'm talking about
You should all love yourself for who you are
Congrats on 3 million subs Thomas!!! I'm so proud of you!
Can Virgil keep the fangs? Tbh they look pretty cool on him XD
ooh I'm worried for virgil is he gonna has to do Battle with Deceit unbeknown to the others?
11:50 i cant
19:22 omfg this is fucking geneous
3:54 Patton is ADORABLE!!
Aaah I learned about psychosocial development this year! I understood a part of this!!
hey Thomas can we have an episode with Remy/sleep in it if you don't mind
This is legit my life. :)
Are we going to ignore Virgil's pet spider?
if Virgil had anxiety attack would he just have an attack because he is anxiety?
My "girl phase" was pretending to be a cis straight girl lmaooo
I knew decit was gonna pop in here somewhere in the video! Also, you show him Virgil!
Where is deceit!!!!
Virgil as a vampire is so hot, fight me
can I have pointers to be funny 2
I relate to Virgil so much it's scary
"So fRICKEN bad" me too
I laughed so hard at the song references.
Deceit Classy Sanders? I LOVE IT
Nice scream!
The MCR reference I'm dying
From pain or laughter lmao
Can we pleeeeease get Virgil's sweat jacket back in stock?
Patton said, that he mixed up with his name tag with someone else's Scooby Doo tag. And Deceit said, that he's been looking for that tag all day. Does that mean that Deceit was supposed to be dressed up as Scooby? And why was the tag in Virgil's room?
Congratulations to 3.000.000 subs
Nice job reaching 3 million subscribers Thomas
Hey Thomas, got a challenge for you, listen to this at night with the lights off. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84-VIha81_g
Thomas I have an idea for romans room can you please make virgil and Roman happen please
Hey, Patrick Stump has a Fedora lol
HoLy s**T WhY dOeS AlMoSt eVeRy SaNdErS sIdEs MaKe mE CrY!?!?!?
When Roman said he's modest I actually laughed
The fact that Thomas doesn't get less than 300 likes is amazing and I love it.
You forgot the phase where you couldn't say if egg was a colour or not so things are egg coloured
How/where do we send fan mail/art?
This is the first time I can totally relate Virgil NEVERMIND PAT I WANT YOUR COSTUME
Pat is me in a nutshell
okay but is it just me or the ending clip is somehow foreshadowing smth
https://youtu.be/OR0sMIPEL2k :3
Who else thinks there should be a sander side when Virgl calms down and they try to change him back because they need him
THOMAS YOU ARE SOOO TALENTED AND ADORABLE!! This is my second time watching this video and I can’t get enough of it. I love it And I love you! You’ve inspired so many people in the LGBTQ+ community and that’s just so amazing. Thank you for helping all of us feel welcomed and loved!
So I have a question (this community is the kindest community I know so How did you tell your parents your gay? Cause I want to talk about it to them but I’m afraid. Of a negative reaction
“The only sons I can keep straight are my own” Patton, no one in that room is straight.
Virgil’s voice crack at the end sounds like me yelling at my mom
Voice Crack Virgil: 23:24
23:23 You're welcome.
Florida is great
Growth is beautiful
okay so in the video thomas said songs that rasinated with me and i now have a mix of PATD and the soul eater opening in my head send help
I Su Sub Subb Subbe Subbed Subbe Subb Sub Su I
Can we get another #AskSandersSides ?
Y'all talking about theories of Virgil being scared of Deceit and I thought it was just those moments when you shout at your parents to get out of your room
I love you. omfg. i love you. you are so adorable. omfg. adorable
Your videos have been helping me a lot. I was wondering I you ever done so much stuff but fell back at square one. If you know what I mean
“Yeah you better run” “What was that?” “nOtHinG gEt OuT” I LAUGHED IN SUCH AN UGLY WAY
Virgil’s makeup has been looking better... Thomas is getting p good at blending that eyeshadow
Congrats on 3 million subs
You are the best I ain't gonna lie but when u crack my side u might wanna die: Virgil
I love these videos
This video kind of reminds me of how the jacksepticeye fandom portrays the egos
I like Virgil the best
Me and my friends gave each other sanders sides nicknames. I'm Patton! Yay! I'm curious, who would be your nickname? Reply!
We had a bonding moment! I cradled you in my arms!!
I love you vines and YouTube videos
OOF My ain’t Maelee and Shanae know you
Nice to see Virgil gets excited over something!
you should do the anime real or fake again
Can someone please please tell me how could I possibly find the soundtrack Thomas is using? Like when Virgil or Deceit is talking/appearing? Please someonee
I had a fedora phase. It was short lived
Why isn't Virgil a shoulder devil and Patton a shoulder Angel
I LOVE your story time vines
Wait is virgil ACTUALLY scared of deceit? Cause if so then we have major problems!
After Roman made that Panic! At The Disco reference I legit paused the video to start screaming the lyrics to "But it's Better if You Do" I don't regret it.
Speaking of phases, is he going through his cussing phase along with smart phase???
Wait he’s been going through his custom phase..... DID U SEE HOW MANY CUSTOMS HE WORE?!?
"Thomas... You're spiderman....?"
You are irrelevant
Wait wtf Thomas lives in Florida???? I didn't know this!
Oh Jesus, not a FEDORA PHASE
Then come to MINNESOTA!!!!!
So, what I take away from this. It's fine to talk to the voices in your head! Just put it on youtube in a fun format so I don't get put into a psych ward.
it's not a phase, mom.
18:03 ya boi Aye I say that a lot and my mum tells me stop but I don’t care because I’m FTM hidden and if that can let me be happy for a moment I won’t stop :3 *wink wonk*
This is upload on my brithday.
I would really like to see Thomas's personalities reacting to their ships (especially prinxiety).That would be great!!
And a truckload if bubblegump shrimp
I just have to say I can't help but think that Patton isn't just the heart I mean we all know that our brains can't always be that logical because of right brain left brain Logan is the left brain and Patton is the right brain I wonder if you guys could make a video on that
I LOVE HIS VINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plz some reply
Thomas. Your probably not going to reply to this but can you make some more videos. I am also going though a hard time if you know what I mean.
¿Y mi español? :'^D
MACKIRONI he says. Says the person who can so a inpreashen stich, stiuy umm im gessing mackironi
Happy New christmas Year!
+Jasmine Womack Well, yeah, ship what you wanna, am I right? Thanks for your opinion though, I appreciate it (〃^ω^〃)
ooh I'm worried for virgil is he gonna have to do Battle with Deceit unbeknown to the others?
Thomas: I’m sure it’s nice in other places... Me in Washington in the middle of a wind/lightning storm: yea no
*when you get the MCR references and it is just proved once again that you're an emo nerd*
“Dear Zeus!” “Dear Newton!” “DEEEAAAaaaRRR jOOOOOOOHhhNNN”
Erik Erikson is actually named as such because he divorced himself from his parents and changed his last name to represent the fact that he was running his own life
Hey Thomas do u like Star Wars?
Deceit!!! My beautiful baby boy is back ohhh I've been waiting for my favorite princess of truthfulness
Congrats on 3MIL
I *almost* didn't watch the end card because I was watching this video for the first time while getting ready to go somewhere. I am so glad I watched it because O H M Y G O S H
Oooh I didn't even realize you were story time guy. Those were pretty funny. Great video and lessons learned :) So glad I found this channel.
Florida is better than where I live it is freezing
Is being paranoid that people can read your thoughts a phase?
I always learn something from these videos, not necessarily things I didn't know before , but things I just never thought about in this way. It somehow works better at making me happy than eight years of psychotherapy and antidepressants???!?!
9:15 I finally understood something Logan said because of my Child Development class
I think it would be cute if there was a video about the 4 main sides just hanging out in Thomas’s mind.
Like maybe they would all be sitting on a couch and watching a movie or watching Thomas going through his day through the TV. Patton would make dad jokes, Logan would add in bits of information wherever he could, Roman would be shouting at the screen every few minutes about ideas for new videos or how to react to a situation, and Virgil would be commenting on Roman’s outbursts sometimes making the other sides laugh. I don’t know, I just think it would be really cute
The ending with Deceit lol
I spit tea everywhere
Talyn's scream x2 :3
It's like that in California too
You need to watch an animation about the song you made that’s called Breathin
Go to this channel called it’s Valerie
I still want a video about the dark sides! (Pwease?)
No one probably cares but I just wanted to say thank you Thomas. I have been going through a really rough time lately with my Anxiety off the hook but then I found your channel. It made me feel a lot better! You are so funny and kind hearted and you are such a great actor! It inspired me to start doing improv at Second City back where I live and I watched some of your videos to help with characters. It really helped and I finally built up enough courage to go on stage and preform. I probably never would of done that if it wasn’t for you. I do get Anxiety attacks here and there but your videos always calm me down. You are just do darn funny! Also finally a channel that deals with real topics and isn’t fake like others. Lastly you made me sing in front of others for the first time in 4 years. I quit YADA 4 years ago because I felt like I wasn’t a good singer and I had my first Anxiety attack on stage. Then finally a week ago at Improv class I opened up and sang in the middle of musical game. You just helped me become myself and so much more. Thank You
Holy Sh*t - Logan 2018
*Ya boi*
Thomas Sanders its ok Colorado barley got any snow this year
6:02 wE hAd a BoNdInG mOmEnT
Wait.....Thomas *should* have been on youtube rewind
I'm actually a nerd for Erikson's phases, so this was GREAT!
Dude.... you haven’t seen Australia then
10:32 Well Patton I don't know how to feel because that's exactly what I did with highschool QwQ..... hhhhhh-
patton is gradually developing a minnesotan accent and it's hilarious
you should make a skit with Smosh, remember you did the seriously stupid sleepover with Noah Courtney and Olivia,.
This was really good to hear for someone like me going through questioning their sexuality, and constantly being told 'its a phase.' It's not often I hear someone saying that I am me, no matter the 'phases' because they don't define me.
where is that corner of the brain that has nothing going on but GAY.
Sanders skellington.
OML THE EMO REFERENCES. I’m dying. The fact that Roman knows Panic!, though.
I used to live in florida
Is it me or is virgil acting weird
What “other” the other sander side or......something more...?
15:38 Red Hot Chili Peppers anyone?
I love emo Patton
Virgil adding ‘affectionately’ is wholesome
Thomas is such a mom friend
Virgil's lipstick is so good
Aunt Patty's Day
Halloween >:3
23:23 NoThing get out!!!
Talyn’s is really cute.
I am fearless Ive seen you scared VIRGIL XD
Omg that laugh No wonder Virgil wants to be alone
Oh my God I just realized Virgil never "got over" the emo phase *_"It's not a phase, mom, it's who I am."_* This would totally apply to him
lol YAY FLORIDA! at least we don't have to worry about black ice
Hey Thomas
Thomas as Spiderman? Boi I'm down
안녕하세요 (hi)
Go to Massachusetts for Christmas. We've got lows below freezing. Right now it's only 35 degrees.
19:26 when Thomas said “what you gonna do what you gonna do” did anyone else think of Hamilton
Thank you Thomas
Please do more of this. I love it!!
Ugh I miss the nice cold snow.
In Idaho fall winter and spring its way too cold and in summer its way to hot
I went through a meme phase. I'm still not done with that one.
Things that suck: Why why why can Thomas Sanders be bisexual... ALL THE GOOD GUYS ARE GAY. So sad for us females.
And my fedora phase continues
Still creepy.
its 2019 thomas lol
OH MY GOSH LOGAN IS ALEXANDER HAMILTON!! THEY BOTH DID THE EXACT SAME WRITING THING! Also, did anyone else get a “we had a bonding moment” at that one point? All it was missing was the cradling in one arms.
From the new world... OH... NO NO NO NO NO NO WHY WAS I REMINDED OF THIS
Patton: Oh! That's right! The only sons I can keep straight are my own. Me: But who HAD a girl phase! (I think it sounded better in my head)
Has thomas ever reacted to Shelter? The official music video is amazing, I wanna see if thomas can ever find the meaning to it.
Thomas, please read this. Its a video that I think you would like. Please watch the video. Thank you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dbVMpTc2xo
I live in Massachusetts and I always have snow and in 2018 and now 2019 still have no snow
I love the "Don't question me again Sanders" *scream*
Tryna tell anxiety he's not anxiety
Tag ur self I'm Patton
Who else is waiting for the other dark sides like deceit? I find it so interesting that there is more to the story then we had thought. That these silly skits have a serious and mysterious side. I really hope we get to learn more about the sides.
Wow even Logan looked offended when Thomas said Virgil wasn't scary
Is it weird that I think virgil is the cutest one ? Cause he's ADORABLE AND PRECIOUS FOR SOME REASON!! AND SO IS PATTON My fav sander sides are Patton and virgil
I high key love pattons emo outfit
....Why do I relate to Virgil so fuckin' much.
Jennifer Michalczyk that's Remy
Did Roman do a Red Hot Chilli Peppers reference??
So does this mean that we finally get the battle of sanderalities?
- Hypocrite say what - What? - Ha! It worked! SD - The collar S...........D....eceit
18:53 *Did someone say cat aesthetic??*
Does anyone else do this? 1. Friends all watch this and we all call each other names of the sides. (I am Thomas in the group cause I am all tge sides mixed) 2. Freak out and do a celebratory dance when a new episode of anything (especially this) comes out 3. Re-watches all episodes with Patton like glee even though your 15 and should be growing up. But I refuse!
great episode as usual, i was thinking for valentine's day you could bring out a new dark side. maybe envy/jealous. it is the perfect time for those of us not in a relationship to be envious of those who are. It's just a thought
19:24 so freakin adorable
Count how many "also thank you" in the description
Jesus Christ I’m gonna take a toaster bath
i love this episode!!!! I THINM VIRGIL IS MORE HANDSOME WITH THOSE VAMPIRE TEETH!!! damn he looks cooler
*Lights go out and everyone screams. Hears Roman's scream* Me: "Oh there's Talyn!"
15:38 lmao
I live in Miami and I can relate to the Miami not being chill. I am not chill anyways so there is no change!
can you do a video about anime opening and the sandersides have to guess what anime it is. please
I just realized....Thomas is gonna be SUCH a good dad
wow roman looks black welcome my brother
Also next year the should do a Christmas Carol parody Logan as scrooge Patton as the first ghost Romen as the second ghost Virgil as the third ghost Thomas as the nephew
Did logen just cus
I died at the mcr reference
He should go into acting
frankinstien has a serious case of his chin looking like a ballsack
I just imagined his neighbours hearing at least twice a month muffled noises of someone arguing and screaming with himself.
Do you have an Amino
React to prinxiety please.
I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING! At the end, Deceit finds the Scooby Doo tag, and basically says that he was looking for it, well, Scooby Doo's initials are SB SB = Slimy Boi! lmao
Virgil:the best event in my life will be my funeral. It'll be similar to a wedding. The priest will throw my corpse into the crowd and the person who catches it will be the next to die Roman:(snorts) I'm dying Logan:I guess we know to caught the body,then.
probably no one knows what a therian is but as one i want to wear a collar wherever i can and seeing PATTON IN A COLLAR IS SO UPLIFTING!!! Also he looks adorable!
where is the new sander side episode?
Thomas should have a video of Vergil and deceit come together and show true anxiety
okay so major theory! Patton always says that the other sides are this “sons”? What if that’s actually true! Patton represents emotion and morality , which will probably be the first side that Thomas ever had, since you are born with emotions ect. Logic, Anxiety and Creativity are sides that Thomas has gathered probably during his youth/adulthood, so Patton is basically the father of the sides! :)
05:51 is my favorite part
Talking bout cosplaaaaay, I’m being Logan next supanova
I just want to know where Thomas gets these obscure psychiatric paper references for Logan to spout.
Please do more
I woulda loved deceit to have been in this. Woulda been... funny..? Like, he just pops up in a Medusa suit somewhere. “Girls are gross” where everyone just looks at him as he disappears. Woulda been funny to me
The sheer time and energy that went into this is enough for me.
Merry Christmas Thomas!
"A nice nickname, I never thought of that ?"
“We bonded and stuff!” “WE HAD A BONDING MOMENT! I CraDleD yOu in My aRMS!” help. I think I’m insane.
I just wanted to thank you. I've really come to terms with my anxiety and it's all thanks to your videos. Personifying my traits really helped me see why I have anxiety. My anxiety has even stopped taking over my life. I get more sleep, I feel comfortable saying things without rethinking them over and over, and I'm actually pretty confident about an upcoming presentation. The other day was a day where a just knew when I went to bed the other thing I would be able to think about was what I did wrong, but that didn't happen. I feel asleep with a smile on my facing thinking about what I did RIGHT that day. I'm so thankful for that.
“...Until Deciet was unmasked like a freaking Scooby-Doo Villain.” - Roman (Can LYING be Good?)
Did you ever think that Virgil tells the others that they could call him Virge because he is on the VIRGE of being alone?
Can we please have another episode with deceit being a main focus? ❤️
I relate so much
23:24 nOtHiNg GeT oUt!
20:15 MOXIETY! Omg this is so cute
Virgil is adorably evil
This was pretty recent. IM NOT LATE FOR ONCE!!!
Thomas these r amazing i love how the characters actually feel like real people and their own personality. Its amazing how some one can create this and make it work so well. It makes me laugh so hard. It helpt me alot to understand things, its amazing how u made it relate to life and have comedy and the same time they r just wonderful. Thank you for ur eforts in making these videos they make me laugh
15:51 who is he referring to??
3 million subs! Way to go Thomas!
I wonder if I could do a series like this
One word... Spandex... That is all...
*y a b o i*
I'm so sorry, I know this has nothing to do with the video. But I just saw this musical and I immediately thought of you. It's called ''The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals''. It's really funny, I lmfao and I hope you like it as well
Is it bad, that Virgil's makeup reminds me of Johnny Depp's character Barnabas Collins from Dark Shadows???? Not like in a bad way, I still think Virgil's costume is freaking awesome
12:12 monstax hero
3:22 patton, wot is this
YOURE ON TIKTOK? There is hope for that app after all
This made me re-think my life in a good way. Thank you so much for creating this video
Happy 3mil
i'm *soft*
anxiety is my vavourite side
20:02 Omg Logan looks so proud of his dark son
Wait tge interaction at the end with deceit and virgil does that....... ⚠ Theory ahead, Theory ahead ⚠ Does that point to any possible PAST friendship they had? Because in the"is lying bad" video when deceit was patton he said at the end to virgil "But aren't we friends" virgil says "No i don't think so" or something similar, do you guys get What Im trying to say? Or maybe im just reading to much into this. But what if, Virgil himself used to be a "dark side" and thats how he met deceit? But hey that's just a theory........ [© saying here]
remember its every day bro
Never change, Thomas. Never change
Hi I just binge watched all of these for the past two days and I am LIVING for this ;v; Keep it up! I'm really looking forward to learning about the other "dark sides" and also just getting more good life lessons. Here's hoping that I can eventually learn to work with my anxiety like you've worked with yours c:
Misleading comments: I have the fire of a cocktail. . .TO your heart
So hi I kind a need your help with my life I have moved to a new school and I’m actually doing pretty bad I’m doing good for a change subjects but no Maria some of them are bad I think I might get her back or even lower than the grade I in right now I kinda scared t was going to happen next I kind of feel like I should run away or even kill myself but like I don’t want to do that I want to still be with my family so I don’t know what to do can you please give me a device with your next video thanks bye
Someone help what song was Roman singing I can't remember
After Virgil threw the stone the way he cared about Thomas and was worried he’s so precious
Anyone still waiting for the other dark sides?
I wish that Logan and Roman would have their videos for opening up. Virgil's was Accepting Anxiety, Patton's was Nostalgia, and they were both felt for by the other characters in those videos. But, Logan and Roman haven't had those videos yet. All the Prinxiety shippers will have noticed that Virgil hasn't really had a heartfelt moment where he felt bad for Roman. Am I Original had the potential for that, but Roman didn't open up enough. Also, I think now is the perfect time for Logan to have his. He's started developing feelings, and it would be great for him have an emotional breakdown in a video before he's used to full force feelings. Thanks for listening to my rant on what I think I would do if I was in a position I have no idea about. But, I think I speak for a lot of the viewers when I say we really want to see this. Just a recommendation, though. No need to take it.
I am in FL too!
Anxiety, we bonded! I cRAdDleD yOu iN mY aRMS!!!!!
We got a Deceit Classy Sanders over here!
Long Story Time: At vidcon in the expo hall there were two popular people(TheOdd1sOut and SomthingElseYT) trying to sneak past through a door to meet the Wednesday my dude's guy. You did a big show thing so they tried to sneak past you and it almost succeeds until you ended the show right in the middle of their sneaky walk so all the fans saw them and looked at them and rushed. So they got sent back to the start at the meet and greet and stood there for a little while, they enjoyed it and had so much fun signing and meeting fans but they didn't meet the Wednesday my dude's guy.
Sup Sanders im Shroud but not real shroud BTW im a big fan of your vids for couple of years but im kinda need your help just reply so i can say it to you
Those arms *drools*
I got really excited for this video and cried when it came out Then cried when Thomas came on Then cried when the sides came out Then cried when the video ended Then cried because I realise I literally have no chance of meeting Thomas even though I love him so much Essentially, this non-emotional video made me cry.
Dear Mr. Thomas Sanders, You are one of my favorite viners/YouTubers. I've been a fan for quite a while and I've been queer for quite a while. At 10 I started questioning gender, at 14 I was bi, 1 highschool, 4 name changes, 1 discover of pansexuality, and a couple genders later. I'm 20 and I'm going to get my first prescription for testosterone in the next couple of months (4-5 at the most maybe longer money is weird) as a trans male/non-binary boi. And live with my insane boyfriend who got me tickets to Minnesota, his state (I'm in NC) for 3 months (longer if I get a job) thanks for being awesome and funny. Love, Samuel
I like it when you were doing a vine at school being Stewie
I loved the vines.
You mentioned the Vine Phase, but goofball. I see you on Tik Tok. Wave your geek flag high you magnificent silly dork~
I can't believe being awkward is so funny.
How in the name of all that is extra did I forget to open this early Christmas present? edit: I am less than 3mins in and Thomas is Spidey, Patton's a puppy, Logan's a Stein-y, and Roman's a mummy- all vhilst Virgil vaits in zee stairvay vamping...I have already reached peak sandersidity, I don't know how much farther I can go before I- *hits play anyway* wish me luck....
Wait... Anybody else notice the all time low armband. Oh mah gawd
Virgil's voice cracked at the end...
This is amazing!
I love this so much
I'm going to be completely honest here, I REALLY hope Deceit and the other dark sides aren't bad/turn good like Virgil. This is Thomas' personality we're talking about here; he isn't a terrible person. So, why would his traits be terrible villains that only wants to hurt the others? I know nobody is perfect, but they're more likely to be morally grey than a nasty villain. Plus, I really liks the annoying little brother vibe Deceit is having at the moment.
Ok, so; I find shipping the sides with each other kinda weird cuz you're literally shipping Thomas with himself. But then again I'm a hypocrite cuz I ship Prinxiety and Logicality.
Panic at the discooooooooo
try living in satins ass crack in Australia winter is only a slightly cooler summer and Christmas is in summer
Is it just me or did Virgil at 0:57 kinda sounded like an adorable lil toddler
Rewatching all the videos becuase I have no life beyond the Sides and I noticed Deciet says "Rid us all" Is Deciet talking about the dark sides? So many questions.
It would be so cool if you could include Liza Koshy in one of the Sanders Sides videos. She's taken time off for mental health, it would be cool to talk about that and use her for some of the characters the way you used your friends in one or two of the other videos.
“Dear Zeus!” “Dear Newton!” “DEAR JOHN?!” Best part. Oscar worthy. Alert the academy.
How cool would it be if Thomas did a Steven universe, and have certain emotions fuse together, like Logic+morality= Understanding Morality+Creativity= Self Expression Anxiety+Creativity= Cynicism Logic+Anxiety= Realism Etc
I know im late to the vid but *When deceit left* Im glad he is HISStory now
Nice Patton
me *remembers my fadora stage, plaid shirt stage and kpop stage* me uhhhhhhhh why though? ps those stages are still a part of me and honestly now I would still be doing them but my friends would dress and do everything so much different than me it drove me out of them even though I was pretty happy pps they are amazing friends though
Did he get black nail polish and paint it all over his fingers?
I'm going to AFFECTIONATELY scare them. Lol Virgil's clarifications are hilarious Also them not being scared of Virigl is also amusing
Hi Thomas, just wanted to say... you are cute.
Virgil has a strong vibe but that voice crack is Sooo adorable he sounded so vulnerable AWWWW
What I would give to meet Thomas
Thomas Sanders said someone at a pizza place wrote "I think this is that guy who does all those awesome voices".....But the stupid fart failed to cover up was, it was in the customer request box...So he WROTE IT HIMSELF.....HOW PATHETIC!
2:49 stop it, get some help
23:24 *get oUt oF mY rOoM iM pLayInG mInEcRafT!*
Yo, guys, check out "a lesson in practicality" ep. 1 + 2 , its n animatic of the sides and its so damn good
20:02 Logan looks so proud of his dark son
His way of saying he isn't the villain?
I am.... I am actually scared of the past 2 eps..... Wow.... I couldn't watch the last ep.... Anyone fill me up?.... Please....
Just like with patent and deceit you should sell the other sides of all the other Sanders sides
I love the emo song references!
Virgil: “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” *ad pops up*
Fav: Virgil then Patton then Logan and then Roman. Yeah I know there is another one but I don't like Deceit he creeps me out.
16:41 how did he not make a straight joke?
oooooo watching again "don't invite something else" hmmmmmmmmmm something else....gotta wonder...new dark side?
I have a theory, since thomas is become more happy and telling virgil that he is becoming " part of the group", wouldn't that mean that virgil would start to fade away since thomas is losing is anxiety and ego? Just a theory, not hate!
I feel like Pride is Logan’s dark side, of corse deceit is morality’s, and Virgil was roman’s dark side. I think Logan’s is pride because of 15:50 Roman seemed extremely nervous when Tomas seemed prideful and he said “Tomas, dont invite something else” and looked at Logan. It makes sense that pride would cloud Logic. It would either be Pride or Anger. And either Roman’s dark side is Virgil, or Anxiety is actually someone else’s dark side. If that were the case Anxiety would probably be fear and... Vigilance? mashed together by Deceit? I think it would make the most sense that Logic, Creativity, and Morality would be the only three though. What else is there? If Anxiety was Roman’s dark side, maybe he was originally just fear and doubt as a dark side, but that was amplified and Anxiety was able to be his own side?
I though he can't cuss
I'm crying because u followed me on tic tok
Romans screams never fail
Can I have a shoutout to my bff Arkeisiah Taoho. She's my Kickass cousin and I love her with all my heart!!! I'm heading off to Boarding school and I'm gonna miss her soooo much so please Thomas!!! If not I understand.... Just Know I love you cuz!!! I'm gonna come see you during the holidays don't worry! Can't wait for the new videos Thomas!! Lots of Love.... Me!
Friends are there to push your buttons and are supposed to know how to push your buttons too, they push you to your limit so you can learn.
Give me ur curry sauce all hail t series
The beginning is totally Roman.
I hope he does like a yin and yang kinda thing where there’s the four darker sides and then the four lighter sides that are like evil dupes of Virgil Patton Roman and logic so like deceit is the dupe of anxiety pride is the dupe of creativity and hatered is the dupe of Patton idk what the dupe of logic would be tho anyone got any ideas?
Omg slimy boy in manipulating Virgil !!!! NO NOT MY ANGSTY BABY BOY
What would be fun. Patton. More like catton
poor virgil
Virgil: Yeah you better run Deciet: *pops back up* Wait, what was that Virgil: *high pitched voice* Nothing get out
My theory is that Virgil used to be deceit’s ‘puppet’ per say, and all the others talking to him has blocked his control. to fully control him, he can’t have the others try to ‘save him again.’ Deceit is the master mind, and going off of others talking about the dark sides of the others, Virgil was the only one he could control. Because he wasn’t the opposite of a different side. The other dark sides could be harder to control, which is why he focuses on Virgil. This is getting deep. //Oof my logic took over. Maybe my creativity too-
Thomas, my mother just got us Crofters for the first time. When I saw it I laughed. She asked what's wrong, and I said, "Crofters, It's the only jelly I'll put in my belly."
I live in Colorado. Yet right now it's 60 degrees in the middle of winter. And we don't have that many trees. And it hasn't snowed once....
Thomas your Spider-Man Patton 2018-2019
I have a little theory If Virgil is still part of the emo phase and Deceit is still a part of the fedora phase, do you think the other dark sides have a connection to the other phases?
I can relate to Florida troubles :(
Thomas are you aware that all of your sides are secretly dating?
*Caution* This is not meant as an offense to anybody I have come across a ship for sandersides that I really think is amazing Prinxiety — prince roman (creativity)+ Virgil (anxiety)
So, Thomas, you probably won’t see this, but I have an idea. My friends and I were talking and trying to come up with nicknames for Roman to call Virgil. And my friend came up with “Dreary Poppins.” I hope you like it! If you use it, my friend would be really happy. Thanks for reading and have a lovely gay day!
when will deceit show up again
I got a Z-girls add right when Virgil tryed scarying them why YouTube but also XD
I'm excuse me Logan 16:55
What’s wrong with fedoras?
I am in fl as well I have never seen snow
Thomas you are my favourite YouTubed ever!❤️
I love them all but Virgil and Deceit make life complete
Favorite quotes *wholy sh*t* i donT KNOW AM I Ya boi That is so my aesthetic Classy is my middle name Yeah you better run. What was that? noTHING GET OUT
“Patton.. What do you think we’re doing every time we meet up here?” “Catching up!”
Am I the only one that think he looks... *sexy*
I'm living for the emo phase. All Time Low, My Chemical Romance, Pierce The Veil, Panic! At The Disco, Paramore. IM LIVING FOR IT. Also I want Warped Tour back. I FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT CONCERTS OH MY GOSH
6:22 ITS NOT A PHASE MOM! xp ;-; help me ;w;
I had a fedora phase. It lasted three years
Theory time! I think that Virgil and Deceit had in the past, a abusive relationship (not really romantic but idk). Deceit would tell Virgil lies whenever he got nervous and tell lies about the other three so he wouldn't get close to them. I think there was other dark sides but Virgil got along with Deceit the most. Since Deceit would tell lies about the other three (i think he would tell he things like, they insulted him), Virgil eventually when to confront them. But then learned the lies that Deceit told him were all, well, lies. He cut off Deceit and became part of the main three. proof: In the first episode Deceit came, Virgil was the first one to know it was him. In the endcard, Deceit told Virgil he was hilarious and ALWAYS have been At the endcard, Virgil tried to fight back to Deceit by saying "Yeah you better run" but quickly took it back (nOtHinG GeT OuT) when Deceit quickly took control (what was that?) Deceit makes fun of Virgil, trying to take control. EXAMPLES: I've never seen that outfit in my life and maybe one day, you get rid of us all.
I actually didn't know about your Vines until after I watched you reacting to your own Vines. I don't know why but Vine completely passed over my friend group in junior college and I only watched them after I started watching your Channel. I was brought on by the real or fake anime playlist.
Am I the only one that fellt like Thomas sounded like Ryan Reynolds (Deadpool) with the spiderman costume?? XD
1..What is deceit holding in the end card 2. Why does everyone find something in Virgil's room 3. Classy is deceits real name jk 4. MERRY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE
Emo patton is my life
Has anyone noticed that Virgil's room does not effect Deceit
PATTON COMING THROUGH WITH MCR REFERENCES (Teenager scare the living s**t out of me)
10:31 Yes you have thought of nice nicknames BECAUSE YOUVE HAVE CALLED FREAKING VIRGIL 'HOT TOPIC' BEFORE!
Thomas Sanders should play the next Peter Parker.
This is my favorite video on YouTube
OoF i KeEp FoRgEtTiNg ThAt ThE sIdEs aReNt rEaL pEoPlE aNd ArE jUsT cHaRaCtErS tHaT tHoMaS aCtS aS ;
You do not want to be in a to cold a place like Denmark in the Winter, it's a lot of wind and no snow, so it's super cold and if you are a person who needs to go out some times you will freeze your butt of, and since you are not used to the cold you will get sik really fast.
U should make a video that they cosplay as anime characters >:3
Anxitey and princy should react to prinxitey and then logan is just like: i knew you two loved each other!
“Thomas, do you remember your fedora phase?!” *Thomas screams* *Patton faints* and I die of laughter
You sound like an amazing actor
Thomas low key just educating us one Erickson’s stages not really the ages their related to but still
Although emo phase being identity vs role confusion is genius and not something I put two and two together with when I took psych
this actually helped me a lot
+AbashedBanjo138 Just a broken banjo kay.....
Deer&Animations&Stuff well apparently not
AbashedBanjo138 Just a broken banjo ey
Vanilla Mochi deep
Orcajazz 05 FBI: WHERE U AT ?!
Sam Kunz I’m confused
Thomas: -oof- *YEAH!*
His neighbors must hate him with all the screaming, haha.
R:dear Zeus L:dear newton P: dear john Me: dear god
Can the next one be about anger and Patton goes through the transformation of being red with anger?
nuuuu the virgil hoodie that I wanted for my b-day is out of stock im sad now ;-; tbw my b-day is feb 14 :P
I love Thomas and your videos but pls think about seeing logans room or Romans bc im dying
Wait, wait, wait...... Wait... Thomas sounds like Ryan Reynolds, anyone agree? Just listen to when he speaks when in his spider man costume
Can you do some more videos with deceit?
Why am I not surprised at Patton’s costume?
Hey, thomas? I wanted to go back to your most recent video for this, but anyways, I would be eternally grateful if you did another one of those “reasons to smile” videos. They really cheer me up, and many things in my life made it hard to switch in to 2019. It would be amazing, thank you for reading, and hopefully making this true. They always make me smile with all of your friends and it would be amazing.
16:56 Logan was so done with everyone
For the outro you should of done ghost gools and non binary fools
16:25 just trust me
Omg, bless this video. You just made my psych class easier to understand
Love your channel and memes
Theory time! We can all probably agree that Virgil seems a little off in this video. But in the end card he's back to normal. Virgil seems to be acting like when Deceit took over Patton liking mentioning his own name and asking about prior events instead of answering. Like at 6:05. In that conversation he is asking about the events instead of bringing up what happened. He also tries to convince Thomas of things that aren't true. Like at 8:41. He also says "Just let it go Virgil." Another thing to note is that he has gloves on. Only one other side wears gloves. Deceit. And who does he talk to at the end of the video. Idk just an idea I had.
19:38 Patrick Stump is offended.
Into every life, a little sprinkle of rain must fall.
Vergal is salty
11:54 but it's better if you do wHEEZE
Is Virgil aware that Roman is rubbing off on him? Because he was SO extra in this episode and I LOVED it!
Haha I relate!! Louisiana here!! LMAOOOOOO
"The only sons I can keep straight are my own" But Patton.... They're not straight...
he protecc he attack but most importantly he pet his spiders bacc
Thomas is a DOGGY . Woof man
What if Virgil and Deciet are brothers?Because at the end that voice crack
Thomas I really think another reasons to smile video would make people really happy now
I found some theory About youtuber ego
Ok just an idea but you should bring Deceit back for a episode, it would bring drama. Idk tho also sorry for any spelling mistakes.
Lol I love how Logan said “holy sh*t”
I feel as if I go through identity crises every day, different outlooks on what my life will turn out to be. It never really helps I'm glad someone can help me as you doThomas.
I would love to see more sides
Oh. My. God. Did Logan just swear?!!! *Earth Explodes*
Virgil... You're scary but... that growl at the beginning I literally squealed "oh my God he's a kitten" Great video Thomas I always love your videos keep up the great work!
Sanders pulls off the fedora
Deceit Classy Sanders
Thomas sould make a music channel
Happy birthday, Patton!!!! (Its his bday today, so I thought I'd just say it here!
Why do you keep lining up with my Psychology class? I mean you don't understand how many points this saved me on my midterms from this video.
What would be Deciete's costume?
I finished writing and Deceit poped up
dress as deadpool and just talk = win the internet
new video idea the sides as gems
“Thomas-man here” “I mean Spider-Sanders” “*sigh* shoot”
The are all so cute and I was wondering if you could make a video all about the Deaf community and having the sanders sides learn something new about deaf culture or learning sign language for the first time. Please I would warm my heart right up to see something like that happen in one of your videos.
It took me three weeks before I actually decided to watch this.
"noTHING GeT oUt"
“Yeah you better run..” “What was that?” “NOTHING GET OUT!”
You need post anotherrr pleeasssseee it’s been a year!!!!
u haven't posted vids in a while
OMG. We just HAD our quiz about Erik Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development today. *_WHAT ARE THE ODDS?!_*
No character has never been as relatable as Virgil.
21:55 Look it's Talyn's name on the back of his hoodie
Any one wanna thomas as deadpool? That would be awesome
Into the spidey verse suit, nice
Virgil: *pops outa no where* boo- Me: *jumps* AH!! Roman: *grabs his sword* AHJESUSCHRISTWHATHASHAPPENEEMYFAIRLADY- oh it's just Virgil Me: *having a mental break down and questioning life* T~T Patton(FaThEr-): oh no my child!!*le hugs meh* Me: *hugs back* HhhHhHhhHhhHhHHhhhHhHHHHHh- Virgil: ;-; Paton: Virgillllll, say you're sorry Virgil: *groans* mmmmmm...I-I'm sorry.... Me: *whipes tears* it's ok my smol son ówò Virgil: H-Hey I'm not smol- Me: *pats his head* Shhhhhhhh shush your adorable lil mouth Virgil: ;w; Me: :>>>>>
Guys... I had a dream and THOMAS WAS IN IT! I'm sorry it's pretty long... It was amazing. And I apologize in advance because it's a pretty weird dream... So I don't remember a lot of the dream, but I remember my 85 year old grandma was tweeting really "teenagery" tweets and it was weird. Then we were at a church that I've never been to in my life but it looked really familiar. Then we ate food. Later in the dream I was at my house but it was Thomas's house and he was like washing his face or something in the restroom and the door was open. And then I just showed up all of a sudden and I ran up to him and jumped onto the toilet seat, sat down, and accidentally freaked him out. (I didnt actually use the restroom. My sister got confused at that part...) Keep in mind that this is completely out of character for me and in reality I would probably be too nervous to even go up and say hi to him. Anyway so I started asking him questions and stuff and one of the questions I remember really well. I asked him, "So who are you? What are you like? Not like Awesome Vine Guy or Incredible Youtuber, but who are you really?" And then he started talking but then my anxiety came back to me and I started thinking "Oh no that was so rude. Why did you ask that? No no focus on what he's saying... Agh you can't just go ask an awesome person about their personal life!" And so I was too focused on trying to stay focused that I couldn't focus, if that makes sense... But anyway I don't really remember very much of that but like I remember we were at a bridge and then we were in a neighborhood and I found a My Little Pony Guide and it had a pony named Hamilton but it was spelled differently. Oh and all of a sudden like 20 of 6 foot tall teenage boys on skateboards skated down the neighborhood singing Baby Shark and me, a 5'4" girl started screaming at them aggressively (I'm not aggressive at all in real life) to stop singing because I am so tired of that song (and they were out of tune). Then I woke up and I was thinking, "Oh no I didn't actually meet Thomas Sanders!" I was so sad when I woke up but then I was happy when I realized that he was in my dream and I live in my head almost all the time so that's like really awesome still! And I realized that Thomas Sanders is the coolest person in the world! And that if we were closer in age we might actually be great friends (Well he's much cooler than me and he's like a celebrity so maybe not but I don't know). But now I know that Thomas Sanders is an amazing person because in my dream he was so cool and didn't care that I was socially awkward. So yeah... Thanks for reading this dumb dream but I had to tell you all...
P.S. Why do I spend 25 minutes typing a comment and then 30 more minutes editing it? On a school night??
13:41 Patton is such a dad and Virgil is his teenaged son
Aw man I remember my first *_berlap sack phase_*
"yeah you better run" "What was that?" *"nOTHing get out!"*
I know I'm pretty late with the comment but if anyone sees this and knows what Thomas Sanders email is I'd like to know it because I'd like to talk to him about some stuff.
How do you make 4 more versions of yourself like I'm impressed ❤
Hmm Roman actually the Dracula is also royalty. But you couldn't steal Virgil's thunder
0:44 same Thomas I live in Florida too i feel you
Patent is my fav he reminded me of a more corny version of me
Hi Thomas you probably won’t read this but I love your videos I’ve been watching them since I was in fifth grade (I’m a freshman now) Virgil is my favorite side and I can highly relate to him and your videos keep me company late at night when I’m bored and can’t sleep or when I’m alone with no one to talk to in PE (kinda as I’m writing this) but anyway I just wanted to let you know I love your videos and they make my day anyway if you read this then thank you for all you do and I can’t wait to see more of your videos in the future
When is the next video
*Be very afraid*
Wait If Deceit is Patton’s opposite and Virgil and Roman are opposites than what is sleep is Logan’s opposite? Just a dumb theory
Aw Virgil singing on his own is everything
Dang it Thomas why must you make me rethink my emo-ness I'm emo and I'm proud!!! Also I'm ugly and I'm proud!!!
logan cursed? excuse moi?
Roman: Patton, what do you think we're doing every time we meet up? Patton: Catching up
teenagers scare the living poop out of him.
Are you ever going to do another ultimate story time tour?
I like your vines sadly vines are not around anymore
Oml i love how your funny, but also you also teach us life lessons xD
"OH WHAT THE?! *picks up scooby doo tag* i was....totally not looking for this....." XD
they had a BONDING MOMENT!!! (Like if you get the reference)
Its funny how roman said a greek god instead of a Roman god
So I've read the theories about what deceit said, but I'd like to point out my own theory, despite my love of the other ones! So Deceit lies. We know this...however, within his first apperance (even while pretending to be Patton), we can notice that he HAS the capacity to tell the truth--just like with the other Sanders Sides, he has the capability to be more than his title would suggest (i.e. Logan misusing a word, Roman coming to a creative slump, Patton yelling at Logan and lying about how hurt he was about the breakup, ect.)...I think that this speech may be a bit more threatening than we think. Anxiety has been one of the four main characters (other than Thomas) since the very beginning, so I don't think he's a dark side of Thomas, he's just angsty! He HAS grown as a character, we see that in this very episode, how he wants to be acknowledged as able to be scary but in reality ended up helping Thomas (and KNOWING it, as he reveals toward the end that this was kinda his goal to help recognize phases so the others wouldn't diminish what he'd gone through to grow as an aspect of who Thomas is). I say that it may be mors threatening because (at least for now, who knows what the future may bring), Deceit IS an antagonist, at least sort of. However, he isn't nessacarily bad, he's a coping mechanism that Thomas, and most people, have within them to help them with every day life. However within the series he's an antagonist....I think he might be hinting that Anxiety, as one of the major aspects of Thomas AND the used-to-be driver of his psyche, might have to make a choice soon due to Deceit and the other dark sides....save himself and shut down the other aspects of Thomas....or simply let the dark sides run wild
I mean if you think about it, Virgil can actually damage all other emotions. Anxiety can take over almost all emotions so.... welp my mind hurts anyway I hope you have fun making the videos they really help keep up the great work
"*well...well...well. what do we have here?*" a deep, crackling voice came from every corner of the mind palace. It bounced of the walls and echoed unnaturally in the room. Virgil, being the only side there at the time, looked up alarmed and scared. He new this voice all to well, and shuddered at every word. The colour from his face seeped away and he froze in place. Darkness swirled from know were and engulphed him into nothingness. "*i was so afraid that we wouldnt meet again... boy was i wrong.*" "H-hey! Guys..this isnt funny, you can stop now!" He shouted into the darkness, but when he heard no response he was certain that who he was facing was no normal side. "*aww, it little virge scared? Pity. I thought you were braver than this. I thought you would be...stronger than last time.*" a hollow laugh emerged and virge was to scared to speak. "*oh, surely you remember me? Your creator? Ha, well, let me fill you in. It is i, false confidence, deceit, ignorince, and of course...loneliness.*" Virgle hung his head in shame and fear at the last word. After all, that was part of him. "*all of these...'sides'...are me. Everyone still thinks the dark sides are more than one aspect, like your little friends, but they are mistaken.*" "*further more, i am the generator of negative emotions, what stops you from having a true smile. Because, well....i created you. I sent you to them to brake them apart, it started well, but in the end, you brought them together. You failed. Your worthless. Your lonely. You need me, you need us. Come back to us to gain your power back.*" Virgil was weakening, feeling worthles stopped him from fighting back, he couldnt move, he couldnt call the others. But, all of a sudden, a feeling of confidence over took him, and he spoke out. "Never! I didnt fail, i proved you wrong! I wont let you control me any longer!!!" With a roar, he broke free of the invisable shackles and lashed out, he felt himself fall forward, then.. -------------- "...will he be ok logan?" "I told you im not sure roman. I dont know what happened." "....aaa...." " kiddo?!" "Virge snap out of i--" Virgil began to levitate unconsiously, then, his eyes snapped open, souless, and controlled.. "*Fools...virge is gone....youve lost. Hehehe*"
Thomas what kind of snake is deceit? I'm guessing python These are three I think I've narrowed it down to Albino Ball python Yellow burmese python or juvenile green tree python : )
I'm 10,but I still love you.
Virgil, you so evil
I really needed this
"the dogs day are over" omg i love that song thanks patton
Virgil: (changes into Halloween costume.) Me: what are you wearing? (Starts laughing like crazy)
Thomas, why is Virgil so down all the time? He makes people laugh with all of his unintentional humor. He is my favorite side of you. :) Who agrees with me? I hope you and Virgil do Thomas. YAY!
Am I the only one wishing we could suggest life problems and if Thomas has gone through something similar he consider it for a vid? I learn a lot about myself and how to do life from these videos. They're practically perfect in every way
I really want to see bloopers of the new videos! :)
in an episode Deceit and Virgil should get into a fight and the others have to break up the fight or like they always give each other death glares because they seem like the type of characters would be forever enemies (I know that might not make sense but you know what I mean)
Thomas your funny and cute
More of Sneeky Snek and the other Dark Sides, please!
21:59 Patton would drop dead
virgil was genuinely annoyed
Some random guy in meh class passes me and meh friend and said " story time they will be best friends to the end" and me and my friend were like wut the heck
Bro watching Thomas tell himself not to be upset about himself ignoring himself when he tried to make himself feel better
I was wiping dirt off my phone screen at 7:32 when the black faded across the screen and when it did it moved perfectly across the screen with my arm
I wear glasses and logan and Patton do but mine are real I mean why do they need glasses I mean I understand that logic would wear them but like glasses are the most annoying and helpful thing ever. Sorry about the rant I really do love sander sides
"It's not a phase MOM!!!"
What is the pun-infused moment
Logan language
id just like to point out that i take psychology and just hearing that guys name gives me war flashbacks to the worst test ever taken
Yeah Florida doesn't do cold lol
Aight, I got no idea if this is anything remotely on the right track, but HeAr Me OuT FoR a SeC. So, when Deceit shows up, he naturally appears in Patton's spot, right? I've been hearing talk of 'opposite sides,' so in that case we'd be assuming Deceit would be Patton's opposite, which does make sense. Deceit would tie into the concept of morality. Patton doesn't like to hurt people's feelings, so he would lie to keep someone from being upset, or something of the sort. But he could also lie for other reasons, which is typically against people's moral compass. Two sides of a coin, Deceit is like Patton's 'dark side.' As for Roman, I think his would be Pride. Roman is very prideful as it is, I think it'd be fairly easy for him to take it a bit too far, and that's where his 'dark side' would come in. Plus, when Thomas said that he was proud of the things he's created on YouTube, Roman said, "Thomas, don't invite something else." And he sounded pretty nervous, if you ask me. I don't think he would be quite as nervous if another one of the sides' opposites was to show up. I'd had a thought, maybe Pride would be Virgil's opposite, as they are quite different. Pride is boastful, would most likely love to show off, and Virgil plays it safe. He would hate anything of the sort. But I think Pride being Roman's opposite makes more sense. Deceit and Patton are very much connected, I'd like to think that Roman and Pride would be too.
Last two videos were so professional, weren’t they now?
Look, I know this whole video is about accepting your awkward phases and moving past them but I'm pretty sure I didn't _need_ my musically phase.
Love your vids
How is nobody pointing out the when roman says put it away put it away put it away now that is a song like common
The worst phase someone can go through...THE FIGET SPINNER PHASE
Why does Virgil look awesome as a vampire
Just kidding I hadn't puppy-ted up yet (3:00)
make that a month
*nOtHiNg, GeT oUt!*
Who came back to watch this just to listen to Virgil singing “Have yourself a scary little Christmas”
Bro like I went to Florida for Christmas so I had a summer Christmas so yeah I went to Disney world how the heck did I not see you
"LIKE THIS!!!!" Then Ad
Hey Thomas... out of pure curiousity, how many fans try to contact you through facebook because all I had to do was search you up and it gave me the option to messange you... !I'm sorry if I'm giving those who havent thought about it ideas!
Is that a tiny Twenty One Pilots pin on Pattons beanie?
‘Princey, Princey, Princey, so naive,’ *chokes* Also- ‘nOthingGEtOut-‘ Me-
Snake boi needs to not make me question Every thing I love thanks
At the end card Virgils voice cract
The sides need have a sleepover at ur house. I wanna see how Roman, Patton, Virgil and Logan sleep, or do they....
When are u gonna post again
Logan: Ya boi Me: *Chokes on crackers*
Thomas! I found your music on Spotify ! It’s really good and I hope you make more songs! ❤️❤️❤️
dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee sike
Is Deceit going to be in the next video?
logan pulls out ''ya boi'' flash card Me: HAHAAHAHAHAAHHHA that's ya boi
Logan has joined Roman in the realm of massive chin game
Make the Sander Sides take all of the Pottermore quizzes!!!
Also thank you soo much
4:10 omgosh
Erik Erickson is who I’m learning about in psych right now
Why is virgil so amazing and roman and logan and patton are great there also so precious
You know what i love? How Virgil and Roman hate each other seemingly but when Thomas was a teen writing all those poems and stuff, they were very very close :B Prinxiety everybody
*Logan swearing oh mY GOD*
Hey Thomas, did you watch the season 5 finale of Steven universe tonight? If so, thoughts? Honestly it was so incredibly amazing that you literally need to make a video about it!
*its reel hot in australia*
So wait... if Deceit has some kind of “dog tag” for himself... does that mean he likes wearing a collar...? WILL MY MIND PLEASE NOT GO TO SUCH STRANGE PLACES BAD MIND! BAD!
Virgils voice cracking at the end is adorable.
Firkin..... really Virgil I thought you where edgier than that
oh my flippin’ gosh-darn-ding-dang god that ending tho AHHHHHHHHHHHH *dies*
I know this has nothing to do with this video.but the video of you looking at your old vin's. Your had a hat with the dog from Yuri on ice.
I love patten sooo much!!!!!!!
Patton's just a living cupcake
"The only sons I can keep *straight* are my own" I don't know about that one Patton...
Y’all expected Virgil to wear black nail polish, bur Roman’s the one doing it
hey, Thomas I got a video idea for you. remember the Disney villain makeup transformation? you should have roman virgil, and optionally deceit react to the video!
In Can Lying Be Good, Roman says Deceit “popped up like a freaking Scooby Doo villain”. In this video, Deceit owns a Scooby Doo name tag. I don’t even think it’s related, I think it’s just an easter egg
Virgil having to add affectionately so Thomas will allow him to be scary is a mood
If Youtube were to randomly implode tomorrow, I want you to know you're my hero man
Thomas I don't know if you're even going to see this in the sea of comments.... but I'd like to say..... I think you look damn fine in a fedora
I have only one thing to say..... Thomas you are just the cutest thing
Vine was the best phase
Anyone else find that thing Virgil does pulling his lip up... Er. 'Interesting'? XD
So decit wants to protect thomas in his on twisted decity way what if when a side becomes to strong the obsorb all the other sides and become thomas but the side original atrabut(sry bad spelling) is still the strongest
while watching a summary of Dante's Inferno and they mentioned that in the 8th layer of hell was a giant pit full of magical snakes. their bite would change your form into a creature or object, then it hit me could this snake pit be the inspiration for Deceits character design. Roman and virgil= Dante home of Italy and Virgil the poet who guided him through hell. deceit =the magical snakes. Roman+Virgil+Deciet= Dante's inferno/deceit will target roman and Virgil the most. this is the video i watched https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp8JGQk0CFQ
In Georgia its hot 99% of the time expect in northern Georgia and down south its only cool in January sadly.
I want a Virgil hoodie like the one he wears in the videos. WHOS WITH ME!?!
Nice .. Follower from iraq.
Thomas should totally collab with MatPat and Stephanie!
Scary Virgil is Best Virgil
Thomas? You're spiderman?
heya, this is totally not related to this vid. anyway, after watching you alot, i discovered that you are very much just like me! im gay, but im probebly gonna be in the closet for a long time, another thing is that i love steven universe, anddddd, my aunt is also called aunt patty, and i am also alot of the time deep into thought, i am very much like you. i really wanna be friends with you. it would mean alot if you liked and replyed to this comment.
Logan=Wikipedia Virgil=tumblr Patton=any kids game website Roman=deviant art Thomas the laptop
This has opened my eyes to the truth
At the part where he said chill I just wants to say Hey Thomas,be more chill
I got an ad for pills to help you sleep. So, I thought that was ironic.
Vergil: Yeah you better run Deceit: What was that Vergil: NOTHING GET OUT!!!!
Disney pranks with friends Friend: hey, can you Me: FEEL THE LOVE TONIGHT!!!!
Angzity: f*** yous
Thomas I look forward to your content everytime you post it’s amazing and it always makes me laugh i do gotta day the sanders side videos are by far my favorite but I do treasure your other videos as well I just relate to these more and it’s just really unique just like all your videos you try your hardest to put out content for us fans so thank you I look forward to your videos they make me happy
I’ll tell you what’s scary Working in retail for 5 years 2 of those in the women’s shoe department Need I say more #RetailNightmares
Ya know that inferiority thingo yeah thats what i feel when i play guitar bc my dad and my family friends and everyone can play music so well and i want to learn but every time i play they always play something way better
Why Nebraska winters are terrible: Weather in October: snow everywhere Weather on Christmas: no snow at all Weather after Christmas: let's see how many snow days I can cause this year!
2:46 tomas sounds like ryan renalds
Good job ^.^
Oh my god! You’re awesome!
You know those moments when you’re embarrassed for someone on a video? Yeah..poor Virgil..
30 below zero up north get on Minnesota’s level
I wanna daaaaate youuuuuu
I absolutely hate Florida I’m with ya thomas
Do you think you could make a Sander Sides on what to do when your friends are mad at you? Or like if your friend is mad at you for a reason that you don’t think is a good reason to be mad at someone but you also don’t want to make them more mad because you want to keep them as your friend? I mean if you can’t tell I’m having a moral dilemma and my anxiety isn’t helping it at all.
I liked your vines
question... Did he dye his hair for this
R:Dear Zeus L: Dear Newton P:Dear John Me:September 1st Dear diary,
MCR reference
Meh, it’s okay
this is literally my 12th time watching this hehe
Deceit at the end man
Pawton is a beautiful muffin :3
Virgil and Patton have different phone cases, WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
No where i come from it dose not snow
11:17 Fucking Me Too.
Keep the Sanders Sides going please
I swear this man has the upload schedule of a squirrel on crack cocaine and yet I still love him
Oh, hey!!! We will literally just talking about Erik Erikson in AP Lit I did a paper connecting his theories to the novel Never Let Me Go!!!... not as well as some of my peers but- I'm not going into this episode blind!!!! Edit: And after watching this video I understand it much better than any of the papers that my teacher gave me, Thanks Thomas!!! Admittingly, wish I had seen this sooner but better late than never....
Omg i live in florida!!!
Logan+Patton=Latten Vergil+Roman=Verman Vergil+Patton=Vatten Vergil+Logan=Vergan Roman+Logan=Rogan Roman+Patton=Rotten Enjoy also if anyone thinks shipping the sides is wrong then you are entitled to your opinion but the rest of us in joy it so don't hate me please thanks bye.
you know that vine you made {eats grape}wow im so healthy!!!{get cake that says you ate a grape!} that will be my b-day cake !!
Not 2 be rude. But are you gay thomas?
I can't wait for even more sanders sides agahafahagagahagaha Virgil(however his name is spelled) is my fav
when he puts on glasses he looks like Matt Shea
I know how you feel because I live in Southern California
The only sons I can keep straight are my own... That's a lie
Thomas....I’m Canadian..you do NOT want snow! It’s horrible, and the ice and cold and UGH!! and I want the sun but I can’t...CANADA!!!!
christmas eve alone :(
Everyone's talking about Virgil's lipstick but Roman's nails are gorgeous❤
Did you see the new Steven universe ep If not you need to
But the “story time guy” was so littttttt!! He wasn’t scary!!
THOMAS! HEY!!!! LISTEN UP!!!!! Good, now I got your attention, can you make Roman and Virgil react to Prinxty?
oh my flippin’ gosh-darn-ding-dang goodness that ending tho AHHHHHHHHHHHH *dies* edit: love the Spider-Man costume by the way xD I’m a huge Marvel fan I just feel like I needed to add that edit II: this is for me to rewind le ending to show my dad why Virgil is great 23:23
more i love this
Ooohhh what if Deceit's name is Judas? Or something like that? That'd be cool. Also Virgil is so fluffing gorgeous and cute! I mean Thomas in general but is gorgeous but damn he's hot.
Lol Virgil changed Patton to the"Emo Phase." Gosh I love his humor...Lol
Tomorrow is my school’s spirit day and I’m going as Patton
I love you please love me
11:50 tEeNaGeRs ScArE tHe LiViNg Sh*t OuT oF mE! tHeY cOuLd CaRe LeSs As LoNg As SoMeOnE wIlL bLeEd! (Hello just your local MCR trash)
Virgil,Patton have you seen moxiety ships
Bruh virgil tho, so fuckin funny man
Okay totally get the weather thing Thomas!!! Just love warm winters.... NOT
If you wanna see some snow, come down to Edmonton. We have plenty.
4:22 lol I'm deaaaad! Patton! Lol
are you ever going to tell us where you are going to take your play on tour if you do it again
Missed ya thomas
Do more funny video
The song references made me geek out
I don't have any more phases and im only 15
*comes to read comments* *half are theorizing about Deceit's lines and stuff* *other half are just fawning over Virgil* Me: Welp. This comment section officially represents my mind :D
Okrichard wants to collab with you Mr Bearly posts.
I die a little every time I remember that the sides are characters and are actually not real...
I'm wondering what Deceit meant by "Who knows maybe one day you will be rid of us all...…" I'm excited for the next one keep it up!
Same man
Yeah, he's part of the LGBTQ+ community
This was released on Christmas day. (I know it says 24th but YT shows it in American Time, not your time.
I appreciate how much work you guys put in to these but I really just want a simple Sanders Sides Q&A part 2
Last month, I was talking to a fander friend during gym, and i asked her "Which Sanders Sides do you ship the most?" She looked at me with a blank stare and said, "You know they're all the same person, right?'' a few seconds of awkward silence and then, "Just kidding, I'm prinxiety trash." We continued P.E. arguing over moxiety versus prinxiety. I love my friends.
this is not good anymore
(Definition of Florida) Sun, Rain, More Rain... (Tip) The closest thing to snow is rain... MERRY CHRISTMAS and its 2019 in January.....wow heavanna.... Christmas really??
Since I can’t decide on a moment, Thomas throughout the video: my sides I don’t feel so good
You can't have a video about phases without the emo phase. *And Thomas DELIVERED*
Omg when Vincint popped out and went rahh and stopped it went to an ad as tho I was t.v that was amazing
anyone else notice how these costumes are the same costumes that were worn by p!atd in their halloween video
When Virgil poped up to scare them say this, and ad poped up too, I think Virgil is showing ever YouTube watchers fear, ads
i live in england i got snow so be jelly
I can't wait for more sander sides XD I really enjoying this series's it's so beautiful and creative
To my chan
Guys pls subscribe to my cgan
Awe I thought maybe Iago would be a nice name for Deceit (After the villain in Shakespeare's Othello)
I am fearful, and therefore powerful
I love you so much
Go my YouTube Channel ninjadog 103
Logan cursed, that's me.
You: in Gainesville, FL Me: in Gainesville, GA Do we have a special portal to go from one city to the other?
... Logan is so done.
Are any of the sides more than just friends?
Stupid auto correct I I meant to say hello
You umm when is the next episode
Please make another Sanders Sides
Love this! How did I not see this sooner?!
Can relate to the Florida stuff
It's great where I am
Roman’s scream is everything
16:40 you can't even do that Patton
Thomas:"You're a mean one" Me: "Mr. Virg!"
At the ending I’m pretty sure Thomas was hinting Patton might feel a little more towards Virgil, especially when he said “I know, you’re doing a great job at it”
Teenagers is stuck in my head now thanks and But it’s better if you do so thanks
16:55 LOGAN NO
Wow two vocab cards in one video used correctly and naturally?! I’m very proud of Logan’s studying.
Any Floridians relate? Like Christmas and snow man? I only know sand castles all year round. And layering 9,000 sweaters when it’s 50 degrees out. Ha ha I have anxiety and lacking sleep I’m gonna go. Good bye
Ik they are all thomas but am I the only one who thinks they all look completely different
Hey Mr. Sanders it's my best friends birthday and you are her hero, so if you could please comment a "Hello Chloe" and make her day I would be much obliged! Thank you
20:14 more confused then on avalanche, Patton?.. IM SORRY I HAD TO
Roman: if he's goes back to being scary can I go back to calling him names Thomas: no you have to be nice Virgil: you better run Deceit: what was that Virgil: NOTHING GET OUT
Im excited on the next sander sides i hope it has something to do with deceit!!
Why is Patton’s costume fit him so well
Is anyone still wondering if the sides will react to ships?... (Just me?.. Sorry ._.)
I am in my emo phase
i bet deceits name is derek
Is it bad I want to cry? Also, I did not expect him in the end.
Sub to PewDiePie
I would love to know what the dark sides dressed up as be i really want to believe that Deceit was Scooby-Doo for Halloween
You should give them the ability to fuse like Steven Universe
Thomas I just got cast as the female lead in my school play and Its really freaking me out but I’m really excited. Do you (or anyone) have any advice for overcoming or helping with stage fright and how to memorize lines fast (I’m not good with memorizing
still on my emo phase;)
I keep having trouble convincing myself that none of there characters are here
Does Thomas suffer from split personality disorder?
The P!ATD reference *I cAn'T*
19:26 jesus christ Virgil
ɢʜᴏsᴛs, ɢʜᴏᴜʟs, ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏɴ ʙɪɴᴀʀʏ ғᴏᴏʟs
Woofman. It’s WOLFman. Woofman. Wolfman!! Dying of laughter here
U so funny when u diiieeeeeeėē
I nearly missed Roman saying “But It’s Better If You Do” lmao
"Let the part die kill it if you have to." Really bruuuuuuhhh
I’m honestly so upset that Thomas only has 3 million subscribers like come on he deserves so many more!!!!! COME ON FANDEFS SPREAD THE FANDOM GAYNESS!!!!!
3:21 that accent
*nOThiNG, gET OuT!!!* ~ Virgil (23:24)
Great makeup!!!!
Logan... cursed...?
Hi Thomas. So we're making a school project about celebrities who won some awards and so. And i'm making about you. I would like to hear a little about how you felt when you won the Shorty Award for Best Youtube Comedian in 2017. I really hope you will help me, because we're getting grades for this! You are my favourite youtuber, and i loved your vines!
How dare he interrupt a man while he is doing his house keeping also Thomas I miss you please make another sanders sides please
“Aw Patton you don’t have to make emo song references. But it’s better if you do.” I almost screamed at 12:30 am
NO! *your a mean one..*
Thomas, you don’t wanna be here, we have to deal with flipping negative temptatures
" You could be rid of us all." - Deceit Me:OH HELL NO! Now my brain hurts, does this mean virgil can do something bad to all the other sides, like ...take them out? I'm a little scared.That's very foreboding Thomas. All fear and worry aside this was fun! I'm actully re-watching the seris and every time I can't stop laughing! I already can list my favorite sides... 1:Virgil 2:Patton and Roman are tied. 3:Logan 4:Deceit As for reason's why,most of them are personal.Mainly on how much they make me laugh and smile.(Wow I need to shut up this comment is way too long..eh better then my theory's and rants.)
Deceit's real name is secretly Scooby
Where is he now?
23:24 gEt ouT oF mY rOoM mOm
are u gay ?
Hi Thomas Sanders! I have a friend at school who is probably one of your biggest fans. He made fan art for you on Instagram awhile ago. I’m pretty sure he was under the name CosmicSketch. But he tagged you in the post and you responded. When I tell you that was the happiest I’d ever seen him I mean it. Anyway, you are pretty much his sun, moon, and stars combined. But, the thing is (I just met him this school year) AND I MISSED HIS BIRTHDAY! So I am trying to come up with the best last minute present I can find... . So I was wondering if you could send me a video of you singing happy birthday to him, his name is Bella... . I understand if you are busy (almost everyone on the planet is) but I would really appreciate it. If you consider please respond to this comment...Thank you for reading this if you do!
You know how the dark sides make the area behind them all dark Virgil did so is he back to being a dark side
Virgil-“nOtHiNg GeT oUt” Me-“aw that was adorable”
Somehow l would prefer Thomas to be dressed as Deadpool
"n*OtH*ing! Get out!" -Virgil Sanders 2019 (voice crack xD)
Thomas acts just like Spider-Man
Spider-Man is my favorite hero besides Daredevil
He’s a slimy boy!
awwwww patton's a kewtie
Thomas im sick rn,and this video cures me
Why do people confuse fedoras with trilbies?
My favourite part is still NoThINg! GeT OuT!!
“Scary is more like uh...” *plays tick-toc ad* Me: AHH THE HORROR
I love how you give so much meaning into these vids
I see what u did there with that "you're a mean one"
I need to see Logan and Patton react to "Logicality" they need to see their ship *NOW*
Wish he posted more often
Can't wait for the next video. Can't wait for the next character...
make a video were deceit pretense to be virgil and make everyone hate him then when the real virgil comes and deceit is gone, everyone will just not talk to him and virgli just get sad and disappointed at them then later they find out what was really happening. but i thought it would be a good idea. leave a like if you want this to happen.
All your videos have theme, and I wanted to request one maybe. The theme is depression. You have covered grief which was really nice, but depression is another serious topic that should have more light brought to it. The idea I thought of was since anxiety and depression are so connected, that Virgil had another half depression. He hides it like many people who have depression do. The theme would be showing that those feelings should not be ignored or repressed, and that you should talk about them. I don’t know if you will every see this comment but this is just my request/suggestion. So yeah.
10:52 just saving the time stamp for ‘throwing stone’
Decit you annoying nusaince leave Vergil alone.
The dog days are over? OMG HE JUST QUOTED A SONG!
Don’t PANTrinize me
like the voice Thomas
Patton is super cute as an emo boi
Hey Thomas,I very much doubt that you'll see this but do you know anyway to cope with anxiety?annnnnnnnnd AWSOME videos keep on making them!
i love you so much for making these
See now Virgil has become the cute anxious side.
Can you do more blooper videos?
7:52 "AAAARrroooo…"
Your next Sanders Sides they should switch personalities with the one they don't understand the most.
23:23 nothing get out. Voice crack poor Virgil
I really want Thomas to collab with Sam Tsui!
Thomas YouTube has your best vines in one big video and you did grate
Seriously tomorrow morning you can get frostbite in 4 minutes, 4 FLIPPING MINUTES
Hey Thomas. Can you do a video on Non-binarys please, like on the sexualitys etc. I would like to know more about them.
Thank you so much for making me feel better about my non binary self and my emo self. Thank you for making me feel comfortable about myself.
Roman Patton Logan Virgil Three rhyme one doesn't
Why is it always dark when you make sander sides
Lol my brother went through the “fadora fase”.
Doggo...i mean Patton is so cute *-*
I have a question. Does it feel akward talking to no one each take?
Self burns and reflection. An interesting mix
Virgil is adorable awwwwwwwwwwwwww I love him so much
Cant you do a Thomas sides where you talk about how you discovered you were gay.
I just realised when you were wearing the suit but you sound/ act like deadpool
Talyns scream again
When Virgil scares them does he have crofters all over his mouth and dripping from his chin?
so I'm a real pile of trash
Please everytime someone swears do a voice over and say somthing like you piece of shhhhallow water xx
Sometimes.... I wish I could see Thomas in real life T^T **sniff** If it was my birthday I wish I could see him irl X3 BUT it’s not.... it’s in April WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
Make more vines!!!
My God Virgil is so cute at the end
*Cough cough* No Snow Virgina *Cough cough*
“Aw Patton you don’t have to make emo song references. But it’s better if you do.” I almost screamed at 4:30 am
4:36 imagine Talyn, a vegan busting through the door: whO ThE F*** ate my tomato!?
Roman has 2 brain cells max
16:56 ......
Hey Thomas, could you make a Sanders Sides video that gives Deceit some character development. I mean, he can't be all bad right. Virgil wasn't as bad as he had originally portrayed, so what about Deceit?
You should have the Sides react to them being shipped with each other please (Logicality, Prinixety as examples)!
Thomas I know there is no chance you will get back to me but when are are you going to tell us Deceits name??
WHAT is deceit's name?!?!
Your lucky you live in Florida. It's -?? In here in Illinois
hey guys tomorrow is my 6 month Fanderversary and i'm celebrating by eating cake :) wish me a happy 6 month anniversary of getting into Sanders Sides!
*Be VeRy AfRaId!!!!*
1. HOLY SH*T SNAKE BOY 2. I thought of a nickname for Roman to use: twenty øne prøblems
3 MILLION SUBS!!! congrats!!!
I currently travelling from the UK & Florida felt like my summer
"Yeah you'd better run" lmao
U have it good it's warm in Florida I have all 4 seasons and I live in IL IT'S COLDER THAN ALASKA HERE
FORSHADOWING THOMAS PLEASE POST A NEW SANDERS SIDES SOOOON QJEHEOEBFKFIJGKGJ also, Virgil’s voice at the end tho, wut was that lol Edit: Also, how were none of them afraid at the beginning, I would’ve screamed like Roman during Accepting Anxiety, or when it went pitch black in this episode lol
Virgil and Deceit at the end are like siblings who hate each other
Please do a video with Colby Brock, I feel like you too can be really funny friends
Also my pool isn't heated so It's a giant icecube frozen all the way through for half the year
Thomas your lucky because your rodes aren't slick with black ice and you don't get snow in your boots even though they are far above your ankle BTW I live in the North East of the U.S.
I wish we could still upload vines
Thomas what are you going to make another video
NoTHiNg gEt OuT
If Thomas' head is not built for hats, then why does he look phenomenal as Deceit?
i love Virgils singing voice at the end, its so soothing..
It's January..... I miss sanders sides.... I'm waiting Thomas.... *IM WAITING THOMAS* I'm kidding, you take a break, smol baby boy... it's fine
Honestly this made me think about my life choices
OK I really really want thomas sanders to be the next marvels spider man!!!
I literally just binged the entire series and I’m gonna be honest, I’m a little worn out from Tomas’s voice. Sorry Tomas. Nothing personal. Also, I can’t spell Tomas but autocorrect spelled it without the “h” so sorry about that too.
I still rewatch your vines they always make me smile. And inspired me to start singing again.
Hey Thomas, i know this will probably just get lost in all the comments, but if you're reading this then i was hoping you could make a black version of the Anxiety T-shirt. I'm a trans guy and i love the merch, but the hoodies are too expensive for me to afford and I'm scared to wear purple because I'll probably get misgendered.
You HAVE to make more of these!!!! And other videos
Please make more
You like obscure musicals that are good right? Do you know of Calvin Berger? It’s gold.
Oh my god, he's such a beautiful human being
My favourite thing is about this series is how much Patton has grown as a side. At the beginning he was just the adorable joke. He was looked down upon. But now he is more listened to and understood. You can also see how much “he helps Thomas” he contributes to conversation making them better not just being the adorable goof ball (all still definitely adorable and goofy) it just makes me happy what you guys have down with the character for this series. Especially I’m someone who’s never taken seriously I feel I’m always just the laughing joke. So it’s nice to see that people can grow and be taken more seriously but also still be able to be cute and goofy. I know most people probably haven’t even noticed this. And maybe it wasn’t intentional. And it’s all fake and stuff. But still it helps me and just makes me happy:) so thank you!♥️
Omg Thomas’s biceps in that spidey suit
Is anyone questioning the ending what did deceit mean by getting rid of them all
What is the paramore song?
Yep the weather is certainly amazing here just so bitterly cold and full of snow that I haven't left the house in days. At least I can watch TS
"Yeah, you better run..." "What was that?" "nOtHiNg gEt OuT!!!"
Ah, the only Christmas Video I'll watch after Christmas, over and iver again, and always left smiling! Thank you Thomas! You're the best!
And also, your videos flow awesomely! Great job! I can tell a lot of work goes into these, and I love it! Thank You!
11:50 MCR Reference? Just me who got it? okay...
Thomas you are the best I know that you will never see this but you are amazing and I look up to you so much I love Sanders Sides and i hope that you continue it love your videos so much as I said befor you are never going to see this but just wanted to say that
My life is only anxiety:( And foo9oooooooooooooood
That Spider-Man mask is just the worst
Can we please see all the sanders Sides watch and react to a TV show. (May I suggest Yuri on ice) I need this in my life
It's -50 you don't want Iowa winter
Patton seems to be trying to please everyone, especially Virgil, in this episode I wonder if this is foreshadowing for something?
The sides should react to their ships! (Prinxiety and Logicality)
The end card....his jacket...IT’S BLUE!!!
Gosh!!! Not G-o-d!!!!
In the end I was like... YESSSSS! HE. IS. BAAAAAACK!!!
And I meant Deceit!
*why does anyone not talking about the end card where Virgil is singing?!*
oh my god thomas should cover you’ll be back from hamilton
Werewolf (supposed to be but patons version is better), Frankenstein's monster, a mummy (the egyptian thing, not a motherly figure' s nickname (in a sense, for the kid)), and a vampire. Anyone besides me recognize these 4 characters from a certain movie?
the voice crack at the end tho
I live in England, it's never nice here
We need more dark sides
nOThing gET OUt--
I remember Thomas’s vines I can quote almost all of them
I... got a wonderful idea... (but also not really) What if side emotions like for anxiety he had a pet that was based off stress. Every time U pet it, it stress you out XD
Can u do another ask the standardized for plz .
Done anyone else realize that Thomas sounds like Ryan Renolds/Deadpool in that costume
Hewwo Thomas, I just wanted to say that if you ever feel down just search up you first and last name in the urban dictionary. You are super amazing and I understand that making these videos takes a lot of time. Have an amazing day. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
When's the next Sanders Sides video????
I feel bad for Virgil truing to be spooky but then getting an anticlimactic reaction lmao
Virgil can step on me
Hey Thomas
7:38 who was it that screamed
Virgil:”Oh geez dude...” Me
"Thomas? Your spiderman?" Pat 2k18
Don't worry about it.... I'll get even with you. *Don't question me again, Sanders.* Me
You should do a sanders sides ep dealing with stage fright Between anxiety and princey!
And I think you have multiple personality disorder
Call Roman Up, slap a number a random number to him and say “ your a Roman numeral” and walk off
Thomas thx your videos have helped me with my anxiety you are amazing
i see what you did there, with that panic! reference
I love your vines though
Am I the only one who realized Roman didn't make any Disney reference this time? Though seriously: T: I have a soar throat R: My precious babies, what will I do without you? P: Relax, it's not like we're going to die R: I feel like I'm going to V: Now you feel my pain Which actually was something a friend was saying should be on an episode.( I agree) Speaking of which, killer idea for what should be on one(not that I think Thomas needs any more of those): Survey for which of the sides is the most date-able.
Hi Thomas! My friend wants to make a comic book about the Sanders Sides but with a little twist and we need your help to make this happen. We would need your permission and most importantly, your help. I feel like this would be a great adventure for the Sanders Sides. We hope you get to see this! From your number 1 fanders, Brooke and Chloe.
Virgil Girl : yes yes yes what’s the name of it!
What if Virgil was a kleptomaniac? Cause that would explain why he has some of the other sides stuff in his room, like Logan's puzzle book and Deceit's tag.
Well I don’t think you want to be where I am. It was -4 degrees last week. It was so cold my school got canceled for 3 days. Also, great video! Super funny! Also, do you not like fedoras? I love fedoras and wear them all the time.
Logjam225 When Virgil lets him and Roman pauses his disney movie marathon
Leyla Nasib sooo me and my lil sis?
Agnes Regner he was born gae
youre voice is nice cool nice voice ! like this if you agree!
20:58 gonna save that for any time I need a good mini pep talk that validates me if I pretend it's directed at me instead of a fictional(ish) character
soooo good as always, amazing job team! Looking forward to whatever awesome-yet-terrifying turn of events Deceit may-or-may-not-have-been-but-totally-was alluding to!
w... i have that hat, and it has buttons on it, just like that... and... i wear too many bracelets... unsure whether to be happy or scared for myself c:
Am i the only one that feels like the next snader sides has something to do with the "dark sides"
*did Virgil say frickin?*
Hey Thomas Sanders I was watching your Halloween episode on Sanders Sides I wish you could make more videos
16:38 he actually cant keep his sons straight
Patton got his name tag switched with Deceit Just like thomas mixed up Patton and Deceitful
But it's better if you do
Roman: Dear Zeus! Logan: Dear Newton! Patton: Dear John! Me: WHERE HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN ALL MY LIFE!?
Virgil: Yeah you better run Deceit: What was that? Virgil: NOTHING GET OUT! My mood all the time
Thomas: *complaining about how it's always hot in florida even in winter * me:lucky... Also 1:02 Tangled reference not sure if intended or not
2:36 you should dress up as the real monster Yet the saying goes Knowledge is knowing that Frankenstein was not the monster Wisdom is knowing Frankenstein was the monster
Kate Noswatudidthere: Dude... That is trippy...
I love Virgil voice crack I do that sometimes I love it
Brady Rhodes: Talyn voiced Roman’s scream.
Mya Berry the name of it will be Sanders Series!
Hey,... I like my fedoras.
I watch a lot of youtubers and u have the most likes
Where r uuu
Is it bad that Virgil is my favorite?
Make more sanders sides
Plz do another Sanders sides video.PLZZZZZZZZ
He: But I think its nice in other places Me: It was raining... most of the time... like every Year...
Thomas: A..phase Me: IT'S NOT A PHASE MUM ALSO I'M GONNA GO CATCH A CORPSE.........ALSO I'M TAKING THE PUPPY *gets in the car* Virgil: I agree with all of that...lets go... *picks up the puppy and gets in the car* Patton: The Emo Phase has begun... *brings out a cross and holy water* I'm prepared..
I'm glad deceit was just in the end card.
I love Patton...so much??? A sweet cinnamon bun
Oh. I get it. That's a good one
You're right. It didn't seem intended.
+Rocki Dans I think is because the scientist wanted to play god and interven in the cycle of life
That Panic! reference thou
16:41 You can't even keep those ones straight
Thomas, I could not tell you how much I love your videos. I "discovered" Vines in YouTube video compilations a couple months ago and just found your channel like a month ago and wow. Hilarious, Witty, Wholesome and Captivating is what I have to say about your videos. I sure do look forward to future Sander's Sides! You're Awesome, I hope 2019 is the best year for you yet!
O. M. Goodness !!! I was at the eye doctor's office today and saw a guy in a Virgil jacket!!! You have a lot of fans in Colorado!!!
I will switch you lives
If Patton fell to the right, why was he holding the left side of his head when he popped up again?
Love Logan cursing!
V: NO!!!! T: you're a mean one...
666K views? Huh... That's wierd.
666k views Help
This has 666k views
Thomas: I'm better now, right? Virgil: I don't know, are you? Thomas: I dOn'T kNoW aM I?!
Wait. Thomas says "My head is not built for hats," yet Deceit wears a hat. Does that mean that Deceit is lying to himself? DECEITCEPTION
How did Virgil snap his fingers with gloves on?
Roman said HOT dog so cute
*Thomas...your spiderman?* Edit: *somebody light a match...not because I farted* I'm dead
are we going to ignore LOGAN CURSED
I dare you to sing i wont say im in love again please it mad me cry is was so amazing or a song tht can go with patten longic creativity and virite please and a shout out please??
Patton got his name tag switched with Deceit Just like thomas mixed up Patton and Deceit
That Virgil bit right at the end
Good way to keep it family friendly Sanders
Is it bad that I now acct out my sides, too, when I am alone like Thomas does?
I kinda want the sides to do a lie detector test-
Crofters the musical: JELLY JELLY JELLY JELLY angst JELLY JELLY JELLY JELLY Last video: Angsty Sesame Street This video: It's not a phase, mom, its character development
Logan going "Holy Sh*t" is the best thing ever.
Hey Thomas, I have a video suggestion for ya: Why don't you get the other Sander Sides to do a horror game, "Five Nights At Freddy's" is a good start! It's ok if ya don't do it, or see this comment :3. I just hope u like the idea. Luv ya'll
I get confused when logic talkes. Is it just me? Ok...I'll leave now
I want deceit back It’s probably only me...... Yeah definitely only me........ Deceit is my child
Omg virgil's voice crack was so adorable
This is me in the shower
He seems like a clean dead pool
I'm becoming more convinced Roman's "opposite" is self-doubt given some of the things he's said in the last couple of videos, and it might be a reason why Roman and Virgil have always been at odds with each other (I feel like self doubt and anxiety can be hard to separate but if you realise self doubt deals in absolutes (eg. "You're a failure") while anxiety is more a warning to possibilities (eg. "you will fail if you don't do X") they're easier to deal with. I'm also getting more convinced Virgil is supposed to be some kind of middle ground/barrier/guard between the two sets of sides - he doesn't really belong with either (anxiety isn't good or bad, it just is what it is), but maybe Deceit and the others convinced him he was more on their side, to use anxiety for their own purposes, hence the antagonism in the earlier videos. Now that he's letting his guard down and growing closer to Roman, Patton, and Logan, he's also letting his guard down when it comes to stopping or limiting Deceit and the others influences. PS. I'm still hoping Roman's opposite uses a bunch of Disney villain lyrics as one-liners when he rocks up. :D
Except I'm not... FLORIDA
im a month late but i loved this
OMG VIRGIL WAS SINGING AT THE END CARD..... and deceit was there too
Me: Sees 251 dislikes Police officer: So you’re telling me that 251 people just so happened to run backward into your knife Me: Correct. Such a tragedy
thomas: how did i wear so many bracelets? me: looks like theres about four two on each wrist.... my friend had nearly 24 bracelets (on one arm and im not even counting the other arm) last time i saw him SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you dont have that many dood. his leather band which has his name ingraved and oddly smells like lemons and a bunch of rubber cheap bracelets
Classic Comedy
i dont care what anyone says virgil is and will always be my favorite. and his nicknames are either hot topic or anx (i mean really he would feel right at home in hot topic just like i would)
i love this video because my favourite movie nightmare before Christmas I love jack so much I have a jacket of him and a phone case and a key ring and a bag
has he been talking to himself for a solid 20 minutes?
You should make a video where they all go to Virgil’s room and just make it where his sides(besides Virgil)push him towards insanity so Virgil gets to be the hero and tries to protect Thomas from everyone else!!!!!!That would be the best video/videos(?) ever!!!!!!
The spider man voice is like deadpool
You're the best
Do a vid about shipping mortality and anxiety please. I ligit want them to be together
THOMAS! There's an amazing YouTuber who loves Sanders Sides ! Check Dark out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCypDXv0l23QadP9t41ps6Cg
Why do you sing so good it makes me cry all the time
Love the video and tell Patton I said hi
Everyone look at the sweater in my drawing
Too many song references! Legit when Roman said "Put it away put it away put it away NOW!" I started screaming GIVE IT AWAY GIVE IT AWAY GIVE IT AWAY GIVE IT AWAY NOW!
0:58 Thomas: You're a mean one! Me: Mister Grinch???????
I love Patton the angsty doggo I need to see some cosplays now
16:50 does anyone care that Logan cussed! XD Oh and 17:38 is sooo me
1:07 to 1:24 is incredibly amusing :)
_Everyone needs a friend like Thomas_
When he said they said the fedora phase I immediately thought of Patrick Stump
I've been in the emo phase for two thirds of my life and I don't think it's a phase anymore
When he said FLORIDA it reminded me of that PATRICIA!!! Vine
someone please list down all the emo song references
I’m in Australia but not the snowy part the bloody burning part red is the could we all get from sun
Ok but Thomas looks buff af in that Spiderman costume
this really ringdingidinged my heart
Omg I didn't know there was another sander sides video lol I love these
If you keep going in this line of thinking for these sketches, eventually you'll have to bring up the topic of DEATH. So, Thomas Sanders, what are your views of life and death or whether one has a soul or not? How does that effect you?
I made an edit for Virgil and Deceit, here's a link if anyone sees this! https://picsart.com/i/287558972030201
i swear i wont let anyone tell me im not real
thomas sanders i dont watch your vids i watch your vines i suscribed anyway and liked
Can you sing someone like you by Adele
Deceit has the powers to keep people mouths shut and tell a lie Virgil has the power to throw around thomas’s fears But yet none of the others have powers Does this lead into the “Virgil is a dark side” theory Or were the powers unrevealed?
i'm also in Florida
If Thomas hasn’t already done it, I really want him to do a Steven Universe themed video where Thomas and his friends do character impressions! I wanna hear the dudes trying to do Diamond impressions!
Who else knew the "emo" song he referenced?
yeah you better run. what was that? NoThInG gEt OuT! i can't xD
I would also really love 2 c them have a compilation to c who could come up with the vest joke or pun
Patton needs a hug. In the worst way
Was the logan the one who screamed or no?
You need collab with madi2tgemax!!!
I cant belive how hard it probably was to pull this off cause of all the costumes
Is it just me or whenever I see Virgil sing, I want to fanboy, BECAUSE I MEAN HE SEEMS THE TYPE TO NEVER SING
Currently in my emo phase
Omg lol I’m gonna watch ur first video it’s when you do the cup song.. LMAO
Hey you should do a collab with Brent Rivera!!!!!!!!
I live in Florida to!
Make a sander sides when remy makes an appearance plzzzzz
Are you gay or bysexul
Make more vids
Are all the sides actually read but don't remember when they were alive and so sometimes they say something to there last and they were all connected to Thomas and each other somehow? So It's ok to ship them with each
Can the sides react to ships of each of them?
Hey try Canada
Honestly if u saw Thomas in public I probably wouldn’t notice and somehow figure it out and be sad all my life
Deceit showed up...... That sleky boi. Why da fake is he here? Ah. Hallo. Boi. Don't hates you. But, rid of us all???? What did Virgil do? Theory: After leaving the darksides he had destroyed a part of himself, Deceit and him were friends but now Virgil has left the darksides he made another nice getting rid of it. Maybe this side will be shown in future videos and perhaps I'm wrong tho. However, I feel as if it would make a good storyline. Then Deceit and a couple other darksides refuse to follow and end up disconnected and alone.
Do a bother Q&A here’s a question where did you get the class and teacher in your vine
20:04 sanders sides teaches us that even if you've come to understand someone you can still hate them
Wow! I love Teenagers by My Pattonal Romance That's what you get by Loganmore It's better if you do by Roman! At The Disco
Okay, so explain to me why I should do what I want to do and cosplay if most characters in the show are women, or a non-growing boy (Steven Universe)? @AnyoneAndEveryone
This is what went through my brain on Halloween
This is... ANXIETY BEFORE CHRISTMAS (Get it... nightmare before Christmas)
+AbashedBanjo138 Just a broken banjo thanks
xXXRem Xxx yes I get it ふぉr cりいんg おうt ぉうd
SOMEBODY EXPLAIN PATTON HAVING THE SCARY (ish) echo at 20:14 on?!?!?!?!?!? Please?! It’s kinda tripping me out
I have a theory about Thomas' fedora phase. Even though they "confirmed" that it doesn't tie into the lesson, I think otherwise. As soon as the fedora phase is brought to attention, Patton faints. When he gets back up he is rubbing his head and is a little confused.(or at least that's what it looked like) Right after Thomas goes into a fit of rage and is accusing Virgil of things. This interpretation may not be completely accurate but I mainly want to focus on the actions on Patton, and the emotions of Thomas. When Thomas is in rage, Patton's guard is let down because he just got back up from fainting. (I know Deciet is Patton's dark side but hear me out) This leads me to think that whenever one of the sides let's their guard down, it can effect Thomas by making act the opposite of what the side does. (Rewatch the whole video of accepting anxiety p1 and you will see what I mean) Especially in AAp1, since anxiety is a core trait for Thomas, he doesn't care how he's acting or if the other sides have other opinions on what he does. Thanks
Roman: Dear Zeus Logan: Dear Newton Patton: DEEEEAAAR JOOOOHN! Me: (sings) Dear Evan Hansen
With the outro he was going for, I think "Ghosts, Ghouls, and Nonbinary Spooks" would've worked.
I would visit that grave SOOOOOOO much
So all the fanfics... They've got a lot of other characters, smaller sides, dark sides, and obviously the ships are huge. I know Thomas knows about the shipping but are characters like Remy canon or just a bunch of theories?
7:33 who cry like tht
I just got a twisted commercial where a cat was bothering their owner so she went to pet smart to get a fish and the cat was distracted. If you don't want to read what i have to say, please move on. The fishes purpose was only supposed to be a distraction, and the owner didn't care enough to actually get the fish to care for it.
React to miraculous ladybug origins episodes? 1 like = 1 vote
And I’m ready for a new sanders side episode. It better not be too much longer...
This comment is part of millions comment just drowning in the sea of comments.
I mean 15 k comments
The "NOthInG GET OUT" Voice crack keeps me from dying lmao
Omg the end part... XD
wheeeeere is the new one? am so excited to see what he comes up with next
I’m sorry, but WHEN WAS VIRGIL EVER IN THE DRIVERS SEAT! Every time he tried to get in the metaphorical car, he was shoved out and you guys drove away! Until accepting anxiety when he didn’t even show up, you guys went looking, and now he is actually in the metaphorical car
When is next Sanders Sides coming?!! Can't wait!
“Dear Zeus!” -Roman “Dear Newton!” -Logan “DEAR JOHN!!!” -Patton Me: DEAR EVAN HANSEN WE’VE BEEN WAY TOO OUT OF TOUCH!!!!!!
When deceit says 'rid of us all' he means that no matter how much Thomas excepts anxiety he will never truly except virgil as a whole. A dark side is a side Thomas doesn't want to know about or except. So deceit was telling virgil no matter what Thomas says virgil will always be a dark side.
Im just here waiting for another video,but for now ill be binge watching all of the sander sides videos..........
Nice song Thomas
Okay Deceit is a slimy boy but he's funny as hell tbh
did anyone else notice how high virgil's voice got in the end card when he yelled at deceit to get out of his room
Going back to Deceit and the, As Roman calls it, "Dark Side." Would some or all the Seven Deadly Sins be there? Such as Wrath, Greed, Envy, and Sloth would be the best choices.
he shouldve said unpresidentadly asinie
When is the next Sanders sides episode
Hey man when are you coming back?
You Musta been near me because I live in Florida did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did did I don’t know why I don’t know why I am I’m here love you son but forget about everything messages that
I love how Logan screamed like a robot and Roman like a women
Though we don’t have snow here in our country but we start Christmas in September until December itself!
I love how Thomas didn't change his awesome personality and he still a beautiful person
Everyone else talking about Virgil's voice crack at the end (which is also adorable, yes), but can we take a moment to adore how happy Deceit is when he finds the Scooby Doo tag before feeling the need to lie? YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIE TO US, PRECIOUS SNEK. IT'S OKAY FOR YOU TO BE HAPPY.
I need more!!!!!!!!! Now!!!
16:40 "The only sons I can keep straight are my own!" ... But you've said Thomas is your son....
I just realized... Thomas could play dead pool...
Patton: You don't have to give up if you're bad at something. *Exactly, I was always bad at drawing but I never gave up. My drawing skills have improved, but they are not at the point I want them to be. But I keep trying no matter how frustrated I get.*
The thing with Patton towards the end made me cry
I feel like this is a great representation of how people around a person with anxiety might feel confused and frustrated with the lack of logic in the fear we experience. It can be hard to understand where you stand with people with anxiety, and it can feel like your always messing up. Just remember we’re just as confused, try your best. We appreciate the effort.
Thomas in Spidey gear is Bae ❤️
I don't mean to be fine but I've bin wondering if I could ask if you are gay or straight??
*don't mind my gay ass dropping by* I feel you... I'm in the desert.
Can you do a Sander Sides on self defeating behavior
When you forget the sanders sides are all the same person cuz Thomas is the most amazing after ever
It’s still snowing here I’m gonna have school in June or July
thomas: poor florida *meanwhile in Texas* me: ah we might get some rain this month that's not a flood
You should make the sides act out quotes e.g. incorrect prinxiety quotes
Use Code tsheartsus and get twenty percent off merch
It’s -20 something in Canada
16:56 Logan swore in front of Patton! Omg
*Story Time*
Holy crap ! When Deceit was unmasked Someone said that he was like a scooby-doo villain. And what's Patton wearing
Technically he’s in his cosplay phase when doing sander sides Because He’s dressing up as his own OCs So he never left!
Thomas?... as a girl? ... OMFG THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE
*dogs* *are* *wolf*
I love Patton so much he is so cute
Tomas: well why don’t you GENERATE an explanation for us Logan Logan: *sigh* holy sh*t Me: hahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahha LOGAN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Not sure if someone did this but Roman: Dear Zeus Logan: Dear Newton Patton:Dear Johnnn Me: DEAR EVAN HANSEN!!
Sweden is coverd in ice and I hate it... it's fun at the start tho... not any more
My theory: Virgil causes Thomas to get depression.
Patton: the only sons I can keep straight are my own
“ That slipped out “ thOMAS !!!!
But I like your vines... Well... um... ok
"You might just get rid of the rest of us" WAIT IS HE GONNA BRING THE OTHER DARK SIDES THOMAS WHY HALP
It’s snowing here in Washington Lucky for you would probably like being blessed with a unicorn
I love Deceit's background music!
Paton: "The only sons I can keep straight are my own" Last I checked Thomas and Virgil were gay
2 things. 1. OH MY GAWWWDDDD PATTON IS SO ADORABLE AND I WANT HIM TO ADOPT ME AS HIS SON! FREAKING PURE CINNAMON ROLL! 2. Virgil’s singing was beautiful. But freaking Deciet with his statement -shivers- but Virgil’s voice crack was sooo meeee
I just realized that his sides could of been the main monstere from hotel Transylvania
I’m sorry, but WHEN WAS VIRGIL EVER IN THE DRIVERS SEAT! Every time he tried to get in the metaphorical car, he was shoved out and you guys drove away! Sorry, I’m defensive for my child lol
nOThing geT OUT
The girl phase. “It wasn’t fun for anyone”
Annnnd I'm crying. I really needed this video today. Thank you for doing what you do and helping me understand things that are going on. It's hard but with your videos and your positivity it gets easier for me. Thank you again Thomas your a real patton pal.
23:24 Awwwwwe Virgil is our little kitten.
Logan: holy sh*t Me: OMG LOGAN CURSED!
Can... can I point out that Virgil can do what Deceit dose with his hand? In 'Can lying be good?' Deceit flicked his hand and covered Logan's mouth... mind control basically. Every time that Virgil messed with the others outfits, he flicked his hand the same way. Plus... Thomas's living room went completely dark. I think that Virgil and Deceit have a history... a bad one.
I just binge watched all the sanders sides and I want more
When I see Virgil I know am the living embodiment of him
How dare you Florida
Thomas florida whether is better than the uks wether (too much raiiinnnnn
"yea you better run... NOTHING GET OUT!!!!" so much angsty teen energy its not even funny
Virgil comes out with his scary costume. AD : A R E Y O U A M E S S?
I just learned about erik erikson on psychology
Hearing thomas about his emo phase is so relieving.
"Idontknowareyou" *"I DON'T KNOW AM I?"*
Passionate don't you mean PATTONATE
I just realised how similar this series is to D.I.D (not fully but vErY siMilAr) and now i can’t UN see it jfjwkskoxhxjkznxo
I cannot emphasize enough how awesome these episodes are, thank you for being so insightful and open. I just love this format!
O.M.G. Did anyone think of Hotel Transelvania (I probably spelled that wrong) when they saw all of those costumes together ???
I miss these, I want more Sanders sidez, in my 2019 life!!
Thomas. Shut up about the cosplay thing. Dont say that your not good at it, just say you could improve on things. Always be positive with things! Think in a constructive way! Give yourself constroctive critisism! Im trying to cosplay and i know how important it is to stay positive about yourself or else you will pick put all the mistakes and problems and be insecure and unhappy with the whole thing. You are your worst critic. Oh wow, i went in to a pretty long tangent about cosplay. I guess you could apply this to any hobby really.
Up in Minnesota we have an effin foot of snow, and dipped bellow -30 Fahrenheit.
19:21 i-
Please make another sanders sides episode!
UwU I miss Florida. That’s my home state. I suffer with the ice and snow.
Virgil: **pops out** Me:**Before I can react an ad plays** Me: MOTHER OF GOOD DEEDS NOO
There should be a Sanders side video where anxiety is very happy and cheerful But I dunno I think that would be cool (Also I can't spell anxiety 's real name so sorry)
Lucky you, I got hit by the polar vortex!
13:10 Logan: "Per-sh-onal Identity" Its pershonal now, guys.
I'm actually kinda surprised Logan didn't dress as the Monster depicted in the original book (Who supposedly was super handsome and made with the best parts Viktor could find, the only downside that he had really scary glowing eyes. He even self taught himself to read, write, and speak since the Doctor bailed on him the second he came to life) and instead as the well known popularized movie version.
5:06 Logan, if you were fearless, why the heckedy heck did you scream in Accepting Anxiety 2/2 when Virgil showed up?
*Logan becomes British at **3:22*
3:22 *Logan becomes English*
Omg is he a psychologist?!!!!
Virgil is so scary. Virgil’s loud NOOOOO
I could show these to my future children so they could learn things.
Actually, my dad can't ever remember your name but he thinks your funny. He still calls you story time guy
when is more sander sides coming?
Past Thomas: Myyyy milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they’re like, WHOO, it’s better than yours! *Everyone But Virgil Scream In Horror* *I Die Of Laughter*
Thomas says " I've been through some phases myself " But he is talking to HIMSELF XD they all know and remember I'm sure
Virgel is Not creepy in this.
My theory: Virgil causes Thomas to get depression.
‘Don’t make emo song references, *but its better if you do*’ I FREAKING SCREAMED HCASKCV
Need to point out: when the fedora phase is brought up, Patton faints, maybe something always makes him faint around fedoras or bowler hats, because deceit wears them? I’m theorising, don’t worry
(I don’t know if someone pointed this out, but) 0:58 Thomas: “No? You’re a mean one...” Me: “MR GrINcH”
Wow I love these deep Sanders side videos also I have a huge ship idea. Lirgil: because Logan knows a lot about Virgil and I know he's suppose to be logic but I can't help thinking he's done his studies on Virgil because he wants to understand Virgil so Virgil would like him Pirgil: because Patten and Virgil are opposites and as Logan would say about magnets, opposites attract
I love the fact he’s only GETING 267 dislikes. I’m lowkey proud
Head canon Logan is emo
Can anyone see this comment??
you suck Thomas sanders give a up your youtube chanal no one LIKES YOU
I just watched that little video at the end.... I'M SCREAMING! Deceit if u dare touch a single hair on my emo boy's head i will make sure u regret it!
Thomas combines two of my favorite things and puts them into one video and I genuinely love and appreciate that. Wait, no, 3 things actually: relatable characters, humor, and psychology.
Snakey Boi has returned!! it's not good but still
Woof man
Sorry to ask but.... I nEeD aNotHer SiDeS ViDEoooo!!!
Wait! Brady's Beast is where Virgil got his name!
I'm just gonna be watching all of these, waiting for Remy. (What do you mean Remy isn't an official side?)
Virgil’s voice is a lot higher than normal
2:51 kinda sounds like Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool
So, Patton was scared of Spiderman (a hero), but not of a vampire with blood dripping out of its mouth(a villain). Is Patton secretly evil? Is he deceit again??!!!!
He looks great in the Spider-Man costume
Thomas does make a good spider man
Roman - “Hypocrite day what” Virgil - “What?” Roman - “Ooh my gosh I can’t believe it worked!!” I freaking dyed at that part
Logan cursed. Why can I not function. This is a unexpected dilemma.
1:26 he laughed yay!! Oh and at 14:56
"we bonded and stuff!" me, an intellectual: *_we had a bonding moment! i cradled you in my arms!_*
"Ya know teenagers scare the living poop outta me." *Patton, not to hate or anything, but you have been in vines where you were surrounded by teenagers*
Hey Thomas! Great video but I need some advice, my mom knows that I am a male but born female (or as she calls it “wanting to be a boy”)but she won’t let me transition to male. And I don’t think she gets that I’m transgender.Please help me I’m stuck in this never ending loop.
“noTHING GET OUT” oml Virgil is a squeaky teen comfirmed
Soon enough Logan is gonna be a HUGE “dude bro”
“nOTHing! Get out!” -Virgil 2k18. (I love that voice crack
Their is to many big word in this I am literally confusions
You screaming about Florida being hot is my mood but we got to give it to Florida this year it was colder than it was last year
K this is kinda random but have you thought about how Logan said his fav Disney movie was Big Hero 6? Can you just imagine him crying about 20min in and trying to analyze how tadashi could have possibly possibly survived. Imagine him just over analyzing the heck out of it. Idk I'm done now
Thomas: "Well, why don't you 'generate' an explanation for us, Logan?" Logan: : *exasperated* "Holy sh#t..."
Okay, Virgil's a LIIIITTLE too relatable.
YEAH, I relate to the complaints about Florida heat. I'm here at college in Florida.....and I moved from Massachusetts. IT'S HOT AND THERE'S NO SNOW. I'm disappointed.
So freakin bad XD Virgil is a mood
Iv had a cool thought about deciet I think deciet and anxiety have history You know how when you do something wrong as a kid you lie to get out of it But before you lie you get anxious and that’s why you lie ....so make a vid on that Thomas
The contours on that Spiderman suit are hot
I wear about 35+ bracelets so I really don’t think he wore too many bracelets during his emo phase
I live in fl too! I feel you man
That ending tho
please make a blooper video for this this video is amazing
Everyone: **is talking about plot and growth and stuff** Me, an intellectual: nOtHiNg GeT oUt
I freakin love this series!
-intro - Welp This episode of Sanders sides has *killed me* ALSO *SNOW SUCKS* ny snow ;/; Edit:this is so sappy it’s hilarious
Is there gonna be more thomas,no pressure tho!!! Also your blooper reel video was awsome!
Ok, so this is like my sixth time watching this video and I just realized something. What if the reason Deceit had a "'S'cooby 'D'oo" tag was that his first name started with an 'S' and the tag was a play on letters. I mean that would make sense... his name could be something like 'S'ybil 'D'eceit. (Sybil being an S name that ends in il)
I think a good thing to take from Patton and Virgil's relationship is that at one point Virgil did need Patton's cute nicknames. Virgil did need Patton's unconditional love and acceptance because he didn't feel loved and accepted before. But now that he knows and feels he is loved and accepted; it's not necessary for Patton to shower him with it anymore. For example when I was younger and an embodiment of Virgil, I had a male friend that loved and accepted who I was. As I grew and began to love myself I found his showering of acceptance to be unnecessary. While my friendship with the guy ended (because he had feelings for me and wouldn't take no for an answer, and now years later he makes me uncomfortable) I'm still happy that I had someone at one of my lowest points. I'm still confused about almost everything that is Me, and where I'm going on this feels trip next; but I'm happy, I'm loved, I'm accepted, and that's all that matters right now.
MORE DECEIT!!!!!!!!!!!
This question is for paten do you know how much I love you because of you I’m happy and for the all of the sanders sides you ligit saved my life
Hey princei! Do you know how many people ship you and engsiety
Can we talk about the girl face pls
generativity vs stagnation phase should fall on your late 40s to mid-60s. also, competence vs inferiority falls onto 6-puberty. you did cosplay as a PRE TEEN?
Is anyone else surprised that Logan has never brought up Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Like if you actually know what that is
Can I suggest the name Sebastian for deceit? I think it fits.
Everyones immediate assumption is that Deceit leads the dark sides, but I've always thought that Virgil might have been to leader of the darks.
The only kids I can keep straight are my own- Patton No you can't
Omg, A nice nickname. I hadn't thought of that- Roman
jjjjjust saying it's highly likely the next video will almost definitely feature deceit because he probably had the makeup on for the next video, saving time by shooting the deceit scenes at the same time yknow. And it's possibly going to take place in virgil's room (the curtainsss) so hyped to see what sanders and friends are working on
Sorry not sorry but Emo Puppy Patton is the cutest being on the entire planet
Virgil don’t even your still emo
More please!
How many time did he have to switch costumes
*_Patton is a furry_*
Did we learn phases?
Another sander sides QnA please (*^0^*)(╯✧∇✧)╯
"NOtHinG gEt ouT!" - Virgil legit me when my mom asks me what's going on
Wait we already knew Deciet was a thing!!!!!
“You know Teenagers scare the living poop out of me” - Patton (My Chemical Romance) “Patton, you don’t have to make emo song references...But it’s better if you do..” - Roman (Panic! at the Disco) Ugh I love that
Here in England it's cold but not in a nice way. AS IN IT NEVER STOPS RAINING!
That endbcard though
Omg that "nothing get out"
you're literally SO perfect. i can't BELIEVE IT.
How does this not have more likes
Who’s watching this as late as me
Why I think virgail calls Patton dad: Virgail is the embodiment of sadness an emotion caused by Patton. Patton was sad soon leading to virgail. Technically making virgail his son
Miss the Sanders Sides
Swear word
Logan swearing at 16:52 gave me life and is my aesthetic.
"NoThiNg gEt oUt!"
The Sides As Transformers: Deceit: Megatron Patton: Bumblebee Logan: Ratchet Roman: Sunstreaker Virgil: Starscream
I didn't realize Patton quoted My Chemical Romance until Roman pointed it out....
I'm in Florida and it got down to 30 degrees, it was cold!!!!
I love your story time vines!!!
Wow. Virgil is so me.
Virgil: Put your pants back on don’t patronize me Patton: You mean pantronize Virgil: Whatever Patton: Sorry that just slipped out
i had league of legends in the background without realising, the epic music suited this video so well XD
I thought the Narrations were funny, especially the time when someone Story Timed you. Who was he? Also major voice crack Virge, don't worry I have the same problem.
You’re vine a FlipIng amazing be proud of your work
Patton: The only sons I can keep straight are my own. Me: BuT ThEy'Re nOt StRaIgHt!!!
Thomas your spider man (betrayed) im tha emo kid who wears pink sometimes and hangs out with the poplar girls :3 yup meh
I am spiritually and mentally Virgil(don’t know if I spelled it right but I don’t really care)
The vines he showed were funny
I wanna go through a fedora phase now
Roman: Dear ZEUS Logan: Dear Newton Patton: Dear joooohhnnnn!!! Me: dEaR eVaN hAnSeN
That end card has just proved there is a Virgil/deceit backstory. We know thomas. Also can I address the fact we just saw Virgil pulling cobwebs out of a spiders butt.
this video is posted on my B day
“The only sons I can keep straight are my own!” Sure Pat you can dream!
I'm in Maine
There be no comments. I be comment
Thomas: You're a mean one. Me: MR GRINCH
Virgil is my fav character, probably because my anxiety has helped me somewhat in life
Logan's chin got-damn
Ok, but Thomas looked amazing in the Spider Man costume
Deceit: what was that! Virgil:NoThInG GeT oUtt!!!!! This video. Made my day you are the best Thomas sanderzzzzzz!!!!
"Exept I'm not FLORIDA!" Thomas I live where there's snow and I think Florida sounds amazing. Plus you won't have to wake up at 5 am to shovle.
The SD tag that Patton was wearing at the beginning of the video doesn't mean Scooby Doo. It means Secretly Deceit. Doesnt it?
This made my heart skip like 50 beats
19:33 Oh, don't mind me, just keeping the time stamp for the FEDORA PHASE
Hipacrit say what
Thomas' spiderman costume is everything.
I swear the next one needs to be about that end card with Virgil and deceit or I may cry
When you think Virgil is gonna pull a komaeda becuse he said stepping stone
can i just say i had to improvise an essay on why courage is important i had no clue so i just used the things everyone(mainly logic-) said about why anxiety is important and tried to flip that flipped it onto why courage is important i got a 100 on that thank you owo
The emo phase is basicelly me right now soooo sad
16:41 No Patton, you really can’t
;~; NANI?! HE CUSSED! -c r i e s i n a c o r n e r -
Roman: “Patton, what do you think we’re doing every time we meet up?” Patton: “Catching up? :D” You just gotta love Patton
4:08 Patton: Well, Spider-Man is sorta scary. He wears a mask so no one knows who he is- Logan: Peter Parker 13:00 Logan: Hmm, Now I don’t want to overload anyone with information... Roman: Since when? Roman: Until Deceit was unmasked like a freaking Scooby-Doo Villain Deciet becomes Scooby-Doo for Halloween
OMG! I mean talyn.(sorry for my typo).
7:32 that scream was breathtaking!
Oof virgil that almost voice crack at the very end "Whazzat?" "nOthing get out!" MEEEE
Virgil: WE HAVE THE SAME... Let it go, Virgil Me: *trying not to think in Osomatsu-San*
I wish my anxiety was like Virgil, mine is killing me :'v that and my paranoia mixed are like... Horrible
I am in the emo 'phase' right now. But when i try to say about Thomas to ppl at school who dont know him i say ' he's the storytime guy from vine' most of the time that works. I relate with virgil do much and its probsbly bc my anxiety is what i listen to the most
23:24 nOThing get oUt! Emo Marshmallow had a voice crack while yelling at Snek Boi
No trying to be mean but when will there be another one of these? Sorry I just love them Soo much!!
Thomas this was so Amazing i started to cry because, of how exited i got. This was so amazing tell Joan and, Talon that all of you did such a good job!!!
they should have been a striaght faze where they were all terrified
*after Deceit left Virgil’s room* whispers: He can actually be mean... Patton: What was that kiddo?! Deceit: SOMETHING!!!!
Hay Thomas man, I love your videos, they always make me feel better about the day I am having, even tho I don't have friends, when I watch your videos, it makes me feel like I got a friend in you. ( I had to throw in a corney pixar joke) but for real tho, you and your friends really help me and I hope I can find friends like yours someday.
for some weird reason i liked the voice crack and am i the only one who SHIPS them
YAS tHE EMO PHASE!!! YAS VIRGIL!! YAS... Roman, I hate to admit it but YAS amazing P!ATD song.
Patton is the wolfman in his puppy phase.
I luv the Virgil “nOThing get out!”
But I like the fedora
Is it me or after they return to normal, Patton had eyeshadow / dark circles in his right eye?
10:52 When I'm woken up in the morning
16:39 Don’t you mean Gay?
Am I the only person who absolutely loves Pattons little piano tune?????
Can u please do a sander sides on what to do if your so depressed that you can’t function and find no joy in anything and it being so bad that u can’t talk to anyone. I’m in this situation rn. And I have no clue how to get out of it.
Man Virgil is such a cutie,and now I feel kinda bad for pointing it out
"Nothing, get out."-Every emo kid ever
Ghosts, ghouls, and non-binary... Fools.
I LOVE THIS SIRISE!!! That end though, I get so excited whenever decite shows up. Your acting is sooo good!!
You want snow for Christmas go to MINNESOTA I think I should chill... gosh theres a lot of snow and it’s cold like 10 degrees blow 0 lol
15:38 Thomas: "It's okay! Its okay! We're on Youtube now where we're safe from all the bad decisions. I've-I've always-I've always made things that I can be proud of on Youtube." Roman: "Thomas! Don't invite something else!" AFTER THE TENTH TIME WATCHING THIS I JUST REALIZED THAT ROMAN IS REFERRING TO HIM ACCIDENTALLY SUMMONING THE SLIMY BOI
"Dear John!!!" Made me crack up
If you do get back into cosplay, please search up “Danganronpa v3 Kaito Momota”. I think you really suit him. Another character you and the other sides suit are Shuichi Saihara (Virgil), Kokichi Ouma (Patton), Byakuya Togami (Logan) and maybe a genderbent Sonia Nevermind (Roman)
That end card has just proved there is a Virgil/deceit backstory. We know thomas. Also can I address the fact we just saw Virgil pulling cobwebs out of a spiders butt. Also now I want to know deceit's name. I think if he and Virgil had a vicious rap battle (like not even funny just like screaming) and Virgil says his name then Thomas is stood there confused ( just like he was when the other names were revealed). Please let this happen. If it did we could find out more deceit and Virgil's past.
4:50 ; cause you are just-- cUTE?
That's sweet and all Sanders...But why on earth are you ashamed of your fedora phase, fedoras are great!
I'm camera shy so I know my anxiety has a affect on me because what I love to do involves hiding cameras. Thank you Thomas you just helped me understand my anxiety!
Why is Thomas a mood in the beginning, when he's complaining about Florida's inability to know when Winter is the current season? Like, theirs Summer and not-Summer, that's it
Thank you thomas I needed that I'm going through an identity crisis of who I want to be after I leave high school I'm good at singing but not as nearly as good as my sisters and brother I love singing Hamilton "first burn" and others too I'm still going through my phases whoops im texted to much thank you again thomas, Virgil, pawtton (
But it's better if you do
Thomas is great he expresses all my feelings towards FLORIDA weather... Cus it SUCKS
22:21 When you go to opposite town and realize Deceits middle name isnt "classy"
16:55 Omg Logan Lmao!!
I liked your vines! And virgils costume is pretty neat
Virgil sure is a super sexy vampire!
Um, Logan, that's not what Frankenstein's monster looks like...
i love virgal. he still scares Thomas and especially in this video. keep scaring Thomas virgal. just dont scare me please
"Hypocritesaywhat." "What?" "Oh-ho, my gosh. I can't believe it worked."
Can someone please explain the deceit coments... i didnt get it
Wow dude, imagine Thomas Sanders, but gay. That would be crazy dude.
0:18 omg Thomas is a fusion lol
I love Halloween. In this case Virgil is my spirit animal!! But I’m a generally more like Patton, except I’m not quick to forgive..
Come to Missouri
"nOtHiNg GeT oUt!!"
Ayyy!!! I didn’t know Thomas did cosplay! I always say practice makes perfect!!!
ghosts ghouls and none binary fools!
Is there any more coming
Am I the only one confused this whole vid
16:41 except he can’t; they’re all gay.
Put it away, put it away, put it away, NOW!
Emo Patton is adorable!!!! *screams in emo*
*OMG* Deceit at The end Please tell me we're going to see him in the next Episode!
I wanna see roman and logic’s room!!! *•••* ~
“Yeah you better run.” “What was that?” *”nOthing get oUt”*
does this mean Deceit is coming back? I would love to see more of an evolving story line where Deceit is the bad guy.
I love his vines!
i just got into this and finished it because of my crush and sibling and now im glad they told me to watch it because now i love it so muchhhh ps i love virgil
I have 2 little theory First|| Deceit is a snake and Virgil is petting a spider... maybe all the dark sides or old dark sides have a pet...? Second|| Deceit wears black and yellow, Virgil wears black and purple. Do all the dark sides or old dark sides wear black and a other colour?
He said pershonal
Omg deceit is back I love him
Virgil reminds me of the song Discord Look it up
i love virgil. he still scares Thomas and especially in this video. keep scaring Thomas virgal. just dont scare me please
OMG I didn't notice that...
Yaas I Know right! They must have something Virgil and Deceit are not telling us And... WHAT IS DECEITS NAME!!!
Wow And my friend said watching this wasn't educational and she didn't see the point... WELL- Good Job!!!
Logan saying “ya boi” is easily the best part of this video
honestly, Thomas reminded me of Deadpool that entire vid
I love Halloween - Sam I WAS BORN ON IT!!!