Electrification in 2023 Oil Hydronic Heating to Electric Ultra Efficient Heat Pump HVAC System

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it's me Mikey pipes February 1st 2023 and wow  the New York metropolitan area really dodged   the bullet we're gonna have a blizzard but we  got a H about almost an inch of snow but today   we're taking out this Comfort maker three-ton  central air conditioning system and giving him   a Ultra efficient heat pump you want to guess  by who it's not Bosh stick around make sure   you smash that thumbs up button and consider  subscribing let's get going [Music] all right foreign basement we're gonna bring a  couple Ducks down to the basement next week   all right there's our air handling unit   there's our return filter grille we got a piece  of flex there to that we're keeping the duct work   replacing this line set all right I got my tools  up here I got one glove missing one it is what it   is people be here soon I'm sure he's got some  gloves in his pocket let me uh slide up here   okay we're working with as you can see OSHA  approved floorboards all right all right nice   oh I love it I love the OSHA approved the  floorboards yeah solid and I got my Brunt   work shoes on all right all right  turn the headlamp on let's get to work   8 19 in the morning Wednesday  February 1st let's get going   all right I removed the Illy well  the Illy I removed the uh very Fugazi return Flex with their um homemade uh plenum box  and uh for the first time I get to experience some   hackery at this new customer's location here is  my 240 volt going to the switch right here and   then it gets jammed in there just like that  pretty epic there's the system rating plate   the goal here is to I'm going to spin  this thing around so it's facing that away   I think that's best that we have to crawl all the  way around the unit we are pretty good since it's   a 410A system but um what we're doing here  today is helping the customer achieve a goal   and that is to be kind of like a net zero with  electrification so what we're doing today is Phase   One of a multi-step process the first step today  is removing this three ton r410a 13 Seer central   air conditioning system equipment the air handler  what excuse me the line set the outdoor condenser   and if you're a long time viewer of this channel  you know that typically tip typically my go-to or   pipe doctor Home Services go to a heat pump  and central air conditioning brand is Bosch   um but I'm an equal opportunity installer I  am you see this I'm the master plumber I'm   the owner present pipe doctor there that  is I'm an equal opportunity installer and   I'm going to say it bluntly like this if money is  no object dude you're getting the carrier that's   right baby dude you're getting a carrier and  not just any carrier a Carrier Infinity 24 seer   heat pump system it's going to be epic stick  around the ultimate in communicating systems   being installed next on this show  Mikey pipes let's go all right so   um we're just uh disconnecting everything you  can see this is where my raw electric was going   through I have the circuit breaker panel off I  use my non-contact electrical tester by fluke   there that is and we have no power there right  because it's off at the breaker we're gonna put   this off to the side right now and I did put  some jagos on there the way go to conductor   um the 221 model let's put that off to the side  there out of the way right and I'm going to   start disconnecting with the thermostat condenser  wire which is going to get replaced anyway and uh   oh we're all pretty clean in here you know  pretty clean so let's start get rock and   rolling here all right so you may be asking  if money's no object and you're gonna install   a Carrier Infinity communicating system then  uh why keeping the duct work well well great   question all right great question uh once we  the ductwork looks pretty good yes the return   plenum is non-existent uh the Box you just put  a piece of sheet metal there which is not cool   um but once we install the system and we're  gonna do a static pressure test if it tests   out good I'm not touching the ductwork if it  is if it doesn't prove to be good then we're   going to change it the communicating system  I want to make sure we have proper airflow   I don't want to have any issues I don't want  to marry the system I want to see it once a   year to do prevent the maintenance you got  me smash that Thumbs Up Button all right   my unit is disassembled Let's uh let's get this  thing out of here it's a reference it's a little   after 8 40 in the morning no one else is here just  me so I'm gonna take apart sorry I took apart the   entire unit I'm gonna bring it over there I'm  gonna bring it outside and then show the boys they beat me to it so that's basically about everything I  disconnected that one uh plenum that Flex from   here that went across the top of the unit all the  way over there I just kind of that just for ease   but uh that's it a little bit more debris here  along with some other crap that we collected   along the way not too shabby let's start cutting  out the line set the air handler on top of the new   pan and call it a day that is after we run a new  line set install the condenser run some stat wire   program everything commission static test get  it done what time you think we'll be done today   closest without going over I am going to  give away a hundred dollars to work pack   yep hundred dollars Mikey pipe swag pack it's  gonna be awesome post don't cheat right now   in the comments section down below what time you  think will be done today with this 23 Seer Carrier   Infinity heat pump system communicating  system all right do it now [ __ ] big boy   oh yeah oh yeah you know you know who  wants these you know who we gotta give   some of these to Sam you know the guy with the  castle on the hill right Hi Sam he's a watcher   he's done yeah if not if you're not  calling pipe doctor you're getting screwed   he needs one of these and also cue  remember kill he's got he had the McLaren   yeah he won a Navy in but we gave um it gave  him a locking bar instead he got that was a   nice machine locking more I missed putting  those in one of the claims is so much easier we had a bad three-way valve part number he's like oh well I don't know it  could be I think I have it out see that's what   separates and not to Pat them on the back or give  them an atta boy that's what makes Navy and so   special that tech support department you know what  second to none and the overnight Parts the next   day but but keeping it real the only reason well  in my belief one of the only reasons why they're   so exceptional tech support is because their  phone is ringing off the hook 24 7 right with   thousands of calls coming in every single hour  so they have to be good at their own product yeah   yeah right right if you hear the same thing over  and over and over again okay you need a three-way   unit circle you need to main PCB you need an  exhaust as well as bench collar that's what it is yeah Bosch tech support sucks facts so the  one disadvantage this thing is a f and Beast   stand up next to it look at that if that was a  Bosch it'd be up to you a nut sack right huge and   it weighs ton and it always a ton and it comes  to our Factory charged at 14.1 pounds of 410A yeah yeah uh we have about 10 inches  away from the side wall of the house   I think it's faff and Beast I tell you  it's an effing Beast and uh wow it's heavy   wow all right the air handler has been  reassembled we have to balance it a little   bit it's a little off level uh cut the line  set out but while I was all the way in the   corner over here let me bring you over here guys  walking across my OSHA approved attic plywood   okay take a look at this see all that  white stuff everywhere look at that I don't know about you and it sure  does look like mold to me see all that she looks like white Peter every single nail oh it's leaking wow holy [ __ ] wow look at  that every single nail is leaking look holy [ __ ] wow well that explains all the mold say hi Mom hi Mom all right so I'm over here  back by the hatch you know for the access to   the attic there's our air handler we ran a  new 7 8 from One Piece no no uh no joints   from the condenser across to the air handler  I just want to show you up here look at this   right there see that it's wet every single  now is wet look at that see that crazy   I feel so bad by the way and we gotta  balance that out a little bit but other   than that we'll be good all right let's work on  the thermostat wiring all right we have a nest   okay good I love these screws by the way once I  love those screws they're nice they're nice okay   let me see let me see one of the screws see how  nice these screws are they have special threads   for sheetrock really nice put the flat face  and that's nice too yeah all right so we have   we have here this wire is  Rh let's take out r h w one and that should be this two little wire one is  it yes okay well they got a boatload of wires   here which ones were connected uh white and blue  okay so that is for our boiler here this is Rh   sorry RC which is 24 volt cooling G is fan W1 is  first stage pooling right so let's take this out and let's take the plate off the wall and  then we're going to fish a new wire five   wire from the thermostat up to the air  handler all right we haven't filmed in a   while that's really high all right so here we  are Daniel and Peter Peter's holding the tail oh look at that we're using the stay bright  by Harris company to connect the pipes very nice exactly you don't know so we're using  wet wag wet wag wet rag this is by Refrigeration   Technologies uh the guys over there were kind  enough to uh send me this uh last year oops   oh now you got cocky all in there  but it really looks great they make   um they also make the Viper chemicals you know for  cleaning evaporator or condenser coils uh this wet   rag is really great stuff acts as a great heat  block highly recommend you guys use it it's so   much easier than getting like a wet rag from a  stolen Hotel uh washcloth foreign there you go   very nice now if you'll notice we are installing  the bi-directional filter dryer on the inside   that way it's protected from the elements  you know it's not going to uh rust it's not   going to be exposed to weather things like that  that could make your viewers really happy yeah but okay you can um in the meantime our system is  wired power is applied I'm using the brown and the   black for the future hydronic relay that we're  going to use that's going to turn on the boiler   for emergency heat purposes when it's too cold  out so the oil boil is going to be the backup   temporarily and again it's only temporary and  that's stage one of electrifying this house we're   getting rid of the oil boiler on page two but  first you've got to put solar panels on the groove   right now Daniel is heating the  fitting and applying stay bright 8. a lot of uh not a lot but  some some of the community   don't like using this they say in a fire you know  the melting point all that good stuff but it is an   approved method for connecting the piping and um  it's very nice and it allows us not to be able to   Purge with nitrogen because we're not  going to get any of that carbon buildup   because we're not brazen so that's the  main reason for using the stay bright   again you gotta you gotta burn your finger  the main reason if you're using stay bright   is I don't have to purge with nitrogen uh  because we're not brazing when you braise   you know the the the the temperature of that  pipe gets cherry red and it forms a a little   coating of carbon on the inside of the piping  and stuff like that clogs up filter drives txvs   electronic expansion valves things like that you  know gets you know it's not good for the system yeah here Peter why don't you use a screwdriver  use your Noggin Peter say smart okay and uh   next up we're gonna go to the programming of the  thermostat so stick around all right before we   uh go to the thermostat and do configuration of  it um one of the things I did forget to order   was the hydronic relay let me show you what I'm  talking about in the manual on page 10. of the   manual all right we have hydronic heat application  so the fan coil supports two types of heating we   could do a hot water coil in combination with the  heat pump or hot water coil as a sole heat source   so let's say we got a hot water coil here so we  can do the hot water coil right or we can do an   H the the fan coil combined with the radiant hot  water heat which is what we're going to do but   in either application we need this relay kit  this is really interface kit right which must   be installed in place of an electric heater  right so the system because the communicating   system will identify that the hydronic heat has  been installed during the initial commission   process and the system will treat the hot water  coil as either auxiliary heat and a heat pump   application or is a sole heat Source we want  it as an auxiliary heat for an emergency heat   in a heat pump application easy peasy right there  read the manual guys read the effing manual wealth   of information right in front of you all right  let's go say hi to Daniel hi Daniel what's doing   you know people complained you know whatever  because of what I do or what we do people are   always going to complain anyway right like oh  what's wrong with you the two thousand dollar   board in the Bosh right forget that two thousand  dollar board in the boss you have one two three   four you got four of them look at the  size that is transformed by the way yeah but this is a mean ass heat pump  I tell you she's a mean ass heat pump   and we're down to 550 microns already we just  closed the gas ballast on the Fieldpiece vp67   the oils wow look at that that oil is bubbly the  oil's blowing bubbles I swear blowing bubbles 415   400 and 390 and drop in microns this is going to  be a very real tight tight system reminds me of   your sister last night when I got done with  the over here we have our disconnect panel   I'm not using a toggle I mean a pull out plug  we're using a circuit breaker look at that nice by   eating I get mine from supplyhouse.com real people  real service not a sponsor of the channel for  

surge protection show that back in there for surge  protection I'm using the rectocele rsh50 they got   a crazy warranty protecting the equipment should  that fail they'll honor the warranty on parts   so right now we're at 235 microns we're  dropping we're dropping like cutting down   trees in a forest yelling timber and we're not  talking about Kesha after she got [ __ ] by uh   those those guys at the recording studio she's  yelling timber a lot of stuff up here let's see   if there's a little bit of brownness a little  overspray or something right there very nice   take a close look at this we have a control  board right here it says reactor it's like we   have a Chernobyl right here it says reactor  no kidding reactor got a QR code right there that's the flux capacitor we got two  big giant 30 amp fuses right here they   those are actually builds those are not  changeable either are they not they don't   look like they're changeable try taking them  out no yeah I got to throw the whole board out   all right and uh here's where our L1 and L2 come  in right and ground right there there's the load   from there it goes to this control board which is  two fuses I guess any kind of overpowered we're   gonna blow this and protect all this other good  stuff that's why I put the rectus seal in look   at that control board that looks like like a city  that looks like Beirut from like Space by the way   damn right there is like the Coliseum but  uh really really nice you know we have our   a b and c connections right there which was uh  labeled right green took a picture of that right   yeah we have our electronic expansion valve  another little control board right there guys I'm   not gonna I'm not gonna pretend to know what all  these things do but I know it's a carry Infinity   say no more while we are waiting for this vacuum  to go down let's have another giveaway in this   video the first giveaway is what time will we  be done today I'm gonna tell you what time it   is right now but the sun is behind me there it  is the sun is behind me there's Daniel let's   let's play a game of guess how low it's gonna  go right within the next five minutes see what   time it is all right within the next five actually  let's round to the nearest whole hour four minutes   all right within the next four minutes what do  you think the microns gonna be when we started   the k-test right you think it's 61 yeah drop your  feedback your your guess in the comments section   down below whether it's the Live premiere or  it's just you know you had to guess before   a ahr Expo so you have until Monday let's say  Tuesday morning Tuesday you have until Tuesday   which is February 6th 7th you have until Tuesday  February 7th at 12 P.M oh look at the calendar I   don't know it is I know today's Wednesday and  it's the first Thursday's the second Friday   Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Tuesday's  the seventh right I use my fingers account calendar yeah yes you have until Tuesday February 7  2023 at 4 pm eastern daylight time to   guess how low damn she's low [Music]  to guess how low it is the closest without going under right because you can't  be over the closest without going on there   so let's say it's 120. you guess 119 you're  wrong if you guessed 121 you're right so I'm   gonna flip it around the closest without going  under so you can't go guest past it right so   make sense okay what should we give them uh um a tool that I like anymore um Peter  no oh so stop he's your brother oh let's   see let me think about that the closest without  going over is gonna win the elitec vacuum pump   built-in micro gauge and hook up  to the La Tech digital manifold   the closest without going under is  going to win the Le Tech vacuum pump   they'll hit the vacuum pump built-in micron gauge  I'm going to send you a swag pack from Mikey pipes   including our new sticker did you guys see the  new sticker yet while we're waiting for the next   two minutes to occur let me show you the new  sticker I think you're gonna like this do you   guys want to see the stickers let me show  you the new stickers this is the official   this is version five I have four stickers alrighty  are you guys ready for version five the official   first for 2023 the first time  introduced to the community right now we're at T minus 60 Seconds here it is ladies  and gentlemen let me ready for it the sticker   yeah the stickers sure there it is this is this is a damn this is like  more of a handful like your sister's titties   Mikey pipes look I even got some guns like  Air Force none right making trades great again   stickers are available email me Mike  mikeypipes.com donations to venmo Zell  

PayPal cash app are appreciated to the posters  fund are you ready you think they're ready Daniel   yeah well I'm ready come on get  the F out of here the whoever guest   should we use a decimal point we're gonna  use the decimal point if you guessed 56.3 oh we're still going no we gotta we gotta  close it off we'll do it we have to do yeah no   56.6 if you guess 56 no eff it 56 if you guessed  56 the closest without going under all right is   going to win the Ellie Tech vacuum pump with  built-in micron gauge a swag pack I'm going   to throw you a a a shirt I'm gonna throw you  a hat I'm gonna throw you all four stickers   including this one right here all of them  bow together let's make the trades gate again   congratulations to all the winners for doing  the Decay test right now the Decay has passed   okay to pass look at that I passed wow  epic dump the charge perfect searching   for the indoor unit right now I'm always doing  that let's just rest you right there perfect   I crack myself up I swear so it's  gonna search for the indoor unit   it's gonna identify I believe the model and  serial number and then it's going to search for   the outdoor unit also identify the model serial  number and then we'll do the commissioning of the   startup next is going to ask me for an electric  heater none is found so we're going to select   that now it's looking for the add-on modules  we're not going to have any yet when he was   found because there is none we're going to do a  regular air filter uh no humidifier ultraviolet no   and there we go there's our fan coil there's our  variable capacity heat pump 36 000. this is the   model of that let's do next airflow verification  test so it does its own static pressure test it's   epic all right there's the airflow verification  test zero static pressure interesting   okay and we haven't updated end user agreement  okay let's accept that now let's do some Heating done okay let's go but first we gotta charge  the system editing yeah I don't edit anything   no it just Australian is it yep that's cool  yeah uncut unedited Raw uh full installation   we did that already start system installation  process I'm looking for charging uh checkout oh   refrigerant charging there you go we're going  to do a weigh-in and we have a line set of   uh 44 feet so 45 foot line set of vapor line  is 7.8 inches we're going to save that and uh   next and we're doing a new install so we need to  add one pound two ounces and you also see here   some charge breakdowns so one pound two ounces all  right we got one more thing left to do and I know   it sounds kind of [ __ ] you guys will see what  I mean in a second system is running by the way   hear that no you don't that's  right you know what just to uh there you go you ain't testing you're guessing and by the way  I'm really liking it it's a premium premium heat   pump double the price of the Bosch IDs 2.0 but  the naysayers out there can never talk about   humidification control none of that you can't  talk about that you can't talk about it as a 2   000 controller because there's multiple  2000 Honda control boards in there   but like the Bosch IDs 2.0 this bad boy is  whisper quiet whisper quiet so if you're in  

our service territory we're based in Valley  Stream New York God willing moving shortly   God willing movie shortly can't wait to  be epic State soon it's gonna be epic   paperwork is in order but right now we're  based in Valley Stream New York if you're   in Nassau County Queens parts of Brooklyn parts  of Bronx near Throgs Neck or neat where Daniel   lives near Dix Hills Suffolk County you know  west of 231 Deer Park Avenue give me a call 516-348-6300 you won't be disappointed just  like all of our thousands upon thousands of   other clients we help on a daily basis  thank you so much for tuning in guys   and until next time be well God bless stay safe  and good luck to the two winners it is 1 29.   still Wednesday still February 1st still 2023.  so the closest we're not going over to 129   you're a winner of the first the first giveaway  and whoever won the Micron giveaway email me Mike   mikeypipes.com if you want stickers if you want  any of the if you ain't testing guessing Mikey   pipe stickers email me Mike mikeypipes.com I  would appreciate if you could donate to the   postage fund whether it's a dollar fifty  cents you want to send me stamps please   since the pipe doctor home service  is 80 east Hawthorne Avenue Valley   Stream New York 11580 until next time  be well God bless stay safe [Music]


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